Well, they only showed one episode, on Thursday, this week. I am annoyed.
We start the episode a little before the cliff hanger from last week, with Hye Jin in the stylist’s chair. Stylist is, of course, freaking out about the curls. How did she live all these years with this hair?! Ironically, Stylist’s hair, except for the part around her head, is nearly as curly as Hye Jin’s natural curl. I guess Hye Jin’s hair is just a little too curly… Hye Jin, of course, wants to get rid of her curls – which I’ve grown to like and which make her unique – but nearly balks when she hears that it will cost 400,000 Won. She stares at herself for a moment and agrees, saying she wants a new start.
She heads to a department store and invests in a shirt she likes. She also sneaks in for a voluntary makeover. Then she heads into work, no freckles or redness on her face – and, again, I miss the normal Hye Jin. She’s smiling broadly. Manager and his lackeys spot her and he’s amazed and disbelieving that it’s Hye Jin.
Hye Jin answers the phone at Most. Everyone stops what they’re doing in shock. Shin Hyuk looks like he’s appalled. Shin Hyuk says her name, Jackson, in a voice asking if it’s her. And the voice sounds appalled. Ah Reum says that she thinks it’s Hye Jin because of her “depressing bag.” Hye Jin says, in Hye Jin style, that she’s back and apologizes for worrying them. Joon Woo rushes over and gives her a huge hug, telling his noona that he’s totally missed her! And I crack up because Poong Ho got up to get a huge from her, too. He’s left hanging. Hye Jin happily hugs him. Seol hurries over to pull Joon Woo off her as Shin Hyuk – still appalled – asks what she’s doing right now!
Ah Reum welcomes Hye Jin, saying that she’s glad Hye Jin came back. Seon Min tells her that she’s become so pretty. Hye Jin smiles broadly. Eun Yung practically shrieks that unni is unrecognizable! Lee Kyung agrees. Sung Joon sees her from inside his office and stops. He smiles softly. Joo Young yells at everyone to get back to work. She gives Hye Jin a welcoming smile.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Thursday, October 15, 2015
She Was Pretty Episode 8 Recap

Episode starts with Ha Ri kissing Sung Joon and Shin Hyuk seeing it. He stops Hye Jin from looking and grabbing her into a back hug. She immediately complains that it’s suffocating. She tries to look again, but he claims that someone's drunk and peeing in public. He says that it'll ruin her eyes and make them rot! Even as she complains, he drags her away.
Done kissing Sung Joon, Ha Ri tells him that she doesn't want to be with him as a childhood friend, but as his girlfriend. No pressure there. She tells him that she wants to hear his answer. Sung Joon doesn’t know what to say. Big pause. Ha Ri chuckles a little bitterly and says that she guesses that he doesn't feel the same. Sung Joon is trying to recover from the shock of being cornered like this, since he hasn’t figured out how he feels. Since he’s not able to answer her... he must not feel the same way. Her voice is cracking and she looks down. Sung Joon takes a deep breath and nods to himself. He grabs her hand and says that they should go. She reluctantly follows. I wonder what he’s doing. He’s about to jump in, I know it.
Hye Jin is marveling at how Shin Hyuk completely fooled her into thinking Coco was a real younger sister! She feels so wronged! Shin Hyuk is walking behind her, trying to process this revelation of their love triangle. She yells at him to stop following her! But he grabs her arm and asks about that friend of hers who she said lives with her... Is that the same friend who she said was her other half? She wants to know why he’s asking about our Ha Ri all of a sudden? That’s a yes. Shin Hyuk knows that it’s bad. He tells her they should talk and sits at a nearby table.

Hye Jin reluctantly sits with her arms folded. Shin Hyuk says that when he brought her there last time when she got drunk, he remembered her telling him. They must be very close, if Hye Jin calls Ha Ri her other half. Hye Jin says that saying that they’re close doesn't even begin to explain it. Their mothers were best friends so they’ve been with each other since birth. The best thing she’s ever done in her life is becoming friends with our Ha Ri. She explains that since we're human, no matter how close you are to a friend, when something good happens to him or her, honestly you do feel at least a tiny bit of jealousy. But when something good happens to me, the only person who is completely happy for me one hundred percent, as much as my mom would be, is our Ha Ri.
