Ji Sook says that the sleeping pills they found in Choi Min Woo's hidden room were hers. Seok Hoon looks daggers at her. And I laugh. He so wants to kill her right now. Heh. Lackey says that he understands that as a wife, she’d want to protect her husband, but– She cuts him off and says she’s not there as Choi Min Woo's wife but as a 5% shareholder of SJ Group. Because of false information, Min Woo might be removed from his position, and the company's image will be tainted if this gets out to the public. As Ji Sook talks, Seok Hoon throws down his pen, disgusted. Watch it. Dad might see you’re upset. Is that what Lackey wants? Lackey shuts up.
Ji Sook says that if they need evidence, she has it. She holds up an envelope. Before getting married, she took medication for anxiety. Without medication, she felt uneasy, so she continued to collect medication even after she got better. She hid these in the room after getting married. She apologizes and says that she didn't know matters would get this out of hand. She apologizes again and bows to them. The Board talks among themselves. Min Woo’s face says that he can’t believe that she just lied to save him.
Min Woo drags Ji Sook out into the stairwell and asks her if she expects him to really believe that she hid sleeping pills in that room because she has anxiety? Why is she suddenly doing this? His face looks confused, hurt. Did he look pitiful to her? Did she suddenly feel sympathetic? His voice gets a little louder as the thought of that makes him angry. He demands she tell him. Say anything. She looks at him and says that she had no other choice. Because she's Min Woo's wife, Seo Eun Ha. This affects him.
Mi Yeon looks in the boardroom, where Seok Hoon is trying hard to hold it together. He takes off his glasses, defeated. She thinks about her recent interactions with him, how he smiled at the reveal of the pills and Eun Ha’s shock.
Back at Casa Choi, Min Woo and Joon Soo sit in front of Dad and Stepmom. Ji Sook says that because of depression, she even had psychiatric treatment. She says that she took that medication, made it into powder, hid it in a book, and secretly hid it in the locked room. She thought that if she put it there, no one would find out. Stepmom says that she find this a little weird. How did Eun Ha get into the room? Knowing Min Woo's personality, he would not have left the keys just anywhere. The maids even said that he wouldn’t allow them anywhere close to that room. Min Woo says that he accidentally left that door open. The maid even said that the door was open when she was cleaning. Did the maid not mention that part? Stepmom smiles because he just blew up her ‘objection.’ I love how he phrased that: Didn’t the maid not mention that part?
Dad accepts the story. He asks if Eun Ha is okay now. Eun Ha said she had treatment for depression. Is she okay now? She says she is. She got a lot better after getting married, because of Min Woo. Dad nods and Min Woo thinks about that one.
Stepmom meets with Mi Yeon and Seok Hoon. When were Eun Ha and Min Woo ever close? There's something fishy. Otherwise, why would she take Min Woo's side? Mi Yeon asks what Stepmom’s trying to say. Stepmom concludes that they must have made a deal. Min Woo probably paid her. Mi Yeon asks if Stepmom only finds that weird? She don't think it's weird the police found sleeping pills in Min Woo's room, hidden so well in a book?
Mi Yeon looks over at Seok Hoon, who looks away from her. She asks him what he thinks. So he has to look at her. She asks if it’s just her that finds that strange? He says that it’s strange. He’ll call the prosecution office to see if there was an informant. Mi Yeon chuckles and tells him to forget it. What will he do if he finds out? He won't do anything. Seok Hoon says that he’s going to, so they can ask any questions they might have.
Back in their room, Min Woo and Ji Sook are sitting. He says her name (Eun Ha) and in his head he asks what it means, her helping him right now? The secret that she can't tell him. What is it? Instead, he asks if she’s comfortable sleeping on the bed? She says that she is, thanks to him. And that says more than just that, too. Min Woo wonders if she’s currently being threatened by someone? Is that why she had no choice but to hide sleeping pills in his hidden room? Instead he asks if she’s not hungry? She didn’t even eat dinner. She says that she’s not.
He says her name again and before he can say anything else, she says that she simply just told the truth. That's what he wants to ask her. The person that hid sleeping pills in the room, it was her. He didn't do anything wrong. She says that she’s going to bed now. She stands and he asks if that’s it. When she says that she stood up for him because he didn't do anything wrong… does that mean if he had done something wrong, then she wouldn’t have defended him? Is she doing this as a wife protecting her husband, or out of a sense of duty as his wife? Or is it because... of something beyond her sense of duty? Like the love between a husband and his wife. Something like that... He’s ripping my guts out. He so wants her to say it’s love.
