Saturday, August 2, 2014

Marriage Not Dating Episode 1 Recap

I started watching this show without the intention of recapping it, but I’ve liked it so much that I’ve decided to tackle it as my next recapping project.

Our first episode starts with the really cute intro. Then it switches to our heroine, Joo Jang Mi (Han Groo), who is in court facing a stalking charge, and the hero, Gong Ki Tae (Yun Woo Jin), who is running hard toward the courthouse. When the charges are read, Jang Mi laughs like she can’t believe this is happening to her. Ki Tae reaches the courthouse and tries to quickly enter, but security stops him. Jang Mi laughs even more at the absolute ridiculousness of her circumstances as the judge asks her if she acknowledges that she’s been convicted of stalking. A sweating Ki Tae hands over his wallet and struggle to get his watch off.

Jang Mi answers the judge that she’s the crazy bitch. Judge looks up at her surprised. She must've been insane. Ki Tae tells the security guard that he’s sorry, but he’s in a hurry. He has to go testify for someone. The guard asks his relationship with the defendant. Jang Mi’s got crazy stalker eyes going on as she declares that this is what she told that bastard… Zoom in on Ki Tae. Is he the bastard she’s talking about? He’s just swallowed hard. Shot of Jang Mi. Back to Ki Tae, who tells the guard that she’s his fiancée. Jang Mi says (what she told that jerk): “Let's get married.” Great way to set it up that she’s talking about him and calling him a bastard.

Ki Tae stumbles in the courtroom and Jang Mi seems surprised to see him there. He looks at her and smiles.

[ Episode 1: How to Break up in a Civil Way ]

Jump to a jubilant Jang Mi singing in a bubble bath, “Will you marry me?.” She sips some wine. She’s blowing up balloons and decorating with them as she sings about having children together and living happily ever after. It’s annoying me slightly that the soundtrack faintly has the song playing backup, since it’s not the same tempo as what she’s singing. It’s distracting. Jang Mi is going all out: flowers, candles, flower pedals, champagne. She gets perfectly coiffed. She checks herself out in the mirror, to make sure she looks perfect, and then wonder what’s taking her beloved so long.

Plastic Surgeon’s office. Phone buzzes on the desk. Ki Tae gets dressed for surgery. Nurse reports that the patient’s angle malar (show defines this as chin augmentation) surgery is ready to go. Surgery starts and Ki Tae gets shot in the face with blood. A nurse goes to pat his face off and he tells her it’s fine and keeps going. Glad that he’s not worried about contracting a disease that’s transmitted through the blood, but I guess this shows what intense focus Ki Tae has, not to be distracted by getting squirted in the face with blood, of all things..

Jang Mi lights the candles on the cake; they spell out I LOVE YOU (love is represented by a heart). All I keep thinking as I watch her preparations is, ‘Oh, Sweetie, you shouldn’t be doing this. The guy is supposed to be doing this. If he’s not the one doing it, he’s not the one feeling it and you’re setting yourself up to get your heart broken. Ki Tae returns to his office after surgery, still in his scrubs, and checks his phone. Jang Mi is looking at the lit candles when her phone buzzes. She asks where her love is. Ki Tae responds that he’s leaving now. As he checks out his hair in his mirror, he asks what his caller wanted so desperately to tell him. Jang Mi says that she wants him to see it with his own eyes. Wow, they are really selling that the pair are dating. If I hadn't've read the synopsis, I would have believed it.

Ki Tae climbs out of his car. He’s now wearing dark framed glasses. Hate them. He dials his phone and tells the person he’s there. Inside, he’s still on the phone and trying to find the person he’s talking to. A woman’s hand goes up. Ki Tae mutters that his caller is not there and some stranger is waving and smiling at him. He smiles. Ki Tae realizes what’s going on. Angrily he says the caller’s name: Lee Hoon Dong!

Elevator opens and a hysterically laughing Lee Hoon Dong (Huh Jung Min) steps out. Wearing sunglasses even though he’s *indoors.* Hoon Dong apologizes to Ki Tae and says that Ki Tae knows his mom the best. How could he (Hoon Dong) turn down her request? Not appeased, Ki Tae asks where Hoon Dong is and Hoon Dong replies that he’s not far; he has plans at the same hotel. Hoon Dong removes his sunglasses, tells Ki Tae to have a good time and hangs up the phone without waiting for a response. He rings the room’s bell – must be nice for Korean hotel rooms to have doorbells. I really like that idea.

Jang Mi answers the door with a rose in between her teeth and calls Hoon Dong ‘Oppa.’ So this is who she was talking to. I only see bad things coming. Hoon Dong asks if she waited long. She nods and he growls at her playfully. She pulls him into the room by his ascot as he barks at her. He picks her up and spins her around, making kissing noises at him. He doesn’t notice the room until she tells him to look. When he does notice it, he drops her, shocked. His eyes pan the room: candles all over, balloons and more balloons, a PowerPoint of their relationship, roses, rose petals, the love cake. Hoon Dong is starting to freak out.

Jang Mi is oblivious. She picks up the love cake and calls out, “Surprise,” which appears above her head like the animation on Korean variety shows. Hoon Dong tries to not look like he’s freaking out and asks what all of the decorations and everything is for. Sweetly she asks him if he knows that today is. Hoon Dong asks, “Huh?” “Do you know what today is?” appears in animated, blinking letters over her head. Again she says it, but it’s slow and distorted. Hoon Dong blinks rapidly, clearing his throat, and asks if she thought that he’d forgotten.

Hoon Dong tries to guess. It's their 1st year anniversary. Nope, that was last week. He has no idea, so he asks what it is. Jang Mi steps up to him, still holding the cake in front of her. She declares that today is the last day they spend here. Another ‘huh?’ face from Hoon Dong. She says they should stop meeting in the hotel. Sinking noise as Hoon Dong asks what she means. Jang Mi answer that instead of a hotel, they should fall asleep together and have breakfast together every day in a place of their own. Hoon Dong wipes his forehead nervously.

Close-up on Jang Mi’s lips as they say in slow motion that she and Hoon Dong should have breakfast together every day in a space of their own. Hoon Dong glances around desperately, looking for a bathroom… a balcony… Where can he escape? He abruptly blows out the candles, shocking Jang Mi. He declares that his stomach's been killing him, so he’ll go to the bathroom really quickly. Sorry. He runs for the bathroom as she calls out “Oppa!” in protest.

Blind date is sitting with Ki Tae. She looks uncomfortable and he looks bored out of his skull. Text arrives from Hoon Dong, begging Ki Tae to save him. Ki Tae reads it without even apologizing to his date. Another text where Hoon Dong declares that this girl must want to marry him! Ki Tae glances over at his date and replies that this girl wants the same from him. Date clears her throat and Ki Tae apologizes. He asks where he was in the conversation. Date smiles and replies that Ki Tae hasn’t said anything. As he pulls out a stick of gum, he declares that they should start now. She can ask him whatever she wants. She should take her time. Date agrees and looks a little nervous as she tries to think up conversation topics.

