Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Sweet Stranger and Me Episode 4 Recap

Okay, so I stayed up way too late to watch this episode, because I *had* to see what happened, so I am recapping this while watching it a second time.

Episode starts where we left off: Nan Gil is drunk, Yeo Joo has just left, and Na Ri has come outside. He calls her Hong Na Ri-da. He’s smiling really goofily at her, with such affection. I want one. Na Ri tells him to go inside. Nan Gil agrees and collapses onto her, resting his chin in the crook of her neck. She catches him and isn’t sure what to do. And her face is asking why this is making her feel strange. Or did I just read into that? Nan Gil mumbles her name and asks that she believe only him. Just him.

As she stands there, holding him up, she wonders what he wants her to believe him about. Um, that he’s not a conman. That he married Oma and is genuinely looking out for her. That he’s got her best interests at heart. The list could go on. Nan Gil is just standing there, snuggling with her, a small smile on his face.

Headlights. Nan Gil shoves her out of the way and gets tapped by Duk Bong’s car. She asks if he’s okay. He smiles and holds up his fingers that he’s okay. Duk Bong gets out and sputters, asking if they’re okay. Na Ri starts to chew him out, until she realizes that it’s him. She strongly declares that someone almost got hurt. Be careful! Duk Bong apologizes: It was dark, so he didn't see Nan Gil.

Nan Gil gets up and immediately goes over to Na Ri, grabbing her shoulders and asking if she’s okay. Feeling awkward – because Duk Bong’s there? – she says she’s okay. He doesn’t remove his hands or stop looking at her. Duk Bong says that it’s a relief that neither of them is hurt. Then he starts to scold them for being out in the middle of the street in the middle of the night. Are cars the only ones that need to be careful?

Na Ri shoves him away and he mutters that he’s drunk. He stumbles back to the house. Duk Bong asks if they drank. Na Ri is trying to look dignified. She says that it’s because of Oma’s death anniversary, so a little… Duk Bong sniffs her – what is it with these guys feeling fine with leaning in and sniffing someone who isn’t their girlfriend? – and says that is doesn’t smell like a little. Why is she blocking the street and displaying her dysfunctional family?

Na Ri plasters on her airline face and says that they blocking the road. Then she gestures like a stewardess as she says that he can pass through now. And I chuckle. She gives the polite hands-on-belly bow as she bids him to please drive safely. She turns around and walks through the gate. Duk Bong wonders if she’s cute because she's drunk? What's wrong with him?

He calls after her. She turns around, stewardess smile firmly in place. He stares at her. She looks expectantly. He shakes his dead and says that he’s going to Seoul as her lawyer. He’s going to submit the lawsuit to the court tomorrow. ‘Fighting!’ fist as he says that the fight starts now. She doesn’t say anything, but goes inside. He glares at his fist and gets in the car, muttering about Na Ri speaking her mind lately but not answering his questions.

As he drives away, Duk Shim comes out from behind a tree – still wearing her school uniform. She makes a face as she thinks about Na Ri: who is this crazy two-timer? No – she shakes her head – it’s more like she has octopus legs!

In the yard, Nan Gil is splashing water on his face. Na Ri walks past without saying anything. He stops the water points at her, telling her she needs to stop right there. She stops to turn around and look at him. He slowly walks toward her and slurs that he really hates drinking. Getting drunk makes him a fool. His aching head makes him mad. He really hates drinking! She just frowns at him.

He says that no matter how much he thinks about it, he doesn't understand. Did you try to get him drunk? Did she call that loser to make him drink? That is exactly what she did. He is so perceptive. She plays innocent. He asks what she planned to do by getting him drunk? No answer.

Nan Gil sighs and asks if he should give her some advice as her stepfather. Stop pretending like nothing is wrong. It's not like she was together with Dong Jin for just 1 or 2 years. Just think about all the things they’ve been through together! He was there during the funeral, too. Slapping his chest several times, Nan Gil says that he's sure that Na Ri’s heart must be hurting... and all that time they spent together!

Na Ri’s face says that she’s cracking but she tries to fake it: So what? He urges her not to be just angry. He places his hands on his heart and says that she should comfort herself. And take a good look in her heart. Hands switch to praying pose as Nan Gil says, “Meditate. Be at peace. Don't just get mad.”

Na Ri repeats his words: Meditate... be at peace. Fine. And after that? Forgiveness?! With loud indignation, Nan Gil asks what she means, ‘forgive.’ That rat! He declares that he won't allow it anymore either! Pointing at his eyes, he declares that even when his eyes are filled with dirt (aka dead), he still won't allow it. Na Ri asks about when Nan Gil was being all neighborly and friendly with Dong Jin? Nan Gil answers that he was trying to help things go well with them. Starting from today, he totally hates Dong Jin!

Na Ri asks what Nan Gil means, ‘he totally hates Dong Jin’? Nan Gil answers: Dong Jin lied, came here to drink, he can't drink or control himself at his age! What *can* he do? His face is cracking me up. Na Ri stifles a smile. She likes that he’s mad on her behalf. Indignant, Nan Gil asks Why? What? Does that upset Na Ri? He can say even more. Dong Jin even laughs funny and makes sounds when he eats! Na Ri really is trying not to laugh. It is funny.

Na Ri clears her throat and turns around – so he won’t see her laugh. She tells him to just keep acting like that... She still won't trust him. Nan Gil staggers behind her. He continues: Unlike a man, Dong Jin said bottoms up, but left some of the drink in the glass. Na Ri’s can’t hold back the smile anymore. His shoulders are uneven... She’s starting to laugh.

Nan Gil adds that her hoobae, she to come all the way there to pick Dong Jin up. He's the type to burden his woman. Na Ri turns around to glare at Nan Gil. He drops his head and starts to walk away. Na Ri tells him to stop right there! He does, but doesn’t turn around. Hoobae? Nan Gil’s eyes widen as he realizes he said something wrong. Na Ri slowly walks toward him as she says that she thought he was totally, completely drunk, so drunk that he couldn’t walk straight. But he still remembered that he saw her hoobae?

Eyes still wide, he looks at her and shakes his head vigorously. No... he doesn't know whom she’s talking about. Na Ri asks him if he felt bad for her hoobae, since she had to come and drive Dong Jin home. Nan Gil looks down and then, covering his mouth, he gags. He runs off to toss his cookies. Or maybe not. It was the one thing he could do to get out of that conversation. 

Nan Gil returns to his room. He tries to hang his coat next to the apron, but there’s no hook, so it falls to the ground. Heh. He flops onto the bed and groans that his head hurts.

Now in Seoul, Yeo Joo parks the car. Oppa has rolled into the space in between the seats. That is going to hurt in the morning. She tells him that they’ve arrived and when he just snores, she reaches in and grabs his cell phone. She looks at the texts between Dong Jin and his mother.

DJM: Na Ri isn't answering her phone.
DJ: She's busy lately.
DJM: Are the wedding plans going well?
DJ: I'm taking care of it.
DJM: Is Na Ri dealing with a problem?
DJ: It's the anniversary of her mom's death, so she's a bit depressed.
DJM: I think I should go see Na Ri.
 DJ: Later.

Yeo Joo doesn’t like that. He’s supposed to be getting rid of Na Ri but he’s lying to his mother about it. Not a good sign.

She looks at his pictures and deletes everyone that contains Na Ri. Not a good idea. He’ll know you’ve been in his phone. Plus, he can restore them. iPhones do that nowadays. Yeo Joo puts his phone back and leaves Dong Jin in the car. You know, you could have texted his mother and told her using Dong Jin’s phone. 

