Saturday, June 27, 2015

Warm and Cozy Episode 10 Recap

Episode begins with shots of beautiful Jeju. We open with the Warm and Cozy hopping with customers. Jong Bae is one of them. He tells Jung Joo that he heard she met the mayor's uncle. She tells him that they explained that they're not getting married. Jong Bae ignores that, of course, since he’s trying to hook her up with Mayor. Jong Bae tells her that Uncle thought she was perfect for Mayor. No pressure there! Jung Joo smiles uncomfortably but remains professional and tells him to enjoy his lunch.

At another table, MA asks his cowokers how much they think they should give to congratulate the mayor on his wedding? They’re not sure.

The Diver trio are there. Hae Shil tells her that now that word is out, she won't be able to marry anyone else. Yoo Ja tells her to marry the mayor and Bok Nyeo adds that Jung Joo can make them noodle soup at the wedding! More uncomfortableness. Jung Joo says that she told them all that it was a misunderstanding. Yoo Ja smiles like she completely doesn’t believe her. More professionalism from Jung Joo.

Poong San and Gun Woo are in the kitchen. Gun Woo isn’t smiling, even though there are lots of people who his food is making happy. Poong San marvels at all the people. Who knew Warm and Cozy would be full of the townspeople one day... He smiles and says that Mr. Mayor's influence is nothing to laugh about. That’s why Gun Woo’s not happy. He tells Poong San that it’s not going to last. Non-plussed, Poong San says that judging from the townspeople's enthusiastic excitement ... Jung Joo’s already become Mrs. Mayor. What is Poong San doing? It sounds like he’s happy about this new development. I thought he wanted Jung Joo and Gun Woo together. Gun Woo grits his teeth and gets on Poong San for how he’s preparing the noodles.

Jung Joo opens the cash register and happily sighs because of how full it is. All the town elders paid in cash instead of using credit cards. Poong San walks up and remarks on how happy she looks. He asks if it doesn’t bother her that she became Mrs. Mayor? She says that she can’t help that. Poong San notes that Gun Woo doesn't seem to like the idea. So that’s what he’s doing… pushing Gun Woo to get more jealous so he gets off his duff. Jung Joo’s listening and no longer counting money. Poong San says that he can't tell if Gun Woo’s annoyed because business is booming or if he doesn't like that she might become Mrs. Mayor. He walks away.

Jung Joo spots Gun Woo working in the storeroom and sighs. She thinks back to the night before, when Gun Woo told her that he’s going to be nice to her. He’ll be much nicer to her. He’ll be totally nice to her. So don’t become okay, Lee Jung Joo. She wonders what Gun Woo could he have meant by that?

Jung Joo approaches Gun Woo as he works. The lighting looks weird. Is she imagining this? She says his name. He acknowledges her but doesn’t turn around. She asks about what he meant. Did he mean that he’d keep being nice to her? Was she not paying attention? She told him to stop being nice to her because it keeps making her like him. His response? I’m going to keep being nice to you and will be even nicer! So don’t be okay, keep liking me. Gun Woo turns around and asks if she doesn’t know. She nods that she doesn’t. He steps forward and says that he doesn't want her to become the likes of the mayor's wife. He has to be nice to her, so that she can become his. A little swoon. Jung Joo smiles, overjoyed. He smiles back.

It was her imagination. The storeroom. She shakes the fantasy out of her head. She starts to reach out to touch his back and then rushes forward and grabs Gun Woo in a hug. He doesn’t move, not sure what to do. She asks him if what he said the other night… That he’d be good to her... Does that mean that he’ll like her, too? He chuckles and asks if she just now realized that. The lighting still looks fishy. He pulls her arms so that she’s hugging him more tightly and her hands are by his heart. He says that he’ll like her. Just don't become Mrs. Mayor. She smiles happily and says that she won't become Mrs. Mayor! She repeats it several times.

Back to reality – I knew it wasn’t real, not with that lighting – Jung Joo is daydreaming, clutching a lamp. She’s muttering in her sleep that she never will. Gun Woo walks up with a crate and asks what she’s doing. That wakes her up. He puts the crate down and asks if she’s lost it. Is she that happy? Defensively, she asks what she did. When was she so happy that she'd lose herself? Defensive? A little? That you really don’t like Gun Woo… Gun Woo says that he’s asking if she’s happy about making lots of money from business going well. I thought he was asking if she was happy about becoming Mrs. Mayor.

Gun Woo realizes what’s going on: Ah, you were happy about something else, weren't you? Now there’s a big smile on his face. Jung Joo looks guilty. He tells her that she’s in critical state. A swift recovery will be difficult. He laughs and starts to walk away. Then he remembers… He told her that he’d be good to her, right? Yes, I believe she remember the conversation. She prepares herself for some romantic gesture. He says that he got three reservations from my friends from Seoul. He did well, didn't he? It takes a second for it to sink in and she tells him that he did well. He says that he’ll keep treating her well. Gun Woo! That was a perfect opportunity! I sigh and shake my head.

He grabs the crate and shoves it into her hands. He tells her to take it outside. That is not being good to her. Jung Joo says as much. Gun Woo says that his hand is injured and she’s strong. She frowns and starts to walk away. He stops her, saying that her shoes are untied. What is it with tying someone’s shoes being romantic? I’ve seen it in more than one k-drama. He clucks at her for them being untied. Then he tells her that she would've been in big trouble if he wasn’t there to take care of her. She asks him why he’s being good to her? Chance number two… Gun Woo knows it, too. He says that if she trips, she’ll get hurt.

