Our episode begins where last episode left off, with Jung Joo trying to clean her shoe. Phone call; she’s fired; drops the shoe and it floats away.
What a day she’s having:
- Life saving stolen
- Loses best Apartment out of 100 because of #1
- Loses her fantasy prince
- Used by that fantasy prince – so not only did they not have that immediate love connection but he used her instead
- Discovered that her boyfriend has not just cheated on her but married the woman
- Loses her job
Jung Joo is in a daze because of her traumatic day. Gun Woo fishes her shoe out of the stream. He walks over to her and tosses the shoe so that it lands next to her. This gets her attention. He says that he was just going to leave, but he got a birthday coupon from a salon, so he realized that it was her birthday, too. He is totally pretending to casually say this, but he watching her reaction. Other thought: coupon? Did he have time to go back to the Warm and Cozy or is he just making up a plausible excuse for why he came looking for her? I think it’s an excuse. He may be self-centered, but he’s also kind. He tells her that he’s going to treat her to a birthday meal at his beautiful restaurant.
Jung Joo tells him to stop acting so considerate. She’s really angry at the moment and her anger could get stuck in an awkward direction (the wrong place). She might take it out on him. Gun Woo sighs, like her threat is no big deal. He tells her that just the same, he’s going to treat her big time. He squats in front of her, telling her that he’ll be her punching bag (the subs translate this as sandbag), if she needs to vent on someone. He braces himself, protecting his head – so cute! I wonder if he has practice having his ears boxed. He tells her to go ahead; hit him as much as she wants. She just looks at him.

Gun Woo changes tactics. He says that is she needs comfort, he’ll be her teddy bear to snuggle. He holds his arms out and says that it’s okay to hug him tightly. She’s not smiling as she says that he may not remember this, since it was 10 years ago, even if someone throw empty words at her, she’s not one to refuse something if it’s useful. Gun Woo responds that he doesn't throw out empty words. Everything he says is sincere, even if the sincerity only lasts for a short time. At least he’s self aware enough to know that about himself. He adds that that’s why they should go before he changes his mind.
Gun Woo is now cooking. Yoo Yeon Suk either knows how to cook or took lessons for the show, because he totally looks at ease in the kitchen, even when he spins that knife in his hand. He says that Jung Joo left some stuff; it’s hers, right? Poong San enters and calls her a customer as he greets her. Gun Woo corrects him that Jung Joo isn’t a customer but his friend. Aw, he considers them friends. Poong San asks if she’s isn’t noona Ji Won. Jung Joo introduces herself and he says that he is Jung Poong San (Jin Young). Poong San says that he will bring her some tea. Jung Joo wants to help, but he says that she’s a guest. She answers that she’s uncomfortable for her to just get something for free. She grabs a rag and starts wiping down the counter. Poong San looks at her like she’s strange, but lets her work.
Gong Jong Bae (Lee Han Wie) enters with two customers, declaring Gun Woo’s food delicious. They just happen to be Jung Min and Mi Na. Jung Min practically falls over when he realizes that it’s Jung Joo. And he still has the nerve to call her ‘Noona.’ Glances from the Jeju folk. Jung Joo smiles and says that she found paradise for them both. Then she hurls the rag she’s using at them with a yell. Heh. Love her sarcasm. They run with a scream and she chases them out of the restaurant. Jung Min and Mi Na hold hands as they run. I roll my eyes. As she runs, Jung Joo swings her purse at them, even though she’s way too far away to actually hit them.
Eventually, Jung Min yells at Jung Joo to wait a minute. He’s out of breath and they haven’t been running that long. Jung Joo asks if Jung Min’s signed the contract yet. He answers – with the nerve to be indignant that she chased him – that he has already. Jung Joo won’t need a loan and they’ll still have some money left over. She asks where it is. You’re standing right next to it. Jung Min tries to soften the shock by saying that it needs some repairs. She isn’t going to be swayed, so he finally yells, “Here!” Because Jung Joo can’t comprehend how anyone would buy the place that she’s standing next to, she makes him clarify. When Mi Na calls the place a house, Jung Joo can’t believe they would call it that: This is... a house? It’s just a wall!
Jung Min tells Jung Joo not to get upset. He said that it needs repair. She just needs to use her imagination and dream of what it could be after it's restored. Mi Na adds that it feels more like a house, once you look inside. Jung Joo goes inside. It is so not good. She immediately chokes on the dust. She stumbles over the hole in the floor and mutters, “Impossible.” She tries the water and it doesn’t work. She asks how this is a house. She sits to calm herself and part of the wall falls on her. Jung Joo lets out a scream.
Outside, Jung Min and Mi Na jump at her scream. Dead, I tell you. So dead. They decide to run. Gun Woo and Jong Bae have walked up behind them. The couple shove them out of the way and take off in a full run. Apparently they have talked because: Jong Bae points that it’s this house. Gun Woo has the same reaction: This was a house? More screaming from Jung Joo.
Eventually, Jung Joo finds herself sitting on a bench on the beach. Gun Woo and Jong Bae stand at a distance, watching her. Jong Bae sighs and says that he had no idea that the contract had this kind of story. It took fifteen years for this house to be sold, so he can't make any guarantees as to when it'll be sold again. Oh, that’s really bad. Gun Woo looks like he feels sorry for her. Jong Bae adds that Jung Min said he was going to Brazil to get coffee beans directly or something like that. He said that he was going to Sao Paulo. Gun Woo calls Jung Min a bastard.
Jung Joo pulls out her pill bottle and takes some more mints. Gun Woo sighs, feeling bad for her. Jong Bae asks if Jung Joo is his girlfriend. He replies that it's not like that... There is something about her that concerns him. He thinks back to arriving at the Warm and Cozy. He looks at the pill bottle, labeled “Oxycontin.” The difference between Oxycodone and Oxycontin is that Oxycontin is a timed, release of Oxycodone. So, typically, it is a higher dosage and prescribed for people with cancer pain. Gun Woo wonders if Jung Joo is sick. He goes inside and asks Poong San, since Poong San went up to his third year in pharmacology school. So why is Poong San working in a restaurant? Poong San says that the dosage is normally taken by end-stage cancer patients. Poor ajumma who left the bottle in the airport. Flashback to when he asked if the pills were hers. While she put them in her purse, he asks what they should do. Aw, he’s very kind.
In the present, Gun Woo looks at Jung Joo sadly. He ends up taking her back to the airport, where she thanks him. He holds out a lunch bag and tells her to eat it. It’s her birthday, so she shouldn’t skip a meal. Aw. Jung Joo hesitantly takes the bag. She looks surprised that he did it. Gun Woo says that if she eats it, she probably won’t be able to forget him. Since he thinks she forgot him the first time. It’s so delicious that she’ll really be shocked. He’s not confident at all about his cooking. It'll probably make her want to come back to Jeju Island. He smiles. She gives a little smile back and says that there probably won't be a reason to visit Jeju on my birthday anymore. Gun Woo looks pained at that statement.