She Was Pretty Episode 7 Recap
Silent car ride. Both of them are uncomfortable. Because Sung Joon is starting to like her and thinks that he shouldn’t since she’s not the real Hye Jin. She keeps trying to strike up some sort of conversation and Sung Joon shuts it down. She starts to sing – and has a nice voice – and, sounding a bit irritated, Sung Joon asks if they’re going on an excursion. Hye Jin stops singing and shakes her head ‘no.’ He says that he has a lot on his mind so they should go quietly. She agrees but then her stomach loudly growls. As Sung Joon grimaces, she protests that she’s trying to be quiet but it's doing it on its own!
Hye Jin wonders what Sung Joon’s problem is. Why is he back to Siberia mode (acting cold)? Why did he give me the onion then? More growling and Hye Jin coughs to cover the sound.
Back at The Most, Shin Hyuk holds up a huge fake spider in Joo Young’s face and tries to get her to freak out. Dead-pan, she asks what he wants her to do about it. He is bored because Hye Jin is not there to torment. Off-kilter, he mutters that she should do nothing. Poong Ho walks up and he tries to scare Poong Ho. Poong Ho’s only reaction is to hit Shin Hyuk several times on the head with his scratching stick. As they discuss when Shin Hyuk is going to grow up, he rolls back to his desk and moans that Jackson's reaction is unparalleled. He sighs and says her name again.
Sung Joon and Hye Jin stop at a restaurant. She deeply breathes in the air. He tells her to stop inhaling air that won't fill her up and go eat. Hye Jin starts to order the wild vegetable bibimbap but Sung Joon cuts her off and orders 2 portions of the special beef tenderloin. Hye Jin looks at the price: 60,000 Won. She asks if it’s too expensive. He asks if she’s complaining, since he’s paying for it anyway.
She Was Pretty Episode 6 Recap
Episode picks up with Sung Joon and Hye Jin sitting in the rain, Hye Jin covering them both with her hoodie. He reaches up and toches her face. She doesn’t hear him call her Hye Jin-a because of the honking of the truck and it startles her into realizing how in danger they are. She pulls Sung Joon out of the street. As they sit under the awning at a bus stop, she worries at how cold he is and how much shivering he’s doing. He pulls off her hoodie and tells her to go. She refuses and wants to take him home. He repeats his gasp that she should go. He asks her to please just go. He’s so pathetic right now. She calls a driver, who takes Sung Joon home. She tells the driver to turn up the heat and take care of him until he gets home.
Shin Hyuk is still waiting with Ha Ri. He sighs loudly and looks at his phone. Ha Ri tries calling Sung Joon but talks to the driver instead. Driver says that the customer isn't feeling well so he’s taking Sung Joon home right now. This gets Ha Ri to hurry and leave to take care of him. She doesn’t give Shin Hyuk any explanation but hurries out. He’s annoyed because he got dressed up for nothing. I like his hair, though. He decides to take some selfies. And his charming smile cracks me up. He actually cracks himself up. Heh.
Ha Ri gets to his apartment building and almost doesn’t remember his apartment number. But she does and starts ringing his doorbell. She calls him when he doesn’t answer but he staggers out and basically collapses on her.
Inside now, she makes him some porridge – or tries to. Sung Joon finally comes to his senses. When she sees him upright, she tries to feel his neck for his temperature, but he assures her that he’s all right. He asks how she got there and she explains about the driver. He apologizes for making her wait, saying he suddenly fell ill. I find it strange that he didn’t say anything about the accident, since Hye Jin knows about it and it would completely explain everything.
