Baek Gun Woo (Yoo Yeon Suk) is the hero of the match, with his sister loudly cheering him on. His mother practically crows as she sips her champagne.
After the match, the scene moves pool side, where Gun Woo’s pals are having a great time. They even speak English. Apparently, it’s Gun Woo’s birthday because his sister, Cha Hee Ra (Ok Ji Young) announces that his birthday cake has arrived. She strikes me as an airhead. I hope it’s just youthful exuberance. Mom, Baek Se Young (Lee Whee Hyang), is too cool to be exuberant.
A girl approaches, Lee Jung Joo (Kang So Ra). She’s holding a picture of Se Young with a man. Jung Joo reaches out her hand as she says, “Oma.” Uh-oh. It’s a long-lost child. What a way to start out a drama. She starts to inch forward, when someone grabs her wrist and drags her away: it’s Gun Woo, who testily asks why she's looking for his mother. Is she Lee Byung Soo's younger sister? She asks if he’s Baek Geon Woo, senior at International High School. Gun Woo scolds her for wanting to go tattle to his mom over what happened. How can she make a beeline for his mom? Shouldn't she first be taking care of it with him since it's his business? Side note: I like Yoo Yeon Suk with wavy hair. That is all.
Jung Joo almost sarcastically says that it might be better if they talk first. Gun Woo tells her to talk. Instead she gazes deep into his eyes and takes a step forward. This weirds Gun Woo out – I would be weirded out, too. Jung Joo starts to trip out over their physical similarities: they’re both tall! They have really long fingers! And he bites his nails, too?! Gun Woo thinks she’s weird. When she says that the nail biting part is strange, he protests that it’s not strange at all but a common habit.
Jung Joo starts to pet his head as she asks about his hair: is it a perm, because she has wavy hair, too. He grabs her wrist to stop her and asks who she really is, since Lee Byung Joo didn't send her. Why did she come there? She says that it’s because it’s her birthday. He doesn’t get what she’s saying. No way... she came all the way here for his birthday? To see him? Jung Joo breaks the news to him: she’s his twin. They share the same birthday, twins who were born on the same day from the same mother. Gun Woo is stunned.
Se Young asks Hee Ra where Gun Woo is, since she has something to tell them.
Gun Woo is thumbing through Jung Joo’s evidence. Jung Joo says that she saw on his home page that he was having a birthday party there, so she followed him. Gun Woo is surprisingly calm. He admits that his hyung, noona and he all have different fathers. So it's more than possible that someone else would pop up. But, twins? Jung Joo points to her proof and says that it’s evidence proving that she’s not delusional.
Gun Woo looks at it again and notices that she’s a pretty good student. They can’t be twins, then, because he makes terrible grades. Heh. Jung Joo responds that if she had been rich like him, she wouldn't have done well in school since she’d be too busy playing around. So it’s environment, then? Jung Joo pulls out the picture and says that it’s the most convincing piece of evidence. Gun Woo asks if she’s saying that the father that he doesn’t know is her father and the mother she doesn’t know is his mother and that the picture was taken a year before they both were born.
Jung Joo asks if Gun Woo really doesn't think it makes sense? Gun Woo admits that it’s not totally crazy, but twins should look alike, and they don't look at all alike. They both start chewing on their thumb nails. Gun Woo notices and it seems to prove her point. He declares that they should get some hair for a DNA test.
They head back to Gun Woo’s room. He collects hair from the hair brush – although I thought that hair had to have some of its root left in the bulb in order for people to get usable DNA. Hair that’s fallen out doesn’t have the bulb. Jung Joo asks if this is where Se Young stays. It is, when she's on Jeju Island. It’s her first husband's resort. She's usually in Hawaii in winter; her second husband's coffee plantation is over there. When she’s in Seoul, she stays in the house in Seongbuk-dong that she inherited from her father. He is surprisingly casual about all this. He is not freaking out in the least. Why not?
Jung Joo spies a box on the table and points it out. Gun Woo looks at his birthday present – a watch – and basically tosses it aside. Jung Joo is shocked, because it looks really expensive. He’s not happy with it? Gun Woo says that he doesn’t like the color that much. Jung Joo can’t believe that he would turn it down because of the color! Gun Woo asks if he sounds obnoxious. Jung Joo declares that he sounds totally obnoxious. Gun Woo laughs at how this girl just insulted him. Jung Joo adds that she really envies him, because he can afford to be picky. Gun Woo looks at her, less insulted.
Jung Joo says that she hates the color pink the most. I knew I liked her! But all of her clothes are pink because they are hand-me-downs from a neighborhood friend. The most extravagant thing she can afford is... She just can't wear the girl’s old underwear. I couldn’t either. So she buys white underwear for her self. Now Gun Woo is starting to feel a little like a heel. Jung Joo declares that she really wants to be able to turn down an expensive watch because of the color, too. Gun Woo says that he didn’t mean it like that.
Jung Joo suddenly sits next to him, grabbing his arm. Gun Woo tries to scoot backward a little, but is boxed in by the couch. Jung Joo declares that they *have* to be twins! She wants to try living a life of luxury. Gun Woo looks down at her hands and she lets go of his wrist. He pulls it back as wiggles it, like she might have damaged it with her grip. Jung Joo that it’s why she spent half of her savings from her part-time job to take a plane there to look for him. Gun Woo pauses very briefly, considering that, and says that since she just spent six months of her savings, he’ll accept that she’s not delusional.
Mom arrives with Noona. Quick scramble to hide Jung Joo. Gun Woo grabs her papers and they hide in the bathroom. The picture gets left on the coffee table. Gun Woo looks at Jung Joo and softly asks why he’s hiding. She pinches his mouth shut and signals for him to be quiet.