Date asks where he lives. Ki Tae absently drops his gum wrapper in his water as he replies that he lives in Gangnam. He adds that she wanted to see if he lived in a ritzy area, eh? She’s surprised at that implication. She starts to clarify, but a gum-chewing Ki Tae – wow, he is being really rude right now – adds that more specifically he lives in an apartment complex that his parents own. It's not huge but nice enough to live in alone. Date is starting to feel offended. As she should. He is being a real jerk. Ki Tae says that there are a few celebrities, too, and it’s super close to the subway. Date is confused by Ki Tae talking about the subway. Ki Tae adds that being near the subway doesn't mean much to him, since he has a car. Date smiles uncomfortably. Ki Tae picks up his water glass and tells her that she must've thought he might not have a car. He chuckles and tells her to ask the next question.

Jang Mi’s at the bathroom door, asking if Hoon Dong is ok? Is it indigestion? A profusely sweating Hoon Dong declares that he’ll be out soon. He texts Ki Tae that he’s locked in the bathroom! Ki Tae’s picked up his phone again without excusing himself – wow, he’s being do disrespectful – and tells Hoon Dong to just tell Jang Mi that he doesn’t want to get married and come out or the bathroom. Hoon Dong furiously responds, asking how he could just dump her like that? He can’t just say anything to a girl, like Ki Tae does.

Jang Mi is understandably worried. She starts knocking on the door and trying to get Hoon Dong to respond. He texts that she’s started to knock on the door! He begs Ki Tae to get him out of there! Jang Mi continues to knock.

Date tries to pleasantly persevere in the conversation. She says that because he’s a plastic surgeon, he must meet a lot of pretty girls. Looking up from the phone, Ki Tae replies that she means girls who want to be pretty. Date blinks, because that’s not what she’s saying. Ki Tae declares dramatically that they come with big bucks. He tells her that if she’s wondering if his practice is successful… yes it is. He has a house, car and a hospital. Nice, eh? Date chuckles bitterly at the jerk she’s out on a date with. Ki Tae sighs and declares that he’s done and it’s her turn. Date wonders how to respond to that.

Ki Tae says – and texts – asking what “you” can give him. Date chuckles again and asks him, “Excuse me?” Hoon Dong replies that Ki Tae should help since they’re buddies! Ki Tae replies that Hoon Dong means that they are landlord and tenant. Hoon Dong mutters how Ki Tae’s a funny guy. He texts back that his mom is the landlady not him!

Date has had enough of Ki Tae’s rudeness. She takes out her pony tail and fluffs her hair. She asks him what he’s doing right now. He looks around awkwardly and laughs, saying that this is what an ideal marriage is… what he has, she doesn’t and what she has, he doesn’t. She rolls her eyes as he says that it’s so they can help and rely on each other. Ki Tae looks back at his phone, where Hoon Dong has promised a rent freeze for 2 years! Date asks Ki Tae how he can ignore her like this! He’s been looking at his cell phone the whole time.

Ki Tae replies that his texting is just that there’s someone waiting for him in a room right now. He’s contemplating whether to go up or not. He’ll make his decision after he hears what she has to offer. Date’s done. She tells him that he’s crazy! Text saying that the rent freeze will be 3 years. Quickly Ki Tae types deal and sets down his phone. Just as quickly, he yanks off his glasses and braces for the water that Date flings in his face. Date stands up and pours his glass of water over his head. She walks off. Ki Tae sighs and rubs the water out of his hair.

Upstairs, Ki Tae rings the bell. Jang Mi asks if Hoon Dong ordered room service, but he doesn’t answer. She gets the door, where a wet Ki Tae is standing. They’ve never met, so Ki Tae says that it’s nice to meet her. He introduces himself as Hoon Dong's friend, Gong Ki Tae. He just walks in and starts kicking balloons. A flustered Jang Mi can’t say anything. Ki Tae finds the bathroom and knocks. Hoon Dong opens the door and Ki Tae pulls him out, saying he needs to use it. Jang Mi tries to get Hoon Dong to control his friend. She asks why Ki Tae showed up like that. Ki Tae answers for Hoon Dong, saying that it happens after every blind date. Water showers… coffee showers… goodbye cocktail showers. Jang Mi wonders why and Ki Tae guesses that they just don’t like him. Hoon Dong suppresses a laugh.

Ki Tae declares that he doesn’t think he belongs there either, as he pushes in between Jang Mi and Hoon Dong to separate them. He starts messing with her decorations as he asks whether he’s interrupting. Jang Mi protests that honestly, they were in the middle of an important moment. Ki Tae acts like that’s news and starts to leave. Hoon Dong grabs him and says that he can’t let Ki Tae leave like that. He cares too much about Ki Tae to send him off like that. Ki Tae responds, asking if that’s why Hoon Dong set him up with just any girl? He painfully twists Hoon Dong’s arm as he says that he said no. Another painful squeeze as Ki Tae adds that he gets water showers, coffee showers, and Hoon Dong has now embarrassed his mom.

Hoon Dong quickly apologizes and says that he’ll buy them some drinks. He puts his arm around Ki Tae and starts to leave. Jang Mi quickly stops him, whining what about her? Ki Tae agrees. How could he leave a lady there alone? Jang Mi smacks at Hoon Dong to control his friend as Ki Tae walks back into the hotel room. Ki Tae declares that there’s liquor in there, too. He grabs the champagne she’s set out. She runs over and begs him, rubbing her hands together, for him not to open it. He does anyway. Jang Mi is horrified.

Behind her Hoon Dong is waving his towel, dancing with joy over how Ki Tae is ruining the evening. Ki Tae pours a glass and smiles as he asks Jang Mi if they should drink? She’s on the verge of losing it, but she keeps in control and she starts to protest. Ki Tae interrupts her to tell her that she’s the first girl Hoon Dong’s introduced him to. Hoon Dong stops dancing and glares at Ki Tae, but smiles and nods when Jang Mi looks to see if it’s true. Ki Tae raises his glass and says that they look cute together. Jang Mi smiles, agreeing.

Ki Tae reaches over and scoops out a huge fingerful of icing from the cake. He stuffs it in his mouth as Jang Mi starts to protest that that’s just too much! Hoon Dong celebrates Ki Tae scoring again in ruining the evening. She frantically grabs the cake and tries to fix its decorations. Ki Tae apologizes and says that his blood sugar dropped and he’s dizzy. He asks where the bed is. Hoon Dong points to the bed with his thumb, not saying a word. Ki Tae heads there, with Jang Mi protesting after him. Hoon Dong dances in celebration as he follows after them.

