The series starts with a flying saucer arriving on Earth. Narration from the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty 1st Year of King Gwang Hae, Recorded on September 25th. “In the skies of Gan Sung Goon, Won Joo Mok, Kang Ryung Bu, and Choon Chun Bu, there was an UFO that looked like a bowl.” The UFO whooshes across the sky, a sonic boom in its wake. “It was fast like an arrow. With a loud noise, it disappeared in flames. There were no clouds when this happened. Year 1609 August 25th in Gangneung.”
Monday, December 30, 2013
You Who Came From the Stars Episode 1 Recap
It's new series time and since being sick and helping a friend move has thrown off my drama viewing, I've decided to finish the other recaps later and focus on this new series. From what I've seen, I like it.

The series starts with a flying saucer arriving on Earth. Narration from the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty 1st Year of King Gwang Hae, Recorded on September 25th. “In the skies of Gan Sung Goon, Won Joo Mok, Kang Ryung Bu, and Choon Chun Bu, there was an UFO that looked like a bowl.” The UFO whooshes across the sky, a sonic boom in its wake. “It was fast like an arrow. With a loud noise, it disappeared in flames. There were no clouds when this happened. Year 1609 August 25th in Gangneung.”
The series starts with a flying saucer arriving on Earth. Narration from the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty 1st Year of King Gwang Hae, Recorded on September 25th. “In the skies of Gan Sung Goon, Won Joo Mok, Kang Ryung Bu, and Choon Chun Bu, there was an UFO that looked like a bowl.” The UFO whooshes across the sky, a sonic boom in its wake. “It was fast like an arrow. With a loud noise, it disappeared in flames. There were no clouds when this happened. Year 1609 August 25th in Gangneung.”
Friday, December 6, 2013
My Acting Favorites
My Top Ten Actors (in alpha order). Originally, this list was going to be five, but there are too many I like to limit it to five.
- Choi Jin Hyuk - I liked him as the serious Woo Duk in Pasta, even before his changed his screen name. He completely won my heart (and a lot of other people's) with his performance in Gu Family Book, to where I cried for him after one episode and cried even more after his redemption. His ability to be effervescent and joyful and then self-contained and dark make him an actor I enjoy watching.
- Gong Yoo - I first saw him in the movie, Finding Mr. Destiny, and then I watched Coffee Prince, but it wasn't until I started watching Big did Gong Yoo cement himself as one of my favorites. Not because Big was the greatest series ever, but just because it struck me just *how much* of a range this man has.
- Hyun Bin - I think it's the glimmer of intelligence and confidence he always seems to have in his eye that makes me love him, as well as he can make being a total butthead seem like the most logical course of action. I first watched him in Secret Garden and it wasn't until I was halfway through with My Name is Kim Sam Soon did I realize it was the same man. Range.
- Joo Won - As I watched Baker King, Kim Tak Gu, I liked his intensity, but something about his character didn't make him endearing. But after watching his performance in Good Doctor, I am definitely a fan. One thing I appreciate about him is that he seems to give everything in each of his performances, to where there's a real sense of integrity to them.
- Lee Seung Gi - I wouldn't have initially thought that he would be in my top ten, but as I was recently watching King2Hearts it struck me that every series that I've watched him in, I've heartily enjoyed, partially *because* of him. He adds a touch of goofy as well as earnestness to his characters that I find endearing and it never takes me very long to warm up to his character. Even when he's arrogant, he's likeable from the beginning because he's a *nice* arrogant.
- Lee Min Ho - I first met him as Gu Jun Pyo in Boys Over Flowers and since then, I have appreciated the vulnerability he has brought to his characters. Even as he's kicking butt and taking names, he's soulful and self-examined. Plus, the man has charisma oozing out his pores.
My Top Ten K-Dramas
Everyone has those dramas that they absolutely love. Here's my list of my top ten favorite k-dramas, at least as of 10 Dec 13. Making this list was not easy, and I'm sure that it will change as time goes on. (These are listed in alphabetical order, because picking my *favorite* k-drama is just too hard.)
Boys Over Flowers (2009) - I admit it, this is the first k-drama that I marathoned. I'd watched a few other dramas, but this is the one where I *had* to see what happened next and hated that I had to interrupt my watching with that pesky thing called sleep. And although other dramas have made cry since, this one sticks out as one that I cried the hardest watching, because I *cared* what happened to the characters. It seems like the last third of the show I cried. I cared that Ji Hoo was estranged from his ailing grandfather, that Jun Pyo was being forced to marry someone he didn't love because of his evil mother, that Ga Eul pined for a man who was a perpetual playboy. And because I was relatively new to k-dramas, the twists and turns and some of the cliche moments... I wasn't expecting them. I think this is about the time where I started calling k-dramas addictive, because I did get addicted. One of the things that I love most about this drama is the breakout performance of Lee Min Ho as Gu Jun Pyo. Even when he was being the biggest jerk, he still had that sweet, personable quality. Even as I wanted to punch him because he was so arrogant, I found myself liking him. I attribute this directly to Lee Min Ho. Other dramas, the hero has been Jun Pyo's kind of jerk, but I never did really grow to like them. And I think if it had been a different actor, I don't think I would have liked Jun Pyo quite as much. And who can beat Woo Bin's "Yo, yo, my bro!"?
City Hunter (2011) - Another Lee Min Ho drama that I loved. It had intrigue, drama, plenty of action, and some good angsty romance. It constantly kept you guessing as to what might happen next. Plus, the heroine wasn't a pushover. Played by Park Min Young, Kim Na Na could take care of herself and spoke her mind, but was still someone you'd want to be best friends with. And she taught judo so she could kick the hero's butt if she wanted to. Lee Min Ho wore pink pants and rocked them and his Lee Yoon Sung was just smooth and clever. And tortured. I mean, who wouldn't be tortured when your honorable father was betrayed and murdered by greedy politicians and your mother abandoned you? Except that he wasn't really abandoned by his mother, but stolen by his foster-father, so she was doubly pathetic when they're finally reunited. Plus, she's got cancer. Plus, Kim Sang Joong was amazing as Yoon Sung's twisted foster father, Jin Pyo. The man was cold-hearted. Even to the end. And I loved every minute of it. Plus, there was a fight scene that took place in a "Rocker Room," with lockers and everything. Who wouldn't love that?
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 14 Recap
The episode starts with Bok Nyeo busting That Woman, with the video of that fateful meeting between That Woman and Sun Young. That Woman pleading with Bok Nyeo and Bok Nyeo giving the metaphorical hand. I still can’t believe she thought that the pleading would make Bok Nyeo take pity. You caused a woman to kill herself and Bok Nyeo’s supposed to feel sorry for you? In what universe? Then That Woman says that she did it all because she was in love. This gets Bok Nyeo to stop and turn around. She looks as livid as Bok Nyeo would get, like she wants to go over and punch That Woman’s teeth in. *I* want to punch That Woman's teeth in. Bok Nyeo declares that those are the words that she hate the most: “Because I was in love...” Is That Woman's love really that amazing… Enough to make someone want to kill herself? Is that love so amazing? Is it more precious than a person's life?
Then That Woman has the gall to plead that she’s a victim, too. Really? You see yourself as a victim? It’s Sun Young’s fault that now you feel guilty because she felt devastated by what you did. Yeah, it’s her fault that you wanted to stake your claim on another woman’s husband, so you totally destroyed her life and made her feel like nothing. That’s her fault. That Woman whines that she never thought Sun Young would do that! How can a mother do that? Then That Woman yells at Bok Nyeo, that she should answer and explain for Sun Young. Bok Nyeo cuts straight to it: Before Sun Young became a mother, she was a woman. And you treated her like trash and made her feel like nothing and you stole her husband. None of this gets through to That Woman or convicts her that she is a horrible person. Bok Nyeo goes to leave again and That Woman runs and stops her. She begs some more, saying that she’ll do anything Bok Nyeo want. Bok Nyeo replies that she don't have many things that she wants. And leaves her in the dust. I do not feel sorry for That Woman at all.
Then That Woman has the gall to plead that she’s a victim, too. Really? You see yourself as a victim? It’s Sun Young’s fault that now you feel guilty because she felt devastated by what you did. Yeah, it’s her fault that you wanted to stake your claim on another woman’s husband, so you totally destroyed her life and made her feel like nothing. That’s her fault. That Woman whines that she never thought Sun Young would do that! How can a mother do that? Then That Woman yells at Bok Nyeo, that she should answer and explain for Sun Young. Bok Nyeo cuts straight to it: Before Sun Young became a mother, she was a woman. And you treated her like trash and made her feel like nothing and you stole her husband. None of this gets through to That Woman or convicts her that she is a horrible person. Bok Nyeo goes to leave again and That Woman runs and stops her. She begs some more, saying that she’ll do anything Bok Nyeo want. Bok Nyeo replies that she don't have many things that she wants. And leaves her in the dust. I do not feel sorry for That Woman at all.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 13 Recap
Man, since I’ve been sick, I’ve gotten behind, but I just realized that I’ve really missed this show…
The episode starts with EMIL screaming at Bok Nyeo. Hye Gyul’s crying loudly. The other kids are shocked and upset and Sang Chul is fighting his urge to DO something. Then we’re inside the house with Bok Nyeo trying to say goodbye. Sang Chul looks more upset this time that Bok Nyeo is leaving, almost like it’s going to rip his guts out. I could be reading into it, but that’s what it looked like to me. When Han Gyul and the other kids arrive, Sang Chul almost looks annoyed that they’re interrupting him trying to convince Bok Nyeo to stay. Han Gyul and the other kids ask Bok Nyeo to stay and be their mother. And we get the answer…
Not yet, I guess. Sang Chul practically scolds them for asking her so suddenly, but Han Gyul wants to know why they can't do anything for the ones they cherish. Because she's just the housekeeper, they can only watch when something happens to Bok Nyeo-nim. And they have a real problem with that. Your dad does too, he’s just in denial. Se Gyul asks Bok Nyeo if she doesn’t want to be their mom. They want to take care of her the way that she takes care of them. Doo Gyul adds – and gets me teary eyed – that their mom would be at peace as well, if Bok Nyeo-nim was their mom. Sang Chul’s face looks like he’s a little choked up.
And Bok Nyeo’s answer is…. No. She’s sorry, but she can't be their mom. She can't be anyone's mom. Se Gyul then changes their request, saying that they won't ask her to be their mom right away, if she just promises to forget what EMIL said about following those who died. Sang Chul finally pipes up and apologizes, explaining that the kids are worried about what just happened, what might happen to her. Hye Gyul gives Bok Nyeo a order to forget about it. Bok Nyeo doesn’t agree, but says she understands. Doo Gyul, with a little desperation in his voice, says that she promised them. Bok Nyeo leaves.
The episode starts with EMIL screaming at Bok Nyeo. Hye Gyul’s crying loudly. The other kids are shocked and upset and Sang Chul is fighting his urge to DO something. Then we’re inside the house with Bok Nyeo trying to say goodbye. Sang Chul looks more upset this time that Bok Nyeo is leaving, almost like it’s going to rip his guts out. I could be reading into it, but that’s what it looked like to me. When Han Gyul and the other kids arrive, Sang Chul almost looks annoyed that they’re interrupting him trying to convince Bok Nyeo to stay. Han Gyul and the other kids ask Bok Nyeo to stay and be their mother. And we get the answer…
Not yet, I guess. Sang Chul practically scolds them for asking her so suddenly, but Han Gyul wants to know why they can't do anything for the ones they cherish. Because she's just the housekeeper, they can only watch when something happens to Bok Nyeo-nim. And they have a real problem with that. Your dad does too, he’s just in denial. Se Gyul asks Bok Nyeo if she doesn’t want to be their mom. They want to take care of her the way that she takes care of them. Doo Gyul adds – and gets me teary eyed – that their mom would be at peace as well, if Bok Nyeo-nim was their mom. Sang Chul’s face looks like he’s a little choked up.
And Bok Nyeo’s answer is…. No. She’s sorry, but she can't be their mom. She can't be anyone's mom. Se Gyul then changes their request, saying that they won't ask her to be their mom right away, if she just promises to forget what EMIL said about following those who died. Sang Chul finally pipes up and apologizes, explaining that the kids are worried about what just happened, what might happen to her. Hye Gyul gives Bok Nyeo a order to forget about it. Bok Nyeo doesn’t agree, but says she understands. Doo Gyul, with a little desperation in his voice, says that she promised them. Bok Nyeo leaves.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 12 Recap
Well, I think my cold has finally decided to leave me alone. Not that I’m now three weeks behind in my recapping. But here we go (and I’ll be able to catch up next week).
Our episode starts with Sang Chul and Bok Nyeo down by the riverside. Sang Chul acknowledges the hurt of the past, but asks her if they shouldn’t continue to live because of them. He tells her that *he* and the children are waiting. Well, maybe I put the emphasis there, but I think it’s significant that he singled himself out. Sang Chul asks her to return to them, which pulls her attention away from the flowing river to look at him.
And we’re back at Ji Hoon’s house. He’s still looking out the window with that crooked cop, Tae Shik, standing behind him. Maybe that’s why the mother-in-law has been so spiteful to Bok Nyeo for so long, because Tae Shik fed the poison, working for Ji Hoon. Tae Shik asks what Ji Hoon plans to do, since he’s killed Seo Ji Hoon. Ji Hoon’s got the crazy eyes going as he declares that it’s time to save Bok Nyeo.
Sang Chul returns home. The kids are waiting for him and want to know what happened. What did the police say? He tells them that Do Hyung isn’t Ji Hoon. All the kids sigh with disappointment, because that means that Bok Nyeo still isn’t coming back yet. Hye Gyul asks if Sang Chul told Bok Nyeo that she was waiting for her. Sang Chul tells her that they need to be patient, because Bok Nyeo needs some time. None of the kids like that answer, especially Hye Gyul.
Our episode starts with Sang Chul and Bok Nyeo down by the riverside. Sang Chul acknowledges the hurt of the past, but asks her if they shouldn’t continue to live because of them. He tells her that *he* and the children are waiting. Well, maybe I put the emphasis there, but I think it’s significant that he singled himself out. Sang Chul asks her to return to them, which pulls her attention away from the flowing river to look at him.
And we’re back at Ji Hoon’s house. He’s still looking out the window with that crooked cop, Tae Shik, standing behind him. Maybe that’s why the mother-in-law has been so spiteful to Bok Nyeo for so long, because Tae Shik fed the poison, working for Ji Hoon. Tae Shik asks what Ji Hoon plans to do, since he’s killed Seo Ji Hoon. Ji Hoon’s got the crazy eyes going as he declares that it’s time to save Bok Nyeo.
Sang Chul returns home. The kids are waiting for him and want to know what happened. What did the police say? He tells them that Do Hyung isn’t Ji Hoon. All the kids sigh with disappointment, because that means that Bok Nyeo still isn’t coming back yet. Hye Gyul asks if Sang Chul told Bok Nyeo that she was waiting for her. Sang Chul tells her that they need to be patient, because Bok Nyeo needs some time. None of the kids like that answer, especially Hye Gyul.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 11 Recap
It’s almost been a week since this episode was on and I am just now getting to it. Thank you, cold, that’s plagued me for two weeks now. My apologies if you've been waiting for my recap. I've been as anxious as you have to see what will happen.
The episode begins with a Do Hyung borrowing this strange woman. Bok Nyeo’s confirmation that she’ll kill him if he is Ji Hoon, and then his confirmation that he *is* Ji Hoon. It doesn’t look like there’s any reaction from Bok Nyeo, but I can see her seething with rage that he’s still alive and living well. Ji Hoon asks what she’s going to do now. She asks him again, if he’s really Seo Ji Hoon. He replies that he’s saying so… so what’s she going to do? It’s almost like he’s laughing, gloating. Bok Nyeo’s eyes are starting to get a little shiny.
Bok Nyeo stands and steps closer to Ji Hoon. The smile leaves. It’s then that the huge knife she’s been holding comes into view and you can almost see the ‘oh, crap,’ look on his face. But he’s really good at playing poker, so he keeps his face blank. She’s practically seething as she tells him that she’s so grateful that he *is* Seo Ji Hoon. His lower lip quivers slightly. She grabs his collar and swings.
We switch to the kids, who are out wandering the streets, calling Bok Nyeo’s name.
Then we’re at Happy Company, and Director Hong straightening her desk. Someone enters and she says that office hours are over. No reply but she’s shocked when she sees who it is.
