Saturday, June 28, 2014

You're All Surrounded Episode 13 Recap

The episode starts right where it left off last time: Dae Goo at the house of Yoo Ae Yun, there because the woman assaulted Mom. Moon Bae rolls up and is horrified that Dae Goo is on his doorstep. Dae Goo shows her the video footage of her beating Mom. She’s even still wearing the clothes she had on when she beat Mom. Ae Yun and Son lean in and look at video while Father looks really annoyed. Son sigh and asks in an annoyed voice if Ae Yun caused trouble again. Again? Really? She shoots a look at her son. Moon Bae rolls down his window. Still looking like he’s freaking out.

What’s Ae Yun’s answer to Dae Goo’s question? She looks at Dae Goo and haughtily asks what he’s doing (blocking her path). That's her answer. She isn’t even ashamed. She orders him to move. He could arrest you right now, although how he was planning on transporting her, I don’t know, since he arrived by taxi. Why not take the van? And another reason why I love Dae Goo: Dae Goo doesn’t move but stays right in her path. He asks Ae Yun where the victim is, because she’s missing. Ae Yun’s reaction? Even more annoyed, practically yelling at Dae Goo for bothering her with this. Moon Bae gets out of the car.

Dae Goo, undeterred by someone powerful yelling at him, raises his voice as he says that the victim's whereabouts are unaccounted for! Father decides to step in a diffuse the situation. He asks Dae Goo about being from Gangnam Police Station. Dae Goo immediately diffuses and looks at Father respectfully. Moon Bae decides to assert himself, asking what’s going on. Dae Goo and Moon Bae look at each other as Ae Yun wears a look of ‘you’re in trouble now. He’s going to take care of this!’ Please don’t tell me they are married. He’s way older than she is.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Master's Sun Episode 5 Recap

The episode starts where we left off last time – Joong Won holding Gong Sil so she doesn’t have to see the ghosts from the bus accident. Their theme plays. And I’m still a little touched by it, that he came to rescue her. After a moment, she apologizes. Joong Won takes her by the shoulders and puts her shoulder length, only to notice that she’s still clutching his jacket tightly. He looks at her with raised eyebrow and she tells him that holding on to him is what helps. He takes her hand and tells her, “Let's go.” Then he leads her away from the accident.

Gong Sil is surprised that he’s holding her hand but says nothing. She doesn’t want to jinx it. After a bit, Joong Won asks if they’re far enough away for her to be okay. She thinks so, so she lets go. She takes a step away from him to peer around and then smiles because she sees no one. She says there’s no one, grabbing his hand again. The theme fades away – like Gong Sil’s illusions about what’s going on – as Joong Won looks at her and asks why she’s grabbing his hand again if they're not there. She reluctantly takes her hand back and Joong Won proceeds to adjust his cuff and cuff link, like it’s all out of place because she was touching him. Doofus.

Gong Sil feebly says that her hands keep wanting to reach out and touch his body. Heh. I love how there’s all this double innuendo going on. She means it most innocently, of course, but I wonder if the writers sit and think of racy ways to say things just for giggles. Joong Won snaps that he’s not some cheap shrimp cracker that she can touch however she pleases, even if her hands can't keep off of him. She replies that he’s right, he’s an extremely expensive CEO. Heh. Gong Sil mentions how she thought he was too angry with her that he would forbid her from ever touching him again. Because of the whole lying thing. Which she did quite innocently and wouldn’t have done if she *knew* the deal with Hee Joo.

Monday, June 23, 2014

You're All Surrounded Episode 12 Recap

The episode starts with where it left off: Dae Goo hurt and hiding under the truck. Boots with Dae Goo’s gun, bending down to catch and kill him. Headlights of the white car pop on and wheels squeal. The car zooms forward and collides with Boots, who rolls over the hood and collapses onto the ground. Dae Goo sees him land. The hit man – literally – exits the car and shoves Boots to the ground with his foot and begins to strangle him. Boots looks over at Dae Goo and reaches for Dae Goo. Flashbacks of Oma’s murder.

Dae Goo squeezes his eyes closed and turns his head away. Hit man continues to strangle Boots. And I am impressed at how real this scene is – Boots’s face is really red, the way it would be if you were cutting off the blood flow… And then – something I didn’t expect – Dae Goo karate kicks Hitman in the face to knock him off of Boots. Hitman scrambles to his feet, but Dae Goo stumbles to stand in between Hitman and Boots, clutching his arm as he does. As soon as he comes face to face with Dae Goo, Hitman runs. What does that mean? Why wouldn’t he come after Dae Goo? Especially since Boots was there to kill off Dae Goo? Does it have something to do with who Dae Goo’s father is? Is there more than one power player here? A war between two corrupt powers, where one is protecting his flesh and blood from the other, and the other doesn’t know it? Hmmm…

Dae Goo doesn’t bother to try and chase after Hitman’s car. But when he turns around, Boots is holding his gun on him. Boots stands up and tells Dae Goo that he’s an entertaining kid, saving him and all. He laughs and says that there was a time when he was like Dae Goo, jumping in blindly to save his friend. And how was he repaid? The world just threw shit back in his face. So, kiddo shouldn’t resent Boots when Boots kills him.

