Episode starts with Ha Ri kissing Sung Joon and Shin Hyuk seeing it. He stops Hye Jin from looking and grabbing her into a back hug. She immediately complains that it’s suffocating. She tries to look again, but he claims that someone's drunk and peeing in public. He says that it'll ruin her eyes and make them rot! Even as she complains, he drags her away.
Done kissing Sung Joon, Ha Ri tells him that she doesn't want to be with him as a childhood friend, but as his girlfriend. No pressure there. She tells him that she wants to hear his answer. Sung Joon doesn’t know what to say. Big pause. Ha Ri chuckles a little bitterly and says that she guesses that he doesn't feel the same. Sung Joon is trying to recover from the shock of being cornered like this, since he hasn’t figured out how he feels. Since he’s not able to answer her... he must not feel the same way. Her voice is cracking and she looks down. Sung Joon takes a deep breath and nods to himself. He grabs her hand and says that they should go. She reluctantly follows. I wonder what he’s doing. He’s about to jump in, I know it.
Hye Jin is marveling at how Shin Hyuk completely fooled her into thinking Coco was a real younger sister! She feels so wronged! Shin Hyuk is walking behind her, trying to process this revelation of their love triangle. She yells at him to stop following her! But he grabs her arm and asks about that friend of hers who she said lives with her... Is that the same friend who she said was her other half? She wants to know why he’s asking about our Ha Ri all of a sudden? That’s a yes. Shin Hyuk knows that it’s bad. He tells her they should talk and sits at a nearby table.

Hye Jin reluctantly sits with her arms folded. Shin Hyuk says that when he brought her there last time when she got drunk, he remembered her telling him. They must be very close, if Hye Jin calls Ha Ri her other half. Hye Jin says that saying that they’re close doesn't even begin to explain it. Their mothers were best friends so they’ve been with each other since birth. The best thing she’s ever done in her life is becoming friends with our Ha Ri. She explains that since we're human, no matter how close you are to a friend, when something good happens to him or her, honestly you do feel at least a tiny bit of jealousy. But when something good happens to me, the only person who is completely happy for me one hundred percent, as much as my mom would be, is our Ha Ri.
Hye Jin declares that our Ha Ri is really pretty, too! Shin Hyuk cringes at how duped Ha Ri has Hye Jin. And I don’t necessarily think that Hye Jin’s duped; I don’t think either one of them ever though Ha Ri would do something like this. Hye Jin pulls a picture up on her phone and shows it to Shin Hyuk. As Hye Jin declares that Ha Ri’s body is like a Barbie doll's, he flips through the pictures, pausing on one where Ha Ri is hugging Hye Jin tightly and they’re smiling with the pure joy of their friendship. Hye Jin asks if he’s fallen for her. Taking her phone back, she tells him not to even think about it. Shin Hyuk, his face and voice serious, says that, to him, she’s a hundred times prettier.

Again, because she can’t believe (won’t let herself believe) that someone might think that about her– She dismisses his comment as him playing a joke. When have any of his jokes gone on this long? Never. She starts to storm off again, but he stops her. He starts to tell her about what Ha Ri’s done, but stops, because he knows how much it would hurt. He tells her “Nevermind.” He puts on his chipper face as he tells her to dream of him. As he walks away, Hye Jin says that he’s totally fallen for Ha Ri. She shouldn't have shown him Ha Ri’s photo.
Sung Joon has taken Ha Ri to a wall and is looking for something. Flashback to him carving something into the wall. It’s a drawing of the two of them. He says that since they’re moving on to junior high, they won't come back there again. They have to leave their mark. They agree to come back and look at it together on their junior high graduation day. In the present, Sung Joon finds it. She remembers this, right? He marvels that it’s still there. He starts to talk about in the past and she cuts him off. The past... Let's stop talking about it. Let's not talk about our past, but about us at the present.

Ha Ri says that spending time reminiscing their past and worrying about the future, is not her style. Right now. The present is more important to her. As an answer, Sung Joon turns around and starts drawing on the wall. (The other one was carved into the wall.) He draws figures of the two of them. And I notice that they’re not standing arm in arm like him and Hye Jin. There’s a distance between them. He agrees not to talk about the past. They should talk a lot about them now. He smiles at her.
She tells him to wait and draws a heart around their figures with her lipstick. Sung Joon smiles softly. He smiles at her.
Later Ha Ri returns home and sits in her car with her head leaning against the wheel. An Oppa knocks on the window. He’s ticked. She gets out and ask what his problem is. Oppa says that that’s what he wants to ask her. she won't even meet with him or answer her calls. She sighs and asks him why he thinks she’s doing that. She points at him and makes a cutting motion as she tells him that it means that he’s out. She says that she can't believe he couldn't even understand that and came crawling to her front door.
She starts to walk away when Oppa demands to know who's that bastard? What kind of guy is he?! She turns around, pissed that he called Sung Joon a bastard. That person is not somebody who Oppa can feel free to call "this bastard" or "that bastard". If he says something like that again, he’s dead. She threatens him with a punch.