Ki Tae reaches the bed and blows out the candles. Jang Mi screams that he can’t go there and shoves him backward. Ki Tae falls backward and pretends like she smacked him in the nose. Hoon Dong immediately starts to help his friend. Ki Tae mutters that he must've been interrupting. Hoon Dong, holding Ki Tae up, tells him that he’s not interrupting. Ki Tae declares that he’ll get going and staggers out toward the door. Hoon Dong chases after him (with Jang Mi chasing after them both) and asks Ki Tae if he can drive like that. Ki Tae replies that he doesn’t know and he might just crash into a guardrail! He’s quite dramatic. Heh.

Ki Tae tells them to have a good time and leaves. Hoon Dong declares that he better take Ki Tae home. Jang Mi grabs his arm and starts to protest. Hoon Dong looks insulted as he asks her if she’s going to make him into a lovesick fool that disses his friends? She protests. He clucks at her that he’s disappointed and storms off. She can’t see his face saying, “Yes!” as he leaves.

As they walk away, Ki Tae tells Hoon Dong to stop looking back at the room. He asks if Hoon Dong has any regrets over what’s just happened. Hoon Dong replies that he’s scared she might come after them. Nice. I don't like his already. Even if he is kind of funny. Ki Tae tells him to end it with Jang Mi cleanly. Hoon Dong declares that he’ll end it in a civil way.

[ How to Break up in a Civil Way ]
[ 1. Missing In Action ]

Ki Tae begins swimming, wearing swimmer goggles. Hoon Dong is sitting underwater, watching all the women swim by, enjoying his ogling. Jang Mi sits in the locker room at work, worried about what’s happened with Hoon Dong. Hoon Dong’s voiceover announces that for the first few days, she'll be anxious. She’ll wonder if there’s anything wrong. Jang Mi sighs and wonders how she’s going to propose to Hoon Dong next time. A trip, maybe? She claps her hands together, because it’s the perfect idea! Some place like an island where there are no distractions! She giggles with delight and claps her hands. Oh, Jang Mi, no. What are you doing? Even if I didn't know what Hoon Dong was doing, I would still be saying 'no.'

Hoon Dong and Ki Tae are in bathrobes by the pool. Hoon Dong declares that Jang Mi will be hunting through his SNS right about now, so he’ll write in his bio that "Love…always changes." Ki Tae looks at Hoon Dong and shakes his head, especially when Hoon Dong starts scouting out a new girl.

Jang Mi is at work, waiting for a customer with her friend, Na Hyun Hee (Yoon So Hee). She works in the accessories department. Jang Mi calls Hoon Dong but he doesn’t answer. She frowns and says that it’s strange because he’s not answering his cell. Hyun Hee tells her to check his SNS. Jang Mi starts to call again and Hyun Hee gasps because Jang Mi’s still using a dumb phone! I love that she called it that. That's what I call it. Hee.

Hoon Dong declares that if he ignores Jang Mi for a while, she'll stop calling. They’re at a restaurant, drinking. Ki Tae asks if Jang Mi’s still calling Hoon Dong all night. He replies that it's the 3rd day. It's tough but it should be all good now. Hoon Dong stretches and turns on his phone. There’s *300 missed calls and 102 new text messages.* Wow, girl, that’s way too much. Wow. As he’s looking at the phone, Jang Mi calls. He quickly rips the battery out of his phone and sucks down his wine as he says that he just has to hang on for a few more days. Ki Tae looks at him like he’s nuts.

Jang Mi’s calling again and getting his voicemail. Hyun Hee asks if she mentioned marriage. Jang Mi replies that she was just about to when he had to use the bathroom. Hyun Hee tells her that he caught on to what she was going to do. Jang Mi can’t believe that. She protests that Hoon Dong’s upset that she mistreated his friend. Hyun Hee asks her how she’s being so dim. It's a disappearing breakup. Hyun Hee asks her how long it’s been since she’s talked to him. Jang Mi mumbles that it’s been about a week. Hyun Hee sighs and declares that it’s over. Jang Mi doesn’t want to believe it. But it is. It totally is.

At his French restaurant – which I will be calling Bon Café even though I think it's called Bon Restaurant Hoon Dong declares to Ki Tae that Jang Mi will totally get it after a week. Girls these days are smart. They get the idea and get over it. The pair are sitting on the balcony. Ki Tae glances out into the street and asks if Jang Mi’s come looking for Hoon Dong. She hasn’t. Ki Tae asks Hoon Dong if she hasn’t all. Nope. He motions with his head toward the street and asks who the girl is coming up the street. Hoon Dong looks and it’s Jang Mi on her bike. He silently screams. Ki Tae stands and announces that he’s going to get going. Hoon Dong grabs Ki Tae’s arm and asks if Ki Tae forgot the 3-year rent freeze. Ki Tae protests that he already saved Hoon Dong from the hotel. Hoon Dong starts to beg. Ki Tae protests. Hoon Dong scurries to hide behind the counter.

Jang Mi enters the restaurant. One of the waiters, Han Yeo Reum (Jung Jin Woon) approaches her. He’s familiar with who she is and smiles when she comes in. They bow greetings to each other. She asks if Hoon Dong is there. Yeo Reum is surprised she’s asked for the boss. When Jang Mi is confused, he chuckles and replies that everyone comes there to see him. Because he’s so cute, of course. And I’m not arguing. He is really cute with a great smile. Jang Mi asks if Hoon Dong is okay. Yeo Reum answers that Hoon Dong should be fine. He doesn’t do anything but comes by the restaurant often. Yeo Reum says that last part for Hoon Dong’s benefit, to tease him. It almost works, with Hoon Dong almost coming out from where he’s hiding, but he catches himself at the last minute. Yeo Reum glances over at where Hoon Dong is hiding and smiles.

Jang Mi looks over at the hiding place, too, and is about to see Hoon Dong when Ki Tae steps in her eyeline, ordering a grapefruit juice to go. Yeo Reum heads to get it, but not before smiling down at his boss. Jang Mi recognizes Ki Tae as the guy from the hotel. She apologizes about that day (their altercation) but he tells her to hold on because he has a phone call. It’s his aunt, Mi Jung. She says that Ki Tae’s Mom is upset over how the only grandson of the family keeps making trouble on his blind dates. It's humiliating the family!

Jang Mi keeps looking around for Hoon Dong as Ki Tae’s on the phone. Ki Tae mutters to Aunt that this is why he’s going to stop going on blind dates! Aunt replies that this time it was really bad since it was a close family friend of Hoon Dong's mom. He needs to apologize to her the next time he sees her. Jang Mi spots Hoon Dong in the mirror, hiding behind the counter. She starts to walk toward him, but Ki Tae steps forward to block her as he tells Aunt that Hoon Dong should apologize to him! Hoon Dong makes a face as he’s almost caught. Yeo Reum laughs.