Jung Joo starts to go, but Gun Woo grabs her by the shoulders and vehemently declares that there will be! She has to eat it. She has to come and eat at his restaurant! Next year and the year after that! She can come anytime she wants! He slaps his chest for emphasis as he says that he will be right here. Jung Joo is understandably stunned. Jung Joo, you have to come! Okay? Jung Joo’s goofy ‘prince’ smile is back as she says, “Okay. I know they're just empty words... but still, thanks for saying them.” They say goodbye again, with Gun Woo looking worried. He calls after her to make sure not to skip her meals. She holds up the bag and says that she will eat well. She shrugs – a fantasy-prince-is-back shrug – and goes.
Jung Joo reaches her apartment in Seoul. She looks around at everything – there’s not much – and finally allows herself to cry. She decides to eat the meal that Gun Woo fixed her. Which he sent on in a really nice thermos.
♫ It grew in a corner, another person ♫
♫ The warmth that I felt, that excitement ♫
♫ I remember again, I keep thinking of you ♫
It looks really good. She thinks of Gun Woo telling her to eat, because it’s her birthday. No one else remembered that it’s her birthday. Gun Woo offering to be her punching bag.
♫ I go a little closer to you ♫
She shakes her head to bring herself out of fantasy land.
♫ One more time, I come a little closer to you ♫
♫ Love that was far from me, the words I didn't know ♫
♫ You're the one who taught me ♫
♫ I love you, I love you ♫
She tells herself that the house is Jeju Island is going to get sold again in no time. She can buy an apartment after that. She’ll file a lawsuit for unfair dismissal and get her job back. She eats some more.
The pervy guy next door starts singing from out on his balcony.
♫ No, no ♫
♫ That can't be, no ♫
♫ Then the day after tomorrow is the testing period, then ♫
♫ No ♫
♫ No, no, the day after tomorrow ♫
♫ Is the testing period, then ♫
Jung Joo has had enough of putting up with this guy. She puts down her spoon and chopsticks and goes out onto her balcony. She gets the guy’s attention and asks if he could please stop that noise? It doesn't even seem like it’s music. Guy doesn’t answer, but reaches for one of his hand-rolled cigarettes. Jung Joo sighs and says that if the Ajusshi’s going to smoke, he should put on some pants. She can’t even open the windows or the curtains because of him. Again, he doesn’t told but obnoxiously drops the cigarette on the ground.
Jung Joo starts back into her apartment, but Guy starts singing his stupid song again. Jung Joo grabs her head like she needs to keep her brain from exploding. She turns around and starts yelling at Guy. Does he find her laughable? Fine, they should go for a round tonight! He should try taking off that underwear! She'll give him a proper look! Wow, she is mad. Calling him out! He starts to act offended and she calls him out on that, too. Doesn't he walk around like that because he wants to show her every day? Why? Is he embarrassed? Ah! It’s hiding because it's so small! Ouch. Because it's the size of a booger!
Guy protests that she’s going overboard. Her words are too harsh. She answers that a punk like him should be ashamed from his head to his feet. He is excessively good at disgracing himself! Guy starts to look around, because he doesn’t want anyone else to witness her rebuke. Fast forward noise. Jung Joo tells him that his eyes are slits like a snake! From the way he looks– He tells her to stop being so upset. She calls him a bastard. Again Guy looks, worried about them being overheard. She decides to address her neighbors, telling them to look at the pervert. Every night this pervert says that he’ll take everything off and do a naked show.
Guy tells to please be quiet. Jung Joo pulls out her phone, saying that she needs film it. This really rattles Guy. He yells at her to put her phone down. What if it's leaked on the internet? What is she filming? Jung Joo starts to sing his stupid song as she films him in his underwear. She asks him why he isn’t doing it? Do it as he always does! Do it properly! Guy acts modest and goes in his house. She yells at him, asking where Pervert is going. Jung Joo starts jumping up and down with joy. She won! Oh my goodness. She is not a loser! She is… not... loser... She starts to sob again.
Pretty scenes of Jeju. Gun Woo is sitting in his hammock. Bus arrives and Jung Joo climbs off it, wearing a large backpack. Presumably with everything she owns. She breathes in deeply with a big smile on her face, says that it’s nice. She also has a suitcase and a duffel bag. At least they’re realistic about how much she’d need to cart her stuff. As she walks toward town (and her house), a man on a bike stops and stares. Cast list says that this is Hwang Wook (Kim Sung Oh). She greets him and he is not sure what to make of her.
Jung Joo comes across the diver women. She greets them and tells them to please take care of her. I really like that Korean habit; when you’re in a new place (like a job), you ask them to take care of you. As she walks on, they wonder if isn’t another mainlander who has come to stay. They think that she should just back to where she came from and live comfortably. No Bok Nyeo isn’t sure what to think.
Gun Woo stretches in his hammock. Wow, he’s lazy. He notices Jung Joo walking his way. She sees him and waves with a smile. He is greatly surprised. She tells him that she came. Did she come for a visit? She shakes her head and says that she’s there to live. She wants to try and live there until she dies. DF translates that as ‘until she makes it or breaks it’ but ‘until I die is much more fitting for Gun Woo’s misunderstanding that she is terminally ill. Gun Woo repeats, “Until you die?” She smiles and nods, saying that from now on, they're both people of Jeju Island. He should please take good care of her from now on. She holds out her hand for shake. He slowly takes it.
♫ My love, thank you, thank you for just you ♫
She smiles broadly as they shake and Gun Woo tries not to freak out that his friend, with cancer, has come to live nearby. Someone he feels an obligation to take care of. She laughs and he laughs, uncomfortable. I don’t think he’s felt obligated to anyone ever.
Jung Joo arrives at her ‘house.’ She sighs and leaves her bags by the gate as she walks forward. She tells herself that now that she looks at it again, there’s a roof... and a wall... In a way, it looks like a house. She tells the house that they should get along well from now on. She claps and goes inside. She asks the house if it’s been well. She pats a wall and tells herself that at least it’s concrete. She makes the mistake of touching part of the wall wrong and it crumbles. She moves on to try and go in what should be another room, but the floor board breaks. She sees a switch hanging and tries to turn if on. No luck. Of course, it doesn't turn on. For the time being, she won't be paying for electricity.
Gun Woo arrives to check on her. He sees her bags and mutters about her really being there. He thinks about what Poong San said about the ‘medication’ being strong pain killers for terminal cancer patients. And Jung Joo takes them. He wonders what Jung Joo is she going to do. He sighs and tells himself, “Whatever.”
Jung Joo heads into another room and pulls on something. Something jumps out at her and she screams. Gun Woo immediately runs inside, asking if she’s hurt. Inside, Jung Joo is holding onto the wall and breathing heavily. She tells him that it’s a snake. Gun Woo runs out of the house, screaming. He yells at her to hurry and come out. Inside, she protests that if it's a snake, she needs to catch it. She has to live there. Gun Woo asks what she’s going to do if she’s bitten. They can just call 119! She still doesn’t come out.
Gun Woo yells that he’s leaving. He’s really leaving! Inside, Jung Joo looks around and finds a stick. She yells. Gun Woo can’t leave. He has to help, even though he mutters, “Seriously!” He grabs a thin stick and runs inside with a yell. Jung Joo is inside, randomly swinging. He tells her that there are some vicious ones that have venom that can kill you instantly. He tells her that they should call an expert and go. Jung Joo’s not leaving. She’s going to kill it! She swings again, hitting the thing hanging from the ceiling, and it falls to the floor.
