Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Heirs Episode 3 Recap

Episode starts with Tan and Eun Sang in the movie theatre, Tan ‘translating’ the dialogue of the movie, but really, it’s him asking, out loud, “Do I like you?” Eun Sang’s eyes flutter slightly and there’s significant staring as tender music plays. Eun Sang finally says…”Probably not.” Her reasoning? He’s engaged. Tan persists – because he does *like* her and doesn’t seem even to really like his fiancée even as a friend – basically asking her what her response would be if he wasn’t engaged… Eun Sang replies that it would be too much like a movie. And I have to laugh at the fact that this is a k-drama, pretending to be real life, having things that never happen in really life happen, and character’s adding ‘realism’ by saying that this sort of thing only happens in the movies.

Tan isn’t deterred at the fact that it would be too much like a movie, after all, this is Hollywood, where those kinds of things really do happen. Eun Sang replies, “Really?” and it seems like Tan’s won her over, but then she adds, “Is this place called Hollywood?” Next thing we know, we’re outside, looking at the HOLLYWOOD sign and Eun Sang is tripping over the fact that she’s *in* Hollywood. As I laugh, Tan’s slightly offended that she’s more excited about seeing the HOLLYWOOD sign than him telling her he might like her; there's no way the sign is more interesting than what he told her in the movie theater. She catches his meaning, but ignores him, saying that this was one of the things she told herself she would definitely visit when she came to the States. Tan even mutters, “Am I talking to myself?” But she’s determined to ignore what he’s put out there. Probably because he *lives* in the States and she’s just visiting. Not that Tan’s used to being practical, since he’s pretty much had a really easy life. And he knows that he’s insanely wealthy, but she doesn’t.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 10 Recap

Suspicious-Housekeeper_E10_001  Suspicious-Housekeeper_E10_002  Suspicious-Housekeeper_E10_003

The episode starts with Hye Gyul pulling Bok Nyeo into the dining room to consume her Yagkwa cookie. Hye Gyul asks her to sit and she reluctantly does. So does everyone else. Hye Gyul gives Bok Nyeo the Yagkwa cookie and asks her to eat it. Bok Nyeo takes it and after eating a very tiny bite of it, she announces that she will tell them all about her past.

We jump to Director Hong sitting with Grandpa. She tells him that Bok Nyeo’s real name is Eun Soo. Grandpa’s shocked that it’s not Bok Nyeo.

Jump back to Bok Nyeo, who says that she met Director Hong when she was about Hye Gyul's age.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 9 Recap

The episode begins in Sang Chul’s hotel room. Song Hwa announces that she’ll take responsibility for him now. Bok Nyeo emerges from the bathroom. Song Hwa can’t believe she’s there and Sang Chul looks guilty. She asks if he’s done… packing up ? Song Hwa can’t believe that Bok Nyeo’s *still* interfering in her love life. And I suspect that she’ll help whoever to get revenge on Bok Nyeo, because she’s just that type of person. Bok Nyeo mentions that Sang Chul’s beloved children are awaiting him. Sang Chul tells her to go home first. There’s a pause and Bok Nyeo replies that she understands. I’m not sure what his face is saying at all.

Sang Chul leaves the hotel with Song Hwa. They end up next to the river where his wife killed herself. I’m just waiting for her to make some slip up so that he knows that it was her that pushed his wife over the edge. Sang Chul announces that he wants to start over again. What? You’re going back to her? Please be dumping her because you love your children more.

Sang Chul asks Song Hwa if she’s ever been to this place. She hasn’t and as she starts to ask why they’re there, he announces that it’s the river where his wife died. She uncomfortably turns to look at the water. Since mostly it's her fault that his wife took her life. Sang Chul muses about the bottom of a river only being visible during a drought, and that he is finally, seeing my bottom. He says that it was all his fault; he was too shallow, so it all became a mess. When he tells her she doesn’t need to be doing this because she feels sorry for him, she denies that and says it’s because finally saw his sincerity, his heart. And I say ‘whatever,’ you’re only doing this because you’re knocked up and your latest meal ticket dumped you.