Duk Shim is dressed in black. She jumps over the wall surrounding Na Ri and Nan Gil’s house. She goes inside and spots a sleeping Nan Gil. She starts to close the door but has to go inside. Elsewhere, as hard rock music plays, Na Ri places the tape on the lid to an aluminum can and cuts it so it’s the same shape as Nan Gil’s key. How is that going to work? It’s flat. She holds it up, proud of what she just did.

Duk Shim covers Nan Gil up. Aw. The universal k-drama sign that you like someone: you cover them when they’re sleeping. She puts his pillow under his head. Aw, that was really sweet. She pauses for one more look before she leaves. As she puts on her shoes, Nan Gil rouses slightly and see her. But he sees Na Ri’s face instead of Duk Shim’s. He falls back asleep.

Duk Shim leaves the bakery. She spots Na Ri wearing black with a mask. She hides and follows Na Ri. Na Ri sneaks over to Nan Gil’s door and listens. He’s snoring. Na Ri heads back outside. Duk Shim had been trying to listen at the door and is almost caught, but Na Ri misses it. Na Ri heads over to the lock on the basement. She unlocks it and hangs the open lock on the door. She heads downstairs – but doesn’t turn on the light, for some reason. It’s not like the snoring Nan Gil’s going to notice.

Duk Shim shuts the door behind Na Ri and padlocks it. She smiles to herself. Na Ri runs back up the stairs and pounds on the door, asking if someone’s there. She yells that someone’s in there. She’s in there! Duk Shim walks away, still smiling, and says that the war has started, Octopus Leg Lady. The other subs changed that to ‘player.’ Octopus Leg Lady is such a better image and harkens back to Duk Shim’s comment earlier. This is why I hate when they Americanize subtitles. Na Ri continues to call out that someone in there. She starts yelling for Nan Gil, but he is out for the count.

Next morning, Nan Gil wakes up. He’s a little disoriented and keeps his eyes slitted because of the light. He grabs his phone to see the time. There’s another alarm from Na Ri trying to get on his computer. He frowns and sighs. He starts to delete the pictures taken but then reconsiders. We don’t actually see what he chooses to do.

Nan Gil grabs some water and chugs it. Flashback: chanting Na Ri’s name with Dong Jin. Falling while taking Dong Jin to the car (and Yeo Joo getting shoved by Na Ri). He’s horrified and grabs his lip. His face asks, ‘What did he do?’ And I’m thinking that he’s worried he revealed something. Memory of falling on Na Ri and snuggling into her neck. Declaring that even if dirt goes into his eyes– Even more worried pulling of his lip. He scratches his head in frustration.

Nan Gil changes his clothes – into something much more casual. He goes outside and ‘waters’ the buckwheat. He keeps glancing at the house. Should he wake her? No... Waters a moment. Glances up to Na Ri’s window. He should wake her... No, no. With an ‘aish,’ he gives up.

Na Ri, however, is still locked in the basement. She’s tried covering herself in pieces of clothing, but it doesn’t really help anything, so she keeps twitching from the cold as she sleeps on pieces of paper. She is also snuggling with an old doll.

Nan Gil hovers outside Na Ri’s room, holding a tray with some water on it. He lightly raps on the door and calls in that Na Ri should wake up now! How's her stomach? Does she want some water? No answer. He opens the door and sees no Na Ri. He sighs. She left, she left. He didn't make a mistake, did he? What kind of mistake? Revealed your undying affection? The real reason behind your marriage to Oma? (Nothing bad, of course.)

Na Ri wakes and screams, “Ya, Go Nan Gil!” Wow, I would not like to be on the receiving end of her wrath. She stomps up the steps to the door and screams for Nan Gil to open the door. Nan Gil is walking by, kicking himself for being stupid. He hears her yelling for him from the basement. Na Ri sounds super pissed. He calls in to her, asking what she’s doing in there. What happened? She makes a face like he’s asking for death.

Nan Gil notes that the door is locked. She tells him to first open the door! He unlocks the door and she rushes out. He asks why she slept in the basement. Glaring at him, she asks why he’s doing that to her? This is attempted murder. What if something had happened to her while she was locked up? What if she had a heart attack?! What if there was a house fire? She would've died locked up in the storage room! She is really mad. As I would be.

Nan Gil starts to say that he doesn't know what she’s talking about. Na Ri cuts him off and tells him not to say things like “I forgot" or "I don't remember a thing." Dong Jin quotes? He asks what she’s saying. Is she saying that he locked her in there? Why would he? She answers that his true feelings must have burst out of him when he was drunk! He would have been much more affectionate if that had happened, Na Ri. Or maybe he pretended to be drunk and did it on purpose!

Nan Gil’s insulted at the insinuation and that she’s still accusing him after he said he didn’t do it. Especially since he promised that he would never lie to her and hasn’t. He dragged her there and locked her up? He pulls the key out of the lock to make a point and notices the after effects of Na Ri’s experiment. Even though she could have just taken his keys while he was drunk. Unless they were still in his pockets. Na Ri looks away and pretends to shiver. She so cold.

Nan Gil looks at her and sighs. So, the reason she got him drunk was for this key. He can tell she heated it with a lighter, and used tape and things like that. Previous experience doing such things? Is she in her second year of junior high? Why would she look this kind of thing up on the internet and do this? Na Ri counters with asking if it really wasn’t him?! He asks what kind of person does she think he is? And she knows he’s right, so she counters with: Then who would it be, at that time? They look at each other and then the gate.

Still looking at the gate, Nan Gil asks if Na Ri came into his room last night. She answers that she was locked in. Nan Gil looks at her as he says that someone definitely came into his room. They look at each other. What does this mean?

At that moment, Duk Shim is walking by. She pauses, looks at the gate and smiles to herself.

Nan Gil and Na Ri are investigating footprints by the door to the basement. It’s very CSI. He’s using a ladle to point at the footprints. This is a man's footprint (Dong Jin). This is his (Nan Gil)... Na Ri takes the ladle and points to a print closer to the garage; it’s her footprint, and this… She points down at Nan Gil’s print and says that he’s caught red-handed. Nan Gil replies that his footprint was just made.

He's a little insulted. Taking back the ladle, he goes through the footprints again. This is him (Nan Gil). This is that person (Dong Jin). And this... He measures the print with the ladle and compares it to Na Ri’s foot. She grouses that it’s her. Nan Gil agrees that it matches. But this print – Nan Gil points to another print – is small. Na Ri admits that he’s right. He’s looking at the print. She turns to him and asks if it’s a woman’s. Nan Gil asks if it’s a man with small feet? That small? Na Ri’s sure it’s a woman’s. Nan Gil turns to look at her and their faces are very close together. Like they could kiss right now.

Na Ri’s face registers shock. Nan Gil’s face doesn’t. He looks like he always does. Na Ri falls backward. That definitely was something when he snuggled with her! She stares at him. Her face almost looks horrified. He just looks at her. Na Ri starts acting like she’s cold again. She hurries off. “I Want You” from the soundtrack starts playing.

Nan Gil watches her go and a small smile crosses his face. Not the ‘she likes me, heh’ smile but a smile of affection.

♫ Tell me, why. Tell me, why. I'm curious what kind of man you are. ♫

Na Ri emerges from the bathroom, her wet hair wrapped in a towel. Nan Gil is waiting with a cup of water. And he’s in a suit. She begrudgingly takes it and drinks it down.

