Saturday, December 3, 2016

Sweet Stranger and Me Episode 11 Recap

Instead of showing us Na Ri’s answer to the question ‘Do you think their marriage legitimate?’ the episode starts with Nan Gil and Na Ri returning from their getaway. Why the time jump then? I’m irritated. The smiles that they were wearing when they were away have left and been replaced by awkwardness. Because he can’t stand the silence, Nan Gil asks if he should show Na Ri the pictures he took when he gets on the bus. Na Ri didn’t see him take any pictures.

Nan Gil says that they’re proof of their time together: Quiet sea, waving sea, sunset sea. Trying to sound like she could care less: Na Ri replies that it’s fine. He can send them to her. Nan Gil smiles at a thought and says that there's a saying that a certain day is equal to your whole life. Yesterday was like that for him. He thanks her. Na Ri doesn’t smile.

She remarks on how much more at ease he seems since he thinks this is over. He thanked her, but she’ll say she did it as a dutiful daughter to a parent. This makes Nan Gil grin slightly. Na Ri asks if he could exchange yesterday for the whole life that he’s lived? Sounding a little indignant, almost Appa voice – he replies that, of course, he can’t. It was really hard to learn how to make dumplings and knead dough.

Na Ri notes that the bus is coming. Nan Gil says that there's something that he couldn't tell her because he was afraid it would ruin the mood. Na Ri replies that she knew because she saw him looking depressed all of a sudden. There’s a pause. Looking grim, Nan Gil says that he thinks he’s going to lie to her some time in the future. So she can't be with him. Aw, and this is why I love Nan Gil. He hates the idea of lying to her. Dong Jin didn’t, but he doesn’t want to betray her trust like that. He adds that he’s just going to protect her land and that's it. Cheerily, Na Ri tells him that she’ll see him in court.

♬ Countless seasons have passed ♬

The bus arrives. Before boarding, Nan Gil looks back at Na Ri. She can’t look at him.

♬ At some point, unbelievably, snow falls ♬

His face says that he knew she’d be that way.

♬ and takes me to you ♬
♬ When the first snow falls, you come to me again ♬

The bus leaves. She never looks up.

♬ just like you always have ♬

Once it’s gone, Na Ri takes her suitcase and starts to walk away. She looks like she wants to cry a little.

♬ Will I be able to forget you as time goes on? ♬

She has to stop a moment to hold herself together.

♬ Like the seasons that pass me by? ♬

She blows out a deep breath and starts walking again.

Switch to Director’s office. Wan Shik tells Weasel that he’s free once the trial ends tomorrow. Is that going to be true when Na Ri doesn’t testify their way? Weasel smiles reluctantly. Lawyer says that they were able to get the marriage annulment lawsuit because only Weasel and Hong Na Ri are able to file one, so he better not mess this up. All they need is for Na Ri to be their witness. Director doesn’t look too confident at the upcoming outcome. Because he knows that Weasel is a weasel and that Nan Gil is determined. Weasel smiles like he’s confident. Director sits next to him, a smile on his face. That’s always bad. He tells Weasel that it seems like he’s feeling better since Lawyer reassured him. Weasel squirms a little and tries to look reassuring.

Courthouse. Outside, Duk Bong is waiting. When he spots Na Ri, he cheerfully waves. She doesn’t look too happy. He asks if she’s feeling okay? She smiles and says that she is. Her face looks like people who soldier on even when they’re miserable. Or a flight attendant when she’s dealing with a difficult customer. Duk Bong declares that Hong Dumplings Boss firmly believes that she’ll take his side. The goodbye trip must have been successful.

Na Ri replies that it wasn’t. She’s decided to be Uncle's witness. Nan Gil’s not her stepfather from today forward. Duk Bong sighs. He doesn’t look like that’s the answer he wanted to hear. Must be thinking about his client, not his own dating prospects. He says that he’s asking as her neighborhood friend. When did she start liking Hong Dumplings Boss? She gives him a look and he says that friends ask each other things like this.

Cheerfully, Na Ri responds that they should go in. He steps in her path and tells her to think hard about her feelings for Hong Dumplings Boss. If she’s just confused because of the empty spot left behind by Oma, or if she doesn’t even know when she started liking Nan Gil, then she should get over those feelings and be a witness for them. Not because of Weasel, but because of him (Duk Bong).

Na Ri considers and says that she also wants to know when she started liking Nan Gil. The feelings just appeared one day and kept growing. She asks if Duk Bong doesn’t know that feeling. Why yes, he does, because that’s how he feels about you. Even though he doesn’t know you very well. She gives him a smile and walks inside.

Courtroom. Tense music plays. Lawyer tells Judge that according to Section 815 of the Civil Code, the marriage between defendant Go Nan Gil and Shin Jung Im was performed without the mutual consent of both parties involved, so the marriage between the two of them is null and void. He sits.

Duk Bong stands – and gives lawyer a glare I think – and holds up some papers. The picture of Oma and Nan Gil after the wedding – that Weasel TOOK – are included. He declares that they are the marriage registration papers that the defendant and Shin Jung Im filled out and agreed upon with a true intent to marry. Looking over at lawyer, he adds that, therefore, the marriage is not null and void. Lawyer stands and says that the picture was taken by Shin Jung Im's donsaeng, Plaintiff Shin Jung Nam. He asks that that the plaintiff step forward as a witness. How are they going to explain this?

Now Weasel is on the stand. Na Ri is sitting right behind him. Lawyer asks Weasel why he thinks that the marriage is null and void. Weasel declares that Noona was deceived by him. She didn't know that he was a federal criminal at the time, and he became the sole owner of our land by means of counterfeit documents which claimed that the land was being held as collateral. I hope they got the record from the prison when Oma *visited* him. Nan Gil sighs, annoyed at Weasel’s lying.

Weasel adds that Nan Gil said that they had to get married for him to be able to protect the land, so Noona was deceived into marrying him. That makes Nan Gil glare at him. Weasel gives Nan Gil a ‘so there’ face. Duk Bong stands and states that he has an objection. Ms. Shin Jung Im had already had a long-standing connection with the defendant, so she already knew what he had done.

