Monday, April 21, 2014

Empress Ki Episode 12 Recap

We start the episode right where we left off: Seung Nyang calmly working in the cup room, cleaning the cups. Ta Hwan bursts into the room, fuming, ticked and hurt all at the same time. She can tell something’s up but respectfully bows and averts her eyes. All he can do is say “You…” She looks at him, obviously worried. Does he know? Ta Hwan thinks about being out on the bridge and her telling Wang Yoo she misses him. And his hurt face hurts me all the more. He wonders if it’s Wang Yoo that she was yearning for.

Seung Nyang drops her gaze and asks what he needs and Eo Jin is in her chambers. His expression doesn’t change but there’s a slight nod and he thinks, “Fine, act like you don't know me. Ignore me… and I'll ignore you right back.” But he doesn’t say anything and his eyes are a little wet. He stalks out of the room without a word. Seung Nyang can tell that he knows something.

Ta Hwan is practicing the split arrow. He’s gotten really good, hitting the bulls eye every time. He sigh and moans that it’s no fun; nothing is anymore. Gol Ta mentions that Empress Dowager has requested he come to the Pavilion of Women. What does she want? He thinks of Seung Nyang being there and refuses. Gol Ta urges him to go since Eo Jin is ill. It’s not like he love Eo Jin… Ta Hwan yells at him about nagging him.

Pavilion of Women. Ta Hwan is visiting with Eo Jin and Empress Dowager. Seung Nyang is serving the food. Even though there’s a bunch of other maids in the room, she has to do it… To torture Ta Hwan no doubt. Empress Dowager practically tries to play matchmaker between the two and Ta Hwan’s uncomfortable because the real object of his affection is standing right next to him. When Eo Jin helps him by wiping him chin – this poor girl. I do not envy her at all – he looks up at Seung Nyang, pained, and she sees it. They both look away. And Empress Dowager is definitely playing matchmaker, telling them they look lovely together. Why would she do that? It’s not like he can just kick Danashiri to the curb…

Ta Hwan reaches for his glass, clearly uncomfortable, and it’s empty. Eo Jin has Seung Nyang pour another one. He sadly looks at her and then chugs the drink. And chokes on it when he look at Seung Nyang too long. He wonders what his problem is and then dismisses the maids (including Seung Nyang). Empress Dowager mentions how he seems unsettled and he just drinks some more tea.

The maids are cleaning the banisters when Do Han announces that it’s lunch time. She mentions the Emperor and Yeon Hwa sneaks a glance at Seung Nyang, who acts like that name means nothing to her. Does Yeon Hwa suspect something? Ta Hwan is leaving from his visit with Eo Jin and sees them all eating those plain rice cakes. He asks Gol Ta about it and Gol Ta replies that the maids eat when they can, which irritates Ta Hwan. Seung Nyang’d rather slave and starve as a maid her whole life, rather than come to him. What's the idea?

Later Ta Hwan is sitting at his desk, sadly staring into space. He thinks of Seung Nyang taking care of him on the Island of Daechong. So he was a she all along? He sighs. Because he’s in love with her and she doesn’t want him. Gol Ta tries to get him to snap out of it and Ta Hwan irritably yells at him about the food that the maids get to eat. The dogs get better food!

Seung Nyang’s working in the kitchen, scrubbing pots. Do Han hurries in and announces that she should come to the garden, quickly, because the Emperor has prepared food for them as a reward. Seung Nyang tries to pass on it all but Do Han pesters her. She stands firm.

Ta Hwan’s out walking, trying to look casual has he tries a sneak a peek at the maids (Seung Nyang) enjoying the feast he had prepared for them. He can’t see anything, so he asks Gol Ta if the maids liked it. Casually, of course. Gol Ta reports that they’re singing his praises. Ta Hwan tells Gol Ta that they should! They’ve never had it so good! He turns around and starts to beam and the idea of Seung Nyang being grateful. Then he quickly sets off to see it for himself (and to get a little of that gratitude, heh). Gol Ta starts to ask and Ta Hwan stops him, declaring that he is *not* doing this because he misses her or anything.