As she rounds the corner, Hye Jin is there. She was taking out the trash. She asks Ha Ri is she has someone she really likes. Ha Ri starts to deny it, but Hye Jin doesn’t believe her. Hye Jin effuses with joy for Ha Ri. She hugs Ha Ri happily.
They head out to the swings. Hye Jin says that before, Ha Ri told her that, considering that even her mom left her, wouldn't guys be even worse? So Ha Ri said that she would never fall in love. Those words just stuck here uncomfortably like this until now. But what admirable man could it be that he's made her fall so hard for him like this? Ha Ri can’t look Hye Jin in the eye.

Hye Jin declares that she should give that guy a prize. What kind of a person is he? She says that she’s curious. Ha Ri is dying because of the lie. Hye Jin says that Ha Ri seemed like she was worried about something. It must have been over that man. Hye Jin declares that they need to drink in celebration. She gets up to get them some beers. She stops and tells Ha Ri that she will be rooting for her love. She will sincerely cheer her on!
As Hye Jin hurries off, Ha Ri thinks that she’s sorry. Just two months. She’ll be next to him just for two months. Just two months. Later... Later, she will tell Hye Jin everything. Everything. Wow, she’s gotten really good at lying to herself, even as she cries.

Sung Joon returns home and as he walks into the bedroom, Shin Hyuk suddenly appears, scaring the crap out of Sung Joon. There’s a big smile on Shin Hyuk’s face. His ‘I’m going to torment you, Sung Joon’ face. Shin Hyuk turns on a light as Sung Joon sputters, asking what he’s doing there. Shin Hyuk looks at Sung Joon’s closet and compliments his clothes. Then he tells Sung Joon to give him some. Sung Joon takes off his scarf and asks why he’s there again. Not how he got in, but why he’s there. Heh. Shin Hyuk says that he was in the neighborhood and remembered the panties he had washed last time. He came to retrieve his panties.
Shin Hyuk is happily fondling Sung Joon’s jacket. He’s also holding an apple. Sung Joon enters the closet and says that whenever Shin Hyuk sees him, Shin Hyuk goes off in a panty tangent. Seriously! He demands that Shin Hyuk hurries and gives him his card key. Ignoring that, Shin Hyuk notes that Sung Joon got home a little late today. Was he on a date or something? Sung Joon stands there with his hand out, waiting. Shin Hyuk still ignores him and says that there's a rumor that Sung Joon has a beautiful girlfriend. Sung Joon asks if they’re that close to be talking about such things?

Still looking at the clothes, Shin Hyuk asks how much Sung Joon knows about his girlfriend. Sung Joon can’t believe he just said that. Shin Hyuk says that in this world, things are not all they appear to be. Sung Joon tells Shin Hyuk to look here (calling him Editor Kim). What is it that Shin Hyuk wants to say? Shin Hyuk turns to look at him and says that he has something he wants to say but he’s holding it in. He can't make a decision on whether he has the right to say something or not. He sighs loudly and declares that he’s going, good night (in English)! He also will eat the apple. He leaves. Sung Joon sighs. Outside of Sung Joon’s apartment, Shin Hyuk is torn.
Next morning, Sung Joon and Ha Ri are talking as they get ready for work. He asks if they should see each other after they get off work? Ha Ri says that there’s a movie she wants to see. Hye Jin bursts in and loudly declares that they should have breakfast. Ha Ri looks at her like a deer in headlights. Hye Jin realizes that Ha Ri is talking to her boyfriend. She calls out loudly, “Congratulations to you two! Let's meet all together some time!” Sung Joon hears this through the phone. He asks what Ha Ri said but she quickly hangs up. Hye Jin gives Ha Ri a hard time for hanging up but leaves, singing and teasing her. Ha Ri sighs and winces because her stomach hurts.

