Wednesday, July 2, 2014

You're All Surrounded Episode 14 Recap

Episode begins with Ae Yun looking at the dossier her secretary gave her on Dae Goo. She’s freaking out because he’s Ji Yong and not only that but he’s right outside. She swallows hard and calls Moon Bae. She asks him if he knew all along that that woman's son being alive. Moon Bae jumps from his seat, shocked and his chin quivers. Looking at Dae Goo, she asks Moon Bae what happened. How can that woman's son be alive? Wow, she is cold-blooded. She knew about the plan to bump Ji Yong off. A thought runs through her mind, making her eyebrows flutter, and she says that Moon Bae knew all along and didn’t say anything. Aw, you’re upset because it looks like Appa lied to you. I don’t feel bad at all.

Moon Bae takes a breath and then asks Ae Yun where she is and how she found out. He orders her to come to his office. Right now. And he looks like his world is falling apart. I don’t feel sorry for him either. Scuzball. Ae Yun looks like she wants to cry. And I still don’t feel sorry for her. Just thinking of Mom’s face makes me not feel sorry one bit. Ae Yun looks over at Dae Goo and composes herself. She gathers her stuff and goes and changes her clothes.

Dae Goo is now waiting by Ae Yun’s car. When she exits the elevator with her driver, Dae Goo again repeats his request that she come down to the station. She tells him to move – which he doesn’t – and then pushes by him to go to her car. As Dae Goo watches her drive away, he says, “I'll see you again tomorrow.”

Ae Yun arrives at Moon Bae’s office. She asks him what happened. Didn't Appa tell her that it had been taken care of? It’s almost like she’s scolding him. They sit and Moon Bae says that he only found out recently, but she shouldn’t worry because he doesn't know anything yet. Ae Yun scoffs at that notion. Because she’s a haughty witch. She sarcastically asks Moon Bae how he knows that; did he *ask* Dae Goo? Ae Yun tells Moon Bae that he must be getting old; he used to be razor sharp. Moon Bae scrunches his eyes closed and adjusts his glasses. His snotty daughter is probably giving him a migraine.

Moon Bae crosses his legs and tells Ae Yun not to worry about it. She shouldn’t complicate matters. Because she always makes a mess of things. He will take care of it. Completely emotionless, she tells him okay. Then she demands that Moon Bae hurry up and get Dae Goo out of her sight. He's really annoying. In a sweet voice, she tells her Appa that she trusts him. Then she puts on her customary frown and saunters out of the room. Moon Bae fists thumps his armrest. They are cold-bloodedly talking about killing someone. Just another bug. I really don’t like these two.

Soo Sun’s getting water for Mom and thinking about what Chief has asked her to do. She’s so deep in thought, she doesn’t notice her water overflowing until it does. When she gets back to Mom’s room – it’s not a private room either – Mom is gone. Soo Sun looks for her and finds her sitting by herself talking to a picture of her dead husband. She tells him that she’s messed up again. She’s not helping Soo Sun but instead is being a burden. The picture is Dad smiling with his arms crossed and is in the woods. Mom laughs and tells him that he doesn’t have to look at her like that. She knows her mistake. And Soo Sun said that Mom’s face is worth way more than 50 million won. Even though she doesn't make much money, she said she’d repay it and put that woman in jail. Mom tells Dad that they raised their daughter well and her life is blessed. She tells Dad that even though he always caused her grief, he did well leaving her Soo Sun. She thanks Dad while Soo Sun silently cries really hard over what Mom just said.

At the police station, Soo Sun is waiting in Chief’s Office. She pulls out her phone and mutters that she’ll ask Dae Goo to do what Pan Suk asked. She calls him. Dae Goo’s at his desk. His phone reads Bread Crumbs. Aw. She’s unshakeable. He answers but before she can say anything, Chief enters. She hangs up quickly and puts her phone down on the coffee table.

Chief looks hopeful as she asks Soo Sun if she thought about what she asked. Soo Sun answers that she has and it’s why she’s there.Back in the squad room, Dae Goo says, “Hello?” Oops. Soo Sun didn’t hang up the phone. Or should I say Yay! Since Dae Goo’s going to be able to hear the whole thing. She still should have talked to him about it. Soo Sun says that she’s sorry, but she doesn't think she can do as Chief says. Dae Goo looks at his phone. He’s still connected to Soo Sun’s phone.

Chief isn’t smiling as she clarifies that Soo Sun said that she can't do it. Soo Sun answers in the affirmative. Chief looks like her world is caving in as Soo Sun says that even though she’s sure that Chief had a good reason, she has a promise she must keep. She promised her deceased father that she would protect her mother. The main reason she became a police officer was because Mom wanted her to have the steady salary Mom never had.

Chief’s not ready to throw in the towel. Although I would have thought she might be moved by Soo Sun’s integrity and loyalty to her parents. I guess Chief is too far gone. Chief repeats that it’s for the sake of their police organization. Soo Sun replies that if a crime has been committed, a punishment must be given. If a mistake has been made, forgiveness must be sought. Upholding those values is also for the police organization's sake. That’s right! You go, girl! Chief breathes.

Soo Sun says that she’s still a rookie so she doesn't know how much responsibility someone in Chief’s position holds. But a police officer's duty is not to cover up a Congressman's wrongdoing. It is to right injustices faced by powerless citizens. She knows that know that much is true. Soo Sun’s emotional by the end of her speech. Chief swallows. Soo Sun bows her head and apologizes for not giving Chief the answer she was looking for. Chief tries to look cheerful as she says that she understands. She tells Soo Sun to go and as Soo Sun leaves, Chief’s face says, “oh, crap.”

