Seok Hoon wakes after his car accident in the hospital, with Mi Yeon holding his hand. It’s not what he’s expecting. They look at each other. Mi Yeon’s expression almost seems to be begging him to understand her genuine feelings of love toward him.
Ji Sook rides in the ambulance with Mom, still crying. She caresses Mom’s face and begs her to be alive, eat lots of good food, travel more often, and move to a bigger house. Min Woo watches her from the passenger seat of the ambulance.
And then Ji Hyuk runs out in front of the ambulance, so it hits him. How does he run out in front of an ambulance? How does he not see it? It’s not like it was hidden and appeared at the last second.
Back at the hospital, Seok Hoon wants to know the time and starts to try to pull out his IV so he can get out of bed. Mi Yeon stops him.
The ambulance driver rushes out to check on the man he just hit. He wants to take Ji Hyuk to the hospital with them, but says that he really didn't get hit. He just fell because he was startled, so they can go. And he's limping, so it’s obvious that he’s lying. Driver tries to insist but Ji Hyuk refuses: He’s busy. Is Driver busy, too?
From inside the ambulance, Ji Sook is shocked to see that her brother just got hit by their ambulance. He looks toward the ambulance and she dives out of sight, but not before he gets curious. He looks inside the ambulance at the woman, but the EMT leans over Mom so he misses that she’s in the ambulance. As Ji Hyuk is about to open the door to investigate this woman who seems to be hiding her face from him, the Driver asks if he’s decided to come. Dad runs over because he’s gotten a call that they’ve found Mom. The hospital just contacted him. Dad and Ji Hyuk hurry away and Ji Sook stifles more tears.
As the ambulance gets underway again, Min Woo yells at her, asking if she’s okay. She sadly shakes her head ‘no.’ He’s bothered.
At the hospital, Mi Yeon is blocking Seok Hoon from getting his clothes so that he can leave the hospital. He asks how long she’s planning on doing it. She says that she’s not going to budge until he explains why Eun Ha slapped him and stormed out. So, it’s not even, ‘I want you to be safe and well,’ it’s ‘explain why Eun Ha made a scene and how this doesn’t prove that she’s your mistress.’ Impatient, Seok Hoon says that he already explained. There was a misunderstanding, and after chasing after her in a rush there was an accident. The best lies are always laced with truth. The more honest something is, the less you have to remember.
Mi Yeon wants him to tell her everything piece by piece so she can understand. Seok Hoon protests that it is almost time for the luncheon and the mayor is waiting. She rolls her eyes, steps aside and glares at him. Seok Hoon sighs and rubs his face. He walks away from her and says that he’ll tell her. He sits on the bed. The truth is, he lied to Eun Ha. She said the nanny who used to take care of her is missing. He had said that he had found her and that she'd see Nanny after the luncheon. That was a lie. And we all know how the rich use nannies to raise their children, and how the nannies can be more affectionate than the parents. I wonder if Mi Yeon had one of those, which is why Seok Hoon thinks this lie will work.
Mi Yeon asks why he did it – almost like it’s still all about proving that Eun Ha is Seok Hoon’s lover. He says that he didn't want it to interfere with the investment agreements. Mi Yeon points out that the investment agreements passing would benefit *Min Woo* and Seok Hoon acts shocked/hurt: How could she say that? They are all a family. Mi Yeon laughs because she doesn’t believe him either. Mi Yeon asks if he’s telling the truth or just a lie? Seok Hoon sighs like he’s hurt that she doesn’t trust him. She walks over to the door and opens it. She says that he can go now.
In the ER, Ji Sook holds unconscious Mom’s hand. Min Woo looks at Mom and Ji Sook. It’s obvious he’s wondering what her relationship to this woman is. He mentions that the luncheon will start soon. Subdued, Ji Sook says that she’ll go and it’s obvious that she has to force herself to let go of Mom’s hand. He asks who the woman is. Ji Sook doesn’t answer. A nurse comes and asks about Ji Sook signing as Mom’s guardian and paying the bill. Without a word, Ji Sook signs using Eun Ha’s name.
Seok Hoon asks Mi Yeon if she’s serious about letting him leave. She takes his clothes off the coat rack and throws them on the bed beside him. She tells him to go to the luncheon and finish the contract with the mayor. Quietly, he tells her to stop it. Almost sarcastic, she asks what they should stop. He says that the two of them aren’t compatible. A chaebol’s daughter with a farmer's son. So he’s the son of a farmer… Isn't it funny?
Mi Yeon says his name with a warning in it. He says that no matter how much passion he puts into the company, the way the chairman and his wife look at him was always the same: Don't covet my company! Her expression softens – because she knows it’s true. And that has got to hurt, since she does love him on some level and knowing that it hurts him has got to hurt her. But Dad is a piece of crap, so they shouldn’t care what he thinks.
Seok Hoon says that he knows that she’s been suspecting an affair between Eun Ha and himself. He was going to let it go until the misunderstanding is resolved. His voice sounds like he’s hurt by it. Working his best puppy-dog eyes, Seok Hoon stands to look at her and asks how she could doubt him like that? His voice is perfect in how pained it is. Tears have started to form in Mi Yeon’s eyes. Controlled, but still sounding afraid, she asks if he’s saying he wants a divorce. He replies that he already told her. Hurt, she asks how he can do that to her. He replies that she started it. Wow, he is really good at manipulating people.