But Sang Chul tells Song Hwa that this is also from his heart: he wants to start over again, as the children's father. Yes! Dump her! Dump her! Song Hwa can’t believe he didn’t choose her. Even though you totally weren’t wanting his kids.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 8 Recap

I wasn’t expecting to recap episodes 6, 7 and 8, one right after each other, but this story has sucked me in and I want to know what’s going to happen next. I actually have started to care about almost all involved and I’m really wanting to know what happens between Bok Nyeo and the man who’s been stalking her.

Suspicious-Hskpr_E08_001  Suspicious-Hskpr_E08_002  Suspicious-Hskpr_E08_003

The episode starts with Grandpa screaming at Sang Chul and trying to strike him. Hye Gyul cries for Bok Nyeo to stop him, so she does. Sang Chul touches her shoulder and she judo flips him to the floor. That had to hurt whoever got flipped.

Now Bok Nyeo’s walking along the street and the guy’s leering at her. It’s almost leisurely how he follows her. I wonder if he's been doing this a while, with how he’s acting, walking. The construction site. Bok Nyeo grabs him and shoves him through a brick wall so that he’s hanging. He tells her that she might kill another person like this. He asks her to let him up so they can talk. She considers for a moment and then pulls him up. She does not look frightened at all.

Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 7 Recap

The episode highlights what’s happened so far – six episodes over the course of a minute. Han Gyul stands and asks Bok Nyeo to kill her, since she doesn’t have a reason to live. Dramatic much? Bok Nyeo looks at her. After a moment, she goes over to the desk and picks up the scissors. Han Gyul looks a little freaked, like she didn’t expect Bok Nyeo to do it. Bok Nyeo is completely silent as she binds her wrists with ducts tape. And as Han Gyul protests, she duct tapes her to the desk. Bok Nyeo leaves the room and nails her inside.

Bok Nyeo goes down and makes her some dinner. As she returns to Han Gyul’s room, Han Gyul bursts out, finally wiggling the nails loose. Bok Nyeo puts down the tray and goes to push her back into the room. Han Gyul shoves past her but Bok Nyeo is relentless. Han Gyul ends up falling down the stairs. Bok Nyeo approaches with the scissors, which Han Gyul’s eyes bulging.

Bok Nyeo cuts through the tape still around Han Gyul’s wrists. Hye Gyul wants to know why Bok Nyeo didn’t kill her. Bok Nyeo asks her if she really wants to die. Because if so, she can take Han Gyul to the river right now. Han Gyul’s already had plenty of chances to do it. Bok Nyeo says that Sang Chul called and ordered her to stop Han Gyul from doing it, so his order overrides hers. Then Bok Nyeo adds that Han Gyul doesn’t have the courage to end her life.

Hye Gyul can’t understand why Bok Nyeo thinks she can’t die. Bok Nyeo replies that if a person could die just because they want to, she (Bok Nyeo) would have died a long time ago. Bok Nyeo starts to walk away and Han Gyul asks if she tried to commit suicide. Bok Nyeo says that she did. And she believes there’s a reason she didn’t. Director Hong told her that there surely must be a reason that she’s still alive, if God exists. Han Gyul wants to know if she found the reason and Bok Nyeo says, turning to look at her, not yet. That is really sad.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 6 Recap

The episode starts with the graffiti proclaiming, “I want to protect my family!” and Sang Chul getting down on his knees to beg Mrs. Nosy not to press charges for it. Doo Gyul (and the rest of his family) can’t believe he’s humiliating himself in that way.

Bok Nyeo exits the room and comes back with the broom. She looks almost angry, if she wore an expression. She walks over to Mrs. Nosy and gestures with the broom and Mrs. Nosy shrinks backward. She wants to know what Bok Nyeo’s going to do this time. Bok Nyeo replies, “Dirty…” and then adds that it’s dirty where she’s standing, because Mrs. Nosy stepped in dog poop. Bok Nyeo comes after her with the mop, cleaning up the poop (which is very fitting that she’s chasing Mrs. Nosy). Mrs. Nosy runs screaming from the house because she stepped in poop.

The Eun family (which includes Bok Nyeo) goes outside and looks at the graffiti. They wonder how they’re going to get it off the wall and Sang Chul thinks to ask Bok Nyeo if she has something to take care of it. Of course she does in her magic bag. Everyone gets to work at cleaning the graffiti, with Doo Gyul the least enthusiastic. Eventually he says that their mother said he was the most reliable. He wonder’s why she would say that since he’s always causing trouble. He starts to cry and Hye Gyul says she’ll protect him. Se Gyul and Sang Chul’s face say the same thing. Go, Dad. Doo Gyul’s stomach growls. so Sang Chul encourages them all to hurry and finish so they can eat. Aw, the Eun family working together. And Sang Chul feels like a good dad, which is good.