Lawyer requests Kim Wan Shik to stand as witness regarding the defendant Go Nan Gil's history of federal crime. Wan Shik looks at Nan Gil. He’s not happy. Duk Bong objects that Wan Shik has no relation to this case, but Judge dismisses it. And I’m not quite sure why he objected, since Wan Shik took Oma to the prison. Unless Nan Gil didn’t tell him. Nan Gil’s face looks like he’s not looking forward to what Wan Shik has to say. Wan Shik can’t help but let a small smile slip at seeing Nan Gil squirm.

On the stand, lawyer asks Wan Shik to describe his relationship to Nan Gil. He looks over at Nan Gil – with a face that says ‘see, we ended up here.’ He answers that they were once adopted brothers and worked together. lawyer asks if that work refers to a money lending business. Wan Shik nods. And the logic of this escapes me. Prosecutors could use this testimony in a criminal trial.

Lawyer asks what kind of person Nan Gil is. Wan Shik replies that Nan Gil was called "Legendary Go Nan Gil". He was so cruel that everyone beneath him avoided him. Na Ri shoots a look over at Nan Gil and he looks like he’s trying not to squirm. He told her to listen to it all, his smelly, dark past. To know how bad he is.

Wan Shik says that Nan Gil could collect ten times the amount of the principle without one blink of an eye. He assaulted, locked up, or threaten borrowers so he could get a written promise. He was boastful about being an ex-convict. When did he have time to boast about it? Or was that part of his act to protect Oma’s land? Na Ri remembers what Nan Gil said: if they go to trial, she’ll end up hearing everything about him. Make sure she hears it all. She thinks of when Nan Gil declared that his disease is him. A product of his dark, gloomy, and smelly past. He looks over at her, his face impassive – almost ‘I told you I wasn’t a good guy. You heard, right?’

Duk Bong stands and says that the plaintiff is bringing up past events that have no relation to this marriage-annulment lawsuit. As the person in charge, Nan Gil went to prison to take responsibility for his company’s insolvency. It had nothing to do with Wan Shik’s claim of violence. The witness is committing perjury.

Lawyer declares that he’s present a police record that Nan Gil received for threatening the plaintiff. Duk Bong objects. That incident was already ruled as void. Lawyer declares that the biggest victim of this fraud is currently in the courtroom. He requests Shin Jung Im's biological daughter, Hong Na Ri, to come forward as a witness. Nan Gil looks a little worried. Weasel does not. Na Ri takes the stand. Why is she carrying her purse? Nan Gil doesn’t look at her.

School yard of high school. Yeo Joo is waiting for Duk Shim. She’s about to say hello when Duk Shim’s bullies arrive to do what they do. Yeo Joo doesn’t like that at all. The bullies want Duk Shim’s camera. They ‘just want to borrow it.’ Yeo Joo arrives. The bullies act like nothing’s going on. Duk Shim is surprised to see her.

Yeo Joo walks over to Duk Shim and then acts like she’s begging Duk Shim for mercy. Her dongsaeng said she's sorry. She didn't know that that Duk Shim’s family’s lawyer was that ruthless. Yeo Joo looks like she’s about to cry. She says that her dongsaeng was wrong for bullying Duk Shim and stealing her stuff, but if Duk Shim tries to solve it through the law like that, what's going to happen to the future of her poor dongsaeng? The bullies hurry off, looking worried that Duk Shim is going to come for them next.

Duk Shim is surprised and asks what Yeo Joo is doing. Proud of herself, she says that she was acting out a scenario where she had a little sister like those guys. Duk Shim gives her a look of irritation and starts to walk away. Yeo Joo’s not phased. She says that she called Duk Shim because she has something to ask. Why didn't Duk Shim answer her phone?

Back to the part that we saw at the end of the last episode: Miss Hong Na Ri, did you ever hear about the defendant, Go Nan Gil, from your mother? Nan Gil isn’t watching. Na Ri answers that she didn’t. Did her mother ever mention anything about the transfer of ownership of the dumpling restaurant and land, or the marriage? No. Did she ever hear of her Abeoji’s debt? No.

And now the big question: Does she feel this marriage is invalid? Momentous music. Nan Gil looks at her. It’s a face that’s a mix of silently pleading and trusting her that she’ll be on his side. She looks at Nan Gil. And she answers… No. Yes! I knew she wouldn’t betray him like that! Betray’s not quite the right word, but I knew she wouldn’t buy into the logic that Nan Gil is a bad guy, nor would she say that Nan Gil did anything because he’s a bad guy and was after the land.

Everyone is surprised, Lawyer especially. He leans over the witness stand and asks if Na Ri’s crazy. They already decided on how she would respond...what is she doing? Judge tries to get Lawyer’s attention. Lawyer asks her if she thinks her uncle will be safe? Judge asks what Lawyer is doing in a court of law. If lawyer no longer has any questions, the defense attorney may proceed with the cross examination. Lawyer gives Na Ri a meaningful glare.

Duk Bong gets up and asks what Na Ri’s relationship is with Nan Gil. There’s a beat and then she answers the legal truth: he’s her stepfather. She looks over at Nan Gil and gives him a smile – she looks a little sad, though, which makes sense because now they can’t date yet. Nan Gil sighs – because he’s thinking the same thing.

♬ Right now, ♬

Na Ri keeps smiling at him, even though her eyes are filling with tears.

♬ I am having one of those times ♬

Flashback over their relationship:

First meeting and him claiming there’s a snake

♬ Because I miss you, ♬

Carrying her when she was blind.

♬ I feel like I'll go crazy ♬

Oma’s death memorial.

♬ And I want to run to you right away ♬

Him teasing her over sitting in manure. That laugh.

♬ I can't forget ♬

Their first kiss after he apologized for liking her.

♬ I can't forget your warmth ♬

Nan Gil’s comment that he has a lot of words that mean Hong Na Ri.