Ki Tae declares that he hates dealing with gold diggers; they're the worst. Jang Mi nods in agreement over that one. Which says that she’s not one. Heh. Aunt gives him a jab about the girls he frequents hotels with – are they any better? He remembers that he gave Date the impression that he was meeting someone. He replies that that girl can't wait to get married either. Scornfully, he looks at Jang Mi as he says that she was so desperate to get married that day. She asks if he’s talking about her. He tells her that he means his blind date. But we know he’s talking about Jang Mi. She apologizes for eavesdropping and he smiles politely, with just a hint of sarcasm.

Aunt continues that Ki Tae keeps ruining the blind dates, so this next time the family will be there, too, so he can't mess it up. Ki Tae drops his head, frustrated and put-upon. Exasperated, he tells Aunt, please, and says that he won't get married. She replies that he shouldn’t even think of trying to run away. She’s already there to get him. This gets Ki Tae’s attention. Now? Aunt tells him to cancel his evening appointments; he’s coming with them. Ki Tae repeats ‘them?’ but Aunt hangs up the phone. We see that he’s in the car with Ki Tae’s mom, who is wearing a hanbok. Mom’s face is blank, but she doesn’t look happy. How do they know where Ki Tae is right now?

Ki Tae’s forgotten all about covering for Hoon Dong. He has to get out of there before Mom arrives. Jang Mi grabs his arm, stopping him from leaving. Quickly, still distracted, he asks her if she has something to say to him. She tells him that she can't reach Hoon Dong. She understands a guy's friendship, but she really needed to tell him something important. Ki Tae shoves her hands off of him and tells her to stop it. She’s pathetic. She doesn’t know what he means. He turns around and tells her that it's all over. As she reels from that, he rushes out of the restaurant.

 [ How to Break up in a Civil Way ]
[ 2. Saying Goodbye Through a 3rd Party ]

Jang Mi hurries after him, asking him what he means. He looks at her and asks how she doesn’t get it. It’s Over! He emphasizes ‘over’ with his arms in a caput motion. She starts to ask if Hoon Dong really said that, grabbing at his arm. He utters an ‘Aish!’ and snaps at her, asking if he has to spell it out for her. She scrambles after him. He yells at her that Hoon Dong’s obviously avoiding her. If he doesn't answer the phone, he doesn't want to talk. If he doesn't want to meet, then he doesn't want to meet! Ki Tae climbs into his car, groaning about how clueless she is.

Jang Mi starts to pound on the glass of the driver’s window. She wants an explanation. He tries to drive off but she steps in front of his car, blocking him. He stops, a little freaked out that he almost hit her with his car. She climbs into the passenger side of the car. Ki Tae can’t understand why she’s in his car and yells at her to get out! She yells back asking him how he can run off without explaining what he said! Ki Tae groans, exasperated and cranes his neck to look for his aunt’s car. He mutters that he’s going insane. Jang Mi asks what the reason is, that Hoon Dong is breaking up with her.

Ki Tae tries counting. One. She’s not listening. She asks if it’s because she didn’t want him to leave the hotel? How could he want to break up because of that? Ki Tae replies that of course it’s not because of that. Two. Jang Mi asks if it’s because there’s another girl. Ki Tae retorts that other girls have higher standards than she does. Ouch! Three! Stricken at the thought, she asks if Hoon Dong’s sick. Ki Tae laughs with disbelief. Is she really ignoring the obvious? He yells that Hoon Dong ran away because she wanted marriage! He climbs out of the car. She sits, stunned and sad.

Mom and Aunt arrive. Aunt spots Ki Tae as he comes around the car and opens the door to tell Jang Mi to get out. Jang Mi has started crying. Not sloppy crying, but the crying you do when you’re stunned and the tears fall down your cheeks without you realizing. It’s sinking in: Hoon Dong ran away because she wanted marriage. Ki Tae yanks her out of the car. She still doesn’t want to believe it. Sweetie, listen to him, please! Trying to be in denial, she protests that it’s just what he thinks. She needs to hear it from Hoon Dong!

Aunt’s going to get out of the car, but Mom tells her to wait. She’s watching their conversation and from where she’s standing, it looks like the pair know each other well. Like dating type of well. Ki Tae sighs with frustration and remarks that he’s never pitied Hoon Dong before now, but what guy wouldn't run away from such a clingy girl? She has enough sense to be a little offended with how he’s acting. She asks him to repeat what he said. Ki Tae sighs and says that he’ll explain so the slowest person could understand. He’s just a little condescending here. Just like Jang Mi’s after Hoon Dong's money, he wanted her pretty face and body, ok? She can’t speak. She just blinks at him and cries, she’s so offended.

Yeo Reum arrives with Ki Tae’s grapefruit juice. Jang Mi grabs it, rips off the lid and throws it in Ki Tae’s face. Which he wasn’t expecting at all, so it hurt twice as much. Especially because it’s a citrus drink. Ouch. But it’s deserved! Aunt and Mom wince as they watch. Ki Tae’s choking on the juice. It went up his nose. Heh. Livid, she asks how he dares to say that about her feelings for Hoon Dong! He starts to yell back but she cuts him off, yelling that it wasn't Hoon Dong's money! Ki Tae stops, stunned. Jang Mi is heartbroken and declares that she… loved him. The tears roll down her face. She closes her eyes to catch her breath and slowly walks away. Ki Tae is affected by it. He can’t believe that she wasn’t a Candy girl. He and Yeo Reum watch Jang Mi slowly walk away, sobbing. Ki Tae sighs and wipes off his face with his hand. He knows he just broke this girl’s sincere heart. Something Hoon Dong should have had the nerve to do himself.

Aunt tsks about how Ki Tae got yet another shower. Aunt mentions Ki Tae talking about a girl sincerely wanting marriage. Is she the girl he went to the hotel with? A girl who wants to get married? Mom looks back at Ki Tae, who’s still frustrated. I think Mom’s wheels are turning… uh-oh!

Ki Tae goes to work and changes his clothes. He throws his shirt across the room in frustration. Hoon Dong appears and meekly says Ki Tae’s name. Ki Tae sighs, not in the mood – especially because of what just happened – and tells Hoon Dong to get out. Hoon Dong pouts with his index finger in his mouth – basically making fun of Ki Tae. Ki Tae picks up something to throw at Hoon Dong so Hoon Dong runs. Ki Tae starts to button his spare shirt and says to himself in the mirror that he feels like crap. Breaking a sincere heart will do that. And Hoon Dong’s such a jerk because he doesn’t get it.

Jang Mi slowly walks as she pushes her bike. She’s in a daze. She stops and sighs, trying not to break down. She cries because she can’t hold it in. She pulls out her phone and texts Hoon Dong, saying that Ki Tae told her something weird. She asks what’s Ki Tae’s problem. What did he mean? It's not true is it? It's not true right? I hate that she’s so pathetic right now. That’s one thing I like about her, she’s really loyal!

