Sunday, May 17, 2015

Divorce Lawyer in Love Episode 5 Recap

Episode starts with Yoo Mi, Jung Sook and Kyung out at the restaurant. Kyung has passed out, Yoo Mi is convinced that something romantic is going to happen and Jung Sook thinks Yoo Mi is crazy, since Cheok Hee and Jung Woo are worse than Tom and Jerry. Do they have Tom and Jerry in Korea? If not, what phrase is she using here? Yoo Mi will not be persuaded that she’s crazy. Even though she is. How meta is that? She’s convinced that it will happen because it happens on dramas, and this is a drama, but one that's trying to be like real life, so it can’t happen, because that kind of things doesn't happen in real life. Even though it's still a drama. My head is spinning now.

Again with Cheok Hee and Jung Woo walking backward and shots of their bums. Especially's Cheok Hee's bum. Jung Woo's is covered by his trenchcoat. That's a secure woman who doesn't mind a close up of her bum. They bump into each other and sparks fly. Yoo Mi is sure that something is definitely going to happen. In real life, however, they are appalled that their bums touched, with Jung Woo vigorously trying to wipe off Cheok Hee’s cooties. Jung Woo protests that men can file a lawsuit for sexual harassment if they receive unwanted physical contact, too! Cheok Hee replies that she should be saying that to him. He better not even dare to brush against her clothes. Harassment during work from a superior is punishable even without a lawsuit from the victim. Jung Woo makes a face at her, muttering, “I can't even-“ But then he spots Scumbag.

Jung Woo starts to push down on Cheok Hee’s head. She growls at him not to touch her. He whispers at her that the people came. That gets her to duck down. Jung Woo does a hand motion for shooting pictures and says, “Click! Click!” Lots of pictures of Scumbag holding hands with Trollop. They’re all smiles for each other. And that’s a nice camera that they just had lying around the office. The lens alone costs about $2,000. The body is at least $3,000. And they just happened to have it lying around the office.

They sneak down closer. Cheok Hee has a mishap, so she hands the camera to Jung Woo. Oh, my gosh! Scumbag and Trollop are going at it, in front of an open window. Jung Woo gets pictures of the kissing and Scumbag stripping off Trollop’s coat (in a very ‘let’s have sex’ sort of way). More pictures of kissing and them on the bed. This guy is sunk. Cheok Hee is watching Jung Woo, clutching at her back from when she fell.

And folks, just as a side note, the way that both Jung Woo and Cheok Hee were carrying that camera was not wise. Even if you don't put the strap around your neck, which I normally don't, you still wrap the strap around your wrist, so that if you do trip or something causes you to lose your grip on your camera, the strap stops it from smashing on the ground. Dropping that camera can crack that $2,000 lens, rendering it worthless, or it could knock one of the lenses inside out of alignment, or it could knock the focusing ring out of alignment, so that you have to send it into Canon to get fixed. Same with the camera. Dropping it can known those internal lenses out of alignment, so that's a nice little bill getting it fixed. I've had - or someone I know has had - all these things happen. Not fun at all. Quite expensive. Moral of the story? Wrap your strap around your wrist.

Later, Jung Woo is looking over the take while Cheok Hee asks the receptionist if there was a pharmacy nearby. Or in their first aid kit, do they have an ointment that has steroids for muscle pain or a patch that has methyl salicylate? Receptionist looks at her like she’s crazy for even thinking they might have that. Jung Woo mutters to himself that it is so typical of her. He tsks at her as he shakes his head. Kyung’s words about taming the shrew pop into his head. He sighs and grimaces. He looks over Cheok Hee, who is groaning over her hurt back.

Back in the hotel room, she’s slipped out of her clothes and into a fuzzy bathrobe. She’s trying to reach the big bruise on her shoulder - but it’s around that spot in your back that you always have someone else scratch. A knock on the door. Jung Woo enters, prompting Cheok Hee to quickly cover up. She yells at him for not waiting for an answer after he knocked. Nonplussed, he replies that she never does. She acts put out.

Jung Woo drops some medicated patches on the table. She asks what it is – even though it’s labeled ‘medicated patches.’ He clears his throat and tells her that it’s the patches that have methyl salicylate which she likes. Wow, he remembers that? No, you’re not in love at all. She asks where he got them. He replies that he went to downtown and bought it. He *drove* someplace to get them, not a short distance either. But he's not in love. He looks a little pleased with himself as he admits it.

Cheok Hee smiles with pleasure and then tries to act nonchalant. She tells him that he finally did something right. Jung Woo chuckles, disgusted that she didn’t even bother to say thank you. He tells her to sleep well, as she opens one and starts to try and put it on. Cue Cheok Hee not being able to put on the patch because of the spot that it’s in. Jung Woo notices and groans to himself because he knows she needs help. He rubs his chest as he recalls the yoga: ‘I love you. I love you.’ Cheok Hee asks what he’s muttering. He walks over and tells her to give him the patch.

Jung Woo pull down her robe. Strange look from Cheok Hee. Jung Woo is a little uncomfortable, too, as he looks at her exposed shoulder.

♬ That one day, ♬

Awkward pause. Jung Woo says that it's bruised. She should have been careful. Jung Woo gently puts on the patch.

♬ Your warmth ♬

Jung Woo gently makes the patch stick. Cheok Hee is not quite sure what she’s feeling.

♬ The day when it seeped deep inside of my heart ♬

Cheok Hee blinks and makes the face she makes when she’s uncomfortable.

♬ When time passes and memories fade ♬

Jung Woo is blinking some, too. He tells her to go to the hospital if it keeps on hurting.

♬ When the seasons change and the trees lose color ♬

Cheok Hee doesn’t say anything. Jung Woo sighs. He pats the patch some more.

♬ Will I be able to forget? ♬

With her hands in her lap, Cheok Hee squeezes her robe.

Definitely a moment. There was clothing squeezing and everything.

Back in Seoul, Yoo Mi declares that something is definitely doing to happen. Jung Sook gets a phone call. It’s her son who is trying to get out of studying. Mom tells him to splash water on his face or chew gum and then study. She hangs up. Jung Sook mutters to herself that she definitely needs to go home and discipline them today. Heh. She slaps Kyung’s hand and tells Yoo Mi to send this person home. Yoo Mi is still caught up in her dream world: Cheok Hee and Jung Woo are each other's first love. They're definitely going to wake up in the same bed tomorrow and she fixes her drink and screams.

Switch to bedroom. Clothes on the floor. Man’s feel sticking out from under the covers. Woman stretches. It’s Yoo Mi! Oops. I guess she didn’t send Kyung home. I can’t see this being Kyung’s room. Kyung rolls over, revealing his feet. Yoo Mi doesn’t want to look, but she does, and then she screams again, a blood-curdling scream. This wakes Kyung up. And he’s still wearing his glasses. There’s a pause in Yoo Mi’s screaming. They look at each other and then both of them start screaming.

I am laughing. Kyung checks under the covers (to see if it’s what he thinks it is. It is.) More screaming.

[Episode 5: It's hard to say I'm sorry]

Cheok Hee and Jung Woo are standing next to each other, arms crossed. They look annoyed with each other. Jung Woo has a toothpick in his mouth. They turn around and look at Scumbag and Trollop as they walk down the steps. They quickly turn around, like they’re just some random people and not lawyers out to bust the couple. Cheok Hee and Jung Woo look at each other. He says that they should go. She nods conspiratorily. So the expressions weren’t annoyance but conspiracy.

James Bond music and graphics. Weird crane pose as they lean their backs on each other. I guess Yun Woo Jin doesn’t do yoga, since he’s having trouble staying in the pose. Why *are* they posing? Heh. They’re holding bags. Cheok Hee gives Jung Woo a tap on his shoulder with her head as he looks suavely at the camera. They look at each other and he smoothly gives her a wink. They nod.