♬ Because it's you ♬

Hong Na Ri who gets hit by a pellet and keeps walking like it didn't hurt. Hong Na Ri who reads while she walks. Hong Na Ri who goes running at the sound of a tofu merchant's bell ringing. Hong Na Ri who blows dandelion seeds. Hong Na Ri who dances with butterflies.

♬ Sometimes, when you're having a hard time, are exhausted, or need a place to lean on ♬

Na Ri looks down and says that Nan Gil was by Oma’s side when she was struggling. He’s the only family who stayed by her side after Oma left. Nan Gil face says that he appreciates what she’s doing.

♬ This is our foolish love ♬

He thinks: Well done, Hong Na Ri. She gives him another small smile.

♬ But love still lives on ♬

Back to Duk Shim and Yeo Joo. Yeo Joo grabs Duk Shim by her backpack and pulls her into an alley. Annoyed, Yeo Joo she said she has something to ask! She puts her pleasant voice on and tells Duk Shim to talk more about the girl who stabbed Kwon Duk Bong in the back. Duk Shim sighs her usual put-upon sigh. I have to give it to this girl. She has backbone. Duk Shim sarcastically comments that Yeo Joo must have a lot of time on her hands, since she came all this way to ask.

Yeo Joo doesn’t know what she means. Annoyed voice: Does it look like she has nothing to do? Her life is crazy busy! Sweet voice: Who does she resemble? Duk Shim groans with frustration and answers that it’s Kwon Duk Bong's first love. Yeo Joo thinks about their first meeting in the airport and the look on Duk Bong’s face. She likes the idea that she looks like this girl.

Duk Shim sighs and says that Duk Bong dated her for a long time, but because both families kept fighting, he got stabbed in the back. Yeo Joo’s interested: Family fight? Duk Shim adds that after that, Duk Bong stopped being a lawyer and has been stuck there.

Yeo Joo notices that Duk Shim keeps referring to her oppa as "Mr. Kwon Duk Bong." Duk Shim snaps that it’s her right! Yeo Joo makes a face. Duk Shim tells her to stop dreaming. He probably gets mad every time he sees Yeo Joo’s face! Plus, Kwon Duk Bong likes Hong Na Ri. Duk Shim walks off. Yeo Joo smiles to herself. Duk Shim obviously doesn’t know the power of a first love. She sighs to herself, happily. Does she have to pull her hair back in a ponytail every day?

Courtroom. Judge comes back in after deliberating. I’m wondering why Nan Gil didn’t mention Wan Shik’s visit with Oma. Brothers. Judge rules in Nan Gil’s favor. Yay! Weasel is shocked. Lawyer doesn’t look happy. Nan Gil sighs with relief. Wan Shik and the boys file out of the courtroom as Nan Gil scans the crowd. Duk Bong tells him that Na Ri left before they pronounced the verdict. She said she would wait outside. Nan Gil looks at Duk Bong. Duk Bong asks if Nan Gil’s going to say "thank you." Or should he (Duk Bong) be the one who is thankful? Heh. Since they can’t date now.

Wan Shik makes a phone call he doesn’t want to make: Director, we lost. Wan Shik grimaces as he says it and then apologizes. Angry, Director orders Wan Shik to bring in Weasel, while Na Ri is watching.

Outside, Bruiser 1 & 2 are ‘escorting’ Weasel to their car. Na Ri wants them to let Weasel go so she and Weasel can talk. Weasel doesn’t respond. She tells Wan Shik that they are the ones who are threatening Weasel. Let Weasel go! Wan Shik tells Bruisers to release Weasel. And I’m surprised. Doesn’t Director want Wan Shik to bring Weasel in? Or is this to make it look like Weasel *wasn’t* being coerced.

Wan Shik tells Weasel to go. His niece is accusing them of threatening Weasel and holding Weasel hostage. Weasel hurries into the car. Idiot. I hate him. With a smile, Wan Shik asks if Na Ri saw that. He went voluntarily. Na Ri walks away, looking upset. Wan Shik’s face says that he’s not looking forward to what happens next.

Na Ri and Nan Gil find each other. He thanks her. She tells him that he doesn’t need to. It's her land, so she’s protecting it. Nan Gil gives a small appreciative smile and says that it’s because Na Ri is wise. And since it's her land, she’ll make the final decision. She can't let Weasel stay like that. Nan Gil says that he’ll take care of Weasel.

They look at each other and there’s a sense of finality to it. Duk Bong arrives with his car. Na Ri declares that their relationship has been determined by the law. Cheerfully, she tells Nan Gil to take care of himself. She gets in Duk Bong’s car and they leave. Shouldn’t Duk Bong be taking his *client* home, too? Nan Gil watches them go, sad. He thinks about their trip, how Na Ri said she wants a normal relationship, where they can plan their future and marriage. His head drops.

Duk Bong’s office. He’s looking at newspapers from when the fire happened at New Heart . Orphanage. He’s got his thinking cap on. Soon Rye is there, too. He tosses down the paper he’s holding and says that after the fire broke out at the orphanage, his harabeoji gave the land to Oma when she was 15 years old. What would a 15 year old know? The parents decided among themselves. Soon Rye’s wearing her sour face.

What is certain is, is this: Na Ri's family, his family and this land are related somehow. But the fact that Na Ri and he don't know about this land means their families were hiding something from them. No response from Soon Rye. He asks if there’s a need to tell Na Ri about this? No response. He practically whines as he asks if she could please say something. Soon Rye answers that they should just say that her work is done. Oh the sarcasm! Heh. She walks out.

Hong Dumplings. Nan Gil tells the boys that once the broadcast airs, they will be extremely busy. They should pretend they’ve debuted and should make twice as many dumplings. Yong Kyu asks about their salary? This boy! Nan Gil whacks Yong Kyu on the forehead and heads into the kitchen. Joon and Han Yi follow. Yong Kyu declares that Nan Gil’s energy is going up higher each day. A fire ball of ambition is their boss.