Aunt and Mom pull up beside Jang Mi. Jang Mi doesn’t notice until Mom gets out of the car and gets her attention. She tells Jang Mi that her son must be giving her a hard time. Mom is smiling kindly as she asks if Jang Mi was at the hotel with him, eh? Jang Mi thinks Mom is talking about Hoon Dong. She asks if Mom is “his” mom. Mom nods. Jang Mi gives her a deep respectful bow and introduces herself. Jang Mi remarks that she didn’t think she would meet Mom like this. Mom replies that it’s the only way they could've met. Wow, she knows her son, if her son had a secret girlfriend. Mom asks if her son is running away right now. She must want to get married. Mom smiles and tells Jang Mi to come to their house tomorrow evening. She shouldn’t worry about upsetting him; she’s the one inviting her. Aw.

Hoon Dong – the jerk – updates his SMS status to read, “A New Start.” He smiles. He’s at Ki Tae’s practice. Ki Tae walks by and smacks him on the back of the head with his clipboard. Yes! Deserved! Hoon Dong smiles and asks if Ki Tae feels better now. At least Hoon Dong knows that it's deserved. Angrily, Ki Tae tells Hoon Dong to clean up his own poop next time. Heh. Hoon Dong smarms an apology; he never thought she'd be so clingy. Ki Tae throws down the clipboard in frustration and sighs.

After a moment Ki Tae asks Hoon Dong what Jang Mi was to him (how he felt about her). Not looking up from his phone, Hoon Dong replies that she was just a girl, of course. What else would she be? She seemed different at first. But after a while, getting to know her, she was no different than any other girl. Ki Tae takes a breath. He doesn’t seem to really like Hoon Dong’s answer. Ki Tae replies that Jang Mi seemed to be sincere. Hoon Dong sighs and rolls his eyes. She's so sincere it's too much! Another eye roll. Ki Tae looks away, almost like he wishes he could find a sincere girl who wasn’t after his money. Hoon Dong thanks Ki Tae again; because of Ki Tae, he can have a new start. Hoon Dong gives him the ‘OK’ hand signal and clicks his tongue. Ki Tae starts to hit Hoon Dong again with his clipboard, but Hoon Dong protests for Ki Tae to stop.

Fabulous woman enters Ki Tae’s practice. At least that’s what the music says. She’s wearing sunglasses inside. I guess that means she’s fabulous. Everyone turns to look at her and Hoon Dong’s mouth drops. Ki Tae glances her direction and then goes back to looking over the chart he’s carrying. Fabulous woman – who the cast list says is Kang Se Ah (Han Sun Hwa) – is there for an appointment. Hoon Dong gawks after her, declaring that his destiny is calling. Ki Tae glances at Se Ah and asks if she's pretty. Like she just looks ordinary to him. Heh. Hoon Dong declares that he hates church but she makes him believe in God. That is God's masterpiece! Ki Tae replies that she’s *his* masterpiece. Heh.

Hoon Dong tells his hyung to set him up with her. Ki Tae replies that Hoon Dong already knows her. Hoon Dong’s shocked. He knows this goddess? Se Ah appears, wearing a robe. Indifferently, Ki Tae asks if she’s changed her clothes already. She snarks that she didn't have much on to begin with. Hoon Dong recognizes her now, but he can’t say anything. He just sits there pointing at her with his mouth hanging wide open. Ki Tae puts on his glasses and they go off for their appointment. As Ki Tae walks by Hoon Dong, he gives him another whack on the head. Watching them go, Hoon Dong mutters to himself, shocked that they’re still dating. So this is Ki Tae’s girlfriend? Or, I guess, ex-girlfriend.

Ki Tae dispassionately is looking at the work he’s done on Se Ah’s chest. She asks him if touch ups will be necessary – almost as if she’s trying to get a response out of him. He replies, all business, that they won’t be if she’s satisfied. Even though the exam is done and the nurse has been dismissed, she’s still holding her robe open. Se Ah remarks that she doesn’t like her chest size and asks what Ki Tae thinks… Ki Tae gets up off his stool as he says that big breasts are not trendy anymore. Her current size is proportionate to her body. So it wasn’t before? Nevermind. They move to Ki Tae’s desk. It’s still throwing me that they’re spelling his name in English Gong Gi Tae. Ki Tae declares her breasts a masterpiece.

Se Ah tells him that his skills are good...but it’s too bad he doesn't have better equipment. She tells him to come to work at her hospital. Where they have that fancy equipment. Not even looking up from her paperwork, he asks why she just didn’t get her job done at her state-of-the-art hospital, then. She replies that she couldn't perform surgery on herself and he's the second best surgeon she knows. Next to her, of course. Not buttering him up at all. She doesn’t want to get back together, either. No, not at all. Ki Tae replies that he’s sure there's a long line of applicants at her hospital. She replies that he told her to get a better guy than him... 3 years ago. Ki Tae doesn’t remember saying that. She replies that maybe it was some other guy. She leaves to go change. But given his current state of mind, he’s a little bothered that he said that to her .

Jang Mi is out at a bar, calling Hoon Dong again. Oh, no, she’s drunk dialing! She asks him if he’s really going to be like this. If he keeps this up... she could get back at him…with his mom. She slaps her phone shut and takes another swig of her drink.

Flashback on their relationship. Hoon Dong stops her from drinking, telling her that she’ll get drunk. She replies that that's what liquor is for. She starts to go to the bathroom, but falls off her stool. Hoon Dong catches her. They look at each other. He tells her that he’s trying to control himself but she’s not helping him. He leans and they kiss. It’s a nice, sweet moment.

Switch to… Jang Mi stuffing her mouth full of lettuce. Hoon Dong coos over her eating. Smiling very cutesy-like, Hoon Dong declares that he hates girls who eat like birds. He loves the way she eats… his piglet! Jang Mi smiles and declares that she eats to get full! Hoon Dong makes her another wrap to eat. They’re totally cutesy as she eats, with him making cutesy noises.

Jang Mi's feet are killing her from the high heels that she has to wear for work. Hoon Dong appears and gives her some comfortable shoes. They might even be his. They are his. She asks him what he’s going to wear. He declares that he’ll wear her shoes and starts dancing around wearing them. Fade to now, her sitting in the same place, alone. She starts to cry again as she tells herself that he still cared about her.

Hyun Hee arrives and tells Jang Mi that she needs to should figure things out with Hoon Dong’s mom. Even though we know it’s actually Ki Tae’s Mom. Jang Mi doesn’t want to. Hyun Hee argues that if she wants to get married, the parents will become more important. If the parents make the decision, he'll have to obey them. Jang Mi responds that she doesn’t want that kind of marriage. Hyun Hee asks if Jang Mi has any regrets. Jang Mi declares she doesn’t. She doesn’t need a jerk like him.

Next thing we see is Jang Mi nicely dressed, carrying a cake in a box, walking up to Hoon Dong’s house. For that dinner that Ki Tae’s Mom invited her to. Except she thinks it was Hoon Dong’s mom. Once she’s there, she argues with herself about whether or not she should be there. Anyway his mom invited her. No it's over. It's useless. But his mom invited her. But this is pathetic. No! Hoon Dong’s mother arrives. She asks who Jang Mi is and why she’s lurking around her house? Jang Mi says that she was invited. HDM wants to know by whom. Jang Mi replies that it was Hoon Dong's mom and HDM is surprised. She never invited Jang Mi. Jang Mi doesn’t get it, that she’s made a mistake.