Ta Hwan pokes his head around a curtain with a big goofy grin on his face, excited to see Seung Nyang feasting. It quickly leaves when he *doesn’t* see her eating. He starts to sputter, “Wait... where... what...” Gol Ta inquires what he means. Ta Hwan stomps his foot and frustratedly says that he doesn't see Seung Nyang! Gol Ta suppresses a smile as he tells Ta Hwan that she said she wasn’t hungry. Ta Hwan is put out: why did he bother?! Smiling, Gol Ta reminds him that he said he’d lost interest in her. And almost gets hit for the trouble. Ta Hwan orders Gol Ta to send for Seung Nyang. Then calls him a dork when he asks Ta Hwan to repeat himself.

Later. It’s now dark, Seung Nyang is sitting at the table with Ta Hwan, not eating anything. He tells her to eat and she turns him down, politely, of course. Another knife to the heart. She won’t even take his food. He tells her it’s because she helped Eo Jin with her morning sickness. She declares that she’s full and tries to excuse herself, but he catches her by the wrist. His entourage turns around to give them a ‘private’ moment. And he won’t let go, even when she struggles. Even though she could actually *hurt* him to get him to let her go… 

Seung Nyang asks Ta Hwan to release her. He asks her why she doesn’t want him; all the palace women want him. She tells him he must be kidding. He yells at her for daring to suggest that his actions are in jest?! Plus, the contempt in her eyes. He makes her sit again and tells her eat. He still won’t let go. She asks him to let go, adding that it’s uncomfortable. He releases her. He is hurt and angry. After a moment, not looking at her, he orders Gol Ta to take her back to the Pavilion after she finishes eating. Then he walks away without even a glance. And I wonder how Danashiri doesn’t find out about his fixation on this maid? The rest of the retinue leaves, except for Gol Ta, who approaches and through clenched teeth tells her to hurry and eat. He really doesn’t like how she treats Ta Hwan.

A few steps away, Ta Hwan stops and looks at the hand that touched Seung Nyang. He turns around and sees her sigh, not knowing what to do. He thinks that his heart is bursting and wonders if he fears her even more than El Temur. Back at the Pavilion, Seung Nyang decides that he’s figured out who she is. It’s the only explanation for his behavior.

The Western Yuan Border. Byung Soo reports to Baek Ahn that Wang Yoo was successful in decoying Batolu’s men. The Turks are chasing Wang Yoo’s men, but then break off, because Shin Woo told them the Yuan plan. Once he realizes that Shin Woo got the message, he leaves the Centurion with his men and heads back there with Bool Hwa and Myung Soo.

Outside the camp, Baek Ahn reveals his plan: the Batolu mask. So, like we saw last time, they chance Batolu-Baek Ahn and start to rout the camp. And a bunch of them are on horseback. One of the Turks blows a horn and a bunch of other Turks stream out pounding on drums. Baek Ahn declares that they’re making no sense. But we know what they’re doing: spooking the horses. And the Yuan start getting thrown. Batolu arrives and Tal Tal wants Baek Ahn to sound the retreat, but Baek Ahn refuses, since they’re so close. Baek Ahn faces Batolu and quickly dispatches *him.* Not the real Batolu. And in rides the real Batolu. Tal Tal begs Baek Ahn to retreat, since they’re surrounded, but Baek Ahn’s got the blood lust going.

The real Batolu steps out to observe the scene with Shin Woo and Jeom Bak. She is impressed with Baek Ahn’s ferocity, calling him a tiger, and orders her men to capture Baek Ahn instead of killing him. Shin Woo tries to convince her otherwise, but she has her own honor. Baek Ahn’s surrounded. They tie him up with flying ropes and Tal Tal orders the rest to surrender.

Outside the camp, Wang Yoo and the Mighty Men watch. And clearly, he still has more plans.

Eo Jin’s at her daily lunch with Danashiri. Voiceover of Seung Nyang telling her to fake getting sick, to fool the Empress. Danashiri can barely restrain her smile. Eo Jin excuses herself. Later Seung Nyang is meeting with Danashiri who congratulates her on the success of the plan; Seung Nyang has said that Eo Jin should miscarry soon. Danashiri declares that it’s not over yet: she needs Seung Nyang to spread a rumor that Eo Jin faked the pregnancy to win the heart of the Emperor.