At work, Hye Jin talks to her little onion. She affectionately tells it to keep growing up and up! Then she notices that her right shoe is falling apart. She heads in where the editing team is looking over the magazine layout. They can’t decide what to go with. Ra Ra appears and says that she’s going to ask them one question and they have to answer within 0.5 seconds. What is she wearing? Why does she look like she’s channeling 80s Madonna. That's her rule. This is a Chinese restaurant. Now they have to order. Jjajangmyeon or Jjampong? Everyone shouts out their order (except Shin Hyuk who chooses half and half - which Ra Ra says is a fail). Then she directs them back to the layouts and demands to know which one. The majority say ‘B.’
Ra Ra says that when our hearts say O but we want to say X, when our hearts say X but we want to answer O, we hesitate, like that. Why? Because even we don't know our own hearts. At times like that, whatever easily slips out of your mouth, when you're not thinking, is what you truly think. Understand, okay? Andando ora (going now)

Hye Jin is walking down the hall with a bunch of bags. Shin Hyuk walks up behind her and grabs half of them. She’s going to the showroom for returns, right? She asks for them back but he says that it's because my hands are bored. They should go. They start to argue over the bags and in the process, Hye Jin totally loses the sole of her right shoe. He starts to crack up and, after picking it up, asks how she can wear shoes until they reach this state? She grabs it and protests that if she sticks it back on she can wear it for another year. Shin Hyuk declares that that won’t do. He squats down and tells her to climb on. She doesn’t want to. He squats again and repeats his order for her to get on. And he’s even adjusted his back so that it’s strapped across his chest so she can sit there easily. She refuses again.

The third time he squats, he rips a hole in the seat of his jeans. She chuckles and asks if he just farted. He mutters that he thinks it ripped. He sticks his butt in her direction so she can check. Heheheh! She says that it really ripped! He tells her to hurry up and cover it so my underwear won't show! Quick! Jackson! Jackson! Quick! Get on! Quick! She finally relents. Not that her being on his back is going to cover the seat of his pants, but here’s to a little skinship!
Movie theatre. Large popcorn and two drinks. Ha Ri waits for Sung Joon to arrive.
As they walk down the street – well, he’s carrying her – Shin Hyuk asks what props they are returning. They’re for the 20th anniversary cover shoot, but there was an error so they need to exchange them. He casually changes the subject to what she said about telling Sung Joon everything. Is that still valid? She said it is and then sighs. If only he hadn't come on the field trip, she would have already told Sung Joon everything... Shin Hyuk is really no help.

Shin Hyuk asks if Hye Jin wants to find her friend or... as man and woman, does she want to have that kind of relationship? Is she 100% sure that she only want to find her friend, with no other feelings... Is she sure of that? She starts to answer but thinks of what Ra Ra says.
Sung Joon is driving by and spots them walking.
♫ By my side, someone other than you, ♫
He’s can’t stop looking and ends up rear-ending someone.
♫ Only looks at me but, ♫
♫ Your words, your looks, are familiar ♫

Even as he realizes he just hit someone, he turns around to look at them walking.
Driver gets out of his car and yells at Sung Joon. Is he in his right mind?
Ha Ri waits at the theatre.
♫ It could be that, because I don't know love ♫
♫ I couldn't say a word ♫
♫ You were always by my side, you're looking at me ♫
The movie starts and he’s still not there.
♫ You must still not know ♫
Finally, she’s about to leave and Sung Joon runs up. She’s upset and he apologizes, saying that he had a collision on his way there, so he had to settle a few things. She’s immediately concerned that he’s okay and yells at him for not going to the hospital. He insists that it’s nothing and asks what they should do about the movie, since it was the last screening. She yells at him some more. Is the movie the problem? He should have been careful! How did he get into an accident?

She’s yelling at him and suddenly he pulls her into a hug and tells her that he won't do anything that makes her worry anymore. He’ll be going around with his head screwed on. He won't ever do things that make her concerned again. You know he has to be thinking about his mom.
Next day at the office, Sung Joon finishes his phone call and looks over the pictures he took on their field trip. He hides them when Hye Jin comes in and doesn’t look at her. She’s brought him mail and some breakfast. Coldly, without looking at her, he says that he doesn't usually eat breakfast, so take it with her. Poong Ho enters with some documents for Sung Joon to sign and, still not looking away from his computer screen, he tells Poong Ho to eat the breakfast, if Poong Ho hasn’t eaten yet. Poong Ho takes it and leaves.

Finally Sung Joon looks at her and acts like he has no idea why she’s just looking at him, a slight hurt look on her face. He asks is she has further business? She smiles and says that she doesn’t. She leaves. He stares after her.
Sitting at her desk Hye Jin wonders why Sung Joon is so low pressure (in a bad mood) again? Is something wrong? In his office, Sung Joon is staring at her. He starts to black out the windows, but pauses because he’s drawn to her, but then he does and just stares at where her desk would be.
That evening, Sung Joon is waiting for Ha Ri after work. He takes her to see the movie that they missed. It must be a romantic comedy. In the movie, Sung Joon is sitting stiffly,even as Ha Ri laughs and snuggles into his arm. She notices and asks if the movie isn’t good. He smiles and says that it’s fun. He tries to look like he’s enjoying it but now Ha Ri’s self-conscious.

