Saturday, November 26, 2016

Sweet Stranger and Me Episode 9 Recap

Sorry for the delay in these. For some reason, Blogger decided to leave them as Drafts rather than publishing them.

Episode starts with flashbacks. Na Ri arriving home, drunk. At the hospital, Nan Gil telling her that he’s her step-father. Na Ri deciding to trust him. Nan Gil getting called out by Duk Bong about her being his first love. Na Ri asking what his feelings are now. Nan Gil sitting by her bedside in the hospital. Director telling Nan Gil that he and Na Ri are ill-fated. Nan Gil’s confession and the kissing. Na Ri proposing that they start for real. Him asking her to wait and her agreeing to. Don’t know why we needed the recap, but okay…

Episode really starts out by the lake. Nan Gil asking the Director what he supposedly did to Na Ri. Director reminding him of the printing shop incident in Euljiro. But this time, we get to see what happened.

A group of Director’s thugs arrive. They all have steel bats. Nan Gil is with them, but he seems less eager to do what they’ve set out to do. Wan Shik leads the way and Nan Gil’s in the back. They burst into a room where men are playing poker. They get challenged and Wan Shik strikes the first blow. Smiling, he asks them “What printing shop?” He’s heard that they’re playing the loan shark behind his father's back. He tells them they don't have a work ethic. For running around behind Dad’s back.

Wan Shik asks who the President is. He gets charged and the fighting starts. Nan Gil hangs back and doesn’t get involved in the fray. Wan Shik also watches, enjoying the whole thing. Nan Gil’s face is expressionless. He notices the hostess scurry into a side room. He follows her and comes across the guy who must be the President.

President throws something at Nan Gil. He doesn’t even flinch when it hits him in the head and he starts to bleed. President runs, with Nan Gil following. Out onto the roof. President picks up a board and swings it at Nan Gil, telling him not to come any closer. Nan Gil glances back at where they exited onto the roof. When he confirms that no one’s behind him, he tells President to be quiet and stay still there. Wan Shik and the others arrive. Nan Gil turns to see them. President tries to jump to the floor below.

Nan Gil tries to stop President before he leaves the roof. President falls into a table, breaking it. Nan Gil looks down at President, who has a lot of blood pouring out of his head.

Back in the present, Director asks Nan Gil who that President is. Nan Gil makes a fist. Director declares that President was Hong Na Ri's father. Of course, we haven’t seen any type of picture of Abeoji, so Director could totally be lying. He’s just playing on Nan Gil’s fears. But more than likely, Director isn't telling the truth. Nan Gil looks over at Na Ri.

Director tells Nan Gil that he should never act like Hong Na Ri's father. Nan Gil swallows and looks at Director. He says that Abeoji is not dead. Director replies that he will confirm that for Nan Gil, so come find him anytime. Starting to breathe heavily, Nan Gil says that he will confirm it himself. He declares – and his eyes are a little buggy – that from now on, he won't trust anything. Nan Gil starts to walk toward Na Ri. Director turns around and watches Nan Gil walk away.

When he reaches Na Ri, she tells Nan Gil that he doesn't look that well. Did his symptoms return? Nan Gil doesn’t say anything, just keeps walking. Na Ri follows after him, concern on her face. Director asks Wan Shik if Nan Gil is sick somewhere.

Ran Sook arrives in a taxi – that’s an expensive taxi ride. She checks her car and after confirming that Na Ri didn’t get into any type of accident, she starts hunting for Na Ri. She enters the restaurant and after Yong Kyu greets her, she loudly declares that she came here to find Hong Na Ri. It’s so loud that the other restaurant customers stop and look at her. Heh. Is it me or do these guys look like a bunch of Director’s thugs?

Yong Kyu hurries over and is surprised. Na Ri isn't home? When she confirms it, Yong Kyu asks her to wait a little while. Na Ri probably went out with the owner. Loudly, she asks if Yong Kyu is sure that Go Nan Gil is the owner? Again the customer looks. I laugh because a couple of them are glaring at her for being so loud. Yong Kyu cringes and whispers at Ran Sook to please speak more quietly.

Na Ri and Nan Gil have almost made it back to Hong Dumplings. Na Ri makes him stop and asks if he needs some medicine. He yanks his arm free and tells her that he’s fine. Realizing what he just did, he apologizes and says that his head hurts a little. He walks away. Na Ri hurries after him.

Inside Hong Dumplings, Yong Kyu asks Ran Sook how she knows Nan Gil’s daughter. She mutters back, “Daughter my ass.” Nan Gil walks by them. The diners stand and bow deeply to Nan Gil. I thought I recognized Bruiser. Bruiser greets Nan Gil, but Nan Gil keeps right on walking, even ignoring Ran Sook yelling his name.

Na Ri enters. Thugs watch her with interest. Na Ri asks Ran Sook how she got there and Ran Sook answers that she came with a taxi. Na Ri says that she feels bad, since she was going to drive the car back and return it. Ran Sook grabs Na Ri’s arm and says that they can talk while they go to Seoul. Na Ri’s not about to leave. Ran Sook yells at Na Ri for them to go right now! I laugh even more loudly, because that got everyone’s attention, even Joon and Han Yi.

In his room, with shaking hands, Nan Gil opens a pill bottle and takes one – without water. There’s a whining sound and Nan Gil grabs his head. Flashback to the roof. Nan Gil turns around from looking at President and looks at Wan Shik. Wan Shik looks shocked at what’s happened. Nan Gil starts to leave, but stops when Director walks out onto the roof. Director is frowning. Nan Gil looks like a kid about to be beaten. Back in the present, Nan Gil whines because of the pain in his head.

Na Ri tries to diffuse Ran Sook by offering to buy Ran Sook dumplings. Ran Sook tells Na Ri to stop trying to act all cute. It's not working. Bruiser gets a phone call. He announces to the gang that Director is leaving. The gang stands. Bruiser announces that they will take their leave. He bows. The gang bows as, in unison, they say goodbye. It was almost as if Bruiser was saying it for Nan Gil’s hearing. Bruiser and the Gang leaves.

Yong Kyu sighs and says that he knew a day like this would come. Their boss has a gaze that doesn't belong to any ordinary person. Yong Kyu remarks that he thought Nan Gil just had broad shoulders... but he's a real gangster. He starts to stew. Na Ri asks Ran Sook to wait. She says that she needs to pack and say something briefly. Ran Sook begrudgingly agrees, telling Na Ri not to say goodbye by herself and to bring Nan Gil out. She yells in Nan Gil’s direction that she’s leaving right now! They should greet each other!

Na Ri heads into the back. She knocks on Nan Gil’s door. There’s a pause and Nan Gil opens it. He doesn’t look much better. He says that he feels fine after taking some medicine. She pushes by him and into his room. Nan Gil staggers back a little – clearly you’re fine, since Na Ri was able to shove you like that, just by walking by.

Nan Gil makes her stop and sighs, looking down. He mumbles that Na Ri should go to Seoul. It'll become hard to drive when it turns dark outside. Nan Gil won’t make eye contact. Na Ri – looking at him – says that her friend came there because Ran Sook didn't trust her driving skills. He didn't see her friend? He grunts that he didn’t. She tells him to look at her, and he does. She asks if he’s sure he’s okay. Another nod and grunt ‘yes.’

