Thursday, November 3, 2016

Sweet Stranger and Me Episode 3 Recap

As expected, the episode picks up right where we left off: Nan Gil on the phone with Uncle, telling him to disappear. This time he calls Uncle his uncle, which to me shows his sense of allegiance and loyalty to this family he’s married into. Nan Gil hangs up, clearly bothered by the last conversation. Na Ri watches him take off his shirt and the tats are revealed.

Na Ri thinks about what Duk Bong said to her in the car: She’s going to accept him as her stepfather? Hong Na Ri, Go Nan Gil is a bad guy. Fine, they should say he married her mom out of love. In that situation, he would leave. A young guy like that, yearning for her mom for the rest of his life, in that house? No way. I knew he was going to use the car ride to work on her. Duk Bong offers to help her get rid of him. So altruistic of him, since Nan Gil is what’s standing in the way of his construction permit.

Na Ri answers that Nan Gil will leave when he wants to. Hmm… she’s not expecting him to stick around. Because of her father (and her relating with Nan Gil like a father) or because of Dong Jin, too? Duk Bong mutters that she’s really a frustrating woman. He declares that when he looks at Nan Gil, he looks like a con artist from head to toe. Really? I don’t think so. He’s been too genuine to be one. He ask why Na Ri trusts Nan Gil? To himself: Does she have the same taste in men as her mom? Na Ri hears that one and is not amused.

He knows he just said something he shouldn’t have. He apologizes: What he just said... may have been too harsh. Na Ri answers that not everyone who gets on a plane is a happy traveler. Someone having to go on a work trip they don't want to take, someone leaving after a break-up, someone who has no choice but to fly... everyone has their story. Here’s that logic coming out. Rather than reacting emotionally. As a flight attendant, you start to see their expressions. People can't hide their expressions. The photo of them together, and their smiling expressions... I believe in that.

Duk Bong repeats what she said: She believes in their expressions. He chuckles to himself. Wow, he hasn't heard something so great in a while. I thought he was impressed, but now he’s telling her she’s a sucker. Do you know how easy it is to pretend to be a good person? Bad guys know they're bad guys, so they pretend to be good. Pretending to be selfless, laughing a lot, acting innocent... they plan all of it. He raises a finger, confident as he says that Go Nan Gil has a con man's expression. And that could partly be true. He is hiding his bad past, that part of himself. But the rest of it isn’t fake.

Na Ri isn’t swayed. I like how, since she’s made up her mind to trust Oma (and in effect Nan Gil) she’s ignoring when they argue with her. Like she’s already had this debate and dismissed the arguments. She asks why Duk Bong hates Nan Gil so much? Did something happen between them? He grabs one of his business cards and declares that Nan Gil will show his true self soon. She should come look for him. He studied law. She looks at his business card. He’s part of K Robot Museum. CEO Kwon Duk Bong. He suggests they barge in on Nan Gil when he least expects and see the swindler's true face.

Nan Gil starts to turn around and Na Ri ducks out of sight, accidentally kicking a can while she does. So they didn’t meet eyes. Nan Gil heard the noise and walks forward to investigate. Another shot of his broad back and then his chest and arm muscles. Never knew the man was built. Because she knows he’s coming she knocks on the door. She yells that it’s her. Startled Nan Gil who calls, “Why, what?” She declares that she’s coming in. Desperately, he tells her to wait a minute. He scurries around his room and dives up against a wall when she walks in, yelling that he said “No!” Hiding his back.

Na Ri averts her eyes and tells him to put on some clothes. Nan Gil’s so freaked out he can’t think: he grabs at the curtains and then uses a apron to cover his chest. Hehehe. He looks so nervous. Na Ri frowns and tells him that when he’s alone, he seems to have some strange fetishes. It looks so weird right now. He replies that there's nothing weird at all. This is how he always looks when he kneads the dough. But you were shirted before when she startled you kneading. Why didn’t you just say you were changing your clothes. Quickly he asks what’s going on?

Na Ri holds out the gift and announces that she got some skincare products for men and she doesn't have anyone to give it to. Like she didn’t purposely buy them for him. He looks at the box, quickly takes it and dives up against the wall again. He thanks her and tells her to go. He seriously looks like she caught him naked. Which she kind of did, at least no covering the part he wants to hide. She asks if he isn’t going to open it. She doesn't know if he'll like it. Which I find strange because the Koreans I asked said that opening gifts in front of the giver is considered rude. Nan Gil quickly says that he likes it, whatever it is.

She asks what he thinks it is. He shakes it and sniffs it. Heh. Sounding stressed, he says that she said that it's cosmetics! So it's a present! He likes it. Hurry, go. Na Ri’s stifling a smile now. She says that it’s not right. Opening a gift in front of the giver is proper manners. She claps her hands and tells him to hurry up. She is enjoying torturing him. Heh. And instead of going, woman! Let me put a shirt on! Nan Gil opens the gift, all the while shoving his back up against the wall. He looks so stressed.

In his nervousness, he rips the paper wrong and the box falls to the floor. He looks at Na Ri, with worry over what she’ll do clearly on his face. Indignantly, she asks if he just tossed her gift? Nan Gil doesn’t move. Then he quickly dives down and picks up the box. Nervous look at Na Ri. She ‘glares’ back. He hesitantly looks at the box… Na Ri.. the box. He opens it and looks at its contents. His face is unreadable. But I think he’s really touched. He looks at Na Ri and then at the gift.

Na Ri starts to feel awkward. Finally. She says that if he doesn’t like it… A slow smile is creeping across Nan Gil’s face. He replies ‘no,’ still looking at the gift. Na Ri doesn’t like feeling insecure with him so she gets indignant. Na Ri demands to know why he keeps saying ‘no.’ He’s transfixed by the present and takes out one of the bottles. She asks what’s the deal with his expression. He answers, looking at her, that he likes it. He feels… You know, there's that feeling when... He smiles as he looks at the gift again. Back at Na Ri: So, you know that...

She demands to know what exactly? And she seems a little unnerved by his reaction. Nan Gil says that it’s that feeling when a parent receives his first gift from his child. Smile. Big smile at his present. Na Ri lets out a big breath of frustration and glares at him. She stops her foot and starts to leave. Nan Gil starts to relax and leans away from the wall. She spins around, so he dives back up against the wall. She asks why Uncle would have borrowed the phone at Seulgi Supermarket. No matter how she thinks about it, she would have come to the house if she were him. Something's going on with Uncle, right?