Jung Joo squats next to him. He straightens up so there’s a little distance between them and avoids her eyes as she looks at him. She tells him to be honest. If she keeps liking him... what will he do about it? He says that the fact that she likes him doesn't make him feel bad. Gun Woo! Like it’s no big whoop. He feels like he’s a good enough person for her to like him. And he feels like he should keep being a good person... Maybe that's why he doesn't have the will to help her get over her feelings for him. I groan. That is not the answer she was looking for.

Gun Woo pats her shoe, declaring that he’s done. He stands and Jung Joo does too. She’s not happy. Is he saying she should keep her unrequited love? With a puckish grin, he asks if she will do that for him? Instead of telling her that it won’t be unrequited and then pulling her into his arms.. She yells at him that she won’t!

Mayor meets with a local restaurateur who is moving to the States to help take care of her granddaughter. She’s selling her place, because she can't just leave it sit there while she’s gone. Mayor asks if he should find her someone who can look after the restaurant. Woman says that if he recommends them, then she can trust them to look after it. I wonder who *he’s* thinking about. Mayor says that he’ll invite her to see the flowers on the back hill, since they’ve bloomed quite nicely. Mayor is smiling widely – since he thinks that that will help him convince Jung Joo to take the place and get away from Jung Joo.

Mayor arrives at the Warm and Cozy with flowers. Jung Joo is out putting the recycling in its bins. He gives her the flowers and she smiles because they’re pretty. That’s the nice stuff you’re supposed to be doing, Gun Woo! Acting like he’s indifferent – when we know he’s definitely *not* – he asks if she’s curious to know the place where lots of these flowers bloom quite nicely. She tells him that she can’t ask him to take her there yet. Mayor sputters and asks if he was asking her to go right now. He has to go to the town office. Does she think he'd drop everything and ask her to go see flowers with him to impress her? He’s a mayor with responsibilities! Wait, didn’t you just declare yourself last night? So shouldn’t that be exactly what you’re doing?

She smiles and says that she’ll enjoy the flowers he brought her. Poong San comes outside with more bottles. He holds back rather than joining them. Mayor says that he’ll bring more flowers before those wilt. He’ll come by again and again to bring them to her... Then eventually she might feel some affection for those flowers – and him – and decide to come with him to go see these flowers someday. He rides away. Jung Joo watches him go, a little sad. Poong San doesn’t like what he’s seeing.

Jung Joo is trimming the flowers. She sighs and says that when all the balloons burst, she’ll be able to go see the flowers then. Gun Woo walks in and Poong San asks him to guess who gave Jung Joo those flowers. Gun Woo looks and stops smiling. Poong San starts to tell him about it but Gun Woo cuts him off, telling him not to say it. Gun Woo looks at Jung Joo, thinking.

Gun Woo walks over to her and asks if she like flowers? She does. He has to go buy flowers. She reminds him about what he said about being good to her, so he'll even buy flowers for her now? He answers that they’re not for her. He’s buying them for another woman. Doh! Another head smack from me. He tells her that they should take a break this weekend. He has to go and buy some flowers and meet that woman.

At the resort, Noona is chilling in Hyung’s office while he works. Guess it must be nice to have so much money that you don’t need a job. Why are they so much closer to each other than they are to Gun Woo? She wonders if Gun Woo will go alone again before her memorial, like last year? Hyung doesn’t look up from his paperwork. He asks what they can do, when Gun Woo objects to the murmuring of relatives who don’t know their situation? Noona shrugs; agreeing that that’s true. Even if they were to get together now, there would be a lot of talk about who Gun Woo's father is. Man, that has to suck. Not only do strangers sit and talk and gossip about you, but your own family. So much that you don’t go to your mother’s own memorial service to avoid it. Wow, that has to be hard.

Hyung looks up. He says that it seems like Uncle wants to bring Gun Woo into the company. Noona answers that Gun Woo has no interest in doing so. Hyung sighs loudly. Noona asks how his heart feels nowadays? He asks what she means. It’s nothing, just… Are things not going well with the person he’s been meeting? After all, she didn't end up coming to the party. Hyung sighs extra loudly as an answer. Noona smiles and asks if she should introduce him to someone. Does he want to meet her? She's the director of the Jeju Miso Gallery. Hyung answers that the woman that he’s seeing is a chairwoman.

Hyung takes a ride on his bike over to the divers school. He says to himself, “Chairwoman of Sorang Lady Diver Association! Let's settle things today!” And he looks really dorky in that helmet. Like it’s too small for his head. Plus, it doesn’t go with his heather-colored suit. He pulls the black pearl out of his pocket and clears his throat with determination. He goes to look for her.

Meanwhile, Bok Nyeo asks Hae Shil for a ride.

Hyung comes back from trying to find Hae Shil. He sees a woman sitting on Hae Shil’s ATV. He walks over, puts a bike helmet on her head – which, of course, has a visor which obscures the face – and makes the woman get on his bike. He wraps her arms around him and drives off… As Hae Shil exits the school with Yoo Ja. She sees him drive off with Bok Nyeo.

After a few miles, with Hassa Mountain off in the distance across the water, Hyung pulls over. He climbs off the bike and dramatically takes off his sunglasses. With his back to her, he pulls out the necklace and says that once he gives something, he doesn't take it back. He turns around and dramatically tells her to hold on tight! He flips up the visor and they are not Hae Shil’s eyes looking back at him. Oops.

After he blinks, Hyung apologizes. He announces that he made a mistake. He’ll take her back. Before he can get on the bike, Bok Nyeo stops him. She flips up the visor and asks if she can help him. Eventually, Bok Nyeo returns with Hae Shil on Hae Shil’s ATV. Hae Shil is surprised to see him waiting for her. Bok Nyeo orders Hae Shil off the ATV. Bok Nyeo answers that didn't she tell Hae Shil that the sea god is responsible for them crossing paths?