Like he’s the injured party, Seok Hoon says that he came empty handed, so he’ll leave empty handed. He tells her to take care. He starts to walk away – leaving his clothes on the bed – but Mi Yeon grabs his wrist to stop him. A little smile parts Seok Hoon’s lips as he knows that he’s got her. As he turns around to look at her, Mi Yeon’s face looks genuinely pained.
Min Woo and Ji Sook are leaving the hospital. She asks him to keep things to himself about the police involvement and to say that it was a hiker that found Mom. She’ll explain everything later. Now, all business again, Min Woo says that she doesn't need to explain. They already agreed that they wouldn't worry about each others' business. He reminds her not to forget the promise she made that she would do anything he tells her to.
They run into Seok Hoon and Mi Yeon as they’re leaving the exact same hospital. Which, in this context, could make perfect sense, since it was probably the hospital closest to both his car accident and where they found Mom. But it is one of those k-drama coincidences… Min Woo asks what they’re doing there. Mi Yeon asks the question back. Ji Sook won’t make eye contact. Playing up the concerned brother-in-law, he asks if Ji Sook found ‘her.’ The missing nanny, did they find her? Both Mi Yeon and Min Woo look at Ji Sook for her answers. She takes the explanation and says that they did find her.
Seok Hoon acts completely relieved and happy. It’s such a relief! She was like a mother to Eun Ha. Nanny took care of Eun Ha since she was little, like Eun Ha was her own child. Eun Ha must have been very worried. Min Woo’s face says that he’s not sure if he buys it. Min Woo asks Seok Hoon what's wrong with his face? And I have to laugh at that phrasing. A lot. Mi Yeon answers that Seok Hoon got into an accident after rushing to chase after Eun Ha. Seok Hoon said something worse could have happened. Ji Sook says that it’s a relief, that nothing worse happened.
Min Woo looks at his watch and suggests they talk later. They’re already late for the luncheon. Still looking at Ji Sook, Seok Hoon agrees that if a problem arises with the investment agreements, Min Woo could face a big problem, too. Ji Sook replies that Seok Hoon doesn’t have to worry. She will somehow do her best. Min Woo files that exchange away for later.
Back at the house, as the luncheon is being cleared away, Chul’s feeling bad about the eel. Yun Soo feeds him multiple pieces and says suggestive things – since eel is supposed to an aphrodisiac. Min Woo and Ji Sook arrive. Min Woo sighs, annoyed, and Ji Sook asks what happened. Chul reports that the mayor and his wife left a while ago. Ji Sook feels bad.
King Dad is eating. Min Woo declares that no matter what, he’ll press for the investment. Ji Sook apologizes and says that it was because of her. Min Woo immediately counters that it was his error. If Dad is disappointed, he’ll make it up to Dad. Dad declares that he’s not disappointed, so there's no need to be concerned. And because he’s a bush-league wanker, he adds that you're only disappointed when you have expectations. He declares that the position of director of the planning department will be vacant at headquarters soon, since its current holder was promoted to vice chairman of the group. He plans to appoint Seok Hoon for that position at the anniversary party.
Min Woo says, “Abeoji” in protest. And I agree. It’s way too harsh. But that’s why Dad is a bush-league wanker. Dad says that if you're not working but still want to eat, you need someone who will work hard for you. Plus, Seok Hoon is very skilled and capable. Implying that Min Woo is not. Dad’s voice is rebuking. Min Woo sadly looks at his father and Ji Sook feels bad since it’s her fault.
Seok Hoon and Mi Yeon are walking with Stepmom. I never realized how short she is. Stepmom says that the old market merchants are picketing at city hall against the shopping mall construction. The mayor and his wife left right after he heard the news. Seok Hoon says that The mayor will have a hard time convincing the investors if the discussion forums become negative. Stepmom adds – like she’s telling him to sabotage things – that the deal could be cancelled if that happens. She adds that Dad has high expectations for Min Woo. Which, based on what Seok Hoon said earlier, has got to dig. Seok Hoon smirks ever so slightly at the thought of Min Woo failing.
Doctor examines a non-conscious Mom. Ji Hyuk gently but firmly tells her to tell them where she’s going from now on. Otherwise, Dad and he will worry. Mom says that she saw Ji Sook. Ji Sook came to her and told her just to live. Then she said they would eat good food and move houses. Dad and Ji Hyuk are both worried at this pronouncement.
Away from her bed, they get Mom’s prognosis from the doctor: She has high blood pressure and arrhythmia. If she fell in the mountains, we can also suspect concussion. Saying that she saw her dead daughter might be because of some brain damage. Doctor wants to hold her and do some tests. Dad worries about the cost. Ji Hyuk immediately tells the doctor not to worry about the money. He asks about the hikers who found Mom. He wants contact information ‘to thank them.’ Nurse says that they didn't leave any contact information. They just left the payment for the emergency room visit and left. She said she didn't want the reward and he said that he'd be out of the country for a while.
Seok Hoon is plotting on how to rile the merchants up even more. He’s behind the recent protests, since he had information about the project leaked to the merchants. Seok Hoon knows that Dad will appoint Min Woo as the new director at the anniversary party, because the Chairman will give everything to his son eventually. The contract with the mayor will give him the excuse. Min Woo’s going to do anything to get it. Min Woo thinks that money can move anything. And I don’t think that’s true. Dad, yes. Min Woo, no. But that goes back to Seok Hoon’s weird vendetta with Min Woo.