Nan Gil swallows and deflects with thanks for the present. He tells her that she should go rest. He has to knead the dough. She repeats it: “I have to knead the dough.” Is he telling her to trust him? He didn’t respond, right? He said earlier that it's a lie if he doesn't respond. No comment from Nan Gil. Na Ri continues that she’s right. He’s not responding so–

Nan Gil suddenly walks forward and stands really closely in front of her. He continues to walk even closer. Na Ri looks at him, eyes shocked and asking what he’s doing. He grabs her shoulders and pulls her closer. It kind of resembles looks a k-drama pre-kiss position. Na Ri’s eyes get wider. There’s a pause. She looks at him, his lips, him. He leans in and she leans backward. He spins her around and tries to shove her out of his room, telling her that they should be wholesome. She fights him but eventually he’s able to shove her out the door. He quickly yells ‘anyong!’ and closes the door. Na Ri pounds on the door and says that she has a right to know if something is going on with Uncle too! Inside Nan Gil is relieved but also bothered that she almost saw his back.

Na Ri heads to the kitchen and takes out a pitcher of water. She pours it straight into her mouth, rather than using a glass. She looks at all the food, neatly organized. She looks around the kitchen and sees the stuff for Oma’s upcoming death memorial. She shakes her head. No, this is just a show. He put it there on purpose so she can see it. She sighs and tells herself that from now on, don't believe anything.

Outside, Nan Gil sighs. He goes in the house and find Na Ri searching Oma’s room. Wordlessly he enters. Na Ri knows she’s busted. His face is impassive. He kicks some of the books out of the way and says that he thought she said she believes him? What is she looking for? What does she want to know? She swallows and sputters that she wants to know what kind of person he is. Why? His face still impassive, he says that he’ll tell her. He’s Go Nan Gil. Go. Nan. Gil... Does that ring a bell? She really doesn't remember anything?

Go Nan Gil... Go Nan Gil? Go Nan Gil? She tries to remember where she’s heard that name before. Who's Go Nan Gil? Who is he?! He holds out his hand and motions for her to come closer. She leans in. He leans over and says “I–-“ Switches to a Darth Vader mask as he finishes “– am your father!” Na Ri jumps backward. Vader’s theme plays and Nan Gil is now dressed in a Vader mask and cape. He reaches forward and she screams.. awake.

She tries to remember if she knows anything about the name Go Nan Gil. Outside, Nan Gil sighs and walks away.

The next morning, she peaks into the restaurant. Nan Gil and the cooks are busy at work. She calls Duk Bong and meets him outside of the museum. She wearing a hoodie to hide her identity. She says that she has to leave right away. Duk Bong agrees. Her outfit is embarrassing. She should hurry. She pulls closed the jacket she has over her hoodie. She asks about him studying law: does he have a certificate or license or something? Duk Bong says that he passed the bar with a very high score.

Na Ri asks Duk Bong why she’s working at a robot museum, then. He replies that it didn’t match his aptitude. As a prosecutor, he didn't want to deal with bad people. As a lawyer, he didn't want to deal with people complaining all the time. Na Ri asks why he’s willing to help her, if that’s the case? Duk Bong’s surprised. He said he'd help her? When? He’s not one to help people. He says that they should go for a win-win and tells her to follow him. When she doesn’t follow, he grabs the strings of her hood and pulls her along.

Duk Shim is wandering aimlessly in the museum. She hears Duk Bong’s shoes and hides. She’s not happy to see him with Na Ri.

Duk Bong takes her to his office and shows her his development plans. On the map, a spot is circled. It’s where Hong Dumplings is. It’s the only place where they can put an access road. Wow, I can see why he wants the property. That’s a big development. She understand how much he wants this land now, right? Considering the map, Na Ri says that it seems like this has something to do with Uncle. She asks the reason Uncle left his home and ran away? A money problem? Threats? Duk Bong is amazed. She really doesn't know anything.

Pointing to the map again, he points out Uncle's house, Hong Dumplings and her house, and the lakeside there. All of it belonged to Oma. But now it belongs to Go Nan Gil. Na Ri is shocked. So much land. Duk Bong snaps his fingers in her face to snap her out of it. Na Ri can’t believe it. She never heard any of this from Oma. Duk Bong counters that his father never mentions how much property he owns... to him. Na Ri says that there were no secrets between Oma and her. Duk Bong tells her not to be disappointed. Parents always keep secrets from their children. They're mostly embarrassing secrets. So then, Nan Gil really is acting like her Appa since he’s keeping secrets.

Duk Bong puts the contract in front of Na Ri. Don’t do it! Duk Bong says that it’s going to be a mudfight. Why Nan Gil became her stepfather and whether or not she’s a good or bad person... It won’t matter. It's all about money. And that says it all about Duk Bong. He only cares about the money, not people. Fighting over whose land it is. He wants to kick her out without giving her any money, but she refuses to leave. Funny, I haven’t heard Nan Gil says that at all. And I think the only reason he’s been trying to get her to go back to Seoul is to protect her from what’s happening there. Why would he watch for her and keep the house immaculate for her (Yong Kyu’s words) if he was like what Duk Bong says? Duk Bong adds that she’ll ask for damages because of the psychological trauma. They will chew each other out for money and Nan Gil could wreck her home and her Oma.

What is she doing?! Na Ri looks at the contract. Funny how he had it all drawn up… And how much is he going to give you for it? And how is it going to impact your neighborhood? That will be the end of Hong’s Dumplings. And why aren’t you having your own attorney read it before you sign it?!! She considers for a moment and signs. I can’t believe she just did that. Duk Bong smiles.

Wow, I can’t believe she just did that.

Na Ri returns to Hong’s Dumplings. Which you have just agreed to demolish. She sneaks around back. Nan Gil comes outside to wash some buckets. He looks at the house to see if Na Ri is up. Na Ri screams and he runs inside. He rushes upstairs and into her room, where she’s down on the floor and her hands and knees, clutching at her back. Nan Gil doesn’t know what to do to help. Na Ri slowly sags to the floor. She says that lying like that feels a little better. He tells her to stay there and hurries to grab a pillow for her. Then the comforter. He asks if they shouldn't go to the hospital, since she’s in that much pain. She weakly says that there's a medicine that helps. Could he go get some for her? Of course he eagerly agrees.

When he asks what the medicine is called, Na Ri has to think up something. Because she’s a big faker! What is she doing? After you just sold your mother out like that?! She says that the medicine's name is a bit difficult. She says that she’ll write it for him. She asks for a pen and his wallet. He asks what she needs his wallet for and scurries for a pen. Na Ri makes a face – because she’s clearly faking. She writes down some gibberish and Nan Gil is off for the medicine.

Once he leaves the room, she sits up, just fine. She looks to see Nan Gil hurrying away. Then she sneaks over to Nan Gil’s room and tries to get into his computer. She doesn’t know the password. Time to hunt through the drawers.

♪ My concern for you sounds like a nagging to you ♪  
How very appropriate.

She finds a love note: You've sealed my heart like a dumpling wrapper. Everyday is dumpling day to me. What did God do when he made you? Both the dumpling and Oppa are too perfect!

She mutters that he’s leaving a trail behind him. I’m wondering if those aren’t from Duk Shim.