When they leave the movie, Ha Ri gushes about how great it was but Sung Joon’s distracted. She asks if he didn’t like the movie. He protests that, of course, he liked it. How could he not like it when he watched it with her? Of course he liked it! Ha Ri smiles, but she’s not convinced.
Hye Jin is at a bookstore. She gets the latest edition of their magazine. She looks down the credits page and sees her name. She’s super encouraged. She sends a selfies to her parents. They’re proud of her, even though Hye Rin frowns and says that Hye Jin's name is very small.
The next morning, Hye Jin is looking at the magazine while waiting for a light. Sung Joon walks up a few feet away. The light turns and she declares that “It's a go!” He hears her and this time sees that it was definitely her. He runs over to her and grabs her so that she stops. He stares at her, not letting her wrist go. She greets him but he doesn’t say anything. His face says that he can’t believe that she’s his Hye Jin. She chatters along brightly but he just looks at her with a pained expression on his face. She reminds him about how she’s taking him to dinner to pay back the broken frame. She points out how her name was in the magazine. He just stares at her.

She notices his phone and points out that someone is calling. He doesn’t stop looking at her, even as he fishes for his phone. She says that she’ll go first, waves and hurries off. He looks at the phone and it’s ‘Hye Jin’ calling. He looks up from the phone to watch his Hye Jin walk away.
Sung Joon talks with his boss on the phone. Boss says (in English) that the gap has been reduced. But they're still second in sales, subscription rates, and advertisement revenue. Now Sung Joon has two more chances left. Editor says that he hopes Sung Joon shows them that they haven't overrated him. Sung Joon says that he’s got it and sighs as he hangs up, resting his face in his hands.
Hye Jin enters. She’s surprised he’s there because she thought he was at the studio. She says that Poong Ho sunbae told her to bring the papers to him. Not looking at her and barely audible, he tells her to leave them there and go. He gets up from his desk to leave his office. She tries to ask if he’s okay, but he just walks away. Rejected again, she puts the paperwork on his desk and sees what’s on his tablet. They’re second. She knows what’s wrong now. Or think she knows, because she doesn’t realize this is really about him realizing the truth.

The team is fawning over the dress that James Taylor has designed for their shoot. Shin Hyuk asks Hye Jin to go eat after the shoot, his treat. She tells him that he knows it’s an important day for her. He asks if she maybe can *not* tell Sung Joon. She tells him to mind his own business. Shin Hyuk frowns, bites his lip and loudly sighs – clearly torn over what to do.

The gossip trio are busy snapping pictures and Eun Yung wonders about posting the dress on social media. Almost immediately there’s a loud bellow from Sung Joon. Won't they delete their photos immediately?! This frightens everyone. Harshly Sung Joon asks if they’re there to watch for fun? Do they not have common sense? Don't they know that they still have a month left before the 20th anniversary edition? If their design gets leaked because they upload pictures on their SNS, who will take responsibility for it? He orders them to put the dress in the changing room immediately.
Lee Kyung hurries to comply but Sung Joon orders her to stop, grabbing her hand as it reaches for the dress. He looks at her wrist, which has a large bracelet on it. What does she think she’s doing? He shoves her wrist at her. What kind of fashion assistant has accessories hanging off her arms while she touches the clothing?! He ends it with a scream and Lee Kyung flinches and looks like she wants to cry. Sung Joon asks if the clothes become damaged because of that, will Lee Kyung take responsibility for it?

Lee Kyung sputters that she forgot to take them off earlier. She starts to struggle to remove them. Sung Joon tells the other two to immediately change the person who supervises the clothes. He turns to Lee Kyung and tells her to walk straight to that door and please disappear from this studio immediately. Shin Hyuk looks over at Hye Jin to see how she’s reacting. Lee Kyung tries not to cry as she hurries out.
Sung Joon moves on to the lights! The other two girls and Seol can’t believe how abrasive he’s being. Shin Hyuk grabs Hye Jin’s arm and says that Sung Joon’s isn't really in a good mood today. Just eat with him! She’s not answering. He says that it’s his birthday today, you know. She looks at him and says that he’s lying again. Last time he told her to call him Oppa, even though they were born the same year, because he had an earlier birthday. She gets called away by Joo Young and Shin Hyuk is forced to bite his lip some more, frown and sigh.

Joo Young puts Hye Jin in charge of guarding the dress until the model arrives. Seol comes in and tells Hye Jin to move her car. Hye Jin leaves the dress alone for a moment.