Yeo Joo calls Duk Bong. And uses her old ploy to develop a connection with a man. She’s got her Oppa voice going. Has Duk Bong been in contact with Na Ri recently? Her phone is turned off so everyone here is worried about her. Duk Bong’s face looks like he’s listening despite himself, like he’s subjecting himself to torture but can’t stop himself. Yeo Joo says that Na Ri didn't come to the grand goodbye party they threw for her either. She quit? What’s she going to do for money? Now that Nan Gil’s unavailable, why is she quitting?

Yeo Joo says that Na Ri sunbae is not someone who doesn't keep her appointments. Duk Bong asks if Yeo Joo knows Na Ri's home address. Super Oppa, she asks if she should find out. Duk Bong hangs up on her and tosses down his phone, annoyed. Yeo Joo sighs and mutters that she should have talked to him face-to-face. Then she stops herself: What is she thinking about right now? I’m surprised that she’s not totally committed to snagging Duk Bong.

Hong Dumplings. It’s busy. Duk Bong enters and Duk Shim asks why he’s there. He ignores her and goes over to Nan Gil. Is Nan Gil in contact with Na Ri? Nan Gil looks at him and says that he’s not. Duk Bong responds that Na Ri's handphone is off and he can't get in touch with her. This gets Nan Gil’s attention. He tells Nan Gil to stop working. Na Ri lives alone. Someone should make sure she's alive. Nan Gil’s face looks worried.

Duk Bong asks if Nan Gil knows Na Ri’s address. He doesn’t. But then he remembers! He hurries into his office – after telling Duk Bong to wait there – and gets his phone. He thinks about Na Ri’s comment about their relationship and gets more worried. He hurries back to Duk Bong and gives Duk Bong Ran Sook’s number. Duk Bong notices how nervous/worried Nan Gil is.

Na Ri is at home, watching a video of a puppy. It makes her laugh but she can’t help crying anyway. Later, Na Ri decides to knead some dough. This doesn’t help her mood, even as she pounds the dough. Doorbell and Ran Sook frantically tells her to open the door! Na Ri smiles.

Once Ran Sook is inside, she starts yelling at Na Ri for going into hiding. Na Ri asks how she knew about it. When Ran Sook says that Duk Bong called her, Na Ri asks how Duk Bong had her number. Ran Sook doesn’t know. She tells Na Ri that it’s a good thing she didn’t give Duk Bong Na Ri’s address. Na Ri’s face looks terrible. Na Ri grabs her and hugs.

Ran Sook grumbles that she’s known Na Ri too long, so that she’s seen Na Ri like this. When she asks why Na Ri’s in hiding, Na Ri starts to cry. Ran Sook immediately comforts her, even though Na Ri doesn’t explain.

Back at the house, Nan Gil paces nervously. His phone rings and he practically falls over trying to get to it. It’s Duk Bong, who says that he’s talked to Na Ri on the phone. Her voice sounded fine. Or is she just pretending to be okay? Nan Gil tells him thank you for calling and gets off the phone.

Na Ri and Ran Sook are in Ran Sook’s car. Na Ri is driving. Letting her practice. Heh. Ran Sook mentions that Duk Bong calls every day and asks about Na Ri. Na Ri should meet up with Duk Bong, just once. Na Ri changes the subject. Ran Sook asks if it’s because of that dumpling restaurant guy? Na Ri indignantly tells Ran Sook not to call her stepfather "that guy."

She notices an outside television screen showing scenes of a typhoon. Yes, folks, these do exist in Seoul. They show dramas during rush hour. Ran Sook groans about how it’s going to dry up her customers, since they’ll just hurry home when the rain comes. Na Ri thinks about how that’s what you do: you go home when a rainstorm comes. And you know she’s wanting to go home to Nan Gil.

♬ Right now,  ♬

Out at the house, the typhoon is raging.

♬ I am having one of those times ♬

Nan Gil braves the downpour to hurry out to the greenhouse.

♬ Because I miss you, ♬

He fights the rain and wind to protect Na Ri’s plants.

♬ I feel like I'll go crazy ♬
♬ And I want to run to you right away ♬
♬ I can't forget ♬

He thinks of their times together in the greenhouse.

♬ I can't forget your warmth  ♬
♬ Because it's you ♬
♬ Because it's you, I can't forget  ♬

Including when he kissed her there.

♬ That warm scent ♬

♬ Sometimes, ♬
♬ When you're having a hard time, are exhausted, or need a place to lean on ♬
♬ Then use me ♬

It’s a big fight.

♬ If you call me, then wherever it is, even to the ends of the earth, I'll surely go ♬
♬ This is our foolish love ♬
♬ But love still lives on ♬

Hong Dumplings. Duk Shim is stewing because Nan Gil hasn’t come to work. He’s at home, sick. He looks awful. Joon tells Nan Gil to go to the hospital. Yong Kyu whines that Nan Gil’s been like this for two days. Even sick, Nan Gil gives them a hard time: What are they doing there right now? Who's in the store right now? Is this how they want to run a business? Yong Kyu hisses at him and warns that if Nan Gil keeps doing this, he’s call Daughter.

Nan Gil grabs his phone out of Yong Kyu’s hand. He looks so terrible! He tells Yong Kyu not to do anything. Nan Gil uses the over-the-counter medicine to try and treat himself. He tells Yong Kyu to get out and go run the business. He lies back down and closes his eyes.

When Joon and Yong Kyu return to the kitchen, Duk Shim eagerly asks how Nan Gil is. Yong Kyu answers that Nan Gil looks like he could be down for 3 months and 10 days. That’s a weird number. Couldn't find any significance for it. He suggests, since Nan Gil took some medicine, that they steal his phone and call Daughter. Joon head motions at Duk Shim and Yong Kyu remembers that Duk Shim’s oppa is Duk Bong. Duk Bong will have Daughter's phone number.