She finds pictures. Nan Gil and the gang at the restaurant.

♪ My heart chasing after you is running out of breath ♪

She finds an affectionate pick of Nan Gil and Oma. Oma’s smile is genuine. Another goofy pic of them.

♪ You're the only one I see, you're the only one I hear ♪
♪ I can't move anymore ♪

Na Ri doesn’t know what to think.

♪ I like you, why don't you know that yet? ♪
♪ My gaze is telling you ♪

Nan Gil is pedaling hard on his bike to get her the medicine.

♪ Fool, it's you ♪
♪ You were the one from the beginning ♪

He arrives at the pharmacy. The pharmacist has never heard of the medicine written on the paper – because it doesn’t exist. Nan Gil explains that it’s for back pain. Nan Gil tries a different pharmacy. They don’t have it either. Aw, he’s trying to find exactly what she asked for rather than just getting her something.

♪ Because I like you, because I love you ♪
♪ Fool, don't you know? ♪

Nan Gil heads off for the next one, not noticing Soon Rye in a car.

Nan Gil heads to the hospital. The doctor’s never heard of the medicine. Neither has the nurse. Doctor tells him to call the person and see if they wrote it correctly. An alarm goes off on Nan Gil’s phone. Caution! The failed password attempts! The alarm send him CCTV of Na Ri rummaging through his desk. He knows he’s been had. And the alarm thing makes total sense, given his background. He tells the doctor that there’s no need to call. He apologizes for bothering them.

Na Ri’s unsuccessful in finding anything. She leaves the restaurant. She notices a lock on the basement door. Since when did the basement storage become a safe? She mutters that Nan Gil sure has a lot of secrets. She takes a picture of the lock.

Nan Gil leaves the hospital. Soon Rye drives up and honks to get his attention. She gets out of her car. She shows Nan Gil a dossier on Na Ri. He asks why Soon Rye is showing him this, since she’s not on his side. She answers that it seems like Duk Bong is investigating Nan Gil, too. Nan Gil has a past that he doesn't want to be revealed. She tells him to leave. He smiles at her and tells her that she must be getting old, seeing how she’s worrying about him. She asks if he really wants to live like this. Does he want to live like this? He’s young. He should just live his life, instead of getting involved in other people's lives.

Nan Gil steps closer to her and says that, right now, he *is* living his life. With sarcasm, he says that he’s living so well right now, that sleeping feels like a waste of time. It's not other people, but rather family. He thrusts the dossier back into her arms and rides away. Soon Rye sighs. And I wonder how they’re related.

Duk Shim is getting on the bus. Some mean girls tell her to stay off the bus. She should just buy a bike, since she was born with a gold spoon in her mouth. Nan Gil rides by and stops. Duk Shim puts on her headphones and walks off. Nan Gil follows her.

Catching up with her, he asks where the swanky bike is that she used to use. What happened? She tucks her head and walks faster. He does some bike tricks to get her attention. And almost falls over. Hehe. He says that he saw her bike in the bicycle shop downtown. She’s not the one who sold it, right? Her head droops. He drops his head to try to meet her eyes. He says that he’s a very shy girl. He’s not a scary man. She starts to laugh as he repeats that he’s not a scary person.

Nan Gil notices and says that it’s nice to see her smile. He gives her a smile. She looks up at him. He tells her that if she keeps letting things get taken away, it won’t ever stop. Thieves have no conscience, you know. He tells her to come and find him when she wants to get her bike back. She knows where Hong Dumplings is, right? She nods. He gives her another smile and leaves with a wave. She takes a few pictures of him riding away and repeats what he said about people taking things from her.

Na Ri is outside, pacing. Isn’t your back supposed to be hurting?

In Seoul, Dong Jin is out with Yeo Joo at a coffee shop. She’s fawning over him. He gets a call from Na Ri. Guilty face. Yeo Joo smiles her Oppa smile and tells him to answer it while she gets their order. She mutters, asking what they’ll do if Sunbae Na Ri is in the emergency room again? He steps away and answers it. She asks if he’s able to answer the phone and he says that it’s fine. She tells him that if he wants to get his 30,000 RKW, he’ll have to cooperate with her. Today is Oma’s death anniversary. Dong Jin apologizes because he forgot. So she needs him, huh? She tells him to stop being wrong. He’s still seeing Do Yeo Joo. She just wants his cooperation, since she thinks he’ll be useful. She tells him to come and get Nan Gil drunk so that he passes out. Dong Jin agrees.

Dong Jin hangs up and turns around to find Yeo Joo standing right behind him. Voice quivering she asks if Na Ri called her a gold digger? a con man? And her eyes are full of tears. Wow, can he spot a con artist. He smiles and says that it’s not her, but someone else. Today is the anniversary of Na Ri's mom's death. But Na Ri doesn't have anyone. He sighs and says that Na Ri really needs him.

Yeo Joo sits down like he just destroyed her whole world. She whimpers that she doesn’t want to cry... this isn't right... They should end this. Dong Jin is shocked. Tearfully, she says that she believed Unni when she said that they were over. It’s why she endured Na Ri’s bullying and Na Ri making things hard on each flight. She looks at him and sadly says that it must not be over.

Dong Jin doesn’t say anything – He never seems to say anything when she does this. What a doofus. She says that she understands. Ending things with Dong Jin probably isn't easy to do. Lip quivering. Dong Jin protests that it’s there's a money problem, that’s all. Yeo Joo is shocked – and no longer crying. Sunbae Na Ri borrowed money from Oppa? Dong Jin doesn’t answer. Yeo Joo nods and says that they should go together. There's no one by Unni's side, so it's only good manners to go for Unni.

Dong Jin has a moment of sense. He says that isn’t Yeo Joo going not right? She smiles and says that she’s not going to go in. She’ll wait in the car. Right. She’ll just read or list to some music. It won’t matter if it takes a few hours. He tells her that Oppa is going to go alone. Not smiling so much now.

Nan Gil returns and sees the evidence of Na Ri hunting through his desk: password rejected on the monitor screen and his desk drawer not closed. He pushes the drawer closed with his foot. He goes upstairs with a tray of food and calls into her room, asking if she’s okay. Inside, she makes a face at the door. He asks if she’s still really sick. No answer. He announces that he’s coming in. She lies down and covers herself with the comforter.

♪ Blue, blue, pair of cakes, lowering in the sky ♪
♪ Pom, pom, Panama, love in the air ♪
These nonsensical lyrics were written that way and sung in English.

Nan Gil sits down next to her with his back to her. She yawns loudly and asks if he’s back. Acting like he’s clueless, he says that they said they don't have that medicine. Is this why she needs to live in Seoul? No answer. What does she think? Should he go to Seoul right now and buy it for you? She quickly tells him ‘no,’ she feels like she’s gotten a little better. He says that this won't do. He'll have to call 119. He is so milking this. Hehe. She snaps that she’s just annoyed! He answers that she can't even act.