Seok Hoon says that they should use that mindset against Min Woo. He tells his lackey – who I recognize as the BIL from ‘Master’s Sun’ – to entice the mayor to do illegal lobbying, and let the reporters and the prosecutors gather to see that moment when Min Woo is caught. The guests will hold up their glasses at the ceremony, but Min Woo’s hands will be cuffed. Uh-oh.
Switch to the very organized merchants protesting at City Hall. And it’s mainly elderly people, too. Protest leader declares that street vendors are dying because of the big businesses. Crowd chants: All dying! All dying! Min Woo approaches the leader and says that SJ Shopping Mall will be offering free classes on marketing, item display and sanitary maintenance. They will provide a lot for free parking. Leader waves an envelope at Min Woo. They already know SJ’s plan! If Min Woo’s company buys the land from the city, the merchants occupying that land will be all kicked out! Min Woo looks over the papers in the envelope.
Ji Sook suggests to Min Woo that they leave. Min Woo’s not going to give up. He says that this was one of the subjects they had discussed but after negotiating with the merchants… Before he can finish, one of the offended protesters hurls an egg at Min Woo. Hysterical freeze-frame of Min Woo’s face as the egg flies toward it. Prince Shin got egged by a protester, too.

Next thing we see is Chang Soo driving the car… with egg on his face. Literally. Aw, he couldn’t even pause to wipe off the egg? He remarks that someone leaked their minutes to the merchants. Min Woo sighs and rubs his face, frustrated. Ji Sook asks if they really have to do the construction. Min Woo’s surprised by that. She says that SJ Group is rich and have lots of money, too. If the new shopping mall is build then all the old market merchants will go out of business. It is their lifeline. They may not be able to earn enough money to survive.
Min Woo responds that when you save the sheep because they are pitiful, they will end up getting eaten by a wolf just the same at some point. The sheep have to get stronger in order to survive. Does Eun Ha think that their company is the only company wanting to build a shopping mall there? A big company can be eaten by another big company. Ji Sook tells him that he can’t just pretend like he doesn't know.
Min Woo asks if she’s being serious right now and means what she said. She says that she is. Then, her tears for her nanny were real, too? Ji Sook doesn’t answer. Min Woo says that the Seo Eun Ha that he knows came this far by looking at money, not people. But... she wants him to believe her when she says to look at people above money? Ji Sook still doesn’t say anything or look at him. Min Woo reminds her what he said. Don't act like she’s nice. It’s repulsive. She has to look him at that. And wonder what kind of person Eun Ha was.
Mi Yeon is meeting with Stepmom and the Lackey that Seok Hoon was talking to earlier. He’s brought pictures of the ‘nanny.’ Mi Yeon doesn’t believe it. Stepmom asks what Mi Yeon would say if she said that it wasn't a mother-like figure, but Eun Ha’s real mother? Wouldn't that be more fun? Boy, she’s smug and conniving. They thought Eun Ha was from a prestigious family but she was a daughter of a mistress. Rumors like this will embarrass the assemblyman. Mi Yeon says that if rumors like that spread before the election, Eun Ha will be in a difficult spot. She’s already looking forward to seeing the look on Eun Ha’s face. Stepmom says that they never know. She might be Eun Ha’s real mom. Lackey declares that he will begin a DNA test and will investigate into the other family members as well.
Ji Hyuk is out collecting money again. This time he’s talking to a woman holding a barking German Shepherd. He says that he’s there to collect the money that she borrowed 17 years ago. There is a lot of interest now. She laughs and asks if he thinks she’s going to give him that money now? Well, from the size of the house behind you and the gold you’re casually wearing around your neck, you can afford to repay the money. Ji Hyuk replies that that’s why he’s there. Just give him the money and give the dog some dog food. He mutter that the dog looks like he can eat a lot just like his owner. Woman asks if he wants to become dog food?! Ji Hyuk tells her to go ahead and try it. They’ll see who loses more. He’s fearless. Stare down and woman releases the dog.
Ji Hyuk gets the money, although he’s now limping. He lies to Dad and says that he took an advance. The owner told him that he can pay it back slowly. He’s also brought mom's birthday present.
Back at Casa Choi, Seok Hoon is meeting with Ji Sook. He says that Mom passed out due to lack of nutrients and exhaustion but is currently recovered enough to talk with her family. She can check it yourself at the hospital. She looks at him, angry, and asks if almost getting run over by Minion was his doing. Coldly, he says that it was. He said he could kill her. To emphasize this, he shoves her back so that she’s leaning over the railing. He stands over her. Ji Sook asks how can a person do such a thing? Her voice sounds afraid.
Seok Hoon sarcastically replies that it’s because he is a person. She even said so, that she could kill him. She was right. She's not any different from him. Ultimately they both are heading for the same place. Where? Hell? He tells her not to provoke him into making the wrong choice. With one last shove for emphasis, Seok Hoon walks away.
Now in the bedroom, Ji Sook sits on the couch with her face in her hands. Min Woo asks if she’s not sleeping. He’s sitting on his desk which is in front of the bed and faces out into the room. Sounding weary, she says that she’ll sleep when she gets sleepy. And they are wearing the same cream color. He asks if it’s because of her nanny? She doesn’t answer. Because she doesn’t want to call Mom her nanny. He tells her that if she’s worried, she can go to the hospital tomorrow. He’ll tell the secretary. She tells him that he doesn't need to do that and not to worry about it. He tsks at her and tells her that she shouldn't make him worry, then. He goes back to his paperwork.