Almost caught by exuberant Noona. She sits and discovers the picture. She asks Mom about it. Nail biting commences by Gun Woo and Jung Joo. se Young says that she doesn’t know the guy and orders Noona to get rid of it. Mom goes so far as to toss the picture in the trash to accentuate that she doesn’t know the man in the picture.
Mom and Noona leave the room. Jung Joo sinks to the ground, crushed that her dream is over. Gun Woo seems to feel bad. He shuts the bathroom door behind him, so that she can be alone. Looking at her papers again, he sees that while she has excellent grades, she’s not going to college because she doesn’t have the money. Now he really gets why Jung Joo is so disappointed. He gets a text from Noona asking where he is. Gun Woo sighs in annoyance.
From inside the bathroom, Jung Joo asks why he isn’t leaving. Gun Woo answers that he missed his timing to leave. If she’s crying, he can hand her a tissue and go, but he doesn’t hear her crying and she’s not telling him to leave, so he’s just awkwardly standing there. She answers that she’s not crying and apologizes for startling him on his birthday with the idea that she’s his twin. She adds that she can't possibly tell this to his face. If he leaves first, she’ll disappear from his life like she never existed.
Gun Woo opens the door and looks at her. She’s really not crying. Jung Joo sighs and says that this is going to sound totally counterintuitive, but if he tries to say any words to console her that make her cry then she’ll really think of him as an obnoxious guy. Aw. She’s trying to be brave. Gun Woo considers that, shrugs and tells her that he’ll leave. She can leave when she wants. He shuts the door and looks like he’s going to say something else but doesn’t. After all, Noona might come back to get him for the cake.
When Gun Woo leaves, Jung Joo starts to cry. Twins... She’s totally gone nuts. She bangs her head against the wall. She’s seriously lost it...
Sadly, Jung Joo leaves the hotel. Gun Woo comes running up with a gift bag and a take-home container. Holding out to her, he says that he thought of her while cutting his birthday cake, so he saved a piece for her. Take it. It's her birthday, too. Hesitantly, she takes the box. Then he tells her that he looked at the school records she brought. For a diligent student, she’s late to school pretty often. He got a watch that he doesn’t think he’ll wear because of the color. She can use it. He holds out the bag and tells her to take her present. Aw, that’s really nice. And he’s making a plausible excuse to save her pride.
Jung Joo is annoyed. What is he doing? How obnoxious... Gun Woo tells her to take it even if it's obnoxious. 'Difficult financial situation.' Instead of getting a job that her guardians want her to get, she should be able to continue her education with this watch. Jung Joo tells him that it seems that he doesn't know her that well since they’ve only met a few hours ago. She’s not the type to return things once she gets something. She won't say that she’ll pay him back later, either. She’ll say 'thank you' to his face but on the inside, she'll think he’s obnoxious.
Gun Woo can’t help but smile. As he puts the bag in her hand, he tells her not to say no and not to come looking for him to pay him back and don't fall for him while telling him how obnoxious he is. She tells him that he’s obnoxious. She’s totally not into guys like him who are nice to everyone. Gun Woo sighs, almost sarcastic, and declares that it’s disappointing. And here he was, ready to completely fall for her. They can't be twins and she doesn't want them to have a closer relationship. So this is it, then. He smiles, says, “Take care!” and starts to walk away.
Jung Joo makes a face, like she’s going to regret it, but says his name. He stops. She asks if he would fall for her? Gun Woo laughs at her brazenness. She glances at him and then then asks if she really flirted with him, would he fall for her? Gun Woo asks, “What to do?” He doesn't have the time to fall for her since he’s leaving to study abroad. That’s news to her. He tells her that if their paths cross again later on, he’ll give her a chance. She needs to grow up to be a great person, so he can fall for her at first sight. He smiles again, pleased with himself, and starts to leave. She calls after him that he needs to grow up to be a roughneck… Dog bark sound effect as Gun Woo stops and turns around.
Gun Woo’s surprised by that request. Jung Joo says that he needs to become a roughneck that no one wants and everyone wants to throw away. Then it'll eventually be her turn and she'll get her chance. She tells him to make sure to live as he sees fit. He smiles at this strange, crazy girl and tells her he'll be considerate and do his best to live as he sees fit. In return, she should take his consideration into account and do your best. He tells her that he likes a Western-style figure on girls. Jung Joo shrugs and says that she’ll make an effort to have a curvy figure. He laughs and says that he’ll live as he sees fit and become a roughneck. He waves as he says goodbye, says that he’ll get his hopes up about the curvy figure and jogs off. Jung Joo frowns after him and tells herself that he’s... really not that great.
On the plane ride home, Jung Joo chows down on the cake. Narration says that there are times in life you want to fly away somewhere else. When things in life don't go your way... Jung Joo thumps her chest because of the cake.
Fade to Gun Woo, stunned, upset. His mother asks if he understands. That's the truth about his father. Mom smiles and walks off. Why is she pleased with herself? Her son is about to cry and she just walks off. Wow. Gun Woo laughs as he tries not to cry. Narration says “When you face an unexpected truth and want to hide from reality...” Gun Woo tries to smile but he’s heart broken.
We see the book, “The Great Gatsby.” Mom opens it and inside is that picture, the one Jung Joo has. She looks at it almost sadly. So she was lying. Narration says, “The times when you miss someone more than anything and wish to see him.”
Beautiful scenery. Like a tourism ad. Narration says, “When you feel that way, come here. To Jeju Island!”
Boo Mi Ra is blogging about Jeju and about Gun Woo It was her voice doing the narration. She types (and narrates) that spring has come to Jeju Island, too. Rapeseed flowers are in full bloom there. The rapeseed flowers you all know of are pretty, yellow flowers, aren't they? Here in Jeju Island, rapeseed flowers are a delicious herb. Switch to Gun Woo in his restaurant, Warm and Cozy. He’s a chef, using rapeseed flowers as a garnish for his dish. Mi Ra smiles as she takes a picture of Gun Woo working. He’s obviously enjoying himself.
