Series starts with gentle, nostalgic music playing. It’s raining in the big city and in a tall skyscraper a faceless man (who has a really nice apartment and a miniature Eiffel Tower on his desk) takes out a Mason jar that has puzzle pieces in it. They’re really big puzzle pieces, so it must not be that difficult of a puzzle. I mean, they’re kid-sized puzzle pieces. But maybe that’s the point.) As music continues, man assembles puzzle. It’s Renoir’s ‘Danse à la Campagne (Dance in the Country),’ painted in 1883 and which now hangs in the Museé d’Orsay. It’s displayed with ‘Danse à la Ville (Dance in the City),’ which was painted the same year. A bit trivia: Paul Lhote was the man in both paintings and the woman in Dance in the Country is Aline Charigot, who Renoir married in 1890.
Man finishes the puzzle but there’s one piece missing. His hand hovers next to the hole. He jumps on his computer and goes to a site designed to find people: This is an actual website and not something that they made up for the show. I have never heard of it, but cool.
He types – in English – Kim Hyejin. It pulls up a list, along with their aliases, ages and where they’ve lived. If you type the same thing, the same list pulls up. And for some random reason the second Kim Hyejin, who is 42, has lived in Columbia, MO, and Sunnyvale, CA. Yes, I’ve lived there and it’s the home to the University of Missouri, but it just seems random that it would show up. And I notice that he has Google and YouTube bookmarked on his toolbar. Heh. He eventually gets to Korean results. He goes to a box of letters. Lots of letters, All marked ‘RETURN’ (Return to Sender). It’s so sad. He doodled on a lot of them.

Banpo 4 dong
Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea
Hye Jin Kim (김 혀 건)
Also shows Manhattan, New York, so that must be where he’s living.
Airplane flies overhead and lands. Returning to Korea, of course.
Switch to raucous party. Woman – who credits reveal is Min Ha Ri (Go Joon Hee) – is having a great time. I like her dress. And that’s a good hair color for her, too.
Switch to a bar and waitress bringing mugs of beer to a table. It’s darkly lit so we don’t see her face. But I can tell by the silhouette of her hair that it’s Kim Hye Jin (Hwang Jung Eum).
Slow pan up as Ha Ri dances.
Hye Jin delivers the beer. And we still don’t see her face.
Ha Ri blows out candles while everyone cheers. So it’s her birthday.
Phone rings. Caller is labeled ‘Boss Husband.’ Hye Jin answers it (still hiding her face) and lies about where she is: she’s passing Hannam bridge. Wow, the view is amazing. Ha Ri is the caller. She calls Hye Jin on the lie: she said she was on the bridge 30 minutes ago. Ha Ri’s not happy that Hye Jin is missing her party. She yells into the phone, asking if it makes sense that Hye Jin’s not here on her birthday! I wonder why Hye Jin’s labeled her friend ‘Boss Husband.’

Hye Jin hurries off the phone and turns around so we see her face. Music screeches to a halt. Wow, she looks terrible! I mean, this is what she looks like normally:

She brings more beer to another table and a guy who just remarked about how some girl across the room is so pretty can’t even look in Hye Jin’s direction. That is cold. Another complains about being served popcorn instead of the appetizers! She good-naturedly replies that their appetizer is so special that the chef is putting an extra effort into it. As she starts to leave, eye-closing jerk grabs her arm and asks if their server *wasn’t* the pretty part-timer who took their order. He nods in pretty girl’s direction. And she is pretty. Hye Jin loudly laughs and agrees that she doesn't have the visuals (appearance) that's appropriate for serving. Another guy nods. And I want to punch him. She promises that pretty girl will bring them their appetizers.
Work now done, Hye Jin hurries to Ha Ri’s party. And she has a fun purple, light-up crown on. She takes the crown off as she notices how elegant the place is. A couple in formal wear smile as they walk by. Seriously, who just walks around wearing formal wear? Hye Jin feels awkward about her appearance now. She fidgets and keeps going.

Ha Ri is sitting on a couch with a guy who calls himself ‘Oppa.’ There a 4 other guys hanging with them. Oppa asks if Ha Ri is happy with the birthday party he prepared. Unenthusiastically she says that she is. A little. Thank you. It was really convincing. Another guy approaches with a necklace box. He also calls himself Oppa and declares that it just came in from Paris. So all the pretty girls get rich boyfriends. Ha Ri looks really unimpressed and quite bored.
Ha Ri spots Hye Jin trying to find her. Immediately, she lights up and starts yelling to get Hye Jin’s attention. She calls Hye Jin her ‘wife.’ There has got to be a story behind this. They’re both so happy to see each other that they jump up and down and wave. Oppa #2 declares that it’s amazing (daebok) that Ha Ri has a friend like that. Ha Ri asks him what he means. He starts to go on about how ugly Hye Jin is and gets a stiletto stomped into his foot. Insulted for Hye Jin she calls Oppa #2 a “damn idiot” and asks what he just said. How dare he spew out that kind of rubbish? He can’t say anything – because her stiletto is still in his foot. She pokes him hard in the forehead as she asks if he knows our Hye Jin? Another poke/shove of the forehead: Does he? Another: Does he know? And with this, she has made me like her.
Oppa #2 protests that he brought this necklace fresh from Paris! Like that means that he can treat her friends however. After all, it’s expensive! Ha Ri snaps the box closed and tells him that this kind of thing, why doesn't *he* wear it. She shoves it into his chest. She puts an arm around his shoulder and pulls him a little closer. She tells him that, from now on, to keep out of her sight. Then she turns back to being excited and hurries toward her wife. Oppa #2 can only mutter that she’s attractive.

Ha Ri and Hye Jin hug and Hye Jin apologizes. Hye Jin declares ‘present!’ and puts the flashing crown on Ha Ri’s head. Ha Ri grumbles about it being outlandish. Hye Jin replies that she’s just upstaging the place that they’re in. Ha Ri smiles and says that it’s fine. Then she fluffs Hye Jin’s hair affectionately and declares that she’s glad Hye Jin is there. Why hasn’t Ha Ri helped Hye Jin out in the appearance department? I wonder if it’s because she likes Hye Jin for who she is, so she doesn’t really see it any more. And if both she and Hye Jin have tried and were unsuccessful, so she’s come to terms with Hye Jin’s appearance.
Ha Ri tries to herd Hye Jin over to the food – and I get the feeling that Ha Ri hasn’t eaten yet – but Hye Jin, calling Ha Ri ‘the leading lady,’ says that she can go find something to eat on her own. She tells Ha Ri to hurry and go play. And we know that Ha Ri was quite bored before Hye Jin got there, so we understand Ha Ri’s reluctance. Ha Ri reluctantly agrees.

Hye Jin gets three huge plates of food. And she must have quite a metabolism to be that skinny and eat that much. Her phone jungles with a text. It’s a notice about her school loan payment of 218,540 KRW due by the 5th. This puts a damper on Hye Jin’s mood. She looks around at all the pretty girls and sighs. Everyone looks like they have no worries. She shakes her head to clear it and tells herself that they say that eating comes before any situation and she has to be strong to keep making money. She orders herself to eat up! Back in a good mood, she eats some more.
Ha Ri is walking by the pool – and she looks like she’s looking for Hye Jin. She stumbles and ends up falling into the pool. Immediately a muscle-bound guy screams her name and leaps into the pool after her. Guy #2 and Guy #3 jump in. Guy #3 has a life preserver like lifeguards use when they’re at the beach. Hye Jin sees Ha Ri in trouble and as she tries to hurry over, a guy knocks her into the pool. Seven guys converge on Ha Ri as Hye Jin sinks deeper and deeper into the pool.