Ji Sook looks at him and says that she cannot love him. She’s sorry. His only reaction is a slight head nod. She says that instead, she will prove it. He’s not the type who will harm others. She will prove it. He looks down and nods and his eyes are a little wet.
Mi Yeon is sitting up. Seok Hoon asks if she’s going to sleep and when she hesitates, he asks if she wants t have another drink together? She doesn’t. It won't be good for trying to have a baby. He asks if there’s any news. She’s not sure. These days she feels dizzy and nauseous. It feels like her belly has gotten larger. Unenthusiastically, he says that that is great news. She asks him how many times he lies in one day? He asks what she wants to say. She says that she feels like living is like playing a game. A lying game. They live deceiving and tricking others. Wearing a MASK. Seok Hoon asks what her point is. She says that if you want to win the game, do you have to be good at lying? Or, will the person who is bad at lying ultimately win the game?
Ji Sook sits on the couch and looks at her wedding portrait. Min Woo is elsewhere, looking at the pictures of Seok Hoon’s graduation and Eun Ha giving him the pen.
Later, as Min Woo sleeps – uncovered – Ji Sook comes over and sits by him. She reaches out and almost caresses his head.
♬ Fly toward me ♬
♬ as the wind blows♬
♬ For just a single day more, just one ♬
♬ Live as we were at that time♬
She walks away.
♬ Even if I try to bury my face, ♬
Min Woo opens his eyes. He wasn’t asleep at all.
♬the tears will well up♬
Ji Sook climbs in bed.
♬ I fear the time is running out♬
♬ I'm afraid it really will be the end♬
Ji Sook is getting ready for work. Min Woo walks over to take his medication. Ji Sook thinks of Doc Kim urging her to make sure he takes it and how Doc Kim is in bed with Seok Hoon. She hurries over and ‘accidentally’ makes him spill all his pills. He asks what she’s doing, annoyed. She starts to pick them up as she says that they should throw away all these pills to start with. He can't take pills with dust on them anyway. They’re probably already contaminated. Annoyed, he tells her not to worry about it. He smacks the pill bottle down on the table and walks out of the room. Without taking any of them.
A maid accidentally breaks a vase. Stepmom starts to scream at her about it. Ji Sook arrives and starts to yells at maid, too. Doesn’t she how much mother cherished this vase? She tells Stepmom that she’ll have a good ‘talk’ with maid and orders the girl to follow her. It’s the girl that’s lied about the pills.
When they’re alone, Ji Sook tells Maid not to worry about it. She didn’t do it on purpose. It happened while Maid was working. Maid looks like she doesn’t know how to take what Ji Sook is saying. Ji Sook smiles and says that it’s okay. She’s had a similar experience, too. Maid is surprised that Ji Sook has. Ji Sook says that things can be broken and smashed when you are working.
The Gossip Trio are talking about how Min Woo didn’t lose his job. Manager says that he knew it wouldn’t happen. Worker2 moans that she didn't expect Eun Ha to be the wife of the Executive Director. How could they predict that anyway? Manager says that, at any rate, they have to watch what they say. Should have been doing that before, dude.
Min Woo and Ji Sook arrive. The trio immediately are all deep bows to Min Woo. They probably think Ji Sook ratted them out. Which they totally would have deserved, especially Worker 2 & 3, since they’re the main gossips that stirred up trouble for Min Woo. And then to Ji Sook. Min Woo looks at them and asks what they’re doing, his voice sounding annoyed. He goes into his office. Trio laugh nervously. Ji Sook tells them to stop and to please treat her the same way they did before. They can speak comfortably too. So she can continue to work here. They can do that for her, right? Of course they can.
Mi Yeon arrives and Manager yells at her for being the last one in. Mi Yeon looks seriously nauseous. She heads to the bathroom where she gags. She wonders if she might be pregnant.
Ji Sook asks Min Woo how she can help him. He asks why she's suddenly doing this. She says that it’s because she wants to live normally. Harkening back to their conversation at the garden. Living normally takes some effort, too. He asks if she wants to work on new product development. She’s eager and says that she really wants to do the job well. He nods.
Driving in the car, Min Woo tells her that she has to do detailed market research, visiting stores first to develop new products. But she probably knows that well already. She asks if he isn’t possibly going to the store because of her, right? Min Woo acts like that’s ridiculous. A person like him who is busy and doing important work? Of course not. He already said that he’s dropping her off on his way to attend an unexpected meeting. It just happens to be located near the store. All she can say is ‘okay.’ Because he was so convincing right there.