The episode begins with a Do Hyung borrowing this strange woman. Bok Nyeo’s confirmation that she’ll kill him if he is Ji Hoon, and then his confirmation that he *is* Ji Hoon. It doesn’t look like there’s any reaction from Bok Nyeo, but I can see her seething with rage that he’s still alive and living well. Ji Hoon asks what she’s going to do now. She asks him again, if he’s really Seo Ji Hoon. He replies that he’s saying so… so what’s she going to do? It’s almost like he’s laughing, gloating. Bok Nyeo’s eyes are starting to get a little shiny.
Bok Nyeo stands and steps closer to Ji Hoon. The smile leaves. It’s then that the huge knife she’s been holding comes into view and you can almost see the ‘oh, crap,’ look on his face. But he’s really good at playing poker, so he keeps his face blank. She’s practically seething as she tells him that she’s so grateful that he *is* Seo Ji Hoon. His lower lip quivers slightly. She grabs his collar and swings.
We switch to the kids, who are out wandering the streets, calling Bok Nyeo’s name.
Then we’re at Happy Company, and Director Hong straightening her desk. Someone enters and she says that office hours are over. No reply but she’s shocked when she sees who it is.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
The Heirs Episode 4 Recap
The episode begins where we left off: Eun Sang walking in on Rachel hugging Tan at the airport. Her hurt face as she sees him. Tan suffering through the hug. Rachel aghast that that girl has shown up again. Tan yells for Eun Sang to stop and she turns around and looks at the two of them. Tan quickly says good bye to Rachel and rushes over to talk to Eun Sang, who is really uncomfortable with the whole thing and doesn’t want to meet Tan’s eyes.
Immediately Tan wants to know why Eun Sang didn't him; didn't her friend tell her? When he finds out she heard, he starts to yell at her about how she should have called! He wants to know if she’s going back to Korea now. Instead of answering that question, Eun Sang looks at him and asks him what he wanted to tell her. Sighing in frustration, Tan pulls his phone from his pocket and hold it out to her, telling her to give him her phone number. She looks at the phone, and you can almost hear the thoughts running through her mind as she looks at it, and then his fiancée. Seeing Rachel’s upset face, instead, Eun Sang says, “’Thank you.’ I said my thanks. ‘Bye.’ I also said my farewells. I did everything. So, don't leave your fiancée alone just to ask something like that.” And then she just walks away, past Rachel, as Tan stands there holding out the phone. He can’t believe she did that. And I can’t help but think he’s thinking how another person he cares about doesn’t seem to have a problem walking out of his life and back to Korea. Maybe that means you need to go back to Korea. Even if it would mean that I wouldn’t get any more scenes with Surfer Dude. My heart will go on.
Rachel looks at Tan with disbelief at what he’s done. Now, if she wasn’t selfish and self-centered, since they’ve never said they were in love with each other, and because she sees how much he cares about her, what she should do is, while they are on the plane, get her phone number for Tan. But Rachel is selfish and self-centered, so she does something else.
Immediately Tan wants to know why Eun Sang didn't him; didn't her friend tell her? When he finds out she heard, he starts to yell at her about how she should have called! He wants to know if she’s going back to Korea now. Instead of answering that question, Eun Sang looks at him and asks him what he wanted to tell her. Sighing in frustration, Tan pulls his phone from his pocket and hold it out to her, telling her to give him her phone number. She looks at the phone, and you can almost hear the thoughts running through her mind as she looks at it, and then his fiancée. Seeing Rachel’s upset face, instead, Eun Sang says, “’Thank you.’ I said my thanks. ‘Bye.’ I also said my farewells. I did everything. So, don't leave your fiancée alone just to ask something like that.” And then she just walks away, past Rachel, as Tan stands there holding out the phone. He can’t believe she did that. And I can’t help but think he’s thinking how another person he cares about doesn’t seem to have a problem walking out of his life and back to Korea. Maybe that means you need to go back to Korea. Even if it would mean that I wouldn’t get any more scenes with Surfer Dude. My heart will go on.
Rachel looks at Tan with disbelief at what he’s done. Now, if she wasn’t selfish and self-centered, since they’ve never said they were in love with each other, and because she sees how much he cares about her, what she should do is, while they are on the plane, get her phone number for Tan. But Rachel is selfish and self-centered, so she does something else.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
The Heirs Episode 3 Recap
Episode starts with Tan and Eun Sang in the movie theatre, Tan ‘translating’ the dialogue of the movie, but really, it’s him asking, out loud, “Do I like you?” Eun Sang’s eyes flutter slightly and there’s significant staring as tender music plays. Eun Sang finally says…”Probably not.” Her reasoning? He’s engaged. Tan persists – because he does *like* her and doesn’t seem even to really like his fiancée even as a friend – basically asking her what her response would be if he wasn’t engaged… Eun Sang replies that it would be too much like a movie. And I have to laugh at the fact that this is a k-drama, pretending to be real life, having things that never happen in really life happen, and character’s adding ‘realism’ by saying that this sort of thing only happens in the movies.
Tan isn’t deterred at the fact that it would be too much like a movie, after all, this is Hollywood, where those kinds of things really do happen. Eun Sang replies, “Really?” and it seems like Tan’s won her over, but then she adds, “Is this place called Hollywood?” Next thing we know, we’re outside, looking at the HOLLYWOOD sign and Eun Sang is tripping over the fact that she’s *in* Hollywood. As I laugh, Tan’s slightly offended that she’s more excited about seeing the HOLLYWOOD sign than him telling her he might like her; there's no way the sign is more interesting than what he told her in the movie theater. She catches his meaning, but ignores him, saying that this was one of the things she told herself she would definitely visit when she came to the States. Tan even mutters, “Am I talking to myself?” But she’s determined to ignore what he’s put out there. Probably because he *lives* in the States and she’s just visiting. Not that Tan’s used to being practical, since he’s pretty much had a really easy life. And he knows that he’s insanely wealthy, but she doesn’t.
Tan isn’t deterred at the fact that it would be too much like a movie, after all, this is Hollywood, where those kinds of things really do happen. Eun Sang replies, “Really?” and it seems like Tan’s won her over, but then she adds, “Is this place called Hollywood?” Next thing we know, we’re outside, looking at the HOLLYWOOD sign and Eun Sang is tripping over the fact that she’s *in* Hollywood. As I laugh, Tan’s slightly offended that she’s more excited about seeing the HOLLYWOOD sign than him telling her he might like her; there's no way the sign is more interesting than what he told her in the movie theater. She catches his meaning, but ignores him, saying that this was one of the things she told herself she would definitely visit when she came to the States. Tan even mutters, “Am I talking to myself?” But she’s determined to ignore what he’s put out there. Probably because he *lives* in the States and she’s just visiting. Not that Tan’s used to being practical, since he’s pretty much had a really easy life. And he knows that he’s insanely wealthy, but she doesn’t.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 10 Recap
The episode starts with Hye Gyul pulling Bok Nyeo into the dining room to consume her Yagkwa cookie. Hye Gyul asks her to sit and she reluctantly does. So does everyone else. Hye Gyul gives Bok Nyeo the Yagkwa cookie and asks her to eat it. Bok Nyeo takes it and after eating a very tiny bite of it, she announces that she will tell them all about her past.
We jump to Director Hong sitting with Grandpa. She tells him that Bok Nyeo’s real name is Eun Soo. Grandpa’s shocked that it’s not Bok Nyeo.
Jump back to Bok Nyeo, who says that she met Director Hong when she was about Hye Gyul's age.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 9 Recap
The episode begins in Sang Chul’s hotel room. Song Hwa announces that she’ll take responsibility for him now. Bok Nyeo emerges from the bathroom. Song Hwa can’t believe she’s there and Sang Chul looks guilty. She asks if he’s done… packing up ? Song Hwa can’t believe that Bok Nyeo’s *still* interfering in her love life. And I suspect that she’ll help whoever to get revenge on Bok Nyeo, because she’s just that type of person. Bok Nyeo mentions that Sang Chul’s beloved children are awaiting him. Sang Chul tells her to go home first. There’s a pause and Bok Nyeo replies that she understands. I’m not sure what his face is saying at all.
Sang Chul leaves the hotel with Song Hwa. They end up next to the river where his wife killed herself. I’m just waiting for her to make some slip up so that he knows that it was her that pushed his wife over the edge. Sang Chul announces that he wants to start over again. What? You’re going back to her? Please be dumping her because you love your children more.
Sang Chul asks Song Hwa if she’s ever been to this place. She hasn’t and as she starts to ask why they’re there, he announces that it’s the river where his wife died. She uncomfortably turns to look at the water. Since mostly it's her fault that his wife took her life. Sang Chul muses about the bottom of a river only being visible during a drought, and that he is finally, seeing my bottom. He says that it was all his fault; he was too shallow, so it all became a mess. When he tells her she doesn’t need to be doing this because she feels sorry for him, she denies that and says it’s because finally saw his sincerity, his heart. And I say ‘whatever,’ you’re only doing this because you’re knocked up and your latest meal ticket dumped you.
But Sang Chul tells Song Hwa that this is also from his heart: he wants to start over again, as the children's father. Yes! Dump her! Dump her! Song Hwa can’t believe he didn’t choose her. Even though you totally weren’t wanting his kids.
Sang Chul leaves the hotel with Song Hwa. They end up next to the river where his wife killed herself. I’m just waiting for her to make some slip up so that he knows that it was her that pushed his wife over the edge. Sang Chul announces that he wants to start over again. What? You’re going back to her? Please be dumping her because you love your children more.
Sang Chul asks Song Hwa if she’s ever been to this place. She hasn’t and as she starts to ask why they’re there, he announces that it’s the river where his wife died. She uncomfortably turns to look at the water. Since mostly it's her fault that his wife took her life. Sang Chul muses about the bottom of a river only being visible during a drought, and that he is finally, seeing my bottom. He says that it was all his fault; he was too shallow, so it all became a mess. When he tells her she doesn’t need to be doing this because she feels sorry for him, she denies that and says it’s because finally saw his sincerity, his heart. And I say ‘whatever,’ you’re only doing this because you’re knocked up and your latest meal ticket dumped you.
But Sang Chul tells Song Hwa that this is also from his heart: he wants to start over again, as the children's father. Yes! Dump her! Dump her! Song Hwa can’t believe he didn’t choose her. Even though you totally weren’t wanting his kids.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 8 Recap
I wasn’t expecting to recap episodes 6, 7 and 8, one right after each other, but this story has sucked me in and I want to know what’s going to happen next. I actually have started to care about almost all involved and I’m really wanting to know what happens between Bok Nyeo and the man who’s been stalking her.

The episode starts with Grandpa screaming at Sang Chul and trying to strike him. Hye Gyul cries for Bok Nyeo to stop him, so she does. Sang Chul touches her shoulder and she judo flips him to the floor. That had to hurt whoever got flipped.
Now Bok Nyeo’s walking along the street and the guy’s leering at her. It’s almost leisurely how he follows her. I wonder if he's been doing this a while, with how he’s acting, walking. The construction site. Bok Nyeo grabs him and shoves him through a brick wall so that he’s hanging. He tells her that she might kill another person like this. He asks her to let him up so they can talk. She considers for a moment and then pulls him up. She does not look frightened at all.
The episode starts with Grandpa screaming at Sang Chul and trying to strike him. Hye Gyul cries for Bok Nyeo to stop him, so she does. Sang Chul touches her shoulder and she judo flips him to the floor. That had to hurt whoever got flipped.
Now Bok Nyeo’s walking along the street and the guy’s leering at her. It’s almost leisurely how he follows her. I wonder if he's been doing this a while, with how he’s acting, walking. The construction site. Bok Nyeo grabs him and shoves him through a brick wall so that he’s hanging. He tells her that she might kill another person like this. He asks her to let him up so they can talk. She considers for a moment and then pulls him up. She does not look frightened at all.
Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 7 Recap
The episode highlights what’s happened so far – six episodes over the course of a minute. Han Gyul stands and asks Bok Nyeo to kill her, since she doesn’t have a reason to live. Dramatic much? Bok Nyeo looks at her. After a moment, she goes over to the desk and picks up the scissors. Han Gyul looks a little freaked, like she didn’t expect Bok Nyeo to do it. Bok Nyeo is completely silent as she binds her wrists with ducts tape. And as Han Gyul protests, she duct tapes her to the desk. Bok Nyeo leaves the room and nails her inside.
Bok Nyeo goes down and makes her some dinner. As she returns to Han Gyul’s room, Han Gyul bursts out, finally wiggling the nails loose. Bok Nyeo puts down the tray and goes to push her back into the room. Han Gyul shoves past her but Bok Nyeo is relentless. Han Gyul ends up falling down the stairs. Bok Nyeo approaches with the scissors, which Han Gyul’s eyes bulging.
Bok Nyeo cuts through the tape still around Han Gyul’s wrists. Hye Gyul wants to know why Bok Nyeo didn’t kill her. Bok Nyeo asks her if she really wants to die. Because if so, she can take Han Gyul to the river right now. Han Gyul’s already had plenty of chances to do it. Bok Nyeo says that Sang Chul called and ordered her to stop Han Gyul from doing it, so his order overrides hers. Then Bok Nyeo adds that Han Gyul doesn’t have the courage to end her life.
Hye Gyul can’t understand why Bok Nyeo thinks she can’t die. Bok Nyeo replies that if a person could die just because they want to, she (Bok Nyeo) would have died a long time ago. Bok Nyeo starts to walk away and Han Gyul asks if she tried to commit suicide. Bok Nyeo says that she did. And she believes there’s a reason she didn’t. Director Hong told her that there surely must be a reason that she’s still alive, if God exists. Han Gyul wants to know if she found the reason and Bok Nyeo says, turning to look at her, not yet. That is really sad.
Bok Nyeo goes down and makes her some dinner. As she returns to Han Gyul’s room, Han Gyul bursts out, finally wiggling the nails loose. Bok Nyeo puts down the tray and goes to push her back into the room. Han Gyul shoves past her but Bok Nyeo is relentless. Han Gyul ends up falling down the stairs. Bok Nyeo approaches with the scissors, which Han Gyul’s eyes bulging.
Bok Nyeo cuts through the tape still around Han Gyul’s wrists. Hye Gyul wants to know why Bok Nyeo didn’t kill her. Bok Nyeo asks her if she really wants to die. Because if so, she can take Han Gyul to the river right now. Han Gyul’s already had plenty of chances to do it. Bok Nyeo says that Sang Chul called and ordered her to stop Han Gyul from doing it, so his order overrides hers. Then Bok Nyeo adds that Han Gyul doesn’t have the courage to end her life.
Hye Gyul can’t understand why Bok Nyeo thinks she can’t die. Bok Nyeo replies that if a person could die just because they want to, she (Bok Nyeo) would have died a long time ago. Bok Nyeo starts to walk away and Han Gyul asks if she tried to commit suicide. Bok Nyeo says that she did. And she believes there’s a reason she didn’t. Director Hong told her that there surely must be a reason that she’s still alive, if God exists. Han Gyul wants to know if she found the reason and Bok Nyeo says, turning to look at her, not yet. That is really sad.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 6 Recap
The episode starts with the graffiti proclaiming, “I want to protect my family!” and Sang Chul getting down on his knees to beg Mrs. Nosy not to press charges for it. Doo Gyul (and the rest of his family) can’t believe he’s humiliating himself in that way.
Bok Nyeo exits the room and comes back with the broom. She looks almost angry, if she wore an expression. She walks over to Mrs. Nosy and gestures with the broom and Mrs. Nosy shrinks backward. She wants to know what Bok Nyeo’s going to do this time. Bok Nyeo replies, “Dirty…” and then adds that it’s dirty where she’s standing, because Mrs. Nosy stepped in dog poop. Bok Nyeo comes after her with the mop, cleaning up the poop (which is very fitting that she’s chasing Mrs. Nosy). Mrs. Nosy runs screaming from the house because she stepped in poop.
The Eun family (which includes Bok Nyeo) goes outside and looks at the graffiti. They wonder how they’re going to get it off the wall and Sang Chul thinks to ask Bok Nyeo if she has something to take care of it. Of course she does in her magic bag. Everyone gets to work at cleaning the graffiti, with Doo Gyul the least enthusiastic. Eventually he says that their mother said he was the most reliable. He wonder’s why she would say that since he’s always causing trouble. He starts to cry and Hye Gyul says she’ll protect him. Se Gyul and Sang Chul’s face say the same thing. Go, Dad. Doo Gyul’s stomach growls. so Sang Chul encourages them all to hurry and finish so they can eat. Aw, the Eun family working together. And Sang Chul feels like a good dad, which is good.