Gun Woo screams Jung Joo’s name and rushes into the room to save her. He shoves her out of the way and stomps on the snake several times. Then he turns around to leave and runs into the door frame, knocking himself out.
After he regains consciousness, he goes outside and clutches his head. Jung Joo tosses what looks like a black hose at his feet and says that if it were a real snake, she would really thank him. She kicks the hose – Why was it in the ceiling? – and says that since it’s fake, it’s his fault for getting hurt. He yells at her for being so fearless! What would have happened if this was a real snake? She replies that the worst thing that could happen is she could die. It’s the death word again. Jung Joo says that she is not running away from snakes or anything worse than that. She looks at the house and says that she has prepared herself to think of it as the end, where there’s no way for her to back out. So much more clear in how Gun Woo could misunderstand as death than what DF translated it: ‘scraping the bottom of the barrel.’ That doesn’t imply death at all and would make Gun Woo’s next statement make no sense, but since she’s talking in a way that could be taken as she’s preparing to die there…
Gun Woo, rather sadly, asks why she always prepares herself so fiercely every time. Jung Joo answers, asking if she would succeed if her preparation was measly? She came to go all-in with the house. Gun Woo asks what she means by all-in, She says that she withdrew her severance pay and her security deposit. She is going to spend everything she has to fix up the house. Knowing what Jong Bae said about it taking 15 years to sell the place, he tells her that it’s a pretty dangerous gamble. And it seems that Gun Woo knows something about gambling (and losing). She says that it’s a high risk, high return probability… Because she believes in him. Doh!
Gun Woo is shocked at that. Why is she believing in him? He told her before that this area will become a hotspot for Jeju tourism. Gun Woo remembers himself saying that the cafe business in Jeju Island has tremendous potential. His expressions are more intense now, but this is how he remembers doing it.. Sorang Town will become a rising hotspot of Jeju tourism. He’s speaking with such conviction. She should never invest in an area that's already popular, but rather invest someplace on the rise! He laughs awkwardly.
Then he tries to persuade her not to listen to him. He did say that it will be like that in the future. But he’s not an expert and there’s no 100% guarantee. Jung Joo shows him her scrapbook where she’s done her research. There have been many places that have become really successful. He shuts the scrapbook and says that there are lots of failed cases, too. They don't make headlines, that's all. She ‘punches’ his arm and says that she already has the insider info that isn't in the papers, thanks to him! Another arm punch. His hyung is a chaebol who owns a resort there, right? Something can definitely be said for the spots chaebols pick. Gun Woo smiles awkwardly. He can’t get out of this without looking like a real jerk.
She leans in and quickly asks if there’s a possibility of an amusement park being built in the area. Or a shopping center? Gun Woo says that he’s not sure. She says that he set up his restaurant there, because of a tip, right? Awkward nodding by Gun Woo and he rubs the back of his neck.
Poong San is talking to Jong Bae. There is only one reason that Geon Woo hyung opened up a restaurant there… To impress the girl he liked. He heard that she said that this town was the prettiest. Jong Bae nods with understanding. He wondered why Gun Woo wanted to open up a restaurant that's far from Olle Trail and not in a sight-seeing area. Now he understands why. He wasn't thinking it through at all. Poong San says that Geon Woo seems to be in a rush. Does Jong Bae think this place will get sold? Jong Bae answers that it doesn't even make a profit, so who would buy it? So if Gun Woo weren’t so lazy, his restaurant would probably be successful.
Jung Joo tells Gun Woo that if it weren't for him, she wouldn’t have had the courage to leave everything and come there. She pats his arm and says that she asks him to give her lots of words of advice from now on. Gun Woo awkwardly nods. Jung Joo notes that his restaurant must be busy, so she’ll be going first. He waves goodbye. She doesn’t notice that he’s uncomfortable. She turns around and calls out, “Fighting!” He answers back. Once she’s inside her house, his face falls (he stops smiling) and he worries what he’s going to do. He scratches the back of his head in frustration as he says, “Aish!”
Large Hotel. Sign reads, “On-Site Experience Program” in English. Hyung (Jung Geum) is about to get into his car when someone hails him. It’s Ji Won. She’s wearing a big smile. He’s surprised to see that she’s back from New York. He tells her that they should have a meal with Geon Woo sometime. He tells his assistant Kim to assist Ji Won well. Hyung says that he’s a little busy and climbs in the car and goes. Ji Won thinks that he must be in a hurry to go somewhere. Kim answers that he is probably on his way to Jeju Island. Jeju? Kim says that the resort on Jeju Island is being remodeled and reopened. What does she think about working there? They seem to be picking a new person for the public relations team. Ji Won’s wheels are turning in her brain. Calculating something. That’s what her face says. No one stares down their nose as they think when they’re just thinking. They do it when they’re calculating something. What is she up to?
Gun Woo has gone inside the Warm and Cozy, muttering to himself, asking what he should do... Poong San says that the real estate ajusshi came by and there’s no one interested. Gun Woo waves like he can’t be bothered, saying, “Whatever, whatever.” Even if they don't sell off the restaurant, he’s going back to Seoul. He asks Poong San whether Jung Joo would get business if she turned that house into a café, since their restaurant has flies flying around (no customers). Poong San chuckles and says, “Of course not.” Who else passes by there aside from the lady divers? Gun Woo nods. It’s not like the diver ajummas would be buying Americanos. He sucks in air through his teeth and tries to think.
Jung Joo is busy cleaning up the inside. She decides that she will put in big windows to make it look like a café, since the oceanside view is the main attraction. She sighs since it’ll be pretty expensive. Two tour buses drive up and unload. They're *Chinese* tourists, about 30 or 40 people. The guide – in Chinese – says that there’s nothing to see there, but he’s giving those who have to go, 10 minutes for the bathroom He directs them to used the bathroom at the village assembly hall. Jung Joo mistakes this as a normal occurrence and remembers how there is money pouring in from China. If each person gets one coffee for 3,000 won, even if it’s just 30 people… that's 90,000 won a day. This is not a lot of money, folks. It just shows how little money she’s been living off of.
Jung Joo starts seeing the money rolling in. If only five buses like that make a stop here... It'd be... right in front of her place! She could have a a parking lot outside the store. The Chinese tourist guide again announces – because no one is paying attention – that this is not a tourist site, so there is nothing to see. After a quick trip to the bathroom, they’ll go to Seopjikoji.
On the eastern shore of Jeju, Seopjikoji has a beautiful display of rapeseed flowers. The Jeju Folk Village and Udo Island are nearby.

Jung Joo decides that even if it's expensive, she’s going to put in big windows. She’ll use all of her deposit for the big windows. All-in!
Gun Woo is sitting in his restaurant, stewing over Jung Joo’s plan. Even when you’re betting on horses, you never go all-in on one horse. Jung Joo is really reckless. Poong San asks him if it wouldn't be better to stop her? Putting all her assets on that isn’t deserted house right. It doesn't matter if a business is profitable or not for someone like Gun Woo, but they’ve seen plenty of people come to Jeju and lose their fortunes to become beggars. He can’t let his friend become like that. Gun Woo is bothered, but then he declares that he doesn’t care. She did her own market research before she came here. She's an adult, so she can take of it.