Ji Sook doesn’t say anything. After a moment, Min Woo says that she has a person to pray for, to get hurt because of, and to cry for them, he’s jealous. And that makes me extremely sad. Why are you making my eyes water? He notices that she’s looking at him, that he must have said this out loud, and puts his business mask back on. He blinks several times because he’d started to tear up. He says that what he was saying was… and why he said that… At night, his emotions always run a little high. That's why he talks nonsense, things he doesn't really mean. By mistake, without his being aware, he says such things.
Min Woo pointedly picks up the large pile of binders that he was working on and starts to walk away. She asks where he’s going. He says that he can't concentrate because of her. Does she have any idea how much these projects are worth? He leaves and she doesn’t know what to think.
Min Woo goes into the dining room to work, but he can’t concentrate there either. He thinks about his mother, sick in the hospital. She taught him to waltz by having him stand on her feet. She tells him to close his eyes and move his body with hers. It’s a good memory, a happy memory. Reliving the memory, Min Woo starts swaying with a coat rack. He gets caught by Chul and Yun Soo. He sighs as he pretends to examine the coat rack and walks away like nothing just happened.
Mom is still convinced that she saw Ji Sook – which we know is true and that she did, but it does sound crazy, like she hallucinated, given what Dad and Ji Hyuk know. Mom says that Ji Sook had a new look about her, like she was a daughter-in-law from a rich family. Dad tries to say that it was Ji Sook talking to Mom from heaven, but Mom won’t believe it. Ji Hyuk gets angry and asks how long she’s going to be like this? Noona died. They sent her off with their own hands. He can’t listen anymore and leaves.
As he walks away from the room, Myung Hwa emerges from an elevator. She calls him ‘Oppa.’ Hmm… Crush on best friend’s brother? He tells her that she can go in and stalks off. She follows him. He heads over to find out who paid for Mom’s medical bills. Nurse hands over the page with Ji Sook’s ‘Eun Ha’ signature on it and says that this is all she can confirm. Myung Hwa has a hard time deciphering the signature, but Ji Hyuk gets it on the first try: Seo Eun Ha. Myung Hwa gets freaked out – with goosebumps and everything – because the daughter-in-law of SJ Group's CEO is named Seo Eun Ha and she looks exactly like Unni Ji Sook.
Myung Hwa says that she hesitated telling Ji Hyuk, since it hadn’t been that long since Ji Sook passed. Ji Hyuk wonders how Eun Ha could know his mother? Myung Hwa wonders if perhaps there is a secret in her birth? Twins who were separated when they were young, couldn't forget their parents so they came to find them. Tada! It comes out a lot in dramas.
This gets Ji Hyuk thinking. He hurries home to find Ji Sook’s diary and compares the handwriting. He remembers seeing that woman with the guy and then again in the ambulance. What does it mean?
Min Woo is dressing to go meet with the merchants. They must have a condition they really want. Ji Sook asks if he’s ever bought anything at a traditional market? Does he know what they sell, how they think, or how they live? Has he ever even had that experience? He turns to look at her and she suggests that they go together.
They head to the market, Ji Sook wearing an huge-brimmed visor. Min Woo is noticeably struggling with being there: the germs, the clothes. He complains about what he’s wearing and she asks if he thinks they'll sell anything to him if they recognize him? As he puts his hand over his mouth to block the germs, she asks if he’s really not going to wear a visor? It even gives sun protection. He says that he put on sunscreen. And off they go.
As they walk down the street, Min Woo has to work really hard not to bump into anyone. He’s horrified when Ji Sook touches a fish and asks how fresh it is. She buys some rice crackers and offers him one, but he isn’t expecting it and jumps when it touches his face. As Ji Sook shops, he notices how genuine and warm she is with everyone. After a purchase, he looks at her and says that he didn't know she could smile. He’s never seen this side of her at home. Way to kill the moment, Min Woo.
They go to a restaurant to eat. Min Woo’s OCD comes out as he inspects the silverware. She asks how it is coming there personally? He replies that they have no understanding of their customers. No organization in their displays. And rude behaviors. He cleans his utensils in the hot water they’ve provided for tea. At this rate, they cannot survive. The merchants must realize that. Ji Sook is smiling less now.
Min Woo takes a bite, grimaces and sighs. She asks what the problem is this time. He says that it’s because it's hot. Ji Sook points out a girl and says that if this place disappears, that student won't be able to work and help out here. She'll ultimately go to the factory instead of college. He asks what she’s trying to say. He’s letting the merchants move in legally and through the proper process. If some want to remain there then they can remain and continue their businesses, or, they can take the compensation and leave. She questions whether it’s even a choice and then says, “okay,” like she’s done trying to convince him.
Min Woo sighs and asks how many times she’s been to places like this? Isn't it only when she followed her father there for his campaign? She can cosplay in front of others, but she doesn't need to be like that in front of him. As business partners. She doesn’t say anything.
The protest leader and some of the protesters – including the guy who threw the egg – enter the restaurant and recognize Min Woo. This gets the entire restaurant’s attention. Min Woo tries to hide his face. Ji Sook quietly puts down money to cover the food and whispers to Min Woo that they should run. When he doesn’t follow, she repeats that they should run for it and grabs his hand. He’s surprised by the skinship, but she pulls him up and they run.