She says that you usually get better once you lay down for a little bit, but it's taking quite a while today. He snorts to himself at that one and takes the lid off the dumplings. He says he thought she might be hungry. But she probably don't have much of an appetite for food. Would she be able to eat dumplings? Na Ri’s face says she wants those dumplings. Weakly she says she could eat a little. He tells her to, of course, eat! But what about going to the bathroom? Hee. Na Ri says that she’s not the type to have to go to the bathroom right after she finishes eating something.

Nan Gil asks if she has constipation too? She has insomnia, temporary loss of vision, malnutrition, and even a herniated disc because of stress, and now constipation too? What doesn't she have? He starts to scold: That's why she gets dark circles and so many wrinkles... She pops up and yells at him to stop talking about wrinkles! He just looks at her and then at how she's sitting up. Na Ri pretends to be in pain again.

At K Robot, Soon Rye is showing Duk Bong Na Ri’s dossier. He’s amazed that this is the same woman he saw this morning. Looking at a picture of Na Ri in her uniform, he wonders if this is why men have stewardess fetishes? Soon Rye rolls her eyes. Duk Bong comments that Na Ri is quite a straight-laced woman.

Na Ri has finished the entire meal Nan Gil brought her and pats her stomach. It starts to hurt. Did he put something in the food? Hehe – evil! She creeps downstairs. Nan Gil is working in the kitchen. Preparing Oma’s death meal? She slides into the bathroom.

The doorbell rings. Duk Bong enters without being invited. He says that he’s come to see Nan Gil’s daughter. Thanks to Nan Gil setting them up in the car pool the other day, they got to know each other well. Puffing up his chest, Appa style, Nan Gil says that our Na Ri is currently lying down in her room because her back hurts. He isn’t sure how close they’ve gotten, but it’s not to the point where Duk Bong can go into her room. Heh. Duk Bong asks who’s standing over there, if Na Ri’s indisposed.

Nan Gil turns around to see Na Ri creeping up the stairs. She tries to cover and Nan Gil rolls his eyes. She notices Duk Bong and welcomes him in. Is she inviting him up to her room? Acting week again, she says that she’s hurting too much to go out. Duk Bong says that he just needs a moment. Na Ri asks if it’s okay if Duk Bong goes to her room. Nan Gil tells her that she’s not some teenaged girl... Why does she need to get permission? What? Should he bring them two glasses of milk while he’s at it? She huffs and then he does. Nan Gil goes back to the kitchen.

Up in her room, Duk Bong asks if she found something. He replies that everything is locked up. Duk Bong asks if she really thought that it would just be lying out in the open. It's all about timing! Before he notices anything and prepares first, they have to sue him first. That's the fastest way. She asks what they’re suing Nan Gil for. He hasn't even done anything yet. Duk Bong repeat that: he hasn't done anything yet? He's scamming her by claiming that he's her stepfather. What more does he need to do?

She asks what kind of lawsuit Duk Bong is going to file. A marriage annulment lawsuit. Na Ri said that she didn't even know that Nan Gil married her mother. He says that the reason he purposely came there is to tell her to dig deeper. She has to be thoroughly suspicious of everything. He says he also going to investigate Oma’s accident.

Nan Gil enters and tosses a canned drink at Duk Bong. Since Duk Bong comes there often, he should show Duk Bong some hospitality. Na Ri says that Duk Bong’s leaving. Duk Bong says that since Nan Gil was so hospitable, he should at least drink it slowly before he goes. Duk Bong opens the can and drinks.

As Duk Bong does, Nan Gil looks him over and asks, in his Appa voice, what Duk Bong’s abeonim do? Duk Bong chokes a little on Nan Gil’s informal reference to the Chairman and calling him ‘son.’ He starts to ask Duk Bong all kinds of questions about himself: What is your family like? Is your family good? Is Duk Bong’s style always so shabby? Heh. Informally, Duk Bong tells Mr. Go Nan Gil to look here. Nan Gil clucks at him to correct him. If Duk Bong came over to hang out at his friends’ house, he should find out about that household's parents.

Duk Bong sighs and looks at Na Ri. He says that Nan Gil is seeming to take him to be a boyfriend who's come to visit Nan Gil’s daughter. He starts to correct that, saying that, as of today, he’s become Hong Na Ri's lawy– To stop Duk Bong, Na Ri yells “Abeoji!!!” Nan Gil’s a little shocked at the intensity. He starts to smile as she squirms. She asks why Nan Gil didn’t bring her anything to drink. He’s tripping over the fact that she called him Abeoji. Smiling, Nan Gil says that Na Ri must really want a drink. He leaves to get her one.

Duk Bong asks why she’s calling Nan Gil ‘Abeoji.’ Saying that is dangerous! That means that she acknowledges that he's her father! She jumps off her bed and asks why Duk Bong’s trying to get rid of the client? Has he ever defended anyone? She knows about attorney-client privilege. She tells him to keep things a secret for right now.

They come downstairs. Nan Gil is working in the kitchen, cutting up some onion. He gives Duk Bong the Appa stink eye. Duk Bong doesn’t say anything and starts to walk out. In Appa tone, he tells Duk Bong that when he comes to hang out at a friend's house, he should say goodbye to the adults before he leaves. Duk Bong is going to go over and tussle but Na Ri stops him. She’s really agile for someone with such a painful back. As he protests, she shoves Duk Bong out the door. And she really must be on super pain killers to be able to do that. She gives Nan Gil a face and follows. Nan Gil shakes his head.

Outside, she tells Duk Bong to just go. Duk Bong asks if he’s really supposed to put up with that rude bastard talking informally to him? He says that he’s only holding back because he seriously needs the land that he's currently standing on. She shouldn’t forget that they’re on the same side. He gives her a ‘Fighting!’ and goes. She considers what he said about being suspicious and investigating Oma’s accident.

Na Ri enters the kitchen, where Nan Gil is cooking. Um, isn’t today Oma’s death anniversary? Shouldn’t you be working on food for it? She eyes his back pockets. Which coincidentally are where his butt is. She wonders where the key is. He turns around and asks what she’s looking at. She huffily asks what he thinks she’s looking at.

She sprinkles some sesame seeds into the dish he’s making. He scolds her: You don't put sesame seeds on food for the memorial table. She argues with him that you do. Whole sesame that hasn't been ground is okay. Frustrated, he says that what she just sprinkled are sesame seeds that he ground up to enhance the taste!

She asks if he’s doing this on purpose? Is he playing Daddy? "What does your father do? Is your family good?" She says she wants to know what’s up with him. Does he want to know every little detail about Duk Bong? He mutters at her that she’s the one who was calling him Abeoji and complaining about her body hurting just a little while ago. He gives her a: Seriously, so stressful. Such a pain, jeez!