Hae Shil climbs off the ATV and Bok Nyeo drives away, with Hyung giving her a deep bow as she goes. Hyung walks over to her and says that he was going to kidnap her like a cool hero in the movies. She tells him that the motorcycle looks cool. Hyung asks if she wants to ride it. It was going well, and then… He tells her that she’s never ridden a bike like this, right? It's completely different from hers. Should he give her a ride? Disdainfully, Hae Shil tells him to forget it.

She starts to walk off but he stops her. He begs her to please get on! Go for a ride just once! He clears his throat and stands up tall. He announces that he’s never given her a proper introduction. He’s President Song Jung Geun of Noblesse Resort. Chairwoman of Sorang Lady Diver’s Association, Kim Hae Shil, Let's go on a date. She smiles briefly and then coolly says that they should do it. Hyung smiles as she walks toward his bike.

Jong Bae tells Gun Woo to let them go on a date! Gun Woo gasps, affronted. Why would Jong Bae consult him about the mayor going on a date? Jong Bae says that Mayor and Jung Joo have already been made a pair on TV, but Mayor hasn't done anything, so they should take the lead. Wow, Jong Bae is clueless. How does he not know that Gun Woo likes Jung Joo? Gun Woo makes a face. You should play along so you can ruin it again.

Jong Bae says that the core of this surprise is darkness. Seduce Miss Lee covertly – he pulls out two movie tickets – and bring her there. Gun Woo looks at him and asks if he’s says to take Jung Joo to a movie theater. Jong Bae tells Gun Woo to make sure Jung Joo sits in a specific seat and then disappear. He’ll have Mayor sit right next to her and he will leave too. When it's just the two of them... they'll stay together until the movie is over. And the date will continue after that. Gun Woo makes a noise like he gets it and then snaps that he doesn’t like it! He won't do it! Jong Bae tells him to forget it then!

Poong San walks up with the mop. Jong Bae recruits him instead. Gun Woo sees it and gets annoyed. He goes inside and tells them to do whatever they want! “Seduce her”? He sits on one of the stools. He spots the flowers in a vase, which annoys him. He grabs the flowers to get rid of them, but is caught by Jung Joo. He says that he was checking to see if there was water in the vase. Jung Joo asks why she would have put flowers in the vase without any water. She tells him to put them back. He does, with a forceful shove.

Gun Woo tells her that when they take a break this weekend, he’ll buy flowers for her, since he’ll be buying flowers anyway, so can't she go somewhere with him? Jung Joo tells him to be honest. Who is he going to see? He says that she’s met them before…

And is interrupted by Poong San, who announces that he has free tickets. When they're off this weekend, does she want to go together? Jung Joo looks at the tickets and croons that she wanted to see that movie! Poong San confirms that they’ll go together. Jung Joo agrees. Gun Woo glowers. Jung Joo looks back and him and tells him to tell her. Where is he going? Annoyed, he tells her to forget it. Just go see the movie! Why am I getting the feeling that there’s more going on here?

Ugh. Do I really… Dead Face Harpy is meeting with Min Gi. He explains that Gun Woo saved her. If she had followed Kim Min Seok to his party that day... she would've totally been humiliated. Why are you explaining to her? Ugh! Dead Face Harpy wonders if that was it. She remembers his hand getting slammed in the door. She sighs and mutters why he didn't just tell her when he ended up getting hurt?

Hyung has taken Hae Shil to a very upscale store. An attendant rushes up and says that Hae Shil’s dress and makeup are ready. She asks him what he did – and sounding on the verge of being insulted again because he’s throwing his money around. He declares that this is not because she looks shabby or because he wants to show off. He just... wants to see a more beautiful side of her. He even rode a motorcycle to impress her. Can’t she look a tad prettier for him? And ‘Por Una Cabeza’ (the tango song from ‘True Lies’) plays in the background. Hae Shil – completely with a straight face – says that he went head over heels for her in her diving suit. Will he be able to handle it if she looks any prettier? Hyung’s face says he likes her answer. He smiles and says that he’ll try to handle it.

Hae Shil gets her makeover while Hyung waits. The song is in English. Different. When she’s revealed, Hyung smiles like he’s just seen his bride on their wedding day. Then he tries to pretend to be unaffected. She speaks first. She says that she tried it. What does he think? He frowns and says that it’s not that pretty. She looks away. What is with these brothers? Hyung sighs and says that he thinks it’s because something is missing. Ah. He pulls out the black pearl necklace. He tells her to put this on, since she’s agreed to do it today.

Hyung growls with pleasure and says that now she looks pretty. A black pearl suits her perfectly! She stifles a small smile. He turns and holds out his arm. She hesitantly takes it – because her pride won’t let her be eager. He tells her that now, they will go get on a yacht. He’s already had a meal prepared. She tells him to let her know if he needs any abalones when they’re there. She can go catch one even if she’s dressed like this. He responds that he will make a note. She smiles. They are too cute.

Gun Woo comes down the stairs. He’s changed into a black suit. Jung Joo asks if he’s leaving already. He is. Is she going to see the movie? She is. She’s supposed to meet Poong San at the theater. He starts to go, but stops. He turns around and tells her that they should play Kai-Bai-Bo. If he wins, she won’t go to the movies and will come with him. She sputters, “Where?” Gun Woo tells her that he’s going with paper.

Kai, bai, bo! He puts out paper and she puts out scissors. She doesn't want to come with him? She sputters that she just put out scissors without thinking... He tells her to watch the movie well. He walks away. Jung Joo mutters that if he had just said, ‘I want you to come with me,’ then she would've followed him.