Boo Mi Ra says/types that she met a delicious talent at Warm and Cozy again today. Adorable picture of Gun Woo, the hot chef. Switch to a girl looking at the blog and saying, “Jeju Island! That must be nice.” My second time around, this looks like Ji Won. I could be wrong. Sitting by her is a sleeping Jung Joo, whose mouth is hanging open. I love that Kang So Ra chose to be sleeping with her mouth open. It’s ‘unpretty’ but so believably normal! Love this! They’re showing a normal crowded subway in Seoul. Tons and tons of people. Jung Joo wakes up to realize that it’s her stop.
At work, Jung Joo gets yelled at by her boss. She’s on the Russian Sales Team for an underwear company. She missed this detail! He tells her to go organize the showroom before the Russian buyer arrives. She answers him with “Da” (Russian for ‘yes.’) He makes a face and tells her that she should go now.
Jung Joo is off making sure that the showroom is perfectly clean. Her friend worries that they’re going to get downsized. Jung Joo declares that she’s going to stick around no matter what. Jung Joo pops some mints in her mouth to calm her fury. Heh. The packaging reminds me of Altoids, even though it’s in a paper container rather than a metal tin. It’s the same colors, frame and similar lettering.

Her friend tells her that chewing on mints isn’t going to make it get any better.
Switch to Jung Joo looking at the floor plan of the apartment that she’s planning on buying. She tells Friend that she’s sent her cousin, Jung Min (Go Kyung Pyo) to take a half-day and go see the place.
Switch to Jung Min ‘looking at the place.’ Actually he’s looking at a run-down shack on Jeju Island. Contrast between Jung Joo’s expectations – the previous tenant kept it really clean and tidy – and reality – the place is falling apart. Cousin tells her that it’s practically new, as he steps into a hole in the floor. Jung Min says that all she needs to do is put up some wallpaper and install the flooring and she can move in right away. Jung Joo asks about the water in the kitchen. No water but Jung Min lies and says that it’s flowing nicely. Jung Min starts to mutter to himself about the state of the place, but catches himself and says the exact opposite to Jung Joo.
Jung Joo says that she looked at more than a hundred places and that was the best one. Wow, she is going to be angry when she finds out what he’s done. I would be hopping mad, especially if this was the best one out of 100 places I’d looked. He would be severely beaten, if not murdered. Jung Min says something about the view, that it’s the best view in Korea – and it is a spectacular view – and Jung Joo is confused, because the building next door should be blocking the view, but she figures that it’s nothing. If it's good at this hour, then that's all that matters. She tells her cousin to sign the contract.
Jung Min can hardly contain himself as he just got permission from his cousin to buy the place. He’s getting away with it and he can’t believe how life is going his way. Dead, I tell you! He tells the man showing the house – the cast list says that he’s Gong Jong Bae (Lee Han Wie) – that he’ll sign the contract for this house. Jong Bae is really surprised, since the whole place needs repairs, but Jung Min doesn’t mind, since he’d have to do it anyway, since he’s going to be turning it into a café. A café? Really? Wow. Dead. Jung Min plans on selling coffee imported directly from Brazil.
As they talk, the diving ajummas walk up. It’s subtitled since it’s in the Jeju dialect. They’re surprised that someone is moving into Young Deok's grandma's house. No Bok Nyeo (Lee Yong Lee) says that it'll be another pair of kids from the inland setting up a cafe or a restaurant. Kim Hae Shil (Kim Hee Jung) tells them all to get moving and to stop slacking off – nicely, of course. They don't need to be concerned about kids from the inland. I really like Kim Hee Jung. She’s been in several dramas that I’ve watched and I’ve always liked her.
That night, Jung Joo is talking with Jung Min’s mother. She and Jung Min are supposed to start splitting paying for Auntie’s living expenses. Auntie is surprised that she’s expecting him to do it, since he’s a new employee. Jung Joo counters that Jung Min’s salary from a big corporation is about the same as hers is. She tells Auntie that since she’s finally bought her own place, now she’s going to focus on saving up for her wedding. She’s engaged? Auntie wants to know this, too. Jung Joo is not engaged and her boyfriend is studying in Japan. Jung Joo’s sure he’ll be finished soon.
Jung Joo hangs up with Auntie and finishes the care package she’s sending her boyfriend. She adds a note asking if she should come and see him in the next month. They can wear these couples shirts and have a wonderful time. Couples shirts are a thing in Korea. I think it’s cute. Picture of Jung Joo and her cute boyfriend, taking a silly selfies. They’re cute. Since, Gun Woo is the hero, I know there’s trouble brewing, especially since he’s away studying in Japan and she’s only communicating with him via Post-Its in care packages. Jung Joo looks at the picture and wonders if he’s really that busy. He hasn't called her at all. That’s really not a good sign.
Jung Joo goes to get some air. Her skeevy neighbor is out smoking a cigarette, in his boxers. He waves hello, like he’s trying to say ‘how you doing?’ and Jung Joo quickly shuts the window again, horrified.
Next day, Gun Woo is chilling in a hammock outside of his café. Oh, that’s not good. Those ajummas appreciate hard work and he’s being a beach bum. Maybe he did live up to what he promised Jung Joo 10 years ago – to become someone that no one wants. The ajummas walk by. Gun Woo waves at them, friendly, and calls out ‘Hello’ in the Jeju dialect (Pyeonghawoogah). He tells them they’ve aged so much. There’s a buzzer sound and frowns from the ajummas and they walk away without so much as a smile. Gun Woo meant to say ‘work hard’ in the Jeju dialect but it didn’t come across that way. And by ‘work hard’ he means ‘keep up the good work.’