Nan Gil sits on the floor, peeling chestnuts. Na Ri’s watching him. And not helping fix food for her Oma’s death memorial. She says that she called Oma’s handphone and the call goes through. But the phone never gets picked up. Wouldn't the person who ended up using that number answer at least once? He doesn’t say anything. She asks him if he has Oma’s handphone. No comment. Is there a reason why Oma’s phone can't be shown to the world? No comment. What is he hiding? Why did he lock up the basement storage? That's a space containing Oma and her memories. This was their house for their entire lives! No comment. Nan Gil just looks at the chestnut and keeps peeling. And he doesn’t look too happy that she doesn’t trust him.

She asks why he’s pushing her away? Who is she to make her relationship with Oma end up like this? She loudly says that she’s asking him what in the world happened! He sucks his teeth at her and says that it's Oma’s death anniversary. Talk a bit more quietly. In response, she grabs the bowl of chestnuts and holds them away from him. She replies that he should have some kind of a conscience since it's Oma’s death anniversary. Tell her the truth. He knew that this house, Uncle's house, and the lake were all Oma’s, didn't he? Did he approach Oma because you knew that? Because of the money?

Nan Gil sighs, sounding a little frustrated. He says that he’s clearly putting his conscience on the line by saying this. She leans close to stare intently at his face. Since she can read people from all her stewardessing. Oma approached him first. He grabs back the bowl and gets up. She demands he give her Oma’s phone! He answers that she’s got no right to it. It's his. Na Ri stands up. She’s got no right? Then why is he staying in the room at the store? He said that it's his house. Does it bother his conscience? If having rights is so important, why doesn't he just chase her out and use the master bedroom? He answers that it’s because he has to knead bread. She can’t believe that he said that again. And I’m wondering if that’s how he vents his anger so that he can stay in control of his emotions.

He responds that his kneading technique is so unique that he has to flip it and adjust the temperature all night. He has to be close to the workroom in the store. Well, that must be true. He said he would never lie to her. And the irony there – she calls him out for not answering because he won’t lie and yet she won’t accept what he’s saying and thinks that he’s lying about everything he’s told her.

There’s a pause. Na Ri walks over to lean on the counter. Did he not share the bedroom with Oma back then? Nan Gil is now angry. He puts down what he’s working on and goes to stand across from her. What the heck does she want to say? Did they ever use that room together? What kind of question is that? I’m personally uncomfortable with that question. That’s not something I want to know about my parents, whether they’re intimate or not. What exactly does she want to know? What his relationship is with Oma? He already told her. She doesn’t like that this is his house? Is it because of money? Does she need money?!!

A pause as she tries to save face. She tells him that he’s pretty scary when he’s angry, Legendary Go Nan Gil. He can’t believe she just called him that. Since she doesn’t even know what it really means. If he’s going to be called a legend by people like that, what kinds of things and how many of them did he have to do? He leans forward, with it turning into a lunge, as he slaps his hand on the counter. She leans back.

Face impassive, he says that it's a little weird for a person to call themselves a legend with their own mouth. He’s going to live here for the rest of his life. He’s going to make dumplings and live here until the trees behind the lake get fully grown! And I think the stuff about the trees is special to Oma. He says that they should stop fighting for right now. The have plenty of time to fight later. Go change her clothes. He’s going to set the table. He takes off the apron and leaves the kitchen. She huffs.

Tender music plays as Nan Gil surveys himself in the mirror, buttoning his cuffs. Na Ri puts on her clothes. He puts on his suit jacket. And his black ties has a white rabbit on it.

Death memorial. He’s prepared quite a spread. That should tell you something, Na Ri! A conman isn’t going to go through that much trouble. They sit in silence, looking at each other when the other looks away. Na Ri says that when she was a kid, she barely had any friends. He smiles softly and says, “That's right, you didn't.” Like it’s a fond memory. Did Mom talk about that, too? He looks at her, up at the ceiling and looks away, his finger tapping like he’s uncomfortable.

Na Ri continues. She heard her friends all laughing together in a group because her father ran away. They were making fun of us, saying that our dumplings were nasty. Nan Gil looks over at her. She says that after hearing that, she avoided her friends because she felt like they were all mocking her when they were together. From then on, Oma was a friend, a big sister, and a father to her. She was her everything.

A pause. Na Ri says that she was probably like that for Oma, too. So, she’s going to find out what happened to her. There’s a little challenge in her voice. Instead of getting mad -- Nan Gil smiles and nods. She asks if there’s anything that he wants to confess before she finds it out? He smiles again and asks, “Confess?” She nods. He says, “Okay.” To be honest... Na Ri leans in. He looks over at her and then back at Oma’s picture. He can’t stifle his smile as he says that the dumplings were really nasty before he came. Whatever her friends said behind her back was probably over-exaggerated, but most of it was right. Angry, she stands up and he shields his head, waiting for her to hit him.

The doorbell. Who that might be? Na Ri gets the door. It’s Dong Jin, with liquor. She doesn’t invite him in but goes out onto the porch. He asks how she’s been. She tells him enough small talk. She looks at what he’s holding and wonders if it’s enough. Dong Jin protests that they’re large bottles.

Nan Gil pops his head out the door and pleasantly says that he would have waited if he had heard that Dong Jin were coming. He ushers Dong Jin inside. Na Ri follows.

Back in the memorial room, Nan Gil tells Dong Jin that he should bow to Oma first. Na Ri says that it’s late. They should forgo the bow. And I don’t think she wants her cheating ex- to be polite to Oma. I think her conscience is bothering her about how she’s treating Nan Gil. As it should. Appa voice, Nan Gil says that they live in a polite country. Dong Jin clears his throat and shoves the bottle into Nan Gil’s arms. As he kneels, he groans that he’s sorry, Omeoni. Na Ri rolls her eyes at him, annoyed.

Nan Gil asks if Dong Jin ate. He starts to say he didn’t when Na Ri cuts him off, saying that Dong Jin said he ate. Why feed him? She turns to Nan Gil and sweetly tells him to get the memorial food ready, please. He asks what she means by memorial food. They should go to Seoul together before it gets any later and... She cuts him off and says that he’s supposed to have a drink and stuff. Making a noise like he understands, Nan Gil says so that's how it was. Na Ri walks out of the room and Nan Gil stops smiling. He tells Dong Jin to sit.

They sit and Nan Gil goes back to looking at Oma’s picture. Dong Jin says that it seems like Na Ri really doesn't know anything. Nan Gil looks at him and then checks to make sure that Na Ri is out of sight. Flashback to Dong Jin at work. Nan Gil is waiting for him. They head to a cafĂ© where Nan Gil gives him an envelope with a check in it. He says that he thought a check would be most convenient. Dong Jin asks why Nan Gil’s the one paying it back? He answers that it’s because he thinks Na Ri would be uncomfortable having money problems, considering her personality.