Poong San and Jung Joo are at the movies. They sit in their assigned seats. Jung Joo asks Poong San if they should have invited Gun Woo to come with them. He replies that Gun Woo hyung said he didn't want to, so that’s why he came. That doesn’t sound good. It sounds like he’s avoiding a date with her. Poong San realizes it as soon as he says it. He tries to make it sound better. Poong San says that Gun Woo had something else going on.

Jong Bae has practically pushed Mayor to the movies. Mayor wants to know why Jong Bae wanted to suddenly to go and see a movie. Jong Bae says that he heard that it’s good. Mayor scratches his head. Jong Bae says that hee heard the movie is about covertly seducing someone.

The movie previews – for Jurassic World, no less, in English. Poong San gets a text from Jong Bae, who tells him that the Mayor’s there. Poong San should leave now. Poong San tells Jung Joo that he’s going to the bathroom. As he leaves, Poong San smiles. I do not understand this boy.

Jong Bae is ushering Mayor along. He tells Mayor to go inside first. He’ll buy them some squid. Mayor offers to buy it, but Jong Bae yells at him that he can’t! Surprised look from Mayor. Jong Bae shoves the ticket in Mayor’s mouth – since his hands are full of a large bucket of popcorn and two drinks – and pushes him toward the theatre.

The movie is starting. Someone walks down the aisle and sits next to Jung Joo. It’s not Poong San or Mayor but Gun Woo. She’s shocked. Seriously, he tells her that they should play one more time. If he wins, she’ll go with him somewhere. Why don’t you just tell her where? He says that he’s going to go with the same one as earlier. This time she puts out rock. He smiles with relief and takes her hand. They exit the theatre from the bottom, just as Mayor enters in the top. As he sits, Mayor spots them. Then he gets a text from Jong Bae, telling him to have a good time with Miss Lee. Pained look on Mayor’s face.

Outside, Jung Joo tells Gun Woo to hold on! Where are they going? He replies that it’s not urgent. Since they’re already outside, is there anything she wants to do? She thinks for a moment and then says that they’re out of napkins at the restaurant, so they need to buy some. Also, they need to get new receipts from the fruit store and stop by the repair shop for their mixer. Small smile on his face, he tells her they should just not do anything. He holds out his hand for her to take. So cute!

They walk, holding hands, and wander about the shops. They take selfies. So cute together! They stop at a coffee shop and Jung Joo falls asleep.

♫ Now I will show you everything ♫

Gun Woo sits beside her, smiles and leans on his hand to watch her.

♫ Thank you. Thank you. I’ll stay by your side. ♫
♫ My love ♫

Dead Face Harpy arrives at the Warm and Cozy to find it closed. She sighs because Gun Woo’s not there.

Back at the movie, Mayor is feeling worse, because everyone are couples. Affectionate couples. Jong Bae tells Yoo Ja and Bok Nyeo that he hopes Mayor doesn't end up just watching the movie. He hopes Mayor shoots a melodrama. Better if it's erotic. They laugh and agree. Yoo Ja mentions – in JD – that that novelist couple came around asking about Hae Shil's late husband. Jong Bae can’t believe it. Yoo Ja says that they did, but she kicked them out! Jong Bae can’t believe how mannerless they are! Hae Shil will get upset!

Hae Shil is at home. She looks at the box with the black pearl in it and remembers the end of her date. He asks how the day was. She answers that it was like a dream. It seems as if she wasn’t herself today. He replies that it’s just like how the Mr. Song who attended the lady diver school and chased after her and who he is right now are the same person, Lady Diver Kim Hae Shil and who she is right now are the same person. She thanks him for the day and then tries to return the necklace. He tells her to hold onto it. He'd like it if she held onto him. If she decides she doesn’t want to, send it back. Then he’ll take that as a no and won't follow her around anymore. But if she’d like to have him, she should come to him, wearing the necklace.

Jung Joo and Gun Woo have stopped at the shop with the shaved ice that’s formed in the shape of a flower bouquet (like Jung Joo bought before). They’ve bought one. Gun Woo says that he can count it as the flowers he was supposed to buy her. And now he's going to ruin the moment. I sigh. This bouquet looks much prettier than the ones at the Warm and Cozy. Jung Joo says that those flowers are real. These are momentarily pretty and then they disappear. Gun Woo replies that he can't help it if they're only pretty and nice for a moment. If she wanted to get real ones, she should have gone with scissors, not rock. And we know what he means.

Jung Joo answers that he wanted her to go with rock and follow him! Indignant – instead of admitting that she’s right – he says that he only told her that he’d go with paper. She’s the one that played rock and lost. She says that she was momentarily possessed and lost on purpose. She should have gone with scissors and have made a clean break. She looks at the shaved ice bouquet and starts stabbing at it with her spoon, muttering, “What do you mean flowers? It’s just a bowl of ice!”

Gun Woo – like they weren’t just arguing – asks, since she doesn’t like it, if he should buy her real flowers? She tells him to forget it! She’s going to stuff herself with fake ice flowers and come to her senses! Gun Woo says that if she stuffs herself with that and comes to her senses, then she probably won't come with him. She tells him that he’s right. She won’t go! He should go by himself! She starts eating the ice.

Gun Woo climbs into his car. He looks at the bouquet of white flowers in the passenger seat and sighs. He tells himself that he should have asked her to come with him right away, when he had her hand before.