Jang Mi smiles, chuckling, and waves to HDM, saying that it wasn’t her who gave the invitation, but Hoon Dong's mom. Ki Tae drives up to the house. HDM treats Jang Mi like she’s stupid as HDM declares that she's Lee Hoon Dong's mom. Ki Tae wonders what’s going on. He mutters to himself about how stubborn she is. HDM gets out of the car and asked if Jang Mi’s her… the girl that Hoon Dong politely tried to break up with she keep clinging to him. She’s the one that been tormenting Hoon Dong, isn’t she? Polite breaking up? Of course he would tell his mother that. He’s been anything but polite. Jang Mi starts to reply when HDM declares that Jang Mi’s been stalking Hoon Dong.

Jang Mi says that she was invited. She starts to say something about her relationship with Hoon Dong when HDM cuts her off and says that Jang Mi got drunk and tried to get Hoon Dong into bed. Jang Mi can’t believe that that’s what Hoon Dong said. I can't either. He's even more of a putz than I thought he was. Ki Tae, who’s heard the whole exchange, sighs. Because his friend is being a jerk to this girl who is actually a nice person. HDM goes on to tell Jang Mi that she heard Jang Mi’s really greedy, including how she eats. HDM’s face is full of scorn, hurting Jang Mi more. HDM continues how she heard about the big party Jang Mi threw with the hotel room and a cake. Does Jang Mi know how surprised HDM’s poor boy was?!

Jang Mi is appalled, embarrassed. She asked if the jerk really said that?! HDM takes offense at how Jang Mi called her son a jerk (dom). HDM grabs the cake box and hurls it to the ground. The cake splatters on the road. HDM scornfully tells Jang Mi that Hoon Dong tried to be considerate of Jang Mi so that she would save face, but it’s time Jang Mi gave up. How dare Jang Mi come to her house? How impolite. Jang Mi repeats that: she’s impolite? What about the jerk who just avoids someone he dated for a whole year? He's hiding behind his friend and mom. Is that being polite?!

HDM’s about to get physical again. Ki Tae decides to get out of his car. Jang Mi declares that she understands now, what that jerk is up to. She just wants to hear from the jerk himself. HDM should tell him to say goodbye himself and tell him to act civilly, at least on their last day. HDM sputters and Jang Mi walks away. She happens to walk in Ki Tae’s direction, so she stops when she sees him. They look at each other. Ki Tae’s face says that he feels bad for her. They don’t say anything to each other. HDM sees Ki Tae and is so happy to see him! HDM asks why Ki Tae’s there, sugary sweet to him. Ki Tae says that he came to apologize about the blind date. Jang Mi begins walking again, with Ki Tae looking behind him as she goes. He sighs.

At Ki Tae’s family's house, Mom is sitting with Dad, Aunt, and Halmeoni, with dinner on the table. They are waiting for Ki Tae and Jang Mi to arrive. Aunt wants Halmeoni to give her the green light to eat, but Halmeoni tells her to wait. Aunt asks Mom if she can call Ki Tae. Mom says not to. Dad sighs and says that he’s going to his office to read some papers. Halmeoni mutters at him how it looks like he won’t be home tonight, either. Dad apologizes and says they don’t need to see him out. Mom goes after him anyway. Halmeoni mutters that Ki Tae hasn't come home for 3 years. Why would his girlfriend come there? Aunt replies that Mom’s mind is set. The girl will come. Halmeoni mutters that she’s starving and eats one of the shrimp.

Outside, Mom walks Dad out, giving him his briefcase. He smiles, takes it, gets in his car and waves as he drives away. Mom pulls out her phone and asks if she’s reached the real estate agency. All does not feel right in this relationship.

Fried Chicken Stand. I'm going to call it the Chicken Shack. Jang Mi’s parents don’t speak to one another. Appa writes on a board his questions and Oma texts him back. Appa wants to know where Jang Mi is. Oma doesn’t know. When is she coming? Dunno. Ask her. Oma tells him he should. But Jang Mi arrives. She asks them if they have to act like this. Oma pulls Jang Mi aside and asks when she’s going to bring Hoon Dong by. Jang Mi said she'd get married. Is it because his family doesn't like that their family sells liquor? Jang Mi protests that that’s not it. Oma declares that she wouldn't want a beer-selling daughter-in-law either. She should tell her Appa to close this dang place. Appa replies, to Jang Mi, of course, that business is business. Jang Mi needs to tell her mom not to beg for a restaurant. They snipe back and forth at each other some more.

Finally Jang Mi can’t take it any more. She yells at them to stop and to face each other when they fight! They should throw the TV and break flowerpots like before! At least they were like a real couple then. Jang Mi gets a text message. She reads it, slaps her phone shut, grabs a beer from the fridge and chugs it down. Her parents yells at her but she ignores them. When the beer is done, she leaves the restaurant without a word. Her parents start to ask each other what’s going on, but then remember that they’re not talking to each other.

[ How to Break up in a Civil Way ]
[ 3. Text Messaging ]

We see what Jang Mi saw: a text from Hoon Dong that says:
Be happy.
Hoon Dong looks at the text and sighs. He is really making me struggle. What a chicken! Ki Tae arrives in his restaurant. It looks like Se Ah is waiting to have dinner with him, because he notices her when she waves and tells her to hold on a second. He gets Hoon Dong’s attention and tells Hoon Dong that they need to talk. Hoon Dong thinks it’s about the scene at his house; he tells Ki Tae that he heard all about what happened from HDM. Ki Tae tells him that he needs to meet with Jang Mi. He should say goodbye to her directly. Because Se Ah’s at the next table, she can’t help but overhear.

Hoon Dong asks Ki Tae why he looks so serious? He shouldn’t worry. Jang Mi won't bother him anymore. And she’s not going to ever show up again. Hoon Dong says that he ended it for good this time. There’s a crash. It’s a drunk Jang Mi stumbling through the door. She sees Hoon Dong and looks at him with crazy eyes. I'm not kidding. Crazy eyes. Hoon Dong sees her and is horrified. He’s actually going to have to face her and feel her wrath instead of running and hiding! Ki Tae sees and his face says that he knows something bad’s coming.

Yeo Reum approaches Jang Mi and asks if she came to see him this time, eh? She couldn't have come for Hoon Dong again. Aw, he’s being nice. She grabs the beer he has on his tray and chugs the whole thing. Ki Tae sighs because it’s about to get messy. Hoon Dong tries to look like he’s happy to see Jang Mi and gives her a smile and a tiny wave. She stumble walks toward Hoon Dong, pointing the bottle in his direction. Hoon Dong backs away, telling her to hold on and not come any closer. Yeo Reum remarks to himself that things are getting interesting. Hoon Dong keeps backing away with Jang Mi stumbling after him, asking where he’s going.