Dae Goo’s heard the whole conversation. He hangs up the phone and looks at Chief’s door. He's not happy.

Chief’s standing by the window. Dae Goo goes to visit her. She invites Dae Goo to sit. He doesn’t. He asks her if she asked Soo Sun to drop the case. Chief tries to look innocent as she asks if Soo Sun told him that. He responds that she didn’t, but that’s not what’s important. Dae Goo wants to know why Chief did it. He looks so disappointed. How *could* she do it? You don’t know the half of it. Chief just looks at him. She can’t say anything.

Dae Goo sighs and tells Chief that he believes that she is righteous and has integrity. His eyes are glassy now. A powerless citizen was severely assaulted. Just like Oma. How could Chief tell that victim's daughter to forget it for the sake of the police organization? How could she do that? Chief answers that he’s right. Her request shouldn’t have happened. Plot-thickens music plays as Chief walks over to Dae Goo and puts a hand on his shoulder. She tells him that she can see that she’s disappointed him greatly. She drops her hand and says that she hates herself as well. Looking away from him, she says that she’s sorry and tells him that he’s right. She did what she shouldn't. I wonder what she’s thinking about now? This? Or all her other corrupt deeds? Side note: it's interesting that when she's lying to Dae Goo, she can't look him in the eye. And the bigger the lie, the farther away from him her gaze goes. Dae Goo should pick up on that.

Dae Goo is expressionless as Chief says that if she were to give an excuse... sometimes one's position dictates that one's convictions can't be followed. Which is crap. Chief says that the rationale that it's for the sake of the organization was just her trying to protect her position. She starts to turn away from him as she says that she should have refused *Yoo Ae Yun's* order. Ae Yun? Wasn’t it Moon Bae? Arg! I really can’t stand her now. She has no excuse for the shameful thing she did. She apologizes again.

Dae Goo grimaces as he mentally curses Yoo Ae Yun for being behind things *again.* He *knew* Chief couldn't be behind it. He starts to say an ‘however’ but decides not to. He says that it really upsets him, too. And Chief looks over at him hoping that he bought it.

[Episode 14: Crocodile Tears]

Back at the hospital, Soo Sun and Mom are fighting over Mom’s phone. Gook and Tae Il are standing to the side, feeling awkward. Soo Sun clucks at her mother that she can't use her arms because she bruised her ribs. Mom sputters that she just wants 5 minutes to check her texts. Soo Sun tells Mom that she already checked and Mom only has spam. Mom snatches the phone and declares that she’s frustrated but before she can get on it, Soo Sun snatches it back and declares that Mom is not allowed to use it for awhile. Mom declares that Soo Sun is not her daughter. Tae Il chimes in, with his doctor voice on, asks ‘Mother’ to wait a few more days. It's not good to use her arms or strain her eyes. She should just be careful for a few days. Soo Sun reminds Mom that Tae Il is also a doctor.

Mom grumbles at them that they’re all the same. She rolls over on her side, putting her back to them, and says that she doesn’t understand why they’re acting like this. Outside the hospital room, Soo Sun looks at Mom’s phone. It’s actually not spam but messages from Mom’s friends, asking Mom what’s going on. She promptly deletes them all. Instead of replying so Mom’s friends won’t keep texting, asking what’s going on… Gook says that he was wondering why Soo Sun wouldn't let Mom use her phone. Soo Sun sighs and says that her biggest worry is that Mom will see the video. She’s doing what she can to stop her from seeing it. But after Mom’s discharged... Soo Sun worries that once Mom finds out that everyone saw the video, Mom will want to die. Tae Il says that the other side also appears to be blocking the video. But there's no way to stop it from spreading on SNS. Gook sighs.

Later that night, in their room, Gook is looking up every link with the video posted and asking them to delete the video. When Tae Il finds out, he declares that Gook is the real deal and decides that he will join Gook’s quest.

“Consider if the woman in the video was your mother just once. Please delete it.”
“A bit of fun to relieve boredom might become more painful than the assault.” “
Please delete the video. Please spread the word.”
“This could happen to anyone.”

The boys work through the night, sending their requests to all the posters of the video. Gook is no longer wearing his glasses. At breakfast, they are out of it as they eat their cereal. Tae Il’s so tired he didn’t cook for them! Dae Goo enters the kitchen and grabs his banana milk. He asks them why they look like that. Tae Il says that Gook was up all night., posting requests to take down the handbag video. Gook mutters that he doesn’t even know if it will work. Dae Goo thinks a minute and slides his banana milk over to Gook. Aw.

As Dae Goo pours himself some raisin bran (which he's going to each *without* milk), Gook deliriously asks Dae Goo if this loyal hyung looks cool in his eyes. Tae Il and Gook have the stupid giggles and laugh at that one. Gook says loyalty about four more times. Looking at his cereal, Dae Goo says that Gook is loyal and cool. Gook spits his cereal across the table in surprise, nailing Dae Goo in the arm. He starts laughing as Tae Il asks their Maknae if he was touched. Dae Goo grumbles that Gook’s disgusting and grabs his banana milk but Gook grabs the milk and declares no take-backs! It's disloyal. He starts to laugh again as Tae Il tells him that it *was* disgusting.

At the station, Pan Suk grabs Team Leader 1 and gives him a box of health drinks. He tries to get some news about how Boots’s case is going. Team Leader 1 says that it's being wrapped up. The prosecution is going with C.G. based on Cho Hyung Chul's confession. Pan Suk asks what they’re thinking about the killer who tried to murder Boots in the garage. TL1 looks doubtful about this killer. They haven't seen a trace of him. The garage CCTV's cord was broken. They don't even know the motive for that attempted murder.