At work, the stress of lying is starting to get to Ha Ri. Her stomach pain is noticeable. Shin Hyuk arrives and walks into her office, unannounced. He immediately tells her to stop it first. She asks what he’s talking about. He asks her to please stop, Min Ha Ri. Playing Kim Hye Jin.
They go outside and Ha Ri realizes that the editor Hye Jin talks about his Shin Hyuk. He says that he seems to have interfered with the three of them involuntarily but he couldn't just stay quiet after knowing everything. He tells her that they’re going to meet tonight. And Jackson is going to confess. Ha Ri looks like her world is going to be destroyed.

Shin Hyuk sits next to her and asks if it wouldn’t be worse for her to get discovered like that? Ha Ri doesn’t answer. Shin Hyuk says that no matter how he thinks about it, the best way to hurt all three people as little as possible, is for her to reveal it first. Then all three will be able to stop it at a manageable stage. He tells her that he’s counting on her. She sighs.

Hye Jin hurries in from moving Seol’s car. She’s now wet from rain. Seol and Joon Woo laugh at how big Hye Jin’s hair is. Hye Jin says that she has viciously curly hair so it gets bigger when it rains. Sung Joon hears her describe her hair that way, the way his Hye Jin always described it. It all starts to fall into place. Her hair. Hye Jin in the rain with him and when she said she would be his umbrella. It’s a go!

The model appears, wearing the dress. She notices a rip in it. This gets Sung Joon’s attention. Everyone freaks. Over a small, not noticeable rip in the train of the dress. Which they could shoot around. Model says that they can't shoot. Sung Joon screams as he asks who the person was in charge of clothing supervision?!!! Everyone else cringes but Hye Jin steps forward to say it was her. Pained, he looks at her and says, “It's you again? Why is it always you?” What are you? Who are you? Who are you that you keep getting on my nerves!!? He practically sounds like he’s going to cry as he asks this. She begins to apologize. Everyone feels bad. She wasn't being careful enough.

There’s a pause and Sung Joon tells her to get lost. Everyone is shocked. Seol actually looks like she might feel bad, since this is partly *her* fault. Sung Joon tells Hye Jin to stop driving him insane by hanging around and get lost. Don't ever show up in front of him again. He tells her that she’s fired. Her eyes start to fill with tears.
Ha Ri hurries to her car.

After Hye Jin has left, a crying woman approaches Sung Joon. She confesses to damaging the dress by trying it on. Joo Young demands to know who she is. Seon Min says that she’s a new agency model that stopped by to say hello. Sung Joon looks like he wants to fall over, because of what he just did to Hye Jin and it wasn’t her fault. Joo Young starts to yell at the girl but Sung Joon tells her that it’s enough. She can go now. He’s strangely calm.

Joo Young asks about Hye Jin and in an answer, Sung Joon tells everyone to go home. Shin Hyuk returns to the quiet studio and asks what’s happened. What's with this mood? Is it over already? Not wanting to look at him, Joon Woo says that the shoot got postponed. The dress got ruined so they've decided to shoot again after it gets mended. Shin Hyuk asks what he’s saying. What happened to the dress? He looks around and doesn’t see Hye Jin. He asks where she is but the look from Joon Woo is enough.
Ha Ri is driving in the car to the studio. She says that she has to say it. She has to tell him with her own mouth. She tries calling him, but he won’t answer her calls.

Sung Joon sits in the empty studio, looking destroyed. The phone buzzes but he doesn’t answer it.
Ha Ri gets a phone call. Thinking it’s Sung Joon she answers and demands to know why he isn’t picking up! Hye Jin instead asks if she called her. She tells Ha Ri that she got fired by Sung Joon. He told her never to show up again. Her voice cracks as she says that he told her to get lost. Ha Ri immediately rushes to her friend’s side.
Seeing Ha Ri, Hye Jin says that it’s our pretty Ha Ri. Ha Ri sits. Hye Jin says that she was delusional for a second. They became closer during their business trip and she thought he was still the same Sung Joon she used to know from her childhood. She was mistaken to think that they could go back to how they used to be. So... she was going to tell him everything but just like this... she got fired. To him, she is just someone he can fire in one shot. She was stupid to get excited all by herself. She’s so dumb, right?

Ha Ri hugs her and, starting to cry, tells her that she’s sorry. Hye Jin asks why she’s sorry. Ha Ri repeats that she’s so sorry and starts to sob. Hye Jin doesn’t get it and comforts her friend. She says that it was always so complicated whenever she saw him so it's good that she doesn't ever have to see him again. Ha Ri’s phone starts ringing, but seeing that it’s Sung Joon, she turns it off.
Now in his office, Sung Joon puts down his phone and sighs. He looks out at where Hye Jin’s desk is. And the smiling onion. He feels like crap. He looks at the employee ID she’s left on her desk and thinks about what she said about what it meant to her.
As she sits with Hye Jin, Ha Ri wonders what she should do? What do they do? She cries into Hye Jin’s shoulder again.
The next day, Hye Jin’s absence is definitely being felt. They’re ticked at Sung Joon for firing her. As he walks by Seon Min asks how Hye Jin Unnie did all this work before? Someone else moans that that’s what she’s saying. Sung Joon inwardly cringes for being such a jerk and Shin Hyuk glares in his direction. Eun Yung moans, asking if there was always so much to do? Joon Woo sighs and says that he misses Hye Jin Noona.
Hye Jin is at home, hunting for a new job. She’s not having much luck.
Elevator Jerk tells Jong Man that Hye Jin got fired and asks if they can hire her back. Jong Man says that there’s no way, since The Most team fired her. Elevator Jerk sighs.