But he’s really not convinced. He pictures her, near death, crawling on the ground toward him – like that creepy girl from ‘The Ring’ – telling him that it’s because of him. Because of him, she lost her last hope, her treatment money. She’s blame him even in death. As she dies, spitting up blood, she gasps his name. Gross. He shakes his head to drive the image from his brain and heads over to her house. She's outside trying to get rid of cobwebs.
Jung Joo asks him why he’s back. He asks if she’s cleaning already. She replies that she has to get rid of the last of the cobwebs so that she can sleep. He’s shocked that she’s planning on sleeping there. She says that she only has enough to fix the place up. It's wasteful to find a separate place to stay. Gun Woo protests that it’s really dirty and dusty and it'll be harmful to her health. She starts squirming and asks him to watch over her things for a minute; she needs to go to the bathroom. When he asks where, she’s planning on using the one in the town center. Gun Woo steps in her path and says that there’s one much closer. He tells her to come with him. She pauses because her luggage is sitting out in the open. He waves his hand at her like she’s being crazy, saying that no one will take it. There are no thieves in Jeju Island. She believes him.
They head next door, because his house is next to hers. She hesitates and he practically pulls her inside. He tells her that since she doesn't have electricity or running water yet, she can come and use his place whenever she has something urgent. He offers her his spare key (which in Korean is ‘spare key’). She says that she appreciates the gesture, but won’t it make him uncomfortable? He gives her a face and asks why he would find her uncomfortable. He’s more uncomfortable with the fact that she’s staying alone in that torn-up house. He puts the key in her hand and closes her fingers around it. She tells him that since he put it that way, she won't decline.
Gun Woo points his finger for emphasis as he tells her not to try and fix up that house on her own, or overdo herself. She must discuss it with him first. She shouldn’t patiently go all-in, okay? She replies that he’s the only person she knows on Jeju Island, so it's nice to know she has someone to consult. Yes, she shouldn’t be hasty. Gun Woo’s smiling because he’s eased his conscience. He tells her to go and use the bathroom.
Jung Joo hesitates. Gun Woo looks at her wondering why she isn’t going. She asks if he’s planning on standing there. It takes him a second, but he gets it and says that he’s going to the Warm and Cozy. She can use the bathroom comfortably. Only in Korea would you tell someone to use the bathroom comfortably. Heh. As he exits, Gun Woo tells her to go and poo. Again, so embarrassing. Jung Joo tells herself that it's okay. It's not like she needs to look good to Baek Geon Woo. What’s with her not being able to tell him that she’s going to poop?
As he walks away, Gun Woo says to himself that at least he can offer her the bathroom. He feels at ease. That is, until Wook rides up on his bicycle. Polite greetings. Wook notes that Gun Woo is leaving late today. The lunch hour was over hours ago. Gun Woo replies that he went out, but came back home briefly, calling Wook “Our hard-working town mayor.” Wook asks if Gun Woo paid the fine for illegal trash dumping, right? Gun Woo smiles and says that thanks to Wook’s hard work in reporting him, he paid 300,000 won well. Fake laughing. Wook takes off his hat and bows and says, “Thank you.” He drives the point home, but asking Gun Woo to, in the future, separate his trash over in those containers and please be careful when doing it.
Gun Woo tells Wook that he’s going back to Seoul soon. He chuckles. All the fines that he’s paid have been a big help to the town's management, right? Wook agrees. Now that he thinks about it, if it was put together, it would've been quite a sum. Less of a smile on Gun Woo’s face. Wook says that he’s so sad to hear that Gun Woo’s leaving. What should he do? And it’s obvious that he’s just being polite. Gun Woo waves and says that, Aigoo, he's not at all sad. He starts to walk away, but then asks why Wook fail in getting the Olle Trail to run through this area? His incompetency ruined another person's hope about life! Then he quickly walks off. In Jeju dialect, Wook calls Gun Woo a good-for-nothing punk. Then he notices Jung Joo’s luggage. He looks around to see if there’s an owner.
Over at the Warm and Cozy, Gun Woo is saying that for such an incompetent mayor, Wook goes through his trash every day and fines him for it! So why don’t you just sort your trash? He throws down yet another notice for fines. Poong San tells his hyung that he keeps getting text messages. Gun Woo checks his phone.
The first message is from Gong, saying that he’s going to report Jung Joo to the police for a sham marriage. Uh oh! And there’s that picture that Gong took of them. Gun Woo groans an ‘aish’! Gun Woo calls Hyung and asks if he met with Gong Ajusshi. Hyung doesn’t look mad as he says that he heard everything. Gun Woo silently groans. Hyung starts to lecture him: If something like that happened, Gun Woo should have told him. How did he get conned by that kind of woman? Gun Woo tries to sound super positive as he replies that it's not like that... Hyung answers that she agreed to marry him but then she ran off with his money… that’s a con. Hyung tells him to come back to his house. He’s front of Gun Woo’s house right now.
Gun Woo starts running for his house, muttering, “Seriously! I'm going to go insane!” Nice Jeju location shot! Over at his house, Jung Joo has just finished using the bathroom. As she puts her coat back on, she drops a bunch of change on the floor. She starts crawling around trying to find it all. Hyung walks up and notices her through the window. He pulls out his phone to verify that it’s her, she’s in Gun Woo’s house. What is she doing right now?
Hyung goes inside, just as Jung Joo gets her last coin. She notices Hyung and stands. Calling her Agasshi, he asks what she’s doing. Is she back? She answers that she returned that day. Does Geon Woo know about this? Jung Joo answers that Gun Woo told her to be there, so she is. He asks if she stays someplace just because Gun Woo told her to stay there. Isn't she too thick-skinned (shameless)? Jung Joo uncomfortably chuckles and says that she only used the bathroom. Hyung says he saw her rifling though the sofa. What was she looking for? She replies, with a smile, that she wasn't rifling through anything. Something fell, so she was looking for it. Hyung wants to know what would be hers that would be in Geon Woo's home? What is she holding in her hands. Jung Joo holds out her hand and says that a 100 won dropped to the floor so she was trying to get it out. Hyung’s surprised by that answer.
Gun Woo is still running. He arrives to find Hyung and Jung Joo seated, talking. Hyung is still surprised that Jung Joo crawled under the couch to get that 100 won coin. Jung Joo answers that she did because that 100 won belongs to her. Hyung definitely looks like he likes her, which is a switch from before when he thought she was a gold-digging scam artist. Hyung points out that people usually just give up when 100 won rolls under something? Jung Joo answers that she doesn’t, since digging up the ground doesn’t just magically produce money. Jung Joo tells Hyung that she doesn’t know what kind of misunderstanding he’s jumped to, but she’s not a con artist who takes other people's money. If she was a con artist, she would have sold that bed or something rather than picking up a 100 won coin. That alone would be worth at least one million won. Hyung can’t argue with that.
Gun Woo is pacing outside when Hyung comes out. Hyung sighs and says that he understands what’s happening now. Gun Woo smiles and starts to ‘explain’ but Hyung cuts him off. Hyung says that he wishes Gun Woo was a 100 won coin, so that he could toss Gun Woo out and that lady would get him. Gun Woo is still smiling. He asks if Hyung likes Jung Joo. He gives Hyung a nudge. She's all right, isn't she? Then he messes it up by saying that he’s not going to marry her. Would Hyung like to date her? Hyung can’t believe that Gun Woo just said that. He gives Gun Woo a kick in the pants and calls Gun Woo a crazy bastard. Deserved. Gun Woo protests that Hyung was joking around, so he tried making one, too.