It’s a spread at the dinner table, but Hye Gyul is worried about wetting the bed, because she ate so late. Sang Chul tells her not to worry; Doo Gyul wet the bed until he was 10 (and Doo Gyul chokes on his food). He tells Sang Chul, “Stop talking nonsense, Dad.” And then feels weird. But Hye Gyul lessens the moment by imitating Bok Nyeo.
Bok Nyeo exits the room and comes back with the broom. She looks almost angry, if she wore an expression. She walks over to Mrs. Nosy and gestures with the broom and Mrs. Nosy shrinks backward. She wants to know what Bok Nyeo’s going to do this time. Bok Nyeo replies, “Dirty…” and then adds that it’s dirty where she’s standing, because Mrs. Nosy stepped in dog poop. Bok Nyeo comes after her with the mop, cleaning up the poop (which is very fitting that she’s chasing Mrs. Nosy). Mrs. Nosy runs screaming from the house because she stepped in poop.
The Eun family (which includes Bok Nyeo) goes outside and looks at the graffiti. They wonder how they’re going to get it off the wall and Sang Chul thinks to ask Bok Nyeo if she has something to take care of it. Of course she does in her magic bag. Everyone gets to work at cleaning the graffiti, with Doo Gyul the least enthusiastic. Eventually he says that their mother said he was the most reliable. He wonder’s why she would say that since he’s always causing trouble. He starts to cry and Hye Gyul says she’ll protect him. Se Gyul and Sang Chul’s face say the same thing. Go, Dad. Doo Gyul’s stomach growls. so Sang Chul encourages them all to hurry and finish so they can eat. Aw, the Eun family working together. And Sang Chul feels like a good dad, which is good.
It’s a spread at the dinner table, but Hye Gyul is worried about wetting the bed, because she ate so late. Sang Chul tells her not to worry; Doo Gyul wet the bed until he was 10 (and Doo Gyul chokes on his food). He tells Sang Chul, “Stop talking nonsense, Dad.” And then feels weird. But Hye Gyul lessens the moment by imitating Bok Nyeo.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 5 Recap
Episode starts with Doo Gyul getting the note that Bok Nyeo is a murderer. He, of course, freaks out and when he looks back at the house, Bok Nyeo is right there, staring at him. She says that she’ll take care of the mail but Doo Gyul says that the letter is for him. So Bok Nyeo leaves, but not before she hits him in the rump with the gate. She, of course, asks if he’s okay, but those little things aren’t the accidents she makes them out to be. He scurries inside.
Han Gyul’s making moon-eyes as her ‘boyfriend’ plays his guitar. What a poser. Hopefully, nice guy, will keep her from giving up her flower to a guy who’s not worth it. (Had to channel Monica Chandler there for a moment.) She gets a phone call but ignores it, so it’s followed immediately with a text. It’s Doo Gyul, freaking. Han Gyul tries to get out of it, but Doo Gyul finally declares that Bok Nyeo is a murderer!
At home, Doo Gyul’s completely certain that the note affirms his suspicions. Han Gyul asks where he found it and goes as far as to ask if Doo Gyul made the note himself. He swears on their mother that he’s telling the truth. Se Gyul comes downstairs, still bearing the marks of when he got beaten up, and says that it’s his bully who did it, in retaliation for what happened when he asked Bok Nyeo to kill him. Doo Gyul sputters that Se Gyul should have told him about the bully, but Se Gyul’s says that they were busy.
Next door, the nosy neighbor is wondering about the guy that was hanging around the Eun House. Her husband asks what trick she’s going to use to get Bok Nyeo fired, since she’s done it before with other people’s housekeepers. Because they were pretty.
Han Gyul’s making moon-eyes as her ‘boyfriend’ plays his guitar. What a poser. Hopefully, nice guy, will keep her from giving up her flower to a guy who’s not worth it. (Had to channel Monica Chandler there for a moment.) She gets a phone call but ignores it, so it’s followed immediately with a text. It’s Doo Gyul, freaking. Han Gyul tries to get out of it, but Doo Gyul finally declares that Bok Nyeo is a murderer!
At home, Doo Gyul’s completely certain that the note affirms his suspicions. Han Gyul asks where he found it and goes as far as to ask if Doo Gyul made the note himself. He swears on their mother that he’s telling the truth. Se Gyul comes downstairs, still bearing the marks of when he got beaten up, and says that it’s his bully who did it, in retaliation for what happened when he asked Bok Nyeo to kill him. Doo Gyul sputters that Se Gyul should have told him about the bully, but Se Gyul’s says that they were busy.
Next door, the nosy neighbor is wondering about the guy that was hanging around the Eun House. Her husband asks what trick she’s going to use to get Bok Nyeo fired, since she’s done it before with other people’s housekeepers. Because they were pretty.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 2 Recap
Episode starts with Bok Nyeo and Hye Gyul sitting on that bench by the river. Hye Gyul asks Bok Nyeo if she really does everything she’s asked. Bok Nyeo looks at her. Hye Gyul looks at the river and declares that she misses Oma and Uh Jin said that if she wants to see Oma, she has to die, too. She asks if that’s true. Bok Nyeo replies that there are people who believe in that. That’s an interesting response to that question. Hye Gyul asks if Bok Nyeo wants to go see Oma with her. And what is this kid doing? Poor Hye Gyul.
Doo Gyul is looking for Hye Gyul on his bike. Hye Gyul and Bok Nyeo hold hands as they walk into the water. Doo Gyul arrives and run in the river after them, demanding to know what they’re doing.
At home, Hye Gyul holds the rock tin while Bok Nyeo dries her hair. In the boys’ room Doo Gyul declares that Bok Nyeo is totally psycho (and the Korean word for psycho is psycho. Heh.) Han Gyul doesn’t look up from her texting as she says that Hye Gyul told that her shoe was floating away and that she was trying to catch it. Doo Gyul protests that it wasn’t the vibe he got from things! He can’t believe that Han Gyul isn’t worried and that she doesn’t believe him. She says that now she knows just how must he hates Bok Nyeo, implying that *that’s* why he’s saying all this. She tells him to chill out and leave.
Bok Nyeo is putting Hye Gyul to bed. Hye Gyul tells Bok Nyeo that it’s their secret. Then she asks who Bok Nyeo was planning on meeting. Interesting question. Bok Nyeo just looks at her and after a moment, Bok Nyeo declares that she’ll read Hye Gyul a book. When Hye Gyul’s already read ‘The Magic Pipe,’ Bok Nyeo starts to get a different book but Hye Gyul asks if Bok Nyeo can do magic. Of course, she can. Magic tricks by Bok Nyeo.
Doo Gyul is looking for Hye Gyul on his bike. Hye Gyul and Bok Nyeo hold hands as they walk into the water. Doo Gyul arrives and run in the river after them, demanding to know what they’re doing.
At home, Hye Gyul holds the rock tin while Bok Nyeo dries her hair. In the boys’ room Doo Gyul declares that Bok Nyeo is totally psycho (and the Korean word for psycho is psycho. Heh.) Han Gyul doesn’t look up from her texting as she says that Hye Gyul told that her shoe was floating away and that she was trying to catch it. Doo Gyul protests that it wasn’t the vibe he got from things! He can’t believe that Han Gyul isn’t worried and that she doesn’t believe him. She says that now she knows just how must he hates Bok Nyeo, implying that *that’s* why he’s saying all this. She tells him to chill out and leave.
Bok Nyeo is putting Hye Gyul to bed. Hye Gyul tells Bok Nyeo that it’s their secret. Then she asks who Bok Nyeo was planning on meeting. Interesting question. Bok Nyeo just looks at her and after a moment, Bok Nyeo declares that she’ll read Hye Gyul a book. When Hye Gyul’s already read ‘The Magic Pipe,’ Bok Nyeo starts to get a different book but Hye Gyul asks if Bok Nyeo can do magic. Of course, she can. Magic tricks by Bok Nyeo.
The Heirs Episode 2 Recap
The episode starts with Tan coming back. This time it looks like she’s really grateful that he’s there. He asks her if she wants to come to his house as gentle music plays. She looks like she’s a little choked up, but she asks him if he’s sure that his home is safer than where they are. I laugh because that’s a ridiculous question, just based on *his car.* He replies that he doesn’t know if it will be safer, but it’s nicer than where they are now. So is she going to come or not? As she tries to decide, I notice a blinking and I realize he has his flashers on. Why does he have his flashers on? He’s sitting in the car right there. No one does that when they’re in the car. Unless it’s on a television show.
Of course, Eun Sang decides to go back to Tan’s house. They walk through double glass doors and it looks like the lights are motion activated, because he doesn’t do anything except wave the bag he’s carrying in the air to get them to turn on. Eun Sang’s jaw is hanging open as she surveys his digs. I would be slack-jawed, too. It's a nice house. Eun Sang finally grabs her suitcase and carries it down the stairs. You couldn’t carry her suitcase, Tan?
Thursday, October 10, 2013
The Heirs Episode 1 Recap
It’s finally here! The Heirs, after months of promotion has arrived! And Lee Min Ho is a high school student (even though he’s 26), but okay.
The action starts in Los Angeles, California. We know this because we lots of shots of the HOLLYWOOD sign and white people on the beach. Plus Mickey and Minnie Mouse and the Walk of Fame. And there is our hero: Kim Tan. He surfs. And I just realized as I watch Tan surf that they’re singing *just* English lyrics. Not that it’s too obvious because of the pronunciation. I guess the Loof is on Fiya.
And when I look at the lyrics. What are these lyrics? “The legion of my heart is bleeding”. That is not what he’s saying. I can’t tell what he’s saying, but it’s not that. That makes no sense. “Don’t tell me so hard.” No sense. VIXX’s Ken needs some more Engrish lessons so his pronunciation is better. (Leo’s pronunciation seemed better, but I couldn’t really hear it in the promo.) And since they’re in sunny California, at least they could get someone WHO SPEAKS ENGLISH to look over the lyrics, just SO THEY MAKE SENSE. But I’ve paused the show, which I’ve been eagerly awaiting, so on with the bad Engrish!
Tan is surfing with his friends. Now they’re walking up the beach with some girls in bikinis and a really annoying beach dude. He’s got long hair and everything. Not a stereotype at all. He’s whoo-hoo-ing and giving everyone high fives, because that’s what Californians do before they go party. I’m not kidding. He announced a par-tay! Tan leaves to go take a shower as Annoying Buddy tells a girl he’s going to have a hard time sleeping without her there, if you know what I mean. And I swear the blonde girl practically rolled her eyes as she said good bye to the hero.
The action starts in Los Angeles, California. We know this because we lots of shots of the HOLLYWOOD sign and white people on the beach. Plus Mickey and Minnie Mouse and the Walk of Fame. And there is our hero: Kim Tan. He surfs. And I just realized as I watch Tan surf that they’re singing *just* English lyrics. Not that it’s too obvious because of the pronunciation. I guess the Loof is on Fiya.
And when I look at the lyrics. What are these lyrics? “The legion of my heart is bleeding”. That is not what he’s saying. I can’t tell what he’s saying, but it’s not that. That makes no sense. “Don’t tell me so hard.” No sense. VIXX’s Ken needs some more Engrish lessons so his pronunciation is better. (Leo’s pronunciation seemed better, but I couldn’t really hear it in the promo.) And since they’re in sunny California, at least they could get someone WHO SPEAKS ENGLISH to look over the lyrics, just SO THEY MAKE SENSE. But I’ve paused the show, which I’ve been eagerly awaiting, so on with the bad Engrish!
Tan is surfing with his friends. Now they’re walking up the beach with some girls in bikinis and a really annoying beach dude. He’s got long hair and everything. Not a stereotype at all. He’s whoo-hoo-ing and giving everyone high fives, because that’s what Californians do before they go party. I’m not kidding. He announced a par-tay! Tan leaves to go take a shower as Annoying Buddy tells a girl he’s going to have a hard time sleeping without her there, if you know what I mean. And I swear the blonde girl practically rolled her eyes as she said good bye to the hero.
Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 1 Recap
I’m recapping this episode after-the-fact, since I’ve watched the entire series. I’ve tried to keep my reactions to what I’m seeing without letting later stuff inform my comments.
The episode begins with the mysterious music playing. We see our heroine’s face, stoic and wearing a ball cap. It’s dimly lit, ao there’s lots of shadows and the background looks like it’s a jail cell. A woman asks if our heroine, Park Bok Nyeo (Choi Ji Woo), can do anything she’s told to do. Bok Nyeo says, “Yes.” No matter what it is. Woman asks if Bok Nyeo can kill a person. No answer. I think the voice is that of Wang Ji Hye.
Switch to the funeral portrait of Woo Sun Young (Kim Hee Jung). She’s a busy working actor. She was Lady Yoon in ‘Gu Family Book’ and Younger Aunt-in-Law (YAIL) in ‘Hundred Year Inheritance.’ Yoon Song Hwa (Wang Ji Hye) looks at the portrait solemnly. She takes a flower from the bucket, places it on the mantle below Soo Young’s portrait and prays. Soo Young’s family stands, wearing black. There’s the father, Eun Sang Chul (Lee Sung Jae); eldest daughter, Han Gyul (Kim So Hyun); older son, Doo Gyul (Chae Sang Woo); and younger son, Se Gyul (Nam Da Reum). She bows a respectful greeting to the family. They bow back.
And this is the first series I watched Lee Sung Jae since ‘Gu Family Book,’ where he played someone absolutely eeeevil, so I’m hoping that this character will be likeable, because he was so good in being amoral that I absolutely hated him. At our first meeting, I’m shocked because this is a completely different man. Where Jo Kwan Woong is confident and self-possessed, this guy is mousy and indecisive.
The episode begins with the mysterious music playing. We see our heroine’s face, stoic and wearing a ball cap. It’s dimly lit, ao there’s lots of shadows and the background looks like it’s a jail cell. A woman asks if our heroine, Park Bok Nyeo (Choi Ji Woo), can do anything she’s told to do. Bok Nyeo says, “Yes.” No matter what it is. Woman asks if Bok Nyeo can kill a person. No answer. I think the voice is that of Wang Ji Hye.
Switch to the funeral portrait of Woo Sun Young (Kim Hee Jung). She’s a busy working actor. She was Lady Yoon in ‘Gu Family Book’ and Younger Aunt-in-Law (YAIL) in ‘Hundred Year Inheritance.’ Yoon Song Hwa (Wang Ji Hye) looks at the portrait solemnly. She takes a flower from the bucket, places it on the mantle below Soo Young’s portrait and prays. Soo Young’s family stands, wearing black. There’s the father, Eun Sang Chul (Lee Sung Jae); eldest daughter, Han Gyul (Kim So Hyun); older son, Doo Gyul (Chae Sang Woo); and younger son, Se Gyul (Nam Da Reum). She bows a respectful greeting to the family. They bow back.
And this is the first series I watched Lee Sung Jae since ‘Gu Family Book,’ where he played someone absolutely eeeevil, so I’m hoping that this character will be likeable, because he was so good in being amoral that I absolutely hated him. At our first meeting, I’m shocked because this is a completely different man. Where Jo Kwan Woong is confident and self-possessed, this guy is mousy and indecisive.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Who Are You? (tvN) Episode 4 Recap
The episode starts with Eung Joon asking Shi Ohn and Gun Woo to leave. The flash of the ghost on Eung Joon’s face and Shi Ohn’s freaked look at him. She looks over at the ghost, who is crying, and its legs are missing. Eung Joon just glares at her for not leaving fast enough.
Outside, Shi Ohn asks Gun Woo why he’s there. He tells her that he asked Moon Shik to help him transfer to another department. When she says okay, he’s bothered that she’s not upset, but then tries to act like everything’s normal. He grumbles about the prosecutor and how he felt sorry for the guy when he heard the guy was dumped by his fiancée the day before their wedding. This sets off alarm bells for Shi Ohn. Did Eung Joon murder her because she was going to leave him?