He decides to turn on the radio. ‘Kiss Me’ by Blink comes on the radio.
Kiss me, darling. Kiss me, kiss me, tonight.
Min Woo gets uncomfortable. Why is the singer asking someone to kiss him? It's still early in the morning... He changes the station to a talk show. It’s a woman who is a newlywed of a month. She and her husband had a huge fight this morning. Her husband told her to stay out of his business. Her feelings are hurt so much. What should she do? Hmmm… That sounds familiar. They look at each other and remember that he did just the same thing this morning. I was actually thinking that the shoe was on Ji Sook’s foot, but this fits, too.
DJ says that the wife must be really hurt and asks the audience what Caller should do. Please send a lot of texts! Min Woo fidgets and turns off the radio, declaring that there’s nothing on. He says that the husband did wrong! How can the husband tell her not to worry about him when she is doing it because she is concerned about him? She probably had good intentions. Ji Sook says that she could understand the husband saying that if the wife is worrying too much about his business and butting into everything. Min Woo tells her that she’s too generous. How can she understand him? He declares that it’s the husband's fault 100%! She disagrees. It’s the wife's fault 100%! He said it is husband's fault! She said it is not!
He looks at her and asks why she’s speaking informally all of sudden? He tells her to text the station that it’s the husband's fault. She says that she’ll text it is the wife's fault. He hisses at her and she smiles.
Ji Sook and Manager are walking through an Olivia Lauren store. Salesgirl is pointing out trends and popular items. Manager tries to flatter Ji Sook, saying that she should've taken this new product development project in the first place, what with her sense, sophistication and elegance. With her being in charge of the project, they can create dreamy products. He tells her that she should be the spokesmodel, too. Meta heh.

For more examples, go here.
He says that clothes will sell out instantly if she does that. She smiles and says that they should look at the clothes quietly, yeah? More smoozing by Manager, who then gets a phone call. Ji Sook notices one of the workers smacking her legs and remembers do it when she was a salesperson.
Seok Hoon suddenly appears. He quotes Napolean: ‘A man becomes the creature of his uniform.’ And he holds up a really plain-Jane outfit. She must not like the clothes he picked out for her, seeing as she keeps wearing something else. You mean, what her *husband* picked out instead? He says that he had no idea that she could behave, as she did, at the board meeting. How will she handle the aftermath?
Ji Sook pushes the outfit away and says that he shouldn’t tell her to wear the clothes that don't suit her. And he doesn’t need to worry about the aftermath. Seok Hoon tells her that she can't just wear the clothes she wants. Min Woo, you should show up now. Seok Hoon says that she’ll wear the clothes he picked out for her and become the person he wants. Ji Sook calmly answers that she won’t. She’ll now pick out the clothes that she wants wear. She says that he’s curious to see how she’ll handle the aftermath, isn’t he? She’s also curious to see how he’ll handle the aftermath. She holds up a flash drive and tells him to watch the video on it slowly and think about whether Seo Eun Ha's account should be released or not. Almost reluctantly, he takes it.
Min Woo tells Mi Yeon that doubting other people is not a good habit to have. It only makes it difficult for someone. When you doubt a person close to you, it even causes an agonizing pain for you. She knows that as well. But the person she’s doubting, she should be doubting, because he lies to her all the time. Lies to everyone. Min Woo says that the reason she doubts is because she doesn't know the person very well. A small misunderstanding causes a doubt and that doubt creates another doubt. So he's arguing Ji Sook’s cases with her.
Mi Yeon says that this is why he’s curious about the relationship between Eun Ha and Seok Hoon. Why is he beating around the bush? He looks at her and asks how much she knows about the relationship between those two? She answers that it’s enough to know their relationship is not simply brother-in-law and sister-in-law. Which is? The relationship that he’s thinking of. That he’s thinking of? She nods.
He sighs and asks if there’s any way that Eun Ha owes Seok Hoon money. Mi Yeon’s surprised, because that’s not what he’s supposed to be thinking. And it wouldn’t be correct if Eun Ha was still around. But it is correct because it’s Ji Sook. Perhaps she’s in situation that she has to listen to Seok Hoon, like she’s being forced. Seok Hoon investigated Seo Eun Ha's father when he just became prosecutor. Maybe he found some vulnerable points and is making Seo Eun Ha– Mi Yeon cuts him off with a ‘Fine!’ Then they should investigate Seok Hoon. Whether he's taking funds from the company and investing them elsewhere, or if he’s created a slush fund and is collecting assets, they should investigate him in detail. She looks at him and says that no matter how much he hates Seok Hoon, Seok Hoon’s still her husband. His Noona’s husband. And I don’t think Min Woo would hate Seok Hoon if Seok Hoon wasn’t out to get him. He’s not that kind of guy. Even with a rival, he’s not petty like that.