Hyung changes the subject to the reason for his visit. Gun Woo can’t move a step out of Jeju until he repays Gong. Gun Woo’s also barred from using his credit card. Hyung is not joking. Gun Woo is understandably shocked. He says a stunned, “Hyung.” Hyung gives another look, clears his throat meaningfully and leaves.
Inside, Jung Joo is not happy with Gun Woo either. How can he make her into a marriage swindler? Gun Woo says, “I’m sorry,” in a tone that says, ‘why are you making such a big deal out of this?’ and ‘chill out; you’re over-reacting.’ He explains that he was hasty and it just turned out like that. Like it had a mind of its own. That’s why you posed for that picture with her, because it just happened all on its own… Then he starts to scold her fro being flabbergasted that she met his brother. Not that you were running or anything because you were trying to get her out so you could cover your wrong up, or anything… Jung Joo is justifiably indignant. Is he blaming her? Why is he blaming someone else?
Gun Woo still sounds like he’s just a victim of an innocent misunderstanding – rather than something of his own machinations – as he says that it’s not that. He was planning on settling everything in Jeju and going back to Seoul that week, but it’s gotten twisted like that, so things became difficult. His last couple of words trail off – like he’s realizing that he's sounding like an idiot. Jung Joo holds out his spare key and says that she’s returning it, since it’s going to make things complicated, too. Gun Woo asks why. She replies that he said he was leaving for Seoul soon. If he’s leaving, how is he going to be her advisor? Gun Woo! Think these things through! He was nice enough for this short period of time, but if she keeps it, it'll just complicate things later.
With a scowl, Gun Woo tells her that she always twists other people's intentions. Jung Joo laughs with disbelief that he would say that. Of course, she'd twist them up. Should she go overboard with them? And why *did* he give this to her? Did he have any other hidden plans in mind? And now, Gun Woo has the gall to get offended. Gun Woo gives Jung Joo a ‘ya!’ and asks what he takes him for? Still indignant that she would possibly misunderstand him – which would be reasonable if this wasn’t the *second* time that she found out that you used her for something – Gun Woo says that the reason he gave her the key was because something could happen when she’s alone. That’s why he gave it to her! Because he felt uneasy! Uneasy!
I love that Jung Joo has a backbone and isn’t going to let her fantasy prince treat her like crap. Jung Joo tells him that there’s nothing to be uneasy about. Even if he’s not at his house, she has a lot of other places to poop! Never thought I would hear someone say that sentence. Heh. And, since she was in a way used by his own scam, she paid the fee to use his bathroom. She grabs his hand and puts the key in it. She starts to leave. Like he’s the one who’s been wronged, Gun Woo calls after her that it’s fine! She pooped a big one so that she paid him back greatly. If she had pooped a small one, he gave her back change. It wouldn’t be a k-drama unless they talked about pooping at some point.
Jung Joo isn’t given the victory of leaving dramatically, because her purse gets stuck on the handle of the door. As Jung Joo leaves, Gun Woo mutters, “Seriously!” He hits the back of his head with his fist and asks why his eyes are so good. It's his fault for recognizing her instantly!
Jung Joo reaches her house and discovers that her luggage is missing. She starts to freak out because that’s everything she owns. Gun Woo is leaving his house, still sulking over their fight – which means that it bugs him that she’s mad at him. It didn’t bug or burden him when Hyung was upset, but it bugs him about her. He sees Jung Joo in distress and immediately asks what’s wrong. She runs up to him and asks where her luggage went. And it’s like Gun Woo forgot about the luggage.
Jung Joo yells at him that he said that it's okay to leave them here! Recalling their fight, Gun Woo asks why she is shifting the blame to other people? If she didn’t mean anything to him, he wouldn’t remember what she said. But Jung Joo isn’t going to spar with him. She is near tears. He tells her that she shouldn’t worry! There are no thieves in Jeju Island. He’s going to go to the police station. Which makes sense.
Jung Joo isn’t waiting for him to get back. She takes off running to search through all the town’s trash receptacles. She eventually gets a phone call. It’s Wook, who has her luggage. Jung Joo runs to city hall and is overjoyed to see that her things aren’t stolen. Wook explains that he thought someone threw her bags away illegally in front of an empty house, so he brought them there. He looked through her bags searching for contact information.
Jung Joo is not happy. She asks him if he doesn’t have eyes. Love the hand gesture. How does this look like something to be thrown away? Such a strange person, seriously. Wook scratches the back of his neck uncomfortably. Jung Joo starts rifling through her bag, which is pull of colorful bras. I wonder what he’s thinking about her. Wook says that she must be selling clothes. She replies that she moved here. Wook is still looking at the lingerie. Heh. Jung Joo notices and irritatedly asks what he’s looking at? He can go. Wook chuckles awkwardly and holds up his ID badge as he says that it’s his workplace.
Someone comes up, calls Wook ‘Mayor’ and says that the meeting room is ready. Jung Joo thinks to herself that a president holds the top position at a company, so the mayor holds the top position in a town. He's a man of authority. Wook comes back and asks if anything’s missing. Jung Joo is now all smiles. She replies that she got her luggage back safely, thanks to him. Mayor. Wook is looking at her like he’s not quite sure what to make of her about-face. He tells her that since she moved here, if she has any questions in the future, she can come find him at the town office. They have many programs for people who moved from the inland. Jung Joo tells him that he works so hard for the townspeople, Mayor. Wook just looks at her, like he can’t figure her out.
Wook’s meeting is about to start. It’s with all the town elders. Wook asks Jung Joo if she would like to come and greet them. Why does that make me nervous? Jung Joo takes him up on his offer. Entering the meeting room, Wook bows deeply and then introduces Jung Joo as a a new resident of Sorang Town who just moved in. Lots of people including Hae Shil. Jong Bae (the realtor) says that Jung Joo is the one who bought Young Deok's grandma's house. He already told them about it. Hae Shil turns around in her seat to check Jung Joo out.
Jung Joo thinks that the first impression is important. She tells herself to curl up her lips and smile. So she smiles and bows as she says hello. She notices a couple of women from the morning. They just clear their throats and look down at the paper they’re writing on. Wow, they’re polite. They could at least greet her. Jung Joo thinks to herself that smiles have no strength. Instead of that, she should go with something more impactful. She tells the group that usually people give out rice cakes when they move in, but she’s not in a situation to share in that tradition. So can she give out something else?
The bras get dumped out on the table. The crowd gasps with delight. Well, everyone but Hae Shil. Why is she such a hard nut? Jung Joo explains that when she was in Seoul, she worked for an underwear company. All of these are high-end cotton bras that were exported to Russia.They can go ahead and pick out whatever they like. There are a variety of sizes and colors, so they can choose comfortably. The grumpy old ladies love the bras. Jung Joo smiles and thinks that she did great by taking these when she left the company. Wook looks at the bras and then at Jung Joo and smiles. Why is he being such a creeper?
