Episode starts with the door bell… Gun Woo turning Jung Joo to look at him and declaring that every once in a while, he’s horrible to Dead Face, too. I’m still going to call her Dead Face Harpy, but I can’t see Gun Woo calling her a harpy, hence the ‘Dead Face.’ Dead Face Harpy strolls in and can’t believe that Gun Woo’s about to kiss Jung Joo. Again, if you freeze the frame, it just looks like she has gas, is confused… Gun Woo leans in and Jung Joo closes her eyes. Instead of shoving him off. Dead Face Harpy sneers in disbelief and leaves.
From the opposite angle, we can see that Gun Woo knew Dead Face Harpy was there and that she’s left. He doesn’t kiss Jung Joo. At least he has the sense not to use Jung Joo that much. Still want to slap him. But he's not making the greatest choices, like when Ji Hoo kissed Jan Di in ‘BOF.’ Yes, I went there. He doesn’t smile as he checks that Dead Face Harpy is gone. He steps backward and finally drops his hand from Jung Joo's face. He leans against the counter and says that Jung Joo can open her eyes. Ji Won is gone. He looks away from her.
Jung Joo opens her eyes and looks to make sure Dead Face Harpy is gone. There’s a pause, silent. Then she yells at him: What the heck? He startled her. I want to hit Gun Woo some more as he says: What's there to be startled about? Did he do anything to her? You almost kissed her, dude! How is that not doing something? How is it not using her to hurt Dead Face Harpy? He protests that he was the one who was more startled. Why did she close her eyes? She answers that she was just so shocked. It just happened. Gun Woo, a hand referencing his face, asks if your eyes aren’t usually wide open when you're shocked. Wow, they are both totally deflecting what he just did to argue over this.
‘Saving’ her dignity, Jung Joo says that, no, she closes her eyes when she's shocked. She shuts her eyes tightly so that she won't see anything scary or dirty. Heh. The idea of being kissed by Gun Woo is scary and/or dirty. Gun Woo quickly slides over to put his face in hers. There’s a ‘ching’ sound effect as Jung Joo’s eyes fly wide open. He points and says, “See? Your eyes are as big as saucers!” She glares at him and then head butts him. Yes! Good girl! Gun Woo staggers backward, reeling from the pain. He yells at her, asking if she’s crazy?! She’s indignant now. She asks him if he wants to get beaten up until his eyes are wide open? He goes back to holding his head and not looking at her. She demands to know why he’s using her for his love life?!
In typical Gun Woo fashion, where he gets indignant when he should be apologetic… Gun Woo yells back that, yes, he used her! He used her to infuriate Ji Won! But Jung Joo’s the one who started the fire. Who told Ji Won that they were living together and making things seem weird? What? Really?... His brain works really fast to jump from finding that out to connecting how to use it. Jung Joo yells that she said it because she was so frustrated! She was so upset to see him just taking it like a fool, so she helped him to get Dead Face Harpy mad! Gun Woo doesn’t like that, but then he spits out… Why would Jung Joo feel frustrated? Does she like him?! Slack mouth and saucer eyes from Jung Joo.
Gun Woo’s surprised that he said it, himself, because he’s mirroring Jung Joo’s expression. Long pause with Jung Joo’s face hardening with anger. Finally Gun Woo speaks, and he’s not yelling anymore. He knows he crossed a line and his voice shows it. Gun Woo says that it's not like that for her... so why is she overreacting? Jung Joo doesn’t say anything and tries to walk away, but he grabs her arm. Hey, what's wrong? She should say it isn't true! He really doesn’t want it to be true – because that would mean that he really just hurt his one true friend.
Jung Joo won’t look at him. Gun Woo tells her to punch him or kick him... because that’s what everyone he knows does… Why would she leave it at that? He is really starting to freak out. Jung Joo clears her throat and looks at him. She says that seeing that his eyes are as big as saucers, he must've been shocked. Is he flustered? Gun Woo doesn’t know how to react to that. Like it was totally her plan to make him freak out.. Jung Joo tells him that he should be careful from now on. He glares at her. She pokes him, more than once for emphasis, as she says that if he uses her like that one more time, she'll...
She’ll like him. Gun Woo doesn’t like that idea. He takes a step backward, but Jung Joo grabs his shoulders so he can’t get away. She asks him, in a come-hither voice, where he’s going. She says that she doesn't just pretend to do something and then take off, like he does. She even smiles. If he’s going to do it, he should do it properly. She leans in to kiss him. Gun Woo tries to lean back, but she has his neck so he can’t get away. He mashes his lips together to withdraw them from being kissable. Jung Joo’s face is completely intent. She closes her eyes and he squirms.
Jung Joo peeks with one eye and then knees Gun Woo hard in the thigh, right above his knees. He’s lucky it wasn’t a little more to the left. He starts groaning with pain and rubbing his leg. She asks him how it was. She did what he asked for. Does he feel better now? I am now laughing. He did tell her that she should kick him. Way to go, Hong Sisters, for making this moment not so traumatizing. He declares – unconvincingly – that now that he got kicked, he does feel a bit more at ease. She tells him that it’s good then. Now that he feels better, he needs to clean up everything there! Her face says that she’s still mad. She walks away. Gun Woo wants to follow and argue, but his leg hurts too much.
Jung Joo goes and sits on her bed. Is the idea that she might like him that scary to Gun Woo? She thinks about the stupid stuff that he just said about liking Dead Face Harpy no matter what and she says to herself that she’s scared of herself, too. She sighs and falls over onto her pillow. It all sucks.
Downstairs, Poong San is doing the dishes while Gun Woo is stewing – instead of doing what she told him. He’s got a glass of wine while he does it. Of course, he does. The part he’s thinking about is where he asked if she liked him and she didn’t answer. He sighs and asks, “What the heck.” Poong San asks Gun Woo if it bothers him that much? He'll follow her to the resort right away, won't he? Gun Woo looks at Poong San, confused. Resort? Oh, Ji Won? Love that Poong San thought he was stewing over Dead Face Harpy. And instead he was stewing over Jung Joo. Dead Face Harpy, you are toast! (Eventually.)
Gun Woo says that he’ll go see her when he gets a sign. A sign? Gun Woo explains that, just like always, Dead Face Harpy will throw him some bait for reconciliation. He just needs to bite it right away and peacefully enter the fish tank again. Poong San points out how that’s not possible, if Dead Face Harpy likes him at all. Dead Face Harpy found out that he works and live there with Jung Joo. Gun Woo answers that if Ji Won gets the wrong idea, he'll explain the situation to her…. That Jung Joo is really ill.
Poong San’s face twitches – because he knows the truth – He will? By the way, just in case... if Jung Joo isn't sick, would Gun Woo kick her out? Gun Woo declares that if he didn't know that Jung Joo was sick – he smacks the counter for emphasis – he would never have rented her the Warm and Cozy to begin with! Then... Gun Woo’s nice to noona only because he’s taken pity on her? No other feelings? Gun Woo’s quick to declare that he doesn't have those kinds of feelings towards Jung Joo at all! And Jung Joo said she feels the same way. Gun Woo gets up from the counter. Topic hit a little too close to home and he’s in denial. I’m sure Poong San believed him, too, especially after he said that Jung Joo doesn’t like him either.