Seok Hoon takes a look at the video file. He ignores his ringing file. It’s footage of him killing Scumbag. “Jeong Tae, your death will really benefit the human race.” Phone keeps ringing but he’s freaking out. Knock on the door.
Min Woo enters. He asks why Seok Hoon isn’t answering his phone? He called beforehand so Seok Hoon wouldn't be surprised by his sudden arrival. Seok Hoon tries to recover and asks what Min Woo needs. Min Woo wants to talk, if Seok Hoon has the time. Min Woo notices how Seok Hoon tries to cover up the USB drive. Seok Hoon closes his laptop and suggests they go eat, if it’s going to be a long conversation. Min Woo says that he doesn't think it will take long.
They sit. So, what does Min Woo want to say? Min Woo looks at Seok Hoon and says that he’s not stupid. The fact that the police came to the house and sleeping pills were found in his room. Suggesting to the board for his termination, he’s so stupid as to think it was all a coincidence. Seok Hoon asks if Min Woo is saying that someone initiated these things? He is. Min Woo asks if Seok Hoon can think of anyone who would do this? He can. Min Woo asks who. Seok Hoon answers the person sitting right in front of Min Woo – aka himself. I don’t think Min Woo was quite expecting that.
Seok Hoon says that Min Woo has every right to suspect him. It’s understandable. He thought Dad and Stepmom had something to do with Oma’s death. And he still hasn’t cleared them off the murder board. I wonder what Dad thinks of that, since he saw the wall of clippings and Min Woo’s shrine to Oma. They still haven’t talked about it. I actually don’t think that Dad had anything to do with it, but Stepmom’s behind it. Dad still grieves Oma.
Seok Hoon asks how he can make Min Woo not suspect him. Min Woo tells him not to try, because he will continue to suspect Seok Hoon. Because, like he said, he’s not stupid. And this is what he came there to say, anyway, to give Seok Hoon notice. Min Woo says that he doesn't know what happened between Seok Hoon and Eun Ha in the past, but what is important right now is that she is his wife. If something happens to Seo Eun Ha, he won't be able to forgive himself. He came there to tell Seok Hoon this. Min Woo stands, bows, and leaves. I wonder if this is something that Seok Hoon foresaw, because I don’t think so. I think he though Min Woo was always going to be a pushover, weakling, easily manipulated. And Min Woo is showing himself as not to be that way at all.
Seok Hoon pulls the USB drive – which has a mask on it – out of his laptop and, after glaring at it, hurls it to the floor and proceeds to stomp on it. Several times. Min Woo returns to get his phone (which he left on the table) and notices the smashed thumb drive. He looks at Seok Hoon and says that he told Seok Hoon. He’s not an idiot. And Seok Hoon has to wonder what Ji Sook has told Min Woo. Min Woo leaves. Seok Hoon picks up his hand phone and tells person to release all the frozen accounts in Seo Eun Ha's name.
Ji Sook happily goes and withdraws a load of cash. Instead of getting a Cashier’s check. She’saccompanied by a guard as she leaves the bank.
Back at her folks house, Dad and Ji Hyuk have brought a bunch of homeopathic herbs and powders and organic foods to help with Mom’s hepatocirrhosis. Mom mutters about wasting money to spend on this. Dad practically yells that he only has money to waste on things like this! Mom said she would get treatment. Please cooperate! Mom sulks and Dad an Ji Hyuk plan out new recipes to use the stuff that Dad bought.
Loan Shark and Goon enter. And Loan Shark looks strangely meek. Dad says that he thought that they still had a few days left for the month. Loan Shark, looking defeated, says that they don't need to repay the rest of the money and he will never have a reason to come back there. Mom asks what he means. Ji Hyuk looks like he doesn’t trust a word out of Loan Shark’s mouth. For good reason. Loan Shark says that he’s dying. He went to the hospital and they said it's an incurable disease. Dad is shocked. Loan Shark says that he thinks he’s being punished for all the bad things that he’s done. From now on, he wants to live kindly. He’s so sorry for everything he has done. He and Goon bow deeply.