Pan Suk arrives with Soo Sun in the car. So did he put a tracker on Dae Goo? How did they know where he went? I hope they answer that later. The pair are scanning the garage for any sign of Dae Goo or Boots.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

You're All Surrounded Episode 11 Recap

The episode starts where it ended last week: Boots at the door. Dae Goo standing behind it, holding a bat. The creek of Boots’s glove as he grips the knife and then the fight in the bedroom. I re-watched the last episode to see if they reshot any of this, but I don’t think so. The fight spills out into the living room. There’s a standoff. Boots has lost his knife and Dae Goo stands, threatening Boots with the bat. Dae Goo says, “It's you. You're Boots.” Boots smiles and wonders… is he? Dae Goo looks at him a moment and says that he never forgot Boots voice, not for one moment. Boots isn’t smiling now.

Dae Goo tells Boots that he killed Oma and Dae Goo can see the scar under his ear. He (Boots) killed Oma. Boots smiles again and calls Dae Goo ‘kiddo.’ He remarks on how Dae Goo has grown up… but when Oma died, Dae Goo just hid under like a coward and watched her being killed, right? His mother gave up her life to save him, but all he did was watch. Does Dae Goo remember?

He’s totally baiting you, smiling like that! And Dae Goo falls for it. Dae Goo yells and lunges for Boots, but Boots is ready and disarms Dae Goo by slamming him into the wall. They struggle, with Boots kicking Dae Goo into the coffee table. Dae Goo picks it up and throws it at Boots. And it doesn’t break. Sturdy table! Boots punches Dae Goo several times, knocking him to the ground. Dae Goo yells and goes for Boots, who gets him in a choke hold. But Dae Goo is able to throw Boots to the ground. Dang! He just totally smashed the TV! Seriously! That flat screen is toast. The pair are throwing everything they have into this hand-to-hand battle, but Dae Goo ends up on the ground. Boots pulls out a switchblade.

Downstairs, Pan Suk has arrived. His phone rings. It’s Gook. The trio is right behind him with chicken and beer. Pan Suk asks if Dae Goo is home. When Gook says he is, Pan Suk announces that he’s going up. Without waiting for them. The trio decides to go get more chicken since Pan Suk is there.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

You're All Surrounded Episode 10 Recap

The episode begins with Soo Sun beaming, waiting for the bus. She remembers Dae Goo telling her that his “friend” Ji Yong gave her this message: “You're right. There's a reason why I have to hide it. So please don't try to inquire any further, at least for a while.” Once on the bus, she starts to text Dae Goo with another question for Ji Yong, but then hesitates because he might yell at her for asking too many questions. I don’t think so. After all, you made him cry. Which made *me* cry, thinking about how alone he’s been all these years… Soo Sun thinks back to when she was younger…

Younger Soo Sun is walking, rocking some pink headphones. She’s probably singing something by Lee Hyori again. Her friends come running up, yelling her name. She doesn’t hear them until they grab her. Those are some good head phones. They tell her that someone died in her neighborhood. She’s horrified when she finds out that it was Ji Yong’s Oma that died and that Ji Yong disappeared the night before. Right after she saw him at the high school.

Soo Sun hurries down to the police department. She tells a policeman that she saw Ji Yong the night before. But Pan Suk isn’t there, so the policeman takes her statement. She tells Policeman that she saw him at the high school and it seemed like he was being chased. He went into the science lab, but wasn’t there when she went there a short time later. She mentions seeing a man with a scar on his neck coming from the science lab, though.

Wait… what’s Chief doing there? She’s walking down the hall, dressed like a detective, although she has the same hair style, and something about the mention of a scar catches her attention. She thinks. The detective asks if Soo Sun Ji Yong’s friend. Why does Chief look concerned? What is she doing there? Did she work with Pan Suk before? Soo Sun says that they were just acquaintances. Policeman asks if there was anything else about the man with the scar. Soo Sun describes him as all in black and wearing a hat. And Chief looks really interested. Why does she look so interested? I’m getting a bad feeling… She writes down her name and school and the Policeman sends her on her way.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

You're All Surrounded Episode 9 Recap

The episode starts where we left off: Pan Suk and Dae Goo staring at each other at the Morgue. Pan Suk walks over to Dae Goo and Dae Goo is doing everything to look calm. I can tell by the look in his eyes, the tightness of his shoulder muscles, and the big swallow he just took that he is freaking out, especially since he just lost his only lead to Oma’s killer. Pan Suk repeats himself, calling Dae Goo Kim Ji Yong and saying that he’s alive. At first he says, “You are alive after all.” Which implies that he had no idea that Ji Yong was alive, meaning that Boots *didn’t* tell him that Dae Goo was Ji Yong. And if Boots didn’t tell him, they must not have been working together at all. Dae Goo please realize this later.