Pan Suk can’t believe it. The killer hasn't been caught. But the case is being wrapped up? Pan Suk protests that C.G., who is dead, couldn't have sent the killer. There might be another person involved. TL1 clucks that they’re making it a separate case. Pan Suk slaps the table with frustration and asks how it could be a separate case?! TL1 gets irritated because Pan Suk is yelling at him.

They don’t get much farther because Toad walks in. Toad yells at Pan Suk for being hung up on the handbag case when there are tons of other cases piling up. Pan Suk asks Toad why he keeps saying it's only four weeks recovery time. Doesn’t he realize how much pain Mom’s in? Toad huffs and kicks a trash can that’s ‘in his way.’ He walks off. Gook comes running up and declares that they’re in big trouble because the sole witness, Kim Jin Kyung, has disappeared. Pan Suk can’t believe his ears.

Conference Room. Dae Goo bursts in, asking about Jin Kyung running away. Gook says that when he went to see her, Jin Kyung was gone. Dae Goo looks at Gook, like it’s his fault, and asks how he let that happen. Eung Do motions at Dae Goo to chill. Dae Goo stops and gets a hold of himself. I like that Pan Suk lets Eung Do do his thing since it gets through to Dae Goo where he can’t. Dae Goo hangs his head and exhales hard, like he’s trying to figure out how to fix this. He asks Tae Il if he met with the other VIP room employees. Tae Il says that they’re like a brick wall. Dae Goo hangs his head again.

Pan Suk pipes up that he told them from the start that it won't be easy. Do they all want to give up? Gook and Tae Il immediately straighten up in their seats and say that they won’t give up. Eung Do chuckles and says, “That's right. Those are my kids.” He tells them to keep up their strength. Pan Suk says that there’s a high probability that Ae Yun got to Jin Kyung already so they need to question the hotels near Seoul. Also vacation homes and condos owned by Shin Ji Il (Father), Yoo Ae Yun and their secondary corporations. Dang, they *do* have a lot of money if they have secondary corporations.

Country Estate. Jin Kyung is sitting there with Ae Yun. Did she have her henchmen kidnap the girl? Jin Kyung doesn’t look too comfortable. Ae Yun smiles and says, “Thank goodness. You're reasonable.” Yeah, it’s reasonable to cover up crime. She’s *so* reasonable. That's why you kidnapped her to convince her to do it. Jin Kyung asks Ae Yun how long she needs to stay there. Ae Yun says that first, Jin Kyung needs to fork over her cell phone, the one she took the video with. Jin Kyung glances over at the two other people in the room, Ae Yun’s servants, and gets her phone out of her bag. Ae Yun’s waiting with her hand out. Jin Kyung looks at her phone and the other people and then hands it over. That's not witness intimidation at all...

Ae Yun checks that the video is on her phone and asks if Jin Kyung has any other copies. Really? The video’s out there whether you take her phone or not. Forensic analysts can ascertain whether a video has been doctored or not, so you taking her phone isn’t going to make it go away. It’s on Dae Goo’s phone already. Jin Kyung says there isn’t. Ae Yun smiles and says that if she finds out that there are, Jin Kyung knows what will happen. Son comes downstairs. 

Ae Yun tells her female assistant to watch Jin Kyung while she and the male assistant go. Son asks what’s going on. Ae Yun snaps at him, asking why he’s there! He looks at the stairs – like he regrets coming down them – and says that it’s *his* vacation home. How much money does this family have? The son, who looks like he's maybe in college, has his own vacation home? Son as Ae Yun what she's doing there? And Jin Kyung is sitting in just a men’s shirt and some shorts. I wonder if they grabbed her out of bed. Also, I’m really liking the sweater he’s wearing. Son notices Jin Kyung and recognizes her as that noona, the one that shot the video. Smiling, he tells her that her hidden camera skills were amazing! He asks Jin Kyung how much Ae Yun is offering. Noona should ask for a lot since it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. Ae Yun adjusts her jaw, really annoyed. She snaps at Son to not joke around and says that they’ll go back to Seoul together.

Pan Suk and Dae Goo are out, visiting different hotels, trying to locate Jin Kyung. One by one, Dae Goo crosses hotels off his list. At least Pan Suk’s dressed nicely for this. As they walk away from another hotel and fan themselves because of the heat, Dae Goo asks Pan Suk why he doesn't have another strategy. He should use his incredible skills to find the right hotel in one shot. After all, he’s supposed to be the legend, Seo Pan Suk. Anyone could go around interviewing people like this. Pan Suk answers that a legend isn’t psychic… It's because his legs are so long that he’s fast enough to be called a legend. As Pan Suk walks off, he mutters that if his legs were short, he'd have no chance. Dae Goo watches him go and wonders if that supposed to be funny. And why is he dressed like that? Oh, Dae Goo. You are such a dork.

They go grab some lunch. Pan Suk spoons up some green onions for himself and then gives some to Dae Goo. Dae Goo protests. Why did Pan Suk do that? He doesn't eat green onions. Pan Suk is surprised. He points out that green onions are nutritious. Dae Goo grumbles that he’s still young and doesn’t need to focus on eating well. Pan Suk half-sarcastically apologizes for giving green onions to a young guy like Dae Goo. He uses his spoon to scoop them out of Dae Goo’s bowl. Dae Goo helps him.

Dae Goo brings up Pan Suk’s visit to Boots again, asking what Boots said. Pan Suk responds by saying that more importantly, why did Dae Goo visit Boots? Dae Goo glances up at Pan Suk’s face and then puts down his spoon. His face is definitely not the defiant Dae Goo anymore. It’s more the vulnerable Ji Yong face that he gets. Dae Goo says that it kept bothering him, that someone came to the garage to kill Boots and that Boots kept Detective Seo's identity a secret. Pan Suk says that he went for the same reasons.

