His name was Dudley and he was just shy of 15 years old.
He unexpectedly got sick and when I took him to the vet, she discovered a fist-sized tumor in his chest.
He never really got better and in the end was in a lot of pain, so on March 17th, I ended up putting my friend to sleep.

Some of you might not understand why this still makes me cry sometimes, but I know many of you do.
I'd had him for 5 years and whenever we would go anywhere, he always stuck close by. He might walk a little slow, but he just trucked along, loving every minute of it.

This is Duds (left) with my other two dogs, Cullen (middle) and Riley (right), who thankfully are still with me. That's them at the dog park, where, of course, they got really muddy and had to have a bath afterward.

Here we were out on a walk. Duds is on the right.

This one is on Mizzou's campus. Mort Walker, the creator of Beetle Bailey, is an alum and before Beetle joined the Army, he was the slacker college student immortalized here in bronze. This picture very much refelts everyone's personality.

That happy-go-lucky expression he's wearing? He pretty much always wore it. Unless you had food and then he had his serious, 'you might just feed me' face on, because he *really* liked human food. Besides meat, his favorite things to eat were: Romaine lettuce, oranges and strawberries. And chocolate, of course. I didn't ever try to feed it to him, but that didn't mean he wouldn't do things like dig a hole into a canvas bag to try and get to the candy bar wrapper he smelled inside.

He was a good dog.
So, in the past month and a half, I've been re-watching some of my favorite k-dramas, the ones that were really funny at times, to help myself not be over-whelmed with my grief.
What did I choose to rewatch?

Why? Because I love Sam Soon and some of Jin Heon's antics make me roll with how funny he is. And, because I'd seen it before, I could fast-forward through those annoying Hee Jin scenes. Boy, did I find her annoying most of the time. Particularly with how she's chasing one guy and stringing along another. Hee Jin wasn't a bad person, but Sam Soon shows how she's a better one, by making soup for the woman that's trying to steal her man.

Why? Because of Han Gyul's struggle not to fall in love with a man who is really a woman (Eun Chan) who has fallen in love with him. I originally started with the episode where the truth has come out and Han Gyul is driving and crying over his sense of betrayal. Then I went back to the beginning. Gong Yoo really made this series for me, because of the gusto and exuberence that he played Han Gyul with and I needed that.

Why? Because I needed to laugh. This series has so many times where I laugh, I think it's my go-to series when I want to laugh. And Ki Tae is one of my top three heroes, one that if I met a guy like him, I'd want to date him (Han Gyul and Boong Do from 'Queen In Hyun's Man' are the others). I love the leads, I love their chemistry and I love their story. And I just realized I'm going to have to edit my top-ten list, because this show needs to be on it.

Why? Because I love this love story and Boong Do and Hee Jin. It's the only drama out of the group that I was tempted to cry during, and that was just a moment because I reassured myself that it would be all right. It has one of my favorite k-drama kisses, too. Just a good love story.
I also started watching 'Healer' just for fun, even though I intend to recap it later. There's nothing wrong with that :)
So, thank you k-dramas, for helping me to forget my troubles and laugh.
Now, I'm off to recap a drama that I've been waiting to start: 'Divorce Lawyer in Love.' It's Yun Woo Jin's new drama and I have been almost dying for it to start. I've watched the first 5 minutes of it and I don't think I'm going to be disappointed. Woo Jin's Cheok Hee character got a face full of rice porridge, which to me says that there will be some good physical comedy to be had.
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