He goes inside the ‘Warm and Cozy’ and tells his server, Jung Poong San (Jin Young) that he doesn’t get it. He’s someone who tends to be extremely popular with the ajummas. The ajummas here are not expressive at all. Poong San asks what happened. Gun Woo doesn’t understand how they can turn away so fast from such an attractive pair of eyes... Poong San laughs with disbelief. The ajummas aren’t expressive? They make it so obvious that they really hate Gun Woo. The ajummas don't even sell them their seafood.
Poong San tastes one of the things that Gun Woo has cooked and it’s totally delicious: seasoned octopus inside and grilled it lightly like takoyaki. Poong San wishes that Gun Woo would be able to buy their seafood from the lady divers. Gun Woo protests that he’s already tried with all his might to buy from them (and impress them).
Flashback of Gun Woo trying to smooze them and failing miserably. Oi, it’s really sad. He’s comparing their wet suits to Catwoman and saying that they look better. He thinks he’s done it while the women grumble about his lack of manner. Finally, Hae Shil tells him to get lost. Heh. She’s so annoyed.
Poong San reminds Gun Woo that those lady divers have a strong pride and he treated them like a vendor. Gun Woo got them to hate him with one try. Gun Woo protests that no matter how much they didn't like him, he’s not the type that they can hate him for that long. It's been a year! Twelve months! He’s really annoyed.
Some customers arrive at the restaurant. Their only customers. One of them asks if they only have the Warm Course on the menu. Poong San replies that the only course they have is 'Warm Course' for lunch and 'Cozy Course' for dinner, but the dishes are different every time. If the customers really want something, they'll make it as long as they have the ingredients.
The women talk amongst themselves about Gun Woo: He's really popular with the bloggers these days. And he’s handsome, too! Gun Woo starts to sharpen his knife. The women pull out their cameras and Gun Woo sees. He puts on his most charming smile – How you doin’? – and the women eat it up. Poong San mutters that Gun Woo is really a cool chef, if you take away Gun Woo’s bluster and laziness.
Phone rings. A friend calls wanting to get together. Gun Woo replies that there aren’t any flights off of Jeju because of the typhoon. He changes his tune when he hears that someone is coming. I wonder who that is… Gun Woo seems to have been able to make it. Nice restaurant. It’s the gang from the equestrian team. They complain because it’s been a year since they’ve last seen Gun Woo. Really, it seems like only a few minutes ago that we saw you. Oh, wait, that was a few minutes ago…
Dialogue about how quickly Gun Woo got there leads to a brief ad about Jeju: there are more than 250 flights a day from Jeju Island. One of the guys quips that there are more flights out during the busy season than for the subway's Line Two. His buddies just can’t see living outside of Gangnam, though. Because they’re all rich. I roll my eyes. Gun Woo tells them that it’s a mindset issue. Restricting your boundaries by circling around this small city of Seoul, it’s restricting and using up their very souls. Footage of people looks like ants. How can they be so cruel to their own souls?
One of the guys says that he envies Gun Woo. Because he can afford it, he can be so generous to his soul. Another one says that that might be the reason Gun Woo looks kinder now. Baek Geon Woo looked cutthroat before... but his expression looks like he's really at ease somehow... Gun Woo’s not necessarily smiling now, because this guy is making fun of him, Mean Girls style. Friend says that Gun Woo has become a country bumpkin. Gun Woo tries to play it off, like it’s the trend these days: king folk style.
A woman arrives. The only woman invited. That’s why he changed his tune. The girl. It’s Mok Ji Won (Seo Yi Ahn). Gun Woo tries to act casual. She specifically addresses him and he acts like he wasn’t waiting for it. She tells him that she thought she wouldn’t see him, since she'd heard he was on Jeju Island. It's so nice to see him. Sure it is. All the guys argue over who Ji Won will sit by. Gun Woo tries to act unbothered that it’s not by him.
Jung Joo and her friend, Yoo Mi Na, arrive at the restaurant. Jung Joo feels weird about Mi Na treating her to such an expensive place. Is Mi Na feeling guilty about something (Did you do something wrong by me?). Mi Na sputters that it will be Jung Joo’s birthday soon. She’s totally done something. Jung Joo mutters that Mi Na should have just given her cash.
Jung Joo’s smile fades as she reads the sign which says that there’s reservations for Shin Soo Yool and two other people, and Kim Min Ki from Gook Je High School and six other people. She recognizes the name of the high school. It’s Gun Woo’s high school.
The boys are saying that they should definitely get together more often, now that Ji Won's back. Especially Gun Woo! Jung Joo and Mi Na are seated relatively close to them. Joo tries to casually look around the restaurant. Mi Na asks if she’s looking for her prince from Jeju Island? Jung Joo acts like she doesn’t know what Mi Na’s saying. Mi Na declares that in her desert-like heart, Gun Woo’s like an oasis fantasy prince. Jung Joo said he even rode a horse. She just wished she would to run into the prince riding on a white horse again. Shot of Gun Woo not having a good time with his friends.
Jung Joo snaps at Mi Na that Gun Woo rode on a black horse. Mi Na’s not distracted: Gun Woo will recognize her right away and draw near her. Imitating Gun Woo: 'Lee Jung Joo! You're Lee Jung Joo, right? Jung Joo, you’ve grown up to be really great. I missed you once in a while.’ Jung Joo tries to stifle her goofy smile at that fantasy. Oi, why do people do that, make up fantasies like that?