Jang Mi slurs that she finally gets to see Hoon Dong. She asks why he didn’t call her. Hoon Dong asks if she didn’t see his text? She starts laughing and clapping her hands at the idea that he sent her a text. She pulls out her phone and reads the pathetic blow-off text outloud. Ki Tae sighs because Hoon Dong is lame. He can’t do anything but watch. Jang Mi slurs at Hoon Dong his text: that he’s grateful for the past. He’s sorry for being a jerk... but they should end it. And lastly… he doesn’t want her to come back a loser. Hoon Dong can only smile uncomfortably.

Jang Mi declares that she might be slow but she knows this much. Hoon Dong smiles and starts snapping in Ki Tae’s direction, telling Ki Tae to get over there and help him! Ki Tae does nothing. She pokes his chest with the bottle and tells him that Hoon Dong made a fool of her with that text. He thinks she doesn't know? He tells her to put down the weapon. She starts to scream at him. The past where she loved him! The present where she’s so hurt and the future she dreamt of with him! How can he throw it all in the trash with a single text? She gets so angry, she goes to hit him, with the hand holding the bottle which she forgot she was holding. Hoon Dong ducks, but Ki Tae steps up and stops her hand.

Hoon Dong’s cowering on the floor, screaming. No one else says anything. When Hoon Dong realizes that Ki Tae has stepped in, he scrambles downstairs where he calls the police and tells them that he’s being threatened by a stalker. They need to save him. He’ll die! And I now want to hit him with a beer bottle. This is beyond shady.

Jang Mi looks at the person holding her wrist. Him again? Ki Tae declares that he’s helping her. She should be grateful. She shouts in his face, asking what? Is he afraid that she’ll be super pathetic? He sneers at that one. Because right now she's being totally pathetic. She declares that she knows how pitiful she is right now. But what else can she do? She can't do breakups in a cool, civil way like him and Hoon Dong! She needs to face Hoon Dong even if it's pathetic! She just needs to see that bastard right now! She’s shrieking and sobbing by the end of it. Yeo Reum and Se Ah feel bad for her. Because now everyone in the restaurant is watching. So does Ki Tae. He lets go of her wrist and tells her to go ahead. She walks after where Hoon Dong went. Ki Tae decides to go after her.

Hoon Dong sees her coming and goes and hides in the bathroom. Jang Mi starts pounding on door with the bottle, telling him to come out. She shrieks at him that if he wants to end it with her, he needs to look her in the eyes and tell her to go away with his own mouth. Then she'll go away, adding that he’s a bastard! Hoon Dong cowers behind the door. Ki Tae tries to tell her to wait and not do this now. He grabs for her wrist. She wrenches it free, accidentally hitting him in the face with the bottle. He staggers backward, holding his face. Se Ah and Yeo Reum have come downstairs and rush to see if he’s okay. Ki Tae looks at his hand and his nose is bleeding.

Jang Mi is clueless that she hit Ki Tae with the bottle. She’s still pounding on the door, screaming at Hoon Dong. Is it so hard to say goodbye to her face? Hoon Dong’s still cowering in the bathroom. Jang Mi says that she thinks she could understand if she saw his face, why and how it's become like this. She says she could understand, if she saw his eyes. She whimpering now. They were both in love. How can he want to breakup like this?

Hoon Dong calls the police back and tells them to hurry. He’s scared to death. Because he is a weasely coward. She’s able to get the door open. Hoon Dong stumbles backward and cowers on the floor. Seeing his face, Jang Mi gets it. Who he is. She drops the bottle. Emotionally drained, she says that now she understands since she sees his face. The tears start falling as she says that see sees now: she was the only one in love. All by herself. Hoon Dong actually looks like he finally gets what he’s been doing. Yeo Reum and Ki Tae feel badly for her. More tears fall as she stands there.

Police station. Ki Tae sits, with tissue stuffed up both his nostrils from the nose bleed. Heh. Jang Mi sits next to him, falling asleep after the booze and a hard evening. The cop slaps the desk to get her attention and asked why she did what she did. She replies that she just missed him! Ki Tae looks like he feels bad for her. Jang Mi declares that she loved Hoon Dong. She wanted to see him! Is it a sin to go and see someone because you miss them? She puts both her hands around her eyes and holds her eyes open really wide. She wanted to touch him! Grabbing motions from her hands. She declares that that's being together! Real love!

Ki Tae’s about to say something, but there’s a drunk guy behind them who chimes in that she’s exactly right! Drunk guy declares that people are depressed because they lack human touch! Policeman says that Hoon Dong said no. If Jang Mi keeps at it, it's a crime. Jang Mi moans that she didn't know that he didn't want her. Ki Tae swallows, because he knows this is true. His friend is a scumbag when it comes to women! Jang Mi moans that she thought she could change him. She tried to change him. Another uncomfortable look from Ki Tae. Jang Mi moans that later, she wanted to end it nicely. She almost starts to cry again when drunk guy chimes in again.

Policemen yells at Drunk Guy to be quiet. Jang Mi asks what drunk guy is there for. Cop replies that drunk guy molested a colleague at a company dinner after trying to get her drunk. She kept saying no but he wouldn’t listen. Drunk guy protests that he loves his coworkers! He looks at the cute ones! Was it wrong to give her a pat on the butt? Ki Tae snorts – through the tissue – at that one. Drunk guy tells Jang Mi not to be so upset. They call it an assault and stalking, when it's all innocent. They're all like that! Ki Tae winces, because this guy really is a stalker.

But a drunk Jang Mi starts to cry. She declares that she stalked him. She was a stalker! She starts weeping loudly! Then she remembers. She asks if the policeman can find a missing person for her? This woman invited her to her house, when she wasn't Hoon Dong’s mom. The woman said she was, but it turned out she wasn't. Then who was that woman who invited her? Why did that kind looking lady do that? Policeman asks Ki Tae if Ki Tae knows what she’s talking about. He has no idea. Because he hasn’t figured it out yet. Jang Mi slurs that it’s so weird. Who was that woman? Jang Mi declares that she needs to see that woman. Ki Tae laughs at how weird a drunk Jang Mi is.

Later, he’s relaxing in his fancy bathtub with his glass of wine. He thinks about Jang Mi, her heart-broken face, her tears. He sighs and calls her a fool. He kept telling her. He asks why go there (thinking about Jang Mi) and takes a sip of wine. He thinks back to the police station. Jang Mi is basically asleep sitting up. He asks the policeman what’s going to happen to Jang Mi, since it's her first offense. Policeman declares that Jang Mi’s going to have to go to court. Ki Tae asks if they couldn’t just settle it with a fine and avoid court. Cop asks him why he cares. Didn't she assault him, too? Ki Tae realizes how bad it looks and quickly pulls the tissue out of his nose. Heh. He says that it’s nothing and he did it too himself. Cop smiles. Cop goes back to his paperwork and says that Hoon Dong’s mother wants there to be severe punishment. So no settling. HDM is a witch.