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Who Are You? (tvN) Episode 3 Recap
The episode picks up with Shi Ohn seeing the female ghost who is trying to tell her something about the briefcase. More obviously, this time, the ghost looks cold/frozen; her lips are blue and her breath is very visible. Gun Woo comes down the stairs and gets Shi Ohn’s attention, which snaps her out of her fear. The owner’s here. I think it was this moment that I really noticed just how far Taecyeon’s ears stick out from his head. It’s really obvious because of how they’re illuminated by the light behind him right now. I mean, they really stick out. Not that I’m complaining; it’s just unusual. This scene, right now, the light is shining through his ears, like a flashlight. She tries to play off the whole thing, but when she looks back, the ghost is there with a pleading look on her face.
Upstairs, the old man who called is there. He’s ready to get the case and get to getting.’ But Gun Woo wants to see his ID. Adjusshi pulls it out of his pocket along with a bunch of trash and is able to recite his number and address. He’s ready to go but Shi Ohn is questioning him now. She asks what’s in it and he’s vague. I would have requested he open the case, if it were really his. The owner wouldn’t object, especially if it were this or that like he claims. The man says he’s busy, grabs the case and leaves. Gun Woo starts to complain about his attitude but Shi Ohn gets a ghostly sign that this is wrong.
Shi Ohn runs after the old man, but he rushes out of the building and into a waiting taxi. Shi Ohn and Gun Woo follow them, with Gun Woo driving the car. He’s complaining because they gave an item back to a guy who showed id. Shi Ohn has a problem with the fact that a guy who’s obviously homeless – I just thought he was eccentric in how he dressed – had a taxi waiting for him. How could he afford it? Gun Woo thinks what they’re doing is odd, too. Although he’s going along with it. She yells at him to speed up so they don’t lose him.
Upstairs, the old man who called is there. He’s ready to get the case and get to getting.’ But Gun Woo wants to see his ID. Adjusshi pulls it out of his pocket along with a bunch of trash and is able to recite his number and address. He’s ready to go but Shi Ohn is questioning him now. She asks what’s in it and he’s vague. I would have requested he open the case, if it were really his. The owner wouldn’t object, especially if it were this or that like he claims. The man says he’s busy, grabs the case and leaves. Gun Woo starts to complain about his attitude but Shi Ohn gets a ghostly sign that this is wrong.
Shi Ohn runs after the old man, but he rushes out of the building and into a waiting taxi. Shi Ohn and Gun Woo follow them, with Gun Woo driving the car. He’s complaining because they gave an item back to a guy who showed id. Shi Ohn has a problem with the fact that a guy who’s obviously homeless – I just thought he was eccentric in how he dressed – had a taxi waiting for him. How could he afford it? Gun Woo thinks what they’re doing is odd, too. Although he’s going along with it. She yells at him to speed up so they don’t lose him.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Who Are You? (tvN) Episode 2 Recap
So the episode starts and we find out just how much of a demon uncle that Kyung Min has: Dr. Park followed Oh Reum to school and then ended up on the roof, where Kyung Min was thinking. Oh Reum threatens to report Dr. Park, so he throws her off the roof. Real prince of a guy. And he even smiled a little after it was over. Sicko.
Then we’re back in Dr. Park’s office, where Shi Ohn gets the text and then Dr. Park locks the door. Shi Ohn looks freaked out. Why, I don’t know, because YOU’RE A COP. You could club him with that nice huge name plate that he has on his desk. All she can think to do is: She hides the phone behind her back and calls Gun Woo. It connects so he hears her ask psycho doc why he’s doing this. Psycho Doc is perfectly psycho, picking up a really sharp pencil and stroking Shi Ohn’s face with it as he tells her it’s a pity she told the very person responsible for everything. Then, instead of stabbing her in the eye with it, like I expected, he snaps the pencil in half, because *that’s* more terrifying. Not stabbing someone with a sharp object, but breaking a pencil. Shi Ohn asks Psycho Doc what he’s saying and he replies that she *knows* what he’s talking about. He’s being a little slimy at this point, too.
Gun Woo finally gets the gist of their conversation and asks poor Kyung Min where his uncle’s office is. And it’s our hero to the rescue. Why can’t she rescue herself here? I don’t normally complain about this sort of thing, but she’s a POLICE OFFICER trained in self-defense at least. And the guy doesn’t seem to be wielding any sort of weapon. He’s well within range of a knee to the groin and then a knee to the face. Or a palm to the nose. Wow, she did finally do something. Shi Ohn punches his hard in the groin and drops her phone. Oops.
Then we’re back in Dr. Park’s office, where Shi Ohn gets the text and then Dr. Park locks the door. Shi Ohn looks freaked out. Why, I don’t know, because YOU’RE A COP. You could club him with that nice huge name plate that he has on his desk. All she can think to do is: She hides the phone behind her back and calls Gun Woo. It connects so he hears her ask psycho doc why he’s doing this. Psycho Doc is perfectly psycho, picking up a really sharp pencil and stroking Shi Ohn’s face with it as he tells her it’s a pity she told the very person responsible for everything. Then, instead of stabbing her in the eye with it, like I expected, he snaps the pencil in half, because *that’s* more terrifying. Not stabbing someone with a sharp object, but breaking a pencil. Shi Ohn asks Psycho Doc what he’s saying and he replies that she *knows* what he’s talking about. He’s being a little slimy at this point, too.
Gun Woo finally gets the gist of their conversation and asks poor Kyung Min where his uncle’s office is. And it’s our hero to the rescue. Why can’t she rescue herself here? I don’t normally complain about this sort of thing, but she’s a POLICE OFFICER trained in self-defense at least. And the guy doesn’t seem to be wielding any sort of weapon. He’s well within range of a knee to the groin and then a knee to the face. Or a palm to the nose. Wow, she did finally do something. Shi Ohn punches his hard in the groin and drops her phone. Oops.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Who Are You? (tvN) Episode 1 Recap
Okay, so I wasn’t really planning on watching this one yet, but I wanted to see how its ghost stories compare to Master’s Sun. I’ve since watched 8 episodes of the show, so I’m rewatching and recapping as I go. Compared to the other shows that I’m recapping, I’m not as emotionally invested in the characters or what happens, but I am interested enough to keep watching.
The episode starts with a shipping freighter. The date: 2007.07.22. The time: 23:51 PM. The man who will become our ghost detective is walking down a hallway on the ship. He’s listening for something and decides to draw his gun. He makes his way to what I guess is the cargo hold, because there’s a group of shady characters gathered. They’re looking at a pile of brick. But it’s revealed that it’s silver bars in disguise. Lee Hyung Joon (Kim Jae Wook) smiles to himself, probably because he’s got them, and tries to radio his boss. Unfortunately the feedback from the radio reveals his location, so a chase begins.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 24 (Final) Recap
The episode begins with Kang Chi standing in front of Soon Shin, with Soon Shin asking why Kang Chi is there. Really? We’re going to back track instead of answering the question of who got shot? Really? Do you seriously want me to hate you more, writers? Kang Chi asks how far Soon Shin trusts him. He declares that he wants to break this curse. He can no longer forgive the atrocious – I had to use the word because it’s just so cheesily deliciously on in it’s description – the atrocious acts of Jo Kwan Woong. Soon Shin asks if this is really Kang Chi’s will (decided course of action). Kang Chi answers that it is. Soon Shin makes Kang Chi promise that he won't kill someone for revenge but allow Soon Shin to punish Kwan Woong and his followers according to martial law. If Kang Chi kills because of hatred or anger, he’ll be no different than Kwan Woong. Which I disagree with. Completely. He’d still be way different than Kwan Woong. Kwan Woong kills whoever gets in his way. He doesn’t care who he hurts. Yes, fundamentally, they both kill to get what they want. But, stupid fallacious logic, Soon Shin. And I don’t normally think you’re being stupid.
The long barn hallway. I didn’t notice Bong Chool’s guy fighting with them the last time. Kang Chi saves Yeo Wool’s life. Lots of shots of Gon, Tae Seo, Bong Chool and his buddy fighting. I love that the buddy is spinning a ninja around like they’re pro-wrestlers. Kang Chi unties Ma Reum and Eok Man. Everyone is fine. And Yeo Wool’s hair is down. The rest of the gang arrive and are glad to see everyone okay. Bong Chool marvels over the “chilling” ball of death. Tae Seo makes sure that Yeo Wool is fine. She and Gon share this same non-verbal exchange and Gon smiles, his face saying he wants to cry he’s so relieved that she’s okay.
The long barn hallway. I didn’t notice Bong Chool’s guy fighting with them the last time. Kang Chi saves Yeo Wool’s life. Lots of shots of Gon, Tae Seo, Bong Chool and his buddy fighting. I love that the buddy is spinning a ninja around like they’re pro-wrestlers. Kang Chi unties Ma Reum and Eok Man. Everyone is fine. And Yeo Wool’s hair is down. The rest of the gang arrive and are glad to see everyone okay. Bong Chool marvels over the “chilling” ball of death. Tae Seo makes sure that Yeo Wool is fine. She and Gon share this same non-verbal exchange and Gon smiles, his face saying he wants to cry he’s so relieved that she’s okay.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 23 Recap
The episode begins by ripping my heart out with Kang Chi remembering all the people he’s love that have left him: Moo Sol smiling at him, a proud father, the time when Kang Chi had gotten in the fight with the other boys; Seo Hwa lovingly holding his hand in hers while in his room, after they’d reconciled; Wol Ryung stepping forward and squeezing his shoulder and smiling at him before walking out of his life. Kang Chi thinks, “I no longer wanted to say farewell.” Which really gets me, because he’s had to say farewell to so many people.
Kang Chi remembers telling Yeo Wool, after battling Wol Ryung in the forest, “I thought... I would lose you. That... was so scary.” As he thinks about them embracing, we hear, “She was the first person I ever dared to claim as mine.” Which is a horrible thing to think about, being that alone in the world for most of your life. Stupid So Jung telling Kang Chi to leave for Yeo Wool’s sake as we get a flash of Kang Chi striking Yeo Wool with his claws and her dropping her sword and then them looking at each other ask she holds her arm. Don’t listen, Kang Chi. He’s an idiot! Don’t give into your fear! Kang Chi thinks, “I wanted to make sure that she wouldn't shed such tears full of heartache. However, Yeo Wool might die.”
Training Camp Steps. Kang Chi declares that their relationship ends there. His face is hard, even as a tear rolls down his cheek. Yeo Wool blinks and he adds that this is his third wish, and addresses her formally. He starts to walk off and she yells at him, asking him why he’s being like this. If he says everything is finished, it’s over? Kang Chi protests that she might die if they stay together. She answers that everyone dies:
Kang Chi remembers telling Yeo Wool, after battling Wol Ryung in the forest, “I thought... I would lose you. That... was so scary.” As he thinks about them embracing, we hear, “She was the first person I ever dared to claim as mine.” Which is a horrible thing to think about, being that alone in the world for most of your life. Stupid So Jung telling Kang Chi to leave for Yeo Wool’s sake as we get a flash of Kang Chi striking Yeo Wool with his claws and her dropping her sword and then them looking at each other ask she holds her arm. Don’t listen, Kang Chi. He’s an idiot! Don’t give into your fear! Kang Chi thinks, “I wanted to make sure that she wouldn't shed such tears full of heartache. However, Yeo Wool might die.”
Training Camp Steps. Kang Chi declares that their relationship ends there. His face is hard, even as a tear rolls down his cheek. Yeo Wool blinks and he adds that this is his third wish, and addresses her formally. He starts to walk off and she yells at him, asking him why he’s being like this. If he says everything is finished, it’s over? Kang Chi protests that she might die if they stay together. She answers that everyone dies:
Some people enjoy a long life before a natural death, others die early because of disease. Like my mom, they can die while giving birth. Like Lord Park Moo Sol, you can die while protecting someone. You might know the day you were born, but no one in this world knows the exact date that they will die.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Master's Sun Episode 4 Recap
The episode starts with happy music playing and Gong Sil waking up from a restful night’s sleep. Probably the first one she’s gotten in a very long time. She opens up her eyes and rolls over to discover herself in bed with Joong Won, holding hands. What! What did he and Hee Joo talk about ? Holding hands?!! Gong Sil giggles about how her desire to sleep with (as in sleep not do the horizontal mambo) Joong Won has led her to dream about it? She holds up his hand, the one holding hers, and strokes it, remarking how just holding his hand makes everything quiet. Then she giggles about wanting the dream to be rated R, so that she can get lots of energy like her Unni said.
Joong Won’s eyes pop open. Gong Sil smiles at him and asks him if he, Joo Goon, is awake. He glances around momentarily and then looks over to glare at her for calling him Joo Goon. She snuggles some more with his hand, telling him they should sleep in just a little more since she doesn't want to be awake yet. Making an angry face, Joong Won rolls her over – on top of him, no less, but he doesn’t like her at all. She stares at him a little surprised at this and he asks her who she is right now. Was he hoping that she was Hee Joo? Is that who he went to bed with? After all, they were holding hands. Does he really still have that much of an unrequited thing going with his first love?
He asks her if she’s Tae Gong Sil and she realizes that she’s *not* dreaming. He makes another annoyed face and throws her and her hand off, almost flinging her to the floor. He jumps up from the bed. She confused and a little hurt. He mutters that of course, *she’d* think this was a dream even if she’s awake and for him, now that he’s awake, it feels even more like a nightmare. He spins around and tells her not to even think about making a big fuss about this, since all they literally did was sleep holding hands.
Joong Won’s eyes pop open. Gong Sil smiles at him and asks him if he, Joo Goon, is awake. He glances around momentarily and then looks over to glare at her for calling him Joo Goon. She snuggles some more with his hand, telling him they should sleep in just a little more since she doesn't want to be awake yet. Making an angry face, Joong Won rolls her over – on top of him, no less, but he doesn’t like her at all. She stares at him a little surprised at this and he asks her who she is right now. Was he hoping that she was Hee Joo? Is that who he went to bed with? After all, they were holding hands. Does he really still have that much of an unrequited thing going with his first love?
He asks her if she’s Tae Gong Sil and she realizes that she’s *not* dreaming. He makes another annoyed face and throws her and her hand off, almost flinging her to the floor. He jumps up from the bed. She confused and a little hurt. He mutters that of course, *she’d* think this was a dream even if she’s awake and for him, now that he’s awake, it feels even more like a nightmare. He spins around and tells her not to even think about making a big fuss about this, since all they literally did was sleep holding hands.
Gu Family Book Episode 22 Recap
Rain falls on the training camp. Kang Chi stares at Yeo Wool sitting outside, at the base of the steps, under an umbrella, waiting for him. She stands, turns and sees him, but they don’t speak. She eventually says his name, he says hers and she notices that the bracelet is missing. Then we hear Pyung Joon say that for Kang Chi to find the Book of Nine (and become human), he has to go and he won’t unless Yeo Wool makes it possible for him to leave.
Yeo Wool walks over to him and covers him with the umbrella. She says that he’s back. He grunts his yes and says he’s back. He hugs her. And even though he’s wet, the water on his face is tears. She says he must be tired. He grunts yes and adds a little, his voice quivering. She pats his back to comfort him, saying, “I see.” We hear Pyung Joon telling her to let him go. It’s the only way that he will leave, if she lets him go.
Flashback. Pyung Joon’s Office. He is sitting at the table with Yeo Wool. At his suggestion that they make Kang Chi go, Yeo Wool worries about him becoming a demon like Wol Ryung. This could happen if they fail to find the Book of Nine. Pyung Joon replies that ultimately, it’s up to Kang Chi. Like you have any basis for this or a history of correctly predicting Kang Chi’s reactions or behavior. Sometimes… Pyung Joon adds that only Kang Chi can find the Book. Pyung Joon offers to tell Kang Chi, if sending him away is too hard for her, but she wants to do it herself. Since it’s going to break both of their hearts. She even pulls a Seo Hwa and clutches her clothes as she grits her teeth and plows through the pain. She asks for some time and Pyung Joon gives her *three days.* Because he’s at risk of becoming a demon hinges on their quick response… Right. Not that it worked that way for Wol Ryung, but okay. Can anyone tell I feel bitter about this stupid development?
Yeo Wool walks over to him and covers him with the umbrella. She says that he’s back. He grunts his yes and says he’s back. He hugs her. And even though he’s wet, the water on his face is tears. She says he must be tired. He grunts yes and adds a little, his voice quivering. She pats his back to comfort him, saying, “I see.” We hear Pyung Joon telling her to let him go. It’s the only way that he will leave, if she lets him go.