♫ I want you, why. I want you, why. My eyes keep going to you. ♫

She exhales loudly when she’s finished and Nan Gil makes a face at the smell of her breath. He takes the cup back and starts to walk away, but she stops him. If he’s going to visit Oma, he should wait for her. Nan Gil replies that this turned out well. They can go up to Seoul from there. She answers that he loves it when she goes to Seoul. She’s never coming back. A little bothered that he’s trying to get rid of you, hmmm? She stalks off. Nan Gil is confused at the sudden swing in emotions. She has no control over her emotions. That’s those mysterious thoughts of a woman.

Dong Jin wakes up in his car. He’s momentarily confused and when he tries to sit up, there’s extreme pain in his neck from sleeping with it crooked. He eventually is able to get out of the car. He goes up to his apartment, clutching his head, and is startled by the appearance of Yeo Joo. She looks like a sad school girl. He asks why she’s there. She fixes his jacket and asks if he doesn’t remember anything. Dong Jin has a vague recollection of Yeo Joo driving them there. She nods. I hate this Oppa persona she gets. It just makes me want to throw up and then punch him and then her. She whines that she couldn't carry him up there by herself and it was so late that she couldn't ask anyone for help. So, she came up to his apartment alone...

She says that she made him some soup to help him get over his hangover. And I really about vomited with that cutesy voice she just used. Why does acting like this work on men?! Dong Jin grabs his head and says that he really doesn’t remember anything. She smiles and demurely pulls her jacket more closed. She really did not just imply they got intimate and he deflowered her. Demurely and still virginal, she replies that there's nothing to remember, still fiddling with her jacket. She smiles shyly and starts to leave. Dong Jin’s face says he’s freaking out at the fact that she finally let him do something and he forgot.

Yeo Joo stops and turns around. She says that if it wasn't for her, Na Ri Sunbae's dongsaeng may have killed him. Dong Jin repeats ‘dongsaeng’? Because he knows the supposed relationship between Na Ri and Nan Gil. He doesn’t get that Yeo Joo is calling Nan Gil Na Ri’s dongsaeng. (And Nan Gil is 3 years younger than her.) And she just remembered! Oppa has to fix his car. Is Na Ri Sunbae's dongsaeng a gangster? Look at her try to figure out the relationship between Na Ri and Nan Gil. I really don’t like her. Don’t you clarify that Nan Gil’s her stepfather, Dong Jin! That will only give Yeo Joo cannon fodder.

Yeo Joo stops like she’s said too much. She adds that if they (NR & NG) hit them (DJ & YJ), they (DJ & YJ) need to get hit. If they (NR & NG) get upset, they (DJ & YJ) have to bear with it, because of the sin they have committed. I hate her. Dong Jin demands to know exactly what happened? Yeo Joo says that she’s not someone who is loose with her lips. Sure you aren’t. Of course, it’s all calculated, anyway, so I guess that’s true. But not for the reason she’s implying. Yeo Joo says that she doesn't want to tell him. And if her eyes opened any wider…

She sighs and leaves the apartment. Dong Jin mutters that she shouldn’t have said anything in the first place (if she didn’t want to say anything). She doesn’t stop as he rushes to catch up with her. He grabs her wrist and she yelps. She milks how much her wrist hurts and there’s a bandage on it. Dong Jin wants to know what happened! Yeo Joo makes a disappointed face and walks away. As she does, a satisfied smile appears on her face. Dong Jin sighs with frustration.

Nan Gil and Na Ri are out by Oma’s tree. Nan Gil is setting up the memorial spread. Why is he always the one doing these things? Na Ri sneezes and he tsks at her. He pours her some coffee. And he brought coffee for her. He’s always taking care of her. And I’m getting the feeling that it’s not just out of duty to Oma, but some real pre-existing affection for Na Ri. It's so cold, why did she go in there? Na Ri takes the coffee and says that it’s because she’s lived her life peacefully without secrets, but there appears to be too many secrets in their house that she’s not aware of. That is true.

Trying to sound like she doesn’t know what she’s talking about Nan Gil asks “What secrets...?” She looks at him and he looks away. She’s still looking at him when he looks back at her. He looks up at the sky. To avoid answering. Heh. She says that there seemed to have been a lot of issues here and there. She thanks him for staying by Oma. Nan Gil smiles a small smile and looks down. She tells him that a year is enough and he can stop now. Didn’t Soon Rye tell him the same thing?

Nan Gil looks at her and asks what she wants him to stop? Like she’s insulted him. She answers that he’s young! Is he planning on living there forever? He answers that he already told her. He’s going to stay there until the trees near the lake grow lavishly. Again, this has got to have some connection to Oma. She wants to know what the trees have to do with him living there?

Instead of answering that, he tells her to listen carefully... he’s going to tell her something sincerely. If a farmer buys a shovel, what does she think will happen? He'll probably plow and plant seeds with the shovel, and reap a harvest, right? No one would ever imagine that the farmer would use that shovel to stab someone in the back. He thumps his chest and says that his becoming her father is just like that. She half laughs at that, asking what he’s talking about. And he just gave you his reason for marrying Oma. We still don’t have all the pieces to know what he means, though! But he just said that he did it to grow a harvest, not stab her in the back.

He adds: Stop searching his room! Na Ri doesn’t know what he means. And don't search anywhere else. She won't find anything anyway. He starts to pack things up. She asks if he’s really confident that nothing will be found? Implying that she *did* find something. She asks if might not have found something substantial in the basement. Nan Gil stops packing. Did he consider that? He answers that she was drunk and shaking with fright. Look at her, telling lies. And trying to sound like he has no doubt whatsoever.

She knows she’s onto something. So, while she was shaking all night trying to figure out who would lock me up and why, she had a lot of time and found a lot of things to search. She sounds a little pleased with herself that she could make Nan Gil sweat – considering all the things that he’s not telling her, he kind of deserves to sweat. Nan Gil thinks about that one.

Na Ri stands up. She tells him that, before, when she said she wouldn't come back to the house... She takes it back. Because it's her house. So, at any time she may stop by, so she hopes he stays anxious and lives well. She walks away. Nan Gil starts to worry. He quickly runs home. Yong Kyu sees him and wonders why he’s acting so strangely lately.

Nan Gil rushes down into the basement. He starts to look to see if anything’s missing or if she found something. Nothing seems out of place. Yong Kyu calls down to him that they’re running low on the shells for the dumplings. Nan Gil groans loudly and hurries upstairs.

Na Ri is riding the bus and watching videos from the restaurant on her phone. Yong Kyu is quite the social media king. Na Ri wonders why Nan Gil isn’t in any of the videos. And that’s a good question. She finds a picture of the 4 of them in front of the restaurant. Nan Gil is standing there, looking confident, with his arms crossed. She zooms in on his picture. She shakes her head to get rid of her thoughts and asks herself just what is she thinking right now? Shakes her head again. And she so likes him!

And honestly, who wouldn’t? He takes care of her, looks out for her, won’t lie to her. He listens when she talks, is supportive, understands how important Oma was to her. He’s thoughtful and has actually considered what she might be going through in this situation.

She bangs her head several times on the window to shake her wayward thoughts loose.

 Duk Bong is in one of his therapy appointments. His eyes are closed. Shrink broaches the subject to ask if Duk Bong might, by any chance, be interested in men? Duk Bong opens his eyes and asks if this is what the CEO is asking? Shrink shifts nervously. He thinks for a moment and then says that, yes, for the past few months, he’s been investigating someone. Shrink leans forward – Duk Bong is confessing his feelings for another man, after all. Man, it's not like the team is unskilled, but it's taking them so long.