Bond music continues to play as they sneak into Scumbag’s love nest. Ir's quite amusing how dramatic they're being. Cheok Hee pulls the sheets off the bed and tosses them to Jung Woo, who stuffs them in one of the bags. Cheok Hee rifles through the trash and finds a box of condoms “Love Sex: Excite Me.” Eureka! She tosses it back in the trash and then holds the can up triumphantly. Jung Woo smiles and points at her like she’s the ‘man.’ He goofily does a couple of spins as he crosses over with the trash bag and they get their evidence. High Five as they pose again, wind blowing dramatically – even though they’re inside.

Outside the office building, Kyung says to Yoo Mi that they should at least talk or something. He’s laughing because it’s awkward. She’s annoyed. She says that she should never mix drinks from now on. Really. She mixed beer and Soju and now her life is getting all mixed up. Kyung looks down. Yoo Mi sighs and tells him that she’s a very difficult woman to catch. She’s not a person that usually makes mistakes, but last night for the first time in her life, she made a mistake she’s never made before. She doesn’t have a high opinion of herself at all, does she?

Yoo Mi starts to walk off. Kyung walks after her, pretending like he doesn’t care. She’s going to pretend like it didn't happen, right? After this contract ends, he has to go abroad to study art anyway. Plus, young girls aren't his style because their mental maturities won't match. She stops walking and laughs like he’s so arrogant. He got her pride. Heh. Like she feels sorry for him, she tells him that an old geezer in his thirties, living in a corner room, she doesn't really want someone like that either. She walks off as Kyung mutters after her that he’s not an old geezer. He was born on July 22, 1985!

They end up having to take the elevator, awkwardly, with Jung Sook, Cheok Hee and Jung Woo. And they’re not acting weird at all. Jung Sook asks if anything happened. Kyung quickly answers that nothing, absolutely nothing happened! Cheok Hee waves her arm at him and says that Jung Sook is asking *her.* Jung Sook says that she *was.* Cheok Hee asks if something did happen with Kyung. He chuckles nervously and scratches his head as he asks what would have happened? Yoo Mi squirms like she wishes she was not in the elevator.

Jung Sook looks at all of them and says that they are wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Guilty Kyung sputters that it sounds like she’s saying they didn't go home yesterday. Matter-of-factly, Cheok Hee says that she didn’t go home. Jung Woo adds that he didn’t, either. What’s wrong with him? Jung Sook declares that Kyung must have been so drunk that he couldn't control his body last night, perhaps. Then she scoldingly declares that it’s so obvious. Yoo Mi and Kyung cringe nervously. Jung Sook declares that Kyung passed out somewhere on the sidewalk! Yoo Mi and Kyung silently breathe a sigh of relief and Cheok Hee clucks disapprovingly.

Everyone heads into the office, except Kyung and Jung Woo. Kyung grabs him and pulls him aside. He asks how things went. Did he knock Cheok Hee out with one punch? Jung Woo waves his hand in a pshaw and says that no matter how he thinks about it, he doesn't think that's the way to go. That jab, hook, straight (all in English), nothing works on her. Kyung whines that he even lied to her so that it would be easier to tame her. Lie about what? That the ‘for’ vote was from him. Jung Woo freaks out. Because it *was* him. He asks why Kyung did such an unnecessary thing? What if she thinks it's real? Kyung replies that it seemed like she was slightly touched. Jung Woo’s surprised. Kyung asks him if he’s going to make a satanic, scary Chucky or an angelic, obedient Chucky? Goofy hand motions. All of it is in his hands! Jung Woo sighs and waves at Kyung to cut it out.

Jung Woo and Cheok Hee are outside of the Lawyers Tower. Cheok Hee groans and rubs her back. He asks if she’s okay. Oh course, she is. Cheok Hee looks up at the building and is struck with sadness. The sign reads, “Seung So Law Firm, specializes in divorce.” I think this is her old office building. Jung Woo’s face shows that he feels bad for her. Inside, the banner reads, “Divorce law suits, we will win for you no matter what. Seung So” It *is* her old office. There’s that weird, creepy statue. Cheok Hee tries to get some water, but drops the cup. As she squats to pick it up, she sees a piece of paper with her name on it: Lawyer Go Cheok Hee. No one spotted that in the last 3 years? Cheok Hee tries to pull it out, but it’s stuck. Jung Woo sees it and feels badly for her.

Secretary arrives and announces that they are ready for them. Cheok Hee has to leave the paper behind. She starts to follow the secretary when Jung Woo stops her. She’s annoyed, but he leans over and holds out the papers. Conspiratorially, he tells her to do it. When she’s surprised, he tells her that she should experience it once. In tone like she’s being silly for arguing. He tells her to go in first and heads to the bathroom.

Everyone is now in the conference room: Jung Woo, Cheok Hee, Sol Hee, Scumbag and Trollop. Scumbag complains that he’s a little tired. They need to do this quickly. He crosses his arms like he’s above all this. He's really confident that he's untouchable. How he's acting shows just how little of a man he really is. Cheok Hee looks at him and suppresses a smile. She looks over at Jung Woo, who give her a ‘got get ‘em, Tiger’ look. And here comes the hammer. Cheok Hee smiles and pulls out the pictures of their tryst. She sweetly asks him if he knows that his profile is far more attractive. Heh. Slap that other lawyer, good! Sol Hee is completely taken aback. She scrambles for the pictures. It’s *really* incriminating.

Sol Hee sputters, asking how they got the pictures. Scumbag doesn’t get it. Although Trollop looks uncomfortable. He asks what they’re going to do since the law against adultery is revoked now. He tosses the pictures onto the table like they’re nothing. He’s an idiot. The lawyer knows what’s what, but he’s so arrogant to think that he’s untouchable. Cheok Hee smiles and replies that just because adultery has disappeared from the criminal code, it doesn't mean it's disappeared from the professional code of conduct. Then - Omo! - it 'occurs' to her that she forgot to bring from the car the bed sheet and condom that they gathered. Sol Hee looks at Scumbag, even more alarmed. He starts to squirm. I have to giggle a little.

Cheok Hee says that if they file a compensation petition for unlawful actions, Cheok Hee’s sure those things can be used as strong evidences. Jung Woo glances over at Cheok Hee, a little proud. Trollop asks what Cheok Hee’s talking about. Cheok Hee, smiling, leans forward and tells Trollop and Scumbag to close their eyes for a moment. She’s going to tell them a very funny story. Her own eyes closed, she says that if they close their eyes and imagine, it'll be even more fun.

Cheok Hee's story:

"A long, long time ago, there lived a man named Kim Kwan Woo and a woman whom he had affection for, Jung Boon." Fade into Scumbag at school, walking down the hall. "The two were teachers in Shin Gangnam Elementary school." Scumbag walks by Trollop who waves coyly and smiles.

"Even if the same action is taken, depending on who takes that action, there are times when the penalty can differ.: Scumbag gets what Trollop is inviting him to do. He looks back at Trollop and smiles. Switch to them at the hotel, getting it on.

"National Civil Servant Law, Section 63. Duty to retain one's reputation. A civil servant must not disregard his job on or off duty and must not take actions that will degrade his reputation."

Switch to a woman, who has the pictures and a petition.  “Oh no! A wise lawyer sent a petition to the Department of Education.” Cheok Hee pauses and then says, "These days, open endings are popular so I wasn't going to tell them, but…" Camera focuses on the Receiver of the envelope: Seoul Department of Education, Seoul, Jongno-goo, Songwon Road 48, 110-781.

Switch to Scumbag and Trollop before the Superintendent, heads hanging as he berates them. Superintendent asks Teacher Kim Kwan Woo if this makes sense?! This is a school! Undoubtedly, this is a school!