Flashback. Pyung Joon’s Office. He is sitting at the table with Yeo Wool. At his suggestion that they make Kang Chi go, Yeo Wool worries about him becoming a demon like Wol Ryung. This could happen if they fail to find the Book of Nine. Pyung Joon replies that ultimately, it’s up to Kang Chi. Like you have any basis for this or a history of correctly predicting Kang Chi’s reactions or behavior. Sometimes… Pyung Joon adds that only Kang Chi can find the Book. Pyung Joon offers to tell Kang Chi, if sending him away is too hard for her, but she wants to do it herself. Since it’s going to break both of their hearts. She even pulls a Seo Hwa and clutches her clothes as she grits her teeth and plows through the pain. She asks for some time and Pyung Joon gives her *three days.* Because he’s at risk of becoming a demon hinges on their quick response… Right. Not that it worked that way for Wol Ryung, but okay. Can anyone tell I feel bitter about this stupid development?
Friday, September 6, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 21 Recap
Ah! It’s the reunion of Seo Hwa and Wol Ryung. Please let this make me cry happy tears!!!
The episode starts with Wol Ryung and Seo Hwa staring at each other. Wol Ryung’s voiceover: Who is she- that woman? How come it hurts me so much just to look at her? Right off the bat, they are making me cry, dang it!!! He has a memory of her, smiling, with love in her eyes, saying his name.
Seo Hwa stands and Wol Ryung’s eyes narrow. She says his name and his eyes go wide. Cut to some of Kwan Woong’s men running with bows drawn. Back to them. She asks if it is him, Wol Ryung. The four men draw closer. Wol Ryung asks who she is. Does she know him? She briefly closes her eyes and a tear rolls down her cheek. Wol Ryung doesn’t know what to make of that. His eyebrows slightly quiver.
As Seo Hwa weakly says Wol Ryung’s name again, the view of her is blocked by Kang Chi. Wol Ryung is uneasy with this, too, and clenches his jaw. Kang Chi tells him that he can’t do this anymore, killing people. Kang Chi says that he will stop Wol Ryung. The pain is evident in Kang Chi’s eyes as he says this to his father.
Quickly, Kang Chi speeds forward and grabs Wol Ryung by the throat and then slams him backward against a tree. Wol Ryung returns the favor. Seo Hwa just has to watch as her loved ones fight each other. This is one time where I don't mind the girl watching the boys fight. They're super-human. She is not. Kang Chi tells Wol Ryung to stop, that he knows Wol Ryung is suffering and that this is not Wol Ryung’s real appearance. Aw, I love Kang Chi. He tells Wol Ryung that he knows that he is the only one that can make Wol Ryung stop. A fight ensues.
The episode starts with Wol Ryung and Seo Hwa staring at each other. Wol Ryung’s voiceover: Who is she- that woman? How come it hurts me so much just to look at her? Right off the bat, they are making me cry, dang it!!! He has a memory of her, smiling, with love in her eyes, saying his name.
Seo Hwa stands and Wol Ryung’s eyes narrow. She says his name and his eyes go wide. Cut to some of Kwan Woong’s men running with bows drawn. Back to them. She asks if it is him, Wol Ryung. The four men draw closer. Wol Ryung asks who she is. Does she know him? She briefly closes her eyes and a tear rolls down her cheek. Wol Ryung doesn’t know what to make of that. His eyebrows slightly quiver.
As Seo Hwa weakly says Wol Ryung’s name again, the view of her is blocked by Kang Chi. Wol Ryung is uneasy with this, too, and clenches his jaw. Kang Chi tells him that he can’t do this anymore, killing people. Kang Chi says that he will stop Wol Ryung. The pain is evident in Kang Chi’s eyes as he says this to his father.
Quickly, Kang Chi speeds forward and grabs Wol Ryung by the throat and then slams him backward against a tree. Wol Ryung returns the favor. Seo Hwa just has to watch as her loved ones fight each other. This is one time where I don't mind the girl watching the boys fight. They're super-human. She is not. Kang Chi tells Wol Ryung to stop, that he knows Wol Ryung is suffering and that this is not Wol Ryung’s real appearance. Aw, I love Kang Chi. He tells Wol Ryung that he knows that he is the only one that can make Wol Ryung stop. A fight ensues.
Master's Sun Episode 3 Recap
Our episode starts where the last one left off, with Joong Won calling Hee Joo a bad bitch. Gong Sil blinks at him and asks him if he just cursed. He smugly says yes and tells her to pass that along to the “ghost” when she sees it.
Gong Sil takes his words as a reflection of the pain over the loss, not as a result of being betrayed and then kidnapped by her. He liked her that much to curse her for leaving him alone. Joong Won looks at her like she has two heads. Gong Sil whispers that she’ll tell Hee Joo that he still really likes her. He tries to clarify that he was really cursing her. She nods, ‘understanding.’ Joong Won starts waving his finger, to accentuate that No, he does not still like her! He tells her that if she’s going to say that, then she needs to get lost. With the hand wave he does.

Gong Sil takes his words as a reflection of the pain over the loss, not as a result of being betrayed and then kidnapped by her. He liked her that much to curse her for leaving him alone. Joong Won looks at her like she has two heads. Gong Sil whispers that she’ll tell Hee Joo that he still really likes her. He tries to clarify that he was really cursing her. She nods, ‘understanding.’ Joong Won starts waving his finger, to accentuate that No, he does not still like her! He tells her that if she’s going to say that, then she needs to get lost. With the hand wave he does.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 20 Recap
Episode starts at Century House. Tae Seo’s in with Soo Ryun and Pil Mok. Seo Hwa tells Tae Seo that he needs to go to Soon Shin’s naval base and get their maps back. Tae Seo asks when they’ll be killing Kwan Woong. Pil Mok’s surprised by that question. Seo Hwa smiles malevolently and says, “He dies tonight.” I hate her diction!!! It bugs me to no end. It’s been several weeks since I last watched this show and it still grates on my nerves. Time has not tempered my irritation.
Kwan Woong pushes open the door to his office and walks outside to find two of his guards lying on the ground. He calls to his guards and a sword arrives at his throat. Kwan Woong asks if that wench, Seo Hwa, sent him. The ninja says nothing and goes to kill him, but instead there’s a slicing sound and blood spatters across Kwan Woong’s face. Ninja Soh has finally returned! He somewhat limps forward and apologizes for being late. Kwan Woong indignantly wants to know where he’s been, but doesn’t seem to notice that Ninja Soh has any injuries. He doesn’t wipe the blood off his face either. That says something about him.
Ninja Soh wants Kwan Woong to evacuate because of the danger, so they go outside, where they find 3 ninjas lying on the ground dead. Several house guards have joined them. But they weren’t killed by Ninja Soh. He peels back one of their masks and they’re grey and gross-looking. Which we know means that they were drained by Wol Ryung. I think Ninja Soh knows what it means, because he immediately jumps up and urges Kwan Woong to run.
Kwan Woong pushes open the door to his office and walks outside to find two of his guards lying on the ground. He calls to his guards and a sword arrives at his throat. Kwan Woong asks if that wench, Seo Hwa, sent him. The ninja says nothing and goes to kill him, but instead there’s a slicing sound and blood spatters across Kwan Woong’s face. Ninja Soh has finally returned! He somewhat limps forward and apologizes for being late. Kwan Woong indignantly wants to know where he’s been, but doesn’t seem to notice that Ninja Soh has any injuries. He doesn’t wipe the blood off his face either. That says something about him.
Ninja Soh wants Kwan Woong to evacuate because of the danger, so they go outside, where they find 3 ninjas lying on the ground dead. Several house guards have joined them. But they weren’t killed by Ninja Soh. He peels back one of their masks and they’re grey and gross-looking. Which we know means that they were drained by Wol Ryung. I think Ninja Soh knows what it means, because he immediately jumps up and urges Kwan Woong to run.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 19 Recap
The episode starts with Seo Hwa clutching the hawthorn dagger, full of anger as she looks at Kwan Woong. Wol Ryung is dead and she’s just left Kang Chi with So Jung. This time we see the man Kwan Woong was looking at: a Japanese big-wig, who spots Seo Hwa before anyone else does. Seo Hwa slices and cuts Kwan Woong’s face. Mr. Japan is horrified. Seo Hwa seethes with rage. Kwan Woong can only stare at her, clutching his cheek. Hmm. This is the second time that Seo Hwa’s come back from the dead on him (in the future, I mean).
Seo Hwa goes to strike but is instead cut open by the sword of one of Kwan Woong’s guards. A tear rolls down her cheek. Mr. Japan simply blinks, aghast, as he takes the scene in. He never stops looking at her and his eyes are the last thing she sees before she closes hers. Someone runs over and asks Kwan Woong if he’s all right. Mr. Japan is not happy at the turn of events. Kwan Woong can only sit there clutching his cheek, staring at Seo Hwa. Kwan Woong’s aide orders the guards to take Kwan Woong inside and get him a doctor. As they drag Kwan Woong off, Mr. Japan reaches down and takes Seo Hwa’s pulse. By his shocked reaction, you can tell she’s still alive.
Oh! The aide was Ninja Soh. Mr. Japan quickly takes out a handkerchief to cover Seo Hwa’s face as Ninja Soh comes over to investigate. The handkerchief has the symbol of the Inner Circle on it. This tells me: this may be the first ‘alliance’ meeting between Kwan Woong and the Inner Circle and that he was working with them even back then. What was so strategic about Seo Hwa’s father that Kwan Woong targeted him to be killed? Ninja Soh wants to know if Seo Hwa’s dead. Mr. Japan lies and says that she’s gone. Ninja Soh understands him, of course. Ninja Soh mutters under his breath at Seo Hwa about being vile and then orders her ‘body’ taken away.
Seo Hwa goes to strike but is instead cut open by the sword of one of Kwan Woong’s guards. A tear rolls down her cheek. Mr. Japan simply blinks, aghast, as he takes the scene in. He never stops looking at her and his eyes are the last thing she sees before she closes hers. Someone runs over and asks Kwan Woong if he’s all right. Mr. Japan is not happy at the turn of events. Kwan Woong can only sit there clutching his cheek, staring at Seo Hwa. Kwan Woong’s aide orders the guards to take Kwan Woong inside and get him a doctor. As they drag Kwan Woong off, Mr. Japan reaches down and takes Seo Hwa’s pulse. By his shocked reaction, you can tell she’s still alive.
Oh! The aide was Ninja Soh. Mr. Japan quickly takes out a handkerchief to cover Seo Hwa’s face as Ninja Soh comes over to investigate. The handkerchief has the symbol of the Inner Circle on it. This tells me: this may be the first ‘alliance’ meeting between Kwan Woong and the Inner Circle and that he was working with them even back then. What was so strategic about Seo Hwa’s father that Kwan Woong targeted him to be killed? Ninja Soh wants to know if Seo Hwa’s dead. Mr. Japan lies and says that she’s gone. Ninja Soh understands him, of course. Ninja Soh mutters under his breath at Seo Hwa about being vile and then orders her ‘body’ taken away.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 18 Recap
The episode starts with Kang Chi fiercely running, carrying the map, with the four men on his tail. Gon and Yeo Wool see him running. Gon holds Yeo Wool back from going to Kang Chi’s aid. Kang Chi stows the map and puts back on his bracelet. He runs inside the building and hides in Seo Hwa’s room. She asks who he is and he turns around. She tells him to answer her and he pulls the ‘well’ look and then smiles nervously because she’s not buying it.
Gisaeng Party. Kwan Woong and Soo Ryun are reacting to the decoy reveal. Is Kwan Woong satisfied? A soldier comes in and whispers in Pil Mok’s ear. He doesn’t react but he excuses them. Kwan Woong blusters that the banquet hasn’t even started yet, but Pil Mok has an excuse to be righteously angry and declares that they’ve had enough already.
Soo Ryun tries to stop them from leaving. She stands and tells them that she has a full program for them that evening, to apologize for the first time. Won’t they please stay? The decoy looks at Pil Mok for what to do. Pil Mok repeats his apologies and says that her ladyship wishes to leave.
As they leave, Soo Ryun nods at two of her girls. They hurry and bump into the decoy and then apologize profusely for spilling something on her. One of them clucks that the other’s so clutzy and the robe is so expensive. She starts wiping off the spill. The decoy doesn’t turn but is watching them warily. They pull down her robe and Soo Ryun approaches. The shoulder is bare. No gisaeng tattoo. She frowns almost immediately and starts to yell at her girls for insulting their honored guests.
Gisaeng Party. Kwan Woong and Soo Ryun are reacting to the decoy reveal. Is Kwan Woong satisfied? A soldier comes in and whispers in Pil Mok’s ear. He doesn’t react but he excuses them. Kwan Woong blusters that the banquet hasn’t even started yet, but Pil Mok has an excuse to be righteously angry and declares that they’ve had enough already.
Soo Ryun tries to stop them from leaving. She stands and tells them that she has a full program for them that evening, to apologize for the first time. Won’t they please stay? The decoy looks at Pil Mok for what to do. Pil Mok repeats his apologies and says that her ladyship wishes to leave.
As they leave, Soo Ryun nods at two of her girls. They hurry and bump into the decoy and then apologize profusely for spilling something on her. One of them clucks that the other’s so clutzy and the robe is so expensive. She starts wiping off the spill. The decoy doesn’t turn but is watching them warily. They pull down her robe and Soo Ryun approaches. The shoulder is bare. No gisaeng tattoo. She frowns almost immediately and starts to yell at her girls for insulting their honored guests.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 17 Recap
The episode starts the dawn after the lantern festival, with Yeo Wool telling Kang Chi that he cares for Chung Jo above all others and that it’s never going to change. Kang Chi’s voice over wonders why he couldn’t answer her then. The memory of when he asked her why she’s still so good to him: Because she’s do anything for him, for love. Voice over: Why couldn’t he say anything then? Kang Chi making the flower bloom and the lingering finger touching. Kang Chi thinks, “The truth is, Yeo Wool…”
Teacher is frantically reporting that Yeo Wool is missing. Kang Chi finding the bell. Wol Ryung’s promise to destroy everyone close to him and the flashback of him attacking Gong Dal. Kang Chi angrily clenches the bell in his fist and says Wol Ryung’s name. Wol Ryung’s waiting for him.
But it wasn’t Wol Ryung who kidnapped her! It’s two men dressed like ninjas. They’re carrying a bound, gagged and blindfolded Yeo Wool through the forest.
Kang Chi’s back talking to Pyung Joon and Gong Dal. He thinks Wol Ryung took her. The monk said that he’s Kang Chi’s father and that he’s returned as a 1,000-year demon. So the thing that attacked Gong Dal… was Wol Ryung. Crappers. On so many levels. Particularly if you're Pyung Joon and the innocent you murdered is back from the dead and now a demon with vengeance issues.
Teacher is frantically reporting that Yeo Wool is missing. Kang Chi finding the bell. Wol Ryung’s promise to destroy everyone close to him and the flashback of him attacking Gong Dal. Kang Chi angrily clenches the bell in his fist and says Wol Ryung’s name. Wol Ryung’s waiting for him.
But it wasn’t Wol Ryung who kidnapped her! It’s two men dressed like ninjas. They’re carrying a bound, gagged and blindfolded Yeo Wool through the forest.
Kang Chi’s back talking to Pyung Joon and Gong Dal. He thinks Wol Ryung took her. The monk said that he’s Kang Chi’s father and that he’s returned as a 1,000-year demon. So the thing that attacked Gong Dal… was Wol Ryung. Crappers. On so many levels. Particularly if you're Pyung Joon and the innocent you murdered is back from the dead and now a demon with vengeance issues.
I'll Teach You to Love Review
I'll Teach You Love | 사랑을 가르쳐 드립니다 | Sarangeul Gareuchyeo Deurimnida
Somehow I stumbled across this what I would call movie, starring Ki Tae Young as Kwon Tae Joon, an expert dating consultant along the lines of Will Smith in Hitch. Some major differences: he doesn't keep what he does a secret, but works for a dating agency. Tae Joon isn't looking for love, nor is he cynical about women. I haven't seen anything else that Kim Kyu Ri has been in. It has the cute curly-haired chef from Pasta (Hyun Woo) and a guy who's been in tons of dramas: Lee Sung Min.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 16 Recap
A little scared to watch this episode because the preview showed Wol Ryung grabbing Gong Dal by the throat and I don’t want Gong Dal to die! Moo Sol was enough!