Mi Na says that even though there's a squid-like man beside Jung Joo – DF translates this as ‘a loser’ but wow, her friend does not like Jung Joo’s boyfriend. There has to be something more there – it's natural for a woman to have a man buried in her heart. It's normal. A person needs to have a fantasy to live. Jung Joo says that she’s fine with the fantasy, since it doesn’t cost money. Mi Na tells Jung Joo that it’s her dream to open a cafe in Jeju Island with Jung Min. Uh-oh, is Mi Na in on the scheme? That has to be what she’s feeling guilty about. Jung Joo immediately shoots down that idea, because it would cost a lot of money.
Back at his table, Geon Woo is no longer smiling. He’s actually quite pensive. I wonder if he’s thinking of Jung Joo, or if he even remembers her. Ji Won comes over and asks how his restaurant is doing. He says, ‘so-so,’ but he didn't start it to make money. Why did you start it then? Are you that rich? She asks – like she doesn’t know – whether it was when she was on Jeju that he moved there. Then she had to suddenly go to New York to study so she didn't even get to see his restaurant opening. Gun Woo’s face looks sour right about now. He doesn’t look at her as he tells her that she’s right. She left Jeju Island right before the restaurant opening.
Ji Won says that she’s curious curious as to what kind of place it is. She’ll make sure to drop by. Gun Woo asks when she’s coming. Ji Won’s face says that she wasn’t expecting him to actually press her for *when.* Gun Woo adds that she’s always uncertain. When is she coming? Is she even really going to come? I am not liking how blank-faced this girl is. She ‘apologizes’ and says that she has a tendency to be forgetful, so she often forgets about plans. Now, there’s an excuse. It’s not like you have a smart phone with a calendar on it, where you can put in reminders or anything. Gun Woo tells her to let him know when she knows for sure. One of the friends asks if they can borrow Gun Woo’s Hyung’s yacht. Ji Won using that moment to leave *without saying goodbye.* Gun Woo notices but doesn’t call her back.
Jung Joo and Mi Na are paying the bill. Jung Joo goes for her coupon and instead dumps a bunch of change on the ground. As she’s squatting on the ground, picking up the change, Gun Woo and his friends are leaving. Oh, I guess Ji Won didn’t leave, just went and sulked in the bathroom. One of the guys says Baek Geon Woo’s name. Jung Joo glances, sees that it’s Gun Woo, and hides her face so he doesn’t recognize her. So much for prince charming. He glances in her direction, but doesn’t recognize her. And he looks really unhappy.
In the lobby, Ji Won’s car’s the other direction, so she leaves them. Gun Woo watches her go. Friend says that he’s surprised that Ji Won came back so soon after she broke off her engagement in New York. She kept the guys on the hook so well and even went to the US with the best catch, but still didn’t get married. How did I guess that she was one of those girls that strings along all the boys. I knew I didn’t like her. And Gun Woo is one of the boys that she strings along. I clear my throat with disgust. She got dumped and now she’s back to string him along some more.
And look, she’s out waiting at Gun Woo’s car. Why is he *running* over to talk to her? He’s surprised that she hasn’t left yet. I’m not. She’s totally there to get him back so she can string him along again. He reminders how she once wished that a quaint restaurant right out of a novel would exist somewhere in the world? He opened a place like that. Oh, gack. I’m liking this girl less by the minute. I’m sure, since she’s so good at playing the boys, that she knew he did that and she couldn’t even bother to be there when it opened. She asks if that means that he’ll be cooking a dish especially for her. He tells her that she can come by anytime. He’ll be waiting. At least she said ‘thanks.’
Oh, she wasn’t specifically waiting for him. Even worse. A guy walks up, addressing Ji Won. She calls Guy ‘Oppa.’ Not one of the gang because Oppa asks who Gun Woo is. Ji Won explains that Gun Woo is a *friend.* A long time friend. Ouch. Gun Woo felt that one. She explains that Oppa is a neighborhood friend. He said he'd give her a ride because he lives in her neighborhood. Right, I call all my neighborhood friends ‘Oppa’ rather than their name. Because they’re just friends. We all know that Oppa means more than just a friend. Gun Woo puts on a small smile which gets smaller as Oppa puts his arm around Ji Won. She says that she’ll get going. She looked like she wasn’t expecting Oppa to do that.
Yup, Oppa’s car is right by where Gun Woo parked. So she wasn’t even waiting for him. Makes me like her even less. It’s like Gun Woo is just supposed to put up with her stringing him along. Kind of the scenario in Taeyang’s ‘Only Look at Me’ but more annoying. Gun Woo laughs to himself how she’s going off with another guy again. Inside the car, she motions that she’ll call him and smiles her goodbye. Gun Woo tries not to look like he’s going to cry as she drives away. Aw, poor Gun Woo’s face!
♫ I'm a butterfly ♫
♫ I follow the wind ♫
Jung Joo waits for the bus after her dinner and seeing her ‘prince.’
♫ While riding the sunlight ♫
♫ which is shining, I fly away ♫
She looks at one of the billboards and it’s Jeju Island. ‘Here I am, Jeju.’
♫ You are a butterfly ♫
Jung Joo looks at it wistfully. It’s where she met her prince. She’s transfixed by the island, so she doesn’t go when the light changes.
♫ All of the painful memories ♫
Gun Woo’s voice calls her name. She looks in the direction of his voice and he comes riding up on his polo horse, in the same outfit from 10 years ago. A crowd starts to gather.
♫ The clear sunlight in the morning ♫
♫ I'm only in your eyes ♫
♫ In this world ♫
Gun Woo looks cool as he takes off his riding helmet and tousles his hair back into place. He asks if she’s Lee Jung Joo. She’s become really cool.
♫ Following the blue sky ♫
She knows that this is just a dream, that he’s not real. Sadly, she tells him that she didn't get any cooler and he couldn't remember her. He laughs.