Cheok Hee adds that if Teacher Kim was penalized, a salary cut and even removal from his position are possible.
Scumbag jumps at that the thought of that last part. Cheok Hee tells him to please write a petition explaining the trespassing incident so that Wife2 doesn't get incarcerated. Scumbag and Trollop look at Sol Hee. Cheok Hee says that if they do, then the compensation petition and the photos, they'll pretend that they never existed. Sol Hee looks at Scumbag, making a face that he should do it.

Crowing now, Cheok Hee declares that if Wife2 isn't incarcerated, then they’re all back to square one. Until now, Lee Yeon Hui took care of the child and is financially competent. Even if they go to court, Scumbag won't have a chance. She looks at Sol Hee, who is not happy. Cheok Hee pulls out the Confirmation of an Agreed Divorce. Looking at Scumbag, she says that if the both of them get fired from school together, it'll be extremely humiliating.

Trollop jumps up, reaches across the table and grabs Cheok Hee by the hair, yelling that she’s a bitch! Trollop doesn’t get it. Trollop says, “You'll fire me? Who are you to fire me?” She indignantly declares that she’s someone who even received the National Teacher Award from the Department of Education. Who does Cheok Hee dare to fire? Do you think that they would really have given you that award if they knew how shamefully you behaved? You don't think they might choose to revoke that award if it comes out? Because I sure think they would. Jung Woo, with a pleading voice, tells Trollop to let go of Cheok Hee and just talk to him, okay? Cheok Hee, trying to get Trollop not to pull her hair out, asks how a teacher could do this. Jung Woo yells that Cheok Hee isn't the lawyer. It's him!

Trollop lets go of Cheok Hee and then smacks her hard across the face. Trollop tells Cheok Hee that she’s not even a lawyer, where does she think she’s butting in?! Jung Woo looks pissed. He asks if Trollop just used violence. Uh, yeah, she did. Go call the police and get *her* arrested. Trollop replies that those who deserve to be hit should be hit for this nation can stand straight. That's her educational philosophy. Wow, she *is* a teacher of the year and deserves that Award. Jung Woo points to the camera in the ceiling and asks if Trollop if she realizes that all of her actions are being recorded?! Please call the police and have her arrested. If they can do that to Wife2, they deserve to have it done to them.

Cheok Hee is really humiliated. She quietly tells Jung Woo that she’s leaving first. He runs after her and gets her to stop in the lobby. She asks him if this is what he meant, when he told her to experience it. He protests that it’s not. He reaches over toward her but she’s not ready to not be pissed. She declares that it was her fault for listening to him. Him, who betrayed her by squealing on her three years ago. He asks if she’s saying that he did this on purpose. She repeats what he said: “This woman isn't the lawyer, it's me.” He protests that it was because she was being attacked, so he was trying to protect her. She responds that it really wasn’t to belittle her?

Jung Woo asks what she means. He’s a little hurt that she would think that. Cheok Hee declares that if he handed it over to her, he should have let her take care of it until the end. Whether she gets beaten or dies, because he said that she’s not a lawyer, even that woman disrespected her and came at her. If he was going to do that, why did he let her be in charge? Why did he ask her to do it?

Now, Jung Woo’s starting to get angry. He tries to be even-toned as he declares that he knows how she feels, better than she does. She looks at him, a little horrified that it might be true. He sighs. Then he says that for three years, while he was her office manager, every day he felt like he was living as her shadow. Even the cases he worked on, none of the petitions had his name on them. And all of the clients he worked with, once the case is over, she took all the credit. He declares, “Therefore!” as she looks at him, asking if he’s finished.

Jung Woo sighs because, again, he’s been misunderstood. He declares that instead of feeling discouraged, he wanted to her to feel self-respect. Because this is the place where she worked as a lawyer. And I’m getting a little misty. I’m touched. Stop being an ice queen, Cheok Hee! Because for this case, she was the one who came up with all of the methods and the solutions! Instead of being touched, Cheok Hee bitterly says that he finally says what he’s wanted to say all along. That three years ago, she completely ignored and mistreated him. Wow, did you just totally miss everything else he just said?

Jung Woo can’t believe it. Jung Woo tells her that she’s really twisted. Cheok Hee replies that he’s right. She’s twisted. A wench who used to be a lawyer had her license suspended, and even got slapped in the face, so she’s perverse and twisted and hurt. Jung Woo looks a little like he wants to cry, but he’s pissed that she refuses to understand him. She declares that she’s broken. Is he happy now? She walks away.

At home, Jung Woo is still pissed and is trying to calm himself. Soo Ah comes into his room and asks if he ate dinner. He tells her that he’s not hungry. She asks if something happened with Go Cheok Hee in Yangpyeong. He shakes his head and says that it didn’t. He tells her not to bring up that woman in front of him anymore, please! She replies that something must have happened. Jung Woo looks at his desk and sees 'The Taming of the Shrew.' He laughs and declares, rather loudly, that for thinking that kindness would get through, he was wrong. He was wrong! He fights not to punch the book. She asks him what he’s talking about. He tells her not to mind him.

Soo Ah picks up his jacket and some papers fall out. She asks what they are and he shoos her away. He quickly picks them up and asks himself why he brought them. Bangs blow in frustration. Aw, now you need to do an ‘Aish!’ He mutters that they’re to a woman who turns kindness into hostility. He grabs his jacket, stuff the papers back inside, balls the jacket up and throws it into his closet. He slams the door shut. Soo Ah definitely knows that something happened.

Cheok Hee is riding on the bus, feeling terrible, reliving Trollop’s slap and words. She reaches up and touches the spot on her face again. She looks over at a mother and daughter, sharing tender words. She starts to cry as she says that she misses her mom, too. She's making me get misty.

The next day at work, Jung Sook sighs. Are there beggars living in her stomach? Love that expression! It hasn't been that long since she’s eaten. Yoo Mi suggests they go get something to eat. Jung Woo walks out of his office and motions for Yoo Mi and Jung Sook ignore him and to go back to work. He tries to act indifferent as he tells Cheok Hee that Scumbag has decided to settle. They're going to court today, and she should go there, Office Manager Go.

Cheok Hee picks up her phone and types something. Then she slams down her phone. There’s ding. Jung Woo pulls out his phone. She’s texted him, “okay.” He’s surprised and irritated. The person is in front of her so why does she do this? She testily replies that she’s sorry. She’s just a little twisted. It takes Jung Woo a second, but he gets her jab and glares at her. She loudly declares that she thinks she needs to go to the bathroom. She starts walking really weirdly and then stops, scaring Kyung, who has just walked in. She turns around and exclaims, “Oh my! My legs are twisted.” A face from Jung Woo as he hold his anger in.

Yoo Mi declares that she’s going to buy snacks. What does everyone want to eat? I love that Yoo Mi is so used to their arguing that she's unphazed by it. Jung Sook wants blood sausages. Kyung wants liver. Cheok Hee declares that she wants a donut twists, as she twists up both her arms and legs, looking pointedly at Jung Woo. Heh. She huffs at him and sits back at her desk. Jung Sook asks if Jung Woo wants some blood sausages. He replies that they should go ahead and eat donut twists.

Courthouse. Cheok Hee is there with Wife2. Scumbag arrives. Cheok Hee cheerfully bows to him. She asks if he has the written petition. Disgusted, he tosses it at them. Undaunted, she pulls it out and looks at it. Cheok Hee tells Wife2 that she will be able to avoid incarceration. Wife2 smiles and sighs with relief. Scumbag grumbles, wishing that those photographs didn't exist. Then he tells Wife2 that she should be thankful. For him living with a wife like her for 10 years and handing over the kid.

Wife2 can’t believe that just came out of his mouth. Neither can I. Unfortunately, there are plenty of scumbags like Scumbag in the U.S., too. Cheok Hee asks him if he’s forgotten that she has the original copies of the photos. Scumbag grunts with frustration and looks away. Cheok Hee tells him that if he says such things again a petition will be sent to the Department of Education right away. He looks at her a little worried.

