Monday, August 26, 2013

Gu Family Book Episode 10 Recap

It starts with Ninja Soh in the room with Gon and the mason, telling them to take down the scroll hiding the secret door. Kang Chi and Yeo Wool behind the door listening. She yelps and falls. Ninja Soh hears it. Kang Chi catches her *awkwardly.* He knows she’s not Young *Master* Dam.

Unlike the last episode. His hand stays there a lot longer. There’s more lingering looks. She’s first horrified (because it would be awkward any time) and then scared about how he’s going to react. And he gets a really weird look on his face. Almost like the love light just went on. In the attic, far away from the first floor, but it’s still on now.

Yeo Wool finally (it was all of about 30 seconds) squirms away and they stand awkwardly, her with her back to him. It’s cracking me up because Kang Chi’s hand, the offending hand, hasn’t moved from its last position, even though the rest of him did. It’s still frozen awkwardly. He slowly looks at the offending hand. I’m laughing even more. Yeo Wool physically grimaces with not just her face. They glance at each other, their eyes meet, and then they look away again.

And even though all that happened, time was suspended on the other side of the wall so that they could have their moment. Their moment finished and Ninja Soh demands for Gon to stand aside. Kang Chi and Yeo Wool hear him and it helps shake them out of their awkward stupor. Both of them are worried, but Yeo Wool is more so, even wincing when Ninja Soh yells his demand that Gon stand aside.

Somehow soldiers have been alerted. They rush across the courtyard and into the main building. The workers pause to consider what’s happening. Gon has moved aside. He and the mason are standing toward the middle of the room. There’s no way for them to escape. Soldiers are trying to remove the scroll and pushing on the wall/door, but nothing. Ninja Soh sees that latch on the floor (Nobody noticed that before? It’s not tiny.) and unlatches it. The painting slides aside to reveal… another wall!

The soldiers and Ninja Soh react with confusion. Kang Chi and Yeo Wool are on the other side of the wall so that when he pushes on the door/wall, it doesn’t budge. The mason looks like he’s about to have a heart attack. Gon, fists clenched, can do nothing but watch.

Ninja Soh declares that something’s fishy and orders his men to the guard until Kwan Woong returns. He halts all construction and then stalks off, taking most of the men with him. Two guards remain on either side of the door. Gon looks and there’s a sigh, as he can’t do anything to help Yeo Wool now.

Kang Chi and Yeo Wool can tell that they are safe. They look at each other, as if to say, ‘what now?’ but the pesky hand/not-boy situation is still there. They turn away from each other again. Yeo Wool really wants to avoid eye contact, but Kang Chi keeps glancing in her direction. He looks at his hand again and then clamps his other hand over it. The look on his face is priceless: why did I have to touch her with my hand? If I had to find out, why was it by me touching her chest with my hand?

A soldier has reported to Pyung Joon and Tae Seo that Kang Chi and Yeo Wool are trapped. Pyung Joon looks concerned. Tae Seo looks constipated. He doesn’t even really react to the fact that Kang Chi is there. He asks where Gon is. He’s waiting for Pyung Joon’s orders. Tae Seo’s expression has shifted to anxious worry. Is that for Yeo Wool or the gold? Probably Yeo Wool. Although the gold is his father’s legacy… Pyung Joon has work to do, sending a message.

Gisaeng House. Wol Sun sits with Kwan Woong as someone plays what is probably a gayageum. It’s traditional-sounding plucked music. Lavish food is on his table and he is slowly sipping his tea. We discover that all the while, he is leering at a seated Chung Jo, who has to sit near this man that makes her skin crawl.

Wol Sun suggests that they go walk in the garden. Kwan Woong's gaze doesn’t move off of Chung Jo. Wol Sun tells him that he’ll make her pout. He completely ignores her. He tells Chung Jo to come closer. Chung Jo asks him if he wants to see her swallow her own tongue, as disgusted she is with the sight of him. Wol Sun starts squawking about her insolence, but Chung Jo ignores her. “I may have been sold into this house. But I won’t be a plaything for my greatest enemy. Not even for a single day.”

Kwan Woong laughs. Why is unclear. Her audacity? That her words will prove empty because he’ll overpower her and take what he wants? He says that she is just like ‘her.’ Whoever the Moon Blossom chick was.

Soo Ryun is outside and asks to interrupt. She enters. Finally Kwan Woong’s gaze shifts. Soo Ryun’s expression is disturbed (for someone who doesn’t show emotion). She glances down at Chung Jo before coming to sit in front of Kwan Woong. She says that this novice seems to have gotten lost again. Kwan Woong says that this time he sent for her, to enjoy the cherry blossoms with. Soo Ryun doesn’t want to agree to it because she hasn’t been adequately trained, but he says he won’t lay a finger on her until then. I guess times just a-tickin’ until he *really* tortures you, Chung Jo. Kwan Woong just wants to take care of her. Soo Ryun almost looks sick to her stomach. Surely she can do this for him, after all the concessions he’s granted her. I just wonder when, because he always seems to get whatever he wants.