Morning meeting and Sung Joon is in a bad mood. Which means that it’s fun for no one. As he grouses, Shin Hyuk looks through a magazine. He starts to say that he’ll just do everything when Shin Hyuk interrupts, asking about doing a movie concept. Sung Joon asks if Shin Hyuk wants to do something that they’ve done more than a hundred times? Especially on our 20th Anniversary Edition? Shin Hyuk says not the same old thing, but a new spin. Not the main characters but focusing on the supporting characters. He references the musical ‘Wicked.’ The green witch from the 'Wizard of Oz' is the main character. Like that, they can do something where they put the focus on the supporting characters. Hmm. And Hye Jin said that she was just a supporting character. Think outside the box is what he’s saying. Make supporting characters the main models for the pictorial too. Joo Young gives him a fist bump.

Ah Reum likes the idea. It's innovative. When she was little and watched Cinderella, she got so frustrated with her that she sort of understood the stepsisters. Don't they need to listen to their point of views? Poong Ho thinks that Sleeping Beauty is an odd one, too. She should have slapped the guy who kissed her. Sung Joon starts rolling up his sleeves as the group latches on to the idea. Snow White in a leather bustier and hot pants. Joo Young asks what Sung Joon thinks and he says not to limit it to fairytales but do it on a larger scale. If you change your point of view, the world looks different. If you move the spotlight, the supporting characters can become the main characters. That kind of a concept. Then this as our theme, debate on it again within each team. Sung Joon exits the meeting and Shin Hyuk gives him a sarcastic salute.

Later, Sung Joon is in his office and Shin Hyuk enters with a pink notebook. He slides it across the desk at Sung Joon. Sung Joon asks what it is and Shin Hyuk tells him to take a look first. He looks at the first page and asks what Shin Hyuk wants. Shin Hyuk tells him he’s impatient and mimes that Sung Joon should look some more. Sung Joon looks again: Are you the only one who is a main character? I'm a main character too! As he starts to get interested in the notebook, Shin Hyuk says that the idea he mentioned earlier was not his. It was Kim Hye Jin's. A little stab at Sung Joon’s heart. Shin Hyuk says that if they’re going to pursue the project with this concept, he just thought Sung Joon should bring Kim Hye Jin back.
There's a pause and Sung Joon points out that Hye Jin was the one who said that she wouldn't come back even if she was asked. Shin Hyuk counters it was because Joo Young asked her. If the person who misunderstood and overreacted had asked her, the situation would probably be a bit different. Sung Joon asks if Shin Hyuk is telling him to apologize and bring her back? What kind of company in this whole world would apologize to an intern and beg them to return? He slams the notebook shut and says they should forget this ever happened. They will decide on another concept.

Shin Hyuk sighs and asks if there’s something wrong with his sense of judgment. He thought Sung Joon was a strictly rational person, but it seems as though that rationality never applies to Kim Hye Jin? It's as if Sung Joon harbors different feelings for her. And that wasn’t pointed at all. You should leave it alone, so that Hye Jin will decide to like you! There’s a pause, because that hit home and Sung Joon starts to tell Shin Hyuk to look here. Shin Hyuk says that he’ll ask one more question. If another assistant had made the same mistake, would he have been just as angry and have fired that person on the spot? We all know that the answer is ‘no.’

Sung Joon tells Shin Hyuk that if he’s going to say such useless things, he should leave. Shin Hyuk says that he’ll leave once he hears the answer. Does Sung Joon reallynot have any other feelings towards Kim Hye Jin? He repeats what Ra Ra said: When your heart is an O but you want to say it's an X, or when your heart is an X but you want to say that it's an O, they say that people hesitate. Sung Joon’s hesitating right now.

Sung Joon jumps out of his seat, pissed, and asks what Shin Hyuk thinks he knows to be saying that? What about Shin Hyuk? Who is he to get involved in all aspects of that woman's life? Without blinking, Shin Hyuk answers that he likes her. He does. That rattles Sung Joon a little. Shin Hyuk says that he’s saying that he likes Kim Hye Jin. Is that an answer enough for Sung Joon? He pushes the notebook in Sung Joon’s direction, bows and leaves.