It’s a spread at the dinner table, but Hye Gyul is worried about wetting the bed, because she ate so late. Sang Chul tells her not to worry; Doo Gyul wet the bed until he was 10 (and Doo Gyul chokes on his food). He tells Sang Chul, “Stop talking nonsense, Dad.” And then feels weird. But Hye Gyul lessens the moment by imitating Bok Nyeo.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 5 Recap

Episode starts with Doo Gyul getting the note that Bok Nyeo is a murderer. He, of course, freaks out and when he looks back at the house, Bok Nyeo is right there, staring at him. She says that she’ll take care of the mail but Doo Gyul says that the letter is for him. So Bok Nyeo leaves, but not before she hits him in the rump with the gate. She, of course, asks if he’s okay, but those little things aren’t the accidents she makes them out to be. He scurries inside.

Han Gyul’s making moon-eyes as her ‘boyfriend’ plays his guitar. What a poser. Hopefully, nice guy, will keep her from giving up her flower to a guy who’s not worth it. (Had to channel Monica Chandler there for a moment.) She gets a phone call but ignores it, so it’s followed immediately with a text. It’s Doo Gyul, freaking. Han Gyul tries to get out of it, but Doo Gyul finally declares that Bok Nyeo is a murderer!

At home, Doo Gyul’s completely certain that the note affirms his suspicions. Han Gyul asks where he found it and goes as far as to ask if Doo Gyul made the note himself. He swears on their mother that he’s telling the truth. Se Gyul comes downstairs, still bearing the marks of when he got beaten up, and says that it’s his bully who did it, in retaliation for what happened when he asked Bok Nyeo to kill him. Doo Gyul sputters that Se Gyul should have told him about the bully, but Se Gyul’s says that they were busy.

Next door, the nosy neighbor is wondering about the guy that was hanging around the Eun House. Her husband asks what trick she’s going to use to get Bok Nyeo fired, since she’s done it before with other people’s housekeepers. Because they were pretty.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 2 Recap

Episode starts with Bok Nyeo and Hye Gyul sitting on that bench by the river. Hye Gyul asks Bok Nyeo if she really does everything she’s asked. Bok Nyeo looks at her. Hye Gyul looks at the river and declares that she misses Oma and Uh Jin said that if she wants to see Oma, she has to die, too. She asks if that’s true. Bok Nyeo replies that there are people who believe in that. That’s an interesting response to that question. Hye Gyul asks if Bok Nyeo wants to go see Oma with her. And what is this kid doing? Poor Hye Gyul.

Doo Gyul is looking for Hye Gyul on his bike. Hye Gyul and Bok Nyeo hold hands as they walk into the water. Doo Gyul arrives and run in the river after them, demanding to know what they’re doing.

At home, Hye Gyul holds the rock tin while Bok Nyeo dries her hair. In the boys’ room Doo Gyul declares that Bok Nyeo is totally psycho (and the Korean word for psycho is psycho. Heh.) Han Gyul doesn’t look up from her texting as she says that Hye Gyul told that her shoe was floating away and that she was trying to catch it. Doo Gyul protests that it wasn’t the vibe he got from things! He can’t believe that Han Gyul isn’t worried and that she doesn’t believe him. She says that now she knows just how must he hates Bok Nyeo, implying that *that’s* why he’s saying all this. She tells him to chill out and leave.

Bok Nyeo is putting Hye Gyul to bed. Hye Gyul tells Bok Nyeo that it’s their secret. Then she asks who Bok Nyeo was planning on meeting. Interesting question. Bok Nyeo just looks at her and after a moment, Bok Nyeo declares that she’ll read Hye Gyul a book. When Hye Gyul’s already read ‘The Magic Pipe,’ Bok Nyeo starts to get a different book but Hye Gyul asks if Bok Nyeo can do magic. Of course, she can. Magic tricks by Bok Nyeo.