Now in another room, Chung Jo pleads with Soo Ryun not to do this. She wants to die instead. Soo Ryun warns that he might do something much worse if she refuses. Apparently, if it’s her fate, then it’s okay to have him look her up, down and all around. Soo Ryun tells her to use her head, to be patient, to endure. Even as she tells Chung Jo that complying will get her the opportunity to free herself from misery and injustice, she looks as if she’s choking on the words she’s saying. I really don’t see how that’s logical, but that’s what she says. She’ll be able to repay every injustice some day, but she has to be alive to do it. I wonder if Soo Ryun is speaking from experience, if she’s still waiting for that to be true for her.

Chung Jo declares that she will hate Soo Ryun for this. So I guess she doesn’t hate her for tying her to a tree and starving her to near death. Soo Ryun doesn’t have a problem with Chung Jo hating her, as long as it keeps Chung Jo alive. Chung Jo weeps bitter tears. Soo Ryun looks sick to her stomach. Chung Jo runs from the room. Oh Mom says that she can’t blame Chung Jo for how she feels. Soo Ryun’s eyes seem a bit glossy. She really seems to hate what’s happening right now.

The head man servant, Jang Soo, arrives, bringing Ninja Soh’s message to Kwan Woong. Boy, it’s nicely wrapped in fabric instead of an envelope. Oh, this is the envelope *cover.* Reacting, Soo Ryun pauses for a moment and then tells Oh Mom to break out the strong spirits. I guess she’s going to get Kwan Woong drunk so that he can’t go home today. Only the strongest for Kwan Woong. Oh Mom asks why now. Soo Ryun shows her the envelope; it has a bow and arrow symbol on it. It’s not from Ninja Soh! It’s from Pyung Joon. She’s working with Pyung Joon?! Soo Ryun declares that they have to keep Kwan Woong there for four days using whatever it takes. Does this include using Chung Jo? Apparently both of these servants know what the bow and arrow means, since they don’t question but agree to her orders.

Kwan Woong sits under a veranda. The gayageum plays. Girls are dancing, their arms smoothly, slowly gliding through the air. It seems like most of the giseangs are there, entertaining Kwan Woong. Wol Sun sits to his left and her lackey sits on his right. Chung Jo is also there, barely tolerating being in Kwan Woong's presence. Oh Mom brings in the hard stuff. He’s pleased because it’s delicious. Good thing, because Oh Mom was looking a little nervous. She tells him that it’s special wine just for him from the mistress. One of the other girls comes and whispers in Wol Sun’s ear. She’s not happy with whatever she hears. She whispers an instruction back. Oh Mom watches the girl leave and then looks over at Chung Jo. Kwan Woong looks at her and suddenly his expression changes to where he’s not smiling any more.

The message was from Ninja Soh. The girl tells him that Kwan Woong doesn’t want to be bothered and doesn’t want to leave right now. Ninja Soh’s astonished that he doesn’t care but she says that’s she told him everything and he wants to finish drinking first. Ninja Soh isn’t sure what to do.

We see Gon sneaking back toward the office, still wearing his mask. The guards are still there, although they look a little tired.

Kang Chi and Yeo Wool are sitting down in the vault. There is space for at least 2 people between them. They aren’t saying anything. She’s holding her midsection like she’s almost sick and he’s got his hands clasped together. He keeps glancing her way, but she’s not making eye contact. Her coloring looks worse. Kang Chi clears his throat and asks her if she’s okay. She says she’ll survive. How about that for a response? Finally she kind of looks in his direction. Kang Chi sighs and they both start to say something.

Kang Chi stands and tries to change the subject, commenting on the bullion in the vault. Maybe that 5,000 was its weight. Oh, it’s 5,000 bars. And that’s only going to build 10-12 ships for the navy. The conversation drops off again. She really doesn’t look all right. He asks her if she is really feeling well and she doesn’t answer. He takes off his vest and wraps it around her. When he bumps her wound, she can’t help but gasp at the pain. Even though she denies it, he rips her sleeve to reveal the wound, looking even bigger and nastier than before.

Kang Chi asks what happened. The answer is that he did it when he went all gumiho, but she pulls her arm away and claims its nothing. At least it’s a realistic reason why someone might develop a fever, rather than having wet hair in the winter time. He thinks and remembers causing the wound. He declares that they have to get out of there. She refuses, even though she could end up with tetanus and die from the infection. She’s worried about the bullion. He doesn’t think it’s worth her life. She worries about the lost battleships. She couldn’t live with herself if she were the reason that happened. She wants his to wait until the guards leave. He looks like he wants to cry. And you say you’re just a demon!