Shin Hyuk heads over to Hye Jin’s house and waits for her to arrive. She’s surprised that he’s there. He claims to just be in the neighborhood, reporting on Seoul's beautiful roads. Isn't this alleyway quite beautiful? She tells him to continue with his reporting. She starts walking and Shin Hyuk walks backward so that they’re facing each other. He asks why she doesn’t just come back? The Deputy Chief Editor misunderstood her and overreacted! Everybody is waiting for her. She says that she’s going back. In fact, after leaving, she’s feeling a lot more at ease. She says that she’ll go on then. she has to find a job.

Shin Hyuk blocks her path and says that it’s a coincidence! He’s actually hiring right now. She can be his one-day assistant. Then, like he’s interviewing her, he says, Kim Hye Jin, he did hear that she has a bit of experience working for a magazine. Okay, accepted! She tells him to quit joking around. He plays her promise and says that he’s using up his second request on this. Jackson, be his assistant for one day. She says that she’s really sorry, but she doesn't want to get involved with Most magazine ever again. Shin Hyuk leans in and says that the wage is super high. That gets her.

So they spend the day together, with Hye Jin holding Shin Hyuk’s water bottle. And they have fun.

He tricks her into making a fool out of herself by telling her that if she hops down a flight of stairs while shouting her wish, it will come true.

They take a ride on his bike to a flower garden. There he does a selfies with her, saying that Jackson has to look pretty no matter what. She smiles brightly but he makes a ridiculous, obnoxious face. Eventually, he gets Hye Jin to make crazy faces, too. Which is why I love him. He thinks she’s pretty just the way she is. She looks over the selfies and cracks up at how silly they both are, which he watches and sighs.
On a bridge, she brings up his question: If she’s 100% sure that she wants Sung Joon only as a friend. She admits that when she thought about it, it wasn't true. She says that she thought of him as a man. He doesn’t say anything. She says that there are those mirrors... You can't look in from the outside but from inside you can see everything. With the two of them, there was always a mirror like that between us. She can see him so well but he can't see her at all. She says that some days she thinks she should hide away so she won't be found but some days she wishes that Sung Joon will recognize her first. So... that's why it was more painful for her.

She says that thanks to him, she lasted all that time and the unfamiliar editorial life was pretty fun too. She says that she knows he came by today on purpose to comfort her. She thanks him. He answers that if she’s that thankful then go out with him. He smiles widely and she says that she takes it back! She really doesn't like him!

At work, Sung Joon can’t help but look over Hye Jin’s notebook again. A crying Little Mermaid says that she only rescued the prince because he was passed out by the ocean. She never lied on purpose... As he looks over the notebook, he starts to smile at her different perspective of these classic fairy tales. “You're saying that I'm a wicked witch? It was an unfortunate choice I had to make to guard my forest.” He thinks about what Shin Hyuk said about his feelings clouding his judgment where she’s concerned. As if he has other feelings for her. He looks at the smiling onion again.
Manager Jong Man meets with Hye Jin and says that there’s a job opening in his friend’s company. He can get her in just by recommending her. She profusely thanks him and buys him some cotton candy when he asks.

As she comes home from the meeting, Sung Joon is waiting for her by the bus stop. She doesn’t see him. And he looks scared. He follows her, holding her notebook. When she stops and turns around, he ducks into an alley to avoid being seen. But she’s talking to the neighborhood dog. She walks on and he follows her. He watches as she swings on the swings.

As he gets up the courage to say something, her phone rings, so he ducks out of sight again. He continues to hide as she leaves the swings, ending up falling down the slide and right at her feet. He tries to play it off like he just happened to run into her.
They sit. She can’t look at him. He tells her that he’d like to use her idea as the theme for their 20th Anniversary issue. And for her to come back. Emotionless, she tells him she won’t. She has no intention of going back to his company but he can still use her idea. A brief pause and he says that that day... he was overly sensitive. He acknowledges that he went overboard and he apologizes. Please come back and let's work on the 20th Anniversary issue together.