Jung Joo has gone back to the movie theatre, in search of Poong San, who she thought she abandoned. She comes across the Mayor. They go and get some orange juice. He says that he saw her leaving the theatre with Gun Woo earlier… so why is she alone? She says that she abandoned him. Mayor says that if she was going to abandon him... why did she follow him without watching the movie? She says that that’s the question. Why did she follow him? It's not like he dragged her out. She put out ‘rock’ and happily followed him.

Disgusted, Mayor mutters that she didn't really abandon him. Jung Joo protests that Gun Woo was really, really mean to her. He went with paper and pretended to be haughty, but he made fun of her for putting out rock... and said she's not someone who can play scissors... Isn’t that such a disgrace? Mayor sighs, marveling, and says that Jung Joo must've gone through a big psychological war with Kai, Bai, Bo. She replies that it isn’t even a fight. She just loses all the time... and he wins. She gets really annoyed... but she can't help it. She trying not to cry now.

Mayor feels bad because she’s going to cry. He asks if the flowers he got her are still fresh. There’s a fine restaurant 30 meters from where those flowers grow. Does she want to run away and have some food there? When you keep losing, the answer is to run away. Running away is also one of the best war strategies.

Mayor stands and tells her they should go and get something to eat. She shakes her head. He commands her to wipe away the tears and stand up! Quickly! Go to the bathroom and wipe all her tears and her runny nose!

Jung Joo heads for the bathroom and runs across Poong San. She apologizes for making him watch the movie alone. Poong San’s surprised that she didn’t watch the movie either. She says that Gun Woo came, so she went with him. Shaking his head, Poong San answers that Gun Woo went somewhere else. She says that he came to ask her to go with him... but she sent him away alone. Poong San sighs and says that Gun Woo must really not have wanted to go by himself. Gun Woo should've asked him to go with him.

Jung Joo asks where Gun Woo was going. Poong San’s surprised again. Didn't he tell her? Gun Woo hyung was going to visit his late mother. Hearing that, Jung Joo remembers how cryptically Gun Woo said: I need to bring flowers and go see that woman. Now Jung Joo feels bad. Poong San adds that he doesn’t know why, but Gun Woo doesn't go to family gatherings. So he goes alone the day before his mother's memorial. She asks if Poong San knows where Gun Woo's mother is.

Then she goes to Mayor and tells him that she can’t go with him. Gun Woo gave her another paper just now. She has no choice but to play rock again. Mayor says that if she comes with him, at least she can avoid the paper. Jung Joo answers that she loses out to Gun Woo no matter what, because she likes him a lot. She apologizes again and goes. Mayor sadly watches her leave.

Gun Woo is at the cemetery but hasn’t gotten out of the car. Apprehensive, he asks himself, “what happens if it's there again this year?” Flashback to a year ago when Gun Woo found flowers on her grave. Flowers and a basket with food in it, the kind of food you bring to memorials.

Jung Joo arrives and knocks on his windows. He’s surprised to see her – but visibly relieved not to be alone. And that’s the thing. With her, he isn’t alone.

Dead Face Harpy is talking with Noona by the pool. Noona tells her that Gun Woo probably went to their Mom’s. Tomorrow is their mom’s memorial day. Dead Face Harpy didn’t think about it. How can you not remember something like that? Be a self-involved Dead Face Harpy, that’s how. Dead Face Harpy asks if all the relatives will be gathering. Noona says they will be. Uncle said he'd definitely see Gun Woo tomorrow before he leaves, but Noona’s not sure if he'll show up. Dead Face Harpy remembers that Gun Woo's uncle is in the distribution business. Noona says that Uncle’s business has gotten really big, so he wants to bring in Gun Woo, since he doesn't have his own children... Noona says that since Gun Woo has the family name (Baek), he can inherit his uncle's business. Dead Face Harpy is surprised. Gun Woo never said anything about it. And I groan. Noona! You know what kind of gold-digger she is. Now she’s going to accept Gun Woo because he’s going to have money. Arg!

Back at the cemetery, Jung Joo says that when she discovered the picture of her dad and his mom together... she really wondered if his mom was her mom. Gun Woo laughs and says does them being twins make sense? Him and her? Because they’re in love with each other and that wouldn’t work if they were twins. Jung Joo wonders how her dad and his mom know each other? Gun Woo replies that since both of them passed away, they have no way of knowing. Gun Woo asks if Jung Joo couldn’t find her mom after that? Jung Joo says that she couldn’t. Unless her mom looks for her, she’s not going to find her.

Poong San’s at the Warm and Cozy. He gets a phone call. It’s a woman calling. She asks for Jung Joo and then asks if Jung Joo’s the owner of the restaurant. When Poong San answers in the affirmative, Woman looks relieved and thrilled and asks for directions on how to get to the restaurant. She looks at a picture of her, Jung Joo’s FATHER and a baby. The caption says [Lee Jung Joo's First Birthday]. Speak of the devil.

Jung Joo and Gun Woo are walking through the cemetery. She asks why his mother was buried on Jeju Island. He replies that that’s what Mom asked for. He said that his father was from Jeju Island. Is it possibly because she missed his father? Gun Woo says that he’s not sure, but it’s probably not like that. Jung Joo wants to know why. He said that his father accepted her, waited for her, and love her. Gun Woo says that he did… but on the outside, they said he wasn’t that great.

They reach the grave and flowers and the meal are there again. Gun Woo says that he was concerned about it, but it's here again this year. He says that roses were his mother's favorite flower. And that's the dish for the memorial table in Jeju Island. Jung Joo asks if he knows who brought it here? Gun Woo says that it’s just a guess...but he thinks that it's his father. Jung Joo is surprised that Gun Woo’s father is still alive. Gun Woo says that he is, but Gun Woo’s never met him. That’s got to be hard, too, to know that your father is out there and wants nothing to do with you.