Duk Shim can’t believe he’s telling her to call that woman. Yong Kyu protests that Duk Shim has to save Nan Gil. Duk Shim stomps her foot and asks if that woman is a doctor or something! She heads over to Robot Museum and stomps into Duk Bong’s office. She holds out her phone and orders her to put Na Ri's phone number in. He asks if Na Ri’s her friend or something? Duk Shim adds a please and calls Na Ri ‘unni.’

He takes her phone and looks at her call log.
Omeoni: 1:02
Director Kwon 2:01
Daltang 3:03
Tteok Bong 0:31

He can’t believe she refers to him as Tteok Bong, rice cake. She snaps her phone back and protests his looking. He wants to know why she doesn’t have any friends that she keeps in touch with. He asks why she wants Na Ri’s number. Duk Shim answers that Nan Gil is really sick. She whines about everyone pressuring her to get Na Ri’s phone number and orders/begs Duk Bong to hurry up and give it to her.

Na Ri is fondly looking at her stewardess uniform when Duk Bong calls. It’s actually Duk Shim, who is immediately annoyed at Na Ri’s energetic tone. Na Ri wants to know why Duk Shim is using Duk Bong’s phone and when is she going to give that apology letter? Duk Shim snaps that it’s not important! Nan Gil is sick. He's dying! No, he may already have died! Duk Shim hangs up the phone and starts to cry. Duk Bong sighs as she leaves. A sigh for how miserable his sister is.

Yong Kyu and Duk Shim are working the outside counter. Na Ri arrives. Yong Kyu hurries over to her and when she asks, he explains that when the typhoon went through, Nan Gil practically killed himself repairing the greenhouse during it. Is there radioactivity when the green house collapses? He was soaked to the bone when he opened the door, and he pretty much crawled his way in. It’s abuse. Self-abuse.

Na Ri is affected, but decides to go in the house, rather than to Nan Gil’s room. When Yong Kyu whines, she indignantly asks if Nan Gil’s going to die just from catching a cold at such a young age with his constitution. She stomps off, with Yong Kyu muttering that it isn’t right.

Inside, Na Ri pours herself some tea. She tells herself that she can do it. He's still her stepfather. She heads to Nan Gil’s room.

♬ My warm memories with you ♬

She sits by him.

♬ Innumerably, many seasons pass by ♬

He opens his eyes and sees a blurry Na Ri. He’s surprised to see her. But probably been wishing that she was there the whole time. He looks so pathetic.

♬ At some point, unbelievably, snow falls ♬
♬ And bring me to you ♬

He closes his eyes again and a tear rolls down his face.

♬ When the first snow falls, ♬
♬ you come back to me again ♬
♬ Just like you always have ♬

In the morning, Nan Gil wakes.

♬ Will I be able to forget you ♬
♬ as time passes? ♬

And finds Na Ri there, resting her head on his bed, her eyes closed.

♬ Like the seasons ♬
♬ that pass me by? ♬

When he stirs, she sits up and tells him to lie down. He complies – looking at little sheepish – and she takes his temperature. It makes me think about how he’s never had anyone take care of him when he’s been sick. It makes me feel bad for little Nan Gil, never being nurtured by an oma. It’s a magic thermometer because it only take about 3 seconds to take his temperature and doesn’t beep when it’s finished. Na Ri looks at it – 36.9* (average is 37*) and tells him that even though his fever has gone down, he should go to the hospital.

Nan Gil answers that he’s fine now. He does look better. He was looking half dead earlier. It's not so bad that he needs to go to the hospital. Since he’s hungry, that means he’s really fine. She tells him to do whatever he wants and announces that he looks horrible. She calls him ‘Stepfather.’ He starts to try and fix his hair. Na Ri says that it's not right to fight with a sick person, but still. He said that he’s really healthy. He said that he doesn't even remember the last time he caught a cold. Ah, going back to her worrying over his anxiety attacks.

Nan Gil tells her to get out, since she might catch his cold. He weakly adds that he’ll air the room out and get washed up before he comes out. Na Ri announces – in a tone that says she’s not leaving – that she’ll go after she sees him eat the porridge and take his medicine, Stepfather. Nan Gil looks miserable as she pours the porridge. And not because he’s sick. She tells him not to look so touched. She brought the porridge from Duk Shim's house. The medication is from the pharmacy. The only thing she’s done is set the table.

Nan Gil sits up so he can eat. He glances at her a couple of times and then tells her to get out if she’s going to keep staring like that. He can't eat. So he got caught in a rainstorm. Did he protect their greenhouse? He answers that he didn’t. It all collapsed. Why is he lying? No greenhouse until the spring. Na Ri huffs at him. He’s been down sick for three days when he couldn't even protect it? She thought he was good at protecting everything. She’s disappointed.

Nan Gil looks at her and says that it's foolish to fight with nature. Na Ri responds that everything works out when the hero fights in movies. Reality is cold. Pour Nan Gil is so discouraged. He answers that most movies end with them being scared of nature, too. She responds that he talked back so well, he’s definitely still alive.

Nan Gil takes issue with her saying ‘talk back.’ Appa voice says that they’re not in a relationship to say stuff like that. She sighs and he grimaces. She apologizes for being ill mannered. She tells him to eat all of his porridge, take his medicine, and get better. She gets up to leave and he tells her thank you. He doesn’t know who contacted her, but she doesn't need to come all the way there just because of something like a cold any more. She responds that she’ll do as she pleases, Stepfather.

Scolding, he tells her that she lives alone, so don't turn her phone off. Everyone around her worries about her. Everyone worries about me, but her Stepfather didn't have the heart to call himself. If he looks at how he left it to Duk Bong to do it. She kicks the tray with the medicine to show her hurt. Then she puts on her stewardess hat and says that she’ll be right back, Stepfather. When she leaves, she tells herself that she did well.

Truck arrives with furniture on it. Na Ri and driver get out. She tells Driver to please take it to the second floor. Yong Kyu can’t believe it. Did Daughter move in? Ah really!. He has to take of Nan Gil’s family, too? Duk Shim’s not too happy to see her either.