Na Ri asks about Director – he’s the president of Dada Finance, right? Grunt of affirmation. Nan Gil’s foster father? He immediately clarifies: Former. He’s gone back to not looking at her. He looks so sad and pathetic. Na Ri asks if Director brought all those people on purpose, to pressure Nan Gil, right? He protests that they just go around in droves like that. Na Ri says that she’s scared. For one reason: that Nan Gil might get hurt. Nan Gil tells her not to be scared, then, he won't get hurt. He smiles a little bit, so that medicine must be working.

Ran Sook yells for Na Ri to come out quickly! Heh – wow, she is loud. Like a fishmonger’s wife. Nan Gil asks who it is. Na Ri says that it’s her friend and she heard that he acted like he didn't see her. He protests that he didn’t. Na Ri says that her friend has a bad impression of him. He didn't say hello back, and odd people are saying, "Sunbaenim, Sunbaenim" to him. Na Ri worries that the situation is unfixable. She can hear their friendship cracking over him.

Nan Gil smiles and tells Na Ri that Ran Sook is a good friend. He wouldn't like him if he were Ran Sook either. Na Ri says that next to Ran Sook’s husband, kid, parents... she might not even be ranked on fourth or fifth place in Ran Sook’s life. But – she puts her hand on Nan Gil’s chest – she’s number one there. He only has her. They’ll try to glue back the friendship that's about to crack. She gives Nan Gil a smile and he gives her a smile back.

Na Ri starts to go but Nan Gil stops her. He can only get out, “If I...” Na Ri stops him and tells him to say something when he’s sure, not when there’s an ‘if.’ They look at each other and Ran Sook loudly yells for Na Ri again.

In Seoul, at the hospital, Duk Bong and Duk Shim reach Mother’s room. Duk Shim hesitates. Duk Bong looks at his sister and sighs. Inside, Mother is lying in bed, brace around her neck. It looks like she’s fiddling on her phone. Taking selfies? Chairman is watching television. I feel the love. Duk Shim and Duk Bong enter and immediately Mother starts playing up how much pain she’s in. No more selfies? Chairman barely acknowledges them.

Duk Bong crosses to Chairman and announces that he’s there. Chairman takes issue with Duk Bong referring to him as ‘Chairman’ instead of ‘Father.’ Duk Bong gives Chairman a look and asks Mother if she’s okay. Mother says that it’s obvious she’s not. She tells Duk Shim to greet her father. Duk Shim rolls her eyes and gives Chairman a half-hearted bow and greeting. Mother makes a face at Duk Shim.

Chairman shuts off the television. He walks over to Duk Bong, slaps Duk Bong on the chest and tells Duk Bong to come out. He slaps Duk Shim on the arm and tells her to stay with Mother. He looks at Mother and announces that he’s leaving. Mother smiles pleasantly and reminds Chairman to be sure to drink his herbal medicine before he goes to bed! No response from Chairman as he and Duk Bong exit.

Once they’re gone, Mother’s pain is miraculously better. She says Duk Shim why she’s glaring at her sick mother. Other daughters are like friends to their mothers, with their overflowing cuteness. Duk Shim yells back that other daughters don't have their last names changed all of a sudden! Mother asks what’s so important about Duk Shim’s name. She’s going to change Duk Shim’s life. Does this imply that Duk Shim isn’t really related to Duk Bong at all? That’s an interesting development. In the end, though, I think Duk Bong will still call Duk Shim his sister, even if it isn’t true.

Outside, at the car, Duk Bong asks why Mother is she like that. Chairman says that Mother fell after getting into a scuffle with his older brothers. Wow. No wonder Duk Bong left home. He gives a bravo to their lovely family. Chairman declares that everyone's greedy to the bone. Including you, sir. You’re the ring master. Duk Bong doesn’t say anything.

Chairman whacks his lackey, who present Duk Bong with an envelope. Outside reads: Status of the Seulgi-Ri Land. Duk Bong pulls out what looks like an old deed. Chairman declares that the Hong Dumplings' land belonged to their family for generations. This is news to Duk Bong. Chairman declares that Duk Bong’s grandfather gave it away because of a weakness of his that they were holding over his head... Or maybe Harabeoji knew what his family was like and gave it to someone who would value its beauty, not its monetary value.

Chairman orders Duk Bong to bring it back. If they'd sold it when people wanted to buy it with cash, they wouldn't have to be doing this. Duk Bong asks how he could bring it back, if Harabeoji gave it away. There's even documents to prove it. Chairman reproof’s his question, declaring that even the pro-Japanese families are reclaiming their confiscated lands back because they once belonged to their ancestors. Duk Bong grimaces and looks away. Chairman declares that he made Duk Bong study law, so that – emphasizing with several pokes of his finger – Duk Bong can take care of business like this! Chairman gets in his car.

Inside the hospital, Duk Bong sits in the busy lobby. He pulls out the paper Chairman gave him. Paper shows Harabeoji’s name, citizenship number and address, along with Oma’s. He sighs and witnesses an embarrassing moment for Yeo Joo. Who I could care less about.

Nan Gil loads several bags of dumpling’s into Ran Sook’s back seat. Through the window, he tells Ran Sook to put some of them in the freezer, when they get home, and wishes them a safe drive. Ran Sook won’t even look at him. Na Ri mutters at Ran Sook that she should at least say thanks. Ran Sook shakes her head that she won’t. Nan Gil smiles to himself. Na Ri tells him that she’s going and he nods. Without a word, Ran Sook starts the car and drives away.

Only to stop a few feet away. Ran Sook declares that this won't do. She hops out of the car and marches over to Nan Gil. He gives her a small bow. She announces that she didn't know that she would be saying this, but, never with Na Ri! Don't even dream about it! Nan Gil looks down, like he’s been scolded. Ran Sook declares that she’s not someone who discriminates, but she can't stand seeing her friend dating a gangster! Nan Gil’s head drops lower and he holds his hand in front of him. Like he’s been really scolded.

Na Ri arrives and asks what they’re talking about. Ran Sook says that it’s what Na Ri thinks they’re talking about. Na Ri demands to know what Ran Sook said to someone who already has complicated feelings! Ran Sook yells back, asking why Nan Gil’s feelings are complicated! Na Ri yells, if Ran Sook knows, will she help him?

Trying to diffuse things, Nan Gil asks Na Ri what she’s doing. Ran Sook didn't say much. Ran Sook takes offense at that: She didn't say much? What she said isn't important?! Which he totally didn't mean it that way. She screams at him that it took a lot for her to say that to him! Nan Gil cringes. Na Ri grabs Ran Sook and demands to know why Ran Sook’s yelling?! Is she looking down on him? Ran Sook can’t believe Na Ri. She gives Nan Gil a glare and walks away with a huff.

Nan Gil, his voice coaxing, asks why Na Ri is saying that to her friend who came all the way there? He’s fine. He tells Na Ri to make up on their way home. Act cutesy toward her. Na Ri pouts that she doesn't know how to act cutesy. How does she do that? He replies that it would be best for her to sincerely reconcile with Ran Sook. Na Ri nods and says that she’s leaving. He nods.