Dae Goo asks what Boots told Pan Suk. Pan Suk says it was nothing special. Boots said not to dig any further. Pan Suk says that just like they suspected, Boots is hiding something. Dae Goo asks if there’s been any word from the detective who went to Brazil. Nope. Dae Goo tells Pan Suk that if he does hear from the guy, Pan Suk has to take along. Pan Suk better not go alone! Pan Suk looks at Dae Goo and stops eating to ask, “Are you the Team Leader or am I? It confuses me from time to time. Does it confuse you, too?” Heh. Dae Goo looks away and drinks his tea since he doesn’t have an answer. I love Pan Suk being sarcastic.

Pan Suk glances up at Dae Goo again – probably looking to see if Dae Goo has some retort. Dae Goo is digging in. He remembers what Boots said: Don't dig any further. It's for Kiddo’s sake. Pan Suk slides the dishes to Dae Goo’s side of the table but takes the green onions, telling Dae Goo to eat. Dae Goo looks up and puts some food in his mouth, a little uncomfortable with Pan Suk being fatherly.

Moon Bae’s meeting with his lawyers. What is the media saying? They report that interest in the video is declining and his relation to Ae Yun has not been discovered. They think things look promising. Moon Bae’s face looks like he sucked on a lemon. He tells them not to let their guards down and continue to block the media. His relationship with his daughter cannot come out. Nice. Your raise her to be obnoxious but now that the damage is blowing your way, you want to disavow all knowledge of her. Dad of the Year! Moon Bae says that if their relationship comes out, his life as a politician is over.

They tell him not to worry. Ae Yun already took care of the sole witness and the original video. Didn’t he tell his daughter not to interfere? Or was that just with the Dae Goo situation. Even though, aren’t they kind of intertwined? And, ew! It’s that slimey lawyer that doesn’t have any problem lying. Lawyer says that it will be difficult to proceed with the investigation. Moon Bae declares – because he is the king after all – that the case cannot to continue and Ae Yun cannot be summoned. If that child appears, the media will swarm like insects. Slimey declares that that’s not going to happen, so Moon Bae can rest easy.

Station Conference Room. Tae Il’s gotten a list of vacation homes and condos that are privately owned by Yoo Ae Yun, Shin Ji Il and their secondary corporations. Didn’t Son say that it was his vacation home? Wouldn’t he be the owner, then? A total of 48 properties. Dang. Gook is amazed, too, since the houses are spread all over the country. A thought hits Dae Goo: When he went to Yoo Ae Yun's house, there was a picture in the living room of Yoo Ae Yun next to a lake. A ferry was crossing the lake. Tae Il chuckles and marvels at Dae Goo’s photographic memory. Dae Goo doesn’t say anything but instead looks up ‘Neria Ferry’ (the name on the ferry from the picture). It’s Sapyung Lake's only ferry. And for anyone interested. I tried searching for Neria Ferries, and Sapyung Lake and none of these things exist. There are Sapyung Falls on Moho (Hidden) Mountain, a place that also boasts Korea’s first ginseng plantation. The mountain is one of the seven peaks in the Sumjin range. Gook and Tae Il start hunting through the 48 estates for the vacation home by Sapyung Lake. But there are no matching addresses.

Right then Dae Goo’s phone rings. It’s Son calling. He’s got his feet propped up on the coffee table (and a little ad for Sock Stop, a non-skid treatment that you can add to your socks, on the soles of his feet). He calls Dae Goo “Chung-chun-men” (cool guy). And he names himself: Shin Ki Jae. Yay! I don’t have to call him Son anymore. Ki Jae is all smiles as he talks on the phone. Just start calling him hyung. Dae Goo can’t believe the kid is calling.

Ki Jae asks if Dae Goo doesn’t remember him? The handbag woman's son. Not that Dae Goo ever got your name. This is the first any of us have heard it. Dae Goo says, “Oh, Shin Ki Jae,” in a tone that suggests he wonders why the kid is calling. Then, Ki Jae calls Dae Goo ‘hyung’ – Ah! – and asks if Dae Goo arrested Ae Yun, since she’s not home. He says that he was going to go out if Mom got arrested. Wow, I can feel the love there. I don’t think I would love her either, since all she thinks about is herself. Even though this guy is a little too flip about things. He’s not a psychopath, is he? Although with that family, I can see it happening. Ki Jae laughs and declares that this weekend is golden. So was she arrested? Dae Goo says, “no,” with a sigh.

Ki Jae sounds bummed. No? That means she'll be home later. I guess no golden weekend. Dae Goo realizes… He asks Ki Jae if they have a vacation home by Sapyung Lake. Ki Jae says that *he* owns a vacation home there. I like how he says Sapyung. It reminds me of a spring. Byoing! Dae Goo clarifies that it’s Ki Jae’s vacation home. Tae Il groans and Gook tosses his papers in disgust. Dae Goo thanks Ki Jae and hangs up. Ki Jae looks at the phone and mutters that he likes Dae Goo more and more. It sounds like he calls Dae Goo hyung again. Ki Jae looks over at that picture of Ae Yun and the ferry. He remarks that Dae Goo figured it out without a hint. Ki Jae smiles and does the thumbs up again. Such a cool guy! Dae Goo’s seriously cool. Ki Jae puts on his slippers and gets up from the couch.