Dong Jin says that it's uncomfortable to hear Nan Gil referring to Na Ri so informally. Nan Gil’s face remains pleasant. He waits a lot for people to finish talking. Smart. Dong Jin asks Nan Gil’s age. Instead of answering, he says that it’s pretty uncomfortable for him to call her name, too. But he doesn't have a nickname for 'daughter' yet. He smiles and sips his coffee. ‘Price Tag’ by Jessie J plays in the background. Dong Jin asks how much Nan Gil knows about Oma’s hose that Nan Gil’s paying this kind of money? He really doesn't understand.

Dong Jin apologizes for calling Nan Gil a con man and a gold digger. He says that he’s usually a sensitive person and he doesn't usually say these kinds of things to people. But strangely, he seem to be harsh with Nan Gil. Jealousy, dude. Even if Nan Gil repays the money, the house belongs to Hong Na Ri. Nan Gil answers that he’s repaying this debt because of the house. Dong Jin wants to know what it is, then, if it's not the house. No response from Nan Gil.

Is it because of him (Dong Jin) and Na Ri? Why would Nan Gil interfere?! With a calming voice, Nan Gil says that he’s not planning of interfering. They can take care of their own issues. He’s repaying the debt to remove the issue of money between Dong Jin and Na Ri. He leans in and says that he wants Dong Jin to let Na Ri thinks that things have been resolved with her uncle.

Nan Gil says that he has things to do in the restaurant, so he has to go. He leaves the coffee shop. Dong Jin doesn’t like Nan Gil’s answer. Because it’s a thing a decent, non-conman would do. Outside, Nan Gil is fussing with his tie and breathing a little heavily as he walks down the sidewalk. Dong Jin walks up behind Nan Gil, saying that he won't say anything about Uncle. He grabs Nan Gil’s shoulder to give him back the check. Nan Gil turns around, his face hard. Suspenseful music plays. Seeing it’s Dong Jin, his face softens and he shoves Dong Jin’s hand away and staggers off, panting. His face is ashen. Completely disoriented, he walks out in front of a car. It screeches to a stop. The world’s spinning and he just stands there.

Back at the memorial, Dong Jin asks if there’s something wrong with Nan Gil. I’m wondering what’s going on, too, because it seems more than just Dong Jin grabbing his shoulder. Nan Gil checks that Na Ri’s not coming. Dong Jin starts to say that for someone so young, he looked so– Nan Gil sees Na Ri coming and shoves his hand over Dong Jin’s mouth to stop him talking. Nan Gil stands up quickly. Na Ri looks at him and there’s some awkwardness.

Nan Gil says that he was wondering if the drinking table is too simple. The son-in-law is a forever guest. Should he go get some chicken? She tells him to sit. He obeys. And I crack up at his posture, like a little kid.

Dong Jin and Nan Gil pour the alcohol. Nan Gil says that it’s correct. You have to drink alcohol to figure out if someone's a good person or not. And I think they’ve already been drinking because he sounds like he's slurring. Na Ri nods solemnly. Dong Jin looks at the smiling Nan Gil and laughs. Does Nan Gil even know how to drink? Or even what alcohol tastes like? Was that a crack about how young Nan Gil is? He adds that he worries.

Nan Gil looks at him and lets out a huge laugh. They clink glasses and drink the entire cup in ‘one shot.’ Na Ri secretly puts water in her glass. So she’ll be the only one not wasted… Although I don’t think that Nan Gil’s actually drunk, just pretending to be. Neither of them finish the cup in one go. They chug the rest and groan.

Na Ri pours them some more and tells them that they’re really slow at taking shots. Nan Gil and Dong Jin look at each other and Nan Gil chugs his faster. Because he’s more of a man! Dong Jin reaches over to eat a treat and Nan Gil makes him put it down. Heh.

Yeo Joo is on the bus, texting Dong Jin. Oppa~... Oppa~~~... Oppa!!!... Oppa? He finally texts that he’ll call her later. She doesn’t like that answer. Yeo Joo’s buddy from the gym calls. His name is Yong Chul. She tells him she can’t go, because she thinks Dong Jin Oppa is drunk. He scolds her for not having confidence. That annoys her. She asks if he knows what kind of a woman men want? And he doesn’t, even though he’s a *man.* They want a woman that's like a friend, a lover, a mother, a daughter, an angel, and a devil. Really? Does a woman like that exist? She does! It's me! Tricking men is nothing! Confidence? You can feed that to the dogs.

Back at the house, Dong Jin’s having trouble pouring Nan Gil a drink. They’re on to beer now. When he asks, Nan Gil says that he isn’t drunk. They start to drink and Nan Gil laughs that they should do a love shot – the one where you link arms and drink. Dong Jin laughs and agrees. Nan Gil holds the cup with his lips after he finishes and then lets it drop into his hand.

Na Ri is in Nan Gil’s room. She comments that she’s been there so much, it feels like her room now. She unsuccessfully tries to get into his phone, but it’s locked. You should try Oma’s birthday. Or yours. She grabs his wallet and looks at his driver’s license. He was born in 1990? Seriously! What’s up with his picture? Go Nan Gil. That's his real name? Even his name is shabby. She takes a picture of his license.

When she starts to put the license back in his wallet, she notices a picture of the lake. Looking at it she remembers him saying that he’s going to live there forever! Until the trees near the lake are fully grown. She puts both pictures back in the wallet.

Na Ri spots his keys and smiles. She uses a lighter and some tape to get an imprint of the key. Instead of going and using it. They yell for her. When she goes back into the living room, they’re continuing to chant her name. Dong Jin tells her to come over and he’ll pour her a drink. They’re both swaying as they sit there. Dong Jin holds out the cup and thanks her, while starting to hiccup. And says that she knows his feelings.

Nan Gil heartily agrees. Before you get married, you're supposed to have lovers' quarrels like this. Dong Jin turns to Nan Gil and slaps him on the cheek, saying that he likes him. Nan Gil grabs Dong Jin’s face and asks if Dong Jin hit him. Dong Jin grabs Nan Gil’s face and asks how old Nan Gil is. Nan Gil laughs and asks “Such a small thing?” And I am laughing. Na Ri is annoyed at both of them. Well, you wanted them drunk. And Nan Gil sure seems pleasant, even when he’s drunk. Or is he drunk? They laugh and fall over.

Na Ri chugs the drink Dong Jin made for her and firmly sets the cup on the table. Such a small thing?! Nan Gil sits up and looks at her. She glares at him. He staggers to his feet.

Yeo Joo has made it to Na Ri’s town. Duk Shim walks by and tries to ignore Yeo Joo, even after Yeo Joo runs over and grabs her arm. Heh. Yeo Joo pulls off Duk Shim’s headphones and says “Student!” Duk Shim glares at her sideways. Yeo Joo asks if Duk Shim knows Hong Dumplings? This gets Duk Shim’s attention. Duk Shim’s head snaps as she turns to look Yeo Joo up and down. Please think she’s here for Nan Gil and do something to her. Please. She doesn’t look happy. Yeo Joo’s a little taken aback by Duk Shim’s look.