They drive off. The car is silent. Ran Sook finally speaks: Does Na Ri like that person? Na Ri replies that she didn't want to introduce Nan Gil like that to her. Ran Sook tells her to come to her senses. Na Ri doesn't like him. She’s just struggling these days and are lonely. So, she’s having a biological reaction. Na Ri asks what Ran Sook is talking about? Ran Sook declares that it’s purely physical attraction to Nan Gil’s broody stare. Na Ri laughs.

Ran Sook tells Na Ri not to laugh. She’s being serious. Na Ri saw those guys greeting Nan Gil with a "Sunbaenim." Na Ri doesn't know where Nan Gil’s been or what he has done. Don't get involved with those people. Na Ri stops smiling – because it’s true. Ran Sook tells Na Ri not to return there. If she’s are physically far away from Nan Gil, her heart will drift from him too.

Na Ri thinks about comments Nan Gil has made:
* He’s sorry for loving Hong Na Ri.
* His sickness is myself. My dark, gloomy, smelly disease that my past experiences have created.
* Him kissing her in the greenhouse as he says that he needs some time and for her to wait for him.

Na Ri says “Ran Sook-a.” Ran Sook cringes and moans for Na Ri not to call her that. It’s making her anxious. Na Ri says that she doesn’t think she can never see Nan Gil again. Even if she’s physically away from him, she feels like her heart won't stray. Ran Sook moans at her to get a hold of herself! Na Ri says that she thinks she could live there the rest of her life making dumplings. Ran Sook replies, asking if Na Ri’s trying to make her faint.

Back at Hong Dumplings, Yong Kyu approaches Nan Gil – who is making dumplings – and says that since all the customers have left, they should talk. No response from Nan Gil. Yong Kyu declares that he’s sure the guys are curious, too. So, he’ll ask on their behalf. Joon looks over at Nan Gil. And I don’t think they’re curious at all. Because they know where Nan Gil goes at night. They drive him. Could they be ex-fosters, too? No response from Nan Gil.

Yong Kyu asks if, one of these days if they were to open up the restaurant and walk in... they wouldn’t see some cruel scene, would they? Or get wrapped up in a brutal fight? Yong Kyu declares that he’s getting goosebumps just by thinking of it. No response from Nan Gil. Yong Kyu can’t believe Nan Gil is ignoring him. Han Yi puts his dumpling tins down loudly. He glares over at Yong Kyu as Joon gives Han Yi a look to chill.

Yong Kyu takes offense. Maknae, what is that behavior? Han Yi gives Joon a look. One, Han Yi’s asking the boss to speak up. Two, Han Yi’s telling him to shut up. Which is it, huh? Nan Gil still is just making his dumpling shells. Joon suggests that Yong Kyu go home. They’ll clean up today. Please? Yong Kyu declares: Three, just shut up and go home? Right? No one says anything. Yong Kyu declares that there's something fishy. There has to be. There's something going on with the three of them. He sarcastically cackles that he’ll get to come up with a story today. Nan Gil stops working, sighs and gives Yong Kyu a look. Yong Kyu cringes and mutters to himself that the boss is mad again.

Hospital. Yeo Joo decides to go bug Duk Bong. She asks if he remembers her. He looks up from his papers. She says that he saw her when he arrived earlier, right? He gives a little chuckle – the equivalent of an eye roll – and goes back to his papers. He’s not even going to bother with someone like her. He knows exactly what kind of woman she is. Someone who would fit in with his family quite well. Probably just like Mother.

Yeo Joo sits next to him – almost on top of his papers – and asks if the cute girl he was with is sick. She’s starting with the aegyo voice. No even looking at her, he answers that his mother is sick. Super aegyo, Yeo Joo asks if Mother is really sick. He says that Mother isn’t. Yeo Joo announces that it's my father who's sick. He’s repeatedly been hospitalized for the last seven years. Duk Bong sighs – does he really have to sit through this right now? Yeo Joo declares that she’s telling him since he seems to know all about her messy family business. Duk Bong tells her not to worry about it. He’s not that interested. Heh.

From across the lobby, Duk Shim shrieks to be let go. Some of Chairman’s men are dragging Duk Shim out as she protests loudly. Duk Bong sighs and remarks to Yeo Joo that it's also a ruckus in his family. He walks over to Duk Shim and asks what’s going on. Duk Shim begs him to take her with him. Guard says that Madam ordered it. He tells Duk Shim to just leave quietly. Don't make a mess at home as well. She whines that she doesn’t want to! He walks away.

Duk Bong gets as far as waiting for the elevator. He groans at himself and goes to save Duk Shim.

Duk Shim gets put into the car by Mother’s men. Yeo Joo seeks around the other side and opens the car door so Duk Shim can escape. They run away. Mother’s men sigh and are about to run after Duk Shim when Duk Bong gets their attention. He tells Secretary Kim to report that he took Duk Shim with him. Okay, that was sort of cool on Yeo Joo’s part. I’m sure she just did it to wheedle in on Duk Bong, but still kind of cool.

Duk Shim and Yeo Joo run down the street. Yeo Joo asks herself what she’s doing! She ends up finally catching Duk Shim. Pinning Duk Shim to the wall of a building, she tells Duk Shim that she know Duk Shim’s oppa and they're not after Duk Shim anymore. Duk Shim protests and fights to get free. Yeo Joo asks why she’s shouting at someone who's helping her. She pins Duk Shim against the wall and twists her arm behind her back. She declares that Duk Shim can't win over her. Duk Shim starts to ‘cry’ and Yeo Joo blows some hair out of her face.

Nan Gil gets a phone call. It’s Na Ri, who declares that she’s arrived and made up with Ran Sook. He tells her that she did well. Small talk. He tells her to have fun in the plane. She replies with a request to hear the food steps of the farmer often so she can grow fast. Nan Gil smiles. Na Ri says that they should text and call each other, okay? Nan Gil agrees. He hangs up and sighs. Both of them look pensive.

At a café. Duk Shim is eating. Yeo Joo is annoyed. Duk Shim was staring at her so desperately, yet Duk Shim doesn't even say thank you? Duk Shim takes a sip of her milk and asks what Yeo Joo’s relationship is with Oppa. Yeo Joo takes issue with Duk Shim’s banmal. Yeo Joo says that she and Duk Bong have bumped into each other here and there. Why? Duk Shim tells Yeo Joo to pull her hair back into a pony tail. When Yeo Joo does, she announces, “Heol. Daebak.” Yeo Joo asks why she just said that. Duk Shim announces that Yeo Joo looks just like the woman who dumped Duk Bong. Yeo Joo is, of course, interested.

Duk Shim’s phone starts to ring with a call from Duk Bong. From his car, Duk Bong grumbles because Duk Shim isn’t answering. Annoyed, Yeo Joo answers the phone, telling Duk Bong to come quickly. She has a flight to catch.