The episode starts with the full moon and Kang Chi outside looking at his father. Kang Chi asks who he is – although I think he already knows, somewhere, I mean, the guy’s super-humanly fast and creepy – and Wol Ryung asks if he’s Choi Kang Chi. Kang Chi asks again and Wol Ryung says his name. Significant staring as the wind blows.
Century House. Seo Hwa asks Tae Seo why he’s there. I really don’t think I like how this actress pronounces things, at least right now. She has really annoying diction. Seo Hwa reveals that she’s Korean.
Outside the Training Camp. Wol Ryung asks if Kang Chi is Seo Hwa’s son. Kang Chi snarks, “So the monk tells me.” Heh. Wol Ryung wants to know if he’s seeking the Book of the Nine. Kang Chi snarks again: the monk’s been talking. Wol Ryung asks if it’s for Dam Yeo Wool. This gets a little reaction out of Kang Chi – is he going to be a threat to Yeo Wool?
The episode starts with the full moon and Kang Chi outside looking at his father. Kang Chi asks who he is – although I think he already knows, somewhere, I mean, the guy’s super-humanly fast and creepy – and Wol Ryung asks if he’s Choi Kang Chi. Kang Chi asks again and Wol Ryung says his name. Significant staring as the wind blows.
Century House. Seo Hwa asks Tae Seo why he’s there. I really don’t think I like how this actress pronounces things, at least right now. She has really annoying diction. Seo Hwa reveals that she’s Korean.
Outside the Training Camp. Wol Ryung asks if Kang Chi is Seo Hwa’s son. Kang Chi snarks, “So the monk tells me.” Heh. Wol Ryung wants to know if he’s seeking the Book of the Nine. Kang Chi snarks again: the monk’s been talking. Wol Ryung asks if it’s for Dam Yeo Wool. This gets a little reaction out of Kang Chi – is he going to be a threat to Yeo Wool?
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 15 Recap
The episode starts with Yeo Wool as a little girl in a hanbok, looking at her father’s weapons. She tries to take one down when he appears and gets it for her. It’s obvious that they have a good relationship with the way they smile at each other. He hands it to her and tells her to feel the weight of it. It’s very heavy. He tells her a sword is strength. But used unjustly to spill innocent blood, the weight is unbearable. She asks him if he’s hurt an innocent man. He remembers Wol Ryung as he thinks, “Once. Long ago. A true innocent.”
Yeo Wool is wandering the forest, looking for Kang Chi. Wol Ryung appears. So Jung tells Kang Chi that his father is back and means to kill him. We get more of their conversation, as we watch Wol Ryung play cat and mouse: “My father? You said he died.” “He’s returned as a demon. He means to destroy anything to do with Seo Hwa. You’re her son. He’ll destroy you and anyone close to you.” Again So Jung begs him to run.
Yeo Wool falls, having twisted her ankle. Wol Ryung shows himself. She thinks, “Kang Chi, help me!” Kang Chi stops running and says her name. Did he hear her thoughts or did he smell her? Because he’s done that before. And after he stopped, he changed direction. Wol Ryung surveys her face. This time she tries to grab her weapon, but he grabs her wrist and stops her, his gaze never wavering. That creepy smile. Yeo Wool looks afraid.
Yeo Wool is wandering the forest, looking for Kang Chi. Wol Ryung appears. So Jung tells Kang Chi that his father is back and means to kill him. We get more of their conversation, as we watch Wol Ryung play cat and mouse: “My father? You said he died.” “He’s returned as a demon. He means to destroy anything to do with Seo Hwa. You’re her son. He’ll destroy you and anyone close to you.” Again So Jung begs him to run.
Yeo Wool falls, having twisted her ankle. Wol Ryung shows himself. She thinks, “Kang Chi, help me!” Kang Chi stops running and says her name. Did he hear her thoughts or did he smell her? Because he’s done that before. And after he stopped, he changed direction. Wol Ryung surveys her face. This time she tries to grab her weapon, but he grabs her wrist and stops her, his gaze never wavering. That creepy smile. Yeo Wool looks afraid.
Master's Sun Episode 2 Recap
We start where we left off, Gong Sil asleep in Joong Won’s arms. Well, not in his arms, since she fell on him and he isn’t exactly holding her. He sits there for a moment (which I take as a good sign. Like subconsciously he didn’t want to let go) and then shakes her loose. She moans she just wants to sleep and he’s shaking her to get her to open her eyes.
Gong Sil begs Joong Won to sleep with her and he’s like, What? She’s a mess! She’s desperately trying to grab onto him and he’s holding her off by her head. It’s really humorous. He tells her to stop dreaming and shoves her down onto the pallet that she was sitting on. I’m laughing harder because he’s so arrogant. Does she think that simply by being clingy that he would fall for her? Then he notices the smell on his fingers and clothes. When was the last time she washed her hair?!!
Gong Sil smells her hair. Joong Won leans over and sniffs again and disgustedly tells her that if she’s going to try to seduce someone, she should at least wash her hair first. Wouldn’t that be a clue that she *wasn’t* trying to seduce you? She mutters back that it’s not like he would anyway. He pulls out his pocket square and starts trying to wipe her smell off his hands.
Gong Sil asks him why he’s there. Joong Won wants to know what she’s heard about him. Does she really know something about her? Did she know Hee Joo? Gong Sil notes that the ghost’s name is Hee Joo. He asks again, more forcefully, how she knows Hee Joo. Gong Sil says that she saw Hee Joo. Joong Won looks at her like she’s got two heads. He starts to say it, but Gong Sil finishes his sentence: Hee Joo is dead, right? He tells her that Hee Joo died a long time ago. When he was much younger. And she’s been haunting him ever since. That must have been a drag, not being able to read all that time. And why affect his reading?
Gong Sil begs Joong Won to sleep with her and he’s like, What? She’s a mess! She’s desperately trying to grab onto him and he’s holding her off by her head. It’s really humorous. He tells her to stop dreaming and shoves her down onto the pallet that she was sitting on. I’m laughing harder because he’s so arrogant. Does she think that simply by being clingy that he would fall for her? Then he notices the smell on his fingers and clothes. When was the last time she washed her hair?!!
Gong Sil smells her hair. Joong Won leans over and sniffs again and disgustedly tells her that if she’s going to try to seduce someone, she should at least wash her hair first. Wouldn’t that be a clue that she *wasn’t* trying to seduce you? She mutters back that it’s not like he would anyway. He pulls out his pocket square and starts trying to wipe her smell off his hands.
Gong Sil asks him why he’s there. Joong Won wants to know what she’s heard about him. Does she really know something about her? Did she know Hee Joo? Gong Sil notes that the ghost’s name is Hee Joo. He asks again, more forcefully, how she knows Hee Joo. Gong Sil says that she saw Hee Joo. Joong Won looks at her like she’s got two heads. He starts to say it, but Gong Sil finishes his sentence: Hee Joo is dead, right? He tells her that Hee Joo died a long time ago. When he was much younger. And she’s been haunting him ever since. That must have been a drag, not being able to read all that time. And why affect his reading?
Friday, August 30, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 14 Recap
So Jung’s library. So Jung lights another candle as he stands across from Wol Ryung. How’s this conversation going to play out? Because Wol Ryung mostly looks normal, is he going to forget that he’s supposed to be a demon now? That he drained the life out of 3 people? Is So Jung going to be smart? Will his cryptic-ness actually be of a benefit this time?!!
So Jung tells Wol Ryung that he looks well. Even though half his face is covered by his hair and he’s not smiling anymore. And is a demon. Wol Ryung tells him he looks older. So Jung jokes that everyone gets old. Wol Ryung says, almost bitterly, that after 1,000 years, he doesn’t pity humans at all, that they just barely live 100. Did he pity them before?
So Jung coughs uncomfortably and asks why Wol Ryung’s back. Wouldn’t the right question be *how* is he back? Or why haven’t you come back before this? So Jung wants to know if his old friend *is* going to be a demon for 1,000 years. I’m wondering if going demon is because of the broken heart, not because of some broken spell.
Before Wol Ryung answers, he wants to know something first. He walks closer to So Jung, who shifts uncomfortably because Wol Ryung’s now easily within strangling distance. Wol Ryung says he saw someone in the forest. Not a man. Not a demi-god. He was wearing So Jung’s talisman bracelet. He wants to know who it is. So Jung doesn’t really make much eye contact with Wol Ryung. Well? Wol Ryung growls.
So Jung tells Wol Ryung that he looks well. Even though half his face is covered by his hair and he’s not smiling anymore. And is a demon. Wol Ryung tells him he looks older. So Jung jokes that everyone gets old. Wol Ryung says, almost bitterly, that after 1,000 years, he doesn’t pity humans at all, that they just barely live 100. Did he pity them before?
So Jung coughs uncomfortably and asks why Wol Ryung’s back. Wouldn’t the right question be *how* is he back? Or why haven’t you come back before this? So Jung wants to know if his old friend *is* going to be a demon for 1,000 years. I’m wondering if going demon is because of the broken heart, not because of some broken spell.
Before Wol Ryung answers, he wants to know something first. He walks closer to So Jung, who shifts uncomfortably because Wol Ryung’s now easily within strangling distance. Wol Ryung says he saw someone in the forest. Not a man. Not a demi-god. He was wearing So Jung’s talisman bracelet. He wants to know who it is. So Jung doesn’t really make much eye contact with Wol Ryung. Well? Wol Ryung growls.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 13 Recap
The episode starts with Kang Chi narrating events: his heart-to-heart with Soon Shin and Soon Shin asking how he will choose to live, asking Yeo Wool why she stands by him, Yeo Wool standing up to her father and taking his hand even as he’s a gumiho, her telling him she’d do anything for him. These are the things that make him want to be human, to be a man again.
Then we get to see that daddy Pyung Joon didn’t quite relent as much as it appeared when he allowed Yeo Wool to train Kang Chi. She and Gon are in his office and she’s arguing, begging to be in charge of his training. She says she’ll be harder on him than she has been on anyone else. Pyung Joon puts Gon in charge. Yeo Wool argues that the two are spoiling for a fight the minute they see each other. Gon scowls at her. She needs to be there to play mediator. Pyung Joon asks her if she wants Kang Chi to end up leaving, since it’s so hard for him. I want to slap him, since he saw how Yeo Wool makes things *easier* for him.
Gon can’t take Yeo Wool being sad, so he has to speak. He agrees that Yeo Wool needs to help with the training, because they don’t get along and Kang Chi will listen if she’s there. Yeo Wool is surprised that he’s siding with her against her father. He looks in her direction and she smiles her thank you, you’re awesome. He just looks away and rolls his eyes. Pyung Joon has no choice but to listen to his *two best warriors.* His words, not mine.
Yeo Wool brings the bag of beans. The triumphant music is playing. “My father says I’m in charge of you.” That is such a loaded sentence! A great loaded sentence. It seems like this episode is going to be a happy one and I need it. Last episode was so gut-wrenching. I need a little happy-happy, joy-joy.
Then we get to see that daddy Pyung Joon didn’t quite relent as much as it appeared when he allowed Yeo Wool to train Kang Chi. She and Gon are in his office and she’s arguing, begging to be in charge of his training. She says she’ll be harder on him than she has been on anyone else. Pyung Joon puts Gon in charge. Yeo Wool argues that the two are spoiling for a fight the minute they see each other. Gon scowls at her. She needs to be there to play mediator. Pyung Joon asks her if she wants Kang Chi to end up leaving, since it’s so hard for him. I want to slap him, since he saw how Yeo Wool makes things *easier* for him.
Gon can’t take Yeo Wool being sad, so he has to speak. He agrees that Yeo Wool needs to help with the training, because they don’t get along and Kang Chi will listen if she’s there. Yeo Wool is surprised that he’s siding with her against her father. He looks in her direction and she smiles her thank you, you’re awesome. He just looks away and rolls his eyes. Pyung Joon has no choice but to listen to his *two best warriors.* His words, not mine.
Yeo Wool brings the bag of beans. The triumphant music is playing. “My father says I’m in charge of you.” That is such a loaded sentence! A great loaded sentence. It seems like this episode is going to be a happy one and I need it. Last episode was so gut-wrenching. I need a little happy-happy, joy-joy.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Master's Sun Episode 1 Recap
We open with Tae Gong Sil (Gong Hyo Jin) disposing of her recyclables. There is a huge storm blustering outside of her apartment, with lots of lighting and thunder. Gong Sil is moving slowly, lethargically, as if exhausted. The landlady comes downstairs and tells Gong Sil that the family in apartment 404 has moved out, and so quickly. Judging by how she dropped the bag she was holding and timidly repeated the apartment number, Gong Sil doesn’t like the sound of that. The landlady wants Gong Sil to clean out the apartment. As an after thought, she adds that Gong Sil should remove the dresser, since it might be unlucky.
Gong Sil slowly climbs the stairs, as if expecting something to jump out at her. She arrives outside of apartment 404. It’s obvious that she doesn’t want to go in. The thunder and lightning don’t help.
Inside, there is trash all over the floor. The lights are out. As Gong Sil scans the room, the door to the closet creaks open. Suddenly a apparition, all in white with a mask over its face, appears in the corner. Thunder crashes and Gong Sil jumps and quickly turns on the light. The corner’s empty now.
Gong Sil starts to clean the room, inching her way inside the apartment. Suddenly, the fluorescent tube above her head pops, sparks and shorts out, bringing darkness back to the room. Gong Sil, of course, screams in terror and looks around frantically. After a moment, when nothing happens, she starts cleaning again, muttering, “Pretend you didn’t see. Pretend you didn’t see.”
Gong Sil slowly climbs the stairs, as if expecting something to jump out at her. She arrives outside of apartment 404. It’s obvious that she doesn’t want to go in. The thunder and lightning don’t help.
Inside, there is trash all over the floor. The lights are out. As Gong Sil scans the room, the door to the closet creaks open. Suddenly a apparition, all in white with a mask over its face, appears in the corner. Thunder crashes and Gong Sil jumps and quickly turns on the light. The corner’s empty now.
Gong Sil starts to clean the room, inching her way inside the apartment. Suddenly, the fluorescent tube above her head pops, sparks and shorts out, bringing darkness back to the room. Gong Sil, of course, screams in terror and looks around frantically. After a moment, when nothing happens, she starts cleaning again, muttering, “Pretend you didn’t see. Pretend you didn’t see.”
Gu Family Book Episode 12 Recap
It’s the halfway point. What else can happen?!
Our episode starts with that conversation between Pyung Joon and So Jung. Can he become human? Is he dangerous? So Jung gets to the point: it would be better for them, because if they continue, it could mean one of their deaths, but there’s nothing anyone will be able to do if they don’t stop it themselves. So Jung, of course, is philosophical about things: it’s the nature of relationships. We hear Pyung Joon say, “One of them may die,” as we return to...
Kang Chi in chains. Tae Seo hasn’t shown up yet. There’s the pathetic yelling of each other’s names that’s so like Seo Hwa and Wol Ryung. And then, Tae Seo appears. We hear Kang Chi say, “That (them rejecting him) won’t happen. Tae Seo and Chung Jo will never turn on me.” Again I’m struggling as Tae Seo declares that he’s there for Kang Chi’s head. I hate the look on Kang Chi’s face. It’s so sad how he says, “forgive me, Kang Chi.”
Tae Seo grabs the bracelet. Kang Chi begs him not to take it off. But Tae Seo does. They just look at each other.
Oh, no! Bong Chool decides to run up and ram Kang Chi in the gut with the hilt of his sword. For good measure! That’s not good. Oh, he’s done it now. Kang Chi winces in pain and sinks to his knees. A huge wind kicks up in the forest.
Our episode starts with that conversation between Pyung Joon and So Jung. Can he become human? Is he dangerous? So Jung gets to the point: it would be better for them, because if they continue, it could mean one of their deaths, but there’s nothing anyone will be able to do if they don’t stop it themselves. So Jung, of course, is philosophical about things: it’s the nature of relationships. We hear Pyung Joon say, “One of them may die,” as we return to...
Kang Chi in chains. Tae Seo hasn’t shown up yet. There’s the pathetic yelling of each other’s names that’s so like Seo Hwa and Wol Ryung. And then, Tae Seo appears. We hear Kang Chi say, “That (them rejecting him) won’t happen. Tae Seo and Chung Jo will never turn on me.” Again I’m struggling as Tae Seo declares that he’s there for Kang Chi’s head. I hate the look on Kang Chi’s face. It’s so sad how he says, “forgive me, Kang Chi.”
