Tuesday, May 20, 2014

You're All Surrounded Episode 4 Recap

YoureAllSurrounded_04_001  YoureAllSurrounded_04_002

The episode opens with Yoon Jung getting loaded into an ambulance. Yay, at least she’s not dead! Phew! And Stalker got caught by Sa Kyung! Way to go, woman! He doesn’t look upset at all. Psycho. Stalker spots Dae Goo, who looks really upset and freaked, and obnoxiously bows to him. Eung Do approaches them and asks them how they knew where to go. The Missing Persons Unit just happened to be on patrol and caught the stalker trying to escape. What kind of unit is the Missing Persons Unit, since they were on patrol? I thought Missing Persons looked for Missing People… Eung Do mentions that they got to Yoon Jung early, but her wound is deep. Sa Kyung is staring at them.

Sa Kyung approaches and asks Eung Do about the tape recorder and hidden camera they found in Yoon Jung’s bag. They realize that Soo Sun and Dae Goo didn’t just happen there on accident.

[Episode 4: It's okay... It's not okay.]

Sunday, May 18, 2014

You're All Surrounded Episode 3 Recap

The episode starts with Pan Suk’s buzzing phone. Dae Goo’s trying to not freak out as Pan Suk’s looking at him. The tension is broken when Gook’s phone goes off – it’s his mother, who he tells that he’ll call later. It gives a plausible reason why Dae Goo’s phone might be going off. And not be a clone of his own. Eung Do asks Pan Suk what should be done with the four. Pan Suk sighs.

And he must have let him off, because… Dae Goo’s now sitting at his desk in his room, staring at the phone that almost gave him away. He sighs, relieved.

[Episode 3: There are no rookie detectives.]

Conference Room. The four are standing outside waiting. Soo Sun and Gook are actually trying to listen, but Dae Goo looks angry, like always. They (with the exception of Dae Goo) are trying to convince themselves that they didn’t just get themselves fired.

Inside, Cha is beginning his meeting of the detective's unit. He declares what’s happened a huge mess. He mentions how it could have led the station to be filleted by the media again. He declares that spitefully, he wants to discharge them to regional stations. But it would be like pouring cold water on the overhaul effort by the Chief before it starts. Chief frowns at that remark. Cha says that he wants to hear what Pan Suk thinks should be done. Chief agrees that they should hear Pan Suk’s take on things. She says that she’ll respect his decision. No pressure, particularly in light of their conversation the other day.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

You're All Surrounded Episode 2 Recap

We start back where the first episode started: the car chase of the criminals. The group is stuck in a traffic jam and Soo Sun cheerfully comments on the traffic. Pan Suk tells her to put out the stroboscope (siren). Stroboscope! Hehe. She pulls it out of her bag and plops it on the top of the van. Eung Do tries to tell her that it’s not secure, but then the van moves and the siren falls off the hood and shatters on the ground. Gook’s really upset because it’s his and it was a limited edition! And why is there a Starbucks label on it? Why would Starbucks be selling sirens? And Gook waited 2 hours in line to buy it. Really? What about Amazon or Ebay? Eung Do clucks at Soo Sun about not bringing the siren. I guess that it wasn’t a siren after all but just a mug. Really, Gook?

The radio announces that there is a violent disturbance on Gangnam Road. Dispatch immediately. Pan Suk replies that they’re on their way. Then he tells everyone to take out their handcuffs. The group proceeds to start waving the handcuffs out the window to get cars to move out of the way. I wonder if that would work in America? Everyone except Dae Goo think it’s pretty cool how they can get the cars to move out of the way. I think it’s pretty cool that people respect the police enough to do that.

We see our criminals. They’re sitting in the middle of the road, facing each other, having a staring contest. And they’re *sitting* in chairs, blocking traffic. When they see the van coming, they jump in their car and zoom off. High flying car. Gook gets kicked out. I wonder where they were all going together before all this happened. Soju bottle and driving on the wrong side of the road. Ramming the car. Chase on foot. Holding Gook at knife point. Dae Goo points the gun and the others tell him to lower it.

This time, we see what happens: Dae Goo does but then pulls out his taser and shoots Gook, which also gets the criminal, since they were touching, so they both fall to the ground, twitching.

[Episode 2. The Reason We're Not Detectives.]

Friday, May 16, 2014

You're All Surrounded Episode 1 Recap

A bunch of new dramas have premiered and I have decided to recap this one because it’s a comedy and stars Lee Seung Gi and Cha Seung Won. I’ve been watching a lot of dramas lately, so a comedy will be a nice change.

The episode starts with a car chase. Almost immediately, I am put in a good mood by the soundtrack; it sufficiently infused with guitar that I’m reminded of the awesomeness that is ‘Starsky and Hutch.’ The bad guys – who are wearing wife beaters and sporting tattoos – almost run people over and majorly tear up the front end of their car. I think it’s a Jag, but I’m not sure. It looked like that hood ornament. Like typical k-dramas, they’ve covered up the car logos. They’re being chased by a silver *mini-van.* A van people. Not a Crown Vic or some sort of car with a V-8 engine, but a big, boxy Hyundai mini-van.

Seo Pan Suk (Cha Seung Won) is trying to get Ji Gook (Park Jung Min) to be more daring in his driving. There’s flash of Eun Dae Goo (Lee Seung Gi) and he looks irritated. There are *six* people in this van, all yelling things at the driver. They get stuck behind a big city bus and a disgusted Pan Suk tells Gook to pull over. He kicks Gook out of the van and leaves him in the street. Gook is not amused. Pan Suk is driving like a mad man, weaving in and out of traffic, and Dae Goo is even more annoyed.