Nan Gil is now in a suit, standing outside of Dada Financial. He sighs and goes inside. He heads into the gym. One of the guys walks up to challenge Nan Gil. Nan Gil’s not intimidated. He asks if doofus remembers him. Imitates them: “Uhee, Go Nan Gil!” He says that he’s there to see Wan Shik. Doofus declares that Wan Shik isn’t there. Nan Gil starts to push by Doofus.

Doofus decides to challenge Nan Gil and grabs his shoulder. Nan Gil quickly responds with a punch that knocks Doofus down. Nan Gil turns and does a martial arts kick to another guy’s chest, knocking him down. He chases a third one down and pins him against the wall – with just a look. He doesn’t even touch him. Guy looks really scared, too. Nan Gil smiles at him before giving him a glare.

Nan Gil heads into the room right behind Three and locks the door behind him. Uncle is inside. Nan Gil does not look happy. The thugs yell at Nan Gil to open the door. Uncle sputters at Nan Gil as Nan Gil walks over to him. It’s obvious that Uncle thinks that Nan Gil’s going to hurt him for what he did. Nan Gil asks when Uncle saw Abeoji last. Uncle is surprised at the question. Why is Nan Gil asking about Abeoji now?

Uncle tells Nan Gil to open the door. He’s scared. Why is Nan Gil doing this? Nan Gil ignores Uncle’s panic: Uncle said he saw Abeoji at a gambling house before. Nan Gil grabs Uncle’s shoulders to get him to focus. When was that? Uncle tries to think: Was it last spring or summer? Nan Gil sighs.

Outside the door, thugs are yelling for Nan Gil to open the door. The door opens and Nan Gil comes out. They immediately all back up. With his hands in his pockets, Nan Gil tells them to relax. He came to check up on his uncle in this chilly weather. He's always cold. He scolds them to turn on the heater more. Wan Shik arrives and asks what Nan Gil’s doing there. Nan Gil replies that nothing has changed. He’s leaving. He walks through them, putting a hand on Wan Shik’s shoulder, and leaves.

At the airport, Yeo Joo asks Na Ri about the leave of absence she requested. Na Ri says that it was so she could get married, but Yeo Joo ruined that. Yeo Joo asks if Na Ri’s planning on packing up and living in her hometown because of her dongsaeng. Na Ri denies it. Yeo Joo replies that a woman who throws her career away and clings onto a man isn't attractive. Especially not to a younger man, no way. Na Ri eventually tells Yeo Joo to mind her own business!

Nan Gil is taking a walk. He sees a woman. For a moment he thinks it’s Na Ri, but it’s just a tourist with a camera. Aw, he looks so sad. He sighs and heads into Hong Dumplings. The woman he mistook meets up with 2 friends in Hongs. They eat the dumplings and appreciate their taste. Friend 1 declares: Soft skin and when it bursts, the rich taste of meat flavor, it's daebak. Friend 2 declares she eats there regularly and even the picky bloggers usually give this place a score in the 9's. Woman scolds them for being so plebian.

Apparently, they are in television. They think the boys are overflowing with charisma. Can these charismatic flower boys create such a taste? Friend2 declares that it’s all a scam. They've brought together actors to increase their popularity. The 3 women lather over how successful their television show is going to be! It explodes juicy flavor, charisma and viewer ratings. But... that chic President's pose gives them the strong feeling that he will deny the show. Woman declares that they can’t give up. A pure tasty eatery that's never been seen on TV. It’s their chance.

Woman (and her lackeys) approach Yong Kyu, they declare that they are from 'Let’s Eat Three Meals.’ That’s got to be a reference to shows like ‘Three Meals a Day.’ She declares that their dumplings are so delicious! They would love to put them on TV. Yong Kyu is awe-struck and calls Nan Gil over. Nan Gil politely says that they don't do broadcasts and walks away. Woman smiles and leaves.

Outside, however, she declares – because Nan Gil and Yong Kyu have followed them outside – that although it was rejected today, they will come find them three more times. Three times lucky. Friend2 says Korea is a three-generation country. Friend1 says they are three musketeers. They leave and Nan Gil can’t help but think about Na Ri. Yong Kyu takes his staring as Nan Gil playing hard to get, but Nan Gil’s just seeing Na Ri everywhere. Na Ri stands and waves at him. Nan Gil sighs and starts to go inside. Na Ri looks puzzled at his lack of response.

Yong Kyu looks over at Na Ri and asks Nan Gil why he’s ignoring his daughter. She’s waving at him. Nan Gil looks over at Na Ri, who is standing there with her hands on her hips. She mutters to herself that she worked hard to look good and he's just making a fool out of her. Nan Gil smiles immediately and runs over to her. She’s frowning when he gets to her and declares that actions speak louder than words. Nan Gil stops smiling.

Na Ri says that Nan Gil smiled so brightly at the ladies. He practices smiling in the mirror, right? Nan Gil smiles – a little nervous – and shakes his head. He didn't smile. Na Ri asks who they were. Smiling – a big smile for Na Ri, heh – he explains that they were writers for a broadcast program. Na Ri wants to know if Hong Dumplings is going to be on television. Nan Gil replies that he said they aren't doing it. Na Ri wants them to, so they can earn money from the broadcast and repay the debt. Nan Gil replies that he doesn’t want to.

Na Ri says that she wishes Abeoji could see the broadcast and get sick with jealousy! Nan Gil’s face starts to look guilty with the mention of Abeoji. Na Ri declares that Abeoji would know if he saw the sign. Nan Gil shrugs. Na Ri starts to scold him for his lame texting: all he says is "Sleep well", "Eat", "Don't catch a cold". Nan Gil assumes the position of a little boy being scolded – holding his hands sheepishly in front of him like he did with Ran Sook. Heh. Are these text messages for a couple in a long-distance relationship or texts to check if she’s alive? Nan Gil stares at the ground, looking appropriately sorry.

Na Ri smiles slightly and says that she’s learning how to drive these days. She’s learning how to farm and she’s planning on learning how to make dumplings. He looks up at her. She says that she’s trying to become like Go Nan Gil. Nan Gil replies that since he’s becoming so emotional, he must be trying to become Hong Na Ri. Smiling more widely, she asks if she should pack her belongings and come there. Nan Gil replies that he’s becoming more emotional and more stubborn. Is that a yes?

Na Ri says that she has things to do and she has something to tell him. They should go out for a bit. They go to a temple. What is with Nan Gil’s coat? He looks like he’s Ming the Merciless or something. I am, of course, thinking of the cheesy 80’s Max von Sydow’s Ming. If you have not watched 'Flash Gordon' and heard the soundtrack done by Queen, you are missing out. But still… Why is he wearing a coat with a fur hood spread over his shoulders like that?

People have hung up their wishes there. Looking at them, Na Ri says that when she was little, she came there often with Abeoji. Each time, she used to write, "Please let me become a stewardess." Nan Gil smiles and says that her wish came true. Na Ri says that after Abeoji left, it changed: she came there and wrote, "Please let Abeoji come back." Only one of the two wishes came true. Nan Gil looks burdened, thinking about what Director told him. He follows her.