When they straighten up, Loan Shark reviews to make sure he got everything on Ji Sook’s list. Ah, the money was for him. That is really classic! I so love her. Loan Shark whined about the kneeling part. Isn't it a little much? The joints in his knees aren't even that good. He tries to barter for just the bowing, but she tells him that he doesn’t have to do it. She doesn’t have to give him the money either. Loan Shark threatens to reveal her identity. She tells him to go ahead. Because there’s no more money if he does that. Isn't more money what Loan Shark wanted? Ji Sook is very firm about the kneeling and begging forgiveness part. Loan Shark cringes and then does it. Mom and Dad are speechless. Ji Hyuk is suspicious.
Over at the store that Ji Sook toured, some massage chairs have arrived. The salesgirls are over the moon. At the department store, the quality of the cafeteria food has dramatically improved. Ji Sook’s friends are ecstatic. They remember what Ji Sook said about what she would change. Manager comes up, really happy that lunches are now an hour and when they ask, she says that it’s an order from the head office. Ji Sook peers around a corner and smiles at how her friends are enjoying themselves.
As Loan Shark walks away from Ji Sook’s family’s house, he tells Goon that they need to figure out who turned Byeon Ji Sook into Seo Eun Ha. If they can find that out that person's weakness, they can get even more money. Filthy rich! And Loan Shark doesn’t have any idea who he’s tangling with. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
Ji Sook is at Eun Ha’s house, looking at a watch. She thinks of when she was at the high school reunion in the bathroom. Some girls were talking about how Scumbag used to take girls back to his house and film them with a hidden camera. And he's still doing it. Scumbag.
Ji Sook at Scumbag’s house, looking for the camera. She discovers the watch in a vase. A huge watch. That’s where it was all filmed. When Ji Sook watches it, she’s shocked. She also thinks about how those girls mentioned that one of the buildings that Scumbag built collapsed, because he was always skimming money from the construction budget. Someone even died. She looks at Eun Ha’s picture and then at a piece of her furniture.
Ji Sook returns to the office and Manager sucks up a bunch. Then he tells Mi Yeon to go get them some coffee. She’s annoyed, especially because it’s also for Ji Sook. As she’s leaving, Seok Hoon calls Ji Sook. Mi Yeon sees and asks Ji Sook where she’s going. Ji Sook says it’s for something work related, but Mi Yeon knows it isn’t.
Min Woo is still debating what to do with the fingerprint results. Chang Soo wants to know what he’s going to do. He doesn't know the probability of Madam opening the safe secretly in the middle of the night. But since they have the fingerprint result, and if Min Woo must check. Then it would be best for Min Woo to check–
Mi Yeon enters – without knocking – with some coffee. She tells him to drink it. It probably doesn't taste good. She doesn’t leave. Min Woo asks if she has something to say? She nods and looks at Chang Soo. Chang Soo asks what to do with the envelope. Min Woo tells him to get rid of it. He doesn't want to see it. Chang Soo leaves.
Mi Yeon sits and says that Min Woo was curious about Seok Hoon and Eun Ha’s relationship. She’s curious, too... what the two of them are involved in. She says that she thinks the two of them are meeting secretly right now. They should follow them and check what the pair are up to. Min Woo asks if she’s saying to secretly follow them. She replies that they’re secretly meeting. She asks if he’s hesitating because he’s scared to see it with his own eyes? He shakes his head, picks up the coffee and walks toward the door. She smiles. She stops smiling when he opens it, so she can leave. He says that no matter what, Eun Ha’s his wife. The wife that shares the same blanket as he does. And sharing his blankets is a big thing. She knows it, too. Although he doesn’t really share them at the same time… yet. She glares at him. He hands her the coffee on her way out.
Mi Yeon catches up with Ji Sook and starts to follow her. Loan Shark was waiting and follows her as well. Ji Sook meets Seok Hoon. Both Mi Yeon and Loan Shark hide where they can see the pair, but not hear what they’re saying. Seok Hoon tells Ji Sook that if that video gets leaked, then he will die and she will die. She says that she knows that. Then this whole lie will come to an end. Seok Hoon asks what exactly she wants? She tells him to leave her family alone. And she’s already said that Min Woo is her family, too. She's also going to see her dongsaeng occasionally, so he should keep that in mind.
And Min Woo... the plan he has to make Min Woo into a mental patient and have him admitted into a mental institution. Seok Hoon needs to forget it. Seok Hoon starts to argue. Did she already forget what Min Woo did? The place that Min Woo belongs is– She cuts him off and forcefully says is in his house, not a mental hospital. She asks if SJ Group is what Seok Hoon wants? He needs to change his plans. Otherwise, the video of Seok Hoon killing someone will be leaked to the world.