Cheok Hee looks at the petition and points out where it says that parental authority and custody will both be given to the child's mother. Wife2 can’t help but smile a little at Scumbag being put in his place. Cheok Hee passes him the petition and tells him to sign.

As Cheok Hee leaves the courthouse, she comes across Bong with Yoo Hye Rin. Hye Rin gasps, horrified that she’s been seen with Bong. She tries to run away but Cheok Hee grabs her by the back of the neck and stops her. She asks Hye Rin to explain this 'two shot' for her right now? Why is she with CEO Bong In Jae of BF? Hye Rin can only stutter. Bong asks if she’s still working at Min Kyu's office. He asks why she’s being petty and bringing up something from three years ago? Even if she finds the actual culprit, it's not like Cheok Hee didn't illegally obtain evidence.

Cheok Hee looks at Hye Rin. She can’t believe it. The person who squealed to BF about her was not So Jung Woo, but her? Hye Rin makes a face because she’s busted. Bong tells Cheok Hee to please be careful of her diction, using the word ‘squealed.’ It was a conscious declaration of a internal whistleblower for the realization of justice in this society. Cheok Hee looks at Bong, not believing that he is that cold.

As Cheok Hee walks home, she thinks about that day, three years ago, when she threw seaweed soup in Jung Woo’s face and didn’t believe his protests that he didn’t betray her. Wow, hard couple of days for Cheok Hee. And she just happens to run into him while waiting at the light. Awkwardness. And her face says that she feels bad but is too prideful to apologize. Yet. He tries to make small talk, asks if she submitted the petition. She did. Silence. He has no idea what's just happened.

The light turns. Jung Woo starts to walk across the street, but Cheok Hee gets his attention. She tells him that, earlier, in front of the court, she ran into Hye Rin. Hye Rin said that she did it. The incident 3 years ago. His response? “So?” She can’t believe that he already knew. Why didn't he tell her? Then she wouldn't have misunderstood the situation and he wouldn't have taken the blame either. She sounds upset, but it’s more annoyed because he's let her think badly of him for all this time when he was innocent and he could have defended himself. Jung Woo replies that to save one person's life, you can't ruin another person's life. Hye Rin was 24-years-old back then. If Cheok Hee realizes that a 36-year-old can make a mistake, then just over look the mistake of a 24-year-old.

Cheok Hee has called Kyung to go out drinking with her. He asks her why it’s him that she called, again. She declares that they’re friends! Kyung replies that friends are ones that you want to meet. How can someone who makes you feel tortured be called a friend? She hisses at him and he stops. Kyung acts like he didn’t just say that and tells her that they should be having the company dinners at a place like this. Cheok Hee sighs and asks if he also knew that it was Hye Rin. Kyung doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Cheok Hee says that Hye Rin was the person who squealed to BF about her.

Kyung gasps with admiration over what Hye Rin did and declares that he really wants to be like her! She said that it's fine even if she eats ice cold seollungtang as long as she doesn't see the face of Go Cheok Hee. She's made it. While he's stuck there, being Cheok Hee's drinking friend.

Jung Woo arrives. Evidently he didn’t realize Cheok Hee would be there. Kyung yells at the owner to bring another glass. Kyung pulls Jung Woo to sit down, as Cheok Hee asks him what he’s doing. Kyung leans over toward Jung Woo and mutters under his breath that Jung Woo has to tame her. Jung Woo and Cheok Hee just awkwardly look at each other. Kyung declares that it's been a while since people from Chuk Bok got together, so this is really great. This is a blessing. Yes, yes. Jung Woo and Cheok Hee reluctantly toast.

Kyung’s phone rings. Someone labeled “Celebral Breath” is calling. What a weird name. It’s some instructor. Oh, so maybe it’s the yoga instructor. Kyung hurries off to the health clinic at Glass Mental, leaving Cheok Hee and Jung Woo to sit there awkwardly.

Cheok Hee notices the music playing and asks if Jung Woo knows the title. He’s not sure. It’s “Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word” by Elton John. How fitting. Cheok Hee says the title in English and then translates it: “It's really hard to say I'm sorry.” Jung Woo nods. Cheok Hee announces that she has to go. Wrist grab as he tells her to wait. Cheok Hee stares at his hand on her wrist and sits back down. Not letting go, he tells her to please not misunderstand about yesterday. He just wanted to give her a chance. But the situation... it just turned out weird like that. Aw. He still wants her to know that he's on her side, even after how she's treated him.

Cheok Hee looks at him and then back at his hand on her wrist. Quickly he pulls it away. She puts down her purse. They don’t look at each other. She replies that it’s like he said, she’s a little twisted. He shakes his head. He remembers the papers in his pocket and pulls them out. He unfolds them and straightens them. It’s Cheok Hee’s old business card. I’m getting verklempt again. She asks him why he brought it. She doesn't even have a use for it. He answers that just because there's no use for it now, does that mean she won't ever get to use it? Aw.

Jung Woo sighs. He tells her that when he gave up on taking the law school entrance exam, even though he knew he wouldn't need it, there was a civil law book that he just couldn't throw away. Even though it reminded him of almost dying in the Metro explosion. But in the end, with that book, he was able to go to law school. Placing her hand on the business card and then putting his over hers to lightly squeeze it, he tells her to keep it well. She looks at the card and then at him. He tells her that something that reminds her of good memories is bound to make good memories for her again some day. Cheok Hee’s chin quivers but she doesn’t say anything. My chin is quivering a little, too.

Later, Cheok Hee is sitting in bed, looking at the business card. She calls Jung Woo a jerk. But doesn't mean it. He can talk. She reads her name aloud, “Lawyer Go Cheok Hee,” and then cradles the card close to her heart. She falls asleep with it in her hands and smile on her face.

The next day, Jung Woo tells Yoo Mi that there’s no more coffee. Is Jung Sook slipping, or is Min Kyu just not coming into the office. And what is Cheok Hee wearing? It looks like a t-shirt with one of the 7 dwarves on it. Cheok Hee declares that she’ll go buy it. It startles Jung Woo slightly. He whispers over to Yoo Mi that they also need green tea. Cheok Hee replies that she understands. She’s very smiley today. Everyone thinks Cheok Hee is acting weird.

Jung Woo tells Yoo Mi that he has some documents that need to be shredded. But then he remembers that the machine is broken. Jung Sook says that she called someone. They said they'll be here tomorrow. Cheok Hee eagerly volunteers to do it. Kyung comes over the Jung Woo and asks if he really tamed Cheok Hee. Jung Woo asks Kyung why Cheok Hee is acting like that. It's weird. Heh.

Cheok Hee returns to her desk with the papers. Uneasy, Kyung asks if he should do it. She totally ignores him. He protests that she always made him do these sorts of tasks. She replies that it’s fine. It'll be quick. She gets to shredding with two pairs of scissors. Kyung leans over to Jung Woo and says that this is why everyone calls Shakespeare ‘a master.’

That evening, Cheok Hee is over at Min Kyu's apartment. They’re drinking beers. He asks Cheok Hee if it wasn’t it uncomfortable being with So Jung Woo at Yangpyeong. She asks why he would think that. They met for work, so they only needed to do work. Min Kyu replies that it must be bearable in the office, seeing that she’s lessened in calling him a jerk nowadays. Cheok Hee agrees that it is somewhat.

News interview with the Queen of Cannes, Han Mi Ri. They’re discussing her comeback drama, ‘The Secret of a Woman.’ Being interviewed are the two main protagonists, Han Mi Ri and Jo Yoo Sang! And for those of you who were wondering, that’s the guy that Mi Ri had an affair with when she was married. Ouch. Cheok Hee just can’t get away from this woman. Min Kyu leans forward and asks who Jo Yoo Sang is. Cheok Hee makes a face but doesn’t answer.