Hye Jin’s voiceover says that one day she had a thought. Heroines don't exist only in movies and dramas. That was what she thought. Her feet hit the bottom of the pool. Hye Jin’s eyes pop open and she pushes herself up. She ends up being able to stand up in the pool. All the guys are a swarm around Ha Ri and help her out of the pool – although it seems like she could easily do it herself. Hye Jin’s voiceover says that she was totally under the water. Like popped corn shoved aside (like a bridesmaid) for an appetizer (the heroine), in real life some people are the main characters and some are the supporting cast. That's how life is. That was what she thought. Hye Jin quickly hurries out of the pool. And leaves without telling Ha Ri goodbye.
Walking home, wet and uncomfortable, with her shoes slopping, Hye Jin’s voiceover says that she is probably Friend Number 3 of the lead in a supporting role. No. She probably doesn't even need and is not fit for the spotlight. She might be just an extra who doesn't have any presence. Aw, I can tell that Ha Ri doesn’t feel that way. Her shoe accidentally makes a noise that sounds like she passed gas. It was the shoes – and I have had that happen! She stops walking. Someone off screen remarks that Hye Jin must have farted. The guy she is with laughs and wonders why Hye Jin’s clothes are all wet. Hye Jin makes a face, glares at her shoe, and starts walking again.
Switch to a bedroom. Trumpet music starts to play. Lots of sticky notes everywhere. Korea Job Finding Map book. Hye Jin jumps awake. She’d fallen asleep reading.
Glamorous music plays. Lots of make up, brushes and lipsticks. Expensive hand bags. Tons of shoes and nice clothes. This is not Hye Jin’s closet. Ha Ri wakes up and slowly rises – looking like she’s dressed for a glamorous photo shoot and wearing a face mask.

Hye Jin slaps her own face several times and winces with the pain. Ha Ri sprits her face with hydrating face mist. Both emerge from their bedrooms… and they are roommates. That was unexpected, but for some reason makes me happy. This further makes me think that Ha Ri would help Hye Jin out but Hye Jin wants to be self-reliant and refuses her friend’s help (and clothes/makeup). They fight over who gets into the bathroom first.

Now both in the bathroom – and Ha Ri is now in a bathrobe with her hair wrapped in a towel – Ha Ri asks why Hye Jin left the night before without telling her. Hye Jin makes up a lame excuse about her job needing her. Ha Ri asks why Hye Jin didn't answer when she called. She doesn’t look happy. Flashback to Hye Jin looking at her very wet phone. And now, probably very dead. Hye Jin declares that it drowned and she needs to repair it.
Ha Ri can’t believe that Hye Jin dropped it into the toilet *again.* How many times has she done that? So clumsy. And I wonder if the toilet excuse is just that, for situations like what happened last night. Hye Jin smiles and says that that’s her (so clumsy). She declares that they should eat!

Ha Ri is eating an apple. Hye Jin has a big bowl of rice. When Ha Ri says something about it, Hye Jin declares that she has an interview later. She has to eat well so she won't get nervous. Ha Ri asks if Hye Jin has heard from her last interview. Hye Jin moans because she didn’t get hired. She wishes that the place goes under for not hiring her! Heh. Ha Ri smiles. Hye Jin immediate cancels that because her Oma said that she’ll get punished if she’s ill-natured. Ha Ri smiles some more.
Hye Jin is running. She’s late for her job interview. And she’s wearing an ill-fitting pants suit. She makes an elevator and a pretty girl gets on after her. Elevator starts beeping. Man asks pretty girl what floor she’s going to: the second. The rest of the car starts grumbling for someone to get off. Hye Jin does, asking if she wasn’t the one who got on first. The elevator is going to leave. Hye Jin decides that she’s going to run up the stairs.

Hye Jin stops when she realizes that she dropped her visitor's badge. As she reaches for it, pretty girl is shoved off the elevator and unseen man tells Hye Jin to get on. Hye Jin doesn’t have to be asked twice and pretty girl can’t believe she got kicked off the elevator. Although she’s just going to the 2nd floor. I’m pretty sure that’s only *1* flight of stairs.
Job interview for Jinsung Magazine. Pretty/stylish girl says in English that she didn’t disregard her studies so that she could graduate the Merseyside Local University with an excellent grade. And not a half-bad English accent. Therefore, she is proud to say that she always tries to be a confident person regardless of her position or state. Interviewers seem to like that answer. There are 3 of them: Hye Jin and a guy and girl.

Interviewer asks Hye Jin where Yeongmin University is located. Other two candidates look at Hye Jin, puzzled. She says that it’s a tiny bit outside of Seoul but within the metropolitan area. Interviewers are not impressed. At least she went to college. Hye Jin says that it's not that well known but it's a school with a vision. The campus is very beautiful, too. Other candidates snicker, which Hye Jin notices. You always notice that sort of thing, when you have a history of being made fun of. It’s like you have radar for it, or something.
Interviewer notes that Hye Jin has work experience, but it’s all only lasted less than 3 months. Hye Jin explains that one company went under and the president of another got arrested. More scoffing from other candidates. It’s not her fault. Jerks. Interviewers are not impressed. Hye Jin stalwartly declares that if they just give her a chance, with an upright attitude she will be a hardworking full-time employee of Jinsung Magazine.

Hye Jin leaves the interview, singing to herself, and is hit with random trash blowing in the wind. Irritated, she pulls a plastic bag off of her face, and then it starts to rain on her. She decides to use the plastic bag as an ‘umbrella’ and runs. Finally getting home, Hye Jin grumbles over how the stupid rain has made her hair even bigger. Heh. She comes across Ha Ri making out in a convertible with some guy. She is appalled and worried that someone is going to see Ha Ri.

As Ha Ri exits the car, Hye Jin indignantly calls Ha Ri a wench! Guy drives off. Hye Jin storms over and starts smacking Ha Ri. Doesn't she have any shame? What is she doing in public? Ha Ri whines and asks what she did wrong. Hye Jin asks about the guy. Is he Ha Ri’s boyfriend? Ha Ri sighs and says that she hasn’t decided whether she wants to date him or not. Hye Jin even more appalled and smacks Ha Ri some more. She’s not even dating him and she’s kissing him?!! Ha Ri protests that she has to see if he's a good kisser or not to decide if she wants to date him! Still whining, Ha Ri says that she’s going to the store since they’re out of toilet paper. Never thought I would hear that one on a k-drama. So much like real life. Heh.
Hye Jin joins her. Pushing the cart, Hye Jin declares that she wishes she could borrow Ha Ri’s face and body even if it’s just for the interview. Then she’d definitely get hired. Ha Ri replies that if she could, she would have loaned it to Hye Jin a hundred times. Aw.