Pan Suk is able to catch up with the bad guys and the van orders them to pull over. They immediately comply like all bad guys do… No, they throw a Soju bottle at the van, causing Pan Suk to serve into oncoming traffic. Dae Goo irritatedly fastens his seat belt. Pan Suk pulls back over into the right lane of traffic and rams the bad guys’ car. Dae Goo groans over his whiplash.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

100 Year Inheritance Episodes 49-50 Recap

Forty Nine.

Se Yoon after the crash, Chae Won waiting at the airport, looking for him. Why she wouldn’t be at the *gate* since they have a ticket for the same flight… Se Yoon’s heart stops.

Mom returns home. Dad asks where she went. Mom declares that she met with Chae Won and gave her a plane ticket. Dad can’t believe she did that. She did it to protect the last bit of conscience she has. Dad says that he feels bad, but she’s making things more complicated. Mom asks him for a divorce. Wow. That’s really big for Korean chaebol society especially. You just don’t get divorced. Phone call. The news that Se Yoon is in the hospital, close to death.

Chae Won at the airport, wondering why he’s not picking up the phone, She tries to find out if Se Yoon got on the plane, but they can’t tell her because of the Personal Information Protection Act. Phone call from Mom. News about Se Yoon’s accident.

Mom and Dad arrive at the hospital. They hear about his cardiac event and now he needs brain surgery. Even with surgical intervention, 60% of patients still die. Mom starts to weep and beg the doctor to save him. Chae Won arrives. Mom can barely sputter about the surgery. Chae Won immediately starts to cry and beg Se Yoon to forgive her for not going to him sooner. And Dad, I hope you feel like a heel! Chae Won begs Se Yoon to give her one more chance. Finally, Dad looks sorry.

Oma and Appa arrive at the hospital. No one can tell her that Se Yoon will be all right after the surgery.

100 Year Inheritance Episodes 47-48 Recap

Forty Seven.

Episode starts where we left off: Oma’s left home. Chae Won’s sought out Se Yoon and Se Yoon’s dropped the bomb that besides meetings for work, he hopes that they don’t run into each other. Then he turns to go inside work. Where I guess he has his job back because he didn’t marry her. She calls after him that she’s sorry. He doesn’t around. Tearfully, she says that she knew he would get hurt but she had no other choice. She couldn’t go through with the wedding once she heard Mom went to the hospital in an ambulance. Se Yoon sighs and states that it’s not that he doesn’t understand her feelings… He just hasn’t forgiven her yet. He’s too tired to go on now. Ouch! He was sure that he’d stay be her side until the end but he supposes that he overestimated himself. He turns around to face her. She’s crying. He sighs heavily and tells her that if Oma calls, he’ll contact her. Then he bows and leaves and Chae Won weeps.

In his office, Se Yoon is staring. He tries calling Oma and gets a message. But he doesn’t leave one. Dad comes in, on a tear. Is their company a playground! Dad starts to bluster and Se Yoon sadly states that the marriage didn’t happen. And that Mom got rushed to the hospital from OD’ing on anti-anxiety medication, which Dad didn’t know about. Se Yoon asks Dad if he’ll reconcile with his wife if Se Yoon agrees to go to America. Wow, dude, get a clue at how sad your son, your wife is. Se Yoon declares that he’ll go as early as next week if Dad promises he’ll reconcile.

Oeharabeoji’s bedridden at Oma moving out. Oehalmeoni can’t believe it. No one knows how to find her and Appa is heartbroken and feeling like it’s his fault. Which it is. And we have to live through him yelling at her about being disappointed yet again. He cries and begs her to come back. I hate how he whines when he cries. The phone rings and it’s Oma. She apologizes for the shock but she won’t come back. She’s sacrificing herself for her children’s happiness. Appa whines, what about him! But Oma’s made up her mind; this way Se Yoon and Chae Won can get married. Appa whines about her not caring about him at all. But Oma won’t budge and after thanking him for giving her a family and a beautiful daughter like Chae Won, she hangs up. Then she turns off the phone so he can’t call her back. Oma leaves on a bus.

100 Year Inheritance Episodes 45-46 Recap

Forty Five.

EMIL is arrested. She tells the reporters that they are an honest and reliable company swindled by a crooked supplier. They’re the victims in this situation and will be seeking damages! Chul Kyu makes a nice scene and Joo Ri feels sorry for herself. Chul Kyu says he’ll take care of it. At the police station, EMIL protests at the implication that she turned a blind eye to buying illegally imported mugwort.

Asst Yoon is giving Se Yoon a report about what’s happened with EMIL’s noodles. Asst Yoon leaves and his assistant brings in the wedding invitations that they ordered. Se Yoon is tormented because what Dad has threatened.

Mom is meeting Oma at a café. She’s brought video and albums from Se Yoon’s childhood. She tells Oma about Dad’s ultimatum and declares that she will follow Oma and Se Yoon’s decision unconditionally. Oma asks after Unni’s health. She explains what Se Yoon said while drunk and that her heart is broken. And then she apologizes for saying she’s having a hard time in front of Oma. Oma’s starting to weaken in her resolve, so she wants to leave first. But before she goes, Mom just wants to retrieve one photo out of the album that she’s giving Oma, since it’s ALL the pictures she has of Se Yoon’s childhood. Oma agrees. Because Oma is awesome. Mom takes Se Yoon’s 100 day picture and thanks Oma. Oma leaves with the sack of stuff and Mom sadly looks at the picture and cries. Oma glances back before leaving.

At home, Oma immediately watches the video. His first steps. Crying Se Yoon. Chae Won stopping by to see Oma cry.