Duk Bong sighs and calls him ‘this mysterious guy.’ He looks over at the shrink and leans closer. He’s getting curious. He wants to know… About him... Everything about him. Shrink’s face says he can’t believe that Duk Bong just admitted it. Shrink smiles and nods. Duk Bong puts on a thoughtful look and says that it appears the man has a daughter. Duk Bong is so wrong. Shrink blinks and smiles uncomfortably. What kind of shrink is he? Shrink confirms that the man has a daughter.

Duk Bong thinks about Na Ri. Her stewardess smile and bow. He smiles slightly. Shrink leans in closer. Clock chimes and Duk Bong leaves. Shrink immediately starts to type on his laptop. Duk Bong leans in and reads over his shoulder. Shrink isn’t telling this to anyone, right? Heh. Shrink assures him that he’s not.

Na Ri is in her uniform, packing for a flight. Her phone rings. She stuff a piece of kimbap in her mouth as she answers. Her mouth is full. It’s Duk Bong. So he decided to call after talking about someone he likes… Hmm… and he’s clueless to how he feels. He asks if she’s feeling less drunk. She replies that she wouldn't even call that drinking. He asks if she’s eating something right now. She apologizes and says that she has to eat something before she gets on a flight.

She asks why he’s calling. He’s planning on filing the complaint. He tells her to bring her stamp. She replies that she’s in a rush to catch her flight. He doesn’t listen to her reply but hangs up. She wonders what’s up with him. She walks over to her vanity table and picks up a handkerchief that Oma embroidered. It reads 1-3 Go Nan Gil. She remembers Oma trying to embroider it and refusing to not use the sewing machine to do it. She looks about 12-13. So is that the clue that she found?

Nan Gil is back in the basement, cleaning up the mess Na Ri left behind. He lovingly covers the sewing machine from Na Ri’s flashback. He looks down and sees some old books. He picks them up. They have both Na Ri *and* his name on them. And what does *that* mean? She’s not his first love, is she? He wonders why they are sitting out. He starts to look for something specific, rummaging through a suitcase with childhood things in it. Ominous music. This has got to be important, the way he’s throwing things on the floor to look for it. If it’s the hankie, why is that so important? 

Nan Gil looks up and it's Uncle. He sighs. Nan Gil says, with admonishment in his voice, that he told Uncle that he can’t come there! It sounds much less ominous than Nan Gil on the phone call – which makes me wonder if that phone call was to Bossman or someone. It also sounds like he’s frustrated because Uncle is putting himself in danger right now by being there. Uncle says that those guys found out his noona passed away. Nan Gil considers that. Uncle adds that those guys said they sent the files to Na Ri. By Nan Gil’s reaction, that is *not* good news at all. He looks a little scared actually.

Na Ri is at the airport. She turns around and Duk Bong is there. How did he find her, anyway? He asks if she brought her stamp. She looks around – worried that someone might overhear and discover her odd situation? – and chuckles awkwardly. She didn't realize he was going to meet her there. He’s a lawyer who like to shock his clients? He replies that he has the documents for the complaint. She should read them first. He’s investigated and there doesn't appear to be foul play with Oma’s car accident. Well, that’s a relief.

Na Ri says that she needs to think about filing the lawsuit against him. Duk Bong wasn’t expecting that. Trying to make things still go his way – he suggests that she sign over power of attorney to him. Yeah, that sounds like a great idea! Na Ri looks over his shoulder and smiles. She calls out, “Sunbae!” to greet Shi Eun. Shi Eun is with the other stewardesses. Yeo Joo doesn’t look particularly happy to see Na Ri.

Yeo Joo eyes Duk Bong. He smiles pleasantly at her. Because she’s Na Ri’s co-worker. Na Ri tells them to please go on ahead and she will follow shortly. She quickly escorts Duk Bong away. That’s not suspicious. Sun Kyung asks if Duk Bong isn’t wearing the newest limited edition suit. Yun Mi comments on how amazing Duk Bong’s shoes are. Yeo Joo considers all this. Shi Eun turns to them and asks how they could be so caught up in outward appearances? She's so proud! Then she moans over why Na Ri didn’t introduce him. Yeo Joo replies that it’s probably because he's not someone she needs to introduce.

As they walk away, Duk Bong asks why she didn’t introduce him, since they knew how cool he is and wanted to meet him. Na Ri doesn’t answer. He adds that they’ll shun her if she does that. Wow, he’s not full of himself at all. Na Ri asks what she would introduce him as. Should she start a rumor that her home life is so complicated she had to hire a lawyer? He answers, “Neighborhood friend.” They agreed that they were going to be neighborhood friends.

Duk Bong looks to his left. Na Ri glances, too, and all the other stewardesses are watching them. She asks if he fancies red lips over there (Yeo Joo). He answers that that’s not it. Just that they are staring at him so brazenly. Is this the first time a man has come to see her? Na Ri gives him a look. He looks down at his suit and asks if it’s him. Does he look weird?

Kyung wonders if Na Ri and Dong Jin split because of Dong Jin. Shi Eun answers that lots of couples split after they set the date these days. Or because fiery fox hoobaes seduce their fiancés. What's the big deal? Yeo Joo makes a small face and declares that she’s going first.

Na Ri assures Duk Bong that he has great style. He smiles. She suggests he leave before they stare at him anymore. He asks her to give him one signature and he’ll be off. Na Ri’s phone rings. It’s Nan Gil. With the label “The Punk Living in Our House.” She quickly says later and tells him to go. She’s off now. And away she walks before Duk Bong can object. The manila envelope he’s holding droops. Heh. Deflated.

Awkwardly, Nan Gil tries to suss out whether Na Ri’s gotten the papers. He’s at home. She asks what’s up. Because this is really random that he calls to tell her that. He was just wondering if something's going on. Concerned, Na Ri asks “Like what?” Nan Gil replies maybe she received strange documents or a strange person came by or something. Na Ri glances around the airport and then answers that nothing like that has happened. She has to get on her flight. Trying to sound like it’s no big deal, Nan Gil says that it’s no big deal. If nothing happened, that's great.

Na Ri makes a sound of comprehension and says that she gets why he called. Quickly Nan Gil asks her ‘why?’ and ‘what?’ She asks if he’s in the basement. Nan Gil coughs loudly – from the dust in the basement. He doesn’t answer – since that would be a lie. Na Ri says that that’s it, isn’t it. He clears his throat. She says that it’s quite dusty there, it smells and there are mice. Indignant, he says that there are no mice there. And he cleans it all the time so it doesn't smell. She answers that if he does clean it every day, he must know if anything is missing. Pleasantly, he says that he doesn't know what she’s talking about.

A pause and Na Ri says that she used to talk to Oma before each flight. Her voice was a talisman against accidents. Aw, she’s bonding more and more with him. He makes a face and then – after clearing his throat – tells her to do a great job. He’s got the Appa voice going now. Heh. He’s never been on a plane so he doesn't know what that would mean exactly, but fighting! Including fist shake. Heh. Na Ri smiles and hangs up.

Peering over her shoulder to see who she was talking to, Duk Bong says that it's quite something. They went from adversaries to being a loving family. Na Ri makes a face and looks away. He asks if it just won’t be quicker for him to buy the land from Go Nan Gil. She immediately answers that Nan Gil won’t sell. That’s pretty trusting of a guy you keep accusing of being a conman. Duk Bong declares that Nan Gil will sell, 100%. Why? Because swindlers know when it's the right time to sell. He thereby declares that he’s done everything he can for his client, Hong Na Ri. He gives her a head bow and walks away. She isn’t quite sure how to take that.

As Duk Bong is walking away, he crosses paths with Yeo Joo. Funny how that just happens to happen. She gives him a come hither look and his face is unreadable.