Duk Bong is studying reports of the fire: “Explosion at Chemical Waste Incineration Plant” “Large Fire Breaks Out at New Heart Orphanage” That’s quite a scrapbook of clippings. He makes a call to Chairman, who is at a golf range. He asks Chairman to please do it the way he planned it. Chairman answer that this is not a self help project or a charity. He wants to leave the land as a park rather than building on it. Duk Bong protests: Do you know what harabeoji did to our hometown land? Chairman replies that "The dead do not speak."

Duk Bong asks why harabeoji would he build an orphanage on an explosion site. That's murder! It's murder! He declares that he can't mess with that land. Duk Shim has arrived. Chairman yells at Duk Bong that if he’s going to be like that, then just quit right now! It needs to be kept within the family. Duk Bong sighs and says, his voice pained, that he’s really fed up with the word "family.” He hangs up.

He notices Duk Shim and asks what she wants. She looks at the floor. He snaps at her: Didn't you come because you had something to tell me? She replies that Hong Na Ri is here. And she packed her things. He notices the bouquet in her hands and asks what it is. She puts the bouquet in Duk Bong’s arms and tells him to take them to her. Duk Bong yells her for going around doing that instead of studying.

Nan Gil leaves his bedroom and weakly walks over to Joon and Han Yi are working. Yong Kyu hurries over and tells him that they took care of it all their our own. Also.. Daughter packed up her things and moved in. Nan Gil did not know about it. He hurries off to find Na Ri. He finds Na Ri in the house. She announces that he looks like he’s feeling better. He mentions the move. She answers that her room is in their house. She quit her job, so is there a need for her to stay in Seoul and pay expensive rent?

Nan Gil sighs loudly. She tells him not to. Something worth sighing about will happen if he does. He asks how long she’s planning on staying. She answers that it will be a year or so. He sighs again. She tells him to come see her when the store closes. He needs to fill out a letter of agreement. She says that laws are a good thing after going through that trial. She doesn’t really want to run into him from  now on. Aw, she’s being mean. So she’s trying to set their boundaries and personal spaces. If there's something that he wants from her, he should write it down. They should try to get along.

Nan Gil sighs and answers the doorbell. It’s Duk Bong with the bouquet. He smiles because Duk Bong works quickly. He tell Duk Bong to go on in. He’s going to the restaurant to work. Duk Bong hides the bouquet behind his back and says that he was just stopping by for a second on his way to Seoul. Nan Gil leans in and tells him to drop in as he pleases. He calls over to Na Ri, announcing that Duk Bong is there. He leaves. His face says that this is what he asked for, so just live with it. Like he always has.

After Nan Gil leaves, Na Ri asks what Nan Gil said. Duk Bong frowns. They haven't seen each in other in a while. He even brought flowers. Is that how she greets him? He holds out the flowers. He bought them, so take it. Na Ri pretends like she’s really happy to get flowers and asks how he’s been. Duk Bong mutters that her greeting is so half-hearted. He adds that Stepfather told him to visit often. That surprises Na Ri. ‘What is Nan Gil thinking?’ Duk Bong says that he’s going to Seoul, but he’ll call when he gets back. He repeats to a distracted Na Ri that Stepfather says to visit when he’s there.

Wan Shik is out with Director. He pours Director a drink and then drinks his own. Director asks Wan Shik how far he’s willing to go for him. Wan Shik’s slight reaction says that he doesn’t like the question/thought, or having to answer. Wan Shik says that he can do anything Director asks. Director replies that he has some work to entrust Wan Shik with.

Their discussion is interrupted by Nan Gil’s arrival. He shoves Wan Shik over and sits where Wan Shik was sitting. Director smiles and declares that Nan Gil must not be in his right mind, coming all this way. Because of Nan Gil, he was seized and searched, and got called by the prosecution. Nan Gil replies that if *he* did it, Director wouldn't be able to rest there like this.

Director chuckles and says that Nan Gil is no longer pure. He knows how to lie now. Bruiser 1 & 2 enter as Wan Shik asks if Nan Gil is fearless now because he personally confirmed that Abeoji died. Nan Gil says that if Director is going to frame him as a killer, Director should prepare himself. He’ll go to the police, and tell them everything. Wan Shik chuckles – and I think he’s a little worried that Nan Gil will tell *everything* including his side business.

Director asks why he, Nan Gil’s father, would frame him as a killer. He’s more afraid of Hong Na Ri knowing than the police. Nan Gil stands and says that if Director wants to be treated as a father, he shouldn’t threaten with far-fetched rumors.

Nan Gil leaves and gets in Joon’s car. Those boys. He drops by the seamstress’s shop again. It’s locked. Joon asks his Hyung what’s going on. Nan Gil says that he asked them about a person who died four years ago, but wouldn't they be curious about who they are? Good point. And what is with the stylist making everyone’s turtlenecks frame their chins?

Seamstress arrives. She whines, asking why Nan Gil’s there again. Nan Gil asks if she, perhaps, told other people that he came there? How *did* Wan Shik know that Nan Gil had confirmed it? She says that she didn’t. She lives there because she’s too lazy to move. The guy that died five years ago caused so much trouble everywhere, people come all the time. Nan Gil asks if she actually confirmed it herself. She protests that she paid for the funeral! Stop bothering her and leave!

Director is in his office with Wan Shik. He looks at a  picture of Nan Gil and the Boys on his phone. He asks Wan Shik how Nan Gil knew to look for him at that club? He has no one he's meeting with. Wan Shik face doesn’t twitch. Who's helping him? He tells Wan Shik to round up the Boys and interrogate them. Show him that continuing to hold out will just hurt the people around him. Wan Shik’s small sigh says that he’s not looking forward to obeying. Director adds that Nan Gil needs to know that Na Ri is going to be in danger, too.