As Seung Nyang excuses herself, Danashiri mentions that she noticed something: Eo Jin only eats the sweets with dates, never the ones with pine nuts. Seung Nyang replies that dates are known to help with morning sickness. Danashiri wants all the treats have dates from now on. Seung Nyang asks if Danashiri suspects her. Danashiri smiles and replies that it’s to prevent any misunderstanding. Seung Nyang, of course, agrees. When she’s gone, Danashiri asks the hiding Ki Se if he’s satisfied. Ki Se replies that Yeon Hwa will take care of things but better safe than sorry. Danashiri is sure that there won’t be problems, since Maid is watching Seung Nyang.

Laundry time. There’s a bloodstain on Eo Jin’s undergarments. Do Han is confused but Yeon Hwa declares that it’s from Eo Jin’s monthly cycle. Do Han scoffs because pregnant women don’t *get* periods. All the maids are a twitter with the thought that Eo Jin is faking the pregnancy! Seung Nyang tells them that they’ll get in trouble and testily pulls down the underwear. She nods at the watching Maid.

The maids are a buzz and Empress Dowager can sense that something isn’t right. Lady reluctantly tells her the rumor. She is pissed. And right then, Danashiri decides to come visit. She’s quick to mention the strange rumors. Empress Dowager has no idea what she means. When Danashiri mentions Eo Jin faking the pregnancy, Empress Dowager knows that Danashiri started them. Danashiri wants things cleared up and Empress Dowager pretends to be completely unconcerned, since a doctor already examined her and everything. Danashiri points out that the doctor reported only to Empress Dowager. Empress Dowager can’t believe the suggestion and Danashiri replies that it’s just the people who might hear the rumors. They need to clear things up. Empress Dowager testily asks if Danashiri is unaware that re-examining Eo Jin would undermine her authority. Danashiri replies that the honor of the Inner Court outweighs her 'authority' and as head of the Inner Court, Danashiri must insist.

Empress Dowager steps closer and tells Danashiri that when the examination clears this all up... those who started this rumor must be caught and dealt with. Maid doesn’t like that idea, but Danashiri smugly smiles and agrees, adding that if Eo Jin’s faking, Eo Jin will answer to her. Empress Dowager boils at Danashiri’s smug smiling face and dismisses her without a word by going and sitting down. As Danashiri leaves, she fumes that Empress Dowager would threaten her, but is sure that she’s going to win this battle.

Do Han catches up with Seung Nyang. She tells Seung Nyang that she’s been watching Yeon Hwa like Seung Nyang requested. Yeon Hwa went into the archives a while ago and then Ki Se came out afterwards. So Seung Nyang goes to look for Yeon Hwa. She’s in enjoying some tea. Seung Nyang sits and asks Yeon Hwa what she’s been promised. Yeon Hwa gets easily baited and spills how she did a lot, making sure that Eo Jin ate both the laurel and the licorice tonic. Yeon Hwa warns Seung Nyang not to take all the credit and leaves. Right after, Do Han finds Seung Nyang and tells her that Eo Jin is sick. Not the baby!

Seung Nyang goes and reports to Danashiri, who can’t help but laugh with delight that the Lady Tramp has a fever. Maid is sure their plan has succeeded. Danashiri declares that they’ll have Eo Jin examined now that the baby’s done for. Maid only too happy to get the ball rolling. Seung Nyang realizes that the doctor will take Eo Jin’s pulse and know whether she’s pregnant.

On the way to see the doctor, Eo Jin faints. Not the baby! Dok Man quickly carries Eo Jin back to her quarters. Seung Nyang tells Yeon Hwa to inform Danashiri… who is currently meeting with Empress Dowager and Ta Hwan. Empress Dowager looks like she wants to slap Danashiri’s smug smile off her face. Yeon Hwa arrives with the news. Danashiri declares that Eo Jin is a tricky one, since the fainting is obviously a ruse to get out of the examination. Ta Hwan tells her to watch her mouth! She disappoints him, being this cruel. Danashiri can’t believe what he just said, since he’s the one who made her this way! Ta Hwan says he doesn’t want to hear anymore.