Hye Jin asks Ha Ri about dating so many guys. Does Ha Ri’s heart even beat anymore with so many men? Ha Ri asks why it always has to go pit-a-pat? If someone's okay, you just see how it goes. Hye Jin sighs that it’s so easy for Ha Ri and then asks if, with so many men, did Ha Ri truly love any of them? Ha Ri thinks about that one and asks, “True love? What's that?” Hye Jin replies that you miss them and you're happy when you're with them. You do things that you didn't used to do and you only see them, even from a distance. Ha Ri didn't have anything like that? Ha Ri scoffs and says that true love or whatnot are all rubbish.
Hye Jin notices a stock boy crouching down, pretending to work, so he can get a good view of Ha Ri’s butt. Hye Jin quickly blocks his view and calls him on it. They walk away.
As they check out, Ha Ri says that, just like how you get olive oil from pressing olives, men are all the same. There's no need to have useless thoughts about true love. The value of true love? If there is such a thing, how much is it worth? Clerk says that it will be 47,000 won – and it’s the creepy stock boy from before.
Now back at the house with a face mask on, Ha Ri tells Hye Jin to throw out all the old fashioned ways of thinking and just date. Hye Jin declares that dating is a luxury. It's not like there's anyone who likes her anyway. And I can relate to that, too. She declares that she’s just going to submit some applications.

Hye Jin checks her email and notes that there’s a bunch of spam… but then realizes that one of the emails is from someone she knows: Ji Sung Joon. She wonders if it’s really *that* Ji Sung Joon. She opens the email. Among other things, it says that he’s been wondering about her. He’ll be coming to Korea, so can she meet him, if she has time? Hye Jin clamps her hands over her mouth to stifle her excited scream. It really is that Ji Sung Joon!
From the couch, Ha Ri asks who Ji Sung Joon is. Hye Jin’s surprised that Ha Ri doesn’t remember. He’s the one who moved into her house when her father got transferred to Japan. Ha Ri remembers him: that fatty?
Flashback to when they were kids. And Sung Joon is a nerd: not only is he round, he has nerdy round glasses. Ha Ri yells at him and Sung Joon scurries away, yelling for his dad. Super nerdy. Ha Ri wonders if Sung Joon is the neighborhood idiot. I love that Ha Ri was snarky and no-nonsense even back then.

Back in the present, Ha Ri declares that when he came to see the house, she wondered how there could be such a loser. Heh. She's ironically critical of someone less-attractive when her best friend isn’t pretty. Ha Ri declares that she almost fainted when she heard that Hye Jin and Sung Joon became best friends. Ha Ri wonders why that fatty is suddenly contacting Hye Jin. Obviously looking forward to it, Hye Jin replies that Sung Joon wants to meet.

When she goes to bed that night, she's can't help but smile as she thinks about Sung Joon. The next day, she’s still smiling. She starts to cross the street (with the green ‘Walk’ signal) and a car honks at her. She has the right of way! Jerk! Hye Jin cringes and then looks. It’s Ha Ri happily waving at her. Where did she get the car? And I take back the jerk comment, since Ha Ri wasn’t being irresponsible and didn’t honk because Hye Jin walked out in front of her car. She honked to get Hye Jin’s attention. I love how affectionate Ha Ri is with her best friend.
In the car, Ha Ri asks if today is the day Hye Jin’s meeting that fatty? It is. Ha Ri asks if she’s talked with Fatty on the phone. Nope, just e-mail. Hye Jin’s planning on calling him when he gets there. Hye Jin wonders if there will be a public phone and Ha Ri remembers that Hye Jin’s phone is at the shop. She tells Hye Jin to take her phone. Hye Jin hesitates, since it will be inconvenient for Ha Ri, but Ha Ri replies that all her calls are just guys who are dying to date her. Hye Jin moans that Ha Ri is seriously annoying, but it's true, so she can't even hit Ha Ri. They both smile.

Ha Ri asks why Hye Jin’s meeting up with that fatty? It's non-nutritious (pointless) to meet him. Hye Jin answers that they used to be really close. And he was her first love. Ha Ri is shocked at her friend’s bad taste. She declares that Hye Jin’s eyes are out of commission. Seriously, they're completely useless! Hye Jin doesn’t care; Ha Ri can say whatever she wants. No matter what anyone says, they have something special between them. Then Hye Jin can’t hold her excitement in any more! Ha Ri tells Hye Jin to stop hitting her or there will be an accident. They’re both smiling as Hye Jin sighs and looks out the window.
Guy riding a motorcycle while Led Zeppelin’s ‘Immigrant Song’ plays.
Contrasted to a guy driving a car with the Carpenters’ ‘Close to You’ playing. Good song from 1970. I know all the words. We see part of his face and it’s Sung Joon (Park Seo Joon).
Motorcycle and car converge and drive next to each other. They arrive at the same place. We don’t see either of their faces. As they park, Hye Jin and Ha Ri arrive. Hye Jin thanks Ha Ri for the ride and gets out of the car. Ha Ri calls Hye Jin over and takes some of her lip gloss and puts it on Hye Jin’s lips. When Hye Jin protests, Ha Ri says that it’s her first love, right? And both men have walked by in the background.
Inside, there’s an exhibit of all 3 of Renoir’s life-sized canvases depicting dancers: ‘Bal à Bougival (Dance at Bougival),’ ‘Danse à la Campagne (Dance in the Country),’ and ‘Danse à la Ville (Dance in the City).’ All were painted in 1883.

A group of school children are looking at it as the teacher explains that the main character of this work is Renoir's friend Paul Lhote and a woman who became his wife. Man interrupts to say that they might not be the main characters. It’s Sung Joon. With Van Gogh’s ‘Blossoming Almond Tree’ behind him. He says that he was just thinking that the main character might change depending on the point of view. Very interesting idea. Especially since earlier, Hye Jin was calling herself a bit player only important enough to be called Friend Number 3. Teacher kind of glares at him, so he apologizes for interrupting her class.
Motorcycle guy enters, smiling. It’s Kim Shin Hyuk (Choi Si Won). He waves at someone and walks forward.

With Schubert’s ‘String Quartet No. 13 in D Minor’ playing and the three paintings in the background, the men walk toward each other. So you think that that's who Shin Hyuk was waving at. And right past each other, right as they pass ‘Danse à la Campagne.’ The significant painting in our story. I wonder what that means for things to come. Shin Hyuk walks up to a curator and says that he’s there there to cover this exhibition for 'Most Korea'. As he hands over his card he says that he’s the picture editor, handsome Kim Shin Hyuk. And gives a little giggle. Which, combined with that terrible facial hair and goofy smile make me conclude that Shin Hyuk is a *huge* dork. Sung Joon gets a text from Hye Jin, telling him that she’s arrived and he should call when he does. He smiles as he reads it. I like that he got there early so he wouldn't miss her.

Outside, Hye Jin can barely contain her excitement. She looks around at the men outside the museum and spots a round man with black glasses, stuffing a round cake in his mouth with one go. She runs over and slaps him, declares that it’s him, right? Guy looks at her like she’s crazy. She grabs his hands and starts jumping up and down, asking how long it’s been. She says that he’s still exactly the same! And from what I remember of Sung Joon in the flashback, Guy really does look like that Sung Joon as a grown up. Guy asks Hye Jin who she is.

Hye Jin stops smiling and asks if he, perhaps, is not Sung Joon? And she switches from banmal to formal speech. It’s actually quite humorous. Guy wrenches his hands free and declares that he isn’t! Like Guy has any reason to be rude. Guy rubs his back where Hye Jin slapped him. Well, I guess he does have a reason to be irritated and rude since she hit him several times. She apologizes and he calls her ‘ajumma’ as he mutters that she’s unnecessarily too strong. He walks away as she replies that she’s not an ajumma.