Ninja Soh paces back and forth outside the gisaeng house. He decides he’s going to go talk to Kwan Woong himself. The trusted manservant, Jang Soo, sees what’s happening.

Kwan Woong stumbles to his feet. It looks like he hasn’t stopped looking at Chung Jo the entire time. The music stops as he walks toward her. He sits down next to her and tells her that she is so cute. He is so slimy!!! My skin’s crawling, too, Chung Jo! Kwan Woong reaches up and caresses the side of her face. He tells her he never forgot her. I guess he’s talking to Moon Blossom now. Oh, Moon Blossom is Seo Hwa, because he just called Chung Jo that name. Shocked, Chung Jo looks at him. He moves in to kiss her and at the last moment she turns away. It’s all she can do not to vomit.

Wol Sun is irritated, probably more because Kwan Woong isn’t paying attention to *her.* She gets up and asks him to go inside. He’s still inches away from Chung Jo’s face, his hand still cradling her chin. Kwan Woong lays down with his head in her lap, declaring that it’s nicer than any old room. Wol Sun is *really* pissed that he’s bestowing all this attention on Chung Jo. Her lips are practically in an snarl.

Ninja Soh storms in. He speaks but Kwan Woong is asleep. He demands they wake him up. Wol Sun tries to wake him and instead he rolls even further into Chung Jo’s lap. Her (and my) skin is most definitely crawling.

Soo Ryun has arrived and tells Ninja Soh that he should wait until morning, if his business isn’t urgent. Three men (including Jang Soo) are with her. She surveys the situation, not with a smile on her face. Chung Jo looks at her pleadingly. She tells the men to take “his lordship” to his room. They comply. I would have wanted to run his head ‘accidentally’ into a wall or two, but I’m sure they don’t. Soo Ryun tell Chung Jo that she may go. She gets up and looks like she is holding back vomiting and slowly walks off. Ninja Soh and Soo Ryun watch her go.

As if in a daze, Chung Jo enters the courtyard. Petals have been falling from the tree. Chung Jo remembers it being full and remembers what feels like ages ago but in reality probably isn’t even a month when she showed Kang Chi her heart by kissing him on the cheek. Her lip quivers as she tries not to break down. This pleasant memory is interrupted with the image of slimy Kwan Woong trying to kiss her. She drops to her knees and weeps over what her life has become.

Tae Seo sits alone, meditating, in Pyung Joon’s office. He slowly opens his eyes and, with purpose, walks over to the many swords that are displayed on the wall. Um… spell which drives him to murder. Not the most intelligent thing to leave him ALONE in a room with LOTS of swords. He grabs one whose scabbard matches his outfit and leaves.

Kang Chi checks on the door to the vault and sighs. He wants to know what they’re going to do if they can’t get out of there before Ninja Soh and Kwan Woong return. Yeo Wool looks *a lot* worse. She doesn’t even really acknowledge him when he speaks. He calls her, “Officer Dam,” and she corrects him with her name, “Yeo Wool.”

Hearing her name, Kang Chi remembers hearing it as a child. She calls him a dork and then passes out. Kang Chi rushes to stop her from falling face-first onto the floor and while she leans on him, he suddenly remembers their past: the dog attack, the huge spider, her tricking him as adult and then refusing to tell him whether they met before. Her logic her still escapes me: if you don’t remember something, then it didn’t mean anything to you. Then he remembers when, as children, she told him her name and the huge smile they shared with each other.

Kang Chi says her name, “Dam Yeo Wool,” as if he can’t believe it’s her. Then he remembers running through the forest, dazed, when she saved him from guards sent by Lady Yoon and then them together by the peach tree under the crescent moon. He remembers saving her from the assassin’s blade with his arm, grabbing her staff, him pouting at the Garden of the Moon, “don’t I creep you out?” her putting the bracelet on him, “Monsters don’t whine so much, right?” and then collapsing on her again. Good memory. Especially the places where he was only partly conscious.

Yeo Wool's weight causes them to almost fall over so that Kang Chi’s now cradling her head with his hand. Her hair has conveniently fallen so that she ‘looks’ like a girl. Feeling her head, he’s really worried, especially since he’s figured out just *how* important she is to him.

Pyung Joon returns to his office and stares at the pillow where Tae Seo used to be meditating. Was there a reason you left him unguarded? I would be alarmed but he looks almost resigned to the fact. One of the students reports that they’ve looked everywhere and he’s gone.