Ta Hwan tries to leave, but Danashiri stops him, declaring that Eo Jin needs to be re-examined. He tries to brush off the idea, but she grabs him and declares that she runs the Inner Court and, Emperor or not, it’s not his concern. Without looking at her, he coldly tells her to unhand him. She wants him to permit the examination. He repeats himself with the order to let go and wrenches his arm free. In response, she orders Maid (Lady Soh) to being Eo Jin to her! Ta Hwan screams, “I command you!” which gets Danashiri to stop. He turns and looks at her and declares that there will be no re-examination. Then he leaves. She tells Maid to ask her father to come see her. Since this is how Ta Hwan wants it. Danashiri declares whether it’s her death or Eo Jin’s, either way she'll see it through.

Ta Hwan and Empress Dowager have arrived with the court physician to see how Eo Jin is. Ta Hwan looks upset. After all, she is carrying his baby. He asks Do Han how Eo Jin is. Do Han declares that Eo Jin just dosed off and has been wavering between chills and fever. He glances in at the sleeping Eo Jin. Empress Dowager commands the physician to examine Eo Jin. Do Han asks him not too, since her clothes were soaked through with sweat. I guess the implication is that she’s naked right now. Doctor declares that he’ll just check her pulse. He can’t understand it: she no longer has a slippery pulse. And he felt it for sure before. Eo Jin is no longer pregnant! Arg! Danashiri can’t win! Empress Dowager practically faints and tells the Doctor to keep it a secret.

Doctor leaves and Empress Dowager practically has a breakdown. Ta Hwan tries to assure her that Eo Jin can have another baby. Empress Dowager declares that it's more complicated than that. El Temur and Danashiri already suspected a false pregnancy. This won't go unpunished. Ta Hwan tells Empress Dowager not to worry; Eo Jin will *not* be re-examined.

And even though Doctor said he would keep the secret, he’s spilling it all to El Temur, while El Temur polishes his sword. El Temur warns him what will happen if Doctor is lying. Doctor hurriedly flees. El Temur orders Ki Se to gather the court. Ki Se doesn’t see the point but El Temur declares that war is fought with swords. Politics are fought with words. For him to be able to get rid of Empress Dowager, he’ll need proper justification.

Western Yuan Border. Wang Yoo is telling Ja Hae that the Yuan forces were wiped out and Baek Ahn’s been captured, probably executed. Myung Soo enters to report that Batolu is marching on them. True to his cowardly roots, Ja Hae orders Wang Yoo to defend the camp and follow his men later. Wang Yoo acts angry that they’re being used as pawns! Ja Hae declares that it’s Wang Yoo’s duty to die for them and Wang Yoo has his orders! And he gets out of Dodge.

Turk Camp. Batolu wants to pursue the remnant but Shin Woo tries to dissuade her. She’s impressed with Wang Yoo. Lieut enters to declare that the Yuan soldiers have retreated. And that night, the Turks have a party with lots of drinking! Batolu doesn’t drink, though. She instead goes to talk with Baek Ahn and try to get him to give her his allegiance. But Baek Ahn refuses! Because he won’t live in shame; death before dishonor. Batolu leaves and Baek Ahn prays to Buddha.

Wang Yoo is overlooking a river, thinking of Seung Nyang, their last time together. He promises her that they will meet again and he will never leave her again. So, she should watch over him and give him strength. Myung Soo reports that Batolu fell for his plan and the Turks are getting drunk. Wang Yoo musters his men, declaring that if they live or die, this is their last battle. He tells them to raise your swords in a silent oath and there’s a lot of sword shaking and silent yelling. I wonder what’s going to happen to these men when Wang Yoo returns to Daidu. 

Outside the camp, Wang Yoo pauses and tells Bool Hwa to signal Shin Woo and Jeom Bak. Batolu is relaxing in a steaming hot bath. Still wearing her undergarments. Whippoorwill calls and Shin Woo and Jeom Bak are busted. But they still get the gate open. So it’s a rout of Batolu’s men. Baek Ahn hears the noise and wonders if Ja Hae is there to rescue them. Wang Yoo kills the Lieut and then Shin Woo leads him to where Batolu is. She isn’t fast enough in getting dressed. Shin Woo enters with Wang Yoo. Batolu calls Shin Woo a traitor and he smiles as he replies that he follows his lord. And even though he fought along side Seung Nyang and Seung Nyang kicked butt, Wang Yoo wants to know where Batolu is, since this is just a girl. She tells him to kill her.