Some of the things in the pile are men’s underwear. Wook holds up a pair of bright red briefs and notices the tag: Sunghan Apparel. He asks her if it was the company she used to work for… The one in Seoksamdong. When he hears that it is, Wook starts blinking rapidly and can’t seem to form a sentence. I wonder what’s up with that? He reaches back and massages his neck. Jung Joo asks him if he didn't work for that company once? When she saw him earlier, he looked familiar. The panicked look on Wook’s face says that he’s hiding something. Emotionless, Wook shakes his head and says that he’s only worked in Jeju. Jung Joo says that he looked very familiar just now, too. More neck rubbing from Wook. He is definitely hiding something.
Jung Joo is distracted by one of the ladies asking about a garment. The group laughs scandalized – especially Jong Bae – when Jung Joo illustrates that it’s a garter belt. Even Hae Shil is starting to loosen up. Wook walks away, really looking like he’s freaking out.
Back at Sunghan Apparel Jung Joo’s old boss is giving a tour. He says that for the past 10 years, they’ve introduced many successful products through consistent product development. With fashionable designs and superior functionality – I didn’t realize that bras could have limited or maximized functionality – they are consistently receiving good feedback on their products. The very best among the best sellers in Sunghan Apparel is this red clay underwear that he personally developed! Who calls their underwear ‘red clay’ underwear? Framed picture of them being modeled by someone. The show makes a point to reveal that it’s Wook. And this was a picture that Jung Joo cleaned every day. She’s going to make the connection at some point, especially if he keeps rubbing the back of his neck like that.
Wook sits in his office, in a state of shock. He reaches up to scratch his head and realizes he’s still holding the red briefs. Quickly, like they are on fire, Wook throws them away so they land on the table in front of him. He mutters, “Red clay underwear...”
Back in the conference room, one of the women – Bok Nyeo – remarks on how it’s the first time she’s seen a young lady moved here on her own. How old is she? She answers that she’s 29 years old. To remind everyone, in Korea, they consider your age to be 1 during your first year of life. So in the States, she would have said that she’s 28. So her still being in a high school uniform 10 years ago makes sense. Lady says that she looks really young for her age. She should look her age! Evidently they are speaking Jeju dialect because Jung Joo asks Hae Shil to translate. Another ajumma – in Jeju dialect – says that she should be getting married. Why did she come to Jeju Island? And I have to laugh, because it’s almost as if ajumma is saying that there are no eligible men on Jeju. Heh. Bok Nyeo tells ajumma that Jung Joo just has to marry a man there on Jeju Island, then. Ajumma likes that idea: the Mayor! Crowd laughs. The Mayor is a bachelor!
Jong Bae corrects them: she’s the girlfriend of the Maendorong’s owner. Maendorong = Warm and Cozy. No more smiling from the ajummas. Ajumma asks if Jung Joo is Maedorong’s girlfriend. Jung Joo is clueless what they are saying. Bok Nyeo is practically scowling as she says that Jung Joo will just play around every day like he does. Jong Bae says that Gun Woo drives that fast city car on the neighborhood streets. Hae Shil’s Oma almost got hit. Hae Shil is looking at Jung Joo now, watching her reaction. Jung Joo is concerned because no one is smiling anymore. Jung Joo asks Hae Shil what they’re saying. She caught that they were talking about Maedorong. Not friendly at all, Hae Shil asks if she’s the Warm and Cozy owner’s girlfriend. Frowns from the ajummas. No one in the group looks happy. Jung Joo laughs uncomfortably and says that she’s not even that close to him. Ajummas are smiling again. Jong Bae accepts what she’s saying. Hae Shil asks why she came to Jeju, then. Jung Joo smiles as she explains about the idea for the café. Ajummas are frowning again. They pointedly thrown back the underwear that they were joyfully fondling just a few minutes ago. Jung Joo tries to get them to take them.
Right at that moment, Gun Woo appears. He’s happy that she found her luggage. And he's seemingly oblivious to the frowns that he's getting from the ajummas. Jung Joo isn’t, though. Smiling, he greets the group and announces that Jung Joo is his friend, putting his arm around her to side hug her. Hae Shil says that they are two peas in a pod. Darn and it was going so well.
Gun Woo carries the heavier of the two bags back to Jung Joo’s house. He says that he told her there aren't any thieves on Jeju Island. She’s thinking about the ajummas. Did she do something wrong? He answers that that's how they usually are. To him. Jung Joo points out that Gun Woo’s been there for almost a year. Isn’t he close to the people here? Smiling, he answers that maybe because it's an island, but they're pretty closed off. At least to lazy slackers. Jung Joo continues that, more than that, the people seem to hate him. Gun Woo nods, agreeing. Isn’t that fascinating? He’s not the type people can openly hate. At least he has a steadfast opinion about his awesomeness. And, actually, he’s right. As much as he is an idiot, I still like him.
Gun Woo grabs Jung Joo’s luggage, saying that it’s heavy. They should go to his house. She asks why she would go to his house. Like it’s the only logical course of action, Gun Woo replies that he’s going to look after her things. Her house doesn’t even have a lock. She said that she has a lot of important stuff in there. She’d be so worried that she wouldn’t be able to go anywhere. Big smile as he cheerfully declares that they should go. Why is he so stinking charming?
At Gun Woo’s place, Jung Joo packs her valuables all into one bag for Gun Woo to keep. He asks about a box with a golden key inside. It’s actually gold. Jung Joo says that the company gave it to her because she was laid off. Seven don (grams) of gold for seven years of service. You could say that it’s an award for good attendance. Gun Woo is surprised that companies are like school. Jung Joo says that it’s an award for employees who work like a dog. She declares that she hates looking at it, so she’ll be selling it soon. Gun Woo says that he can understand why she’s upset. For seven years, shouldn't she be getting one with a diamond? Wow, I guess that things are different in Korea. My job gives you piddly trinkets for 5 and 10 years.
Jung Joo puts the key in the bag and zips it closed. Gun Woo should just keep these for her. As for the rest, even if she left them somewhere, people wouldn’t touch them. Gun Woo’s surprised that her valuables are contained in one small bag. She sighs and says that all of her valuables are this cheap 14k jewelry and an ordinary bag. Gun Woo looks like he actually feels a little bad about that. Jung Joo says that she thought they were very precious, but it wouldn't be much of an issue if she lost them. Definitely different than Gun Woo’s life.
Switch to Ji Won having dinner with her Oppa. Smiling broadly, she says that she heard that his father's company is merging with another company soon. Oppa dispassionately answers that it turned out that way. Things will probably get busier for him. Then… will Oppa eventually take an executive position? Oppa chuckles and says that he guesses so. Aside from the companies' merger it looks like the families will join together, too. He’s getting married to a woman from that family. Ji Won isn’t smiling any more. Why do I get the feeling that she’s nothing but a gold digger? She sure was smiley when she thought she could snag a future president. She rolls her eyes in disbelief at her bad luck and her face now says that she can’t believe her bad luck.
Oppa says that that's how marriages are in this town. Love, dating... you won’t get far if you take that approach. She should know since she’s gone through with it before. Ji Won forces a smile and says that she never thought of that in him. He’s going overboard. Oppa sighs and looks away as Ji Won says that he’s much too lowly to approach him with intentions. Nastily, she smiles and says, “Anyway, congratulations on your marriage.” She leaves.
