Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cliches: Koreans and Their Transportation

Of course, Korean dramas feature transportation. Whether it's a car racing off to rescue someone, or time spent thinking on the bus, here are some of the cliches that appear:
  1. Poor people will either walk or ride the bus. Rich people will either drive themselves or be driven somewhere by someone. 
  2. Instead of driving after someone on a car or bus, a person will chase him/her on foot. Or maybe a bike. But probably just running. 
  3. Suddenly pulling over in traffic is no problem, even if it’s on a bridge. This also applies to making random, sudden u-turns in the middle of the street. 
  4. There will never be traffic to stop you from pulling over or making a dramatic u-turn. 
  5. When upset, drive really fast in your car. You will never get a ticket for it. 
  6. You can park your car anywhere, whether it’s blocking a street or in front of a hospital or airport. Your can will never get a ticket or be towed. 
  7. Putting on a seat belt can be difficult for a woman and can require help from the man she’s interested in. This normally only happens when they like each other. 
  8. Airport security is different in Korea. Like American security used to be, you can run up to a gate without a ticket or ID. 
  9. If you are going to the airport to catch someone, even if you do not know the airline that the flight is on, you will still be able to find him/her. While looking for him/her, you will run randomly and probably pass them several times without seeing him/her. 
  10. When you disembark from a plane, you *must* wear your sunglasses. 
  11. Jeju Island is the only real vacation spot in Korea and is one of the most beautiful places in all the world.

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