Tae Seo grabs the bracelet. Kang Chi begs him not to take it off. But Tae Seo does. They just look at each other.
Oh, no! Bong Chool decides to run up and ram Kang Chi in the gut with the hilt of his sword. For good measure! That’s not good. Oh, he’s done it now. Kang Chi winces in pain and sinks to his knees. A huge wind kicks up in the forest.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 11 Recap
The episode begins with Kang Chi relishing his victory – the stewed chicken – and Gong Dal cackling over being able to wear Soon Shin’s hat. Gong Dal asks Kang Chi why he wants to be human. Without hesitating, he answers: to have a family. Not just any family, but his family at Century House, including Chung Jo and Tae Seo. Like it used to be. The semi-tragic music is playing. Gong Dal asks what he’d do if they didn’t want him.
That seems to be a running theme in Kang Chi’s life: whether he’s wanted by the people he loves. First it was Moo Sol. Then it was Chung Jo and Tae Seo. The only person who seems to have totally accepted him, gumiho and all, is Yeo Wool. She’s seen him at his worst, gh-d out, and it hasn’t changed how she treats him or views him. I don’t think he’s quite gotten this yet, but I think he will. He’s clueless but he’s not thick.
I like Gong Dal, because he's speaking what Kang Chi doesn’t want to acknowledge: this fear of being rejected because of what, rather than who, he is. I think Kang Chi ignores it most of the time, in order to stay sane, but I definitely think it’s a fear of his: that maybe they didn’t care for him as much as he thought, that his not rescuing them will change their feelings… I mean, Chung Jo rejected his rescue attempt and Tae Seo has tried to kill him. Those sorts of things *would* get a guy to question things.
Kang Chi doesn’t answer Gong Dal’s question.
That seems to be a running theme in Kang Chi’s life: whether he’s wanted by the people he loves. First it was Moo Sol. Then it was Chung Jo and Tae Seo. The only person who seems to have totally accepted him, gumiho and all, is Yeo Wool. She’s seen him at his worst, gh-d out, and it hasn’t changed how she treats him or views him. I don’t think he’s quite gotten this yet, but I think he will. He’s clueless but he’s not thick.
I like Gong Dal, because he's speaking what Kang Chi doesn’t want to acknowledge: this fear of being rejected because of what, rather than who, he is. I think Kang Chi ignores it most of the time, in order to stay sane, but I definitely think it’s a fear of his: that maybe they didn’t care for him as much as he thought, that his not rescuing them will change their feelings… I mean, Chung Jo rejected his rescue attempt and Tae Seo has tried to kill him. Those sorts of things *would* get a guy to question things.
Kang Chi doesn’t answer Gong Dal’s question.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 10 Recap
It starts with Ninja Soh in the room with Gon and the mason, telling them to take down the scroll hiding the secret door. Kang Chi and Yeo Wool behind the door listening. She yelps and falls. Ninja Soh hears it. Kang Chi catches her *awkwardly.* He knows she’s not Young *Master* Dam.
Unlike the last episode. His hand stays there a lot longer. There’s more lingering looks. She’s first horrified (because it would be awkward any time) and then scared about how he’s going to react. And he gets a really weird look on his face. Almost like the love light just went on. In the attic, far away from the first floor, but it’s still on now.
Yeo Wool finally (it was all of about 30 seconds) squirms away and they stand awkwardly, her with her back to him. It’s cracking me up because Kang Chi’s hand, the offending hand, hasn’t moved from its last position, even though the rest of him did. It’s still frozen awkwardly. He slowly looks at the offending hand. I’m laughing even more. Yeo Wool physically grimaces with not just her face. They glance at each other, their eyes meet, and then they look away again.
And even though all that happened, time was suspended on the other side of the wall so that they could have their moment. Their moment finished and Ninja Soh demands for Gon to stand aside. Kang Chi and Yeo Wool hear him and it helps shake them out of their awkward stupor. Both of them are worried, but Yeo Wool is more so, even wincing when Ninja Soh yells his demand that Gon stand aside.
Unlike the last episode. His hand stays there a lot longer. There’s more lingering looks. She’s first horrified (because it would be awkward any time) and then scared about how he’s going to react. And he gets a really weird look on his face. Almost like the love light just went on. In the attic, far away from the first floor, but it’s still on now.
Yeo Wool finally (it was all of about 30 seconds) squirms away and they stand awkwardly, her with her back to him. It’s cracking me up because Kang Chi’s hand, the offending hand, hasn’t moved from its last position, even though the rest of him did. It’s still frozen awkwardly. He slowly looks at the offending hand. I’m laughing even more. Yeo Wool physically grimaces with not just her face. They glance at each other, their eyes meet, and then they look away again.
And even though all that happened, time was suspended on the other side of the wall so that they could have their moment. Their moment finished and Ninja Soh demands for Gon to stand aside. Kang Chi and Yeo Wool hear him and it helps shake them out of their awkward stupor. Both of them are worried, but Yeo Wool is more so, even wincing when Ninja Soh yells his demand that Gon stand aside.
Good Doctor Episode 2 Recap
The episode starts with where we left off: Yoon Seo waking up and screaming, with Shi Ohn brushing his teeth, staring at her in his boxer shorts. At least they’re not tighty-whiteys. It still cracks me up how she gags herself while she’s screaming so she has to cough. Heh. Shi Ohn doesn’t say anything as she asks him who he is and what he’s done to her. She throws things like bed pillows at him, all the while clutching the blankets to cover herself.
She grabs the TV remote to defend herself, even though Shi Ohn basically hasn’t moved except to avoid the pillow and to brush his teeth. Yoon Seo accidentally switches on the TV, which just happens to be covering a news story of Mr. Park who got women drunk, pretended to be their boyfriend and then took them home and raped them. How convenient.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 9 Recap
We open with Tae Seo dragging that sword, zombie-like, and tragic music playing. Tae Seo remembers his sister being dragged away, his mother collapsing with grief, Kang Chi murdering his father… The look of this false memory is different, but Tae Seo’s still half dead so he doesn’t notice. The captain’s voice telling him to kill Kang Chi.
There’s Kang Chi rushing to his side and Tae Seo stabbing him with the sword. Kang Chi’s hurt eyes. Yeo Wool, Gon, and Pyung Joon’s shocked reactions. We even got some real facial reaction from stoic Gon. Tae Seo-ya.
Kang Chi sputters out, ‘why?’ Bitterly Tae Seo spits out his grief: “How could you? He was a father to you.” The tears are about to spill from his eyes. Dagger in my heart over his pain! Kang Chi’s shock over Tae Seo’s blame. It’s chilling how Tae Seo spits, “There can be no forgiveness.” And then he screams ‘die!’ and drives the sword further in. Kang Chi grabs his shoulder and he pulls the sword out. Kang Chi falls to the ground.
Tae Seo goes to strike the death blow when a sword stops its path. It’s Yeo Wool. Finally! She tells him to lower his sword. He screams that Kang Chi killed his father. He’s just about to strike her with his weapon when Gon chops him on his neck and he collapses to the ground. This might be quibbling, but how did Gon get behind Tae Seo, when a second before he was way in front of him?
There’s Kang Chi rushing to his side and Tae Seo stabbing him with the sword. Kang Chi’s hurt eyes. Yeo Wool, Gon, and Pyung Joon’s shocked reactions. We even got some real facial reaction from stoic Gon. Tae Seo-ya.
Kang Chi sputters out, ‘why?’ Bitterly Tae Seo spits out his grief: “How could you? He was a father to you.” The tears are about to spill from his eyes. Dagger in my heart over his pain! Kang Chi’s shock over Tae Seo’s blame. It’s chilling how Tae Seo spits, “There can be no forgiveness.” And then he screams ‘die!’ and drives the sword further in. Kang Chi grabs his shoulder and he pulls the sword out. Kang Chi falls to the ground.
Tae Seo goes to strike the death blow when a sword stops its path. It’s Yeo Wool. Finally! She tells him to lower his sword. He screams that Kang Chi killed his father. He’s just about to strike her with his weapon when Gon chops him on his neck and he collapses to the ground. This might be quibbling, but how did Gon get behind Tae Seo, when a second before he was way in front of him?
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 8 Recap
From the Book of Nine: “…that those who defend his land may become human”
The episode starts with Kang Chi’s face off with Kwan Woong. Kang Chi tells him that he can shove it! I love him when he’s spunky! Kwan Woong orders Kang Chi’s execution. Yeo Wool has to hold herself back from interfering. And then, “Halt!” in this really awesome deep voice. It’s Soon Shin!
Kwan Woong looks like he’s sizing up a new obstacle (and that he doesn’t exactly know who this person is). Kang Chi looks confused as to why he’s there. Soon Shin introduces himself. Take that, Kwan Woong! The magistrate quakes with fear because this guy trumps old Kwan Woong here and the new guy does not look pleased.
As Soon Shin speaks, Kwan Woong watches him, as if to size him up and figure out a counter move. Again, my heart is warmed. It’s still as good the second time. The timber of his voice is gentle, like a father to a son. “I’ve come for you.” Has anyone, besides Moo Sol, ever rescued Kang Chi before? We’re not counting Yeo Wool because Kang Chi hasn’t totally gotten that they have a relationship yet.
The episode starts with Kang Chi’s face off with Kwan Woong. Kang Chi tells him that he can shove it! I love him when he’s spunky! Kwan Woong orders Kang Chi’s execution. Yeo Wool has to hold herself back from interfering. And then, “Halt!” in this really awesome deep voice. It’s Soon Shin!
Kwan Woong looks like he’s sizing up a new obstacle (and that he doesn’t exactly know who this person is). Kang Chi looks confused as to why he’s there. Soon Shin introduces himself. Take that, Kwan Woong! The magistrate quakes with fear because this guy trumps old Kwan Woong here and the new guy does not look pleased.
As Soon Shin speaks, Kwan Woong watches him, as if to size him up and figure out a counter move. Again, my heart is warmed. It’s still as good the second time. The timber of his voice is gentle, like a father to a son. “I’ve come for you.” Has anyone, besides Moo Sol, ever rescued Kang Chi before? We’re not counting Yeo Wool because Kang Chi hasn’t totally gotten that they have a relationship yet.
Good Doctor Episode 1 Recap
I am really excited for this drama. I watched a preview and it looked very interesting – Joo Won plays an autistic savant, Park Shi Ohn, who was mentored by a director at Sung Won University Hospital, Choi Woo Suk. Shi Ohn from an early age showed aptitude for medicine and with Woo Suk’s support, he’s now a first year intern. The tone of the preview and the description on KBS’s website (and even the musical score) says that this will be an uplifting show and I always like those.
And I have to say, I like the intro and the use of stop-motion to produce a 3-D effect.
The first thing we see, besides an overall city shot, is a picture of two boys, one hugging the other. I’m thinking that this picture of Shi Ohn and another boy is significant to our story. There’s also a ceramic bunny and an alarm clock which is ringing. Aw, Joo Won is sleeping. He looks so peaceful.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 7 Recap
Sad cello music plays. Yeo Wool comes on the scene of the men attacking Kang Chi, but stops from intervening because of the blue lights. We hear her thoughts: “I didn’t want to believe it.” And we drift back to the peach tree under the crescent moon. So Jung telling her that one of them would die. “I thought I could ignore it. But now…”
Kang Chi begins to transform into a gumiho. Yeo Wool shivers with fear. “Choi Kang Chi, what kind of monster are you?” As Kang Chi attacks, she runs away, terrified. When she comes across Gon, she’s so frightened that she doesn’t recognize him and tries to escape from his grasp. He tries to figure out if something is wrong and she says that something is very wrong, terribly wrong. Where has he been all this time? There’s a horrific howl which frightens her more.
Kang Chi kills the last guard, the man who cut the bracelet from his wrist. Thankfully he didn’t rip out any hearts. He staggers away, trying to get to Chung Jo, but collapses as rain begins to fall. Is it natural rain or gumiho rain?
Chung Jo arrives at the gisaeng house. Madame Soo Ryun’s gisaeng house. When she hears they have a new girl, the daughter of Park Moo Sol, it’s almost as if she dreads what she’s about to do. Chung Jo is outside, refusing to go in, that she’d rather die than become a giseang. Soo Ryun exits the house and asks her what other choice does she, the daughter of a traitor, have? Just like Seo Hwa, she pleads her father’s innocence, but Soo Ryun says that it has nothing to do with her. When Chung Jo begs her to kill her, that she would die, Soo Ryun remembers Seo Hwa uncomfortably. There is a pause, where there’s a chance she won’t do what we know is coming.
Kang Chi begins to transform into a gumiho. Yeo Wool shivers with fear. “Choi Kang Chi, what kind of monster are you?” As Kang Chi attacks, she runs away, terrified. When she comes across Gon, she’s so frightened that she doesn’t recognize him and tries to escape from his grasp. He tries to figure out if something is wrong and she says that something is very wrong, terribly wrong. Where has he been all this time? There’s a horrific howl which frightens her more.
Kang Chi kills the last guard, the man who cut the bracelet from his wrist. Thankfully he didn’t rip out any hearts. He staggers away, trying to get to Chung Jo, but collapses as rain begins to fall. Is it natural rain or gumiho rain?
Chung Jo arrives at the gisaeng house. Madame Soo Ryun’s gisaeng house. When she hears they have a new girl, the daughter of Park Moo Sol, it’s almost as if she dreads what she’s about to do. Chung Jo is outside, refusing to go in, that she’d rather die than become a giseang. Soo Ryun exits the house and asks her what other choice does she, the daughter of a traitor, have? Just like Seo Hwa, she pleads her father’s innocence, but Soo Ryun says that it has nothing to do with her. When Chung Jo begs her to kill her, that she would die, Soo Ryun remembers Seo Hwa uncomfortably. There is a pause, where there’s a chance she won’t do what we know is coming.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 6 Recap
I’m eagerly awaiting Kang Chi’s revenge on Kwan Woong, although it’s probably not going to happen since it is the series bad guy and Kang Chi’s nemesis.
The episode opens with a bloodied Kang Chi as a child. He’s been in a fight. Moo Sol is there and asks him why he beat up his friends. Kang Chi is angry about being called a river orphan. Moo Sol asks him if he is ashamed of being found on the river. When Kang Chi meekly answers ‘yes,’ Moo Sol squats down and tells him: “I think of it as a blessing. If you hadn’t been on that river, I’d never have met you.” This makes Kang Chi (and me) get choked up. Moo Sol continues: “Family isn’t just blood. It’s in our hearts. And in my heart, you are a son to me.” Kang Chi and I both cry.
Moo Sol stands and turns to his friends, telling them that when they tease Kang Chi, they tease him. Moo Sol’s love makes Kang Chi feel happy.
Again we see Moo Sol being run through by Kwan Woong’s man. Moo Sol gurgling. His family’s shocked faces. Kang Chi punching the attacker and cradling Moo Sol. Again with the face caress, where they rip out my heart with a spoon! Why a spoon? Because it hurts more. “You were a son to me.” His last thoughts are for his children. Tae Seo screams, “Father!” Lady Yoon faints. Kang Chi begs Moo Sol to come back and even though he screams, “My lord!” we know that he’s screaming, “Father!”
Clouds cover the moon. The fierce wind blows. Everyone is afraid.
The episode opens with a bloodied Kang Chi as a child. He’s been in a fight. Moo Sol is there and asks him why he beat up his friends. Kang Chi is angry about being called a river orphan. Moo Sol asks him if he is ashamed of being found on the river. When Kang Chi meekly answers ‘yes,’ Moo Sol squats down and tells him: “I think of it as a blessing. If you hadn’t been on that river, I’d never have met you.” This makes Kang Chi (and me) get choked up. Moo Sol continues: “Family isn’t just blood. It’s in our hearts. And in my heart, you are a son to me.” Kang Chi and I both cry.
Moo Sol stands and turns to his friends, telling them that when they tease Kang Chi, they tease him. Moo Sol’s love makes Kang Chi feel happy.