Gun Woo is inside Jung Joo’s house, helping her clean. And is miserable doing it, but he’s doing it willingly. His phone rings. And guess who needs her pick-me-up. It’s Ji Won. He contemplates answering it and then doesn’t. Good boy! Get away from that evil dead-faced harpy. Jung Joo enters with a heavy bag, which he helps her with. Once they set it down, Gun Woo says that he really didn’t know that she was going to come. She responds that it doesn’t matter since she’s there. But then, she doesn't like being misunderstood by the townspeople. I have to laugh. Gun Woo declares that it’d be better for her to be connected to him. If a woman as pretty and young as her is staying here on her own, the village ajummas would gather all the bachelors there and try to fix her up. At least he was right about that part. They were already match-making. Gun Woo gets a little passionate as he declares that it’s people especially like the Mayor.
Jung Joo notices how Gun Woo doesn’t seem to like Wook and asks what’s wrong with the mayor. He's a considerate and diligent civil servant, so he’s the best kind of husband material. Gun Woo can’t believe she just said that… about Wook! If she could marry a guy like that before she dies, that would be like hitting the jackpot. There’s that death talk again. Gun Woo is visibly bothered at the thought of her dying. He’s practically scowling. She starts to get to work again, but Gun Woo wrist grabs and steps closer to her. He tells her that she can’t think that way.
What is DF doing? They translated this as him saying that she shouldn’t underestimate herself like that. Why are they taking away all the references to her dying wishes, etc? It totally changes the meaning of how he’s acting.
Sorry. Got a bit distracted there, feeling irritated at DramaFever’s subbers. It’s bad enough when they simplify things and take out some of the cultural nuances, but this totally changes the reason for Jung Joo’s behavior. Translating it like that comes across like Gun Woo’s trying to give her a pep talk and help her to have self-confidence, instead of him trying to get her to persevere and battle her cancer some more.
Gun Woo’s leaning closer – so Jung Joo is leaning back. He tells her that she is such an alright woman. He leans in closer – within a couple of inches from her face. Jung Joo leans back more, since it seems like he’s leaning in for a kiss. But Gun Woo asks if she put on false eyelashes. Jung Joo starts to try and avoid his gaze. She mutters that she didn’t. Gun Woo marvels at how her eyelashes are long and pretty. Not moving backward, Gun Woo says that he heard that those with long eyelashes are blessed with long lives and good husbands. That’s according to physiognomy.
Physiognomy (face reading) was popular as far back as the 5th century B.C. Aristotle frequently referenced the idea that appearance is linked to character.
Jung Joo makes herself cough to pull away from Gun Woo’s face and then says that they should stop now and he should go. And the spot that I have paused right now looks like Gun Woo’s about to kiss her. No wonder she’s uncomfortable. Gun Woo scans her face and asks if she’s okay. Is she really going to sleep there? Jung Joo isn’t planning on that. She's planning on heading to Sunrise Peak and sleep there.
Sunrise Peak, aka Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak was created by a volcanic eruption in the ocean. At its top is a huge crater. Sunrise is said to be “magnificent.”

On her first day in Jeju Island, she wants to watch the first sunrise at Sunrise Peak. I love her little smile. Technically it will be her second day on the island, but it’s her first day as an islander. She tells Gun Woo that she’ll finish up there so he can go. But Gun Woo is thinking. I wonder if it ever occurred to him to go to Sunrise Peak, to do something with meaning. Because so far, it seems like life has been pretty frivolous and meaningless for him. I wonder if it had anything to do with what his Mom said on his birthday about his father.
Jung Joo leaves her house wearing a backpack and carrying a flashlight. Gun Woo drives up and toots the horn. At least they’re the only 2 people around so he won’t be waking up his neighbors. He screeches to a stop. Jong Bae was right about him driving recklessly. Gun Woo gets out and Jung Joo is surprised. You didn’t recognize his car? Smiling, Gun Woo tells Jung Joo to get in. He’ll give her a ride. Jung Joo doesn’t know what to say.
When they arrive at the Peak’s parking lot, Jung Joo thanks Gun Woo and says that she’ll take a picture of the sunrise and send it to him. He’s almost satisfied with that. As she tries to take her backpack and go, he grabs her shoulder to stop her. He says that he wants to see it with his own eyes and not in a picture. He proposes that they stay there and then go up together. She tells him that he doesn’t need to do that. Gun Woo replies that it’s still chilly outside, so how can he leave her there alone? Aw. That’s sweet and not motivated by any selfish gain whatsoever.
Gun Woo says that he searched earlier – again, something really nice and considerate – and it said that sunrise will be at 6 a.m. They can get up around five and head up then. Until then, she can take a nap and he’ll wake her up. He’s being so nice and helpful. I just wonder why they didn't stay at home to sleep comfortably and then get up really early. Jung Joo can’t help but smile as she considers what he’s done and going to do. She looks over at him and he’s already closed his eyes. Shouldn’t he be staying awake so they don’t miss it? She shakes her head slightly to shake fantasy prince out of it and then closes her eyes.
Rooster crows. It’s light out. Uh oh, that’s not a good sign. Gun Woo is still asleep. Jung Joo wakes up and starts to freak out. Her phone alarm was supposed to go off. But it’s dead. Her whimpering wakes Gun Woo. He notices how light it is and checks his watch. It's already past five. They won't be able to see it today. He’s so quick to throw in the towel. I bet he’s never gone after anything that he’s really wanted in his entire life. Jung Joo declares that she must see it. She grabs her backpack. Gun Woo tries to explain why she isn’t going to make it: It takes over 30 minutes to get to the peak. The sun will rise on the way there.
Jung Joo groans that she knew it would be like this! Gun Woo yawns. Jung Joo says that she said so in her heart. DF translates that as ‘I made a bet with myself’ which means something else entirely to me. Betting yourself is challenging yourself in this context. Other times it does mean betting on an outcome. ‘Saying so in your heart’ is much more heartfelt and intimate. Jung Joo says that if she gets to see the first sunrise on her first day, then things will be an awesome success. If she doesn’t, then everything will be a dud. She starting to whine pitifully as she says that from what she saw in the forecast, it was supposed to be nice. How is it that everything she does is such a dud? She puts her face in her hands and tries not to cry.
Gun Woo looks at his watch. Does she really want to see the sunrise? She nods vigorously. He says that they should go then. Aw. He starts up his car and drives. They get there with 5 minutes to spare. Gun Woo says that they’re going to just barely make it. They start running up the trails. Jung Joo is determined and Gun Woo looks like he’s having fun. Wow, look at that. As they climb the stairs, Gun Woo helps her walk. They make it. And it really is amazing. Gun Woo tells Jung Joo, “May you hit the jackpot.” Aw. And she is going to.
Gun Woo looks at the sunrise and declares that the sun is really awesome today. Jung Joo sighs and says that it’s a relief. It's really a relief. He smiles at her with that cute grin of his. She thanks him and he laughs. She tells him that, honestly, all this while she was in the darkness. Gun Woo looks at her with less of a smile and more like her words are really hitting him with meaning. Jung Joo smiles wide and says that now it's starting to get bright. She tells him that they should make a wish. Gun Woo looks like he’s considering her mortality. He decides to be encouraging. They close their eyes, bow their heads and clasp their hands. Like they’re praying. Gun Woo steals a look at her and makes his wish. I bet he’s wishing that she doesn’t die but has a good life.