♫ I want to fly away ♫
♫ I want to cross the sea of tomorrow ♫
She reaches out her hand to touch him And he fades away. Him and all the falling cherry blossoms.
♫ If I'm with you, ♫
♫ It's a beautiful day ♫
♫ I believe ♫
Jung Joo sighs that her fantasy is broken.
♫ You are a butterfly ♫
♫ You wait for me again ♫
As she looks at the Jeju ad again, Gun Woo’s cab pulls up and waits. He looks really sad. He doesn’t look in her direction. The cab drives on.
♫ When you have a hard time, you can just take a break ♫
♫ I sit softly on top of a flower ♫
♫ The pleasant memories ♫
♫ I'm falling in your eyes ♫
♫ I believe ♫
It's a nice song.
Since he’s in Seoul, Gun Woo goes to see his Noona. They’re at the hair salon. He asks if they can go get a facial. His friends told him that his skin is damaged. Noona sighs and replies that that is why Oppa begged him to open a restaurant in Garosu-gil. Why did he insist on opening one the size of a rat poop in a back corner of Jeju Island? Thoughts of Ji Won are fresh and Gun Woo looks uncomfortable. He mutters that when he goes back this time, he’s going to shut it down at LTE speed and come back to Seoul.
Noona reminds him that he has to settle the loan debt before he can settle the store. She’s clearly annoyed: He got a loan without telling Oppa and even borrowed from Mr. Gong. Gun Woo answers that why he needs to sell it quickly without telling Hyung and wrap it up! He gets a text from Poong San that someone's coming to see the restaurant. Gun Woo does a victory arm wave and tells Noona that he has to go back to Jeju because someone is coming to see the restaurant.
Jung Joo is at the airport. Did the ad really get to her? She’s looking desperate. She’s begging for a ticket. She asks if she can just go in the cargo section. She needs to go catch a swindler. Ah. She found out about Jung Min’s scheme. Her house is about to go out the window in in Jeju Island. Ticketing agent pleasantly tells Jung Joo to go wait in the cancelled ticket seating. As she sits, we see Gun Woo behind her. She hasn’t seen him or she would be freaking out.
Jung Joo pulls out her phone and watches the video message that Jung Min left her. He’s with Mi Ra. He says that they found our paradise in Jeju Island. It’s not an apartment like a chicken coop. It's a house that embraces grand nature. When the repair is complete, he'll call her again. He tells his Noona not to be so upset. You stole her apartment money and she’s not supposed to be upset. They’re like the friends in ‘Full House.’ Jung Joo suppresses the urge to scream and vows to kill them both.
Fighting honeymooning couple. Jung Joo asks the ticket agent if this means that she’s going to get their ticket. That’s what it means. Agent has her fill out a form. Gun Woo pops his head up. Jung Joo doesn’t recognize him. Ticketing Agent has him fill out the form, too. As he’s writing in his information he notices her name. He looks over at Jung Joo and she’s watching the fighting couple, chewing on her thumb nail. Gun Woo starts to look at her watching them. Woman throws her wedding ring. Man walks off. Woman starts to bawl and it looks like they’re going to make up.
Jung Joo goes to sit down again. Couple can find Woman’s ring. Gun Woo watches as Jung Joo puts her foot over it to hide it so they won’t take the flight. Jung Joo notices that he’s watching her. He crosses his arms with a smile as if to say “Hello, again. It is you, isn’t it?” Since he’s wearing huge sunglasses and his hair has been freshly colored and straightened, Jung Joo doesn’t recognize him. She wonders why he’s watching her, even as he starts to chew on the thumb nail.
Gun Woo decides that it is her and approaches. Jung Joo thinks it’s just about her hiding the ring. As he leans in, she tells him that she’s not the type of person who steals rings. He sits next to her and declares that he’s right! He’s smiling. Jung Joo still thinks this is about the ring and protests that he saw wrongly. She slides over a seat and in the process stops covering the ring with her shoe. Gun Woo pulls down his sunglasses as he declares, “Twins.” Jung Joo doesn’t get it.
Gun Woo repeats himself. It’s him! Her twin! With the glasses off, Jung Joo recognizes him. He holds out his hand to shake and tells her that it’s good to see her. Jung Joo reluctantly shakes it. Gun Woo smiles and slaps her arm as he asks if she’s been well. She can’t believe that he’s sitting there.
Woman has found the ring. But luckily, she goes into labor. So Jung Joo and Gun Woo get their seats. Gun Woo hopes that the newly-married couple's baby will be fine. That’s nice that he thought of that. He tells Jung Joo that it's really strange to run into her there. Why is she going to Jeju Island? She tells him that Jung Min said he would be buying a cafe there. Investment advice? Yeah, sort of.
Gun Woo changes the subject, scolding her for not recognizing him when he recognized her right away. She didn't even remember his name. He declares that he’s disappointed. She tries to not make him her fantasy prince again. She replies that it’s been a long time. He tells her that he thought of her from time to time. It’s true. He even reminds her of the promise that they made. She was to grow up to be a really great person so that he could fall for her at first sight and he was supposed to grow up to be a roughneck (failure). He sighs and says that he should've lived recklessly and became a roughneck as promised. He only amounted to this. He apologizes for not keeping his promise and smiles. Because he turned out awesome instead.
Jung Joo lies and says that she doesn't remember making that kind of promise. Gun Woo’s surprised, because she kept her promise. As promised, she became cool. Wow, fantasy prince is back. Jung Joo has to look away as he smiles at her. She starts to cough so she doesn’t hyperventilate. He asks if she’s feeling well. She answers that she just feels a bit nauseous and dizzy. He laughs because the plane hasn't taken off yet. It's only the beginning. Can she handle it? She nods and says that she’ll try. Nice little bit of double meaning that Gun Woo is clueless over.