Jong Bae has summonded Mi Ra and Dong Soo. He tells them not to bother Hae Shil. He tosses the tray he’s holding onto the table with annoyance. If they have any questions, they should ask him! They clarify that Hae Shil was the wife of the fisherman who died 30 years ago, but what they’re really interested in is the person who caused the accident. Mi Ra says that he's the main character of her novel. Jong Bae wants to know what they want to know. Mi Ra shows him a picture – the Jung Joo’s dad and Gun Woo’s mom picture – and ask if the man in the picture is the man in question. We don’t get to hear the answer. That picture sure gets around.

Hyung is anxiously waiting for Hae Shil’s answer. Noona arrives with that fix up with the director of Miso Gallery. He tells her that she did a useless thing. He's waiting for a chairwoman's decision right now. Noona is annoyed and poutily asks, “Just who is that almighty chairwoman?”

Speaking of… Hae Shil has arrived at the resort, *wearing the necklace.* Secretary Jang greets her. He has her wait in one of the reception rooms by the pool. Hyung is in the middle of a meeting that he can’t get out of. Hae Shil waits by the pool, running her hand through the water. She smiles. Noona enters with that Director and say that Oppa must be very busy. They should just have dinner themselves. She sees Hae Shil and assumes that she’s the cleaning staff. Before Hae Shil can correct her, she tells her to go start on the second floor first. Way to make her feel really small.

Noona and Miso Director sit and visit. It’s obvious that this is Hyung’s sister and that Miso Director is there to be fixed up with him. Noona apologizes and says that Hyung is seeing someone these days. That pricks Hae Shil’s ears. Miso Director is disappointed. Who pushed her out? Noona says that there’s a family gathering soon and Hyung is planning on introducing the woman then. Noona says that she has expectations on how amazing this woman is. Hae Shil chickens out.

As she’s leaving, Noona calls her ‘ahjumoni’ and asks where she’s going, since Noona told her to go upstairs to start cleaning. Hae Shil says that she’s not someone who cleans there. Then who is she? Hae Shil starts to explain when Noona spots the black pearl on her neck. Noona accuses Hae Shil of stealing it. Wow, Noona. Totally blow it for Hyung and Gun Woo all in one day. Hae Shil says that she didn’t. Noona asks why she has it then. Hae Shil glances at Miso Director, who is beautiful, elegant and refined, and reluctantly says that she’s returning it. Hae Shil leaves. Noona can’t believe the woman… and then it occurs to her *who* that was. Noona gasps, “No way!”

Hae Shil walks away from the room. She takes the necklace off and, with grim determination, walks on.

Hyung is done with his meeting and is about to go see Hae Shil. Secretary Jung appears and breaks the news by showing Hyung the necklace. Jung leaves and Hyung can’t believe it. He looks out the window and sees her slowly walking. He wants to chase after her, but that was her answer, so he doesn’t. Hyung looks like he’s going to cry. As Hae Shil walks, she silently cry. And Hyung does too. In a very manly way.

Back at the cemetery, Gun Woo and Jung Joo are sitting. He tells her that ever since he was little, people have gossiped about who my father could be. Can you imagine that? Since he was a kid and he knew they were doing it. He was also curious. When they said he might be the son of a soccer manager, he played soccer a lot. When they wondered if some artist was his father, he tried painting. He wondered, ‘Is it true? Do I take after him?’

Almost smiling, Gun Woo says that the father that my mom told me he was... a very bad man. ‘Is it true? Do I take after him?’ Wow. That’s what happened. You’re making me cry, Gun Woo. Jung Joo stutters and protests that he’s a good person. He smiles, like he isn’t sure if he believes her. She protests that he’s been so nice to her! Gun Woo shouldn’t worry! He’s such a good person. It’s why she likes him.

He smiles softly. So that’s why. As he said before, he feels like he’s a good person because she likes him. Then his mood changes. But she said she wouldn't anymore. His voice almost sounds hurt. He tells her that if he was a good person, he should kindly let her go so that she won't be in pain because of him. But right now, he is... really bad. No matter how she is, he'd like it if she continues to like him. Confession that’s not a confession #2. He looks at her, vulnerable. She looks back, pained. She says that he’s... a really bad man. Then she walks away. Gun Woo looks down and sighs.

Noona is sitting with Dead Face Harpy venting about how crazy Hyung is. Dead Face Harpy doesn’t believe it. Noona must be mistaken. Noona says that she saw correctly! But she came to return it, so is it over? Omo! Does that mean Hyung got rejected? The chairwoman who doesn't answer his calls and wouldn't see him is... that ajumma? This is driving her nuts! Dead Face Harpy reminds Noona that she shouldn't worry just about Hyung. Gun Woo is in the same situation. I hate her. Isn’t Noona worried about leaving Jung Joo next to Gun Woo? Noona takes that to thought and calls Gun Woo.

Jung Joo sullenly returns to the Warm and Cozy. Dead Face Harpy is waiting for her. Claw her eyes out! For some reason, Jung Joo invites her inside. With her fake voice, Dead Face Harpy asks if Jung Joo is going to continue to stay there? Jung Joo asks why it’s any of her business. Dead Face Harpy replies that it looks like she might be involved now. She smiles smugly and declares that she’s going to accept Gun Woo. If things change between Gun Woo and her, it’s her business, right?

Smugly, Dead Face Harpy says that Gun Woo built the restaurant here to wait for her. Jung Joo knows that, right? Jung Joo says that she does… but Dead Face Harpy abandoned Gun Woo and left. Dead Face Harpy replies that she came back. The Warm and Cozy doesn't have any reason to exist anymore – except that people really like eating there, Gun Woo loves cooking there, and Jung Joo loves managing there – but does Gun Woo need to have it there because of her?