The boys decide to go check out Ki Jae's vacation home, As they are about to leave the conference room, the door opens and a hand dangles a bag. A voice that tries to sound like a man announces, “Chicken delivery.” Then Soo Sun sticks her head in the door. She comes inside and closes the door. They’re glad to see her. Dae Goo looks especially glad to see her, what with that goofy little smile on his face. She tells them that there's been a miracle. Two or three days ago, a movement to take down the video began. They're nearly all deleted. Gook claps with excitement. His plan worked! Neither Gook or Tae Il tell Soo Sun that it was their handiwork, but they share and smile and a wink over how cool they are. She asks if they were going somewhere and Dae Goo declares that they’re locating a vacation home to find the person who shot the video. Soo Sun declares that she has to go!

Dae Goo and Soo Sun arrive at the vacation home. As they climb out of the car, Jin Kyung happens to be leaving the house with her suitcase – which doesn’t look very full by how she's carrying it – still wearing the same guy’s shirt and shorts. Dae Goo calls her name. When she sees them, she runs back inside. She tells them to go away. He apologizes for the last time they spoke. Soo Sun pushes Dae Goo aside from the door and starts talking to Jin Kyung. Jin Kyung yells that she has nothing to say! And where is Ae Yun’s assistant, the one that was supposed to be watching Jin Kyung? Soo Sun declares that she just wanted to tell Jin Kyung ‘thank you’ and ‘I'm sorry.’ The woman who was beaten by the handbag woman is her mother. That gets Jin Kyung’s attention.

Soo Sun says that if it weren’t for Jin Kyung, she would never have known what happened to Mom. Again she says thank you so much and that she’s sorry for bothering Jin Kyung. She really doesn't want to torment Jin Kyung. But there's no one else she can ask for help. Soo Sun begs Jin Kyung to be brave just this once? Dae Goo is starting to get emotional as Soo Sun begs. He’s probably wishing that there was someone he could beg about Oma’s murder. Soo Sun says that she knows there's no reason for Jin Kyung to help her, but if Jin Kyung does, she'll never forget it. Jin Kyung sighs and starts to really feel bad.

Soo Sun and Dae Goo are about to leave when Jin Kyung exits the house. She asks them if they will take her to Seoul so that she can get to the airport? She’ll pay for it with this: the login and password for a video website where they’ll find the unreleased full video. Soo Sun starts to smile with grateful tears in her eyes. Jin Kyung notes that the video begins prior to signing the agreement. Dae Goo sighs, relieved. They got it! Soo Sun bows and profusely thanks her. Jin Kyung declares that the money that she got from Ae Yun, she already returned it online. She couldn't handle being trapped there. They go, with Dae Goo carrying Jin Kyung’s bag. And I like that the girl is getting out of town and away from the reach of Moon Bae and his nasty daughter.

Back in the Conference Room, they’ve logged into the website. Gook lets out a big breath and declares that he’s going to press ‘play.’ It’s projected up on the big screen. The video starts with Mom asking what the terms of the agreement mean – just like Mom described. The whole team is watching. And the team really hates it after Ae Yun starts beating Mom with the purse. I really can’t stand it when they show Ae Yun bashing Mom’s head with the purse as Mom’s lying on the ground, so that not only is she hit with the purse but the impact makes her head whack the ground. Pan Suk tells Gook to turn it off. And you guys better download that quickly so it doesn’t mysteriously get erased. And they already thought of that. Good guys!

Pan Suk declares that they may claim that it's a fake or has been fabricated so they need to turn it over to Forensics. Just make a copy, just in case! Please! Pan Suk compliments Dae Goo and Soo Sun for their good work. He says that even without a witness’s testimony, this should be enough to nullify the agreement. Eung Do declares that they can't just classify this as a simple assault. It's too evil. Pan Suk asks if Soo Sun’s okay and she says she is, her voice husky.

Dae Goo arrives at Moon Bae’s house. He rings the bell. When the maid answers he declares that he came to see Ae Yun. Maid says that she’s not home. But Moon Bae rolls up as he’s standing there. Moon Bae gets out of the car and the dramatic music starts to play. Moon Bae asks what Dae Goo wants. Dae Goo – in that official voice he uses when he’s standing up against injustice – declares that he came to give Yoo Ae Yun a summons to appear for investigation. Moon Bae smiles and snarks that the Gangnam Station must not be busy lately since Dae Goo’s been to the house so many times already. Dae Goo replies that it wouldn't have been necessary if she had cooperated.

Dae Goo adds that he has a message for Ae Yun. Moon Bae tries to look disinterested. Dae Goo says that they obtained the full video showing that the agreement was signed before the assault. Moon Bae starts to squirm a little as Dae Goo declares that shortly Ae Yun will be labeled as the perpetrator and not just someone who's involved. Moon Bae tries to act cool as he says, “So?” Dae Goo holds out the envelope and says that it’s a summons to appear. Moon Bae squints at the envelope and looks back at Dae Goo. Dae Goo declares that tomorrow is the last chance for Yoo Ae Yun to appear as an involved party. After that...they'll come for her with an arrest warrant. She needs to be there tomorrow before 10am… and Moon Bae should tell his daughter not to be late.

Moon Bae angrily snatches the summons out of Dae Goo’s hand. Dae Goo bows his farewell, but as he starts to walk away, he turns around and tells Moon Bae not to contact the Chief about this. The evidence is undeniable. Chief can't do anything for him. Dae Goo adds that he heard that Moon Bae used to be the pillar of the police community. To rookies like them, he’s still a living legend. Dae Goo hopes that there aren’t any more reasons to be disappointed. He says that he’s being genuine. He bows again respectfully and goes. Moon Bae watches Dae Goo go with a small smile on his face. He says, “If your blood is too hot to handle, it will burn you to death.” That’s not creepy. Then he frowns again.