Gun Woo goes and ‘knocks’ on Jung Joo’s curtain. He pokes his head over and sees her lying on the bed, facing the wall. Slowly he opens the curtains and asks if she’s asleep. She doesn’t stir. He enters and says that he doesn’t think she ate dinner... Is she just going to sleep? No response. And he’s acting like nothing has happened. Or rather, he knows he was a jerk and now wants to make up for it. He sits on her bed and asks if she wants him to make her something to eat. Slight stirring.
Gun Woo says that she wanted to eat dukbokki, so he bought some. Shall he make it for her? Without moving, Jung Joo quietly tells him, “Don't try to coax me.” He's like, “hunh?” with a smile on his face. She can’t take that. She sits up quietly and yells at him that she said, don't coax me! He’s startled by her yelling. They look at each other. She sighs and, looking away from him, says that she really doesn't have any intentions. But if he tries and coaxes her so thoughtlessly, she has no choice but to fall for him. Gun Woo blinks and looks away, like he never thought of that.
Jung Joo says that after she falls for him, she'll be the only one getting hurt. He looks back at her. She says that she’ll be the only one with a puffy face and she doesn’t want that to happen. So don't coax her. I was starting to get over what a butthead he was not 20 minutes before and then… Gun Woo gets all defensive: Coax her? When has he coaxed her into eating when she didn't want to? She yells at him that he seduced her! He’s evil like dukbokki in the middle of the night! She gives him an ‘aish!’ and lays back down, facing the wall. A girl did an 'aish!'
Gun Woo sounds wounded. What the heck did he do to her? If he has suggested adding cheese to dukbokki, she would have called him a murderer! If he suggested adding dumplings, she’d call him a psychopathic serial killer! He totally doesn't get that she's talking about something else besides dukbokki. He stands up to accentuate that last part. She kicks at him, several times. None land though. He yells at her not to eat! He starts to stomp out of her area but stops and tells her to just say she wants to eat dukbokki one more time! He shoves her curtains together forcefully. Jung Joo buries her head in her pillow and says nothing. Gun Woo lies down, frowning. Neither one is happy as they fall asleep.
Next day, Jung Joo is outside the Warm and Cozy sweeping. Townsfolk are out, doing clean up. Jung Joo hurries to greet them. Jong Bae explains that whenever the big currents come by, they have to clean up the breakwater area. Jung Joo declares that they’ll come and help clean up, too. Yoo Ja says that Mr. Warm and Cozy has never came out to clean up with them. Jung Joo says that, of course, they should come. She hurries inside to change clothes.
Jong Bae watches her go and in JD says that that young lady works so hard. She even applied to the lady diver school, too. Yoo Ja is surprised. Jong Bae admonishes Yoo Ja not to be stingy on Jung Joo’s scores when she interviews.Yoo Ja is willing.
Jung Joo goes and opens Gun Woo’s curtain, telling him to get up so they can go clean. It's like yesterday didn't happen. That feels wrong. He groans but doesn’t move. She sits next to him and starts slapping him to get up! Get up! Still half asleep, he glares at her and says that they just need to pay a 10,000 won fine. She starts pinching him. Aren't you getting up? Aren't you? Aren't you going? Finally Gun Woo sits up, demanding to know WHY she’s doing that. Jung Joo says that all the elders are heading out to clean up but they don't like Gun Woo because he never goes and helps. Gun Woo answers that it’s okay if they don't like him. He lies back down again.
Jung Joo pulls him back up, saying that it's not okay for her. She has to look good in front of them. She tells him they should go. He answers, “Okay,” and lies down again. Jung Joo makes a face and then with a very sweet voice, she calls his name. Faint groan as an answer. She grabs his other pillow and starts beating him with it. That gets him up.
Gun Woo is ‘hard’ at work sweeping. Something nails him in the back of the head. It’s a little boy with a BB gun. He goes over and, shaking his broom at the boy, asks if he shot him. Boy says that he didn’t. The kid calls Gun Woo Ajusshi, which offends Gun Woo. Boy shoots the gun again and the pellet ricochets off of a flower pot. Gun Woo tells Boy not to do that. It's dangerous. He'll get into big trouble! Boy gives him a ‘whatever’ shrug and shoots the gun again. This time he shatters a street light.
Gun Woo tells Boy that he told the kid to stop. Boy’s in big trouble now! Does Boy know how scary the town mayor is around here? If he finds out, Boy will be reported right away! Boy starts to wail. Gun Woo tells Boy that it’s no use even if Boy cries. Mayor won't give Boy a break because he’s a kid. He'll give Boy a fine! Boy is in big trouble now!
Out of nowhere, Yoo Ja smacks Gun Woo hard on the back, calling him a punk! Why did he make her grandson cry? Yoo Ja defensively grabs Boy to her, to protect her from terrible Gun Woo. Gun Woo protests that he didn't do it! It was Boy’s fault! Yoo Ja asks what Boy did wrong. In JD, Yoo Ja then accuses Gun Woo of breaking a street light in front of someone else's house! Gun Woo looks at her and says that he can’t understand her at all! Please speak Korean! Which makes me really laugh.
Yoo Ja threatens Gun Woo and in JD, calls him a roughneck and demands that he fix the light! Gun Woo yells at her, asking why she’s going this?! Still in JD, Yoo Ja yells back that he dares get riled up after what he did? Who is Gun Woo yelling at? Does Gun Woo want to go for a round with her?
Jung Joo arrives. Gun Woo puts her in between himself and Yoo Ja, saying that this woman hit my back and she's about to hit me with her broom! In JD Yoo Ja declares that Gun Woo made her grandson cry and broke the street light! Jung Joo looks at the light and then the little boy, She points out to Yoo Ja that Boy is holding a toy gun. Didn't Boy break the light with the gun? Boy tries to hide the gun, but Yoo Ja sees it. She asks if Boy did it. Gun Woo yells at Boy to tell her the truth! Boy starts to wail again. Yoo Ja goes at Gun Woo with her broom for yelling at her grandson!
Jung Joo jumps in between them, asking what her Gun Woo did wrong? Yoo Ja sarcastically asks Jung Joo if she’s taking Gun Woo’s side because they’re both from Seoul? Jung Joo replies that she’s not taking his side. Yoo Ja just keeps insisting that Gun Woo was wrong. Gun Woo vigorously nods behind Jung Joo. Yoo Ja declares that a little kid can make mistakes. They’re being mean to him just because of that. They’re so mean! Jung Joo looks at her, shocked. How could she go that far? Yoo Ja says that that’s enough talking! She goes and hugs her grandson and says that Gun Woo and Jung Joo are the exactly the same! She leaves with Boy. But not before shoving her broom in both their faces.