Back in the bath, Ki Tae splashes some water on his face and wonders if the court date was today. The doorbell rings. Ki Tae makes a face, wondering who is disturbing his bath. More urgent doorbell ringing. Ki Tae turns up his music and then some more, because the bell keeps ringing. Ki Tae tries to just relax, but then he hears the keypad as someone comes into his house.

Ki Tae quickly gets out of the tub, puts on a robe, and heads downstairs, demanding to know what these people are doing there. It’s a realtor with two obnoxiously loud women. Realtor apologizes for not knowing Ki Tae was there; he just came to show the place. Show the place? Ki Tae tells Realtor that he’s mistaken. Realtor says that the owner said they needed a new tenant ASAP. They said he could come anytime, since it was urgent, and even gave Realtor the passcode. Realtor tells the women to go ahead and look around. Ki Tae groans, frustrated, and declares that the landlord is giving him trouble now too. The women love his place. Ki Tae declares that he remodeled the place himself. There must've been a misunderstanding. He’s not listing this place. When he asks them to leave, Realtor declares that they’ll make it really quick. Ki Tae screams in frustration, asking them to get out of his house!

Ki Tae’s meeting with Mom at his office. She’s the landlord. That’s what that call to the realtor was. Ki Tae says that he’s take over the lease of the place. Mom replies that Ki Tae wants to solve everything with money. Ki Tae retorts that Mom’s the one who tried to solve things with real estate. Completely calm, Mom replies that she didn't know it'd be so effective. He even asked to see her. It's been years since she could sit and drink tea with him like this. She takes a sip of tea and declares that it's nice. Ki Tae rolls his eyes.

Mom tells Ki Tae that they should drink tea together every day once he moves back home. The implication being that he’s losing his apartment. Ki Tae declares that he will never give away that place. Mom tells him that he wants the place in her name but doesn’t want to live with her. He’s shameless. Ki Tae protests that this is why he said he’ll sign the contract and give her the deposit. Or is she wanting to sell it? Mom puts down her tea cup and remarks that she doesn’t know why he likes that house so much. There aren't many good memories there.

Mom tells Ki Tae that living alone will seem pitiful to others. Ki Tae shoots back that she’s the one who lives worrying about what other people think. Intense looks at each other. Mom declares that Ki Tae needs to bring the girl she invited over to the house. Ki Tae asks who she’s talking about, but then realizes that Mom is the woman Jang Mi was talking about. He asks Mom if *she’s* the one who invited Jang Mi?! Mom replies that they'll sign the rent contract at 10 AM tomorrow. He either brings the girl by then or move home. Mom leaves his office.

Which brings us back to the beginning of the episode, with Ki Tae running for the courthouse. The judge asks Jang Mi if she acknowledges the charges of stalking. Jang Mi laughs. Ki Tae tries to get through security. Jang Mi declares that she’s the crazy bitch. She must've been insane! And the crazy eyes are going. Ki Tae begs to be let through because he has to testify in court. The guard asks his relation to the defendant. Jang Mi declares that this is what she said to the jerk… Ki Tae tells the guard that it's his fiancée… Jang Mi says she said, “Let's get married.” Ki Tae stumbles into the courtroom. Everyone sees him, including Jang Mi, who can’t believe that jerk has shown up again!

Ki Tae walks forward and asks if he can please testify. Jang Mi declares that she objects! Judge asks Ki Tae who he is. Ki Tae answers that he’s friends with the defendant and knows the whole story. Jang Mi protests that Ki Tae’s in it with the dude. Ki Tae declares that the victim should clearly reject the defendant for it to be a crime of stalking but Hoon Dong never once said no. He just avoided her. Jang Mi can’t believe what Ki Tae’s saying. Especially since she expected him not to be on her side.

Ki Tae declares that Jang Mi was dating Hoon Dong and he just disappeared. Isn't it natural that she kept looking for him? Hoon Dong kept hiding and then sent a single text to end it. A vague one, at that. Ki Tae tells Jang Mi to show the judge the evidence… Submit the text to His Honor. She starts to get out her phone but Judge says that he understands the situation. He accepts that the victim didn't say no clearly, but Jang Mi did drunkenly cause a commotion at his place of business, so he’s going to fine her 50 won.

Jang Mi glares over at Ki Tae. He sighs with relief and winks in her direction. She looks at the 50 won note and thinks that the price she needs to pay for her love is higher than jaywalking but lower than soliciting. Heh. She pays her fine.

Walking home from the courthouse, she thinks that her love ended, like urinating on the street. Love that image! Will she be able to love again? She looks up and there's Ki Tae. He smiles slightly to say hello. Jang Mi grimaces and tries to walk by Ki Tae. He steps in her path. She asks him what his problem is. He proposes that they go to his house, to meet with Mom. She's waiting for Jang Mi. Jang Mi can’t believe him and asks why she should. He replies that the mom who invited her is actually his mom. She’s shocked as he smiles at her.


So, I recapped this after watching the first 4 episodes. Like I said, I originally didn’t plan on recapping this, but have decided that I really like it, so here I go.

It’s interesting rewatching this episode, because I noticed several things that I didn’t notice the first time through. One is that I like Ki Tae’s character a lot better the second time through that I did the first time. My first time, he came across as really abrasive and callous towards everyone. I don’t like jerks like that. This time through, though, I noticed a lot of nonverbals that he was throwing around. I caught the fact that he thought Jang Mi was just another gold digger and how it really hit him when she got righteously indignant over the accusation that she was one. That’s what caused her to throw the grapefruit juice in his face. Not because he was being a jerk, like the reason that all the other women did it, but because he made an obnoxious assumption about something that was pure and good! It was this, rather than him insulting her or making fun of her, that drove her to fling it, and it was this that told him that she sincerely loved Hoon Dong. I also caught how Ki Tae asked Hoon Dong about how he felt about this girl he’s just dumped, who is in love with him, and Hoon Dong replied that Jang Mi was just another girl. So Hoon Dong just played with this girl’s feelings and doesn’t care that he’s breaking Jang Mi’s heart. And that bothered it Ki Tae. I missed that the first time around.

My impression of Mom changed, too. By the 4th episode, you get more insight into why she’s the way she is, so this time around, I felt bad for her. I still don’t necessarily like how she’s treating people, but I feel bad for her and how other people treat her.

Hoon Dong came across as more of jerk for me this time around. I guess it’s because I like Jang Mi even more and hate to see how he treated her. The guy is a total weenie. Could not even look a girl in the eye to break up with her. Called her a stalker and everything, didn’t go to the police station, when the whole thing is his fault in the first place. Makes me wonder why Ki Tae’s friends with him in the first place…

Good start to the series!

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