Tae Seo has arrived at Century House and surveys it with a look of grim determination. I guess he’s there to save the bullion and Yeo Wool. Oh, and Kang Chi, even though he’ll probably kill him right afterward, since HE’S STILL UNDER THE SPELL. He looks at the sign bearing the house’s name and it’s almost like they’re killing his father all over again.

Steeling himself, he slowly walks up the steps. He encounters a lantern-carrying Eok Man, who I guess is on patrol, since he asks who it is. Not that he couldn’t recognize the guy who has been his boss for years. Then he shouts, “Young Lord!” and runs over to him. Like shouting isn’t going to draw the attention of anyone else in the house. Apparently, even though “the guards are looking all over” for Tae Seo, Eok Man thought it would be a good idea to shout out who he is. He tells Eok Man to go to the office and Gon and to rescue the people trapped.

And wouldn’t you know it, Eok Man *did* alert the guards, because here come two of them. Eok Man hurries off to find Gon. Tae Seo identifies himself: “The son of Park Moo Sol of Century House, Park Tae Seo.” I thought it was so cool how he said it, I had to quote him. The guards don’t actually react until he dramatically he pulls his sword from the scabbard. I guess good help is hard to find these days. Screaming he rushes them and apparently Tae Seo, accountant, has some skills. He’s taking on 4 of them at once.

Gon and the men guarding the door hear the disturbance outside. Eok Man enters and tells the guards that Tae Seo is there. And it’s bad. After he whines at them, the guards rush out to subdue Tae Seo. Even though I don’t think Eok Man’s met Gon, he gives him Tae Seo’s message. I do like it how he tells Gon to stop standing there like a doofus. Gon hurries to get Kang Chi and Yeo Wool out.

Entering the vault, he finds Kang Chi cradling Yeo Wool, with his left hand on her wound. He starts to explain what’s going on but Gon basically tells him to shut up and then grabs Yeo Wool and carries her away. Kang Chi watches them leave and then slowly looks at his hand, which looks like it’s been cut with a knife. The mystical music is playing, so I’m left wondering why.

Like I said, Tae Soe is a stud with the sword because he’s taking everything they’re throwing at them. He’s not killing them, but he’s keeping them busy. When one of them knocks him backward, they don’t all rush him, which is what I would think they would do. Instead they let him catch his breath while they stand on their guard, surrounding him.

Gon brings Yeo Wool to a servant with a cart. He tells him to get her to Gong Dal while he goes back for Tae Seo. She’s still unconscious and sweating. Gon tenderly caresses the side of her face before she goes. Aw.

Eok Man has decided to sneak in and look at what’s behind the magic door. He slowly opens it to find Kang Chi on the other side. He lets out a scream which Kang Chi counters with one of his own. After they stop screaming, Kang Chi tells him that he needs his help with something.

Several of the servants have stopped to watch the fighting. Eok Man starts pulling down the sheet in front of the house, the mason objects, but after Eok Man shushes him, he lets Eok Man continue.

Tae Seo can really handle 3 guys at once! He falls backward, but Gon is right there to pick up where he left off. Yay, finally we get to see some Gon sword-fighting action! He at least kills one of them on his first pass. The guards they’re fighting stop to let Gon and Tae Seo discuss Yeo Wool being at risk and that Gon should leave because Tae Seo has unfinished business and so that the school won’t be put at risk if Gon’s discovered. Gon agrees and I am disappointed that there wasn’t more action from Gon. I mean, if he just killed all the guards, because they work for the bad guy, then there wouldn’t be any chance for discovery, since apparently that’s all the guards at Century House right now. But that’s just me being logical. Two of the guards follow after Gon while three stay on Tae Seo.

Ninja Soh has arrived back at Century House. He walks up to Tae Seo completely unconcerned that the guy is wielding a weapon. Tae Seo experiences some intense head pain and flashes of when the spell was placed during interrogation. He can barely stand. He remembers Pyung Joon telling him that Ninja Soh either needs to lift the spell or die. I guess he’s opted for the death option, because he slowly gets to his feet (the other guards not doing anything). He asks Ninja Soh if he’s the one responsible for the spell. Ninja Soh asks if he’s there to ask *why.* I find that part interesting. Why would why be important?

With a scream Tae Seo charges and Ninja Soh doesn’t move a muscle. He just blinks at Tae Seo as he stops with his sword inches from Ninja Soh’s neck. Apparently the spell also makes it so that Tae Seo can’t hurt him and has to obey his commands. Even as he fights the command, with a horrified look on his face, he has to drop his sword. Although he’s able to hold his tongue, his body betrays him and slowly points in the direction of the secret door.