Interviewer says that she’s curious about something. Yoo Sang defeated Won Bin, Hyun Bin, Kim Woo Bin as your competition and won the role of the main male protagonist.

Dang! That’s Won Bin

Won-Bin   Won-Bin

Hyun Bin

Hyun-Bin   Hyun-Bin

and Kim Woo Bin

Kim-Woo-Bin   Kim-Woo-Bin

How did that happen? Because he’s Mi Ri’s lover, of course. But the interviewer probably doesn’t know that. No one knows that, apparently. Except for Mi Ri, Yoo Sang and Cheok Hee.

As the interviewer asks the question, Yoo Sang acts embarrassed and Mi Ri is nodding like he’s impressive for beating out all those men. (Like her man is a stud.) Interviewer asks how their first meeting was. Mi Ri answers that they had a few photo shoots together before, but it's their first time filming a drama together. Man, this guy has a round face. He’s not bad looking, just not better looking that the other 3 actors they named. Those men are fan-worthy (as in you fan yourself because they’re that good looking).

Cheok Hee is surprised by them saying that it’s their first time filming a drama together. She remembers when she saw them in Mi Ri’s dressing room. Mi Ri introduced them and told Cheok Hee that they were practicing lines together. Cheok Hee pulls up Korea’s version of IMDB and looks up the drama, 'Honest Woman.' Jo Yoo Sang isn’t associated with it. Then what were they rehearsing?

Interviewer says that they acted as a married couple in the drama. Are they close? Yoo Sang says that he really wanted that to happen, but unfortunately, he has to go Jeju Island for a photoshoot later that day. He’ll be returning after 15 days. He turns to Mi Ri and asks his sunbae to please be kind to him when he returns. Mi Ri laughs and says that she should be saying the same. Wow, they are really good at lying. Years worth of practicing! Min Kyu looks at Cheok Hee who is watching the interview.

Later, Cheok Hee is shredding documents in the fixed shredder. And her hair gets pulled in. Jung Woo arrives but tries to not see her in trouble. He hides his face as he walks by. She yells at him to save her. He cringes and backs up to stand by her. He sighs, controlling his irritation and mutters that she is such a hassle. Then he does his yoga chant – I love you. I love you. – while rubbing his chest. Yoo Mi sees it all and hears him declare that he loves her. Cheok Hee is bent over and yelling at Jung Woo to hurry! I am starting to roll. He puts his brief case down and grabs her around the shoulders, trying to get her unstuck. It looks, from Yoo Mi’s angle, that they are embracing. She ‘sees’ Cheok Hee smile up at Jung Woo while in the embrace. Yoo Mi runs out of the office.

In reality, Cheok Hee is wincing in pain. He’s pulling on her hair – instead of pressing the REVERSE button. Yoo Mi is outside, ecstatic over the big news. Cheok Hee emerges from the office, trying to fix her hair. Which amazingly, isn’t shredded at all, even though it was just *caught* in the shredder. Yoo Mi stops her and says that she (Yoo Mi) usually has very heavy lips (she can keep a secret). Cheok Hee is surprised by Yoo Mi thinking of herself that way. Considering the amount of gossip that girl spreads, I’m surprised, too. Yoo Mi declares that this… she is at the point where she wants to scrub her mouth clean, and her mouth is itching to open! So without any other choice, she is revealing it to Cheok Hee, okay?

Yoo Mi declares that in reality, it's hard to believe it, but Lawyer So likes her. So elements of ‘Much Ado About Nothing,’ too. Beatrice and Benedict. Cheok Hee laughs like Yoo Mi is crazy. Yoo Mi asks if Cheok Hee knows what he said to her earlier? She sighs dreamily as she repeats, “I love you. I love you.” Cheok Hee starts laugh hysterically. Yoo Mi protests that she’s being serious! He even tried to hug her from behind like this! Cheok Hee tells Yoo Mi that in reality, her face must not be balanced. She doesn't just have heavy lips. She also must have closed ears and blind eyes. If Jung Woo loves her then Kang Dong Won also loves her. Kang Dong Won is a popular Korean movie actor.

Yoo Mi protests that it’s always what happens in dramas! The man falls in love and is always so nice and wants to do well to the main lead. The female lead is so dull that she's the only one who doesn't know! Yoo Mi declares that she’s telling Cheok Hee that Cheok Hee is in that exact situation. Cheok Hee can’t take any more and walks off, with Yoo Mi protesting that it’s real!

Our next divorce case. Housewife is getting a delivery. Delivery boy (man) is going over the list. He says milk, “uyu” and Woman can’t take her eyes away from his lips. Next he says oil (“shig-yong-yu”) and then beef. After that third lip puckering, Wife3 jumps on him and tries to plant one on him. This actress looks really familiar. After about 15 minutes of investigating, I figured it out. It’s Shim Yi Young, who played the annoying, clueless Aunt in ‘The Suspicious Housekeeper.’ Thank you, Asian Wiki! Delivery man fights her off, asking what she’s doing. Wife3 screams, “Let's get a divorce!” That's going to get old, the wives screaming that they want a divorce. And when's it going to be a man's turn to say it? Are only women instigating divorce in Korea? Or are they saying that women are so put upon by jerky husbands that they just can't take it any more and ask for a divorce.

Time for lunch. What shall they eat? Jajang? Again? Seollungtang. Again? Blood sausages set A! Again? Everyone heads out for lunch, except Jung Woo, who looked like he was planning on joining them, but he gets a text from Soo Ah, who wants to meet for lunch because she has something to tell him. Cheok Hee has also gotten a text. Texter says that she’s contacting Cheok Hee after getting a business card at the train station. Can a 'kiss' be a reason for a divorce? Jung Woo isn’t going to lunch. Yoo Mi comes over to Cheok Hee and tells her that it’s obvious: since Cheok Hee’s not going, Jung Woo's not either. Isn't it so that they can be alone together? Cheok Hee tells Yoo Mi to leave already. Cheok Hee wonders what the texter means: a kiss? She texts back that no matter what the reason is, her firm does its best to make divorce possible. Please visit them.

As Cheok Hee presses send, Jung Woo stick a pillow – two huge lips – in behind her back. He tells her that he thought that it would be good to support her back that she hurt last time. Cheok Hee looks at the pillow.

♬ I'm confused. I keep thinking about you. ♬
♬ Even your way of talking and expressions ♬

She thinks of Yoo Mi telling her that Lawyer So likes her.

♬ We are like Tom and Jerry. Anything will make you pouty. ♬

Then Kyung telling her that Jung Woo respected her so much three years ago.

♬ Something feels different. ♬

Then Jung Woo helping her with the patch on her back, saying that it’s badly bruised.
Then Jung Woo giving her the business card and holding her hand.

♬ I'm excited, darling. I love you. ♬

Jung Woo looks at his watch and tells Cheok Hee that he’ll be right back. As he leaves, Cheok Hee doesn’t want to believe it. But she’s not against the idea, since there’s a slight smile on her face.

Jung Woo is at a restaurant with Soo Ah. She just jumps right into her news. Soo Ah says that she’s in charge of defending a victim of the subway accident and her client said that she also survived by eating candy. Jung Woo looks hopeful that the client knows who the woman was. Soo Ah tells him not to expect too much. The client was 13 at that time, so she might not remember much. Jung Woo grabs Soo Ah’s hand and begs her to please find that person! If she can find that person, he will buy her anything– No, no. He'll do anything she ask him to. Soo Ah looks down at him holding her hand.