Again we see Moo Sol being run through by Kwan Woong’s man. Moo Sol gurgling. His family’s shocked faces. Kang Chi punching the attacker and cradling Moo Sol. Again with the face caress, where they rip out my heart with a spoon! Why a spoon? Because it hurts more. “You were a son to me.” His last thoughts are for his children. Tae Seo screams, “Father!” Lady Yoon faints. Kang Chi begs Moo Sol to come back and even though he screams, “My lord!” we know that he’s screaming, “Father!”
Clouds cover the moon. The fierce wind blows. Everyone is afraid.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Good Doctor Episode 1 Summary
Since I'm kind of long-winded in my recaps (it's the writer in me), I thought I would post a summary of the action first. Here's the link to the recap.
Episode One opened with meeting Park Shi Ohn (Joo Won), our hero, who lives alone. He's autistic by highly functional and is leaving to move to Seoul for a residency.

We get a flashback showing how hard life was for him as a child.
Episode One opened with meeting Park Shi Ohn (Joo Won), our hero, who lives alone. He's autistic by highly functional and is leaving to move to Seoul for a residency.
We get a flashback showing how hard life was for him as a child.
The other kids beat him up because he was different. His father was an abusive alcoholic, who in a fit of rage killed Shi Ohn's pet bunny. Shi Ohn had one champion: his older brother, Yi Ohn, who defended him against the other kids and his father.
He also was friends with a kindly doctor, Choi Woo Suk (Chun Ho Jin), who acted as a surrogate father and encouraged Shi Ohn's interest in becoming a doctor.
Gu Family Book Episode 5 Recap
Phantom-like assassins begin to appear, filling up the rooftops and surrounding Kang Chi and Yeo Wool. She seems to have fought them before, but they are unfamiliar to Kang Chi.
Moo Sol asks who the man pretending to be So Jung is. The assassin drops his disguise, now holding a sword to Moo Sol’s throat.
Kang Chi and Yeo Wool fight to defend themselves from death. As phantoms, they dissipate when killed, but their swords can still wound and kill.
The assassin asks Moo Sol to continue his story of Kang Chi’s bracelet. A blade appears at his head. “Drop the blade,” commands Han Noh. The assassin glares and many more guards enter the room. He tries to complete his task, swinging at Moo Sol’s head, but his way is blocked by Han Noh’s sword. Han Noh is so cool. Moo Sol doesn’t even blink at this threat.
Yeo Wool fights with her sword and Kang Chi fights with his fists and feet. He needs to get a sword already! Kang Chi is frustrated, because they just keep coming. Yeo Wool tells him that the phantoms are all just one man. Killing him will kill them all.
House guards fight the assassin. Could he be the one man they need to kill?
Yeo Wool and Kang Chi continue to fight as Kang Chi scans the phantoms for the lone man.
Moo Sol asks who the man pretending to be So Jung is. The assassin drops his disguise, now holding a sword to Moo Sol’s throat.
Kang Chi and Yeo Wool fight to defend themselves from death. As phantoms, they dissipate when killed, but their swords can still wound and kill.
The assassin asks Moo Sol to continue his story of Kang Chi’s bracelet. A blade appears at his head. “Drop the blade,” commands Han Noh. The assassin glares and many more guards enter the room. He tries to complete his task, swinging at Moo Sol’s head, but his way is blocked by Han Noh’s sword. Han Noh is so cool. Moo Sol doesn’t even blink at this threat.
Yeo Wool fights with her sword and Kang Chi fights with his fists and feet. He needs to get a sword already! Kang Chi is frustrated, because they just keep coming. Yeo Wool tells him that the phantoms are all just one man. Killing him will kill them all.
House guards fight the assassin. Could he be the one man they need to kill?
Yeo Wool and Kang Chi continue to fight as Kang Chi scans the phantoms for the lone man.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 4 Recap
Flashbacks of Seo Hwa and Wol Ryung’s relationship. Rip my heart out again, why don’t you. Wol Ryung Says, "I loved you, despite everything."
The girl and Kang Chi run through the forest. Her hat flies off and her hair flies free. Kang Chi saves her from the guard. As he declares, “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you,” it sounds familiar to her. She remembers a boy saving her from a savage dog when she was young.
Blue lights fly like fireflies and she realizes that she is by the peach tree under a crescent moon. The music swells as she holds him and does not run. A very nice visual image.
The monk stands outside of Century House. Kwan Woong has also arrived, although Moo Sol has not returned. Tae Seo knows that this means trouble, but goes out to meet him. The group demands rooms. Tae Seo begins to refuse, claiming they have no room, when he is stopped by Ninja Soh, who tells him that when they demand something, he will do it. The veil of the palanquin rises and Tae Seo sees Kwan Woong. Tae Seo knows of the old chancellor and he affirms that he is Kwan Woong, which disturbs the residents of Century House.
Tae Seo tries to accommodate their request, but there are only two empty rooms. Kwan Woong’s reputation has them afraid, since he is known to be ruthless and unrelenting. Tae Seo hopes that Kang Chi will return to help them, not knowing that his mother has gotten rid of him.
The girl and Kang Chi run through the forest. Her hat flies off and her hair flies free. Kang Chi saves her from the guard. As he declares, “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you,” it sounds familiar to her. She remembers a boy saving her from a savage dog when she was young.
Blue lights fly like fireflies and she realizes that she is by the peach tree under a crescent moon. The music swells as she holds him and does not run. A very nice visual image.
The monk stands outside of Century House. Kwan Woong has also arrived, although Moo Sol has not returned. Tae Seo knows that this means trouble, but goes out to meet him. The group demands rooms. Tae Seo begins to refuse, claiming they have no room, when he is stopped by Ninja Soh, who tells him that when they demand something, he will do it. The veil of the palanquin rises and Tae Seo sees Kwan Woong. Tae Seo knows of the old chancellor and he affirms that he is Kwan Woong, which disturbs the residents of Century House.
Tae Seo tries to accommodate their request, but there are only two empty rooms. Kwan Woong’s reputation has them afraid, since he is known to be ruthless and unrelenting. Tae Seo hopes that Kang Chi will return to help them, not knowing that his mother has gotten rid of him.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 3 Recap
The episode starts with the monk running through the forest, certain that Wol Ryung has come back. Instead he finds Seo Hwa and their newborn child in the cave. At first he doesn’t recognize her, but when he sees her face, he realizes who she is. He makes her some soup and tells her that the baby has Wol Ryung’s eyes.
Seo Hwa is heart broken because she can’t remember what Wol Ryung looks like. So Jung shows her the hawthorn dagger and tells her that Wol Ryung could have saved himself if he had killed her. The knowledge of this drives the emotional dagger of her betrayal into her heart. For the first time in 1,000 years, he loved someone so much that he wanted to be human and he couldn’t bear to be without her, so he let himself die instead. So Jung gives her the dagger, saying it was a symbol of Wol Ryung’s love and trust in her. Way to give her a physical dagger to go with her emotional one.
Seo Hwa has come to hate humanity and, dagger in hand, has come to Kwan Woong’s estate to try and kill him. “I have lost that which is most dear. I ask no forgiveness.” Attacking, she slices Kwan Woong across the face. He stares at her with horror, partially that she is alive and partially because she is trying to kill him. She truly has a mad, murderous look in her eyes. “I pushed true love away. I wished his child dead. I ask no forgiveness. I will answer for my sins.” Screaming, she goes to strike the death blow but is stopped by Kwan Woong’s captain, Ninja Soh.
Seo Hwa has left their baby in the care of So Jung. “Have mercy on this child. Spare him the loneliness of his father. Give him a normal life, surrounded by decent and loving people.”
Seo Hwa is heart broken because she can’t remember what Wol Ryung looks like. So Jung shows her the hawthorn dagger and tells her that Wol Ryung could have saved himself if he had killed her. The knowledge of this drives the emotional dagger of her betrayal into her heart. For the first time in 1,000 years, he loved someone so much that he wanted to be human and he couldn’t bear to be without her, so he let himself die instead. So Jung gives her the dagger, saying it was a symbol of Wol Ryung’s love and trust in her. Way to give her a physical dagger to go with her emotional one.
Seo Hwa has come to hate humanity and, dagger in hand, has come to Kwan Woong’s estate to try and kill him. “I have lost that which is most dear. I ask no forgiveness.” Attacking, she slices Kwan Woong across the face. He stares at her with horror, partially that she is alive and partially because she is trying to kill him. She truly has a mad, murderous look in her eyes. “I pushed true love away. I wished his child dead. I ask no forgiveness. I will answer for my sins.” Screaming, she goes to strike the death blow but is stopped by Kwan Woong’s captain, Ninja Soh.
Seo Hwa has left their baby in the care of So Jung. “Have mercy on this child. Spare him the loneliness of his father. Give him a normal life, surrounded by decent and loving people.”
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 2 Recap
Episode Two begins with Wol Ryung declaring that he loves Seo Hwa and wants to be human. So Jung tells him to wake up, because Dam Pyung Joon is searching for them. Pyung Joon is one of a rare group of humans whose powers rival that of the gumiho.
Seo Hwa wants to leave, to keep Wol Ryung from being in danger. He laughs, dismissing her fears, and shows her the food he has gathered from the forest. When she tells him that an apple is good, he goes out and picks many more for her to eat.
Wol Ryung’s loving presence and serving heart, bringing her things like a sack full of butterflies, these help cheer her and win her heart. Because she misses Yoon and Dam Yi, Wol Ryung travels to the town to find them and discovers Yoon’s hanging body. Kwan Woong has left him hanging for 4 days.
As Soo Ryun asks Kwan Woong to take down Yoon’s body, they receive news that the body has been stolen. It’s interesting that she is concerned about the boy’s body, since it doesn’t seem to be something that should bother her.
Wol Ryung returns after burying Yoon’s body – complete with grave marker, which means he can read and write – and tells Seo Hwa that Yoon and Dam Yi are safe. Grateful, she hugs Wol Ryung, telling him she can finally live again. Suddenly embarrassed, she pulls away, but after a moment, he kisses her and asks her to marry him. Even as she tells him all the reasons why he shouldn’t marry her, he continues to ask and she agrees.
Seo Hwa wants to leave, to keep Wol Ryung from being in danger. He laughs, dismissing her fears, and shows her the food he has gathered from the forest. When she tells him that an apple is good, he goes out and picks many more for her to eat.
Wol Ryung’s loving presence and serving heart, bringing her things like a sack full of butterflies, these help cheer her and win her heart. Because she misses Yoon and Dam Yi, Wol Ryung travels to the town to find them and discovers Yoon’s hanging body. Kwan Woong has left him hanging for 4 days.
As Soo Ryun asks Kwan Woong to take down Yoon’s body, they receive news that the body has been stolen. It’s interesting that she is concerned about the boy’s body, since it doesn’t seem to be something that should bother her.
Wol Ryung returns after burying Yoon’s body – complete with grave marker, which means he can read and write – and tells Seo Hwa that Yoon and Dam Yi are safe. Grateful, she hugs Wol Ryung, telling him she can finally live again. Suddenly embarrassed, she pulls away, but after a moment, he kisses her and asks her to marry him. Even as she tells him all the reasons why he shouldn’t marry her, he continues to ask and she agrees.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Gu Family Book Episode 1 Recap

Author's Note: My side comments are put in italics, so as not to confuse them with what might be said by someone else. They might be a bit of snark, a flash of irritation, or just an aside.
Narration. It was a place of mystery. A place none dared approach. It had long been a dwelling place of guardian spirits. It was called the Garden of the Moon. And there are protectors of Mt. Chiri... who have lived for thousands of years. I'm liking the music. It's very mystical sounding. It sets a good tone. And it reminds me of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings films, which I absolutely adore, so it also puts me in a favorable mood.
The monk So Jung climbs up the mountain in search of Wol Ryung, the gumiho. From his reaction, “Oh, no. Not again,” it’s not unusual for Wol Ryung to leave his cave and travel down the mountain. Why that's a bad thing, I don't know. To emphasize that he is not human, he bounds into the air, impossibly high, and lands with a thud, unhurt.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Other Miscellaneous K-Drama Cliches
Cliches that I couldn't fit in another category:
- Time travel is not unusual. It has no set rules or logic and depends on the relationship of the hero and heroine.
- Time travel will end in: heartbreak, lasting love, or lasting love with heartbreak.
- Reincarnation is also a common occurrence, especially for someone who was born in the Joseon era and ends up in modern-day South Korea
- Body swapping can happen and will typically lead to love.
- In order for a woman to be mistaken for a man, all she needs to do is wear a man’s hair style and say she’s a man. Even if she’s really pretty, no one will ever guess that she’s a woman.
- There will always be a scene at either a hospital or an airport, or maybe both in the same series.
- Rooftop apartments are also typical and affordable.
- When relaxing in a public bath house, wearing a towel on your head is mandatory, even if your hair isn’t wet. The bath house also will supply your outfit.
- If you go to a spa or bath house, expect some sort of awkward scene to happen.
- Daylight is very unusual in Korea. It can be pitch black at 6 pm or completely bright at 6 am.
- Weather is also unusual. It's not atypical for the hero or heroine to be stuck out in the rain.
Cliches: Koreans and Their Transportation
Of course, Korean dramas feature transportation. Whether it's a car racing off to rescue someone, or time spent thinking on the bus, here are some of the cliches that appear:
- Poor people will either walk or ride the bus. Rich people will either drive themselves or be driven somewhere by someone.
- Instead of driving after someone on a car or bus, a person will chase him/her on foot. Or maybe a bike. But probably just running.
- Suddenly pulling over in traffic is no problem, even if it’s on a bridge. This also applies to making random, sudden u-turns in the middle of the street.
- There will never be traffic to stop you from pulling over or making a dramatic u-turn.
- When upset, drive really fast in your car. You will never get a ticket for it.
- You can park your car anywhere, whether it’s blocking a street or in front of a hospital or airport. Your can will never get a ticket or be towed.
Cliches: Education and Students
Just like American dramas have cliches (like the male teacher who gets in a relationship with one of his female students), there are cliches regarding the Korean educational system:
- All school uniforms include a jacket and, if a girl, a plaid skirt.
- If you’re super rich you don’t have to wear a school uniform.
- Pranks and bullying can be brutal and can involve things like: arson, vandalism, and assault and battery. They can also potentially kill someone.
- If someone is being bullied, the teachers will never step in and stop it.
- When in school, the students are typically in charge of their own education and do not need teachers. Most of the time, all school is, is study hall.
- Students also rarely have to do any type of homework, even if it is their last year before university.
- It is totally normal for female teachers to date male students.
- Traveling abroad for school is normal and not costly or difficult. If you’ve gone to America, you will return to Korea successful. You normally will have gone to university like Harvard or MIT.
Cliches: Work Life
Like in America, Koreans spend a lot of time at work. Here are some of the cliches about this part of Korean life:
- Someone in the drama will work for a big corporation.
- If you are the son of a business's president/chairman, you are required to follow in your father's footsteps, even if you aren't interested or qualified. If you are the daughter and are qualified, you will be overlooked in favor of your brother, even if he isn't interested or qualified.
- If you are not the first son, but some other member of the family (second son, cousin), even if you are more qualified and more successful, you will not be given the president/chairman position over the first son.
- The highly-educated and successful businessmen will be able to speak English. They will *not,* however, be taught correct pronunciation and will have a thick accent that the English-speaking people will, of course, understand even when it’s hardly comprehensible to native-English speakers watching the drama.
- He will also be able to speak several other languages like Chinese and Japanese.
- Even if you’re under-qualified and have never done the job before, you will get the job if you impress the boss. Or are the heir of the company.
Cliches: Eating and Drinking
Just like Americans, Koreans have food and beverages that they prefer and mores regarding them. Here's some of the cliches you might find in a k-drama:
Cliches: Health-Related Situations
All medical dramas have cliches, but Korean dramas have some of the most interesting cliches regarding health-related situations:
- If you are working too hard or over-exerting yourself, this will be indicated by a nose bleed.
- When you are troubled, you will suffer from some ailment like a fever or constipation.
- If you go out with wet hair, will get sick with a fever.
- If you spend too much time outside in the cold, you will become sick and develop a fever. This will happen within 6 hours rather than a couple of days.
- If you have a fever, you will be cured not by taking medicine, but by a magic washcloth that is applied to your forehead throughout the night.
- When people are sick, they will eat porridge.
- When you are sick or hurt, you will be cured with a good night's sleep. Even if you’ve broken a bone or been beaten up quite badly.
- If you’re sick, an IV will also cure you overnight.
- If you have an IV, it always remains full.
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