Yoo Ja runs into Jong Bae as she’s walking away. He asks if they had a fight. Yoo Ja declares that she didn’t think that Seoul lady was like that. She stomps off. Jung Joo is surprised that Yoo Ja was so unreasonable. She asks Gun Woo if he got a beating earlier. He declares that he did, on his back! He mentions the BB gun and how he got shot right on his head. Jung Joo looks at the spot and sees that it’s swollen. Jong Bae asks if they argued with ajumma Yoo Ja? Jung Joo explains that Yoo Ja’s grandson broke the light, but she keeps saying that Gun Woo did it. Jong Bae see that it's completely broken.
Jong Bae tells Jung Joo that it’s fine to take Gun Woo’s side, but she should've held back. She won't be admitted this round now. She doesn’t get what he means. He explains that Yoo Ja is one of the interviewers for the diver school. Now this happened, Jung Joo won't get good marks. Jung Joo can’t believe that Yoo Ja would be so petty and childish. Jong Bae says that he knows Yoo Ja. Her grudge lasts as long as a lizard's tail. It’s a definite that Yoo Ja will give Jung Joo zero marks.
Back at the Warm and Cozy, Gun Woo is surprised. Lady diver school? She applied for that without telling him about it? She replies that she was going to tell him once she got in. It is like yesterday never happened. That’s not good, because it’s not dealt with. Jung Joo wonders what to do (but she doesn’t say eotteokay). Gun Woo declares that it’s actually for the better! How can she do something like that? It's too hard for her! He waves his hand at her as he says hajima, hajima! (Don't do it! Don't do it!) Jung Joo protests that she has to. Seafood is their most expensive ingredient in terms of cost. How much is that if she got it herself?
Gun Woo can’t believe she’ll become a diver in order to save that money. Jung Joo says that she also wanted to make something happen. She hasn’t done anything properly ever since she came to Jeju Island. Once she graduates from lady diver school, she can come up with a unique restaurant concept. She can also supply some of the ingredients herself. Plus, if she becomes friends with the lady divers, she might be able to buy directly from them.
Gun Woo is impressed. She’s given it a lot of thought. She replies that she really wanted to get in. What can she do? Gun Woo thinks for a moment, chewing his thumb and gets an idea. Smiling at his own cleverness, he says that if she wants to get in that badly, she has the Red Clay Man picture! Threaten the town mayor with the picture and ask him to get her in! She smiles like it’s a great idea and then starts pinching him for his terrible idea. Even his imagination! And in JD, she cries, “So frustrating! Is he an idiot?” Reminding me of the Mayor when she was trying to first learn how to pull up conch. Gun Woo has no idea what she said. She yells, “Whatever!” at him and walks off, leaving a confused Gun Woo behind. What did she say?
Mayor is reading a news article: [2015 Sorang Lady Diver School Recruiting New Students]. Why is he mumbling under his breath, reading to himself? Jung Joo arrives and tries to quietly get his attention. She signals that she wants to talk to him for a moment outside. Mayor blinks, sniffs, and blinks again. He scratches his head and then goes outside. She has a nice drink for him. Small talk. She tells him that he treated her last time, so she’d like to treat him to dinner. She smiles at him and he smiles back. Sweetly, he asks if she’s asking for a favor right now? He knows that she applied to the lady diver school and there was an unfortunate incident with Yoo Ja this morning. He shakes the drink at her and says that she’s asking for a favor to make up for the points that she’s going to lose with Yoo Ja.
Jung Joo frowns and says that Mayor is so quick on the uptake. He’s right. He knows everything that happens in town. Mayor asks why she had to fight with Yoo Ja? Unless someone is determined to back her, she won't get in. She asks if he couldn’t do that? Can't he give her a perfect score? And put in a good word for her? Completely serious, Mayor says that if she makes her request that obvious, she’ll be disqualified for cheating! Jung Joo protests that it’s not like they’re selecting someone for the national team!
Jung Joo thinks about Gun Woo’s suggestion of blackmail. She almost does it but stops herself. She apologizes and starts to go. Mayor yells at her to wait. Why is she just leaving? He told her to leave. Isn’t she going threaten him? She has something on him. He’s indignant that she’s not threatening him. Heh. Pause. He asks if she’s keeping that secret... secret. She is. He says that he’ll show his appreciation for that. But he tells her they need to go. If they stand there any longer, all the town office employees will think they’re dating. Jung Joo turns around and, on Mayor’s command, walks forward. He stifles a smile and walks after her.
Gun Woo has gone to look for Yoo Ja. She’s repairing nets with the rest of the lady divers. She’s in a good mood. Gun Woo grimaces. Why does he have to beg when he didn’t even do anything wrong. Well, you did yell at the kid. And if you’d been a better citizen, Yoo Ja wouldn’t have been predisposed to think badly of you. He declares that he's not going to do it! He thinks of how sad Jung Joo was and groans. He sighs and prepares to grovel. Jong Bae walks up behind him and signals Gun Woo to follow.
When they’re away from the women, Jong Bae tells Gun Woo that in order to apologize to Yoo Ja, firstly, sing a song. Sing a Na Hoon Ah song. Yoo Ja loves the singer Na Hoon Ah.
Na Hoon Ah is a singer who began singing in the 1960s and is considered by some as the founder of trot music. Ask A Korean, in his list of the 50 Most Influential k-pop Artists, named Na Hoon Ah number 13.
Found two interesting articles about him from around 2008, when the 60-year old singer dropped his trousers at a press conference to dispel rumors that he’d been castrated by an angry Yakuza. First one was in Reuters. The other was from Chosun Media, entitled, “Na Hoon-a and the Poison of Celebrity Rumor.”
Gun Woo’s not familiar with the trot singer. Jong Bae sings a few verses for him: On a windy hill that no one looks for, the nameless weed! Gun Woo’s face is cracking me up as Jong Bae sings. Like it’s assaulting his ears but he’s trying to get it, anyway. I actually like the song he's singing, too. It sounds fun. Does Gun Woo think he can do it? Gun Woo shakes his head vigorously that he can’t. Jong Bae frowns.
Jong Bae declares that if Gun Woo can't sing, the mood could worsen. If that happens... Hand out Go-Stop cards. Then lose just 50,000 won to her. Gun Woo protests that he doesn’t like makgulli, he doesn't know any of Na Hoon Ah's songs and he can't play Go-Stop! Jong Bae declares that Jung Joo won’t get in then. Yoo Ja tends to hold a grudge for a very long time. Gun Woo practically cries at the torture of it. Jong Bae hands Gun Woo the makgulli. A spoon to sing the song. Go-Stop! And he gives Gun Woo a ‘Fighting!’ He leaves and Gun Woo sighs, pained. Gun Woo tries to remember what Jong Bae sang. He fails miserably. Although I think that Yoo Yeon Suk has a nice voice.