Again she says ‘no.’ She’s not going back there again, even for his sake. He doesn’t know what to say to that, but it bothers him. She says that, to be honest, working with him is very uncomfortable for her. That hurts him to hear. You really screwed this one up, buddy. And I think you know it, now. Anyway, she’s decided to work at another company through the chief administrative officer's recommendation.
He says her name again: Kim Hye Jin-shi. I bet if you called her Hye Jin-a, she might listen. She stands and faces him, saying that, no matter what, for coming there to see her personally, thank you. She bows deeply and says goodbye. She walks away and all Sung Joon can do is watch her go. He looks like he’s going to cry.
The next day, Sung Joon pauses at her desk to look at the onion and then heads into his office. Hye Jin calls Jung Min about the job and he says that the job’s not available anymore. He quickly hangs up on her. She refuses to think about Sung Joon’s job and decides to eat, but there’s no rice. She heads home to Appa’s printing shop. She decides to hide but stops from jumping out at him when a customer comes. She overhears that Appa’s printing press is malfunctioning and costing him business. She calls him and asks how it’s going. He lies and she knows it. She hangs up quickly so he won’t hear her cry.
At the swings, she thinks about what she should do. Even though she said that she wouldn’t, she has to. She regrets what she said. Jung Min calls her and says that the job is back on. Then she gets a text. It’s from Sung Joon. There’s a picture of the onion, but now it’s crying and sad. He writes that it's crying because its owner's gone. Is she going to leave it by itself like this? Hye Jin looks a long time at the onion and sighs.

The next morning, her desk is still empty. Sung Joon nods because she’s really not coming back. He goes into his office. The phone rings and Joo Young yells for someone to get it. Someone, with straight hair and stylish clothes, hurries over to Hye Jin’s desk and answers it, saying “Yes, The Most editing team's Kim Hye Jin speaking.” Everyone stops and stares because it’s Hye Jin. Totally shocked faces because she looks 'pretty'.
I’m not sure what I think of Hye Jin’s makeover. I mean, she looks good, but she didn’t look bad before. Now she looks like a clone, like everyone else. And what’s Shin Hyuk going to think, since he likes her like she is and not ‘pretty’? She’s not going to be Jackson anymore. And what’s Sung Joon going to think? Since she looks very different and I’m predicting that she’s going to be very formal with him now, like they’re no more than boss and employee, rather than him being her old and beloved friend. And where is Ha Ri going to fit into all this? And how long before Hye Jin gets the blow that her oldest and dearest friend has been betraying her like this? Because it is a betrayal of the trust and affection that Hye Jin has trusted her with. Even if it wasn’t Sung Joon, the fact that Ha Ri lied so much… I don’t look forward to the fall out.
Shin Hyuk is definitely a good friend and honorable. He knows that Hye Jin has a right to know and that Ha Ri should stop, and he tells Ha Ri to stop so that everyone will be hurt the least. That’s a good man, just like he goes to cheer Hye Jin up because he knows she’s hurt. I want a Shin Hyuk of my own. Yes, he would be frustrating to tease me like that, but he’s also really insightful and kind when the occasion calls for it. And he makes you laugh.
How is this going to pan out for Ha Ri, too, since Sung Joon knows the truth before she told him and isn’t answering her calls? And is Ha Ri going to confess to Hye Jin? I think not. I think she’s going to take this freeze in her relationship with Sung Joon as a sign to not say anything, because she doesn’t want to deal with the fall out.

One thing that stuck out to me in the scene where Sung Joon found the drawing from when they were kids, other than being really annoyed at Ha Ri and how manipulative she was being, is how it subconsciously shows that Sung Joon knows there is something off. Unlike the figures he drew as a boy, that were standing next to each other, the ones he drew as an adult had distance between them.
Watching Sung Joon struggle was hard. My impression is that Sung Joon isn’t nearly that harsh and cruel most of the time, but he’s been pushed to the breaking point by things. Not only is he trying to save the magazine and everyone’s jobs, but the girl that he came back to Korea for, she’s not the one he thought she was, but instead is the one he’s been fighting an attraction for. So the girl that he’s been giving his heart to has been lying to him, basically manipulated him into committing to her, and then he discovers that it’s all a lie on who she is. And she and Hye Jin have been lying all this time, which means that they must know each other. He doesn’t know that Hye Jin doesn’t know about him dating Ha Ri, so it looks like Hye Jin conspired all this time to deceive him, which hurts even more.
But now that he realizes how he’s been treating his oldest and best friend and how she’s still been acting like his friend, even when he’s been awful, and how the girl that he’s been fighting falling for is actually the girl he wanted to fall for, that has got to make him feel pretty miserable. Not just because of the sense of betrayal, but because of the knowledge of how much he must have hurt Hye Jin, too. We normally hate hurting the ones that we love. And especially because she’s told him that it made her quite uncomfortable and miserable to be around him. She’s not gloating or happy to have deceived him.
What a pickle. And I have to wait for Wednesday to see what happens next. Especially since Hye Jin got a makeover and I believe isn’t going to be taking nearly as much crap from anyone any more. I wonder how this is going to affect her relationships, too, because I have a feeling she’s not going to be as nice anymore, because that’s not what’s going to be Most-like. And who is it that gave her the makeover? Ha Ri? Ra Ra? We’re only halfway through things, too!
And finally, a little Shin Hyuk awesomeness...

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