Jung Woo changes his mind again. No. He'll do anything she orders him to, besides something illegal. Please! Oh, I see this going bad. She finds the person after Jung Woo and Cheok Hee are in love and then Soo Ah tells him to marry her. And he’ll agree because of what he’s promised. She asks if that person is that important to him. Emphatic, Jung Woo says that him eating right now, being a lawyer, sitting here and looking Soo Ah, it is all because that person saved him. She says that she’s got it. Instead of those things, he should make her a promise. If she finds that person, they should forget everything, whether that person is alive or dead. For seven years, he’s been sorry and troubled enough. He can't ride the subway, and he couldn't take the law exam. He already suffered enough. Him holding onto that person like this is something that person wouldn’t want either.

Cheok Hee has gone over to Min Kyu’s. He groans and asks why she’s there. She says that it’s about her friend's friend's friend. That friend's friend's friend has a man that is recently nice to her. She is really bad at trying to casually lie about her ‘friend’s friend’s friend.’ Min Kyu asks her "How so?" Cheok Hee tries not to beam as she says that he bought medicine when that friend was ill, gave a surprise gift and slyly grabbed that woman's hand or something like that. Min Kyu declares that he must like Cheok Hee then! She smiles widely and says, “Right!” Then she realizes she’s smiling and covers her mouth. Min Kyu waves at her, disgusted.

Min Kyu says that he doesn't know about the stuff, but it's 100% if physical touch is involved. But Cheok Hee feels nothing? She says that for her, truthfully, he's just whatever. I roll my eyes. How should she say it? He's like a curtain. A curtain that is so thick that no light can go through it. A frustrating type. Min Kyu smiles and declares that she must not dislike him completely. Cheok Hee admits that he must be pretty decent looking, to other people. But there is this aspect.

Cheok Hee sits down by Min Kyu and says that the curtain can keep you warm. Maybe that's why that stubbornness sometimes seems warm. Min Kyu’s phone rings. It’s CEO Bong. Calling Bong, ‘this man,’ Min Kyu grumbles that he was having a fun time. He puts the phone down without answering it. Min Kyu asks if Cheok Hee is going to see her love interest or not? And he doesn’t seem upset at all at this development. Cheok Hee says that she has something to be sorry to the man about, so if he cries and hangs on to her, she might go on a few dates with him. And prideful Cheok Hee isn’t gone yet.

Office. Jung Woo arrives with coffee. Yoo Mi grabs one but Jung Woo says that it’s for the office manager. Cheok Hee like iced Americano without ice, right? Kyung is stoked that ‘taming the shrew’ is underway. Yoo Mi whispers to Cheok Hee that she told her so. Cheok Hee laughs and flicks her hair and Jung Woo thinks she’s being weird.

Later, Cheok Hee is talking with Abeoji. He asks if Mr. So is doing well. Cheok Hee remarks that Abeoji is talking about Mr. So again. She asks Abeoji what he thinks about Jung Woo. Abeoji is cleaning an eel tank. He says that Jung Woo has a shiny face. Which I guess is a compliment. In the beginning, Jung Woo seemed like he would get out of difficult situations like an eel (being sly and slippery), but different from how he looks, Jung Woo is thoughtful and polite. If Cheok Hee kept him under her wing, he will benefit her. Cheok Hee decides that she Should keep Jung Woo around and does some aegyo in the mirror.

Office Dinner Outing. Min Kyu is there. They’ve arrived at one of those outdoor tent places. Min Kyu is horrified that they want to eat dinner out on the streets. Cheok Hee tells him that everyone found the wine bar very uncomfortable. Min Kyu groans. Cheok Hee goes to sit, but Jung Woo stops her. There’s stuff on the seat. He gives her another one. She smiles to herself.

Jung Woo ends up sitting next to Cheok Hee. Later he tells her to stop drinking. She ignores him and he asks her why she’s trying to still drink when there's nothing left. Drunk, she asks him why he isn’t courageous? Jung Woo doesn’t know how to take that. Min Kyu announces that in the future, if anyone has important complaints such as this one about company dinners, nobody should hesitate and say it right away. Immediately, Kyung speaks up and suggests that they go to karaoke after this! Cheok Hee whines about the idea.

Until she gets there, of course. Then she’s all into performing. Pointing at Jung Woo, she sings: “Don't pretend like you didn't see me and avoid me.” He and Kyung (who is sitting next to him) look away to avoid her eyes. Pointing even more at Jung Woo, standing closer, she sings,” Do you normally have a quiet personality? You, who is like a woman, is frustrating.” He tries to get her to go back over to the stage. She sings – and her voice isn’t bad at all – “My pride doesn't allow me to make the proposal first. Why can't you bring it up first? Do you not like me, or is it that you are not brave?”

Outside, Min Kyu’s car arrives. He tells Cheok Hee to get in. Instead, she smiles coyly and bouncily walks over to stand next to Jung Woo. He yells, startled by her proximity. She asks him if she should get in? He looks at her like she’s gone crazy and tells her to get in, get in! He opens up the car door and shoves her inside. He yells at the car, asking why she’s like this. Did she eat something wrong?

Riding in the car, Cheok Hee declares that it's an era of deprivation, a deprivation of courage! Why don't men have such courage these days? Min Kyu agrees that nowadays, it seems like women have more courage. They start to drive by Bongcheon Subway Station. She yells for the driver to stop! He does. She announces that she is getting off there. Min Kyu wants to know why. She tells him that he’s right. In this generation, women have more courage. What is she thinking?

Oh, no. Cheok Hee has gone to find Jung Woo at home. Cheok Hee prepares herself and rings the bell. Jung Woo steps outside and is shocked. He asks w-why she’s there? She laughs and says that she's thought about it a bit. He’s not a man that she’s fully satisfied with. He’s not. But if he really wanted… she could meet up with him once or twice.

Jung Woo sighs, annoyed, and declares that she’s been acting weird, since earlier. Just what is she talking about?! Cheok Hee laughs and is about to answer, when Soo Ah comes out, asking about the delivery chicken. Cheok Hee is shocked to see her. Pac-Man dying sound effect. Soo Ah is not happy to see Cheok Hee. Soo Ah asks why Cheok Hee is there. Cheok Hee makes a lame excuse – Jung Woo left the maraca from earlier – and quickly leaves, trying to act like everything is normal. Jung Woo still thinks she’s acting weird. Soo Ah asks if that’s really why Cheok Hee came. Jung Woo grumbles that that woman drank a lot. He knew she would be like this. He heads inside.

Later, Jung Woo is reading in bed. He stops and looks at the maraca. He thinks about earlier at the cafĂ©. Cheok Hee asks him why he isn’t courageous. And then telling him that she’d go out with him once or twice. He tells himself that it can’t be.

Walking home, Cheok Hee is dying of embarrassment. She stumbles around, slapping herself on the head, muttering, “What do I do? I'm crazy! This is the end for me!! I'm finished! So embarrassed!”

Min Kyu is home, drinking wine. Isn’t that a sign of an alcoholic, sitting alone, drinking? Just kidding. He gets a phone call: Cheok Hee. He asks where she is. He has something to say. She’s out front. She slumps to the ground as Min Kyu watches. He comes outside and Cheok Hee does some drunk talking. She wails that Jung Woo already has a girlfriend! Min Kyu is surprised: The man she was talking about was So Jung Woo? She screams at him that this is all because of him! He said that Jung Woo likes her! He said it was 100%. She’s so embarrassed! Oetoeke!

Min Kyu gets her inside. She’s still muttering about being embarrassed and asking what to do. She wanders into the kitchen and sticks her head into the washing machine. Then the freezer. Can Min Kyu take her out after 20 years? He tells her to get out. She heads for the bathroom and tells him to flush her down the toilet. Min Kyu looks like he’s trying not to laugh.

Min Kyu plays the fop. He asks if he’s becoming more like his father? He’s very forgetful nowadays. Cheok Hee cries that she can't go to work tomorrow even if she dies. She really can't go! But Min Kyu declares that they should go.