Back at the Lady Divers, Yoo Ja is telling Hae Shil not to give Jung Joo any points. Hae Shil answers that they should should be fair judges and not do that over a fight. Bok Nyeo agrees. Yoo Ja mentions how Hae Shil wanted them to be generous for Mr. Song or something! Hae Shil answers that she meant that they should help him since he's in a bad situation. Even in his situation, he's a blowhard with a weird personality, so it'll be hard for him to even beg for food anywhere he goes. Diving is also a skill, so they'll be doing a good thing helping him learn and make a living for himself.
Hae Shil gets up a walks toward the water. She gets a text from Hyung: You said you'd help me, so why aren't you calling me? I'm not good at interviewing. Don't you give private lessons at all? He's not good at interviewing? I roll my eyes. A small smile on Hae Shil’s face as she says that it looks like he wants to try.
Hyung is sitting with Noona. He’s not paying attention to her talking, because Hae Shil hasn’t answered his text. Noona finally gets his attention and he acts like he was listening. She asks if his text had been ignored by someone. She saw him send it earlier and didn’t hear him get a reply. Plus, he looks so bitter looking at your cell phone. His face right now is cracking me up, because he’s a grown man starting to sulk like a 15-year old. He and Gun Woo really are related. Heh. She concludes that the text's been ignored. Hyung wonders if it was. Hae Shil texts back that she has time now, so come over. He declares that it wasn't ignored! He grins as he stuffs his phone in his jacket pocket and runs off to meet her. Noona thinks he’s acting strangely.
Hae Shil presents him with some text books and says that his competitive edge is inducing sympathy with the judges, so he should be humble with his wardrobe and speak politely. Hyung laughs. How is that possible? Even in his school days, he never played any other role apart from the prince! Other roles don't suit me because of my elite class. She, on the other hand, doesn’t look like she's ever played the role of a princess. Hae Shil matter-of-factly admits that she has never been a princess. Hyung says that he’s played many different types, but never understood the role… Fighting a dragon or starting a war, all because of a princess... It was so tiring! Hae Shil says that a prince's role exists to be cool.
Hyung tells her that she probably doesn't know this... but he's doing something really cool right now. It's braver than fighting against a dragon! Hae Shil stifles a smile. It's more desperate than fighting in a war! She tells him to use that desperate determination to memorize the textbooks. Hyung declares that he’s not going to study at all! He has the hope of ending it if he doesn’t get in. If he don't get in, then that's destiny! This play... ends there.
He starts to go but she stops him. She says that even though they were able to continue their ties... it's not a connection that's worth calling destiny. She met her fate when she was nineteen... and she’s living her life according to that fate. She tells him that he’ll never be embarrassed by getting involved with her (because of that), so she hopes he will study hard and get in. Wow, that’s sad and deep. She lost her husband when she was 19 and that’s her life now, her fate. And since it’s her fate, there’s no way that she’s ever going to fall in love with him.
Gun Woo has gone to Yoo Ja’s house. He’s still groaning to himself about how he’s about to torture himself – but he’s doing it for Jung Joo, because she really wants to get into the school. He’s not doing it to try to win her favor; she doesn’t even know what he’s doing. As he’s about to knock on Yoo Ja’s door, he hears her outside with her daughter and grandsons. They’re being brats and complaining about her food and the smell. I don't like Grandma's house! Mom, let's go to the resort we went to last time! Let's go after we eat. No! It smells fishy! Grandma's house smells fishy! The rice smells fishy, too! Yoo Ja is hurt, but she tells her daughter to take the kids to the resort and feed them there. Daughter isn’t happy, but kids are being brats.
Gun Woo enters and bows, greeting them. Yoo Ja wants to know why Gun Woo is there. He announces that he came to escort Mrs. Go Yoo Ja. They have a lunch reservation for Mrs. Go Yoo Ja's daughter-in-law and her grandchildren at their restaurant. Daughter is surprised. Yoo Ja looks at Gun Woo and he nods. Daughter asks the name of the restaurant. It's called Warm and Cozy.
Needless to say, the kids love the food. Daughter declares that she didn't know there was such a pretty restaurant in the neighborhood. Just a little advertising, Gun Woo, and you would be busy. Gun Woo declares that Yoo Ja is a regular there. Daughter tells Yoo Ja that she’s so sensible. Grandboys give Yoo Ja two thumbs up and say that it’s good. Yoo Ja smiles, overjoyed. Gun Woo serves seafood pizza and pasta. He tells the boys that he made them with the seafood their grandma caught herself. It’s sure to not smell fishy at all. Yoo Ja tells them that it’s really fresh. Of course it won't smell fishy.
The boys eat the pizza and love it. Is this really the seafood that Grandma caught? Gun Woo smiles because they’re enjoying what he’s made. The boys cry that the seafood Grandma caught is really delicious! Yoo Ja laughs with pleasure. Boys give her two thumbs up and tell her that she’s the best! Gun Woo gives Yoo Ja a wink and she laughs, happy.
Gun Woo goes and reports to Jong Bae. Now his Jung Joo can get in, right? Jong Bae tells Mr. Warm and Cozy that he worked hard. Jung Joo has a great friend. Gun Woo preens a little at the compliment. Jong Bae asks, “She's really just a friend, right?” Gun Woo wants to know why he’s asking. Jong Bae says it’s nothing and changes the subject. Jung Joo will be really thankful when she finds out. Gun Woo says that he didn't do it for recognition. Helping a friend covertly without her knowing, like a Daddy-Long-Legs. That's what a real friend does.. Jong Bae is surprised but says that he’ll keep Gun Woo’s secret. Not what Gun Woo was going for; Jong Bae was supposed to brag about it so Jung Joo would know it was him. Gun Woo asks if he’s really going to keep it secret. Jong Bae declares that his lips are sealed. Jong Bae walks off and Gun Woo follows let down because his good deed’s going to go unmentioned.
Jung Joo is at the Lady Diver museum. Mayor is there, too. She asks him if brings a receipt from the museum will give her extra points during the interview. Mayor replies that the lady divers of Jeju, with their perseverance and frontier spirit, are the symbols of Jeju who make a living through tough working conditions. The museum was built to preserve and pass on that symbol. Jung Joo marvels because Mayor sounded just like the museum brochure. He must have memorized it! Mayor tells her to memorize it. If she only focuses on catching abalones and conches, and making money, you'll never get in! She answers that everything he says sounds like textbook. He shoots back that all the best students say the right answers from the textbooks. He pulls out the textbook – [Underwater Activity Basics] – and tells her to read it carefully and try to find the right answers.