With some guards, Ninja Soh enters the office. Grabbing a hammer, he starts to smash the door in. He sees a passageway and completes the job by kicking the door in. Investigating, he finds all the bullion, but no Kang Chi. They pan up this time and it’s not just one story but *two* stories worth of gold. He’s ecstatic because this is the money that was missing from the accounting ledgers that his master was looking for.

Outside, Tae Seo falls to his knees, a look of defeat on his face. He does clench his fists, though, so you know he’s feeling something intense. And then he rips out my heart as a tear runs down his face.

Gon and the other men are back with Pyung Joon. They had to leave behind the gold and Tae Seo. Pyung Joon wonders how it fell apart so fast. Um, I don’t know. If you’d maybe left him guarded, he might still be there. They’re all downcast until the mason speaks up and reminds them that Kang Chi’s still out there. Kang Chi. The guy they left out of their plan and left home because he was too much of a hothead. That guy. And apparently nobody’s told Pyung Joon about Kang Chi being there because he has to ask who the man is, that they still have on the inside.

Century House. The office and the halls outside it are heavily guarded. And apparently, they decided to close the outer door since we now see the painting on the wall. Hey! Kang Chi’s in the vault, carrying a candle. How’d he hide from Ninja Soh? Or is there another way out of the vault? And if there’s another way out of the vault, why didn’t they go in that way? He’s got a little smirk on his face as he stands up and looks at the stairs that go to the entrance.

Gong Dal is taking Yeo Wool’s pulse. Pyung Joon comes and asks if Gong Dal sent Kang Chi. He doesn’t even look mad. Who is this guy? Gong Dal ignores him and starts telling him about Yeo Wool’s condition. Apparently red ginseng is good for curing her, too. When Pyung Joon asks how Kang Chi ended up there, Gong Dal has no idea, although he did make a bet with him. He turns to look at Pyung Joon and just grins.

Kang Chi is standing in the middle of the vault with all the bullion. He cracks his neck and his knuckles and stretches his arms, as if he’s getting ready to do something. And yes, he is, because he asks no one in particular, “Well, shall we get started?” This at least is a realistic k-drama aside, since I can see myself doing something like that. Oh, he’s talking to the ‘old fart.’

Next morning. Ninja Soh is back at the gisaeng house in front of Soo Ryun, demanding to see Kwan Woong. Apparently he’s awfully early and she has a right to be terse with him. Even though she tells him to come back later, he won’t.

Apparently, Wol Sun has spent the night with Kwan Woong, even though he was passed out. I really don’t like her now. Ninja Soh’s talking to him through the dor, trying to get him to wake up. Kwan Woong only opens his eyes after he hears the words, “secret vault.” That gets him up. No hangover, either, even though he drank enough to pass out. Maybe villains don't get hangovers. He gives the villain side stare at the news. Soo Ryun watches from a distance. She is not happy that her plan to detain him wasn’t successful.

Back at Century House, Kwan Woong asks Ninja Soh why he didn’t report everything immediately. He seems satisfied when he’s told that Ninja Soh found him otherwise occupied. They come across servants loading up provisions for the troops. Everyone in Yosu has been ordered to comply. Kwan Woong calls the army, no-good layabouts. Pot. Kettle. Ninja Soh’s a little suspicious as the troops start to cart away the supplies. Ma Reum and Eok Man look at each other and breathe a sigh of relief when Kwan Woong and Ninja Soh leave. Hmm? A plan afoot?

Kwan Woong and Ninja Soh enter the office. The door was behind his favorite painting! You can see Kwan Woong’s eye twitch almost ecstatically as he watches. Ninja Soh offers to go first (in case there might be some sort of danger) but Kwan Woong wants to go first, because he wants to enjoy his victory. He looks around slack-jawed and hisses, “Captain Soh.” He yells louder and it’s clear that his is *not* enjoying this. Ninja Soh rushes in and discovers that the vault has been ransacked. No bullion left.

Kwan Woong demands to know what happened. Ninja Soh is flabbergasted, since the vault entrance was guarded continuously. Kwan Woong sees some of the sacks like the ones they sent off the provisions in. He orders Ma Reum and Eok Man brought to him immediately. He orders them to confess. Ma Reum sputters that it’s provisions and begs Kwan Woong to spare him when he ends up with Kwan Woong’s foot on his neck. Kwan Woong promises to rip out his tongue when he finds proof that he’s lying.

Kwan Woong has Ninja Soh muster their troops and ride after the carts carrying their gold. After they’ve left, Ma Reum and Eok Man look at each other, and with a smile on his lips, Ma Reum nods as if to say ‘mission accomplished.’ Eok Man hurries out and Ma Reum stops to straighten his hat. Love that!

Soon Shin is talking to 2 of his men about shoring up supplies in preparation for the pending war. They’re also working on beacon repairs. Just like in Lord of the Rings. That part always makes me tear up a little. Another man enters and tells him that he needs to see this.