As they do – still holding hands and Min Woo still with a mouthful of food – they get pelted with vegetables, rice and other food. Minion has seen them and makes a phone call, telling someone – probably Seok Hoon – that they will begin.
Min Woo and Ji Sook are able to evade the people chasing them. Then they realize that they’re still holding hands. Min Woo lets go first. She helps clean him off. He tells her that he now understands how country folk live. There’s some whistle sounds and what Minion was talking about becomes clear: a bunch of men carrying clubs walk through the market with intent.
Seok Hoon tells the Mayor that all tragedies start with a misunderstanding. If his relative's corruption spreads to the media and the investigation starts, people will think he’s involved in the corruption as well. Whether it’s true or not, Mayor’s political career would become more difficult. Angry, Mayor asks what Seok Hoon wants. Seok Hoon replies that Mayor already knows: no tragedy.
Min Woo and Ji Sook follow the ruckus and it’s a melee between the market owners and the men in black. Businesses are being destroyed. Minion is taking pictures. Min Woo gets on the phone and demands to know what happened! Who instructed them to do this! Ji Sook is stunned and wanders into the middle of the melee. Min Woo yells her name, but she doesn’t hear him. Ji Sook arrives at the restaurant they were just at and the ajumma owner and college student are cowering in fear as someone destroys ajumma’s restaurant. Ji Sook can’t hold back the tears. She thinks of the times when loan sharks destroyed her family’s restaurant.
Min Woo grabs her arm and says that they should leave there. She doesn’t want to just leave. He tells her that she can't stop this! She declares that she will stop this, so he can leave by himself. She enters the restaurant. One of the men is about to hit ajumma with a club, but Ji Sook blocks him, ordering him to stop. He glares at her and tells her to step aside if she doesn't want to die. Ji Sook declares that this place is where Thug is making a day's wage, but to them, it is the place where they dream. Get out right now!
Thug swings the club to hit her instead and his arm is stopped by Min Woo. Thug can’t believe how strong Min Woo is. Another Thug smashes his club across Min Woo’s back and Min Woo doesn’t even flinch. He glares at them and squeezes the wrist of Thug 1 until he drops his club. He pulls out a handkerchief to wipe off his hands – those germs, of course! – and announces that he is in charge of the shopping mall construction. Who ordered the eviction?
Chang Soo arrives, worried, and calls Min Woo “Director Choi.” Thugs immediately clear out. He turns to Ajumma, who is being cuddled by the Girl, and tells her that he will compensate for all of this. He looks at Ji Sook and the pain is starting to show. Without a word, he leaves. Chang Soo follows.
As they ride in the car, Ji Sook asks how the spot is where he got hit. He doesn’t answer but instead asks what the real reason was that she asked him to come there. So he’d give up after seeing how those people live? What will she gain by doing this? Did she perhaps made a deal with the people wishing that he'd fail? Unoffended, she asks if he really thinks that? That she’s made a deal with others? He looks away from her. She tells him that he doesn’t think that. He worries about those people too.
Min Woo looks at her and tells her to get a hold of herself. The world does not revolve on pity. She asks what it revolves on, then? Money? A pause as he doesn’t answer. She continues that she’s not asking him to take pity on them, but rather relate to them. If they’re going to coexist, shouldn't they try to understand ach other? She tells him that he’s thinking that way too. Is she wrong?
As an answer, he orders Chang Soo to stop the car. He tells her to get out. When she’s surprised, he asks if their relationship isn’t based on using each other. There is no need to be together when he don't have any use for her. So get out. She complies and the car drives away. And way to kill any affection that she might be developing.
Dad is reviewing the pictures Minion took. Stepmom says – like she’s on Min Woo’s side – that he meant well, so Dad shouldn't get too upset. She told them to take the articles down. Dad almost hurls his tablet but stops himself. He mutters that Min Woo is a halfwit and walks off while Stepmom smirks as she drinks her tea. Wow, no wonder Min Woo doesn’t trust her or his half-sister.
Lackey – who really seems to get around. First Seok Hoon… then Stepmom and Mi Yeon… and now Min Woo – says that the mayor will attend the anniversary ceremony and he’ll prepare a private meeting with him. Ah, this is where he’s setting Min Woo to get caught bribing the Mayor. Lackey says that this may be his last chance to work with the mayor. Min Woo looks at his left hand – the hand on the side that got hit with the club – and says nothing. Lackey says that the cash will be ready in an apple box.
Min Woo is unresponsive. Lackey asks if he’s listening and stresses that Min Woo needs to do this or he won’t recover. He knows how important this contract is, right? Calmly, Min Woo asks who Lackey is in bed with? Lackey acts surprised. Min Woo looks at him and says that he came this far with Seok Hoon, right? Lackey looks away – admitting it. Min Woo says that he knows very well how important this contract is, so Lackey shouldn't worry about. If he has to, he’ll ask Seok Hoon for help.
In his office, Seok Hoon tells Caller to send word to the prosecutor’s office and reporters that Min Woo and the Mayor are meeting. He must capture the moment of the delivery of the box of cash. Then, they can add embezzlement, too. In the jungle, the predator is the best. They are getting more prey.
