Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cliches: Drama Leads: The Heroine and the Second Female Lead

In every k-drama, there's the heroine, the person you're supposed to root for. Besides maybe some ancillary characters, she's usually the first female you meet and it's typically right before or after you meet the hero. These are the typical cliches:
  1. The heroine will be feisty, hot tempered, and will stand up to the hero when he is being a jerk. This will cause him to like her.

    Spunky  Spunky  Spunky

    Spunky  Spunky  Spunky
  2. The heroine, when meeting the hero or finding out his identity, will not want a relationship with him, unlike the rest of the women he knows.
  3. She is also hard-working, has a good appetite and does not like taking any type of handout. And is probably poor. And will never, ever take a bribe from the parent of the hero.

    Hard-Working  Hard-Working  Hard-Working

    Hard-Working  Good-Appetite  
  4. If she is poor, it's most likely that she's the main bread winner of the family.
  5. She is also pure-hearted and loyal to those she cares about, even when they treat her like dirt.
  6. Often, the heroine will share a haircut with one of the males in the drama.
  7. Most of the time, she will be able to physically beat up the hero, meaning that even though he might be leading the relationship, she doesn't have to take any of his crap.

    Tough Heroine  Tough Heroine  Tough Heroine

    Tough Heroine  Tough Heroine  Tough Heroine

    Tough Heroine  Tough Heroine  Tough Heroine
  8. Even if the hero has a violent nature, and at some point has been physically threatening, the heroine will never worry that he will become abusive as their relationship progressive. He can punch the wall near her head and she won’t be concerned. I guess that's because she can beat him up.
  9. If the heroine needs to disguise herself as a man, all she has to do it change her hair and the clothes that she wears.

    Dress Like a Boy  Dress Like a Boy  Dress Like a Boy

    Dress Like a Boy  Dress Like a Boy  Dress Like a Boy
  10. The heroine will only end up with the hero after he seems to like someone else.
  11. At some point, the heroine will show up to an event under-dressed. When she shows up at this event, people will make fun of her.
  12. At some point, the heroine will trip or fall over and embarrass herself by breaking something or spilling something on herself.
  13. Typically, the heroine will be forced into some sort of submissive situation where she will have to do whatever the hero says without arguing.

    Submissive Position  Submissive Position  Submissive Position

    Submissive Position  Submissive Position
  14. Even after the heroine agrees to tell the hero if anything bad happens, she will not say anything about being threatened by his mother, her problems at home, her problems at work, or problems with her health.
  15. The second female lead will be one of two archetypes:
    1. The rival. She's someone the opposite of the heroine: devious, dishonest, and a bit obsessive. She is selfish and only cares about her desires. She typically likes money and power and has no problem lying, manipulating, or stealing to get what she wants.

      2nd Lead - Rival  2nd Lead - Rival  2nd Lead - Rival

      2nd Lead - Rival  2nd Lead - Rival  2nd Lead - Rival

      2nd Lead - Rival  2nd Lead - Rival  2nd Lead - Rival
    2. The friend. Less common, someone like the heroine but not in competition for the hero, most likely a friend or maybe a relative (either hers or his). She will have the same values and general character of the heroine. If she starts out seeming like type 'a,' later, once it's clear that she's not in competition for the hero's heart, she will be revealed instead to be like the heroine.

      2nd Lead - Friend  2nd Lead - Friend

      2nd Lead - Friend  2nd Lead - Friend
  16. If the second female is the rival, the hero will be blind to the flaws in her character for way too long. Even when she's shown herself to be manipulative or out to get the heroine, he will fall for her manipulations and lies.
  17. If the female calls the hero her Oppa, she will not end up with him, no matter how much or how long she has been in love with him.

    Oppa  Oppa  Oppa

    Oppa  Oppa  

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