Dead Face Harpy gives her a mean girl face and says that Jung Joo didn't expect something while she was staying there, did she? Jung Joo doesn’t say anything. Dead Face Harpy says that she told Jung Joo not to get delusional and expect something. Then it'll be tough for you. Because you’re all heart. Dead Face Harpy says that for her, it would be nice if this restaurant and she weren't by Gun Woo’s side any more. Ouch! Jung Joo don’t listen to her!

Gun Woo is meeting with Noona at the resort. He pulls a money order out of an envelope. It’s worth RKW 100,000,000. Gun Woo’s jaw drops. Noona says that it's double the deposit that Jung Joo gave him. He asks if she can do this without telling Hyung? Sulking, Noona says that Hyung isn’t in his right mind these days. She’ll take care of Gun Woo first, and take care of Hyung, too.

Noona order Gun Woo to give the money to Jung Joo and make her leave. He looks at her – with a face that says ‘are you smoking something?’ Once she leaves, he needs to sell the restaurant as you wanted in the first place. Noona tells him that, from what she sees, Dead Face Harpy isn’t completely uninterested in him. Gun Woo was just waiting for the lecture to be over but this surprises him, especially when Noona says that she egged her on a bit, too. He wonders what that means.

Noona tells him to open another restaurant or run a business... they can decide that once they get to Seoul. She shakes her finger at him and tells him to go back to Seoul right away! He laughs with disdain. She wouldn't give it to him when he asked for it! He smiles and says that it’s still exciting to see some big money for the first time in a while. He hugs the envelope with affection. Gun Woo pats the envelope and sighs. He tells Noona that it made him happy. Then he plops it on the table and leaves. She yells after him to take it with him.

Gun Woo pauses at the bouquet by the door and takes out a single pink rose. I wonder who that is for… Hee!

Jung Joo is sitting in the restaurant, Dead Face Harpy’s words running through her head. “I'd like it if you and this restaurant weren't around by Gun Woo anymore.” Jong Bae arrives with a very old halmeoni. They’re not there for business. It’s Mayor’s halmeoni. What is he doing? How is guilting Jung Joo into marrying Mayor going to benefit anyone? Jung Joo, of course, has to be polite.

Mayor arrives, stressed out that yet another one of his relatives if there bugging Jung Joo. He tries to take her home, but Jong Bae takes her instead. Head scratching by Mayor. Jung Joo brings him some tea. He apologizes. She mentions that his halmeoni looks very healthy. He sighs and says that his great-grandfather is also very healthy. He might show up there. She notes that he has a lot of family members.

Mayor asks if she’s alone again. Did he leave you alone again? Jung Joo makes a face, pleading the 5th, and doesn’t answer the question. Mayor sighs. He says that her flowers are wilted a lot. He looks at her and asks if she doesn’t want to go pick flowers? She looks at him. He tells her to try running away! If it gets tough, he'll hold her hand and run with her! So sweet. It’s coming from the wrong person!

Gun Woo enters the Warm and Cozy with a big smile on his face, sniffing the rose. He calls Jung Joo’s name, but then spots Mayor. No more smile and he hides the rose behind his back. Gun Woo asks why Mayor is there, since the restaurant is today. Mayor says that he didn't come there to eat... He’s going somewhere else to eat with Miss Lee Jung Joo. Gun Woo can’t believe it.

Jung Joo enters the room and he looks at her, crushed. Meaningful awkward stare between them. Then she tells the Mayor that they should go. Gun Woo says her name, in a tone and with a face that says ‘what are you doing?!’ There was a ‘ya!’ with it. Mayor looks at Gun Woo, a bit of a glare going on. He tells Jung Joo that he’ll be in the car.

After Mayor leaves, Gun Woo steps closer to her and asks if she's going out to eat with Mayor. Why go out to eat? Eat with him there! He'll make it for her. She snaps back, asking if he thinks they’re going just to eat. Gun Woo blinks. Mayor says there is a pretty restaurant, so they'll eat and see flowers nearby. Gun Woo says that she can do that there, too. He’ll let her see a very expensive flower. He starts to pull out the rose but stops when Jung Joo says that she has no expectations.

Jung Joo says that even if he tells her not to, she’s going. She’s not going to lose out to him anymore. She holds out her hand for Kai, Bai, Bo and asks if he wants to try. He replies that even if he tries, he’ll lose. So he won't do it. He hides the rose behind his back again. Jung Joo swallows back some tears and tells him goodbye.

She leaves. The hand holding the rose drops to Gun Woo’s side. He looks at it and sighs.

Outside, Jung Joo looks back. The Mayor waits. Aren't they going? She answers that he said she had to go to at least make it a tie. She’ll go. She pauses before she gets in the car, but gets in. Gun Woo sits in the Warm and Cozy and looks at the rose. He glances over at Mayor’s bouquet and tosses the rose on the counter. He replaces the bouquet with the rose and waits for her to come back.

It’s dark by the time she does, with a bouquet in her hand. She thanks Mayor. He tells her to think about it. It? He says they can go there again tomorrow. Oh, the plan with the restaurant.

Jung Joo heads for the door. Gun Woo is standing outside, waiting. He's not happy that it took her this long. Awkwardness. He asks if she had fun. She did. It was really nice. She goes inside, and spots the rose in her vase. She asks what it is. Gun Woo answers that he told her! He brought a very expensive flower. She tells him that she’s going to put her bouquet in the vase. He should put his flower in his room.