Next day, Team 3 is anxiously waiting for Ae Yun to appear. Moon Bae’s sitting in his office with his two lawyers, tapping the seconds going by with his fingers. Tick, tick, tick. Slimey suggests that Ae Yun quietly appear and then they take care of this case quickly. Lawyer2 declares that that can’t happen. The moment Ae Yun appears, her relationship with Moon Bae will be revealed. The political fallout will be massive. Slimey starts to point out that they have undeniable evidence. Moon Bae stops tapping and declares that they go.

It's after 10am. Soo Sun gets a phone call from Mom. Moon Bae came to visit her. Oh, my gosh! Do not do that, woman! Don’t do it! Please don’t do it! Mom’s overwhelmed that someone so powerful is bowing deeply before her. He apologizes for being a worthless father with an immature daughter. I’m sorry. Your daughter isn’t 20. She’s in her 40’s. She’s not immature anymore, except maybe emotionally, but that’s not an excuse. Moon Bae declares that he has nothing to say. Mom – being the kind woman she is – can’t stand to see him groveling.

Moon Bae sputters as he declares that for a few years now... his daughter has had severe depression. Oh! I am so angry! This is ridiculous! Depression is no excuse for what the woman did. Even if it *were* true, which it’s *not.* He explains that since her father is a politician, she always has to be careful and can't do anything she wants to do. Moon Bae supposes that was the source of her rage. Oh, I broke a nail. Let me beat you with my bag so I feel better. I have depression so it's okay if I give you a bloody nose. He declares that it’s all his fault. It's his dishonor. He bows deeply again. Mom declares that she thought it was a little strange but now she understands. Aigoo! As Mom starts being sympathetic, Moon Bae cracks just an ever-so-slight smile. Moon Bae thanks her for her understanding. She pats Moon Bae’s hands comfortingly. Like he’s the wronged party.

The Team arrive at the hospital. Moon Bae’s still there. Moon Bae is 'surprised' to see them. Soo Sun is freaking out. Moon Bae smiles his little Cheshire Cat smile, since he knows he’s about to rub Dae Goo’s face in it. Mom tells Pan Suk that he can stop now. She just wants to let it go. Soo Sun and Dae Goo both say ‘Mom!’ to stop her, but Mom declares that the Congressman apologized profusely. It's okay now. That smile on Moon Bae’s face has gotten larger. The team reels as Moon Bae declares that he’ll be leaving now. Moon Bae stops to really smile in Dae Goo’s face and pat him on the shoulder. Dae Goo can’t take it and walks after Moon Bae. Soo Sun follows him.

Moon Bae has the biggest smile on his face as he leaves the hospital room. Because Mom is being stupid. Of course, there’s always time for Mom to reconsider, since a formal complaint needs to be filed within ONE YEAR from the day that the incident occurred. And since Moon Bae and Ae Yun are going to screw up before then, Mom can always stick them with that charge, too. Dae Goo and Soo Sun watch him go. Soo Sun walks back in to confront her mother. Soo Sun tells Mom that she can't let it go like this. Does Mom think he's being honest? Mom says that she knows. But he's an elderly man and it’s not easy to bow to a person like her because of his daughter. Dae Goo tries to point out that Ae Yun should be punished for her crime. Tae Il tells Mom that people like that are two-faced. Gook clucks that their Mother is so kind she fell for it again.

Mom tells them enough. What will you do with a mentally unstable person? Well, if they're like that, not let them out in public. Mom smiles though and shows them a picture she took with her phone of Moon Bae bowing to her. As Soo Sun says Mom’s name again, exasperated, Mom croons that not many people in the nation have received an apology from a Congressman. Eung Do tells Soo Sun to come with him and motions for Dae Goo to follow. Tae Il and Gook also follow, leaving Pan Suk alone with Mom.

Outside, Eung Do tells Soo Sun that even though she’s upset, she should let her mother rest easy now that things turned out this way. Soo Sun was doing this for Mom anyhow. Pan Suk has come out now. He tells Soo Sun that they’ve settled already. It's a done deal. Gook pats Soo Sun on the shoulder as she tries to swallow this bitter pill.

Ae Yun saunters out of her house with her sunglasses on, not a care in the world. Because Daddy took care of the consequences, AGAIN. I really hope I’m right that you killed Oma so that you can get the death penalty. Dae Goo’s there, though. He calls her name to get her attention and asks if she’s committed that many crimes that she’s afraid of the police station? Ae Yun takes off her glasses, rolling her eyes, and asks what he’s saying. Dae Goo declares that she writes advance settlements so he's come to give her advance warning. She was lucky to hide behind her father this time. But... he’ll get her next time. She laughs, not believing his gumption. He tells her to remember his face. He says that he’s a member of Team 3 Violent Crimes Unit at Gangnam Station, Eun Dae Goo.

Ae Yun looks at him and arrogantly tells him that he really doesn't know anything, does he? Dae Goo’s eye twitches as he wonders what she means by that. She cockily asks that his name is Eun Dae Gu? She cackles haughtily. And who does Dae Goo take after? If Dae Goo went through all that, he should be more careful. Then she saunters away, into her car, and drives off. Dae Goo tries to swallow it and our last shot of him is that sad, hurt 15-year-old, asking how they could do that to Oma.

Moon Bae is in the house, on the phone with Chief. He smiles as he says that she’s become a shepherd. What does that mean? If that child comes to his attention one more time, then he’ll take care of it himself once and for all. Chief stops breathing. Does Chief understand what he’s saying? She gasps out that she does and apologizes again. Moon Bae hangs up and she fumes, slamming her desk as she does.