After they land, Jung Joo heads to the bathroom, where she tries to compose herself. She was too tense. She splashes some water on her face. An old woman comes out and takes the last of some pills. She doesn’t see a trash receptacle, so she leaves the empty bottle on the counter. Jung Joo decides to eat some of her peppermint mints to combat the nausea. As she’s pouring them into her hand, the bottom opens up. Jung Joo spots the pill bottle and decides to use it for her mints. Doesn’t wash it out or anything, just pours her mints in it and goes.
Outside, Gun Woo has made it to his convertible and is talking to Poong San on his handphone. The potential buyers didn’t like it. It's too far from Jeju Olle? Gun Woo’s not happy.
What’s Jeju Olle? This page from the Official Site of Korean Tourism explains that these paths of over 200 km will take travelers along Jeju’s south coast. The route will take you to forests, mountains, beaches, and remote places with unrivalled views. The Olle was inspired by the Pilgrim’s Trail in Spain. Here’s the link for the walking paths official website. It’s only been open since 2007 and is a major international tourist attraction. It looks like it would be fun!
Gun Woo gives an ‘Aish’ and mutters that he needs to sell the restaurant quickly. Then he remembers Jung Joo’s cousin. Quickly he heads to the entrance of the airport, where Jung Joo is trying to find transportation. He tells her to jump in. She does. As they drive, Gun Woo pours on the sales pitch. Isn't Jeju Island nice? Isn't the air different? When she says that air is air, he makes her inhale deeply. Doesn't it taste different from Seoul? Well, it would, because the pollution is less. He adds that this is why so many people from Seoul come to Jeju, to breathe this air!
He casually brings up asking about Jung Min’s café. She says that he’s looking by the beach. Then she declares that it makes her head ache. She chugs some mints and puts the bottle in the drink holder. Gun Woo is enthusiastic about this really pretty restaurant by a great beach! Does she want to check it out? He’ll treat her. He starts pestering her to eat. Then he gets a phone call. It’s Mr. Gong, who has decided to go see Hyung about his loan. Gun Woo quickly turns the car around to get to Hyung’s hotel.
Hyung, aka Song Jung Geum (Lee Sung Jae), is touring the renovations to the hotel. Yay! I like him. I really hope that he’s not going to be evil like he was in ‘Gu Family Book.’ Manager says that everything's on track for the re-opening. They’re planning on doing more promotions, but it's difficult to find people who are fluent in English and Chinese. Hyung doesn’t care if they have to bring people from the PR team in Seoul, they need to pour all their efforts into promoting the Jeju branch. Assistant tells Hyung that someone called Secretary Gong would like to see him. Hyung’s not familiar with the name. Gong was his deceased mother’s assistant in Jeju. Hyung realizes that Assistant means Gong Ajusshi. Hyung wants to see him.
Gun Woo is able to catch Gong in the lobby. He begs Gong talk with him for a sec and drags Gong outside. Gun Woo asks if Gong thinks that he’s planning on not repaying the 50 million won he borrowed. Doesn’t Gong know about the building he owns in Cheongdam-dong? Gong replies that they might be in his name but it’s managed by his brother. Gong says that he needs the money because his son's getting married next month. Gun Woo begs Gong to wait; if Hyung finds out, he’ll cut off Gun Woo’s funds. His gambling will become obvious and he’ll get exiled to Jeju Island. Gong replies that he’ll be good about telling Gun Woo’s situation and get the money from Hyung. Gong’s going to go inside.
Jung Joo yells at Gun Woo that she’s in a hurry, too. Gong asks who she is; is she his girlfriend? Gun Woo quickly says that she isn’t and corrects him that she’s his fiancée. I’m rolling my eyes at this boy. Gun Woo adds that he doesn't want to disappoint Hyung with something good happening soon. Gong relents. Gun Woo walks over and pushes Jung Joo into a bow goodbye. Jung Joo wants to know what’s happening. She feels like she just got used. Gun Woo plays dumb and says that they’re friends and if she sees an elder, she should give her greetings. Gong decides that he needs a picture. Gun Woo smiles happily for it while Jung Joo protests. Why is he taking a picture of her? Gong goes.
Gun Woo groans that Gong is very calculative. Jung Joo says that from what she overheard, it sounded like money talk. Do rich people like him have money problems, too? Gun Woo replies that it’s just… a bit. Back to the subject of the café. If her cousin hasn't decided on a café, do they want to buy his? The restaurant by the beach that he mentioned earlier is his. He’ll give it to her really cheap. Jung Joo gets it. So that's why he gave her a ride... to sell her his restaurant. She’s disappointed. Fantasy prince destroyed again. He says that it’s close. Because everything is close on an island. Does she want to take a look?
Jung Joo replies that she doesn't need to look. She didn't come there to buy a cafe. She risked her life to stop him from buying it. Gun Woo’s disappointed. He tells her she should let Jung Min get the café. Not understanding that Jung Min *stole* her money. Why would she risk her life to stop him when he wants to buy it? He adds that her aggressive and belligerent attitude is the same as it was 10 years ago. How can she not have changed at all and still be as stiff as always?
Jung Joo nods, almost sadly. She says that he saw it right. She’s always stiff. She hasn't changed at all. Gun Woo looks like he feels a little bad. Gun Woo says they should go to his restaurant. He'll treat her to a nice meal. She apologizes and says that she’s so stiff that she doesn't have time. She’s not capable of buying his pretty restaurant, so he can stop pretending to be happy to see her. Now, he does feel bad. Jung Joo grabs her purse and says that she was used, so that was her fare. She starts to walk away.