Director has taken Uncle out to a restaurant. Director says that he didn't know that Nan Gil would try to come and find Uncle. Director says that he gets really angry. Why did Uncle say something that doesn't make any sense? Uncle doesn’t know what he means. Wan Shik says that Hong Sung Kyu (Abeoji) passed away a while ago. They verified his death. Uncle processes this. And from Uncle’s face, he knows this is a lie, but is wondering how to play this so he can save his hide. It’s like when they had him make something up for the complaint with the police. Director says that they can talk about the details later. He pours Uncle a drink and tells him to drink it as Uncle mourns. Uncle drinks.

Director wonders if he should think that Uncle is naïve or dumb? Uncle looks worried. Director says that if Go Nan Gil just weren't there, that would be Uncle’s land. Wouldn’t it be Na Ri’s land? Since she’s Oma’s heir, not Uncle. Director wonders why the land Uncle’s parents left them would all go to Oma. Uncle swallows and admits that it’s true. Director adds wondering why Uncle isn’t more worried about Na Ri.

Wan Shik’s face registers something and he steals a glance at Uncle. I wonder if Wan Shik knows about Nan Gil’s feelings for Na Ri. He has to, given he told Nan Gil that Na Ri’s his weakness. And he must know that Uncle knows this, too. But it seems Director doesn’t know, so Wan Shik seems to be looking to see if Uncle is going to give this away. Is Uncle going to leave her next to Go Nan Gil? When a man and a woman spend time together, it's natural for them to start having feelings for each other. Uncle bites his lip and looks at Director. Don’t you spill, old man!

Na Ri and Nan Gil are at a restaurant, drinking coffee. What a nice lodge! It totally looks like places I went in Korea! Nan Gil puts his cup down and asks Na Ri what she has to say that she’s going around in circles like this? She asks him – using his whole name - why they can't get closer. Why can't they be like normal couples? Nan Gil gives a small, sad smile and says that it’s because of him. She agrees. His dark past. Because he needs to protect this land. Also, because he’s her stepfather. She’s bringing that up again?

Na Ri declares that because of the numerous obstacles he’s created, it's hard to get over them. Nan Gil replies that those aren't obstacles. It's just him. He looks down at the table. Na Ri says that whenever she goes to Seoul, of all the words they’ve spoken, she only sees his smiling face. He looks up at her. She declares that she’s a woman who has totally fallen for Go Nan Gil, so forget about him being her stepfather. Don't think of his past. Don't say he’s sorry.

Nan Gil gives another small smile and says that it’s not that easy. He feels like such a bad guy, he’s used to looking at her from afar. She agrees: Exactly. She needs to be very close to him. He smiles his small smile and looks down. She says his name – Go Nan Gil. He looks up and she says that she loves him.

♫ I can't forget ♫

There's no reaction on Nan Gil’s face.

♫ Your warmth - I can't forget ♫

Flashback to Na Ri on the jungle gym, getting hit by a rock.

♬  Because it's you. ♬
♬  Because it's you,  ♬
♬  I couldn't forget.  ♬

Nan Gil pays the boy back with his own rock.

♬  Your scent of warmth.  ♬

Rain and the umbrella.

♬  Once in a while.  ♬

Nan Gil watching as she’s at college with Dong Jin.

♬  When it's hard and you are exhausted and frustrated,  ♬

Back to the present. Nan Gil starts to say something…

♬  I will go anywhere to the end of the world if you call me.  ♬

But doesn’t. He takes a sip of his coffee instead.

♬  The foolish love of ours.  ♬

Na Ri smiles.

♬  Even still, our love  ♬
♬  is love.  ♬

Robot Museum. Duk Bong tells Soon Rye that the Hong Dumplings land was his grandfather's in the first place. I think she knew this. And that it’s part of her bone of contention with Oma. The other part of me wonders if she’s Nan Gil’s birth mother. She looks at him surprised as he asks if she knew that. He smiles at her and says that it doesn't like she did. Duk Bong says that it was a bit strange, wasn't it? Why is it that all the land surrounding it is theirs except for that?

Soon Rye swallows. Duk Bong says that he likes that she keeps her lips firmly closed in situations like this. He holds out the envelope that Chairman gave him and asks her to please take a look at the documents. Soon Rye hesitantly reaches for the envelope, but once she has it, she grabs it and hurries away.

Phone call – Yeo Joo. Why is she in his phone now?

Hongs Dumplings. Yeo Joo enters – dressed up for a date, perhaps? – and Duk Shim is surprised to see her. Yeo Joo is surprised to see Duk Shim. Yeo Joo smiles at her, smug. Duk Shim gets the message.

As they walk back from the temple, Wan Shik is waiting for them. Wan Shik pleasantly asks if Nan Gil lives there. Nan Gil tells Na Ri to go inside first. He tells Wan Shik to get in. Duk Bong arrives to see Nan Gil get in Wan Shik’s car. He asks Na Ri who’s in the car. She says he’s from Dada Finance. Duk Bong declares that it’s illegal. She should report it next time.

Na Ri decides to go over and get in the car. Duk Bong stops her and tells her that she shouldn't be dealing with these guys. He tells her to please go inside. He tries a wrist grab, but she pulls her arm away and goes inside. Duk Bong sighs. He looks back at Wan Shik’s car, where both Wan Shik and Nan Gil are watching them.

Nan Gil looks away and sighs. Wan Shik tells him that only families can apply for death certificate. He hands Nan Gil a card and says that this woman took one out for Hong Sung Gyu. Nan Gil should check it himself. Wan Shik – without malice, but rather sounding like a friend – asks Nan Gil if he’s crazy. Nan Gil killed Na Ri’s father and here he is acting as her step father? Nan Gil answers that if he did kill Abeoji, he would have been punished for it then. Wan Shik answers that they hid it for him. But why exactly would Nan Gil be blamed for it? I don’t understand that logic.

Nan Gil gives Wan Shik a squint and says that it doesn’t matter. Since he’s in front of Na Ri, he’s going to out Wan Shik’s little side business. Wan Shik tries to reason with him. Every time he comes, Hong Na Ri is here. Nan Gil answers that that’s Wan Shik’s problem. Nan Gil gets out of the car and Wan Shik hits his head rest in frustration.

Duk Bong calls out to Nan Gil that it’s a warning. Nan Gil stops and looks at him. If Nan Gil hasn’t got a plan, he should fold this. Nan Gil doesn’t answer, just does inside. Duk Bong follows him. Wan Shik squirms, sighs, and gets out of the car.

When Duk Bong enters, Yeo Joo waves at him, a friendly smile on her face. Duk Shim can’t believe that Yeo Joo is there to see Duk Bong. Yeo Joo pleasantly says that, because of Duk Shim, she wrecked her shoes and clothes. She needs to be compensated. Duk Shim snaps that Yeo Joo should just have some dumplings! Duk Bong sighs and tells Yeo Joo they should go out. Yeo Joo gives her Oppa voice as she answers, “Yes.” She gives Duk Shim a smirk and starts to leave with Duk Bong.

Wan Shik struts in, past Duk Bong, asking where Go Nan Gil is. Yong Kyu asks who Wan Shik is to look for Nan Gil? In answer, Wan Shik clocks Yong Kyu across the face. Yong Kyu goes down. Nan Gil hurries out. Wan Shik declares that he’s not the same as before. There’s threat in his voice. He throws a punch at Nan Gil, which Nan Gil easily evades. Nan Gil grabs Wan Shik and drags him into the back. Na Ri sees them leave.