Ji Sook drops by the hospital to check on Mom. Tender moment between Mom and Dad, with him asking Mom to let go of Ji Sook’s hand and hold onto his instead. Ji Sook starts to cry.
Ji Hyuk approaches Casa Choi. He gets stopped by a guard. Even though he says he just needs to check something, guard isn’t going to let him in. Mi Yeon drives by but isn’t so intrigued that she pays much attention.
In their room, Seok Hoon is finalizing his plans for Min Woo’s take down. The Mayor has agreed. His head looks really huge right now. I almost didn’t recognize him. Mi Yeon enters. Seok Hoon says that he wants to share a bottle of wine with her. She sits and says that he only drinks when he has a good incident or bad incident. Not a bad incident, she suspects. She knows her husband. He says that he sometimes just wants to drink for no particular reason. He’s human, too. She shrugs and says that she’ll believe him, then. Since he can't lie.
Min Woo is at his desk working. Ji Sook is lying on the couch. He's distracted by their time in the market and her smile. How she cried over the destruction. She’s thinking about how he protected her. This makes her think about his shoulder. When he reaches for something, she sees blood on his shirt. She jumps up and hurries over to him. She asks if he was injured earlier? Why didn't he go to the hospital?! Irritated, he gets up and takes off his shirt. Concerned, she reaches for his shoulder, saying that he’s sensitive when it comes to blood. He snaps at her not to touch him! He glares at her and his shoulder and goes to get another shirt.
As he puts on a new shirt, she apologizes. He asks what for. She says that it’s just for everything. Because of her, he bled like that. And she’s not a help to what he’s working on. Without looking at her, he asks if she’s pretending to be kind again? She answers that maybe an evil person will become nicer is they continually pretend to be nice. He looks at her and sighs.
She tells him to do the project the way he wishes to. He says that he will. She clarifies that she means that he should do what he really wants to do. Starting to get annoyed he says that he’s got it. She replies that he doesn’t know yet… What his heart really wants. He should do that. He sighs again – and looks sad – and walks over her. A sharp tone to his voice, he asks what she’s trying to do? She replies that she’s saying to do what his heart really feels, because it will be the right thing. He yells at her, repeating that he said ‘what are you doing’?! She flinches slightly and doesn’t say anything. He sighs and says that he will succeed in this shopping mall construction and he will show everyone, that he, Choi Min Woo, are worthy of this position. That is what he really wants.
Mi Yeon and Seok Hoon are in bed. She tenderly looks at him but then rolls over. He rolls over and puts his arm around her. She moves it off of her. He looks away and sighs.
Min Woo is falling asleep at his desk. He notices some medicine and a note that she’s left him for his arm. He starts to throw it away but stops. He goes over to where she’s sleeping on the couch. He covers her with a blanket and looks at her for a moment. Then he reaches over to pick her up. Her arm drapes over his neck and he pauses for a moment – either to make sure that she doesn’t wake up or because it’s unsettling, I’m not sure – and then lifts her up and carries her to the bed. As she rolls over and snuggles in, he looks at her.
He gets a flash of her, looking at him after his accident, and tucking him in at the hospital. He doesn’t know what that is. What is he thinking?
Min Woo starts to prepare the apple box of cash. He looks at one of the apples he’s dumped out for a moment and then takes a bite.
Anniversary party. Stepmom looks beautiful in her fuchsia gown. Ji Sook is wearing white. She looks like she feels awkward. When Min Woo sees her coming toward him, he can only stare. When she reaches him, she asks what’s wrong. Does she have a thread hanging? He shakes himself out of it and tells her that if she know, she should cut it off. She apologizes for sleeping on the bed the night before. In her fatigue, she must have slept there. He tells her not to make that same mistake again. Butthead.
Mi Yeon and Seok Hoon approach. Mi Yeon goes mean girl and tells Eun Ha that she really tried hard. Does she have someone she needs to impress? It's not Min Woo. Min Woo sighs and tells his noon that she must have no one to impress, considering what she’s wearing. Ouch! Dang! Good slam. Noona glares at him because she can’t believe he just said that.
Chang Soo approaches and tells Min Woo that the Mayor has arrived. He leaves to go meet with the Mayor. Seok Hoon smiles as his trap is closing in. He tells Eun Ha that she looks beautiful today. He hopes she can continue to look elegant. He and Mi Yeon walk away.
Outside the hotel, Ji Hyuk has arrived. He has information on the party. Police arrive. They barge in with warrants. Ji Hyuk slips in with them. Inside, the ceremony begins. Dad is going to give a speech. Ji Sook notes that Min Woo hasn’t come back.
In the basement, Min Woo and Mayor are making their exchange. The police arrive. Min Woo looks strangely calm.
As Dad prattles on, Seok Hoon can help but snicker at what he imagines is happening at that moment. Ji Sook starts to get nervous. Dad says that he’s announcing that SJ Fashion and the city have made an investment agreement for the development of the nation's biggest multiplex shopping mall. Seok Hoon stops smiling. They introduce the new Chief Director, Choi Min Woo. Seok Hoon is definitely not smiling now. He wonders what happened. And so do I.
Scenes from the basement parking lot: Apple box full of apples. Mayor smiling. Reporters taking pictures. Man examining a document. Mayor says that the man will find a lot of things he’ll like even if he digs a little. Man asks what Mayor’s purpose is in revealing his own relative's corruption. Mayor replies that if poison is spreading to your body, then shouldn't you amputate a leg or an arm? Before it spreads to the heart. Aw, snap! That was awesome! No wonder Mayor signed. Min Woo gave him the opportunity to take care of two things in one day.