Phone call: Sung Joon. He’s also outside. He asks where she is and it turns out that they’re both by the fountain. Sung Joon smiles and says that he’s seen her. Make her wave at you.

She says that she doesn’t see him. He starts waving at her as he walks toward her. She sees him – and we get flashes of young Sung Joon and adult Sung Joon as ‘Close to You’ plays. That has got to be their song. Hye Jin can’t believe it.

He walks right past her to approach another woman – a pretty woman – on the phone. He taps the woman and calls her Kim Hye Jin. Hye Jin gasps in horror. Her voice over declares that at that moment, she’s remembered a very important fact that she’s been forgetting while living in this harsh life. That is... Kim Hye Jin's appearance which Ji Sung Joon remembers was at least... She can’t finish the sentence with ‘pretty.’
Flashback to middle school. She was really pretty. Teacher has the girls sit at their desk and the boys all run to sit with the girl that they want to be partners with. All the boys want to be her partner. Next, she’s getting an award, the grand prize. All the boys chant her name.

She also remembers what Sung Joon’s life was like: kids taunting and poking him while they sing that he’s a fat pig. Hye Jin spots them and storms over, swinging her book bag at them and yelling that she said not to bully Sung Joon! As young her asks Sung Joon if he’s okay, adult Hye Jin declares that at least it should be this kind of image!
In the present Sung Joon asks the pretty woman if she’s Hye Jin. She chuckles and says she isn’t. He apologizes. And looks a little embarrassed. He asks Hye Jin where she is but she hangs up the phone. And is probably running. Aw. He’s not going to care. As he looks around for her, she hides behind a sign. He calls again and she declines the call. She notices her reflection in a pond and thinks of all the recent times she’s been rejected because of her appearance. And now she’s going to make me cry. Why can I so relate to her?!! Over and over, she hears different people saying “Disqualified.”

Flashback. Hye Jin arrives home to see creditors taking everything. Her voiceover says that her family was full of money but soon after Sung Joon's family immigrated, her family went broke. And the pretty face that took after her Oma… Appa’s not-so-good-looking DNA decided to emerge late during puberty. That’s where she got the Rosacea. But her parents are smiling and happy, so not everyone looks at the outward appearance. And Sung Joon isn’t going to, since he knows what it’s like. But I can understand feeling insecure about it. Before anyone knew, it became like this.
Hye Jin slowly walks away and is spotted by Ha Ri, who asks why she’s already coming out. She couldn't meet the fatty? Hye Jin looks so sad right now. Hye Jin can’t even say the words and says that they should just go home. Hye Jin starts to cry.

Ha Ri makes Hye Jin sit and explain. She doesn’t understand what the problem is. If some loser became a hottie, isn't it ‘hurray’? Why did Hye Jin run away? Hye Jin replies that Sung Joon must have not been able to imagine that someone like her is Kim Hye Jin. He didn't recognize her even though she was right in front of him. Now there's no amazing Kim Hye Jin from his memories. If she shows up looking like this, she might feel more miserable. She was afraid all of sudden, so she ran away. She was so glad about meeting with him but she must have been too naive.
Ha Ri asks what’s wrong with Hye Jin! She’s deadly hot! Just meet him. Yes, just! Hye Jin asks what she’s supposed to say when he asks what she does… should she say she’s a jobless thirty-year-old? If he says he almost wasn't able to recognize her, does she say that she’s sorry for growing up to become such a loser? Ha Ri starts to protest but Hye Jin interrupts and says that she wants to preserve this first love fantasy. If she doesn't show herself in front of him, won't he remember the cool and pretty Kim Hye Jin?
Ha Ri says her name and tells her that she’s being such an ass! I love her. Stop talking nonsense and go! Just go and meet him! Hye Jin replies that he is nice so he'll be glad to meet her, but he'll be confused on the inside. Hye Jin resolutely declares that her love is now gone. She sighs and says that it would be really, really nice if she could borrow Ha Ri’s body and face just for today. Idea: body swap. No, no! Don’t do it. Why is this reminded me of ‘The Truth About Cats and Dogs?’ She begs Ha Ri to pretend to be her.

Sung Joon is still waiting by the fountain. Ha Ri does the favor. She says his name and he turns around and looks at her. He hesitates as he asks if she’s Hye Jin. Like he doesn’t believe that it’s her. She nods and he smiles, relieved. She apologizes for being late. She says that it’s been a long time. Has he been doing well? He just smiles. Hye Jin watches from a distance.

Sung Joon steps forward and grabs Ha Ri into a hug as water shoots upward in the background. Lots of water fountains. He tells her that he missed her. Aw!
His flashback. He's in the backyard and she startles him. She tells him that the house was her best friend, Ha Ri’s house. She says she’s in 5th grade and asks what grade he’s in. He doesn’t say anything, just grabs his pad of paper and runs inside. But not without his sandwich.
Switch to school. Teacher introduces him to the class. It’s obvious that Sung Joon feels very shy. He ends up in Ha Ri’s class. The kids start laughing at him and making fun of him. And the teacher does nothing. Stupid teacher!

At home, Sung Joon stuffs his face with a pastry. Hye Jin arrives with a plate of goodies from her Oma. She apologizes for thinking he was a kid much younger than her. He should've told her that he’s not. He only nods. Does he have a stutter? Is that why he won’t talk? Hye Jin looks at the table and sees that he’s doing a puzzle. It’s the ‘Danse à la Campagne’ puzzle. She notices the person in the corner and is surprised. He replies that she found her, the peeping girl. Hye Jin wonders what she’s looking at. Does she want to dance on the stage as well? Sung Joon says that he thinks she’s looking at the man in the painting, because she loves him by herself (a one-sided love). Hye Jin likes that idea. This peeping girl looks like a hidden picture… you’d barely notice if you don't look closely. Sung Joon agrees. Just like a hidden picture.

Hye Jin’s voiceover says that she didn't want to be a spoiling first love. She wasn't confident enough to be a loser in front of her first love. So, that day, she just became a hidden picture. She is definitely going to make me cry.

Ha Ri heads to a restaurant with Sung Joon. She sits, leg nervously bouncing under the table. Hye Jin had ordered her to follow the plan! Sung Joon is just happy to be there. He keeps looking at her. Almost like he doesn’t think that this could be her.

Hye Jin is sitting at the next table. And the menu looks like it’s hieroglyphics. Interesting. Waiter asks for her order and she’s not paying attention. She ends up ordering the filet mignon with grilled shrimp and caviar on the side. Waiter almost leaves, but she stops him and just says that she wants a cup of coffee. Heh. I was gasping because that would have been *really* expensive!

Sung Joon and Ha Ri do end up getting steak. Sung Joon wonders what he should ask first? There's so much that he’s curious about. He asks what kind of work she does. Per Hye Jin’s orders, Ha Ri answers that she’s still studying. She asks about him and he says that he does work in Art Directing. Ha Ri thinks, asking whether Sung Joon knows who he’s talking to? He asks if her parents are doing well. She starts to say that they’re doing well but Hye Jin cringes so she starts coughing and takes a drink of water. Hye Jin starts to yell at her non-verbally.