Joon asks Yong Kyu if he’s okay. He mutters that his lips isn’t sore but he feels like s!@#. Nan Gil shoves Wan Shik up against a wall and screams at Wan Shik, “Not here. No matter what!” Wan Shik screams back in defiance. Nan Gil says that he’s not going back to the past. Na Ri can hear them. Nan Gil asks if Wan Shik has got it and yells that he’s begging Wan Shik! Wan Shik is wincing. Nan Gil begs Wan Shik to please help him! Please! Na Ri looks down, hurting for Nan Gil. She walks away.

Joon arrives and shoves Nan Gil off of Wan Shik. Nan Gil slaps at Joon to get away. Nan Gil and Wan Shik look at each other. Nan Gil says that he’s going to keep Wan Shik’s secret once more time. Consider it a birthday gift. Wan Shik scoffs at his words, “A birthday gift? You bastard.” He leaves. Nan Gil sighs – and kicks himself for his miscalculation.

Duk Shim is apologizing to the leaving customers. Yong Kyu is fingering his lip. Wan Shik comes out and gives them a look. He looks over at Han Yi and leaves. What was that? Yong Kyu says that it's just his feeling but, a physical pain is temporary but a mental pain lasts for a long time. Violence masks the mental struggle. He sighs and wonders if he needs to give up the dumpling business? Duk Shim replies that she will do it and starts to bus the table. Yong Kyu considers this.

Na Ri sits in her room – it’s mostly dark – thinking of what she just heard.

Not here. No matter what! I will not go back to the past. So please! Please help him.

Na Ri sighs.

At a nice restaurant, Yeo Joo starts to pour Duk Bong a drink. He stops her, saying that he needs to drive. She smiles – annoyed. Duk Bong is obviously uncomfortable about what just happened. Yeo Joo decides to capitalize on that. And I notice that she’s wearing her hair back, just like Duk Shim said Duk Bong’s old girl friend did. And great top to highlight your chest. I roll my eyes. Yeo Joo says – in Oppa voice - that she’s feeling badly that they left his dongsaeng behind. Duk Bong replies that it’s nothing. Duk Shim and he are very familiar with situations like that.

Yeo Joo says that her family is a bit messy but Duk Bong’s family is not as dignified as your wealth might suggest. Duk Bong replies that having money makes it hard to have dignity actually. She smiles and asks if Duk Bong would like to be friends with her. She says that she doesn't have friends. Since he knows everything about her family, she has nothing to hide so she feels comfortable. And I love Duk Bong because: Duk Bong replies that his neighborhood friend, Hong Na Ri, is plenty for him. Why don't they end it there?

Duk Bong says that he’ll pay for the cost of shoes and clothes. Yeo Joo tells him that he should give up on Na Ri. She's in love. Enough to quit her job. She’s going to start that again? Using her connection to Na Ri to weasel in on a man? Yeo Joo sighs and pretending to be concerned, she says what they should do. She's met a dangerous man. Duk Bong surprised that Na Ri quit her job. Yeo Joo nods and says that Na Ri’s on leave but it's only a step before resignation. Not that Na Ri had the leave already had the leave planned because of her *wedding.*

Yeo Joo shrugs and says that women foolishly fall head over heels in love sometimes. Duk Bong is processing Na Ri quitting her job for Nan Gil. Yeo Joo thinks to herself: What do we do with this guy's expression? A complete despair.

Na Ri is looking at a smiling picture of Oma. She asks Oma what this place means to Nan Gil. Nan Gil enters and asks what she’s doing. She says that she’s talking to Oma. He asks what she wants for dinner. Home made noodles? Hand made dough soup?

Switch to the kitchen. Nan Gil is kneading the dough and Na Ri is chopping up some squash – or something. It looks like cucumber almost. She keeps studying Nan Gil. He finally asks why she’s looking at him like that? Does she have something to say? She says that she doesn’t. Door bell.

Back in Seoul, Bruiser 1 & 2 hurry Uncle out to the car. Inside, Wan Shik tells Uncle that he just needs to bring up Hong Na Ri's father's story. Her father, Hong Sung Gyu died right? Right? He smiles and leans in. Uncle justs need to tell the truth. Got it? Uncle nods and swallows. Why isn’t Uncle running?!

The person at the door was Yeo Joo. She enters, smiling, with Duk Bong on her heels. Yeo Joo smiles like she’s drunk. Duk Bong asks why she’s pretending to be drunk all of a sudden? He tells Na Ri that Yeo Joo drank a bit of wine. Na Ri says that she doesn’t know how they ended up drinking wine together but why are they here? Yeo Joo spots Nan Gil. She starts to mention Na Ri’s dongsaeng when Na Ri interrupts. She says that she knows Yeo Joo is acting drunk so she can sleep there.

Yeo Joo tells her sunbae that Nan Gil is dangerous. And for her to quit her job on the account of such a man. Na Ri puts her hand over Yeo Joo’s mouth to get her to stop talking, but Nan Gil didn’t miss it. He walks over to her. Na Ri asks Duk Bong why only her hoobae is drunk. Duk Bong replies that he has to drive. Nan Gil asks if Na Ri quit her job. Na Ri replies that Yeo Joo’s drunk. She has no idea what Yeo Joo is saying at all.

Yeo Joo smiles and asks why Na Ri quit working. Na Ri’s their forever head flight attendant. Na Ri glares at her. Na Ri shoves Yeo Joo towards the stairs. Yeo Joo turns and declares that Na Ri should appreciate her. Her logic: Na Ri finished with Oppa Dong Jin long time ago. There wasn’t any love left to cool down between them. Yeo Joo’s just the one who ended that relationship. Yeo Joo declares that Na Ri is falling in love. It's she who made Na Ri meet her dongsaeng. Na Ri hurries Yeo Joo upstairs.

Nan Gil and Duk Bong look at each other. Nan Gil motions with his head for Duk Bong to leave. Duk Bong starts to but stops. Hong Dumpling Boss. He’ll do something. But before doing that, he has something to ask. Nan Gil asks what Duk Bong is going to do. Considering Nan Gil doesn’t want to mess his delicate balance of things up with Dada Finance. Duk Bong replies that they should talk about it later.

Duk Bong tells Nan Gil that it absolutely won't work out between him and Hong Na Ri because of his current martial state with Na Ri's Oma. He knows that, right? Nan Gil waits. Duk Bong declares that he likes Na Ri. He wants to hear the stepfather's opinion. Nan Gil asks why Duk Bong’s seeing that hoobae (Yeo Joo). Duk Bong asks if Nan Gil, Stepfather, going to support him if he doesn’t see that hoobae. Nan Gil just looks at him.