Ji Sook holds up the watch and says that the video is in it. Mi Yeon and Loan Shark wonder what’s important about the watch. Seok Hoon asks how he’s supposed to believe that there’s not another copy somewhere. She asks how she’s supposed to believe that Seok Hoon will leave her family and Min Woo alone after she hands it over. He smiles grimly and says that they’ll trust each other. Even if it is a lie. He repeats his threat: once that video is leaked, the whole world will know she’s a lie. She gives Seok Hoon the watch and they part. Mi Yeon starts to follow Seok Hoon.
Goon sets off the fire alarm. Loan Shark sneaks up behind Seok Hoon, yells fire and grabs the watch. He runs out of the building and Seok Hoon is slowed from following by all the people streaming out of the building. Minion spots Loan Shark and flips him to subdue him. Loan Shark loses the watch. Seok Hoon comes and searches Loan Shark, but the watch isn’t there. Instead Mi Yeon has picked up the watch. Seok Hoon is not happy. He gets security to show him to security footage of the whole thing.
That night at Casa Choi, Dad is questioning Maid again. Maid says that Min Woo was the one crushing the pills into powder in the middle of the night. Dad sighs and says that according to Ji Sook, Ji Sook made them into powder and hid them in the book. Madi visibly reacts when she hears this. Dad asks if his daughter-in-law lying? Or is maid lying? Dad demands to know who made Maid lie. We don’t hear what Maid says as an answer.
Stepmom is chowing down. Dad glares over at her. She looks at him and asks if his meat is tough. Aren’t the steaks cooked tenderly today? Dad says nothing. And we know who came up with the pill scheme now. Seok Hoon notices the watch on Mi Yeon’s wrist. Mom asks if Mi Yeon bought a new watch and Mi Yeon says that she found it earlier at work. Somebody carelessly dropped it. Ji Sook notices the watch and look at Seok Hoon. He fidgets slightly. Min Woo is paying attention now, too. Although he’s the only one out of the four who doesn’t know why it’s important.
Seok Hoon tries to casually ask Mi Yeon if she shouldn't return it to its owner. She smiles and says that she’s planning on it. But she’s going to wear it until then. It looks expensive so she doesn't want to lose it. Dad gruffly demands to know what trick Mi Yeon’s pulling again. Is she sure she just found it? Mi Yeon says that she said she did. She wants to find the owner in a hurry. But she just doesn’t know whose watch it is. Seok Hoon makes a face to himself that looks like he’s cursing.
Min Woo pulls Mi Yeon aside and asks what the deal with the watch. She asks what he means. He says that she was going to follow Seok Hoon and Seo Eun Ha earlier. Does it have something to do that? She asks why he’s asking. Is he curious now too? He sighs and says that he doesn't what that is, but she needs to return it to the owner. It’s not amusing. Mi Yeon says that she’s planning on returning it, but Eun Ha gave it to Seok Hoon. So she should return it to Seok Hoon, right? She holds up the wrist with the watch on it. She tells him that if he’s curious, he should ask Eun Ha. He usually can't hold it in when he’s curious.
Elsewhere, Ji Sook is asking Seok Hoon how he can have lost the watch, like an idiot. He repeats that there was an accident. Ji Sook says that they’ll be in awkward position if Mi Yeon sees that video. He replies that she’s the one who gave him the video. She answers that he should take care of it since he created this. She has her own business to take care of. Seok Hoon wants to know what business! Doesn’t she not understand how dire this situation is?
Ji Sook looks at him and says that the first time she saw him, she seemed imposing, untouchable. But now, he seems so small. She tells him to hurry up and get the watch back from Mi Yeon, if he wants to continue with the deal.
Ji Sook enters the kitchen. She asks Yun Soo if she is the one who maintains the food supplies. Yun Soo says that they vendors supplying the food. Ji Sook asks for the list of vendors, delivery drivers, and security personnel information to me. Yun Soo is surprised and a little nervous. But she, of course, agrees to the request. Ji Sook adds that from tomorrow, the staff needs to change their eating location and side dishes. Yun Soo asks how they should change. Ji Sook wants them to not eat huddled in the kitchen, but in a more spacious area and with tasty side dishes, the same foods they’re serving to the Chairman. There's a lot of leftovers anyway. Yun Soo asks if that will be all right. Ji Sook tells her that if she ends up going over budget, then she’ll take care of the expenses from my personal account. All the staff are really encouraged. Except for Maid. She looks like she feels bad and won’t meet Ji Sook’s eyes.