Sa Kyung is getting a coffee. Pan Suk runs up and grabs her wrist. He says that it was really shocking. He couldn't sleep a wink that night. She doesn’t know why he signed the divorce papers? She looks away from him, trying not to smile. He clucks at her that she’s the one who wanted a divorce. He agreed because it was his fault. But... she doesn't know why he signed? She tries to put on a straight face as she says, “No, I don't.” Pan Suk can’t believe her. He protests that he signed because she wanted him to. He’s a man who was abandoned. I was hoping that this was a dream, given how the scene started, but it's not.

Sa Kyung tells Pan Suk that this is why he’s hopeless. He doesn't know why she gave him the divorce papers? He earnestly answers that it was because it was his fault. Sa Kyung nods and says that she thought so. What is she doing? I'm female and I don't know what her reason was. She starts to leave but Pan Suk stops her, saying that they’re still talking. She asks him again that he really doesn't know? He answers that he’s asking because he doesn't. She tells him, with a smile on her face, that he should live without knowing forever. Just live that way. Then she walks away with a smile on her lips. And I am really irritated – not to mentioned confused – right now. She’s the one who messed up but she’s turned it around to be Pan Suk’s problem? Not cool.

Pan Suk groans in frustration and walks off, revealing that Tae Il has overheard the entire conversation. He looks like he feels bad – for himself and for Pan Suk. Pan Suk goes into the Conference Room, frustrated. Tae Il follows him. Pan Suk tells Tae Il not to talk to him. Tae Il tries again and Pan Suk snaps that he doesn't feel like talking to Tae Il! Tae Il asks Pan Suk then to just hear him out. Tae Il sits at the table and Pan Suk looks at him, not believing the kid sat down.

Tae Il says that last year he went to London for a week on vacation. He met Team Leader Kim Sa Kyung at the hostel. He fell in love at first sight. But she... treated him like a little kid. Ouch. That had to hurt. And how humiliating to admit that. Pan Suk looks over at him. What he’s saying is that Tae Il was never one of Sa Kyung’s flings. They never… you know, got to *know* each other. Tae Il says that what happened the night that Pan Suk saw them was because Tae Il begged Sa Kyung for a hug. He asked her to be human.

Hearing that last part – Be human? – Pan Suk almost explodes, but seeing Tae Il’s uncomfortable and embarrassed face, Pan Suk controls himself. Pan Suk declares that he doesn't want to hear it. He puts his fingers in his ears and mutters that he doesn't want to hear about that night. Tae Il pries Pan Suk’s fingers out of his ears. Pan Suk glares at Tae Il.

Tae Il declares that he’s never wronged Pan Suk. He’s never pursued Sa Kyung and never thought of her as anything more as your team member. Pan Suk just looks at Tae Il. Tae Il says that he’s smart enough not to start a game he can't win. Pan Suk sits back in his seat and asks Tae Il what his point is. Tae Il says that he’s sorry but he’s not sorry. Pan Suk’s irritated again. Tae Il tells Pan Suk that he heard them speaking earlier. Should he tell Pan Suk why she gave him divorce papers? Pan Suk growls at Tae Il. Tae Il stops. Pan Suk pauses and then tells Tae Il that he doesn’t want to know and Tae Il should get out. Tae Il reluctantly goes. Pan Suk mutters to himself about his kids. Calling themselves team members... One disrespects him. One disrespects his woman.

The gang’s now loaded in the van. Pan Suk tells them that Team 1 has requested a joint investigation to get the middleman in a drug cartel. They’re there to confirm whether he's there. He says that they need a disguise to enter a coffee shop filled with gangsters, so Dae Goo and Soo Sun’s disguise will be a couple. Gook and Tae Il...are friends. What they need to find out is whether Sung Yong Ki is among the gangsters. He hands them Sung Yong Ki’s picture and tells them to take a good look. Of course, Dae Goo just needs to glance at it to remember.

Before they go, Pan Suk tells Soo Sun that she looks nice. Dae Goo doesn’t like that. Soo Sun does because Pan Suk’s like her dad. Pan Suk gives them a ‘Fighting!’ Dae Goo and Soo Sun climb out of the car. She’s in a skirt and heels. He looks at her and is totally awkward. Dae Goo just needs to glance to remember. Heh. She takes his arm and they start walking toward the café.

Dae Goo and Soo Sun are chilling at one of the tables. There’s a *lot* of gangsters at that café. Lots of tats and wife-beater shirts. Pan Suk wasn’t kidding. Why do gangsters always look like well-dressed thugs? Soo Sun texts that Dae Goo is looking for Sung Yong Ki and then that Sung Yong Ki is not there. She tells them that they’ll get a picture of the gangsters.

In a LOUD voice, Soo Sun calls Dae Goo ‘honey’ – Dae Goo’s eyes bug at that one – and tells him to take a picture of her. At a flattering angle. So Dae Goo starts to take pictures of the gang members. And I roll at all the goofy poses that Soo Sun pretends to pose for. As Dae Goo finishes, the wait staff comes out and starts singing 'Congratulations on your 100-day anniversary.' Oh, no! Where did they get that idea? Dae Goo stands up – wearing my face. What? The gangsters all join in, too. The staff’s brought a cake with them so Dae Goo and Soo Sun have to blow out the candle together.

And not contrived at all… One of the gangsters suggests that Dae Goo and Soo Sun kiss. The crowd starts chanting for them to kiss. Dae Goo and Soo Sun look at each other uncomfortably. It’s not like you haven’t kissed before. Of course, that was before you liked each other… So it was different. The guys in the van are watching, wondering what’s going to happen, since they can hear the crowd chant “Kiss-u hey! Kiss-u hey!”