Ha Ri asks about Sung Joon’s parents. He says that his Abeoji is in Seattle and he’s been in New York because of work. He can't visit Abeoji very often but he is well. She asks about his mother, which makes Sung Joon’s smile get smaller. He asks what she means. Hye Jin jumps up and makes frantic ‘X-es' with her arms. She pantomimes, pointing at the sky and flapping her arms.

Ha Ri realizes that Sung Joon’s mother must be dead. She covers and says that she was wondering if Abeoji had remarried. Sung Joon chuckles, relieved that Hye Jin didn't forget, and says that Abeoji did, 7 years ago.
Ha Ri asks how Sung Joon suddenly though of getting back in contact with her. He says that before he came back to Korea, he was sorting out some old stuff and found an old box full of letters that they had exchanged. While he was reading, he thought of their childhood and suddenly wanted to see her. Ha Ri likes that answer: So it was like that.

Sung Joon asks why, back then, did she break off contact? Ha Ri answers with Hye Jin’s story: after he immigrated, they ended up immigrating to Japan and she lost his address. She says that she was also curious about him. Since they got to meet again like this, it's so nice. He exhales with understanding. Ah, now the mystery's solved. He called it a mystery, something he couldn't understand why it happened... He was really curious because the letters kept coming back undelivered. Like they really meant something to him and there's tons of them, so it really meant something. Over at her table, Hye Jin nods sadly.

Sung Joon reminds her about the puzzle. It was in the box, too. Ha Ri has no idea what he just said. Hye Jin frantically tries to tell her and writes something on the placemat. Ha Ri is able to read it and declares “peeping girl!” Sung Joon is happy that she remembers! He says that he was wondering why he had kept it but while doing the puzzle, he remembered doing it with her all the time. He felt thankful to her.

It switches to Hye Jin in Ha Ri’s spot (like he's talking to Hye Jin and not Ha Ri) and Sung Joon says to her that before he met her, he always thought it made sense for him to always be alone. But after he became friends with her, he started to realize that by having even just one friend who stays by your side, that this world is not so lonely and that it can be this fun. He's making me cry, man. And that the friend beside him is an admirable person like her, Hye Jin. It's such a blessing. He didn't say beautiful (outside); he said admirable (inside). After thinking like that, he was grateful, wanted to see her and wanted to find her. So he did. Meeting her like this, he thinks that looking for her was a good thing. He smiles. Switches back to Ha Ri, who smiles a little awkwardly. Over at her table, Hye Jin nods and hides her face. Just as she thought, hiding was the right choice.

Dinner is over. Sung Joon offers to drop Ha Ri off. She says that she came in her car. Sung Joon’s face says that he's a little disappointed. He says that he’ll have to be satisfied with just seeing her face for today. Per Hye Jin’s orders, Ha Ri says – in order to keep the fantasy of first love alive but to end it beautifully as a one-time only meeting – that she’s preparing to go study abroad. Sung Joon’s a little shocked. Sung Joon tries to sound like that doesn’t bother him at all as he chuckles and says that she had a plan like that? He asks where she’s going. Luckily, there’s a poster for an English painter’s exhibit, so Ha Ri says “England.”

Sung Joon wants to know when she’s leaving. Aw. Ha Ri says the next day. Sung Joon really can’t believe it. He scratches his forehead and wonders what he should do about this? Like he's kicking himself for not making it back sooner. Ha Ri looks uncomfortable. Sung Joon declares that it's such a shame separating like this. Ha Ri replies that it’s fine if he just gets in touch again. He nods like that’s an acceptable plan. He replies that he goes to London for business a few times a year, anyway. It's too bad but he will have to see her then. She nods. He wishes her good luck. He tells her to definitely keep in touch.

Ha Ri says that it was nice meeting him again. She holds up her hand in a wave and says that she’ll be going. Which makes me laugh. She starts to walk away but Sung Joon stops her. He asks her to wait there for five minutes. He hurries off before she can say no. Hye Jin’s been watching and hides her face as he runs by. He heads to the museum shop. He quickly returns, declaring, “Safe!” The five minutes aren't over yet. She asks where he went. He holds out a present and says that it should come in handy in London. She should use it to avoid “the disliked thing.” She takes it and thanks him, not opening it.

His face says he doesn’t want her to go. He wipes his hands on his pants and holds the right one out to shake. He tells her to go and do well and definitely contact him. She smiles and shakes it, saying that she had a good time as well. She tells him to have a good life. He doesn’t want to let go of her hand. He's killing me and making me want to cry.
♫ You can smile at me once in a while ♫
He pulls her into a hug.
♫ My longing heart ♫

Ha Ri cringes out of awkwardness. He tells her to have a safe trip.
♫ I can't let you go. ♫

Hye Jin watches sadly and looks away, trying not to cry. Me, too, Hye Jin, me, too.
Back at their apartment, Ha Ri wonders how someone can change that much. It's the next most amazing transformation after the Transformers. More than meets the eye! She gives Hye Jin the present and says that it’s to avoid ‘the disliked thing.’ Hye Jin opens it and it’s an umbrella. Ha Ri mutters that she thought it would be something special. And from Hye Jin's face, I think it might be. She starts to get another beer, but Hye Jin gets it for her. When she comes back, Ha Ri is asleep. Hye Jin tries to get Ha Ri to wake up, so that she can at least remove her makeup, but Ha Ri is out.
As Hye Jin wipes off Ha Ri’s makeup – now that is an awesome friend – she says that Ha Ri suffers because she has a flawed friend. Camera pans to show pictures of them together through the years. Later, Hye Jin is looking at her email. She contemplates deleting all of the emails from Sung Joon.

Flashback. It’s raining and she and Sung Joon are on the bus. Suddenly, he gets up and begs the driver to let him out, pounding on the bus doors frantically. Finally, the driver does and Sung Joon climbs off the bus. Sung Joon puts his hands over his ears and starts muttering for his mother, saying that he’s scared. Hye Jin appears, asking what’s wrong. He doesn't respond, just rocks himself, muttering. She shelters him with her raincoat. Sung Joon is out of it, muttering about his mom and he’s scared.
Now sitting, with Hye Jin still sheltering him with her raincoat, Hye Jin slowly puts one of her ear buds in his ear. A song starts: it’s ‘Close to You.’
♫ Why do birds suddenly appear ♫
♫ Every time you are near? ♫
♫ Just like me, they long to be close to you ♫
Dang! Why did they make me bawl just now?! It’s not just the moment, but it’s Karen Carpenter, man.

The music snaps him out of it. He looks at her and she says that from now on, she’ll stay by his side. She’ll become his umbrella. She smiles at him.
♫ Just like me, they long to be close to you ♫
He smiles back. They start to walk.

Switch to the airport. When he's leaving. Sung Joon hands her the Peeping Girl (Ppaggom). They can’t complete the puzzle if a piece is missing, right? One day, they should definitely meet again and finish the puzzle together. I hope she still has that piece! She smiles, putting on a brave face, and nods. They shake goodbye and he starts to walk away, but turns around to give her a kiss. Then he runs off.

Back in his apartment, Sung Joon looks at the framed puzzle, with its missing piece.
Hye Jin is still debating and finally clicks ‘Delete.’ She tells her first love to take care.