Ji Sook gets a phone call. It leads to her making Min Woo go out. He wants to know where they’re going. She tells him that he’ll know when he gets there! She grabs his jacket and tells him to hurry. He protests that his clothes are coming off and lets himself be dragged off.
Stepmom is fuming about Eun Ha changing the menus on her own. She has to do something! Is she doesn’t, Eun Ha will get more and more involved in household matters. Dad asks what she’s planning. Stepmom says that she’ll call Chul and tell not to change menus. Dad should too. Dad sighs.
Mi Yeon is ‘admiring’ the watch. Seok Hoon is annoyed. She's toying with him and he’s fuming. Finally he asks how long she’s going to toy with him. She answers that it will be until he tells her. Go ahead and give her an excuse. Even better, if it's an explanation. He demands he give her the watch. It's not even hers! Mi Yeon points out that it’s not his by asking if it’s his. She repeats that she wants an explanation. Seok Hoon says that it was his in the beginning, but Eun Ha had it and returned it to me. She gave it to him alone so there wouldn’t be a misunderstanding. Mi Yeon looks at him and says that he’s too much. That's the measly excuse he could come up with?
Seok Hoon walks over to her and grabs the wrist with the watch. Mi Yeon winces. He demands she give him the watch. It's not hers! She answers that she doesn’t want to! It would be better if he took it from her. Just take it from her with force! Staring contest. Seok Hoon lets loose her wrist. Mi Yeon looks at the watch and notices the hidden camera.
In the car, Min Woo is pestering Ji Sook to tell him where they’re going. She says she’ll tell him when they get there. She doesn't think he'll come along if she tells him. He says her name. She doesn’t respond. He asks for a hint. She smiles and says that she can’t. They’re almost there; wait just a little bit more.
They end up at a hotel. Min Woo reluctantly gets out of the car. As they walk down a hallway, Min Woo asks if this is the place for her important business? It is. He wants to know in detail what's so important. It must be at this hour... She says his name. He looks at her. She says that you never know what will happen to people. Something could happen suddenly and she may not be able to see him again. So before that happens, there's something they must do. That’s not ominous. She rings the bell and a man happily greets her by name (Eun Ha).
Mi Yeon has plugged in the watch. Seok Hoon is nervous. She asks Seok Hoon what the video is.
Ji Sook tells Min Woo that her friend is one of the top five neuro-psychiatrists in the world. Flashback to her seeing a picture of Eun Ha with Neuroshrink in an album. He's briefly in Korea for an academic conference, so she asked him for a favor. Clearly uncomfortable, Min Woo asks what she’s doing right now. She asks him for just 1 hour.. No, 30 minutes. More forcefully, he asks what she’s doing right now. Does she think he’s a mental patient as well? His face and voice say that he's hurt. She answers that she doesn’t and that why she came this far. She tells him to go inside, if he believes in himself.
Mi Yeon hasn’t watched the video. Seok Hoon sits and says that she’s going to destroy it. Destroy it, and completely eliminate it, with her own hands. She looks at him and asks why he thinks that? He answers that it’s because she will believe his lies. They deceive and lie to one another. She said anyway that living is a game of lies. He thought about what lie he should tell to win her over. So she should listen carefully to the lie he’s about to tell her and believe it. Why are they so dysfunctional?!
Talking in English. Neuroshrink says that he had a friend analyze Min Woo’s medicine. CSI at work. Although this particular drug looks identical to sedative drugs on the market, the test result came up to something else. Even though this guy totally isn’t a native speaker, he says his lines like he’s a native. I love him! Min Woo stoically listens. Neuroshrink’s assistant says that Min Woo medicine contains a significant amount of hallucinogenic properties. Neuroshrink restates that in Korean in case Min Woo missed it: It has hallucinogen ingredients. Min Woo swallows heavily.
Now in Korean, Neuroshrink says that even if a normal person takes this medication, they’ll experience hallucinations. Min Woo thinks of all his hallucinations. Neuroshrink asks if Min Woo received hypnosis treatment after taking this medication. Min Woo thinks of his recalled memory. Neuroshrink sighs and takes off his glasses. Seriously, he tells Min Woo to believe what he says. Anything he recalled through hypnosis have been a lie.
Min Woo’s hands starts to shake, he’s so unnerved. Ji Sook reaches over and takes his hand. She tells him that he’s not the type to harm others. They both know that. He gets up and walks out.