Outside it’s a face off between the imperial garrison and Kwan Woong and his guards. But he’s a loyal subject that truthfully, innocently accuses people of treason. He’s not snubbing his nose at the royal authority at all. Item of contention: the sacks from Century House.

Soon Shin comes out and asks what Kwan Woong wants. Oh, just some of his stuff accidentally got mixed in with the stuff they sent to the garrison. Soon Shin asks what they are, and his men will look for them. The patience of Soon Shin! I would want to take a sword to the guy’s throat right about now.

Kwan Woong declines, saying that his men can look. There’s a staring contest, but Soon Shin lets Kwan Woong’s men look. If I hadn’t have had the look Ma Reum gave Eok Man, I would really be worried right now. The soldiers know Soon Shin’s being insulted, but obey their commander. Kwan Woong’s men rip into the bags and find… provisions, as stated. The garrison’s soldiers are really appalled that their food is being trashed like this, because they’re not leaving it on the cart, but throwing it on the ground.

Meanwhile, back at the vault, Ma Reum has entered and is calling, “Kang Chi.” He is so sneaky! He used the tarp to cover the bullion and made it look like it was the back wall of the vault. He *knew* they wouldn’t look very carefully and the vault’s not well lit to begin with. Yes! All the bullion is safe. Ma Reum gasps with surprise and Kang Chi nods proudly. He’s gonna save the day. After picking up one of the pieces of gold, he suggests that they get going.

The bags of grain have held nothing but grain, most of which is no longer in the bags but on the ground. They’ll be able to wash it. Soon Shin rebukes Kwan Woong for wasting a month’s worth of provisions. Kwan Woong complains about Soon Shin stockpiling men and provisions when they’re not at war. Apparently, he’s forgotten that the primary purpose of the military is as a deterrent for war. He calls Soon Shin’s plans of a standing navy a pipe dream. Sword across the throat, Soon Shin; I’m just saying. It would solve a lot of your problems.

Kwan Woong snottily says that he’ll replace the provisions. Soon Shin orders that they need to clean up every single grain of rice that came from the sweat and blood of the people. No more will they get anything from Century House and Kwan Woong’s men are banned from the garrison. I love it when Soon Shin growls with righteous anger when he speaks!

The garrison line up to ‘escort’ Kwan Woong and his men from the grounds as Soon Shin walks away. Kwan Woong glares after him when he hears, “Well, now, what brings you here?” Turning around, it’s Kang Chi, with several carts of ‘provisions’ behind him. Kang Chi scolds them for wasting rice. Kwan Woong asks what Kang Chi’s doing at the garrison and with a triumphant smile he replies that he’s fulfilling the late Lord Park’s wishes. Kwan Woong can do nothing but watch his bullion get carted by.

Ninja Soh starts to charge at Kang Chi, but he’s stopped by one of the garrison’s officers. The rest of the garrison follows suit and readies their weapons. Ninja Soh wants to know how Kang Chi did it!!! Calmly he replies, “Didn’t you hear? I’m not human.” I stop myself from falling onto the floor as I laugh. I really love Kang Chi when he’s not all tortured. He’s so fun! Kang Chi turns to smirk at a glowering Kwan Woong before following the carts. Ninja Soh and Kwan Woong can do nothing but let them go.

Back at the vault, ominous music plays as Kwan Woong slowly walks in and look at what used to hold all that gold. Gold that he could have used to take over the world with. They’ve left a couple torches burning in the empty vault. Kwan Woong throws a temper tantrum. I’m actually kind of scared of who he’s going to take his anger out on.

Soon Shin surveys the chests of bullion. Dang, that’s a lot of money. He thanks Kang Chi for keeping his word and Kang Chi says he was just doing his duty to Moo Sol. Soon Shin asks how things are going for him. Not bad, except for the old fart. Kang Chi asks about the proof for the bet. So apparently Kang Chi stopped there first, before going to Century House. Kang Chi is elated that he’s going to win the bet.

Gong Dal can’t believe it. He’s practically in tears. He’s holding the hat of Lee Soon Shin. Heh. Kang Chi flicks his bangs like he’s the man and brags that this proves how close they are. Gong Dal starts to put the hat on and Kang Chi stops him and tells him to be careful. Apparently, the hat’s a loaner and he has to return it the next day. Gong Dal chuckles with glee as he wears the hat and declares that he can now die in peace.