The next day, Min Kyu and Cheok Hee enter the office, holding hands. Jung Woo is shocked to see that. Cheok Hee looks over at Jung Woo, winces and then hides her face in Min Kyu’s shoulder. He tells her that it will be okay. Then he pulls a Goo Jun Pyo. Min Kyu announces that this woman is his from today onwards. Shocked faces all around. And what must Yoo Mi be thinking? Cheok Hee smiles as Min Kyu says that it's a type of dating that is like a disguise. Honestly, he proposed a while ago but she didn't answer for a while. Jung Woo does not look happy.

Min Kyu brushes some hair away from Cheok Hee’s face. Her face at this is cracking me up! Min Kyu says that yesterday, Cheok Hee was so drunk that she must have gone to the wrong house. Jung Woo looks disappointed. She came a lot later than the time they promised. Dramatically, Min Kyu turns to them all and declares that it's finally a yes-yes now. Kyung puts his hand over his mouth, horrified. Jung Woo looks like a sad, lost puppy.

Min Kyu voiceover tells Cheok Hee that it's a peaceful way so she can recover her pride and the firm will settle down. Jung Sook stands and congratulates Min Kyu. It’s like she is in shock. Jung Sook adds that, of course, with her eyes, it seems like Cheok Hee likes Min Kyu more than he likes her. What is she seeing? Min Kyu replies that although they are dating in the same company, he’s in the office less than three minutes everyday, and Office Manager Go knows how to differentiate between work and personal life, so much that it seems like she has no personal life. He looks at his watch, observes that it’s already been 3 minutes, and then decides to get off work. He turns to Cheok Hee and puts a hand to her face, which startles her. He tells her that Oppa will come and pick her up later. Kyung gags as Min Kyu plays with her chin. Min Kyu leaves.

Jung Woo really looks like a sad puppy. Cheok Hee smiles awkwardly at them all. Jung Woo goes into his office, with Kyung quickly running after him. Yoo Mi and Jung Sook are also cringing, for different reasons. In Jung Woo’s office, Kyung asks Jung Woo why they’re so unlucky. Jung Woo worked so hard to tame her, but now she’s a woman of the boss... Jung Woo doesn’t want to look at him. Kyung wonders why Min Kyu, who has everything, chose Cheok Hee? Chin adjusting from Jung Woo in reaction. Kyung says that he heard that Bill Gates collects Hello Kitties. Is it a habit of a rich people to have weird preferences?

Jung Woo sneaks a look out at Cheok Hee. She looks up and sees that he’s looking and obviously hides her face. Yoo Mi comes up and asks what happened. Cheok Hee holds up her hand and tells Yoo Mi not to talk to her, before she rubs Yoo Mi’s heavy lips with a scrub towel. Cheok Hee turns and notices the same lips pillows in Yoo Mi and Kyung’s chairs... and Jung Sook’s. She moans and asks why she’s only seeing it now?!

Soo Ah is in her office, thinking about Cheok Hee just dropping by. She heads over to Min Kyu’s office to see Cheok Hee.

A huge bouquet of roses being wheeled down the hall.

Cheok Hee is asking Soo Ah if she’s saying that Cheok Hee went to So Jung Woo's house? She laughs and asks what’s wrong with her? Soo Ah isn’t buying it. She asks Cheok Hee if she likes Jung Woo. Soo Ah says that she just has a feeling and she’s good at guessing these kinds of things. Cheok Hee clears her throat and declares that she has a boyfriend. Soo Ah asks who and Min Kyu answers that it’s him. He’s the one pushing what must be 12 dozen roses, including the one he has between his teeth. I was wrong. It’s not 12 dozen roses.

Min Kyu asks if they knew that a thousand roses are heavier than a sack of rice. He almost broke his precious back! The roses are in the shape of a heart, with a sash that reads, “My angel, Go Cheok Hee.” Not any overkill, there, right? Then he tells Cheok Hee and Soo Ah that they seem more tense than when they were in court three years ago. Soo Ah asks if he’s saying that he is dating Cheok Hee. As an answer, he walks over and puts his arms around Cheok Hee, pulling her back into his chest. He asks Cheok Hee if she waited long. Cheok Hee quickly gets out of that and instead links arms with him. She leans her head on his shoulder, smiling, as she tells him that it’s okay.

Soo Ah still isn’t convinced. Because she's smart. She asks Min Kyu why he didn’t tell her that he was seeing somebody? He replies that telling her is the same as telling his father. He tells her that he would appreciate if she would edit what she saw today. Soo Ah isn’t sure what to think.

Later, in the car, Cheok Hee declares that her heart, kidney, appendix, and liver almost dropped! That was good timing! Min Kyu clarifies: That night, the girlfriend of Jung Woo’s that she saw was Soo Ah? Cheok Hee says that it seemed like they are living together or something. Soo Ah came out of Jung Woo's house. Min Kyu shakes his head, not seeing Soo Ah and Jung Woo together.

At Jung Woo’s house, Mom is yelling at him for putting his briefs in with the general laundry. He’s embarrassed that Mom is doing it in front of Soo Ah. Mom goes in the other room and Soo Ah brings up Min Kyu and Cheok Hee dating. Jung Woo replies that he wondered what kind of person would take a woman like her. Soo Ah says that she was surprised at first, but, the more she thinks about it, the more they suit each other. She doesn't have any selfish motive here at all. Jung Woo wants to know how. Soo Ah says that Min Kyu is very loose (careless). A tight woman like Cheok Hee is good for him. Jung Woo replies that a woman like Go Cheok Hee who thinks so mighty of herself needs meet a man who will tie her with ropes and not let her go. Soo Ah asks for an example, but Jung Woo can’t think of one. There's no man in this world who would suit that woman!

The next day, Kyung is leaving the subway and spots some flowers. He wonders about getting a rose for Yoo Mi. Back at the office, Yoo Mi is swooning over the flowers. Jung Sook can’t believe it. She wants to curse freely in front of him. Lots of throat hacking in that last sentence! Heh. Yoo Mi is confused. The man who said that he loves Unni was definitely someone else. Kyung arrives and gasps loudly, seeing the roses. He quickly rushes out as Jung Woo enters. Jung Woo reads the sash and physically reacts. Angel? How dare you?! Jung Woo crosses himself and apologizes to God for his words. I love that he just apologized to God. Hehe.

At the health club, Min Kyu finds Soo Ah. He says that he knew she’d be there on a Friday night. She replies that she thought that looking for someone was her specialty. She asks why he’s there. And he looks really good in that outfit. He asks if she’s dating So Jung Woo. Since she went looking for Cheok Hee, it can’t be nothing, not with her cool personality. She replies that she and Jung Woo live together. Min Kyu is genuinely surprised. Soo Ah laughs and says that Jung Woo's mom and her mom are friends. She and Jung Woo have known each other since they were 7 years old. When her father became a professor at NYU, she began to live with Jung Woo. Min Kyu asks if there’s nothing going on between them. Soo Ah says that you could say that they're family. She walks off, a small smile on her face.He's still surprised.

Later, Min Kyu calls his ‘girlfriend’ and asks where she is. Uncomfortable, she glances over a Jung Woo and says that she’s in the office, waiting for someone to arrive for a consultation. Min Kyu starts to tell her that Soo Ah and Jung Woo aren’t dating but Cheok Hee cuts him off and hangs up because the consultation is there.

Wife3 sits in the conference room and cries. Jung Woo passes her a tissue. She says that she loves her husband. So why does she want to divorce? Kissing. It’s been 7 years, 3 since they’ve been married, and they haven’t kissed once. Jung Woo avoids eye contact as he asks if there are any other problems... you know… when she goes to bed? Heh. I love how uncomfortable he is asking that question. Cheok Hee wouldn't be. Wife3 answers that there isn't, just not with kissing. Jung Woo’s a little surprised at that. I can’t picture it either. Wife3 says that if it wasn't for kissing, if she was reincarnated, she would want to live with her husband again. He is a good husband.