Ha Ri is woken up out of a deep sleep by Hye Jin’s screaming. She grabs a racket and runs out of her bedroom. Hye Jin’s voiceover (VO) says that one day, our reality breaks away from our expectations without warning. Ha Ri rushes into Hye Jin’s room, waving the racket. Hye Jin stares blankly at her computer screen and asks what she should do. VO says that at times, things don't turn out the way you'd hoped. It’s an email saying that she’s been accepted as an intern at Jinsung Magazine's Management Support team. They both start screaming as VO says that sometimes things go so much better than expected. Screaming and jumping. They celebrate with party hats, beer, horns and ‘Sugar’ by Maroon 5. Dancing. They eventually fall asleep.

Next day, Hye Jin stands outside the office building. She puts her hand across her heart and tells herself that it took a lot for her to get there. She suspects that only good things will happen from now on. She smiles and loses the smile when someone walks right into her. He doesn’t even say sorry. This makes her drop her bag. When she leans over to pick it up, her pants rip. She stands up and clears her throat and tells herself that sure bad things will happen too but it'll only help her to become successful. Forget about the past and let's do well with Season 2 of her life. As she hurries toward the building, encouraging herself to ‘go!’

Shin Hyuk also approaches. After smelling his own breath, he pulls out some Chicklets and flings one into the air. It misses his mouth and instead bounces off his forehead. Could he be any bigger of a dork? He moans about the waste.

As he leans over to pick it up, his foot sticks out and trips Hye Jin. She lands face-first on the ground. And the guy that watched it all happen with a grimace on his face just walks right by.

Shin Hyuk hurries over and asks if she’s hurt. She says nothing and doesn’t move. He says that he’ll help her if she’s not getting up because she’s hurt. But if it's because she’s embarrassed, he suggests she get up and quickly run in. Hye Jin starts moaning with pain. Shin Hyuk makes a face. She starts to look at him but spots the Chicklet on the ground and thinks it’s one of her teeth. He asks if she wants to try getting up.

Covering her teeth with her lips, she says she doesn’t. She starts to cry that she thinks her front tooth fell out. He notices what she’s pointing at and picks it up. He announces that it’s gum.

Hye Jin feels her teeth just to make sure. She says that she’s okay. He tells her to get up first. She screams that she’s late and runs away. Shin Hyuk watches her run and remarks that she’s really strange as he pops the gum in his mouth. Yuck. Then he notices that she’s wearing black loafers with white socks.

It makes him think of Michael Jackson and he starts singing ‘Billie Jean.’ Complete with dance moves. I am cracking up. I think he will have me rolling with every scene that he is in.
Management Support Department. Hye Jin is there with the snooty girl from her interview. Manager wants them to introduce themselves. Pretty girl says that she’s Lee Seul Bi. Two guys in the department cheer loudly. And I hate them already. Manager laughs. Seul Bi rolls her eyes like she’s over it. Manager can’t believe that *her* name is Seul Bi. He says that it’s nice to meet her. Loudly, Hye Jin introduces herself, saying that she give her body and heart and do her very best. She bows deeply and Manager complains that she’s too loud.

Manager congratulates them on being accepted. Hye Jin happy bows and thanks them. Seul Bi is over it. Manager starts to explain about the department. Seul Bi looks bored but Hye Jin pulls out a pad and takes notes. Manager tells them to work hard so that they can become a full-time employee after 3 months. They head to their desks. Man brings them their IDs and compliments Seul Bi on her pretty picture. No compliment for Hye Jin, but she’s excited.
Manager calls Hye Jin and gives her her first mission. It's an important job that their department handles. He’s not sure if she can do well. She tells him to leave it to her! The mission? Birthday party snacks. She runs around getting everything she needs for the party. She also pays for Manager’s utility bill wile she’s out. Next, she pastes posters for various campaigns on every floor. He tells her not to take the elevator, since the posters are promoting energy conservation. She doesn’t, the good worker that she is. I would take the elevator to the top floor and work my way down. That would conserve energy (both mine and the building's).
Hye Jin returns to the department, panting and sweaty. Manager asks if she’s alright. She says that she is so he tells her to go get him a glass of water. I do not think I like him.

That night, Hye Jin can’t stop looking at her badge. She's planning on sleeping in it. She passes Ha Ri an envelope and says that now that she’s getting a salary, she’s going to help pay the rent from now on. Ha Ri sighs and calls Hye Jin ‘Yoo Gwan Soon Unni’
Yoo Gwan Soon was a famous Korean independence activist during the colonial rule of Japan. She was 17 when she demonstrated (and later died) for Korean Independence. Both of her parents were killed by Japanese police during the demonstration. She was arrested and sentenced to 7 years in prison, where she was beaten and tortured. She died as a result of it. Her final words were: “Even if my fingernails are torn out, my nose and ears are ripped apart and my legs and arms are crushed, this physical pain does not compare to the pain of losing my nation. My only remorse is not being able to do more than dedicating my life to my country. Japan will fall."
She says that if it weren’t for Hye Jin, her father wouldn't have even let her live independently, so Hye Jin needs to take the money back. They start arguing over who will take the money.

At work, Hye Jin diligently works as a co-worker falls asleep at his desk. It's the jerk from the elevator who pushed the 2nd floor button for the pretty girl instead of asking Hye Jin where she's going. Manager is playing poker on his computer. Seul Bi is reading a magazine and is not even loggeed into her computer. Manager crows over what a good worker Hye Jin is. He was right to strongly recommend her.
Hye Jin is surprised. Manager says that he strongly requested that one of their new interns had to be her! Nowadays, if they choose a female intern, they normally just spend their work time texting boys, and when they go out for a phone call they take an hour to finish. When they have to stay for overtime once, they whine about not being able to meet their boyfriends, and within a year of joining the company they leave to get married. But not Hye Jin! And Seul Bi is currently texting on her phone. Hye Jin’s weak resumè? That's also great because it means she’ll never consider moving companies! Everyone laughs. Hye Jin finally joins in, like she’s not insulted. But she totally is.
She asks if there’s anything more to do. Manager replies that it’s 6 already. Time to go home. But then he remembers and tells her to take a box to the Most Editing Team before she leaves. Like Seul Bi couldn’t have done that while Hye Jin was working. He complains about how they always ask for stuff and then never come to pick it up.

As she walks toward their offices, she’s amazed and delighted by the magazine covers on the walls. Was there a place like this in our company? When she enters the office all she can say is “Daebok.” It’s colorful and people are hurrying around, working hard. She’s going to end up working there, isn’t she? Very cool. The office is two levels.

The pretty girl from the elevator is the receptionist and is busy working on her makeup. Not looking up, Girl tells Hye Jin to leave the stuff anywhere. As Hye Jin puts the box down, another woman – I think it’s Cha Joo Young (Shin Dong Mi) – hands her a box. She orders Hye Jin to go downstairs and send this off as quick delivery first, and then come and translate a document. Joo Young says that the door number is 4444 (which I am surprised at because ‘4’ is considered bad luck and that’s 4-‘4’s (maximum bad luck)!) She says that if Hye Jin is going to be working with her, she’ll have to do something about herself starting with her hair. Joo Young walks away before Hye Jin can stop her.

Hye Jin takes the stuff downstairs. She spots Shin Hyuk on his motorcycle. Of course, she can’t tell it’s Shin Hyuk because he's got his motorcycle helmet on and it’s completely obscuring his face. She asks if he’s with the Most Editing Team. He says that he is and she shoves the box at him and hurries off. He wonders why she’s so strange and then wonders where he’s seen her before. And again, he makes me chuckle.