Duk Shim stares at Yeo Joo, which freaks Yeo Joo out a little. Duk Shim points and says nothing. Yeo Joo asks if she means that street. Duk Shim keeps pointing and says nothing. Yeo Joo thanks her and starts walking. Duk Shim does a lip curl after Yeo Joo.

Nan Gil pours Na Ri a drink and she drinks it. He's kneeling in front of her. He quickly pours her another drink of Soju. And Soju tastes like cough syrup. Such a small thing? Oma passed away and during the hardest time of her life, Dong Jin had an affair. Nan Gil says nothing. Was it a small affair? He holds up his hands and slurs an apology for saying that it was a small thing. He takes it back. And Dong Jin is in the background, passed out on the floor.

Na Ri slaps the table and says that the person Dong Jin had an affair with is one of her hoobae stewardesses. She's rude and young. Nan Gil nods. She asks if it just a small age difference? He waves his hand as he disagrees: No, that's not right! Na Ri says that, of course, Dong Jin lied about small things, too. There are things that people shouldn't do to each other.

She looks at Nan Gil and says, “To the one who lost the one she loved, stop being so sad.” She’s sick of it. She points over to the snoring Dong Jin, he was sick of her being sad about Oma. His consolation was fake, he made a false promise and betrayed her. Nan Gil groans, sits back and scrubs his hair. He sighs and asks why Dong Jin come to the memorial and laugh with her earlier? He slurs that he didn't like it but what could he do about that anyway? He yells at her asking why he came at all?

Na Ri declares that she has to let him know it's over for real. Nan Gil nods. He looks over at Na Ri. She looks at him. He says that he will take care of it. Just trust him, Hong Na Ri. Just trust him. Trust him. He staggers over to Dong Jin and starts trying to pick him up. Na Ri asks what he’s doing. Nan Gil eventually succeeds in picking Dong Jin up, lugging Dong Jin like a sag of potatoes. He tells her that he's going to throw Dong Jin out, out there, anywhere. He mumbles that he can't be doing this, you know...

Yeo Joo has arrived at the house when Nan Gil comes out with Dong Jin. She calls Dong Jin ‘Oppa’ and asks why Dong Jin’s like that. Dong Jin is oblivious to her calls of Oppa. Na Ri stumbles out after them and asks Yeo Joo where she thinks this is? Yeo Joo calls her Unni. Na Ri asks if Yeo Joo really did just call her "Unni"? Why is she Yeo Joo’s unni?

Yeo Joo addresses Na Ri as Sunbae! Sunbaenim! Na Ri tells Yeo Joo that she really is hopelessly shameless. And she is. Shameless. Duk Shim’s head pops up to spy on them. Yeo Joo protests, asks what she’s supposed to do when Oppa told her to come because he was drunk. And when did that happen? Looking at Yeo Joo Na Ri tells Nan Gil to throw Dong Jin out! Someone's here to pick him up! Yeo Joo can’t believe Na Ri said that: Sunbae, aren't you going overboard? Her voice cold, Na Ri says that she’s really holding herself back. Just try telling at her one more time. She yells over for Nan Gil to hurry and throw him out!

Nan Gil starts to lug Dong Jin towards his car. Yeo Joo yells at him to be careful and asks if he’s Sunbae Na Ri's dongsaeng? He smiles at that and asks who she is. She calls Nan Gil ‘dongsaengun’ and tells him to be careful. Flirtatiously, she tells Nan Gil not to drag Dong Jin like that. Na Ri mutters to herself, “Where is she wagging her tail?!” She runs over and shoves Yeo Joo away. Nan Gil and Dong Jin fall to the ground. Yeo Joo gasps. She runs over to Nan Gil, calls him Dongsaeng, and tells him to be careful! He answers that no, he’s not.

Yeo Joo yells at Na Ri to come help. Nan Gil mumbles that he’s not Na Ri’s dongsaeng. Yeo Joo yells at him to please do it properly. What about dongsaeng? He starts to say it louder but Na Ri covers his mouth. This makes Yeo Joo suspicious.

At Robot House, Duk Bong and Soon Rye are in Duk Shim’s room. She’s not answering Soon Rye’s phone calls. Duk Bong starts looking in Duk Shim’s desk drawers. Soon Rye mentions that Duk Shim is not missing school lately. He says that Duk Shim’s room is like a war zone. She really needs therapy. He stands up and tells Soon Rye to say that he's gone to receive his therapy, please. Soon Rye sighs.

Nan Gil shoves Dong Jin in the back seat and passes out on him after the effort. Yeo Joo wants to talk. She tells Na Ri that she didn't like Na Ri much but she though Na Ri was a little cool. Na Ri responds that Yeo Joo just didn't like her. She shouldn’t try to make it look better. Innocent voice, Yeo Joo says that this is not why she’s there. She really thought about it before she came. Wow, how many people has she bamboozled with that? Na Ri answers that Yeo Joo is entitled to think as much as she wants.

Yeo Joo purses her lips. Na Ri tells her that she wouldn’t have come there if she had manners. Yeo Joo sighs and says that Na Ri thinks of herself as being decisive in her actions, one who keeps her promises. She tells Na Ri not to contact Oppa from now on. Don't ever call him or whine at him. she's having to go through all this even though Na Ri said it was over. She’s been tortured and looked down on enough now!

As an answer, Na Ri starts kicking Dong Jin’s car. This wakes Nan Gil up. Na Ri breaks the left rear view mirror. She tells Yeo Joo that she shouldn't have come there today. Yeo Joo’s so foolish and shameless. Today is Oma’s death anniversary. Yeo Joo’s selfish, so she probably wouldn't care about that kind of thing. Na Ri declares that she’ll pay Yeo Joo back with what Yeo Joo’s scared of the most. She’ll spread rumors about what Yeo Joo did throughout the company. She’ll tell Dong Jin all about Yeo Joo’s past of cheating on men!

Na Ri’s threat scares Yeo Joo and she grabs Na Ri’s arm to beg. She apologizes and says that she didn’t know it was Oma’s death anniversary. I seem to remember Dong Jin telling you that. Na Ri laughs at that. She really didn't know?! Yeo Joo doesn’t answer. Na Ri starts to yell that every time Yeo Joo opens her mouth, all that comes out is lies! Yeo Joo says that she gets it. She’s sorry. She was wrong. Na Ri’s just as annoyed as I am at how shamelessly fake Yeo Joo is. Na Ri shoves Yeo Joo to the ground.

Yeo Joo kneels and begs Na Ri not to tell Oppa Dong Jin. She was wrong! Na Ri says that she can let it all spill out at anytime if she wants to, so Yeo Joo should just stew around in her nervousness. Na Ri kicks the car again and goes back inside. Once Na Ri’s gone, Yeo Joo’s contrite face goes and she sighs. It was not a good idea to leave Yeo Joo alone with Nan Gil.