Back at the house, Uncle is slurping down makgeolli and eating food. Nan Gil frowns. Like he's making small talk – Uncle asks if Na Ri is doing alright. Not playing along Nan Gil says that he will take care of everything so Uncle should please not ask anything. Or try to know anything. Uncle clanks the makgeolli cup loudly on the table as he hopes that her engagement didn't break up over the 30,000 won. Nan Gil squints at Uncle and says that he’s not the type to genuinely worry about anyone. Does Uncle need money?

Uncle gets offended – as only people who freeload off of people do – and indignantly asks how Nan Gil can say that about his niece? Is that what Nan Gil thinks of him? Man, I am having flashback to a terrible roommate I had. She disappeared owing me a lot of money for back rent and utilities. So good at manipulating people. Uncle, shame on you! Poor Oma. Nan Gil sighs and as an answer, pulls an envelope out of his jacket. He tells Uncle to finish his drinks and go on his way.

Quite eagerly, Uncle checks out how much money is in the envelope. Oh, I’m liking him less and less by the second. Na Ri doesn’t remember Nan Gil at all, does she? That gets Nan Gil to stop and turn around. He really doesn’t look happy. Uncle knows that he pushed it just a little too much. Uncle gets busy pouring himself some more makgeolli. Nan Gil leaves the room.

Down in the basement again, Nan Gil is cleaning. So what he said about it being very clean will definitely be true, heh. He pauses to look at Na Ri’s old book bags and thinks about how Na Ri said that Oma’s voice was a good talisman. He pulls out his phone and makes a call. Is he calling Na Ri?

When the call connects, Nan Gil says, “Director, this is Go Nan Gil.” Director? The plot unfolds. He declares that it’s *his* land. It won't do the Director any good to drag Hong Na Ri into this.

Switch to a swanky office and the suspenseful music. Director looks skeevy. Director turns around in the chair behind his desk and replies that he has to drag Na Ri into this, in order to have Nan Gil come and see him. She is Nan Gil’s Achilles' heel, after all. Behind his desk, there’s a sign for Dada Finance, a framed old-style gun and a picture of Director with a group of boys. Furthermore, Nan Gil shouldn’t call him ‘Director.' He was Nan Gil’s father once. Nan Gil grew up in an orphanage. Does this mean Director adopted Nan Gil? Is that how Nan Gil ended up a thug? Director hangs up the phone.

Director looks at the photos on his desk. One with his wife (who looks younger than him). One with wife and a group of boys. Director with his arm around a frowning boy of 11 or 12. Nan Gil, probably. Director picks up the picture and looks at it. Definitely Nan Gil. And he really does not look happy. His boy language does not want this guy to touch him. There's not enough Hangeul on the sign behind them for me to figure out what it says. I’m wondering if it’s ‘Boys Home.’ Ah, the other subtitles says that it reads ‘Hope Orphanage.’

Na Ri and Yeo Joo are preparing for drinks service. Yeo Joo smiles and says that she won’t say anything about her appearing at the airport with a man. She won’t tell Dong Jin. Her face says that she thinks she’s really got Na Ri over a barrel. There’s no need for Na Ri to put on such an act. Na Ri answers with a fake ‘Omo, Yeo Joo didn't know.’ Dong Jin and Duk Bong have met each other before. They ran into each other right in front of her house. Yeo Joo’s face says she wasn’t expecting that. Na Ri continues that Duk Bong saw Dong Jin pestering her so they don't have a good impression of each other. It's better if Yeo Joo doesn't tell. Nothing good could come out of that. I love Na Ri’s voice when she gloats. Hehe.

Yeo Joo smiles. It looks a bit bitter. Heh. Yeo Joo says that her dongsaeng didn't look so happy with so many people are running into each other outside of your house. That perks Na Ri’s ears. Because she’s starting to like Nan Gil – even though she’d deny it – and she doesn’t want Yeo Joo’s evil little fingers anywhere near him. Pleasantly, Na Ri says that he looks too good to be rotting in the country. Her dongsaeng, she means. Well, he is good looking. Heh. Na Ri repeats ‘donsaeng?’ and warns Na Ri to not even think about it. She flings off her gloves, flings aside the curtain and heads into the cabin. Yeo Joo smiles and nods. Ah. He’s your Achilles' heel. Not that she’s going to be able to trap Nan Gil, though. He hates her.

Nan Gil is riding his bike and spots Duk Shim sitting on a bench, sighing and looking sad. Seriously, this girl does not look 19. He stops, gets her attention by addressing her as ‘student’ and says they should go get her bicycle. Her face asks where and Nan Gil nods toward the bike shop. At the bike shop, Nan Gil brings her bike out and asks if it’s hers. Duk Shim doesn’t say anything.

Owner asks why Nan Gil is interfering with this? He’s only guilty of buying it off someone who's selling it second hand. Nan Gil asks if a bicycle like this is really common in this neighborhood? She’s in grade 12. She's been walking since she lost her bike and she's too tired to study. Nan Gil sighs and says that if they report this stolen and call the police, the police will inspect everything in the warehouse, won't they? Owner squirms. Duk Shim smiles at her crush/hero.

She ends up pedaling along after Nan Gil. She looks so happy and he has no clue at her hero worship. Nan Gil arrives at Hong Dumplings. Duk Bong is waiting for him. Duk Shim bikes right on by without acknowledging Duk Bong. Duk Bong does not look too happy that his sister was following Nan Gil around. Nan Gil yells at Duk Shim to take good care of the bike! Bye!

Duk Bong sighs and asks if Nan Gil looks after high school delinquents too? I don’t think Nan Gil realizes that Duk Shim is his sister. Nan Gil asks if that student looks like a delinquent. He adds that Duk Bong is the one who looks like an adult delinquent. Duk Bong chuckles slightly and tells Nan Gil that they should sign a contract for the land, based on the price Nan Gil quoted last time.

What Duk Bong’s brought with him is Nan Gil’s file from the orphanage. Nan Gil’s face is impassive. He had to know that Duk Bong would dig it up. Duk Bong remarks that he used an expensive agency and they even gave him a photo. They were worth the price. Duk Bong tells Nan Gil that he should take the money and run. That's the wise decision. Nan Gil sighs. Does Hong Na Ri know about this? Duk Bong answers that she doesn’t. Then the value of the secret would plummet.

Duk Bong says that he won’t say anything until the contract is signed. Nan Gil replies that it’s not what he’s asking. Does she know Duk Bong is trying to make him sell? Duk Bong answers that from one point of view, she's losing what's hers overnight. She would have to know. He’s not that cruel. Nan Gil asks what Na Ri said. Duk Bong asks if that’s what Nan Gil is curious about. With a slight smile, Nan Gil nods. "He won't sell," is what she said. Nan Gil can’t help but smile at that answer. Duk Bong doesn’t like Nan Gil’s reaction. All this family schmaltz.

Duk Bong says that his father has ordered that their entire family see a therapist. Their family is so messed up that he wants to be able to prove that they’re all mentally weak when he needs to. No response from Nan Gil. Duk Bong tells him that he might not know what a family is since Nan Gil grew up in an orphanage. Families are a vicious relationship. They’re certainly not beautiful. He shouldn’t fret about being a family when he’s really a swindler. Just take the money and run before his past is all revealed.

Still looking at his file – and probably that picture of him with a group of kids – he says that he won't sell. Should he not respond to his daughter's faith in kind? That’s a family. A family is not a relationship, it's just a family. They look at each other. Now that’s a challenge, Nan Gil! Duk Bong chuckles. It's beautiful father-daughter time. Such sarcasm. He says, well, he still must buy this land, so why don't the three of them go at it? As his answer, Nan Gil stands and says that he has a catchphrase that he’s using these days. He’s practically grinning as he says: “I have to knead dough.” He adds that Duk Bong should look at it that “This father is helping his family's mental health." He leaves and Duk Bong shakes his head.