Back upstairs, Hye Jin puts the envelope that she’s supposed to be translating on the desk and starts to leave. She’s stopped by Kim Poong Ho (Ahn Se Ha). She’s finally there? He hands her an article and says that if she reads through it, there will be some typos. Their schedule clashed with the 20th anniversary special, so there wasn't enough time to write the articles. Lame excuse. He tells her to pay attention on editing and revising. Otherwise they're in big trouble. He goes and lies down.

Hye Jin starts to ask why she should do it but ends up doing it. Shin Hyuk enters and asks Kim Joon Woo (Park Yoo Hwan) who the new person is. Joon Woo says that Hye Jin is the new editing and revising freelancer. Shin Hyuk starts to nod but squints at Hye Jin. He dumps an even larger stack of papers on the desk that Hye Jin is sitting at and announces that there are almost no typos and the writing is amazing, so she'll be done in no time. She, of course, is confused.

He asks if they’ve met before. Is she sure they're meeting for the first time? She says that it is – and she hasn’t recognized him, which is understandable. He asks if it was at a club? And pops his eyebrows which cracks me up. She smiles awkwardly. She asks why she has to do all this work.

Joo Young walks up asks if she’s finished translating everything. Hye Jin has. Shin Hyuk says that he’ll leave her to it, then. He gives Hye Jin a wide smile with two thumbs up and walks away. And I crack up again. Every single scene. Every one.
Joo Young is looking over the translation. Hye Jin asks again, why they’re all asking her to– Joo Young orders her to go collect coffee from the first floor and bring it to the studio, which is on the first floor on the opposite building. She walks off before Hye Jin can refuse. So Hye Jin does what she’s told.

The shoot is alive and electric. With white models. And half-dressed men, which Hye Jin *really* likes. Woman asks about the coffee so Hye Jin brings it.

Back in The Most office, the freelancer arrives. Shin Hyuk and Joo Young are shocked. As they wonder about it, we see Hye Jin waiting for the bus, falling asleep because she’s exhausted. Joo Young was impressed with how Hye Jin finished all the translation and very clearly too. Shin Hyuk agrees; Hye Jin also finished editing and revising all of his manuscripts, quite well, too. Hye Jin ends up sleeping through her bus stopping.
Next day, Manager tells her that she’s being moved to the Most Editing Team. Manager says that they requested for an intern to help them. He says that she should just stay there for three months and come back. Hye Jin doesn’t want to, but Manager says that nobody can go against the power of the Most Editing Team. They have to do as the Editing Team wishes. And if Hye Jin manages to hang in there, it will help her with becoming a full-time employee. Hye Jin reluctantly goes.

Hye Jin arrives at The Most offices. Joon Woo pleasantly greets her, calling her Noona. He points to her desk, so Hye Jin goes to put her stuff down. Shin Hyuk sees her again and can swear he knows her from somewhere. Hye Jin gets a phone call. Shin Hyuk stares at her, trying to figure out *where* he knows her from.

The phone call is from Ha Ri. It’s interrupted by Kim Rara’s entrance (she loudly yells “Buongiorno!” Everyone stands and greets her. And she seriously should not be dressing that young. Even if she has great legs. She tosses her purse and Joon Woo catches it. Hye Jin tells Ha Ri that a really fascinating ajumma just came in.

VO says that “then reality, without any notice, passes by our expectations” as we see feet/shoes enter the building. Pretty girl from the elevator sees him and grumbles that he's the guy that pushed her off the elevator. I wondered if that was him. Ee! Rara wonders where ‘he’ is. He was supposed come today. He enters. We only see feet. VO says that “It doesn't happen as expected.” Rara introduces him: He's from New York's "Most" Headquarters and was transferred to their team. The new editor in chief. Hye Jin turns around and sees him. She gasps and covers her mouth so she doesn’t scream. Because it’s Sung Joon.