Daidu. El Temur presents an appeal from the ministers to Ta Hwan. El Temur demands Ta Hwan affix his seal. Ta Hwan tries to put it off, declaring that he’s not feeling well, but El Temur orders him to. Ta Hwan replies that he can’t. El Temur declares that his patience is at an end and shoves the seal in Ta Hwan’s face. Ta Hwan slowly takes it and stamps the deal. El Temur tells Ta Hwan not to disappoint him again and Ta Hwan tries not to cry.

Gol Ta arrives to declare that Empress Dowager is beseeching the throne. What does that mean? El Temur and Ta Hwan can’t believe it. Empress Dowager is outside in the square. She takes off all her finery and strips down to her white undergarments. She lets down her hair as her retinue weeps. Empress Dowager begs that the re-examination not happen! Ki Se is amazed seeing Empress Dowager humble herself but Danashiri would just as soon push her over. Ki Se tells Danashiri to be patient and Empress Dowager will jump soon enough.

Ta Hwan hurries outside with his entourage and El Temur. He begs her to get up, or people will see! Empress Dowager declares that she will not step one foot from this place until he forbids the examination. She will die as the stone of the faithful wife. El Temur chimes in that it will be a stone nun at Ganye Temple. Ta Hwan glares at El Temur. So does Empress Dowager, who declares that she is speaking to the *Emperor.* El Temur announces that the court has already petitioned for a re-examination and disturbing the peace and upsetting His Majesty is tantamount to treason! She shouts back that the one who manipulates the court and upsets the Emperor is El Temur! Stare off! El Temur orders Ta Hwan to give the order! Empress Dowager begs, asking him to take her life instead. And Ta Hwan can’t take it any more. He starts screaming, telling them ‘Enough!’ He stomps off, without giving the order. El Temur and Empress Dowager glare at each other.

Seung Nyang’s in with Eo Jin. As Seung Nyang mentions the examination, Eo Jin declares that she’s scared. But Seung Nyang does *not* look scared. Instead, Seung Nyang declares that they’re *winning.* The larger the canvas, the greater Her Majesty's crime.

Ta Hwan is walking quickly, with Gol Ta and his entourage trying to keep up. He orders them to stop following him. Seung Nyang appears and sees how upset he looks. It bothers her. She hurries after him. A little later, Ta Hwan tells her that he wishes he were dead, that he’d died on the Isle of Daechong. He turns around to stare longingly at her. She’s a little overwhelmed by it. Why is she there? She says that it’s to speak with him. He’s really feeling sorry for himself. He asks if she’s there to laugh at him? To say he brought it on himself? To tell him this is what he gets for betraying you? And she’s moved by how much he hates himself for what he did, that all she does is look at him.


So did Eo Jin lose the baby or not? The Doctor didn’t feel a pulse, but Seung Nyang’s not worried. In fact, she declared that they were winning. What does she have up her sleeve?

And boy, do I feel bad for Ta Hwan. Not that she’s not helping with his depression since she keeps rejecting him, but, man, how he aches for her. That would be hard to resist, someone feeling that way about you. And I love how giddy he gets at the thought of her being happy and grateful and thinking he’s awesome. I can understand it, this attachment of his, since she’s the only friend he’s ever really had.

I was explaining to my roommate that even though Wang Yoo is awesome – I mean he’s strong, honorable, full of conviction, willing to sacrifice his life for others – I actually think I like Ta Hwan better, because he *is* flawed. I know I’ve mentioned it before, but I really think I like the fact that he does need her, which is why I’m rooting for her to get her, rather than her continually pining for Wang Yoo. Unfortunately for Ta Hwan, she fell in love with Wang Yoo first. I think if she hadn’t, he’d win her heart for sure.

And speaking of Wang Yoo – the guy is a stud strategist who pulls one over on not one, not two, but five people. I love that he’s been victorious, because now he can finally get back to the palace and the love triangle can develop in earnest. I think it was smart that they gave you all this Ta Hwan time, so that it’s a *real* love triangle. But, still, who’s the hero and who’s the second lead?

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