As she reaches for it, Gun Woo tells her not to touch it. She looks at him. He declares that he doesn't like those old-fashioned flowers. He put a really expensive one in there, so don't touch it! Defiantly, she takes it out. She turns to him and says that she touched it. She’s throwing it out. She throws it onto the counter. Gun Woo’s agape. He can’t believe she did that – that she’s rejecting him like this!

Jung Joo puts her flowers in the vase and says that it’s much better. He picks up the rose and steps closer to her. She said that she’d throw it out, but where is she going to hide this? He’s referring to how she hid the necklace that he gave her. Isn't a flower a little too big to keep it in the conch shell? She takes it and pretends that it’s no big deal – even if it is the first flower he ever gave her! She tells his that it’s going to a trash can. She tosses it in the sink.

Gun Woo is almost speechless. You... Do you know how much that cost?! It's worth 100 million! And we know that it is. She laughs and says that that’s such a joke! He put out a paper and insisted that she should let him win. Now he’s claiming that a flower is worth 100 million won? Gun Woo can’t believe that she doesn’t believe him. Jung Joo declares that no matter how much he insists, she won't lose to him anymore.

He squints at her and asks if there would be any way that she wouldn't lose? Yeah, it’s called falling in love with the Mayor. Careful, Gun Woo. Jung Joo answers that he said he'd be nice to her... He asks her to go with him, to comfort him... He keeps doing that, so she keeps getting her hopes up. That's why she lost. She won't have any expectations from him anymore. She’s not going to lose! She’ll never, ever lose to him!

He looks at her and shifts the weight on his feet. He tells her to try it if she can. She tries not to react to that. And then he reaches over and kisses her. Her eyes are open at first but then they close. It’s a long, gentle kiss. He pulls away, his hands still cupping her face. Her eyes are closed. He says that she lost, right? She looks at him and her face says yes. Episode ends.


I can’t believe that I have to wait until next week to see what happens next! Finally, Gun Woo has decided to be upfront about his feelings! And I still want to melt when I think about it. Yes, it makes me smile.

But, since Dead Face has found out that Gun Woo actually might have some influence – stupid Noona! Why does she keep not seeing what a snake Dead Face is? – she’s decided she wants him now, since he’ll be an Oppa with money. It will be interesting to see Gun Woo’s face when she calls him Oppa, because you know she’s going to. I really hope that Gun Woo doesn’t struggle with it too long. I mean we still have 6 more episodes, but there’s the whole mystery of who his father is that we haven’t delved into yet. That can last several episodes. And why his father (or the guy we assume is his father) looks a lot like Jong Bae. It looks like we’re going to start on that, since some woman might actually be Jung Joo’s mother. Could his father somehow be alive? Especially because of the flowers. Oh, the questions!

So, writers, please don’t have Dead Face be too much of a snag in our pair’s relationship. I mean, there’s so much more that they have to deal with: like Jung Joo and diving school, making the Warm and Cozy profitable, where they’ll live now that it’s not platonic at all, how to get out of everyone trying to fix her up with the Mayor. So much. Please just let Gun Woo not even be swayed by the idea that Dead Face wants him, now that he has someone who loves him for real and he’s realized that he loves back. Someone who has said that he was good enough from the beginning and not someone who played with his emotions and always said that he wasn’t good enough, and who he had a totally dysfunctional relationship with. (I mean, he’s sitting there saying that he’s going to love Dead Face no matter how horribly she treats him, even when she marries someone else…)

One thing that this episode highlighted for me is how Gun Woo doesn’t feel superior to others because he’s wealthy. That might be partially because he’s dependent on his brother’s good humor for his money, but he’s always lived in a social class that was ‘better’ than everyone else, so he could easily have that attitude. But he doesn’t. It’s obvious in how he’s able to be the dutiful employee to his ‘boss,’ in how he treats Poong San as a peer (yes, he orders him around sometimes, but it’s never condescendingly). He treats everyone he meets equally – at least until they do something to give him a hard time and then he’s less pleasant. No so much his sister. When she met Hae Shil, she assumed Hae Shil was part of the hotel staff and even after she realized that this is the woman her oppa liked, she couldn’t believe that she wasn’t high society. Her whole interchange and reactions with Hae Shil really highlighted how different Gun Woo is from that. Even Hyung, to a certain extent, feels entitled to special treatment – pushing his way through the line to talk to Hae Shil, confident that he’s a black pearl, an amazing treasure because of his wealth and influence… For both of them, it’s their status, their wealth that entitles them to this. You might argue that Gun Woo shares this attitude, but I wouldn’t. He might expect special treatment, but it’s more because it’s only logical, or he feels like it, and he’s such a charming special guy that, of course, people want to oblige. Where Noona and Hyung persuade because of their money, Gun Woo persuades with his smile (which is why he’s so perplexed by the townsfolk – because they don’t buy the smile).

I have stayed up way to late doing this recap, but I want to catch up with where the series is at. He finally kissed her! With 6 episodes left! Please let that mean there’s some more skinship coming.

And so far, we’ve had 3 confessions out of Gun Woo that weren’t confessions:
  1. I’m yours forever. 
  2. I refuse to stop being good to you. In fact, I’m going to be so much to you that you won’t ever be able to stop liking me. 
  3. I’m kissing you to let you know I like you.
And I’m going to bet, based on some of the stuff I discussed last episode, that even with this, she is not going to believe him. Even with something like that, she is going to refuse to see that this is anything more than him trying to prove her wrong. I sigh. The brothers didn’t have very much love luck this episode. Hyung got dumped after she almost accepted him and Jung Joo finally had enough. Come quickly Episode 11!

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