In the dough-making room, Nan Gil is dressed in the black and looking at his file. Note says “Abandoned immediately after birth. Very reserved.” That is so sad. His phone dings. It’s a text from Na Ri. She’s attached pictures looking out the window of the plane with a message that says, “Since you said that you've never ridden on a plane before, please enjoy these pictures.” She adds that she always sent messages to Oma when she arrived. It was her good luck charm. He texts back that he has to knead. I laugh, but wonder why he answered like that. To say that he won’t do that? His face says he wishes he could say another answer.

A House Kwon, Duk Shim is playing her video game. Duk Bong knocks. She doesn’t answer. He enters. He asks if she follows Go Nan Gil around? She gives him a small glance of annoyance but says nothing. He says that he thought it was weird that a girl who usually wants to do nothing but rest suddenly asks for a bicycle. Concentrating on her game, she asks if Duk Bong knows anything. Duk Bong doesn’t know what she means. She looks at him: What kind of bicycle she got, if she lost it, does he know anything? She goes back to her game.

Duk Bong snarks that this girl is exploding with emotions. I like that image. It’s so much more insulting than just calling her emotional. It's not like they were *that* close. Should he know those things? He'd probably have a better relationship with her if he was less self-absorbed. It's obvious he cares, considering he keeps bothering her. She puts on her headphones to better ignore him. He does not like that and grabs them off her head. She doesn’t like that. Is she going to therapy or not? Suddenly, she jumps to her feet and screams for him to get out! She said to leave her room!!! He winces at the volume. They stare at each other and Duk Bong says that she really needs therapy.

Flight is over and ladies are in the airport. Yeo Joo gives Na Ri a glare before she goes. Na Ri huffs and looks away. Shi Eun tries to figure out what’s going on. These days, Na Ri’s the harshest to Do Yeo Joo. When they were bullying her, Na Ri always told them to stop being immature, and that being young and pretty wasn't a sin. Na Ri acted all righteous then. Why is she like this all of a sudden? Something happened, right? Glaring at Yeo Joo’s retreating figure, Na Ri answers that she found out that being young and pretty is a sin.

Shi Eun remembers: something from court was delivered to her office. Na Ri’s shocked. Already? Shi Eun doesn’t understand what that means, but Na Ri doesn’t stick around to answer any questions. Nearby, 2 shady-looking thugs are watching them nearby. They take off after Na Ri when she walks away.

K Robot Museum. Duk Bong asks Soon Rye if she’s familiar with Hope Orphanage, since she’s lived in the area for some time. She says that she remembers it vaguely. But the way she says it makes me think that she knows more than she’s saying – even more than she normally does. And it also sounds like Hope Orphanage wasn’t the best place to have grown up, either. There is a story here. Duk Bong says, “Look at that. You do know.” He says that Go Nan Gil came from that orphanage. Like he’s watching for a reaction. Her face remains stone. His phone dings. He’s apathetic about it until he realizes that it’s Na Ri calling. He’s going to answer it now. But he has to compose himself a little; he makes sure his voice is cool and even before he answers. Soon Rye takes that chance to quickly escape. Something definitely going on.

Composed, Duk Bong starts to chastise her for not calling him but she isn’t listening. She cuts him off and asks if he filed the complaint in court. He asks how she knew that. She sounds a little frantic. She answers that something came for her from court. Duk Bong answers that that place doesn't do things that quickly. It's probably some sort of fine or something. She says that she understands and hangs up. He in the middle of saying trying to segue into talking about something else. And he’s cut off. Heh. He’s totally not used to that. He tosses his phone down on his desk with frustration and mutters that Na Ri only says what she needs to say. He starts to talk to Soon Rye again, but she’s gone.

Na Ri reaches the exit and is met by a panting Ran Sook. The friend that just had the baby celebration and invited Dong Jin to, even though Dong Jin did Na Ri wrong. Ran Sook exclaims that she thought she’d miss Na Ri. Na Ri worries that she forgot that they were meeting. Ran Sook says that Dong Jin did mention that Na Ri was a bit absent-minded lately. Ran Sook declares that Na Ri should lead the way. They’re going to Na Ri’s house. She’s going to kill that con man herself! Stepfather?!

Na Ri reaches over and clamps her hand over Ran Sook’s mouth. She smiles as she says this is the airport. She’s still at work. Ran Sook smiles and awkwardly laughs. Plastering on a smile, she sweetly says they should go and murder that con man. How dare he use some outdated gigolo scheme to trick Na Ri. Ran Sook asks how Na Ri could ride the plane comfortably at this time, with all this happening. You mean after she discovered her 9-year boyfriend has been carrying on with her obnoxious tarty hoobae? Na Ri’s trying to hold her smile.

Ran Sook wonders if that con artist sells the land and takes off? If he was going to do that, he would have done it in the last 10 months. Good grief! Sometimes the logic. Na Ri answers that Nan Gil is not that kind of person. Gritting her teeth, Ran Sook asks if Na Ri wants to make this exhausted lady’s head explode. She stops herself from getting loud and says that she sold her soul to her mother-in-law to watch her kid, hoping to catch that rascal. When Ran Sook says they should go, Na Ri doesn’t budge. She says that Nan Gil’s not a con man. Na Ri thinks she knows who he is. Through gritted smiling teeth, Ran Sook tells Na Ri to shut it and pulls her out the exit. And the shady men are still following her.

Na Ri heads into the office and receives a pile of envelopes from the Dada Group. The Director’s company! Desk clerk says that they’ve been there for three or four days. Na Ri wonders what they might be. Clerk asks if Na Ri possibly borrowed money. Na Ri quickly replies that it’s nothing like that. Na Ri opens one of the envelopes and the papers inside were sent by Dada Finance’s in-house attorney, Kim Do Seok.

At Hong Dumpling, Nan Gil and the gang are hard at work. His phone rings – with Oma’s song. Nan Gil answers and it’s Bossman. He is probably called Kim Wan Shik, but that’s what I named him, so I’m going with it. All friendly, he says that Hong Na Ri is coming there, just wanted Nan Gil to [know]... Nan Gil wordlessly hangs up. Bossman wasn’t expecting to get hung up on. Looking nervous – plus there’s the foreboding music playing – Nan Gil quickly tries to call Na Ri. He gets her voice mail and hangs up.

Nan Gil quickly changes his clothes and catches a taxi. He continues to try and get in touch with her.

In Ran Sook’s car, Na Ri is reading the papers while Ran Sook is stewing about them. Once you get a notice from the bank, it's over. Is it something related to that con man? Ugh, why is she so nervous? Calm, Na Ri says that she has sedatives. Does Ran Sook want some? Ran Sook wonders why Na Ri would carry something like that around. Then she decides that it makes sense, what with all the things that happened in the last year. Ran Sook begins to moan again, worrying that Na Ri is being scammed big time.

Na Ri isn’t saying anything. Ran Sook tells her to call that conman right now. Call that jerk! Na Ri’s phone dings. The call is from ‘The Punk Living in Our House’ (Nan Gil). She answers. Nan Gil asks where she is. She answers that she’s in her friend’s car. Nan Gil counters that Na Ri doesn't have friends. Heh. Indignant, she answers that she *does* have friends. Ran Sook asks who is on the phone.