The Heirs Episode 2 Recap


The episode starts with Tan coming back. This time it looks like she’s really grateful that he’s there. He asks her if she wants to come to his house as gentle music plays. She looks like she’s a little choked up, but she asks him if he’s sure that his home is safer than where they are. I laugh because that’s a ridiculous question, just based on *his car.* He replies that he doesn’t know if it will be safer, but it’s nicer than where they are now. So is she going to come or not? As she tries to decide, I notice a blinking and I realize he has his flashers on. Why does he have his flashers on? He’s sitting in the car right there. No one does that when they’re in the car. Unless it’s on a television show.

Of course, Eun Sang decides to go back to Tan’s house. They walk through double glass doors and it looks like the lights are motion activated, because he doesn’t do anything except wave the bag he’s carrying in the air to get them to turn on. Eun Sang’s jaw is hanging open as she surveys his digs. I would be slack-jawed, too. It's a nice house. Eun Sang finally grabs her suitcase and carries it down the stairs. You couldn’t carry her suitcase, Tan?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Heirs Episode 1 Recap

It’s finally here! The Heirs, after months of promotion has arrived! And Lee Min Ho is a high school student (even though he’s 26), but okay.

The action starts in Los Angeles, California. We know this because we lots of shots of the HOLLYWOOD sign and white people on the beach. Plus Mickey and Minnie Mouse and the Walk of Fame. And there is our hero: Kim Tan. He surfs. And I just realized as I watch Tan surf that they’re singing *just* English lyrics. Not that it’s too obvious because of the pronunciation. I guess the Loof is on Fiya.

And when I look at the lyrics. What are these lyrics? “The legion of my heart is bleeding”. That is not what he’s saying. I can’t tell what he’s saying, but it’s not that. That makes no sense. “Don’t tell me so hard.” No sense. VIXX’s Ken needs some more Engrish lessons so his pronunciation is better. (Leo’s pronunciation seemed better, but I couldn’t really hear it in the promo.) And since they’re in sunny California, at least they could get someone WHO SPEAKS ENGLISH to look over the lyrics, just SO THEY MAKE SENSE. But I’ve paused the show, which I’ve been eagerly awaiting, so on with the bad Engrish!

Tan is surfing with his friends. Now they’re walking up the beach with some girls in bikinis and a really annoying beach dude. He’s got long hair and everything. Not a stereotype at all. He’s whoo-hoo-ing and giving everyone high fives, because that’s what Californians do before they go party. I’m not kidding. He announced a par-tay! Tan leaves to go take a shower as Annoying Buddy tells a girl he’s going to have a hard time sleeping without her there, if you know what I mean. And I swear the blonde girl practically rolled her eyes as she said good bye to the hero.

Suspicious Housekeeper Episode 1 Recap

I’m recapping this episode after-the-fact, since I’ve watched the entire series. I’ve tried to keep my reactions to what I’m seeing without letting later stuff inform my comments.

The episode begins with the mysterious music playing. We see our heroine’s face, stoic and wearing a ball cap. It’s dimly lit, ao there’s lots of shadows and the background looks like it’s a jail cell. A woman asks if our heroine, Park Bok Nyeo (Choi Ji Woo), can do anything she’s told to do. Bok Nyeo says, “Yes.” No matter what it is. Woman asks if Bok Nyeo can kill a person. No answer. I think the voice is that of Wang Ji Hye.

Switch to the funeral portrait of Woo Sun Young (Kim Hee Jung). She’s a busy working actor. She was Lady Yoon in ‘Gu Family Book’ and Younger Aunt-in-Law (YAIL) in ‘Hundred Year Inheritance.’ Yoon Song Hwa (Wang Ji Hye) looks at the portrait solemnly. She takes a flower from the bucket, places it on the mantle below Soo Young’s portrait and prays. Soo Young’s family stands, wearing black. There’s the father, Eun Sang Chul (Lee Sung Jae); eldest daughter, Han Gyul (Kim So Hyun); older son, Doo Gyul (Chae Sang Woo); and younger son, Se Gyul (Nam Da Reum). She bows a respectful greeting to the family. They bow back.

And this is the first series I watched Lee Sung Jae since ‘Gu Family Book,’ where he played someone absolutely eeeevil, so I’m hoping that this character will be likeable, because he was so good in being amoral that I absolutely hated him. At our first meeting, I’m shocked because this is a completely different man. Where Jo Kwan Woong is confident and self-possessed, this guy is mousy and indecisive.