Saturday, January 28, 2017

Sweet Stranger and Me Episode 14 Recap

Okay, so I’ve been putting off finishing this. I’m going to miss Nan Gil and Na Ri.

Episode begins with Na Ri tending to a small cut on Nan Gil’s hand. I’m confused. Didn’t we end on the Director showing up? How did we get here? I even closed and reopened the episode in case I was looking at the wrong one… She remarks that it’s healing well. She thanks him for going and seeing Abeoji, even though Nan Gil’s not fully healed. I know I’ve seen this before – why are we rehashing the last part of the last episode? Looking at pictures on his phone. Fighting over the phone and the back hug. He apologizes for taking so long. She tells him that it’s fine, because she knows that regular men don’t disappear in the middle of the night, cut off contact and then come back injured. Man, sometimes she can be mean. Sometimes really thoughtful, but sometimes really mean. She says that it’s all she needs.

He asks if that’s really all she needs: a man whose only skill is making dumplings well. She smiles and says that there’s a lot of things he’s good at: Protecting the land. She adds that sometimes it seems like he likes the land more than her. He replies that he knows that this is the world of childishness, but he never thought that she’d be jealous of some land. Especially since he’s liked you since he was about 5. She adds another to the list: acting as a stepfather. He smiles – a huge grin on his face – and notes that he was pretty good at it, wasn’t he?

♬ You are my man ♬
♬ You are my soul ♬

She asks about the picture again. He answers that it was taken when she searched through his room like a thief. As she looks through the pictures, Na Ri chuckles.

♬ I found out that love can change a person ♬

Flashback montage. Wow, this is making me feel like the writers are stretching to fill these last 3 episodes. Do we really need a flashback montage?