From his taxi, Nan Gil warily asks who’s next to Na Ri. These people have got to be bad news if he’s this concerned. Na Ri answers that she said it's her friend. Nan Gil asks what she’s doing with her friend? Na Ri tells him to not to beat around the bush. He called her because he knows something. Not waiting for him to answer she yells that they said they'd put a lien on her salary! Ran Sook frets. Nan Gil tells Na Ri that they can’t do that. It’s an empty threat. They just sent it to her. Na Ri doesn’t like that response: Just sent it? An empty threat?

But how does Nan Gil know about it in such detail? No answer. Na Ri says that it’s those people she saw at Uncle's house, right? They *are* friends. Listening, Ran Sook asks if Na Ri’s talking to the con man. She starts yelling at Nan Gil. On his end, Nan Gil winces at the shrillness of Ran Sook’s voice. He tells Na Ri that he’ll go, so she shouldn’t. The friend next to her is telling him to go. Na Ri says that they should meet there. And Ran Sook wonders why Na Ri’s addressing Nan Gil so formally. Na Ri hangs up. Nan Gil sighs, worried.

Na Ri tells Ran Sook to stop the car. She needs to change out of her uniform. It will hurt the airline’s image. She looks and realizes that she doesn’t have any clothes with her that she can wear. Ran Sook offers Na Ri her outfit, even though it smells like formula and vomit.

They arrive at Dada Finance, Na Ri now wearing Ran Sook’s outfit. Ran Sook is wearing an ill-fitting dress. She tells someone that they’ve arrived. Ran Sook says that there’s a police station and a hospital nearby. If anything, there's always 911. It'll all be okay, since Na Ri can just dial that if she get scared.

Nan Gil calls again. Na Ri hesitates answering it. One of the thugs who was following her at the airport arrives to escort her in. Boy, he’s a bruiser. As they walk in the building, Nan Gil calls again. She still doesn’t answer. They enter the Director’s office and Bruiser tells her to have a seat. Na Ri is left alone. She looks very worried. And we see that Director is watching her through CCTV. Bossman approaches to tell Director that Go Nan Gil is on his way.

Nan Gil starts texting:

I'm on my way so don't say anything.
Even if they give you a document, don't read it.
Don't sign anything, whatever it may be.
Just wait a little bit more. If you're scared, count.

Boy, he looks really worried. This is what he’s been trying to shield her from, after all.

Bossman and Lawyer Kim Do Seok enter. Bossman leans over Na Ri to peer at her face, smiling. Bossman just makes my skin crawl. Lawyer introduces himself.

Nan Gil texts: Don't show them any interest. Don't meet their eyes. Just look somewhere else.

Reading it, Na Ri looks away, staring at the corner of the room. Bossman wonders what she’s looking at. Lawyer says that Na Ri must be very curious. She can ask them anything.

Another text from Nan Gil: I'm on my way, so don't say anything.

I like that she’s trusting him. Even though he hasn’t told her what’s going on. She knows he’ll take care of her.

Na Ri doesn’t answer, but continues to look at that corner. Heh. Bossman waves a finger at Lawyer and Lawyer slides some papers in front of Na Ri.

Nan Gil texts: Don't read any documents that they give you. Don't sign anything.

Na Ri doesn’t look at the papers. They read “Documents on Transaction History.” Bossman’s starting to get a little annoyed. Lawyer asks her to please read through the documents. Na Ri doesn’t respond. Bossman is definitely getting annoyed. He says that even if she reads it, it would just be too difficult to understand anyway. No response. To put it simply, Hong Na Ri, your father made a deal with us a very long time ago. That gets her to look at him. Bossman’s wearing a big smile again.

Her father? Yes. Na Ri doesn’t like that answer. She tells them to please talk with Go Nan Gil. He's on his way now. Bossman – his voice sounding a little menacing – answers ‘no.’ They have to speak with her, Hong Na Ri. His face looks like a snake about to strike. Na Ri notes that Bossman said it was a long time ago. When did he borrow the money? Lawyer answers: She would know if she looked at the documents, but the first deal was made in 2001. That was 15 years ago.

Na Ri interrupts: Fifteen years ago?! How does that make any sense?! If it was 15 years ago, th-then she was... What's it called? Student? No, baby? No, that's not it... Underage! She was a minor! How could she make a deal back then? Do they have proof? Of course they don’t. It doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t fake documents. Lawyer laughs. Oh, silly girl. He doesn't understand what she’s saying. He’s talking about Mr. Hong Sung Kyu. Isn't Hong Sung Kyu her father?

Na Ri begins to realize what this is about – her dead-beat dad. Bossman grins, enjoying Na Ri’s discomfort. Lawyer says that Hong Sung Kyu made a deal with them using Oma’s land as collateral a long time ago. Wow, Bossman is really enjoying this. He is evil. Then her father went missing and her mother was supposed to take responsibility for it, but then they found out that she passed away recently. So Oma isn’t around to be able to say that they’re full of crap. Lawyer declares that the daughter has to take responsibility. Says who? Lawyer reassuringly says that if Na Ri gives up the land in her mother's name, it will be over. Na Ri looks like she’s believing them.

Nan Gil’s taxi finally arrives. Bruiser 1 & 2 are waiting outside. Nan Gil glances nervously at the building and then heads in. Bruiser1 greets Nan Gil and bows deeply. Nan Gil runs right by. Bruiser smiles like he wants to punch Nan Gil and hurries after him. He stops Nan Gil. Bruiser – not looking menacing, but insistent – says that Director told him that he must escort Nan Gil in. It’s like he’s asking Nan Gil to not get him in trouble. Nan Gil holds up a flash drive. He tells Bruiser to give it to Director. And tell Director to not even think about seeing him. What’s on that drive? Nan Gil turns around to hold the drive up to the security camera. That does the trick.

Nan Gil bursts into Director’s office. Na Ri is reading the document – that he told her not to read. She probably wouldn’t have if he hadn’t have kept her in the dark, but hindsight is 20/20. He slams the door. Glancing/glaring at Bossman, he looks at Na Ri. She looks worried. Bossman watches Nan Gil’s reactions with interest. Like a snake, I tell you. Na Ri tells her that he said not to read the documents. Why doesn't she listen to him? In a loud scolding tone, he asks if she didn’t hear what her father said! Na Ri looks like she’s about to cry.

Bossman gives Nan Gil an ‘oi’ and asks what he's talking about. What does Nan Gil mean, "father"? He laughing. Nan Gil stare/glares at him. Bossman stops smiling. Shooting Lawyer a look, Nan Gil picks up the papers and throws them at him. These are fake. Lawyer protests that they’re not. Then lawyer has to look away. Because he knows he’s full of it, too.

Nan Gil sighs and looks at Na Ri. He tells her to come here. She pauses for a moment and then tries to stand, but she falls over. Nan Gil catches her and shoots Bossman a look. Bossman looks wronged and says that, honestly, all they did was have a conversation! Na Ri walks out of the room and giving Bossman another look, Nan Gil wordlessly follows. Bossman rubs his forehead – because he knows that did not go well.

Out in the hall, Na Ri is still having a hard time moving. She stops when Nan Gil leaves the office. Gently, he tells her to wait there a minute. He turns around and she grabs his arm. It’s obvious that she’s frightened. He smiles gently and tells her to count to three. She lets him go.

Nan Gil reenters Director’s office and shuts the door. Bossman stands up. Nan Gil walks slowly towards him. And Bossman looks a little nervous. Nan Gil says that Bossman knows that he’s not good at asking for things, right? And Nan Gil’s face is completely emotionless, which is scary. I can see him wearing it as he mercilessly beats the crap out of someone. When he asks for something, then he’s seriously begging. He’s begging Bossman. Don't mess with Hong Na Ri. Bossman doesn’t say anything.