Duk Bong says that if Nan Gil had said, "My daughter knows only Father," he'd be a git. Yes, my subtitles used the word git, a British slang term that defines as a foolish or worthless person. Sounds a bit mild, doesn’t it? But provides these definitions:
1. A completely ignorant, childish person with no manners.
2. A person who feels justified in their callow behaviour.
3. A pubescent kid who thinks it's totally cool to act like a moron on the internet, only because no one can actually reach through the screen and punch their lights out.
4. Total and utter tosser who is incapable of doing anything other than annoying people, and not in a way that is funny to others.
5. A person that is useless, troublesome or annoying, a fool.
And Wikipedia provides this definition:
Git is a mild[1] pejorative with origins in British English for an unpleasant, silly, incompetent, stupid, annoying, senile, elderly or childish person.[2] It is usually an insult, more severe than twit or idiot but less severe than wanker, arsehole or twat. says that it evolved from the Scottish word, ‘get’ which means ‘bastard.’

I can’t quite think of an American equivalent of git, maybe schmuck?

So… Duk Bong is waiting for Na Ri’s ‘stepfather’s’ comment on him being interested in her.

After not calling Nan Gil a git, Duk Bong adds that Nan Gil has a deep love for his daughter, so he’ll probably consider it for her sake. Nan Gil replies, “no.” He was thinking whether they could become friends. Yes, you can. But he doesn’t think so. Especially since it looks like Duk Bong is getting charmed by the succubus that caused Na Ri heartache. Duk Bong replies that he doesn't intend on becoming friends with Nan Gil, either. Aw, but you are going to become friends. I know you are. You’ve already started.

Yeo Joo is doing her nightly beauty care regime. Na Ri tells her that she did well that she didn't tell Nan Gil she took time off from work. But I thought she just did? Yeo Joo replies that she has that much sense. Na Ri notices Yeo Joo’s stash of products and is surprised that there’s so many. Yeo Joo says that she’s keeping it extra simple today. You should habitually put on those everyday to make a healthy skin and never get lazy about it. Na Ri nods and says that people can't change easily.

Na Ri goes downstairs and asks if Duk Bong left. Nan Gil asks if she thinks he and Duk Bong are close enough to share noodles?! Na Ri replies that Nan Gil’s ups and downs are getting erratic. He’s becoming like Hong Na Ri. Heh. He makes a face. She tells him he’ll be stressed out and get wrinkles. Then she dances and chants about the noodles… by my father! He tells her that she’s creating dust! She drinks some of the juice and gives him a very enthusiastic thumbs up. He smiles.

After they eat, they sit on the couch and drink some tea. They’re using teacups, so I’m calling the hot beverage tea. It’s probably coffee, but I’m calling it tea. Nan Gil says that he had a fist fight with Wan Shik in front of the customers. He’s playing with his thumb like he did when she was in the ambulance. Na Ri replies that they are definitely not friends. But I think they’re brothers. Why else would Nan Gil plead with him. Nan Gil says that Duk Bong was right. He was such a guy at one point.

♬ Where do you feel ♬

Na Ri tells him that he doesn't have to tell her everything.

♬  In your heart?  ♬

He looks at her. She looks at the house and asks what significance do the house and Hong Dumplings have to Go Nan Gil.

♬ You are my man. You are my soul. ♬

More important than her? Dirty pool.

♬ Please look at me. ♬

Must she be jealous of a place of memory? Not even a person?

♬  I love you.  ♬

Nan Gil looks at the house and says that everything in here.

♬  You are my man. You are my soul.  ♬

He looks at her and says that they're all Hong Na Ri to him. And I grab my heart at how sweet he is.

♬  That a person can love another person..  ♬

Na Ri smiles and turns so she’s facing him. She tells him to look at the real Hong Na Ri who's sitting in front of Go Nan Gil.

♬  I've learned that a person,  ♬
♬  can change another person.  ♬
♬  Because it's you. Both of us together,  ♬

He leans in to kiss her.

♬  no matter where we are in the world.  ♬

And Uncle walks in. And I clamp my hands over my mouth and scream. Uncle almost screams but instead yells, “What are you guys doing there?!” It’s not like they are two teenagers. Uncle yell makes them jump off the couch. Uncle runs over the Nan Gil and grabs his collar, ordering Nan Gil out of the house, now! Nan Gil doesn’t react. And we know that Nan Gil could react, very effectively. Na Ri pulls on Uncle’s arm, asking him to go and talk. Where has he been all this time?

Uncle lets go. He tells Na Ri to listen to him carefully. He requested annulment. Nan Gil face says he can’t believe this. He shoves his hands in his pocket. And I’m wondering if it’s one of his ways of not reacting like that old him. Uncle pulls out a piece of paper and says that the people who stood witness to it falsely have decided to help him. As Uncle says that Oma and he were deceived, Nan Gil holds himself back. He yells, “Uncle!” Uncle yells back, asking how dare Nan Gil yell!

Yeo Joo has heard the commotion and has come to eavesdrop.

Uncle says that from the look of it, Na Ri’s being deceived by this guy, too. Nan Gil is really trying to not lose his temper. Uncle asks if Nan Gil tempt her by acting like her father? Na Ri tells Uncle they should go talk. Uncle commands her to stay put! Uncle points at Nan Gil and tells him ‘fine.’ He’s fine if Nan Gil takes the land, restaurant, everything! But never his niece. He grabs Nan Gil’s collar again, declaring Nan Gil will never even if he dies!

Nan Gil throws Uncle off, asking “Why not!” Where have you been all this time, Uncle? Uncle looks at Na Ri and asks if she saw that. This punk kicked him out like that. Nan Gil’s the one who stopped him from coming near here. Nan Gil shakes his head. Uncle says that Abeoji passed away a long time ago. Nan Gil asks what Uncle is talking about. Particularly because Uncle said that Abeoji was alive just a few days earlier. Uncle yells that he’s telling Na Ri what Nan Gil’s hiding from her! Na Ri looks at Nan Gil. His face has gotten pale.

Nan Gil says that Uncle told him that he say Abeoji last spring. Uncle’s face waivers. Nan Gil asks how Uncle could have seen Abeoji if he died a long time ago? Uncle yells back, “Who saw whom?” But it’s totally obvious from Uncle’s body language that he’s lying. Na Ri says that she remembers, too. Uncle told her and Oma that he saw Abeoji. Both hands in the air! I am so happy that she’s busting Uncle’s lie! Uncle said he thinks Abeoji’s still gambling. Nan Gil looks at Uncle/

Uncle tries to get out of it: No, back then... He might have been mistaken... Wow, he is a bad liar. Uncle remembers. He declares that he confirmed the death certificate. Nan Gil looks over at Na Ri. His face says that he’s worried she’s going to believe it and lose faith in him. Na Ri asks who would show Uncle Abeoji’s death certificate?

Nan Gil tells Uncle to come talk to him. Na Ri tells Nan Gil ‘no,’ this is about Abeoji. She’ll talk to Uncle alone. Uncle starts to use his persuasive voice: Na Ri, because of the father she hasn't seen over 20 years... She doesn't need to get hurt. Na Ri responds that she’s not hurting. But how could Uncle show up all of a sudden and say, "Abeoji is dead?" Uncle apologizes and tells her to just ignore it. She yells back at him, asking how she can ignore it! Nan Gil looks at her. He looks concerned at her getting hurt, too, but for a different reason. Uncle yells, asking why Na Ri’s yelling at him! He lived with Na Ri over 20 years! Is he worse than Abeoji who died after abandoning his wife and daughter?