So Kang Chi’s won the bet and gets his wish. And what does he wish for? Gong Dal’s stewed chicken. Both of them are ecstatic with their ‘rewards.’ Pyung Joon and Gon observe them from across the courtyard. Gon’s got a look of disgust on his face as he looks at Kang Chi but Pyung Joon muses that perhaps there’s more to Kang Chi than they give him credit for. Soon Shin said that he would be useful and Gon’s surprised that the Commander said that. He makes a face as he has to reconsider his opinion of Kang Chi. But he’s still wearing that terrible hair! 

One of Soon Shin’s men asks about the Commander’s hat. He doesn’t explain but just says that he’ll have it back tomorrow. Soon Shin stops to consider his plans for the super ships.

The guards bring a bound Tae Seo before Kwan Woong. Couldn’t Ninja Soh just order him around? Maybe there’s only a certain number of times that he can command him before the spell breaks. Apparently he’s figured out that Tae Seo was at the training camp. How he came to that conclusion, I don’t know, since it doesn’t look like Tae Seo is talking.

Kwan Woong orders Tae Seo released, which surprises Ninja Soh. Kwan Woong orders him to find out how Pyung Joon is involved with Soon Shin and how the Commander is planning on doing with ‘his’ gold. Apparently Tae Seo can control his tongue, just not his body, since he already knows the answers to both those questions. Kwan Woong has logically assumed that they would be keeping Tae Seo in the dark, considering the spell he’s under and everything.

Tae Seo spits out that he would rather be arrested and put to death than being Kwan Woong’s running dog. I love him so much! Kwan Woong is ‘affronted’ and tells him that he should think of his sister. That lets the winds out of Tae Seo’s sails. Kwan Woong needs that information by tomorrow. Tae Seo looks like he would strangle Kwan Woong right now if the opportunity presented itself.

Kwan Woong treats Tae Seo to the image of his sister being abused by customers of the gisaeng house. He cries bitterly, covering his mouth so his weeping won’t be heard. He has to do it for his sister.

Back at the training camp. Yeo Wool finally wakes up. And realizes that she’s not in the vault anymore! She rushes out of her room to find out what happened with the bullion. Kang Chi is sweeping in the courtyard. She almost calls his name but then remembers how he knows she’s a girl now. She covers up her chest and starts to creep away, but Kang Chi sees her. He’s still calling her Officer Dam. He drops the broom and rushes over to her, asking how she’s feeling. She doesn’t turn around, still embarrassed, and grunts that she’s fine. She starts to walk away when he reaches up and feels her forehead.

Kang Chi’s comparing it to his own, and just happens to leave his hand on Yeo Wool's even after he’s satisfied that her fever is gone. He smiles. She whirls around and slaps his hand away, demanding to know what his deal is. He replies that he’s worried about her. She tries to brush it off by telling him to worry about the bullion. He doesn’t say anything. She worries that she ruined everything. He leans in to peer at her face, even when she leans backward. “That’s how she fooled him,” he comments. She doesn’t act like other girls. She’s worried about the bullion rather than other things..

After Yeo Wool blinks at him, she gets indignant and demands to know what happened with their mission. Kang Chi tells her to relax, that he got it there safely. She’s dubious and he says that she can check with her dad if she doesn’t believe him. She smiles at him and grabs his wrists, telling him well done. As he laughs at her, she scruffles his hair until… she realizes that she’s no longer a boy. Significant blinking. He thinks, “And if I remember, does that mean it means something?” She asks if something’s on his mind and he doesn’t tell her that he remembers. Hmmm. She grabs his hand and asks if he’s hurt. He pulls it away. She asks if it’s because of her.

The answer is yes. We get a flashback to the vault. Kang Chi’s cradling an unconscious Yeo Wool. Her fever’s worse and he looks really scared. As he’s trying to wake her, some of the blue lights show up and land on her wound. He gets an idea. He uses her knife to cut his hand and then drips the blood on her wound. It disappears. That’s something that they should definitely keep secret.

He tells her that he’s fine. She tells him not to do it again. She won’t have him hurt because of her. Aw, isn’t that what Kang Chi told her after she saved his life? Significant eye contact where nothing’s said.

“Kang Chi, are you there?” It’s Tae Seo, with his blindfold on.

Gisaeng House. I was afraid of this. Kwan Woong’s demanding that Chung Jo be sent to his room. Soo Ryun is horrified and so is Chung Jo, who has overheard and drops a tray of drinks in response. She knows that she has no choice. She falls to the floor, without any hope of avoiding what is to come.

Tae Seo wants to rescue his sister from the gisaeng house. He falls to his knees and begs Kang Chi to save her. The look on Kang Chi’s face is torturous. You know he’s thinking about how he already tried, how he wants to but she refuses to let him. What can he say? Yeo Wool has overheard everything and is scared of Kang Chi’s answer.


I really like Kang Chi. Lee Seung Ki does a great job in making him very accessible and very likeable. And I really like him. You can tell that he’d be a lot of fun to have around and he’d make it fun for everyone.