Gun Woo is swinging in his hammock, looking a little down. He’s waiting for Jung Joo to arrive. He grumbles that she told him to be strict about adhering to break time, so why isn't she coming? Jung Joo drives up with Mayor. Mayor has a car? I thought he just had the moped (or his bike). Gun Woo is not exactly pleased that Jung Joo was with Mayor. She starts to bow her goodbyes when Gun Woo pulls her aside. Why was she riding in this car? She answers that Mayor gave her a ride. Gun Woo turns, all smiles, to Mayor and bows deeply, thanking him for helping Jung Joo. Mayor returns the smile and bow. Gun Woo sighs an ‘aigoo’ and says that even in broad daylight, when Jung Joo can safely walk anywhere, Mayor went out of his way to gave her a ride. He’s such a gentleman! He corrects himself and is about to mention Red Clay Man, but Jung Joo clamps her hand over Gun Woo’s mouth and shoves him towards the Warm and Cozy.
Mayor drives off. Jung Joo pinches Gun Woo several times as she says that she told him not to mention the Red Clay Man! Indignant, he asks whose side she’s on. Does she really mean to stand beside the mayor now? Why does he sound jealous right now? Jung Joo, matter-of-factly, says that if she had to take sides... then she’s on the mayor's side right now. Gun Woo laughs with disbelief at her disloyalty. She tells him that break time is over. Hurry back inside and get to work. She heads inside. He yells after her that he won't! He'll never do it! He laughs again. For someone who's not even on his side, he made pizza and lobbied for her! It's meaningless! Meaningless! He doesn’t go inside.
Mayor comes across some of the lady divers, including Yoo Ja. Yoo Ja is singing Gun Woo’s praises: The pizza tastes better than it looks. Mr. Warm and Cozy is a better cook than he looks. Mayor says hello. He’s brought some makgulli. Shall they drink makgulli and play cards? They like that idea. Mayor casually brings up the incident from the morning. Yoo Ja says that she already made up with the owner of the Warm and Cozy. Surprised blinking from Mayor. The man was there trying to be Jung Joo’s hero. Bok Nyeo explains that Gun Woo invited Yoo Ja's grandchildren to the Warm and Cozy and made pizza for them. Yoo Ja pulls out a pizza box and tells Mayor to try it. He mutters to himself that he came too late.
Jung Joo is studying. Gun Woo comes over and asks why she’s being so serious. She looks like she'll stay up all night. He reaches over and helps himself to some of the face lotion on her desk. She replies that the more she looks at it, the more she becomes serious about it. Frontier spirit and strong will! Everything she needs to learn is contained in the lady diver's culture. Gun Woo lightly patting the lotion into his face. He stops to tell her that she’s already overflowing with strong willpower. She imagines the amazing sense of accomplishment she’ll feel, going underwater and catching something for the first time. He responds that it’ll be amazingly tough. She’s undaunted and he stops, surprised.
She turns around to look at him. If he cooks something she catches, she'll feel really proud. She'll be doing her part as a team member. He asks if they’re on the same team, since she said she’s not on his side. She pokes him and asks if he’s peeved. Gun Woo says that she said she’s on the mayor's side! She asks if she works at the township office or at the Warm and Cozy. He smiles. He leans over and pats some of the lotion into her face, telling his team, that she should also get prettier. She starts to thank him but stops and sniffs his hands. This smells like her lotion! Gun Woo smiles and says that he’s been using it for a few days. It's nice. Panic from Jung Joo.
Jung Joo turns to look for the lotion. Where did it go? She spots the bottle. He finished it! She moans because she was really saving it, using only a drop each time. He just poured it on his face! Gun Woo says that he has a small face, so it doesn't amount to much even if he pours it on his face! She should just buy him some cosmetics! She said she’d give him an allowance, but she doesn't even provide necessities! She protests that she only uses the lotion on special days. Gun Woo grabs the bottle, saying that she has an interview tomorrow. Don't get upset... and go to bed. He’ll finish the rest. Cute fighting over the rest of the lotion.
Next day. Hyung and Noona are eating breakfast. Do they live together? Or is she staying in the hotel while her boytoy is on a golf tour in Jeju? Hyung isn’t eating. He’s not hungry. Nerves.
Interview time. Gun Woo takes Jung Joo to the school. As she gets out, he tells his Jung Joo, “Fighting!” Double fisted! Should he buy some taffy and stick it up there?
Why the comment about the taffy? I looked it up. Apparently, in Korea, there are some superstitions about what you should eat before a test. Eating slippery foods, like seaweed soup or noodles, will lubricate your brain and what you’ve studied will slide right out of your head. Eating stickier foods, like sticky rice cakes or taffy and the material will stick.
To read more about some Korean superstitions, go here. And, I also discovered that telling someone to "eat yeot (taffy)" can be perceived as an insult. This article from The Most Korean blog discusses the etymology of this usage, and the Ask a Korean! blog discusses more of its contemporary connotations.
She tells him to go back and open up the restaurant. He says that he’ll wait for her there. She’s surprised and happy by that. He says that as soon as she finishes, they should go buy diving gear. She replies that she doesn’t need to spend money. If she gets in, she arranged to get those for free. Gun Woo frowns. She should buy those. How can she borrow someone else's? Jung Joo replies that she just needs to buy a diving mask and flippers. Gun Woo accepts her logic. Anyhow, he'll wait there. Another round of two-fisted ‘Fighting!’ and Jung Joo goes inside.
I am struck at this juncture at how many of Gun Woo’s good qualities come out when he’s around Jung Joo and when Dead Face Harpy isn’t around. He’s being encouraging for no other reason than to encourage. He was really nice to Yoo Ja for Jung Joo’s sake, for no other reason than to help her out. The more time he spends with her, the better he becomes. It’s like that person at the start of the episode is someone else. And philosophically, we could even say that he was someone else, because that Gun Woo is Gun Woo at his worst, while this one is Gun Woo close to his best.
Hyung arrives is a track suit. It’s black, but it has big sequined skulls on it. What is it with chaebols and their weird track suits? Is it a k-drama meta joke or something? He spots Gun Woo and dives behind a rock wall. Why is Gun Woo there?! Gun Woo does not see him.
Gun Woo spots Yoo Ja and eagerly greets her. She calls him Warm and Cozy! He tells her to come by any time (when her grandchildren are in town). Yoo Ja loves that idea. Gun Woo asks her, with a smile, to please take good care of Jung Joo. Please be generous with her marks! Lots of points! Yoo Ja is eager to oblige. She goes inside and Gun Woo leans against his car, shopping for a diving mask for Jung Joo. He sighs because he doest even have money to get her a bad one. He starts to think of how he might get some money for a mask.
Hyung is struggling. Is Gun Woo going to stay there until the end?! Hyung can’t let Gun Woo see what he’s doing. It’s interesting that he’s not worried about Jung Joo seeing him. Just Gun Woo.
Applicant Number 11’s interview. It’s Sam. He and Jung Joo share a fist bump before he goes in. Sam declares that the Lady divers of Jeju Island are unique people who don't exist anywhere else in the world. So he'd like to become a male diver, not a lady diver.
Another applicant is wanting to write a novel about lady divers, so she'd like to experience it herself. Another male applicant says that male divers aren’t common and he came there because he wants to become someone unique.