Min Woo says that if different species share the same space, there will be fierce competition. If you win, you'll live. If you lose, then you'll die. That is the principle of competition. He was thinking while he had soup and rice in the old market. If this restaurant moves into the SJ Shopping Mall, their revenues will multiply. If the traditional shops would come into our shopping mall, carrying local produce and seasonal greens sold in the traditional market, we could attract many new customers. I am giggling stupidly right now, I am so happy.
So, he made a decision! In order to survive in the competition with other large shopping malls, he must work with the old market merchants, with the principle of competition. He met with the mayor outlining his business plan. Seok Hoon can barely contain himself. They will modernize the first floor for the old market and stock with the old market items with economic gains. Ji Sook smiles at Min Woo, proud. The shopping mall and the cooperation of the old market will create a synergistic effect. Then SJ Shopping Mall will develop into one of the world’s best shopping places. Everyone claps for him with Ji Sook giving him an extra special smile.
Mi Yeon leans over and asks Seok Hoon if this is why he wanted to drink wine with her? He doesn’t reply.
Stepmom gets a message. She leaves the auditorium. As she goes, she passes Ji Hyuk, who is intent on crashing the party… if he can get in.
Ji Sook tells Min Woo that he has a talent to surprise people. She thought he’d compensate all the merchants and kick them out. He said he thought about it. But, this is easier. She can’t help but smiles. He holds out his hand to ask her to dance. Skinship! He says that for their mutual benefit, they cooperate in public places and public events. Did she forgot about the contents of the contract? Yeah, I think you just want to hold her hand again.
Min Woo says that there are many prying eyes. To others, they have to look happy. Their stock will fall if pointless rumors spread. Sure. Sure. Ji Sook is hesitating. She says that no one is looking. She stops because Dad is pointedly looking. Dirty old man. He gives her a nod and she nods back. She reluctantly takes Min Woo’s hand and awkwardly walks out onto the dance floor.
As they start to dance, it’s obvious she has no idea what she's doing and feels incredibly awkward. I am laughing. I had to stop a moment. Frustrated, Min Woo dips her and then asks if she can’t waltz. She replies that he doesn't seem to waltz that well either. He hisses at her that it’s because her body is so tense! He exhales to calm himself and tells her to just follow his moves. Don't put her feet too close. He starts to count for her and they start to glide.
And it’s like the whole world fades away.
♫ Fly toward me as the wind blows ♫
♫ For just a single more day, just one ♫
♫ Live as we were at that time ♫
♫ Even if I try to bury my face, the tears will well up ♫
♫ I fear the time is running out ♫
♫ I'm afraid it really will be the end ♫
♫ We are walking and following the memory ♫
And the moment is broken by Ji Hyuk bursting in and crying “Noona!” Seok Hoon jumps up in alarm. Ji Hyuk says, “Noona” again.
Stepmom is getting the results of the DNA test from Lackey. We don’t see what they are.
Episode ends with Ji Sook looking pained as she stares at Ji Hyuk.
- piece of crap -- a loathesome person who isn't worth more than a piece of feces
- to work (something) -- (1) to utilize a tool; (2) to use something to it's full potential
- puppy-dog eyes -- the sad face that people can make, which resembles the face a dog makes when it begs; it's persuasive because of how pitiful it looks
- injured party -- in a law suit, the person or persons who have been wronged are called the injured party
- to have (someone) -- to gain the controlling advantage over someone
- to keep (something) to (oneself) -- to not reveal or discuss information
- to buy (something) -- to believe an explanation or story
- to file (something) away for later -- to hold onto a piece of information so as to reexamine or use it at a later time
- bush-league -- (1) second-rate; (2) mean, petty and unprofessional, coming from baseball slang for the small-town baseball clubs below the minor leagues where talent was developed. For more, check out the Online Etymology Dictionary; (3) underhanded, an action that benefits one person at the expense of another
- wanker -- a term to describe someone that one holds with contempt and revilement, seeing them as pathetic; to wank is a British term for masturbation, so the respect one might hold for someone who does nothing but that kind of thing all day long is implied when you call someone a wanker
- (something) has to dig -- to bother someone to the point of almost causing physical pain; in the context that this is used, it is not talking about literally digging into the ground, but that pain one can feel when humiliated and frustrated
- to give up -- to admit defeat, to quit
- to have egg on (someone's) face -- to be embarrassed by a serious mistake or gaffe; etymologist John Ciardi suggested that the term originated from the world of theatre, where an inferior actor would have been pelted with eggs and forced off the stage
- stare down -- when two opponents face each other and glare at each other before battle
- (something) to sound convincing -- an explanation of something is believable and persuasive; in the context that this is used, adding 'really' before convincing, implies that instead of being persuasive, it was not
- to have a crush on (someone) -- to have an infatuation with or a romantic interest in not based in mutal affection or any real, significant relationship; for more from the English Language and Usage Stage Exchange, click here.