I love the fact that he was able to prove himself to Pyung Joon and Gon, to prove that Yeo Wool’s right to have the faith in him that she does. The plan would have completely failed if it hadn’t been for Kang Chi. If he didn’t know how Century House worked, or who to get to help him, they might not have been able to pull it off. I love the way that Kang Chi did it and I love that Kwan Woong got his face rubbed in it. And again, Soon Shin rocked.

One thing I like about both Kang Chi and Yeo Wool: they both are very practical in that they don’t lose sight of their mission because of their personal feelings. What I mean is, Yeo Wool is sick. Kang Chi is aware enough to notice that she’s sick. When they get stuck in the vault, he chooses to wait in order to save the mission. He could have wanted to race to be with Yeo Wool when they were ‘rescued,’ since she was unconscious, but the bullion was the most important thing. Yeo Wool wakes up and she’s worried about the mission, not how their relationship could be over. She’s been like that before, when Kang Chi was about to be beheaded. When she really wanted to go and rescue him, she didn’t because she trusted in Soon Shin.

I’m glad that the secret is finally out! Although I didn’t expect it to happen with Kang Chi’s hand ending up on her chest. The only thing that I could think of that would be more humiliating is if he’d seen her naked. It’s good to see, though, that they’ve developed this deep friendship that’s based on respect. Because even though she’s a girl, when he forgets that it’s supposed to awkward he still treats her as that best friend that she is. I believe they would have built this relationship if he had thought she was girl all along, because even if he’d tried to be all macho, she would have had him hog-tied in short order. And he would have been impressed by her skill and bravery, because he’s not so bound up by societal convention. But I’m glad that they did it this way, with her pretending to be a boy, so it would be less awkward. I do, however, hope they get over the awkwardness soon, because I really love watching their easy friendship. Also, that they don’t have too many gut wrenching moments on the way to their happily ever after.

Speaking of discovering the secret, I’m really glad that they didn’t have this ‘you betrayed me with your secret!’ moment that likes to show up in these sorts of things, especially in Bollywood melodramas. I’m specifically thinking of Mujhse Dosti Karoge! where the guy mistakes the girl that he’s in love with for her friend, even though he’s supposed to know his beloved on sight, and when he finally figures out his mistake, he feels betrayed by his beloved, even though the girl did everything but say I’m her. I’m really glad we didn’t have any of that. But that doesn’t seem like it would be Kang Chi’s character, even if he hadn’t ever become a gumiho.

Poor Tae Seo! I really love how Yoo Yun Suk is playing him. I find his reactions very real and heartfelt. The worst was watching his own hand betray him. How are they going to break this spell? Tae Seo needs his happily ever after, too!!! Too bad he’s not going to get the girl he likes. I guess that’s what happens when you DON’T SAY ANYTHING even though you like someone.

I also have to say that I’m loving how Sung Joon is portraying Gon. His character in this series as compared to ‘Lie to Me’ or ‘Shut Up and Go’ is very restrained. Even though he is restrained, he still has these really great facial reactions to things. He could be really over-acting, but he’s not. It’s a little sad that he’s not going to get the girl. Again, I guess that’s what happens when you DON’T SAY ANYTHING even though you like someone.

I wonder what they’re going to do with Kang Chi’s ability to heal people with his blood. Is Yeo Wool going to figure it out at a later date? That’s one secret they definitely need not to let anyone in on, because that’s a really self-dangerous ability to have. Lots of people would want to use that power for themselves, even if that meant hurting you in the process.

I am not looking forward to what Kwan Woong’s going to do to Chung Jo. That rape is coming, maybe next episode. He really needs to have something vile happen to him before he dies. Maybe like getting part of his anatomy cut off. The more I see Soo Ryun, the more I can tell she really doesn’t like the things that she’s made to do. She’s really looking out for Chung Jo. Although, is she like this with all her girls, or only the ones sold into slavery after their fathers are falsely accused of treason and executed? I can’t see how someone sold by her family, or so poor that this is the only way that she will survive is to do it, how those girls are any less tragic than Chung Jo’s situation. But maybe it’s because of the dishonor of it all. Even though, how is it more tragic or dishonorable than the situation of someone who’s poor?

I am really not liking Wol Sun. She cuddles up to someone so vile. You know she’s gunning for Soo Ryun’s job. She’s trying to curry the favor of the guy with the power. That’s one calculating woman. But I have this feeling that she’s not going to be any match for the powerhouse that will be Chung Jo. I’m sure that Wol Sun never had to go through what Chung Jo has had to endure, and Chung Jo is being molded by it rather than destroyed by it. I think I’m going to like it when Chung Jo crushes her.

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