Soo Sun motions to Dae Goo and says that she’ll do it. Dae Goo looks at her, terrified. She walks over and plants one on him. His eyes are stuck wide open. The guys in the van can’t believe that happened. After the kiss is over, Dae Goo and Soo Sun do a lot of blinking. Actually, Dae Goo doesn’t really move at all. He's just looking at her. Then he decides to go for it. He reaches up and cradles her face and kisses her. Oh, my gosh! I’m swooning! Is it hot in here? I’m so happy for him. Sorry, Gookie! Both their eyes are closed. The guys in the van are really rocked by that one. Gook gives a little whimper. Dang, that’s a long kiss! The episode ends with a flashback over moments in their relationship.


Oh, my goodness. I’m a little emotional right now. I rewatched that last part because it just makes me happy. Finally, Dae Goo’s feeling secure enough to totally let his walls down and be real with what he wants. And in front of everyone, he’s saying that he wants her. Not that he might not backpedal later, since he got caught up in the moment, but he’s still telling her that she’s what he wants.

I kind of feel like just ruminating on this moment and leaving it at that…

But there were some things that happened that are worth talking about.
  1. Now, more than ever, I think that Ae Yun is involved in Oma’s death and probably the one who convinced Moon Bae to kill Ji Yong. 
  2. I hate that she’s momentarily won, because of the kind-heartedness of the woman she attacked. Not that Mom can’t still submit a formal complaint within the next year, but still. I’m still a little irked a Mom for falling for it. Depression my eye! 
  3. It’s kind of scary how much I hate Moon Bae and Ae Yun. I’m growing less and less fond of Chief. And I wonder what kind of people Ji Il (Father) and Ki Jae are being part of that messed up family. Ki Jae might be a psychopath, or he might be a bored rich kid that finds the wrong things amusing because of how crappy his (family) life is. (Because money does not bring happiness, regardless of the illusion that it does.) 
  4. Love that Soo Sun stood up for what’s right regarding Chief’s request but annoyed that Dae Goo is still clueless to Chief’s nefariousness. 
  5. I’m wondering what Chief’s angle is on her relationship with Dae Goo. I was hoping that she felt motherly attachment to him, but with how she lied straight to his face (although she couldn’t look at him) it makes me wonder what else she’s lied and manipulated where Dae Goo is concerned. 
  6. That scene with Soo Sun begging Jin Kyung for the tape and Dae Goo getting emotional, probably wishes that there was someone to beg about Oma's murder - it just made me think about how much more it's going to hurt when he finds out that Chief had answers all along and didn't help him to catch the people that did that to her.
  7. Yay, that they got the video evidence on Ae Yun. Now I don’t have to worry about it getting lost because Moon Bae thinks that they’ve won. Still has a year to file. I’m just saying. 
  8. Love how Dae Goo is finally not trying to be better than everyone else. Him giving Gook his milk and how he discussed Boots’s case with Pan Suk… those show how he’s not having to portray his façade any more. 
  9. And I have to say, I love Dae Goo’s moments with Pan Suk! It still reminds me of a Father-Son relationship, with Pan Suk asking Dae Goo who the boss is and is Dae Goo confused over the answer. Love it! 
  10. Loved the moment that Ki Jae called Dae Goo ‘hyung.’ Foreshadowing? And that Ki Jae already likes Dae Goo and calls him ‘chung-chun-men,’ that’s even better. 
  11. Love that through all of this, Dae Goo has become a real police man. He tells Ae Yun to remember him: he’s Eun Dae Goo from Gangnam Station’s Violent Crimes Unit Team 3! He’s not just acting like a cop anymore. He really is one. 
  12. Like that all the kids are growing into good detectives and they’re all on the same team together, so that they’ll be together for a while. I hope that Gook isn’t too heart broken and it doesn’t cause too many problems in his relationship with Dae Goo-Dae Goo. 
  13. Are we going to get some roommate hijinks? Mom’s still in the hospital and she should be getting out soon. I can’t see Mom not staying a little while longer in town, to pay her kids back for all the ways they took care of her… And now I can see Dae Goo actually telling Soo Sun to move in for real. Although the whole romance part of it could make that a little uncomfortable. But then Dae Goo and Gook could room together, just so everything would be kosher. And that would be great too what with how Gook gets on Dae Goo's nerves because of his lack of boundaries. I'm actually giggling now thinking of sunbae Gook ordering maknae Dae Goo to use the top bunk...
  14. I really hope that Dae Goo ruminates on Ae Yun’s snarky comment about how he doesn’t know anything and how he should really be more careful after experiencing what he did. Please, can we get somewhere on Oma’s murder?! 
  15. Presently, I am a little annoyed at Sa Kyung. She needs to stop being so coy and making it all about Pan Suk being wrong. She messed up hugging Tae Il and then she turns it around on Pan Suk when he has every right to be upset. It’s obvious to me that Pan Suk has no clue *why* she gave him the divorce papers. The fact that she and Tae Il know the reason… just a bit too much. 
  16. Like how Tae Il said that he respected Pan Suk by not pursuing anything and that he didn’t try playing a game he can’t win. Two cool things to say. It was pretty funny how Pan Suk was like a kid, covering his ears to not hear what Tae Il had to say. I’m glad that Tae Il stepped up and explained things. Hopefully, Pan Suk will break down and ask and yell at his stupid woman for tormenting him. 
  17. Thought of something else. Pan Suk's son would be about 15 if he had lived and whenever Dae Goo butts heads with Pan Suk, it's like he reverts back to being that 15-year old Ji Yong. So in one way, it's like Pan Suk's having to deal with what having a teenager would be like, dealing with Dae Goo. 
Oh, Wednesday, please hurry! And please replay the kiss, so I can swoon again.

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