Episode ends.

- Wash the conches thoroughly so that no grains of sand remain and blanch with vodka or soju in water.
- Soak the dried seaweed.
- Clean the boiled conches, then saute conches, seaweed, and garlic together with sesame oil in the pan.
- Add conch-boiled water and simmer for about four hours.
- Season with soup soy sauce, salt, and black pepper and serve. 6. Season some leftover conches with salt, black pepper, and sesame oil and use them as a garnish for the seaweed soup.
Have a warm and cozy night!
Another good episode. We get a little of Gun Woo’s relationship with his siblings. They don’t ever seem to want to spend any time with him unless he’s in trouble and then it’s to scold him. His mom is dead and he has no relationship with his father. He’s basically alone. And yet he's so chipper all the time.I have to admit, I watched through episode 4 before I started recapping this series, but I really try to react to things like it’s the first time through. Although, there is something to be said about watching things twice. Take Sunrise Peak and helping to clean Jung Joo’s house. Gun Woo did both of those, not because he was trying to get something, but just because he’s kind. That didn't really stick out to me until the second time through. Yes, there are times where I have wanted to throttle the boy, but as he said, he’s not the type of person that people can hate for very long. If you spend time with him, that is. The island ajummas haven’t done that and so his obliviousness to how offensive he can be keeps rubbing them the wrong way.
I’ve wondered about his relationship with Jung Joo and why he feels compelled to help her.
- I think it’s because he thinks she’s got end-stage cancer and he feels bad for her, but that goes back to him being kind-hearted. Someone selfish – cough, Ji Won, cough – wouldn’t be moved at all by someone dying of cancer, because she’s self-absorbed. Okay, part of that last statement is based on watching 4 episodes of her, but it’s been obvious from episode 1. But I don’t want to get off topic, by switching to talk about detestable Ji Won. (For more on detestable Ji Won, see my thoughts discussion below.)
- So, Gun Woo is kind-hearted. It’s why he made up the line about the coupon so that he have a reason to come find her and make it up to her. It’s why he offered to let her punch him to vent her frustrations or snuggle if she needed comfort (which was so cute!). It’s also why he doesn’t hold grudges. The ajummas have been down-right rude to him tons of times and he’s still as friendly as ever. Well, he doesn’t hold grudges against anyone but the Mayor, but that’s just because the Mayor keeps ‘picking on him’ in Gun Woo’s eyes.
- Jung Joo is kind as well, and there’s something attractive about that. Yes, she’s called him on his crap and called him out for using her, but she isn’t vindictive – cough, Ji Won, cough – and she is quick to forgive, once she stops being mad. So far, Gun Woo has used her twice, but she hasn’t punished him for it or made him pay. She just has let him know that he’s hurt her and that it’s unacceptable. And as much as Gun Woo protests and acts like she’s totally over-reacting, I think that he takes her words to heart and thinks about them.
- I think he holds some genuine affection towards her leftover from when they met 10 years ago. Afterall, they almost were twins. He said that he thought about her from time to time and he immediately refers to her as his friend. Side thought, since Gun Woo’s Mom told him about his father and he definitely doesn’t think that he and Jung Joo are twins, Jung Joo’s parents can’t be Gun Woo’s. I do think that their parents knew each other.
- She is the first person to really take him seriously. Hyung and Noona just scold and tell him what a screw up he is. But Jung Joo looks at him and sees something worth something. I can’t think of anything specific, aside from how she listens to his advice, but there have been several instances where Gun Woo’s face says that he’s noticed that she treats him differently.
- She is the first person that is upfront and doesn’t have an agenda in their relationship. His first love uses him to boost her self-esteem. His friends want to do things like borrow his family’s boat. But Jung Joo? She just wants to be his friend.
- Because she isn’t manipulative and with an agenda, like his first love, it’s actually safe to be himself. There have been several instances where a little something of the hidden Gun Woo has poked out, the one that I get the sense that he doesn’t let anyone see because it’s not safe to do so. Take cooking, for example. He really loves to cook; it’s obvious. But he has a story that goes along with it – that he opened it for his first love – but I think that’s to cover up the fact that cooking really means something to him. Hyung controls his money and if Hyung really knew how much it meant to him, he could take it away. Yes, Gun Woo kept saying that he was going to close his restaurant, but when he cooks, it always puts him in a good mood.
Yes, in some ways Gun Woo is a boy who never grew up. He drives me crazy when he is, because he is so bone-headed, but I don’t think that anyone’s really called for him to grow up. They might have nagged him, but no one gave him consequences when he acted irresponsibly until Jung Joo.
I love how Yoo Yeon Suk is playing him, because it’s very nuanced, even as Gun Woo is very superficial. There are times where an expression says something that you’d miss if you glanced away. Watching the episodes the second time through has highlighted that for me.
I love how Kang So Ra is playing Jung Joo, because the girl is very grounded and realistic, while being optimistic. She could have totally played the melodrama of Gun Woo’s emotional manipulation, but she doesn’t. She’s also very expressive and doesn’t over act.
Since I’m speaking of acting, I have to move on to the actress who plays Ji Won, Seo Yi An. I figured what it is about the girl that I don’t like: it’s that she’s so dead faced most of the time. Not only is she manipulative, but she always has the same expression (except on rare occasions) and it always feels like she’s a caged cobra waiting to strike. She’s Korea’s Kristin Stewart. After I read a comment that someone posted about that, it clicked as to that being the reason why she just gets on my nerves by existing. Even if she was just a spoiled rich girl, it wouldn’t get under my skin the way that Ji Won’s dead face does simply by breathing. I don’t know if it’s an active choice by the actress, since I haven’t seen her in anything else, but something tells me that it’s not, that she’s just that bad of an actor.
I mentioned Ji Won’s less than desirable behavior before, but I really have to comment on it. Ji Won is SO manipulative. She’s someone that uses other people for her own ends. The scene with Oppa really highlighted how she was just fawning all over him to try to snag a good one. One of the few times her face actually said anything, you could see her think, ‘I can’t believe this is happening!’ And what does she do right after she finds out that Oppa is off the market? Calls Gun Woo for a little esteem boost. (Luckily, Gun Woo declined the call.) I really hope that Gun Woo throws her to the curb rather quickly, since she’s really annoying, but who knows.
Another interesting development this episode is the Mayor. He seems like a genuinely nice guy, introducing Jung Joo to the ajummas so that she would be accepted into the community. And he has that modeling secret in his distant past, that Jung Joo’s going to eventually figure out.
I love that Lee Sung Jae is playing a nice guy with a good character in this series. (At least that’s what he seems to be like the little that we’ve seen him.) The last two series I’ve watched him in – Gu Family Book and The Suspicious Housekeeper – his character wasn’t very 'good.' In GFB, he was down-right evil, and did a great job of being repugnant without over-acting. In TSH, he was a guy who was cheating on his wife with one of the people he was a boss of. Men who do that have poor character. But this time, he seems to be playing a good hyung with an irresponsible dongsaeng that he wants to make sure is taken care of and turns out right. His protective interrogation of Jung Joo when he thought she was a gold-digging scam artist, and then his kick in Gun Woo’s pants for how the guy was acting toward Jung Joo highlight that. I’m glad that we’re going to see more of him.
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