Jung Joo declares that with perseverance and frontier spirit, the lady divers of Jeju Island are the symbol of Jeju women who takes charge of the Jeju economy. She’d like to learn from that spirit and carry it on. She’ll become someone like a diving tool at the lady diver school! The Committee is impressed.
Hyung is still waiting for Gun Woo to leave. And struggling. He calls Noona and tells her to call Gun Woo right now and meet up with him. Noona is surprised. Does Hyung think Gun Woo will listen to her? He's upset with her. Hyung tells her to say that she’ll give Gun Woo a credit card. Then he'll come right over. Why don’t you just call him and tell him to meet you at the hotel and you’ll give him the credit card? Noona reminds Hyung that he said not to give Gun Woo any money. Hyung says that he’ll let Secretary Jang know. Noona complies.
Noona calls Gun Woo. He greets her as his Noona with no loyalty. What's up? She tells him to come right over. She'll give him money. Gun Woo immediately tells Noona that he loves her. Of course! He'll come right over! But instead of leaving, he pauses to look at the school. Hyung wills Gun Woo to hurry up and leave! Gun Woo looks a few minutes more and leaves, with a big smile on his face. Anticipating the awesome gifts that he’s going to buy Jung Joo. As soon as Gun Woo is gone, Hyung books it for the front door.
Inside, they’re calling Applicant Number 48! Not present. Hae Shil’s surprised that Applicant Song Jung Geun didn't come. Jong Bae says that they should move on to the next applicant. But right as they start to bring in Applicant 49, Hyung comes running in. He’s panting hard from the running. Hae Shil stifles a smile.
After the interview, Jung Joo leaves the school… to find Gun Woo NOT waiting for her. Couldn’t he have at least *texted* her to tell her what was going on? Jung Joo wonders, "What the heck?" He said he'd wait, but did he just leave? She ends up having to take a bus home.
While riding on the bus, Gun Woo calls. Jung Joo answers with a ‘why?’ I wouldn’t have answered at all. She did well on the interview, right? He was going to wait for her, but something urgent came up. Surprisingly, she’s not more upset. She tells him that she's going to buy diving gear now. She found a place that has a sale that ends today. Gun Woo – sounding pouty – says that they were supposed to go get those together. She should wait so he can come and buy the goggles for her. She tells him that he doesn't need to do that. He says that she shouldn't go by herself! Gun Woo orders her to wait for him somewhere. He’ll be right there! As Jung Joo hangs up, she fights smiling. He wants to give it to her for free as a gift, so she doesn’t need to decline. Rationalization all the way.
Dead Face Harpy has stopped by Hyung’s office. She was hoping to have brunch with him. She asks where Hyung went. Secretary says that Hyung is out on personal business and he didn't say where. Dead Face Harpy almost goes on her way, but then she remembers about Noona. She asks where Noona is. Secretary Jang says that Gun Woo is coming over now, so Noona should be at the coffee shop. Uh-oh. Shouldn’t have said that, Jang!
Dead Face Harpy goes and finds Noona. Sweetly she said that she heard Noona came, but she didn't get to say hello sooner. Sure you didn’t. It’s not like you’re both living at the same hotel or anything. Noona smiles and says that she’s been busy too. She's there with the man she’s dating now. Dead Face Harpy suggests that they eat together, when Noona has time.
Noona mentions that Gun Woo is on his way. Dead Face Harpy acts like this is the first time she’s heard this. She ‘hurries to leave,’ taking the opportunity to tell Noona that they’re not on good terms at the moment. Noona smiles and says goodbye. Dead Face Harpy starts to leave and then glances back toward where she was sitting. Surprisingly, her face looks really sour right now.
Jung Joo has gotten off the bus and is at a store. She’s picked up some Vital Golden Collogen Cream for Gun Woo. She smiles and says to herself that since he’s giving her something, she’ll give him something, too. She texts Gun Woo and says that she’s only waiting there for 20 minutes. She spots a really cool shaved ice snack and buys it. The server won’t tell her how to do it (so that it looks like a bouquet) but Jung Joo figures that Gun Woo will be able to figure it out when he arrives. She’s all smiles as she waits.
Gun Woo’s with Noona. Smiling, he holds out his hand and claps them together like they’re going to eat the card. As she hands it to him, she says that Hyung told her to give it to him. Gun Woo looks at the card and is not happy with the spending limit on it. Noona goes to take it back, but Gun Woo’s not *that* upset.
Gun Woo gets up to leave. Noona asks if he’s leaving right away. He’s not going to see Ji Won either? She tells him that Dead Face Harpy was sitting there just now. When Noona said that he was coming, she got up and left. Noona asks if they had a fight. Gun Woo answers, asking if Ji Won said that. Noona wonders if Dead Face Harpy is the type to be clear about anything she says. She didn't look like she was in a good mood.
Gun Woo sighs and looks down… and spots Dead Face Harpy’s cell phone. He’s got a smile on his face as he looks at it. Dead Face Harpy must've left it there. Noona asks if Dead Face Harpy didn't leave it there on purpose. Scrunching her nose, Noona says that Dead Face Harpy plays coy, but she also makes herself so obvious. Her intentions are totally transparent! Gun Woo says that it’s easier when you can see her intentions and the answer. Looking at the phone, he says that it’s a sign to come and find her.
Gun Woo hunts Dead Face Harpy down. Why Noona doesn’t discourage the relationship, I don’t know. She sure seems to understand how manipulative Dead Face Harpy is. I don’t think that Hyung sees it. When Gun Woo calls her name, Dead Face Harpy stops and smiles. She’s got him again. I hate their dysfunctional relationship! She doesn’t turn around to look at him, though. She just waits for him to approach her. When he reaches her, Dead Face Harpy asks him what's going on? He says that he came to see Noona and he heard that she just saw Noona, too.
Gun Woo acts all cool when he says that Dead Face Harpy left her cell phone there. Dead Face Harpy is surprised that she left it. Not that she didn’t stop to make sure that it would be visible before you left Noona or anything. Gun Woo chuckles and hands it over, saying that she’s always so clumsy like this. He should always be behind her to take care of that. Make me gag. Seriously. I think I just threw up a little.
Dead Face Harpy thanks him and says that she was so sensitive the other day. He nods, understanding. What about how absolutely rude she was to Jung Joo? What about that?! But we’re not going to talk about that, because in Gun Woo’s brain, Dead Face Harpy still beats Jung Joo out for affection. He asks if she’s on her way out. She is. She’s going shopping; she left a lot of things when she moved there, so she needs a lot of things. Gun Woo smiles and coyly asks if she wants him to come with her. Oh, no. Gun Woo has Dead Face Harpy Brain again.
Jung Joo is still waiting. She hasn’t touched the shaved ice and it’s starting to melt. Get up and leave! You told him you’d only wait 20 minutes!