Shin Hyuk is still waiting with Ha Ri. He sighs loudly and looks at his phone. Ha Ri tries calling Sung Joon but talks to the driver instead. Driver says that the customer isn't feeling well so he’s taking Sung Joon home right now. This gets Ha Ri to hurry and leave to take care of him. She doesn’t give Shin Hyuk any explanation but hurries out. He’s annoyed because he got dressed up for nothing. I like his hair, though. He decides to take some selfies. And his charming smile cracks me up. He actually cracks himself up. Heh.
Ha Ri gets to his apartment building and almost doesn’t remember his apartment number. But she does and starts ringing his doorbell. She calls him when he doesn’t answer but he staggers out and basically collapses on her.
Inside now, she makes him some porridge – or tries to. Sung Joon finally comes to his senses. When she sees him upright, she tries to feel his neck for his temperature, but he assures her that he’s all right. He asks how she got there and she explains about the driver. He apologizes for making her wait, saying he suddenly fell ill. I find it strange that he didn’t say anything about the accident, since Hye Jin knows about it and it would completely explain everything.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
She Was Pretty Episode 5 Recap
Eotteokay! Hye Jin was caught in a pickle with Sung Joon last episode. What will happen? I guess I’ll have to watch the episode. Waiting a week has been rough!
Episode starts with Hye Jin at Sung Joon’s door, trying to figure out his code. She’s so stressed about going in and getting her phone – so Sung Joon won’t see the pictures of her and Ha Ri together – that she starts biting her teeth together. Don’t normally see people do that because of stress. She thinks and wonder if it’s possibly…
Flashback to kid Hye Jin singing Sung Joon ‘Happy Birthday.’ He blows out the candles and tells her that it’s not his birthday. Young Hye Jin is surprised. He uses today's date for his locker, his bicycle lock and all his other locks. She asks what the numbers mean. Proudly, Sung Joon declares that it’s his favorite day out of the whole year. It's the International Left-hander's Day. What an oddball. Hye Jin is impressed that there’s a day like that. Sung Joon smiles and takes big scoops of icing from the cake.
Back in the present, Hye Jin nods that this is it. She reaches into her purse and pulls out her planner. The date is circled. She keys in 0813 (for the date) and it works. She’s able to get inside his apartment. At least that part of him hasn’t changed.
As she walks by the couch on her way to the puzzle, Sung Joon twitches. He wakes and is surprised to find himself in his apartment. He notices Hye Jin leaning in towards the puzzle. She smiles at the space where her piece is. Sung Joon surprises her and she knocks the puzzle over. She almost steps on the glass and he grabs her toward him. She’s all but 5 seconds before she pulls back her hands (in a way that says let go!)
Episode starts with Hye Jin at Sung Joon’s door, trying to figure out his code. She’s so stressed about going in and getting her phone – so Sung Joon won’t see the pictures of her and Ha Ri together – that she starts biting her teeth together. Don’t normally see people do that because of stress. She thinks and wonder if it’s possibly…
Flashback to kid Hye Jin singing Sung Joon ‘Happy Birthday.’ He blows out the candles and tells her that it’s not his birthday. Young Hye Jin is surprised. He uses today's date for his locker, his bicycle lock and all his other locks. She asks what the numbers mean. Proudly, Sung Joon declares that it’s his favorite day out of the whole year. It's the International Left-hander's Day. What an oddball. Hye Jin is impressed that there’s a day like that. Sung Joon smiles and takes big scoops of icing from the cake.
Back in the present, Hye Jin nods that this is it. She reaches into her purse and pulls out her planner. The date is circled. She keys in 0813 (for the date) and it works. She’s able to get inside his apartment. At least that part of him hasn’t changed.
As she walks by the couch on her way to the puzzle, Sung Joon twitches. He wakes and is surprised to find himself in his apartment. He notices Hye Jin leaning in towards the puzzle. She smiles at the space where her piece is. Sung Joon surprises her and she knocks the puzzle over. She almost steps on the glass and he grabs her toward him. She’s all but 5 seconds before she pulls back her hands (in a way that says let go!)
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