Staring at her and not his new boss – Shin Hyuk notices her shoes and remembers: Michael Jackson! Sung Joon greets the room and introduces himself. VO says that neither of them have expected this. VO switches to Sung Joon’s voice which says that this was the beginning of the find-the-hidden-picture game. I really like that, because it’s like they’re relating a story that’s already happened and we’re getting to envision it unfolding.
- to jump on a computer - to start to work on a computer, typically it implies a sense of immediacy
- to make up (something) - to devise or compose (something)
- cool - this has several meanings: (1) something that is excellent and admirable, (2) characterized by great skill, ability and cleverness, (3) being socially adept, (4) being acceptable, satisfactory; this term was popularized by jazz musicians in the 1940s. (I was helped with this definition by the English Language & Usage blog. There's also a really interesting article about coolness on the
- to call (someone) on (something) - originating from the game of poker, to 'call' someone's bet, means that the person's bet has matched and they must now reveal their cards; in this context, this phrase means to challenge someone on something that was said or done, often in sense of pointing out deception or dishonesty.
- cold - while it could refer to body temperature, in this instance it's describing someone's treatment of another; when talking about behavior, it means cruel, mean.
- to light up - when describing a person's appearance, it means that it changes from looking gloomy to looking very happy
- to have a story behind (something) - to have a reason or meaning that is not readily obvious but is significant and/or meaningful
- to treat (someone) however - to deal with or act toward someone as if that person has no value
- to fluff (someone's) hair - to ruffle or tease someone's hair so that it appears light and soft
- to help (someone) out - in this instance, not literally meaning to assist someone out of someplace, it means to provide aid, assistance; removing 'out' would not change the meaning, but it's normally added in this sense
- in the (appearance) department - in an organization, there are different departments that are in charge of different things; in this analogy, there's a fictitious department responsible for a person's appearance
- to come to terms with (something) - to accept that a difficult/unpleasant situation cannot be changed and to begin to deal with the negative emotions associated with that situation
- to clear (one's) head - to empty one's mind about a subject; to stop thinking about whatever one is thinking, so that the memory of it isn't even there
- muscle-bound - having excessive muscles due to weightlifting or bodybuilding
- to slop - in this instance, it means the way one walks when wearing the heaviness and messiness of completely soaked shoes; the Fine Dictionary has numerous definitions of 'slop'
- lame - something that is pathetic to the point that it is irritating
- ill-fitting - the wrong-size or shape
- not half-bad - almost good
- for (someone) to have radar - RaDAR [ra(dio) d(etection) a(nd) r(anging)] is measuring instrument in which the echo of a pulse of microwave radiation is used to detect and locate distant objects (see here or here for more; when a person has radar, it means one is sensitive to the object being detected
- snarky - rudely critical, cutting, sarcastic, scornful
- no-nonsense - sensible, practical, straightforward, serious
- loser - someone who loses; but in this instance, it is person who habitually loses, a hapless individual; it is often used to express contempt for the person (and his/her actions) that is being described
- (someone) is dying to (do something) - (someone) cannot wait to (do something); because of such great anticipation over a future event, one has so much extra energy that one cannot sit still
- bad taste - taste (as in aesthetic judgment) as in full of discernment and appreciating what is excellent; bad taste means that the person lacks this taste; can mean rude, uncouth, unrefined, gaudy
- with one go - all at once
- to go broke - become penniless or bankrupt; explains that in the post-Renaissance period, banks issued porcelain tiles to customers who borrowed money from them. When the limit of the customer's credit was reached, the clerk would immediately break the tile, hence going broke
- to stuff (one's) face - to shove food into one's mouth (so that cheeks are bulging and the mouth cannot close); it can also mean to eat to an (almost) debaucherous level
- dork - this term is very subjective; broadly defined as someone without a clue as to what comprises normal social interaction; when I think of a dork, I think of someone who is goofy, but in an appealing way; for more discussion read here, here, here and here
- to crack up - to burst into laughter, to laugh heartily; see the English Stack Exchange for more on where this usage came from
- to hang in there - to persevere
- seriously - to stress something (as in the situation is serious, so one must...)
Oh, my gosh, that was so good! I am clapping my hands. So good! I’ve stayed up way too late to finish it. But it was so good. I like all the characters! I can completely relate to Hye Jin’s insecurity and feeling ugly (even though neither one of us really is). Hwang Jung Eum completely embraced being ‘ugly;’ at no point did I ever feel like she was uncomfortable (as an actor) not looking pretty. The heart with which she plays her; it makes me like her (and Hye Jin) very much.
I am so glad that the 'pretty girl' of the story is her best friend and not a catty rival. I also love that Ha Ri isn't vain or vapid but is a woman of substance. Even though she has lots of Oppas, what’s important to her is her best friend and I love that. From the minute she squealed and waved at Hye Jin, Go Joon Hee immediately made me like her (which I appreciate). Plus, she plays Ha Ri as a woman who is not out to impress anyone, but is just comfortable in who she is, so we have a pretty girl who snorts in her sleep, sprawls across her couch and does awkward leg stretches (which is what real women do). It made me love Ha Ri just as much as Hye Jin.
Park Seo Joon played Sung Joon just right; a guy who started out as a fat kid but grew into a hot guy, who still feels like the fat kid on the inside. He acts confident but whenever something happens that he's not expecting (and prepared for), his facade cracks to reveal that insecurity that is always there (especially since his Ppaggom hasn’t been there to be his umbrella).
As far as the story goes, I love that it’s obvious that Sung Joon wouldn’t have cared what she looks like at all, because she loved and accepted him when he was ‘ugly.’ He thought she was beautiful because of her heart – which is still beautiful and I would argue more so now because she’s stayed that way despite people being cruel. Just from the way that he was looking at her when they were talking, it's that friend, not the pretty girl, that he missed and wants back.
His struggling over losing her again made me hurt for him... how he didn’t want to say goodbye, how he couldn’t believe that they’re finally in the same place again and she’s leaving. I really did not expect to bawl while watching the first episode, but I really did. Seo Joon and Jung Eum got me quite a few times. And then they had to make 'Close to You' super laden with meaning. I mean, that song makes me emotional anyway because it's The Carpenters. Her voice was so beautiful and soothing and her life was so tragic. She died too soon (from complications from bulimia) which is what makes me sad. Add to all that the song being what pulled him back from not being able to cope with the world... to her being his umbrella and a comfort after losing his Oma, oof! (And we, the audience, already know that it means something more than just a song to Sung Joon because he was listening to it on his car radio as he drove to meet Hye Jin.)
Something does tell me that Sung Joon can sense that something is off; the way he kept looking at Ha Ri in the restaurant, like this wasn't quite the person he remembered. Hopefully, the truth will come out quickly, so that he doesn't give up his first love the way that Hye Jin is ready to. It would be better for it to be quick, since he’s going to find out anyway. And, yes, he’s going to be mad, because she didn’t trust him to be less shallow than that. But I don’t think it will be for that long, because he’ll understand *why* she did it, once he cools off.
And Shin Hyuk… Siwon is cracking me up in every scene. I really love that he’s wearing the terrible facial hair so he’s not so ‘pretty boy’ (not that I hate pretty boys; I don’t). But it makes it more about him as Shin Hyuk rather him as Siwon acting. If that makes sense. And every single scene he has me cracking up. Because Shin Hyuk, for all the suaveness he tries to put on, is such a goofball. Such a goofball. And I love it!
As I was going through looking for my Americanese, I realized something. Hye Jin's description of true love: you miss them and you're happy when you're with them. You do things that you didn't used to do and you only see them, even from a distance. Sure sounds like how she feels about Sung Joon (and how Sung Joon feels about her, based on what he said and how he was acting). Isn't that interesting?
I can totally understand her insecurity, especially when you feel that way towards someone, you're 'less' than when you last saw them and it's been a while since being reunited. I've been there (I think we all have). Heck, it's tempting to worry about being appealing (in more than just looks) when you like someone and you're around them all the time.
I think next episode, we're going to see even more so how this is true for Sung Joon, too. When he was with Ha Ri, that awkwardness from his insecurity kept bubbling to the surface, even though he tried to hide it well. Based on that one conversation, on how he pointed when mentioning the puzzle that was also in the box, I can tell that the dorky little boy is still in there, hiding just under the surface, waiting to hang out with his Hye Jin again. I can't wait to see this guy (who looks like he'd be so smooth) be dorky. (I mean, I know we already have one goofball - Shin Hyuk - but I think it would be so awesome if Sung Joon was another one.)
I am even more excited for this series now, although it also means that I am going to have to wait each week… arg! But very promising start. And by the end of the first episode, Hye Jin doesn’t look that ugly to me anymore. They made her look really bad (I was shocked at how bad she looked at the beginning of the episode) but by the end of the episode, I’m not really noticing it anymore. Which says something, too, about the characters, writing and the actors involved.
One thing that also struck me - this really reminds me of 2 movies that I've seen: The Truth about Cats and Dogs (1996) and Mujhse Dosti Karoge! (2002). One is American, the other is Bollywood. The story is basically the same. 'Ugly' girl asks beautiful friend to pretend to be her when meeting the boy she likes. He's already likes her because of her personality, she just doesn't think he'll like her once he sees what she looks like.
In the American version, he's interested because of hearing Abby on the radio. She begs her friend (Noelle) to be her stand-in and then pretends to be someone else entirely (Donna). As time passes and they all get closer, Noelle starts to like him, too, and he finds himself increasingly attracted to Donna.
In the Bollywood version, Raj, Pooja and Tina were friends when they were young. Raj moved away and emailed Tina because he liked her. Tina could care less, but Pooja likes him, so she pretends to be Tina and continues the correspondence. Now adults, Raj is returning to India and swears that he will know Pooja on sight (his heart will tell him it's her). But when he meets finally meets both of them, he's besotted with the real Tina, leaving Pooja on the sidelines. The real Tina is nothing like her emails and he finds himself increasingly liking Pooja, even as Tina is falling in love with him, too.
The common denominator in both these stories is that the friend falls in love with the confused guy, even though his heart already belongs to the 'ugly' one. I really love Hye Jin and Ha Ri's friendship, so I really don't want to see any type of troubles between them over a guy. This is what I am worrying about. The rational me says that I don't need to worry, because this is a comedy and not a melodrama, but I still am biting my nails over it.
I also really hope that it's not going to be 12-14 hours of mistaken identity and then 2 where Sung Joon knows the truth. Or even 8 where he knows the truth (Mask, anyone?) ... Couldn't we do maybe 2 or 3 only? And could they not throw some trope in to manufacture conflict? Wait, wait. The first episode was so awesome. I am going to trust that the writers know what they're doing and don't run out of gas. Please don't disappoint me!
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