Gun Woo is driving with Dead Face Harpy. She asks if it’s true that Lee Jung Joo is the owner of his restaurant? He says that Jung Joo is and encourages Dead Face Harpy to ask him \anything else that she’s curious about! Dead Face Harpy replies that he explained it all anyway. Dead Face Harpy suggest that they go to Seoul. Can’t you go shopping on Jeju? Gun Woo asks, “Now?” He almost looks like he was remembering Jung Joo waiting for him.
Jung Joo is still waiting at the café. Time passes and the shaved ice melts. She doesn’t eat it at all. She finally decides to leave… and Gun Woo arrives. She tells him that she was just about to leave. Clueless that this was his cue to apologize and beg forgiveness, instead: Gun Woo answers, “Great! I have to go to Seoul!” She asks why he’s going to Seoul. Legitimate question, since he did say that an emergency came up. Gun Woo looks over at his car as he says that Dead Face Harpy has things to buy, so they’re going together. Stab in Jung Joo’s heart. She looks over at the car and Dead Face Harpy is watching them.
Gun Woo says that they should buy what they were going to get next time, okay? He’ll be back! Not that she needs the mask for diving school or anything. He starts to leave, but she does a wrist grab. Out in the car, Dead Face Harpy doesn’t like that Jung Joo did a wrist grab. What does she think she’s doing, grabbing my Gun Woo? Gun Woo looks at his arm and then at Jung Joo. Jung Joo stutters that they need to run the business. How can Poong San and she run the restaurant alone? They even have two reservations. Don't go, Gun Woo. Somber – like he actually is sorry – Gun Woo apologizes. He’s scrunched his face in an apology. He actually realizes that he needs to say sorry. He explains that he already reserved plane tickets. He set up everything for the afternoon. He’ll come right back on an evening flight. Jung Joo looks down – because she knows that she’s less important than Dead Face Harpy.
Jung Joo lets go of Gun Woo’s arm. He looks at his arm and then at Jung Joo. It’s obvious that she’s hurt, although she's trying not to look that way. Gun Woo asks if he should buy her some dukbokki that she wanted to eat? He’s smiling like he’s trying to cheer her up. Quietly, she tells him ‘no’ and says that it’s okay. He knows that it’s not. She leaves the café. Gun Woo feels bad.
Jung Joo starts to walk to the bus stop. Gun Woo follows her, calling her name, but she ignores him. He doesn’t like that, especially because he gets that he’s majorly disappointed her. Dead Face Harpy gets his attention. She tells him they should hurry. They’ll be late for the flight. Gun Woo has no choice but to go – although he doesn’t quite look happy about it.
Hyung is waiting outside the Diving School for Hae Shil. When she exits, he loudly clears his throat to get her attention. He tells her to give him a ride to the bus stop. She tells him that it’s not far. He can walk there. Instead, Hyung climbs on her ATV and – almost indignantly – says that Hae Shil said she’d take responsibility for him! This is all part of that responsibility. Hae Shil sighs, not really surprised but annoyed just the same. Hyung tells her that they should go. She climbs on in front of him and off they go.
But not before Jong Bae spots them. Jong Bae runs back inside and looks up Hyung’s application. That’s him! He's the one chasing Hae Shil! Yoo Ja enters and asks what's going on? Jong Bae wants to know what Hyung’s reason is for applying. He looks at the application: 'To survive, since he can't die'? Seeing Hyung’s picture, Yoo Ja explains that Hae Shil plucked Hyung out of the sea. He's in a tough situation, so she bought him a meal and suggested he become a male diver to find a way to make a living. Jong Bae is offended: Does that mean that this man is sucking the blood out of their Hae Shil?
As they drive, Hyung asks if Hae Shil drives her ATV every day. It's slow and it doesn't have the right feel for riding. Does he not get that when he says stuff like this, that it’s insulting? Not saying anything, Hae Shil instead whacks his face with her helmet. Hyung rubs his cheek where she smacked in and then backpedals, saying that it's not the ride. It's the road conditions that are bad. He should tell the governor about this. He’ll tell him to repair the road here. Hae Shil answers that Hyung shouldn’t worry. She’ll text the governor.
Hyung catches the sarcasm – which she always says with out any irony and completely a straight face, which is one of the reason why I like her – and says that she must be sneering that there is no way he knows the governor. Does she want to see the text that shows that he has dinner plans with the governor? She doesn’t answer. He hunts his pockets for his cell phone. They go over a speed bump, which Hyung wasn’t expecting, so he grabs her to keep from falling off. Hae Shil slams the ATV to a stop.
She looks at him and then his hands… which are grabbing her chest. Immediately Hyung is horrified. He stumbles off the ATV, falling to the ground and hurting his wrist. He jumps up and sputters that it was an accident and a mistake! This is not an intentional misdemeanor. He is not that kind of person! Now wary of him, she tells him to forget it. He protests that he’s really not that kind of person! He’s practically screaming as he protests. She saw him fall from shock! It's not an act!
And then Hyung makes it worse… Hyung says that he does think about her once in a while in order to touch her... He means, he doesn't like her enough to put on a dirty show to hold her in his arms! I am shaking my head. She looks over at him. Hyung realizes that his hand really hurts and he's scraped the skin off. He says that he even started bleeding after all. She just stands there.
Hyung says that since that happened, he’ll leave destiny to her. If she doesn't want to see him, she can drop him. If he doesn’t get in, he’ll take it as a sign that she’s not interested, so he’ll never come back. He starts to walk away, remembers to leave the helmet, gives her another look and goes.
Mi Ra is looking at pictures and clippings of Gun Woo and his family. An article about his mother and a nice smiling picture; it’s headline reads: 'Special. A Tragic Woman or a Happy Woman?' Her husband brings her some tea and asks if she’s starting a novel now? She is. It's a love story with Sorang Town as a background. Husband remembers. She’s going to write about the guy's mother, that she mentioned before. That guy being Gun Woo. Mi Ra puts down the picture she was looking at… the same picture that Jung Joo had all those years before. Why does that guy look like Jong Bae?! Don’t tell me that Jong Bae is Gun Woo’s father?!! No, it can’t be.
Jung Joo is washing conch. She finishes and reaches for her apron to dry her hands. Seeing the stain, she decides to wash the apron. Still can’t get the stain out. That was some powerful paint. She’s washed Gun Woo’s apron, too, and touches it fondly. Mayor arrives and gets her attention. He notices that she’s not her usual bright self.
They sit and Mayor says that they’ll have a township office team dinner at the Warm and Cozy… about 15 people. Her sedate ‘thank you’ leads him to day that it could be even over 20 people. He says it with a smile to try to cheer her up. It doesn’t work. Mayor scratches his head. He says that one of the employees got assigned to Seoul. His girlfriend is in Seoul, so he's been wanting to go. It's a good thing for him, right? Jung Joo says that he’s a traitor. He's leaving his colleagues behind and going to Seoul for his girlfriend. Mayor answers that it's not like they asked him not to go… so he's not a traitor.