- to head (somewhere) -- to travel in a certain direction
- to be freaked out -- to be disturbed by something to the point of being nervous, uneasy, and alarmed
- to struggle with (something) -- to try very hard to do something when it is difficult or when there are many problems
- way to (do something) -- sarcastic comment that falsely compliments someone's ability or completed action
- to kill the moment -- a moment is a brief portion of time; when you have a moment, it is a short period of time when something emotionally significant happens; to kill that moment means to bring that moment to an end
- to cosplay -- a mash-together of 'costume role-play'; participants wear costumes and act like a specific character; Wikipedia has a long article about cosplay
- to get ahold of (oneself) -- to regain composure
- to set (someone) up -- to manipulate a situation so that the victim bears the consequences
- to be in bed with (someone) -- to be secretly allied with and providing assistance to someone
- to take (someone) down -- to stop and defeat someone; to remove someone from a prominent position
- to get (something) -- to understand or comprehend the meaning of something
- butthead -- idiot
- mean girl -- a term made popular by the movie, 'Mean Girls,' it refers to a member of the clique of cruel, popular girls in high school that takes pleasure in making others feel as worthless and as unattractive as possible.
- to slam (someone) -- to insult someone
- to prattle on -- to talk for very long about something that is not important or interesting
- to dig into something -- when not in a literal sense, it means to search for information
- to crash a party -- to appear at a party univited
The scene between Seok Hoon and Mi Yeon in the hospital was very telling for me. It makes me think how absolutely tragic this path that Seok Hoon is on right now, because of this need for revenge (for something – maybe farmer-dad related?). Because right here he has the opportunity to have a real, deep, loving relationship with a woman who loves him but he can’t or won’t grab it because of this desire for revenge. I hope he gets some revelation before this is all over a la Joo Won’s character in ‘Baker King Kim Tak Goo’ and lets his quest for revenge go so he can be happy with his wife.
I wonder, though, if things would have gone differently if Dad had acknowledged or accepted him. And did he at any point have feelings for her, or has she always been a pawn for him? But why do either of them care what Dad thinks? They should thumb their noses at him and go off and be happy together. I mean, she loves him for all his warts, which I don’t think he gets yet.
What’s even sadder about them both is when he does reach over to bond with her, she moves his arm away. His face, that look, said that a part of him would like to have that connection with her that he had with Eun Ha, but they both get in their own way.
But a couple that isn’t getting in their own way is Ji Sook and Min Woo. There were definitely advances in them coming together.
- Her behavior toward the woman that Seok Hoon is claiming in her former nanny – this isn’t the actions of someone who uses people or views them as business transactions. Min Woo envies her, that she has someone that she cares about that much; he hasn’t had anyone like that since Oma. But the fact that she’s willing to love someone like that and be vulnerable with them like that – that’s what gets to him, too, because in his life, there isn’t a single person who loves like that. And for just a moment, he was vulnerable and smiled at her, which in turn makes Ji Sook think that he’s not so bad, either.
- Ji Sook’s concern for the merchants was genuine and not cosplay as Min Woo called it. His comment that her pretending to care disgusted him, it’s telling. It (1) shows that he knows the difference, (2) he finds people being fake about caring about people disgusting, (3) the fact that he finds it disgusting means that he cares, too.
- Ji Sook’s genuine smile got to him because there wasn’t anything manufactured about it.
- She grabbed his hand and held on to it. For all of Min Woo’s revulsion at skinship, I don’t think anyone’s tried any affectionate contact since Oma, and it affected him. The flashback with Oma shows that he hasn’t always recoiled at skinship. Plus, at the end of the episode, he offers her his hand, initiating the contact (even though he says that it’s just for show).
- Ji Sook stood up for people when she had nothing to gain and she cried for their pain. And she wouldn’t leave even when she had the opportunity. That showed Min Woo that it wasn’t cosplay at all, especially since she was willing to get hurt to protect people she doesn’t even know.
- Min Woo protected her from getting hurt when he didn’t have to, getting hurt in the process. That’s not someone in a cold, business relationship would do.
- She leaves medicine and a bandage for him. She didn’t have to, especially since he yelled at her not to care or bother. She didn’t do it with an agenda and she’d have no idea if he used either, since she was asleep, which means that she just did it with the sincerity with which she apologized to him earlier for getting him hurt. It contradicts what he accused her of: playing nice but really working against him.
- She encourages him to do the right thing and to follow his instincts where the mall is concerned. She believed in the best in him: that he knew what the right thing was and would do it. That says a lot and I don’t’ think Min Woo’s had that kind of love ever.
- He picked her up and put her on the bed. It was completely unprovoked and unrequested and since the first time she sat on it, he had them change the linens, the fact that he voluntarily put her there says loads.
- He defends her again, against his own sister. This is telling for me on many levels. (1) Back when it was really Eun Ha that Mi Yeon was attacking, Min Woo stood by and did nothing. (2) The comment wasn’t anywhere near as cruel and mean as Mi Yeon’s comments by the pool, where Min Woo did nothing. (3) He immediately jumped to Ji Sook’s defense and slams his Noona hard, over something that was relatively mild. That says that, despite what his head and mouth keeps saying, his heart has already started to notice the difference and to care.
- Min Woo does the right thing, including working with the Mayor to take care of both of their problems. He took her advice and listened to her. He wasn’t just concerned about making the money; he cared about the people his mall would be displacing. Ji Sook’s look of pride says that it meant a lot to her.
- The waltz and the world fading away. Close physical contact. Skinship, Most importantly, she listened to him, was vulnerable with him, and followed his lead, which is why the waltz turned out so well. Following someone’s lead takes trust and she gave that to him without much arguing at all.
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