Yeo Joo squirms and runs back into Na Ri’s room. What's with the father and "acting like a father?"

Downstairs, Na Ri brings Uncle something to drink. Nan Gil looks at her. He looks a little nervous. Na Ri’s face isn’t exactly reassuring. But I’m reading it more as that he needs to explain this latest episode, not that she’s lost faith in him. Uncle holds out the annulment petition and says that Nan Gil’s got this, right? Cockily, he says that it’s over for Nan Gil if they go to trial.

Uncle tells Na Ri not to worry about anything. Na Ri asks what Uncle is holding. Uncle declares that he’s suing this guy. Na Ri asks if Nan Gil received it? Nan Gil looks down, because he has. Uncle declares that Nan Gil knows when it is, right? He shouldn’t even think about running away. Calmly, Nan Gil replies that he has no intention of running away. Uncle’s shocked by that response. He looks over at Na Ri.

Nan Gil tells Uncle not to let Dada Financial control him. Omeoni’s land– he corrects himself. It's Hong Na Ri's land now. Uncle asks what importance the land carries? The living must survive. Wow, selfish to the last. Nan Gil steps into Uncle’s space and asks how Uncle could say that. Uncle spits of Nan Gil, asking if Nan Gil’s threatening him right now? Uncle declares that he have no fear, you punk! You sure look afraid.

Uncle turns to Na Ri and tells her to listen carefully. This guy is no good for her. If you stay close to dirt, you get dirty. Pot, kettle, black! Who’s the one who only came around when you needed something? That Oma was constantly bailing out? It wasn’t Nan Gil. Nan Gil looks at Na Ri to see what she’s thinking. Uncle tells her not to even talk to this guy ever again. Na Ri’s looking at Nan Gil. Uncle declares that Na Ri’s value will drop. Wow. Just as insulting as when someone’s said that to me about someone I went out on a date with. Wow.

Uncle declares that he’s trying to rescue Na Ri. Be on his side in the courtroom. Uncle says that they have lots to prepare for the trial. Just trust him. Uncle says that he has to go prepare for the trial. And he hurries out of there. Weasel! I’m changing your name to Weasel! Na Ri hurries after him. Nan Gil looks like his world is over.

Outside of the house, Na Ri gets Weasel to stop. He tells her that his lawyer will call her and asks that she read this document. And she must be on his side, okay? He shoves the paper in Na Ri’s hand and scurries away. No other way to describe that run. Na Ri looks down at the paper and back at Uncle.

Nan Gil has come outside. They look at each other and the episode ends!


Of course it does. Poor Nan Gil looks so worried. But he shouldn’t be. Everything he has done in front of Na Ri – and the things he’s done not in front of her – has shown that he’s trustworthy. He’s also shown that he’s really insecure in their relationship and won’t tell her things because (1) she might get hurt, (2) he doesn’t want her in any danger, (3) he doesn’t want her to find out what a horrible person he ‘is’ and run the other direction. Not once has he done anything to manipulate her – unlike Weasel, who I want to beat about the head and shoulders. And Nan Gil has repeatedly told and shown Na Ri that he’s willing to sacrifice himself to keep her and her inheritance safe. Even the stuff that she knows that he doesn’t know she knows shows it: (1) Him paying off Uncle’s 30,000,000 won debt to Dong Jin, (2) all the things that she remembered that he doesn’t know she remembered, (3) his desperate plea to Wan Shik to help him not go back to being who he was.

I really don’t think she’s waivered at all in her trust of him, particularly since she busted out Weasel’s lie, more than once. Plus, she knows what a mooch he was when Oma was still alive. This is one of the many reasons why I love Na Ri so much. She’s loyal, level-headed and doesn’t lose her logic skills when emotional situations are tempting her to turn off the logic switch. She could have easily fallen into Weasel’s trap, but she found the holes in his words and called him on them. I love that she didn’t turn on Nan Gil in a situation where it would have been easy to and believed him when he said that Weasel said that he saw Abeoji last Spring. So where is Abeoji, anyway? And when is he going to show up to clear all this up, anyway.

I really *can’t* believe how Weasel doesn’t have any problem selling out Oma and Nan Gil AND Na Ri to have his own skin. “The living need to live.” Even as he pretending to be her concerned uncle, he was doing everything to save only his own hide. I also can’t believe that he called the witnesses to Oma and Nan Gil’s marriage ‘false’ when Weasel was there, snapping the wedding photos.

I have to commend Nan Gil on keeping his cool. Weasel pushed his buttons more than once, but he didn’t beat the crap out of him. I would have been sorely tempted to do that, too. Particularly because we know – and Na Ri doesn’t – exactly *where* Weasel has been all this time. In a room that Weasel can lock, which means he’s not a prisoner at all, but there voluntarily.

I still think Nan Gil’s relationship with Wan Shik is that of brothers. Nan Gil realized he pushed Wan Shik a little too far, from their confrontation in Hong Dumplings, which is why he took his threat back. And I don’t think that Wan Shik would have been quite so complicit in Director’s scheme if Nan Gil hadn’t have threatened to out him. I still don’t know why Wan Shik stays – unless he doesn’t think he has anything else but that life. I think Nan Gil would give him a new one, but I think Wan Shik’s too afraid to even ask the question. But I really do think that if Wan Shik did ask, Nan Gil would risk his life to save Wan Shik’s. And at some point down the road, that just might happen.

I do increasingly wonder what Joon and Han Yi’s story is. They’re obviously aware of Nan Gil’s past and present in a way that Yong Kyu is not. And they’re with their Boss until the end, it looks like. Joon burst in to stop Nan Gil from making an even bigger mistake with Wan Shik. You don’t do that unless you know the whole story. I think we’ll find out more as time goes on.

We need to see a picture of Abeoji to know if ‘dead’ guy is Abeoji. I’m so certain that ‘dead’ guy is (1) not Abeoji, and (2) not dead. We still don’t know what Nan Gil went to prison for. I’m sure Oma knew, but we still don’t. And who was the woman that picked up this ‘death certificate’? Abeoji’s second wife? Oma?

And, of course, Yeo Joo is going to make a play for Duk Bong. I wonder why he’s entertaining it at all. I really hope he doesn’t give Yeo Joo the pieces she needs to figure out about Na Ri’s dongsaeng, although he hasn’t outed Nan Gil yet and I think Duk Bong is smart enough not to be manipulated. After all, he’s live his whole life with master manipulators.

And what was with Duk Shim’s other name. Does that mean that she’s not really his half-sister? I really do love how, even though he finds Duk Shim completely annoying, he can’t stand to see his sister miserable, so he helps her, despite his protests otherwise.

What is the story behind Oma getting the Kwon land? I think Harabeoji knew what Chairman was like and gave it to Oma to protect, just like Nan Gil is doing now. Too bad Harabeoji isn’t alive to ask.

And how sweet was that? Nan Gil’s reason for wanting to stay there? Because it’s Hong Na Ri. So sweet.

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