Jung Woo can’t see how Wife3 wants to divorce because of no kissing. She declares that she almost attacked a deliveryman! Jung Woo isn’t sure. Wife3 protests that in his text message, he said that he could help her get a divorce! He realizes that it was Cheok Hee.

Jung Woo pulls Cheok Hee into his office. Just how did she do it? Because of Cheok Hee, someone came here asking for a divorce because of a kiss. She replies that Wife3 must have been so desperate for her to come all the way here! Jung Woo protests that Wife3 said she loves her husband. It's not even that she doesn't love him. It's because he hasn't kissed her that she wants a divorce.

Cheok Hee declares that to that woman, a kiss means love. Jung Woo replies that there are many other ways to express love. Cheok Hee asks if a husband loves his wife, why wouldn't he kiss her? It's because he doesn't love her that he doesn't kiss her. Jung Woo asks if you really have to kiss to be in love? Is kissing evidence of love or something? Cheok Hee wants to know if he’s saying that kissing and love aren't related? Then he could kiss anyone even if he doesn't love them. He yells that right now...he’s not saying that! She tells him he should prove it then!

Jung Woo sigh, exasperated. Cheok Hee continues to goad him. He can’t do it, can't prove it. After she says it about 5 times, Jung Woo plants one on her. It’s not a short one either.

♬ I'm confused. I keep thinking about you ♬

Min Kyu arrives and catches them. He's shocked by this development.

♬ Even your way of talking and expressions ♬
♬ La la la la la la la la la ♬
♬ Something feels different ♬
♬ Sweet darling, oh baby ♬
♬ Look only at me ♬

Episode ends with Cheok Hee and Jung Woo still kissing.


Unfortunately, I accidentally saw a clip with the kiss, so I wasn’t surprised by it. But if I hadn’t have seen it, I would have been very shocked. Momentarily. I’m not very surprised that it happened, given the fact that Jung Woo has been in love with her for years – even if he is in denial. And I think that she’s felt attracted to him, but because he always corrected her, her pride focused on that, rather than all the ways that he was kind to her.

Cheok Hee is so set in her mind that people want to see her fail and be humiliated that she turns on Jung Woo after he was trying to do something nice and assumes that he was trying to get what happened to happen. Even after he explained, she didn’t want to hear what he was saying, but instead focused on what she thought he was doing. This finally started changing when Cheok Hee found out the truth about what happened and how Jung Woo was loyal even after everything she’d done to him. She was even more shocked to find out that he didn’t throw Hye Rin under the bus to appease her wrath, but instead stuck by his convictions about not destroying one person to lift up someone else. And, still, she doesn’t want to let herself trust him, even though he’s completely trustworthy. She also can bring herself to apologize, not really. She needs to do that, because she’s been really horrible to him for many years. Plus it will go a long way in the romance department, that she lets her guard down enough to apologize.

There are a few things that I love about that scene, where Cheok Hee tells Jung Woo that she knows the truth now:
  1. It shows that she does actually care about their relationship. She could have just not said anything, or really dragged it out before she admitted it, but instead, she tells him the first time she sees him. She’s been humbled enough that she’s going to admit her faults. 
  2. His response was awesome: “So?” He doesn’t rub it in her face, or belittle her for being wrong. It’s like he’s waiting to see what she’s going to say, to see if she got the lesson. Especially after the blow-up at the courthouse, where she threw it in his face again and misunderstood him, he doesn’t rub that in her face either. It really shows that Jung Woo doesn’t hold a grudge and that Cheok Hee can trust him. He doesn’t even demand an apology, like Cheok Hee would have done. He just wants her to learn from it. 
  3. His words aren’t even really there to get her to apologize to him but just to learn from it. He’s still looking out for her and trying to help her be better, so that the world understands that she’s the awesome person that he knows that she is.
The following scene is great because it shows that:
  1. Cheok Hee isn’t so prideful that she’s not going to learn from her mistakes. She actively is talking to Kyung about it instead of just avoiding it.
  2. Cheok Hee actually sort of apologizes. Not totally humble yet, but it’s a definite shift in their relationship. 
  3. Jung Woo stops her to make sure that she wasn’t misunderstanding about what happened the day before. It shows that he wants her to know that he’s on her side. And then he gives her a pep talk, which totally says that he believes in her and that he values her, despite her mistakes. Okay, I’m getting verklempt again.

This episode had several laugh out loud moments for me. The stuff at the hotel, them as James Bond, that was great. It really makes me think about how Yun Woo Jin has a talent for physical comedy. (He was great in ‘Marriage Not Dating.’) Jo Yeo Jung does too. I’m really impressed with her so far in this series. She’s not afraid to do things that are goofy, wacky, ugly-looking or potentially embarrassing, and some of the gestures she comes up with are great. I can’t see some other actresses doing that, but she is. (Now that I think about it, most of the actresses that I consider my favorites are women that don’t mind looking bad on camera, which I think I respect because it says that they’re not too vain.)

We had the development of Kyung and Yoo Mi sleeping together. Of course, by the end of things, they’ll end up together, although I can see them bickering the whole time. Their fight seemed a little trite, but the dumb thing about it is that this kind of thing really *does* happen.

I think that Soo Ah and Min Kyu could end up together. 2 things haven’t been playing in her favor with him: (1) she’s loyal to his dad, which would be a good thing except it’s also when his dad is being shady, and (2) she plays it too cool, which is not very reassuring to someone who isn’t really real with anyone. I don’t think that he likes Cheok Hee as anything more than a sunbae. I mean, if he was really interested in dating her, he wouldn’t have been about to clear up her misunderstanding about Jung Woo and Soo Ah dating. He also wouldn’t have been so interested in Soo Ah and her living arrangements (not Jung Woo’s but hers) if he wasn’t interested in Soo Ah.

One thing that I keep noticing is elements of classic literature popping up. They’ve obviously mentioned ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ but I’ve also thought of:
  • Mr. Knightly from ‘Emma’ in how Jung Woo keeps lecturing Cheok Hee in the hopes that she’ll be the woman (and lawyer) he knows that she can be. She hates his lecturing, but at the same time wants him to have a good opinion of her. And he secretly is in love with her but does nothing for fear of rejection. 
  • Benedict and Beatrice from ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ who hated each other, until someone put it in their head that the other was really in love but just pretending to hate them. They quickly changed their affections. 
  • Charlotte Lucas from ‘Pride and Prejudice’ – who, when talking to Elizabeth about Jane’s growing attachment to Bingley and how Jane’s disposition made it nearly impossible to tell: “It may perhaps be pleasant,” replied Charlotte, “…but it is sometimes a disadvantage to be so very guarded. If a woman conceals her affection with the same skill from the object of it, she may lose the opportunity of fixing him; and it will then be but poor consolation to believe the world equally in the dark. There is so much of gratitude or vanity in almost every attachment, that it is not safe to leave any to itself…. there are very few of us who have heart enough to be really in love without encouragement. In nine cases out of ten a women had better show more affection than she feels. Bingley likes your sister undoubtedly; but he may never do more than like her, if she does not help him on.” This is completely Cheok Hee’s situation with Jung Woo. She better give him some encouragement or he will never admit his feelings for her (even to himself). 
  • Sir Percy from ‘The Scarlet Pimpernel’ in how Min Kyu acts disinterested but is actually paying attention and fighting against unrighteousness. I actually wonder what he’s doing when we don’t see him (he’s not at work). I wonder how many other literary references are going to pop into my head by the time this is all over.
So how is Cheok Hee going to get out of this one? Stuff is developing with Jung Woo but everyone (including Jung Woo) thinks that she and Min Kyu are dating. What a predicament!

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