Wan Shik says that he’ll go to Hong Dumplings, since Nan Gil’s the type of guy to come straight away if he hears that they've been taken. Something will come out of it, right? Director notes that Wan Shik has been keen on killing Nan Gil nowadays. He used to shake in fear whenever Nan Gil was mentioned. A little bit of discomfort on Wan Shik’s face.

Yeo Joo is out with a guy. Daft Punk’s ‘Get Lucky’ is playing. He says she’s his ‘partner’ not his girlfriend. Duk Bong enters the club. Oh, no, Duk Bong, don’t do it. Some of his friends says that it’s been a while. No, don’t do it! He grabs a drink off the friends’ table. His face slips a moment and he’s not happy she’s there. He joins Yeo Joo’s group. Her hair is pulled back. He acts like he’s not bothered at all.

One of the on-lookers comments that Yeo Joo is someone Duk Bong is introducing to a few people lately. Everyone notes that Yeo Joo looks like Duk Bong’s ex-fiancé. Noticing everyone looking, Duk Bong tells her to come out for a minute. He yells at her for not putting on her coat. She answers that she has a partner. Why would she follow him? Can’t she see she’s being ridiculed?!  She smiles and says that she’s quick on up the take and she didn’t see anything like that. And I am appreciating that she’s not switched on her aegyo voice.

Duk Bong clarifies – they’re talking about him, not her! He’s being ridiculed, right now! She protests: Why is he yelling at her?! Duk Bong sighs with frustration. She came with her partner, and she didn't know he’d be there. Did she really not know? Yeo Joo admits that she knew, but she doesn't care! Explaining like she’s slow, he says that he doesn't like people talking about him.

Yeo Joo tells him that if he got engaged and broke up noisily, just think about it as having given his friends something to talk about, and ignore it. They'll find it more entertaining when he reacts angrily. Yeo Joo mentions how everyone says that she looks like the ex, so if he stay there with her like that, he’ll get talked about even more. Even more loudly, Duk Bong asks who looks like who?!

Yeo Joo tells him that he’s getting angry just hearing those words, it seems like he’s not fully over it. He sighs and steps closer to her. He tells her that she and Na Ri are completely different, doesn’t she know that? Yeo Joo wants to know what’s so different. Na Ri is exactly the way she looks. She doesn't hide anything. But she's too difficult. On the other hand, he can't tell what she’s thinking about at all. But she’s too easy.

Yeo Joo has to look away because his words hurt. She mutters that if he’s going to say weird things, he shouldn’t spoil her mood. She looks up at him and adds that he should just leave. There are tears in her eyes. She goes back inside.

End of the day at Hong Dumplings. The Boys are leaving. Nan Gil gets a text: Na Ri tells him to come check the agreement! Outside, a hyper Yong Kyu suggests the boys go share a company dinner! Han Yi answers that Hyung and he can't drink at all. Yong Kyu answers that company dinners don’t have to have alcohol. They get in the car and leave. Two cars loaded with bruisers follow them.

At the house, Nan Gil sits and looks at the bouquet. He’s got his arms crossed. He asks if Na Ri ate. She replies that she had everything she needed. He tells her that she looks thinner. Make sure she’s eating well. She answers that she’ll take care of it. She shoves the agreement at him. There are 15 clauses (it’s misnumbered – they skipped #5):

1. The shop back door must be locked
2. Must be on time for breakfast times and meal times
3. Guarantee of a private life.
4. Prohibition of loud noise
6. Use the washing machine at set times and wash your own clothes
7. Do not touch each other’s handphones
8. Greet each other once a day
9. Tell each other when sick
10. Wash dishes daily
11. Control of the remote alternates weekly
12. Do not touch anyone (no skinship)
13. Report when you are going out or returning
14. Once a month, clean up on a designated day
15. When they’re together, don’t talk about Oma
16. Hongmandoo (Hong Dumplings). Work is related to home unconditionally, so they must talk and make decisions together.

It’s a pretty reasonable list. Mostly. Like she’d stay out of it if Nan Gil went on a date…

Nan Gil sighs. He can't lock the store's backdoor. He need to use the water tap out back. The store's employees need to walk in and out, and they need to manage the yard and storage. She tells him that from now on, they should use the front entrance. He said this was her land. She’ll manage the yard and storage. Nan Gil is dubious: she’ll manage it? He can't trust her cat hands that break everything they touch. Na Ri raises her claws and says that this is the first time anyone said she has cat hands.

Nan Gil sighs heavily. He’ll always be on time for breakfast, so don't worry. He asks about 3: What is a 'guarantee of a private life’?' She replies that her sleeping and waking times can change, and she could date a man that Stepfather supports. And there’s a jab for him telling Duk Bong to stop by often. Not only is he refusing to be dateable, but he’s pushing her towards someone else. Nan Gil tells her she can date, but she can't change her sleeping and waking hours. They have to eat together. That's what makes a family. Aw.

Na Ri says that he's an icon of miscommunication. He’s not giving an inch. He tells her not to do childish things like this. If she’s going to be uncomfortable, why did she come there? If she’s going to call this house his house, why does she make things like this? She asks if he really doesn’t know. Why does he think she made this? They look at each other.

Yong Kyu is being really hyper as they figure out what they’re going to eat. They don’t notice the bruisers watching them from across the street. Bruisers approach and Han Yi and Yong Kyu hide behind Joon. He actually is protecting them, which is cool. He tells them to run and grabs a broom to fend them off. The bruisers laugh. That doesn’t last long before they’re beating Joon. Han Yi wants to go help, but Yong Kyu wants to call the police. Han Yi ignores him and jumps on one of the bruiser’s backs. Yong Kyu runs off while 2 men chase him. He needs to call Nan Gil.

Na Ri says she came here for herself. She’s going to live her life selfishly. She tried to live while holding back, enduring, and pretending everything was okay, but she was so sapped of energy that she couldn't move. So she thought that it would be better to deal with it head on. She’ll be able to accept their relationship if she does that. It’s hard for him to say it, but, resigned – Nan Gil says that they should do that, then. Since she’s always wise. She is not happy that he just caved like that. She says that she’s far from wise. He tells her to just rest today. She just moved. She’s probably tired. He’s going to go knead. She tells him he needs to change his vocabulary and get a better phrase.