Nan Gil gets out of the car. He chuckles at her and then stumbles over to the rearview mirror. He twists it back into place and polishes it with his sleeve, grinning like an idiot. She smiles sweetly and with Oppa voice thanks him. She just never stops. He slurs that he fixed it. In Appa voice, he tells Yeo Joo that she can't get into an accident. Never! Arm swing for emphasis. Don't get in an accident. If Yeo Joo gets in an accident, Hong Na Ri will have a hard time and say that it's because of the broken mirror and that it's her fault. Don’t give Yeo Joo any ideas.

Yeo Joo rolls her eyes. Nan Gil declares that Hong Na Ri is nice. He screams at Yeo Joo not to make her more stressed out! Yeo Joo jumps. I laugh. He sighs, smiles and pleasantly tells Yeo Joo to drive carefully and live kindly. He bids her goodbye and as he stumble away, he mutters to himself, asking if Yeo Joo is really Na Ri’s hoobae? He doesn't think so. Did he just call Yeo Joo old? Yeo Joo gets in the car and drives away. Nan Gil stands, Appa pose, and waves goodbye.

About to go in the house, Na Ri stops and mutters that it’s so annoying, so annoying. She goes back outside. Nan Gil smiles at her. Hey! Hong Na Ri! It's Hong Na Ri-da. She tells him that they should go in. He agrees and passes out on her.


Nan Gil around Yeo Joo made me nervous. Luckily, she’s still clueless, although I have a feeling she’s going to pester Oppa about Nan Gil and Na Ri’s relationship. She is just shameless. And so selfish. I hope Dong Jin dumps her by the end. Serves her right.

A lot happened in this episode. We found out that there might be something physically wrong with Nan Gil. Is that why he leaves to knead bread all the time? I wonder what it is? Searching on the internet, his symptoms could come from low blood sugar (diabetes), orthostatic hypotension (dizziness when standing up), atrial fibrillation, panic disorder, and a bunch of other things that I can't see them making the reason. Panic disorder?

I'm a bit annoyed at Na Ri this episode because she got into a contract with Duk Bong, without consulting an attorney or really considering how it is going to effect her neighborhood or her house. Duk Bong keeps telling her to fight for her house, but in reality, if he buys it, he's going to demolish it and Hong's Dumplings. Plus, Nan Gil keeps showing her that he's honest and she won't believe him, unless it's about how he won't say anything if it's a lie. Logically, wouldn't that mean that anything he's told her is the truth, if he's shown that he won't answer untruthfully? She keeps calling him on not answering, but won't believe what he says.

And I wonder what exactly the lake means to Nan Gil. It means something significant and I'm sure it has something to do with his connection with Oma.

And how can Na Ri doubt him after finding those pictures of him and Oma. I really wonder what their relationship was. I'm guessing that she thought of Nan Gil as a son. I could see that kind of relationship (mother-son) producing those pictures. Nan Gil said that Oma was the one who approached him about getting married. I can see her asking her adopted son to do it to save her home and restaurant. I bet Nan Gil's dislike of Uncle stems from all the times he watched Oma cry over Uncle's actions, and not wanting Na Ri to have to cry too.

His drunkenness proves several things: (1) He's a nice guy. (2) He really cares about Na Ri. Even when drunk he was looking out for her. (3) He's perceptive (even though we already knew that) and knew how Na Ri would feel the next day. (4) He's willing to get drunk to put her mind at ease. I would have much rather him pretend to be drunk, but he got drunk. His cheeks were awfully flushed. (5) He puts Na Ri's needs above his own. He doesn't like Dong Jin but was polite to him anyway, for Na Ri's sake. (6) He really cares about Oma, because he didn't want her disrespected. (7) He wants to protect Na Ri. Period. Otherwise he would have let her overhear about his dizzy spell.

Their exchange with a shirtless Nan Gil proved some things, too: (1) He genuinely wants Na Ri to accept him as her family. His sheer joy over receiving a gift speaks volumes. (2) He doesn't want her to find out about his past, even though I'm sure Oma knew about it. (3) In some ways he relates to Na Ri like a little kid. (4) He knows how to throw Na Ri off kilter.

I know Na Ri's situation is strange, but why won't she trust him already? Over and over he keeps showing he's trustworthy. I mean, even if she sees Oma's phone and all of Nan Gil's secrets, she's still going to have to decide to trust him.

And why won't he show Na Ri Oma's phone? What's on it? It has to relate to the bigger picture that we haven't seen yet. And maybe it has a message from Oma to Na Ri on it. Or maybe it has Oma crying on it. I don't think he's refusing to show it to Na Ri for any other reason than to protect her. Just like he's trying to protect her from her uncle.

I wonder what his relationship with Soon Rye is. They seemed familiar and why would Soon Rye show him the dossier she collected on Na Ri first. It makes me wonder if they're perhaps related or something. Especially because she was giving him advice on his life.

And why won't Na Ri believe he's sincere? Even though most of these Na Ri doesn't know about, they prove to the audience that he's sincere/telling the truth and not on a long con: (1) Pay off the 30,000 RKW that Uncle owes Dong Jin. If he was out for the money, he wouldn't spend it on something like that. Plus, he already owns everything, why does he need to con her? And he wouldn't have done it so quickly, if he wasn't looking out for Na Ri. Even his reason for why he's paying - so that there won't be money between Na Ri and Dong Jin. (2) He paid it off in secret and told Dong Jin not to say anything. Again, why not take the credit if the goal is to convince Na Ri that he's legitimate? (3) His hussle and going to 3 different places to find her medicine for her back. (4) The fact that he didn't bust her on lying to him or trying to get into his computer. (5) Preparing all of the memorial meal for Na Ri's Oma. Why would a conman do that instead of having Na Ri do it? (6) Fixing her food even after he knew she was lying. (7) Being protective where Duk Bong is concerned. (8) Wanting everything to be perfect for Oma's memorial. (9) Being nice to Dong Jin, even though he doesn't like Dong Jin. (10) Offered her money more than once. If it was about the money, he wouldn't do that either.

Also, his refusal to answer about their sleeping relationship: (1) It's creepy for Na Ri to ask her hot stepfather if he and Oma got it on. No one wants to think about their parents having sex. (2) He was genuinely offended over her question for Oma's sake, not his own. (3) Her not trusting Oma made him mad.

And I think that for all of his being Appa-like, that romantic affection is developing on his side. After all, I don't think he was romantically in love with Oma and he seems to know a lot about Na Ri - like that she was teased as a kid. It's almost like Oma told him tons of stories about Na Ri, so he grew to love her because Oma did. I don't think he's aware of it either, but his protectiveness of her, that can easily slide into love. Which I can't wait for, hee!

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