Nan Gil steps forward into Bossman’s space. He looks even scarier. And also... Bossman steps backward. Wow, he looks scared. This is a threat. Nan Gil pokes Bossman’s chest, with enough force that Bossman leans backward. He tells Bossman to use his head well. Bossman looks up and away. He can’t even meet Nan Gil’s eyes anymore. When Bossman messes with him – Bossman squirms and looks like he’s going to cry – what happened that day can happen again. Bossman swallows and looks at Nan Gil, definitely afraid. He swallows again and Nan Gil leaves. As Nan Gil goes, he laughs bitterly at how weak he is.

Nan Gil stands by Na Ri and gently says that they should go. He takes her hand and leads her out. As they’re now walking, his anger starts to come out. Still being nice he asks if she’s fearless or just stupid? Where does she think this is that she would come here? Na Ri snaps that she’s never been called stupid and she scares easily. So explain everything to her. Nan Gil looks down at her hand, which in clenching his with all her might and she's shaking.

He asks her what's wrong with her clothes? They kind of smell. She tells him not to change the subject. It won't work. He sighs and asks if they are in a relationship where they can talk informally right now? She snaps back that she spoke informally with her father, you know! He kind of rolls his eyes.

Outside the building, Nan Gil starts to have another episode. Everything’s distorted, he’s pale and sweaty. Trying to breathe steadily, he tells Na Ri to not think of coming there ever again. All she has to do is ignore them. He announces that he’s leaving. She calls after him that she asked him to explain what this situation is right now! He pauses and says that there’s nothing to explain. Na Ri counters that there’s over 1 billion won worth of debt. Dang! They said that she's responsible for it.

Nan Gil looks at her and asks why it’s her responsibility. Man, he’s starting to look bad. Na Ri answers that it’s the debt that her dad had. He yells at her that he’s her father! Right now, he’s her father. So there's nothing that those bastards can do. He swallows, blinks and starts to try to walk away. His vision is even worse. His fists are clenched as he tries to stay upright.

Na Ri runs up to him and asks if it was because of this? Is this why he became her father? He knew about this? Nan Gil has started blinking rapidly. Did Oma know about it too? Answer me, Go Nan Gil! He turns to look at her and he looks like he can barely stand on his feet. Sound is distorted as she asks what’s wrong with him. Is he sick? She notices the sweat.

Ran Sook appears and yells at the con man to stay right there! She charges forward and Nan Gil falls to the ground. Na Ri drops to the ground and asks what’s wrong. He’s unresponsive. She begs him to get a hold of himself. Snap out of it, Go Nan Gil! No response. Their happy theme starts to play as the episode ends.


What the heck is wrong with him? I’m really starting to wonder if it’s some sort of panic attacks or something. Both times it’s happened, it’s been when he’s been dealing with Na Ri’s ‘creditors,’ where he’s saving Na Ri from some debt that someone else created. And, he’s in the city, rather than at home. I wonder if that has something to do with it. Does the Director have something to do with it? His face before entering the building definitely was afraid.

And speaking of afraid, wow was Nan Gil scary when he was threatening Bossman. I wonder what happened ‘that day’ because Bossman looked like he was going to wet himself. Again, it points to Nan Gil being one not to be trifled with (aka a badass, please pardon my ‘French’ but I couldn’t’ find another word that means what badass means: Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable: "a formidable opponent"). What is his backstory?! Considering how sensitive and gentle he can be, I am dying to know how he went from stone-cold to who he is now.

I really liked how his only concern was taking care of Na Ri. He didn’t care if she was upset with him or if anything happened to himself, he was just worried about keeping her safe. Since I rewatched this episode, his behavior after he got the call, I definitely think that he knew he might have an episode if he went to rescue her, but he went anyway.

What I’m wondering, with this ‘claim’ that they have – her dad “has gone missing.” That doesn’t mean he’s dead. So how would she be responsible for his debts? I was looking to see what Korean law has to say and it looks like inheritors have 3 months after death to reject the claim of inheritance, and if they do, they forfeit any responsibility over any debt. If they don’t reject it, they’ll be responsible. If dad’s not dead, then she's not responsible. Plus, it’s pretty shady – dad borrowed against Oma’s land. How was he able to use Oma’s land as collateral? Were they even married when that happened? This has got to be the reason why Oma and Nan Gil got married – because Director was starting to put the squeeze on Oma.

Wow, Nan Gil’s connection with this family gets stronger and stronger. Plus, it looks like Oma’s known Nan Gil since he was a kid, what with that handkerchief she embroidered. I wonder what 1-3 means? And is that what Nan Gil was looking for? Why wouldn’t he have kept it in the safe if it was that important? Why is he not just being upfront with Na Ri? Why the mystery?

And what is his connection to Soon Rye? She definitely knows more than she’s saying, and her reaction when Duk Bong asked about Hope Orphanage looked like something tragic happened there. How did Nan Gil end up getting adopted by Director? Or was Father a name that he called Director before he became disillusioned over what a scumbag the guy is. Of course, I’m assuming he's a scumbag, but with his bruisers and watching people through CCTV, he's not convincing me he’s anything else. I wonder if that’s who Nan Gil was on the phone with the night of the tattoo reveal.

One thing I realized this episode – Soon Rye has the same family name as Duk Bong, Kwon. Even though the number of people with the same family name in Korea is quite typical (in the 2,000 census, over 650,000 had the last name Kwon). The most common last names are Kim (8.9M), Lee (6.8M) Park (3.9M) and Kang (1.2M). There are over 435K people with the family name Go and 518K people with the family name Hong. But it’s a seems a little unusual for a k-drama.

It is very interesting to watch how Nan Gil carries himself at different times. His reaction to what he might have done while drunk - it's a really interesting contrast to how he usually carries himself. Normally, he acts very controlled and mature, but when he was pulling on his lip, it reminded me of a kid. Prior to this, occasionally, I've noticed that dynamic with Na Ri, where he interacts with her like he's a kid, but it's not often. It just makes me wonder what his emotional attachment to Na Ri is, like there's more to the story than we've even seen yet.

I wonder what was on that flash drive?

My thoughts so far have mostly talked about Nan Gil, and I guess that’s because he’s the bigger mystery. Na Ri, she’s someone that I’d be friends with. I love how she doesn’t typically let her emotions over cloud her judgment, how she remains dignified in the face of the truly humiliating, how she doesn’t seem to fall for charm (Duk Bong and his imagined lady-killer-ness). I also really love watching how she is now relying emotionally on Nan Gil, that despite her intellect’s niggling doubts, she doesn’t really have any doubts anymore about his intentions. When she was sitting in the Director’s office, she was ready to let Nan Gil take care of it and to trust him when he told her how to handle things. Stuff with her own father threw her – and I think it’s interesting that they both have absentee father issues.

I do wonder what their connection is from when they were younger. Thinking back to some of the things he’s done – the snake part and his comment during Oma’s memorial like he was remembering what she was like when she was younger – and other things – Uncle’s question about Na Ri remembering him, the childhood books with both of their names on it – all points to them knowing each other before. Plus, he’s awfully comfortable around her. Thinking of him practicing how to tell her about being her father, it was like he knew her well and was trying to find the right way to say it. I originally thought it was from stories from Oma, but now I’m thinking that it’s because he knew Na Ri back in the day.

One of my favorite parts of this episode is his grin in the beginning and his affectionate calling her “Na Ri-da.” So sweet. Plus he shoved her out of on-coming traffic and managed to get bumped himself. So I wonder if the whole story is finally going to come out, why he married Oma. So we can get on with some Na Ri-Nan Gil romance.

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