Gun Woo yells after her that she paid for the ride! She paid too much so, for change, he was going to treat her to a meal. If she’s busy, forget it! Why does he sound like the wronged party? She turns around and says that she’s leaving. Don't live a messy life from now on and live well.
Gun Woo is driving, alone, to his restaurant. He’s really bothered by what happened. He notices she left some maps. He tosses them aside, annoyed. He notices the pill bottle and tosses it into the seat. We see that the label says oxycodone.
Jung Joo goes to see a café owner she and Jung Min know to get the address. As she reaches for the paper, he pulls it away and adds that Jung Min told him not to tell her. It’s So Ji Sub! He looks good with that hair style. She snatches the address and asks if he was the one who encouraged Jung Min to come to Jeju and live lazily. Cafeman says that Jung Min has had a hard time because he couldn't get use to the office life. Aw, poor baby. Suck it up. Jung Joo shares my sentiments. She replies that going to work by subway and bus and working hard in and office doesn't suit most people. Everyone likes playing around and being lazy at a place like this.
Cafeman looks at his café and then asks Jung Joo if she thinks that he looks pathetic for living like this. She replies that he doesn’t seem wise. Running away and living like this because it's tough... to be honest, isn't it being a loser? Ouch! Cafeman smiles and says that she’s right. But not everyone can be a loser like that. She needs to lift up her hand, admitting that she lost, and disappear. I had to squeal just a little there, because he did his ‘get lost’ move from ‘Master’s Sun.’ That requires courage, too. Then he adds that the sun is really nice today. And I have to laugh because it’s another ‘Master’s Sun’ reference. Cafeman goes back inside and Jung Joo imitates his hand motion with disgust. As she’s leaving, she notes that even his dog looks like a lazy loser.
Horse neigh. Jung Joo notices the horse rides and thinks that it would earn some money. Jung Min should have bought a horse instead of a house. She notices that they’re charging 20,000 won per person. The current crowd is 160,000 won. Even if you get just 10 people a day, how much is that? You have to factor in the horse upkeep. She notices a couple and how the guy looks like Hong Gap – her boyfriend. She decides to investigate. Smiling woman he’s with calls him Hong Gap. He has the same name. She yells his name and, smiling, he turns around. That smile goes when he sees that it’s her. He begs the horseman to start his ride.
Jung Joo ends up on a horse after Hong Gap. He tries to ignore her and get his horse to go faster as she yells at him to talk. Jung Joo ends up spurring her horse faster and catches up to him. He still ignores her. She asks what’s going on and why is he wearing the couple shirts that she sent him with another woman? What a scuzball. Finally, he apologizes. She asks if he cheated on her. He says ‘no.’ Instead… he got married. This is his honeymoon. Wow, and that’s not cheating? You dated and married another woman and didn’t return her calls. Definitely a snake. He begs her not to say anything to his wife.
‘Empress Ki’ intrigue music plays. Jung Joo imagines the sky turning dark and grabbing a spear. She chases after him and her spear misses. Hong Gap rides away. She thinks that she always get angry but doesn’t have the energy to pay it back. The spear breaks. Jung Joo thinks that her fury that got stuck at a wrong spot looks out of place and pathetic.
Back in reality, Jung Joo has fallen off her horse and landed in horse poop. It’s on her face. Ew. Worker scolds her for going off like that, when she can't even ride the horse. Jung Joo finds a stream and begins to wash off the poop from her shoe. She tells herself that she’s fine. That bastard is horse poop and she stepped in horse poop. It smells bad, but she can just wash it off. Her phone rings. It’s her boss telling her that she’s been fired . Shocked, Jung Joo doesn’t even notice when she loses her grip on her shoe and it floats away.
Luckily, Gun Woo is nearby to see. He grabs the shoe and thinks with a meaningful look.
Recipe #1 – I think it’s really cool that they’re doing recipes at the end of each show.
- Soak seaweed in salt water for 10 minutes.
- For the dressing, shallots and chives, slice in Vietnamese peppers thinly and add them.
- Plate the salad with deep-fried rapeseed flowers. It's complete!
He makes it look so easy.
Was just going to watch this but decided to recap it, which means that I am playing catch up. I think I’m really going to like this show. The leads, Yoo Yeon Suk and Kang So Ra, are really likeable, even when they aren’t likeable – although that’s more been Gun Woo than Jung Joo. And Yoo Yeon Suk’s smile is just killer.
Several things happened that I think will be important later:
- The twin plot line. I don’t think that they’re twins at all, but I do think that Gun Woo’s Mom knew Jung Joo’s Dad. I also think that this might pop up at some point, but hopefully, they aren’t going to go melo on us and the question will get solved quickly.
- Their 10-year old promise. I think that it’s actually going to play out, where he’s a roughneck (failure) and she’s Miss Popular. I can see the seeds being planted for this.
- The fact that he’s her fantasy prince.
- The fact that they both instantly recognized each other the first time they saw each other after 10 years. He didn’t see her at the restaurant, not really, so that doesn’t count.
- The fact that he’s had a long-standing crush on Ji Won and she just likes to play with his emotions. I get the feeling that she wants something from him, but at the same time, she continues to be completely non-commital.
I don’t know about the actress playing Ji Won. There is something about her that is bugging me. I haven’t put my finger on it yet, but even if I didn’t have a growing dislike for the character, there’s something about her bugging me.
It’s obvious that Gun Woo is still as nice as ever, although he’s really self-centered. Why do I say that? He was concerned about the Woman who went into labor. Completely self-absorbed people don’t do that. He felt bad once he realized that he hurt Jung Joo’s feelings and tried to make up for it.
I really like Jung Joo, too, and her reactions to things are very natural. I can totally relate to wanting to kill the man who stole my money and lost my apartment. She didn’t let Gun Woo get away with using her, either. Even if he is her fantasy prince.
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