He starts to leave and she follows him. She thought of something about Abeoji. The place that she went by plane with Abeoji was her halmeoni’s house. He looks at the floor. She asks if the filming went well. Did they say that they were looking for Abeoji? He says he did and tells her to get some rest. She tells him to work hard at kneading. Both of them are miserable.

Yong Kyu is running down the street, making noises like a madman. He finally stops running to catch his breath. He pulls out his phone and calls Nan Gil. He mutters that he knew something like this would happen. Jeez.

Nan Gil is, in fact, kneading the dough. He immediately leaves after getting Yong Kyu’s call. He tries calling Joon, but Joon isn’t allowed to answer. Aw, Joon and Han Yi are in two separate cars. Add to the stress. Wan Shik arrives at Hong Dumplings. He gets inside and heads into Nan Gil’s office. Go Nan Gil, what are you hiding?

Nan Gil finally reaches Yong Kyu.

Na Ri is making some tea. She gets a phone call from Duk Bong. He tells her that it’s nice that she moved in. He can call her this late at night. He asks about stopping by. Na Ri says that it’s too late. He begs - come out in front of the house for just a moment. He’s been in a bad mood all day. No response. He says he’s summoning her as a neighborhood friend, not as man and woman. It's just a consultation. Deal? She agrees.

Na Ri heads over to the kitchen. Nan Gil, of course, isn’t there. She’s irritated. He's not kneading any dough. He always says that he's going to knead, but he's not. She calls out that she’s leaving and mutters if she really has to report stuff like this, too? Wan Shik hides. Na Ri doesn’t like his non-response and almost knocks on the door, but thinks better of it.

Nan Gil and Yong Kyu reach where Joon and Han Yi were taken. Yong Kyu moans an ‘I told you so’ and says that he couldn't report to the police because he thought Nan Gil would avoid them. This is how loyal he is, Boss! Nan Gil calls Wan Shik. Na Ri hears the phone ring before Wan Shik can shut it off. Wouldn’t it make sense, if you’re sneaking into somewhere, to turn off your ringer? Nan Gil calls again. And again the phone rings. Wouldn’t you turn the ringer off after the first time? He wants to get caught. Wan Shik sighs, since there’s no use hiding; he’s busted.

He answers the phone while leaving Nan Gil’s office. Na Ri is, of course, concerned. He walks slowly toward her, even as she backs away. What does he think Nan Gil’s going to do if he does something to her? Just stopping by got Nan Gil almost revealing his secret. Nan Gil asks what Wan Shik did to his kids. Wan Shik pleasantly replies that Na Ri is in front of him right now. He hangs up the phone and slowly walks toward Na Ri.

Nan Gil is running as fast as he can. He decides to hail a taxi. Joon calls. Driver asks where they’re going. We don’t hear Nan Gil’s answer. Why is it even a question? He’s going to save Na Ri. Episode ends.


I don’t like it when they’re disunified. Fighting isn’t really the word, because Nan Gil’s basically just rolling over and letting her beat him. Not that she’s being excessively cruel, but she is being mean. And I really don’t understand how short-sighted she’s being. Is this issue with the land going to last forever? No. Even a year? Six months? No. So why can’t she be patient about them dating. Why is she throwing her ‘fit’? And poor Nan Gil. It’s killing him not to be with her, but he’s also pretty resigned to the fact that it was never going to work out anyway.

How pathetic he looked when he was sick, it really made me feel bad for Nan Gil the little boy who didn’t have an Oma to take care of him when he was sick. I wonder if he didn’t go to the doctor because he wanted to be miserable and unconscious so he wouldn’t have to think about Na Ri. Why did he tell her that the greenhouse was destroyed? I can’t see him stopping until he got that hole covered. Just another way he’s trying to cut Na Ri’s ties to him?

I hate how miserable his pragmatic altruism making him. And since he finally got his heart’s desire, who wants to be with him even after his secrets are revealed, having to live without her is even more painful. But he’s willing to go it so that Na Ri can be happy and to honor Oma’s memory.

I really hope Abeoji shows up soon. He’s annoying me, hiding like that to save his own hide. How selfish is he, not to even have someone check in on Na Ri from time to time?

I’m not sure what Na Ri’s plan is, moving back to the house. It makes sense, since she no longer has a job, but it feels more like a way to needle Nan Gil rather than a reasoned decision. I am really glad that she chose to stand by Nan Gil at the trial. It was the right thing to do. Hardly anything really terrible came out at the trial – everything said were things she already knew. And Nan Gil could have busted Wan Shik, but he didn’t. I don’t know if it’s brotherly affection or just protecting his asset, but he didn’t. And Wan Shik… this boy just needs to come and beg Nan Gil for a job. It’s obvious that they have a complicated relationship – competitive, needling, but they’ll look out for each other when it comes down to it. (Except if it’s the choice between Wan Shik and Na Ri.) Nan Gil not revealing Wan Shik taking Oma to visit him shows that he’s still protecting Wan Shik.

I had an interesting reaction to Yeo Joo and Duk Bong’s exchange. I actually sympathized with her a little. It’s because she wasn’t pretending to be something she’s not – the aegyo, the Oppa voice – so I actually felt for her some. I think she’s confused when it comes to Duk Bong, partly because she doesn’t know how to maneuver him, partly because she thinks she doesn’t stand a chance with ever getting him, so she doesn’t even bother. I like her when she’s acting normal and I actually like how she likes to harass Duk Shim. It was pretty cool of her to stop Duk Shim’s bullying.

I do wonder about what happened to result in Oma getting the land. The exchange with Chairman implied that the orphanage was built on a lot where there was a chemical fire. Could that be part of the reason for the fire? And why is Soon Rye still holding on to this grudge instead of hunting the real culprit for her misery: the person who started the fire. Here’s a thought – what if it was Chairman who started the fire? Hmm….

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