Mi Yeon sits in front of her laptop. She plugs in the watch. She hears Seok Hoon tell her that inside this watch, is a video she will never want to watch. He says that she was always suspicious of his relationship with Eun Ha. She has a hunch but no proof. This will be perfect proof of what’s going on between them. He wanted to get rid of this video, because it was recorded before he met her. So close to the truth, but now the lie. But the best lies are laced with the truth, aren’t they? That’s why they’re so hard to spot. That’s why he met Eun Ha separately to get the video. It's in the past. It's already finished.
He tells her to erase it… with her own hands. Mi Yeon asks if what he just said is the truth. Seok Hoon replies it’s not. He told her that it is a lie. He tells her to believe his lies. That's how she can win this game. She debates. Seok Hoon waits. She thinks of Seok Hoon smiling when they found the drugs.
Min Woo bursts into his room. He pulls out the pills and smashes them. Then he upends the table. Then he drops to his knees, sobbing. He just sits there, weeping, rocking. Ji Sook goes over to him and wraps her arms around him so that his head is cradled in her chest. She tells him that there's a saying. We see that the saying comes from Eun Ha. Write a note and keep it in each pocket. In one note, it says, “I am no different than dust or ashes.” On the other note, it says, “This world was created for you.” She tells him that the world was created for him. That's why he should not be scared. He sobs some more, wailing a little, and she holds him. Episode ends.
That was painful, watching Min Woo cry. But finally! It only took 11 episodes.
Now he knows: (1) He’s not crazy, (2) Eun Ha/Ji Sook is on his side, (3) He can trust her, (4) He didn’t try to kill someone, (5) He didn’t try to kill the woman he’s in love with for no real reason, (6) He’s not a threat to the woman he loves or anyone else, (7) Someone is actively out to get him and it’s not just a hunch, (8) Doc Kim is working with whoever is out to get him, (9) Whoever is out to get him is also the person who tried to set him up with the Prosecutor’s Office – since they tested what was in the bag and it was sedatives, (10) Eun Ha knows who is out to get him, because she admitted to planting the pills, (11) Most likely it’s Seok Hoon, because he seems to have something on her. That’s a lot of revelations. Plus, if Doc Kim has been manipulating him all this time, something has to be fishy with Oma’s fate as well. Otherwise Doc Kim wouldn’t push so hard for Min Woo to believe that it was just an accident.
Wow, that last part of the episode – at least the Min Woo’s not crazy part – was a doozy and I am still reeling. They juxtaposed it with whether Mi Yeon was going to chose to believe Seok Hoon’s lies and delete the video, and end it with the question, but there’s no question in my mind. She didn’t watch it and deleted it. Their relationship is so warped! I sigh.
One thing I find very interesting. Both Ji Sook and Min Woo are starting to fight back, instead of being more a punching bag, and it's both because they're defending the other person. Where they wouldn't necessarily fight for themselves and more passively stood by as things happened to them, they aren’t going to let them happen to the other person. This fighting spirit has grown as they’ve discovered that they can trust and rely on the other. I love that Min Woo has had enough of just taking things, since now, finally, he has someone in his corner who believes in him and tells him to believe in himself. And I love that Ji Sook declared that Min Woo is part of her family and as such is defending him just as much as she would her parents and her dongsaeng.
I also loved how Ji Sook is now actively opposing Seok Hoon and has enough leverage that she can defy him. When she told him that he used to be so scary and now just looks so small, it’s very true. It also reminds me of the ending to ‘The Lord of the Flies.’ These boys were so big, until an adult appeared and then they became little boys again. Something shifts and your whole world view changes.
So much happened in this episode that had Seok Hoon reeling and part of me is worried for how he's going to react. The end of the episode has him sweating, worried, about what Mi Yeon is going to do. I really wonder how he’s going to take her buying his lies, how it’s going to spur him on to go a little crazy with his plan, even though Ji Sook told him to basically give it up.
I also love that Ji Sook knows how to get people on her side. And she’s kind enough to use her money to help people. Unlike Seok Hoon, whose mission was supposed to be to help the weak and down-trodden, Ji Sook is actually doing it. She got the salesgirls massage chairs. She gave the employees good cafeteria food. She pays for decent meals for the household servants. And it’s all out of her own pocket. You show people you value them and they will be loyal to you. Much more loyal than if you slap them across the face when they tick you off.
I wonder how Ji Sook and Min Woo’s relationship is going to progress now. She told him that she couldn’t love him, but she’s doing things that scream that she does, and Min Woo so wants her love. Make me a little emotional too, how she told him that he's not nothing, but that the world was created for him. Oma’s probably the only other person who ever told him that, and it was something Min Woo so needed to hear.
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