Jung Joo replies that if he's leaving even when you ask him not to go... then he's a real traitor, right? Mayor asks if someone just left even after she asked him not to go? Jung Joo sadly nods and it looks like she wants to cry. Mayor fills his cheeks with air, processing this. He lies and says that he did ask the guy who's going to Seoul not to go, but the guy's still leaving. Jung Joo blinks so that the tears in her eyes don’t start falling. Mayor says that he even bought the guy a lot of makgeolli, too. What a jerk. He says that from what he saw, the ones who are meant to leave will leave no matter how much you try to stop them. That makes him feel at ease to let them go, since they were meant to leave after all.
Jung Joo asks if Mayor liked the guy? Did he like that employee a lot? Mayor smiles and say that it’s a guy. She looks sad again so he says that he really adored him. Jung Joo asks if, when you really like him... after you let him go... would you feel better? Mayor feels bad for her.
Mayor has left, but Jung Joo is still sitting there. She thinks of what he said: "The ones who are meant to leave will leave no matter how much you stop them. It makes me feel at ease to let them go since they were meant to leave after all." Aw. Gun Woo that does not bode well for you.
Hyung’s hotel. It’s dark now. Gun Woo holds a bunch of Dead Face Harpy’s bags. He says that Seoul is actually pretty far. He thought he'd come right back but it's already 9 p.m. And he’s got a tone like he’s trying to get off the phone with someone who won't stop talking. Dead Face Harpy replies that it’s *only* 9 p.m. Gun Woo is not making eye contact as she says that they didn't really have dinner. Should they call Noona and eat something? They can have a glass of wine, too. Gun Woo puts on his apologetic face and says that he needs to buy something, so he can't wait until later. He shoves her bags into her hands, asking if she can carry them. She’s so surprised that she says, “yes.” Big smile and wave as he says, “Bye!” He quickly runs for his car and drives off. Dead Face Harpy is not happy. But I am. You leave that girl and never look back!
Gun Woo enters the Warm and Cozy carrying a couple sacks and whistling. Jung Joo comes down the stairs. He announces that he’s back! He puts his sacks down and says that it's so tiring to make a trip to Seoul. Traffic was so bad that he almost missed the flight that he had reserved. She’s trying to look chipper, but you can tell that she’s hurt. She guesses that he went to a lot of places. It must've been fun. Gun Woo replies that he’s really good at shopping but it was a little tiring to do it for the first time in a while. He wonders if it’s because of the card limit. When he didn't have a limit, he was perfectly fine wherever he went! Jung Joo is barely audible as she answers, “Really?”
Jung Joo gets to what she’s been planning to say. She tells Gun Woo that now that he has a credit card... he can go now. Gun Woo wasn’t expecting that. Where would he go? Jung Joo's smile is cracking. She tells him not to be there anymore. Gun Woo really wasn’t expecting that. It hurts. Jung Joo says that she’d like it if he wasn’t there. She’d probably feel a lot better if she sent him somewhere else. He just looks at her – he looks so sad. He is killing me. So, Gun Woo... Leave. She gives him a small smile goodbye and then goes back up the steps. Gun Woo watches her go. And the episode ends.
[Recipe Six: Seafood Pizza]
- Mix flour and salt. Add yeast and water. Finish the dough as you add olive oil.
- Rest the dough for 15 to 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
- Roll out the dough to a thin round
- Spread tomato sauce and top it with cheese and prepared ingredients nicely.
- Top with fresh mozzarella and fresh cheese from Jeju Island
- Bake it in the oven at over 200 Celcius degrees until golden.
- Top the finished pizza with basil, arugula, and Parigiano Reggiano cheese.
Have a warm and cozy night!
Wow, what an episode. It starts with Gun Woo being terrible and pretending to kiss Jung Joo to get back at Dead Face Harpy and ends with Jung Joo having enough of it and telling him to leave. In between they had a huge fight – which I was surprised that Poong San hid for – where Gun Woo got the first clue that Jung Joo might like him, and then it was like the whole thing didn’t happen. And Gun Woo was being even nicer than before – going the extra mile to help Jung Joo – until Dead Face Harpy appears again and then Gun Woo’s brain goes on auto-pilot. Almost. It seems like he regretted his shopping trip once he saw how it hurt Jung Joo and even though he was out with Dead Face Harpy, he was trying to get back to Jeju so he could make it up to Jung Joo.
I’m actually surprised that she told him to leave. And his poor face. He’s finally starting to fall out of Dead Face Harpy’s spell and then Jung Joo kicked him out.
And poor Jung Joo. She was so hurt by being kicked aside for the Harpy, yet again. I’m really glad that she finally said that it’s enough. Even though her heart is breaking at the same time. Like Noona said to Hyung, what’s pride when you’re the one who misses someone.
This episode was an weird emotional ride for me and I think it’s because the elephant that is Gun Woo’s ‘love’ for Dead Face Harpy, love that will lead him to torment himself and be miserable… that elephant just got ignored.
I really don’t know why any of Gun Woo’s family is friendly with Dead Face Harpy. Noona obviously sees that the wench is manipulative, but she’s still friendly and cordial. And she doesn’t stop Gun Woo when he’s about to start their whole dysfunctional circle again. But then… Noona is following her boytoy around, so I don’t think that anyone – including Hyung – knows what a healthy relationship is. Hyung’s no better: he's used to having women at his command/beck and call and he’s used to using his accomplishments and money to make himself attractive. That’s not healthy either.
I don’t necessarily think that Hyung knows that Dead Face Harpy is manipulative in her relationship with Gun Woo. He doesn’t seem like he’d be one to be okay with Gun Woo being destructive. Yes, he knows that the pair of friends, but he’s not close with this kid that could be his son (age-wise) and who he’s been a father to for most of Gun Woo’s life. I can’t see Gun Woo confiding in his Hyung or asking relationship advice on how to deal with getting strung along. Noona wouldn’t say anything because she doesn’t get it. And Dead Face Harpy always has her best, most attractive face on when Hyung is around. Plus, Dead Face Harpy is really good at manipulating people, so you know he’s only got a good impression of her. I do think that, if it ever came down to it in the future where Hyung had to side with someone between Jung Joo and Dead Face Harpy, he’d side with Jung Joo. He’s already impressed with how she values money and will work for it, but Gun Woo has started to mature because of her influence, which means that he’s maturing in how he handles money, too. I have the feeling when Hyung’s been punitive in the past, Gun Woo’s pitched a fit, but this time, he did, because he was listening to Jung Joo.
One thing that is notable is that Gun Woo is beginning to become part of Jeju’s community. The year that he was there before, he was secluded, waiting for Dead Face Harpy to finally come. Now, people are starting to really eat at his restaurant and the ajummas are starting to like him. And instead of being at odds with Mayor, Mayor is hosting an office get-together at the Warm and Cozy. I said last time that I think that this is one of the things that will be essential for Gun Woo to be a well-adjusted man, finding a community, a family, who values him for who he is and what he has to offer, rather than for his family name and money. With some of the developments in this episode, Gun Woo is on his way.
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