As Pan Suk is saying that he’s alive, the look of fear and longing in Dae Goo’s eyes makes my heart ache. Is the secret *finally* out? Twitch from Pan Suk as he mutters Ji Yong’s name and I think if this goes on for too much longer, Pan Suk’s going to break down. And then… Dae Goo asks, “Who?” Pan Suk repeats the name, Ji Yong, and asks Dae Goo if it’s really him. Dae Goo goes with this, responding that he’s asking who this Ji Yong person is. Pan Suk doesn’t saying anything as Dae Goo says that Pan Suk’s been sneaking around, going places like the orphanage like a cat in the night, investigating him, and if Pan Suk wants to know something, he should just ask directly. Which he just did… I’m just saying. Dae Goo bows while Pan Suk blinks and tries to get out of there.

But Pan Suk’s not just going to roll over, especially since he’s practically positive now that Dae Goo is Ji Yong. He asks Dae Goo why he was at the morgue. Dae Goo turns around to answer and spots Gook walking down the hall, so he lies and says that he was at the morgue for the autopsy of the poor dead guy. Gook sees Dae Goo and it’s like he was expecting Dae Goo to be there. Gook starts when he sees Pan Suk and asks why Team Leader is there. No one says anything. Gook holds out the results.

Pan Suk goes and checks out C.G.’s body. He sighs. Eung Do arrives. Pan Suk asks the medical examiner if Dae Goo also come and identify C.G. just now. Medical Examiner says he didn’t. But Pan Suk still has a bone that he’s got a hold of.

Dae Goo is walking with Gook and Tae Il. He thinks, “I saw the employees change shifts. I should be okay.” His face doesn’t look so certain. Gook gets Dae Goo’s attention and Tae Il asks Dae Goo why he’s at the Morgue. Dae Goo says it’s because he just wanted to see them. Gook’s surprised that he’s saying something nice. That should immediately make them suspicious.

[Episode 9: Top Secret.]

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

You're All Surrounded Episode 8 Recap

Last episode ended with that amazingly heartwarming smile by Dae Goo as he watched Soo Sun dance, and then a flashback to right before the rumble. This episode doesn’t start there. Instead it starts with Pan Suk entering a really quaint café where he seems to know the owner well, although it’s been a while since Pan Suk’s been in. Pan Suk is also *not* wearing his green flack jacket and jeans but a nice black shirt and dark grey blazer. Pan Suk takes a seat, chugs some water and sends a message to Eung Do that he’ll be back in a couple of hours.

We switch to Sa Kyung who is standing by a wall of paper decorations. She is dressed up in a cute jean jacket, white skirt combo. She takes a glance and it’s a quarter to seven. I realize that we *didn’t* miss their big date! She looks excited and I guess Pan Suk looked nervous before. She can’t help but smile as she messes with her hair.

Pan Suk looks at his watch and it’s 7. He’s waiting, waiting. More water. Guest come in and leave. The water bottle gets less full. At 7:28, he checks his phone. No message. Where could she be and then he realizes that she’s gone some place else. He mutters, “Chin cha! Darn it!” and runs out of the restaurant.

Sa Kyung isn’t smiling anymore. After she looks at her watch, she leaves where she was waiting. Pan Suk calls and she doesn’t take the call. She also turns the phone off.

Pan Suk is running up lots and lots of steps. He stops to catch his breath and then runs up some more. And luckily she’s on the same steps. They see each other and he smiles. She doesn’t. He starts toward her and she’s just going to walk by him but he grabs her arm and stops her. He tries to get her to listen but she tells him that she was foolish for thinking people could change. People don't change. Then she sarcastically tells him that at least he tried. It's better than not showing up at all. She tells him game over and wrenches her arm free. Arg!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

You're All Surrounded Episode 7 Recap

So, last episode ended with Dae Goo kissing Soo Sun to stop her from outing him to Pan Suk. This episode starts with Soo Sun’s tent. We get to see a replay of the kiss about five times and Soo Sun tries to make sense of everything.

Then it’s 24 hours earlier and Mom has come to visit. So Soo Sun brings the boys up to her house/tent and explains her situation. Dae Goo, being Dae Goo, is sitting in her one lawn chair, like he’s above being concerned about it all. Do I see the roommate hijinks coming? Please? She’s begging them to help her by acting like she lives at their place for one night. I find it interesting that living in a tent is more scandalous that cohabitating with men… Gook and Tae Il are, as Tae Il puts it, “Cool” with it but Dae Goo says no. Soo Sun tries her ‘Oppa’ whine but when he stands firm, she threatens to throw herself from the roof. He tells her to go ahead; it’s not high enough to kill her (only 3 stories) but she’ll break every bone in her body. She asks again and Dae Goo still refuses and then… she asks his forgiveness, because Mom’s already at the apartment. Dae Goo is not happy.

Switch to the apartment, where they are grilling meat with a Korean Foreman grill. Or I should say that Dae Goo is the one grilling the meat. Mom *really* likes him, as illustrated by her feeding him the eel tail and slapping him on the rear. Dae Goo is not used to this physical contact. He glares over at Soo Sun, who knows that she’s in the dog house with him already without her adding to things. She nags at Mom to stop feeding Dae Goo. She answers saying that sons love when their mothers feed them.

Gook gushes over Mom’s cooking and reaches for another piece of meat, only to be stopped by Mom’s chopsticks. She smiles and, without taking her eyes off of her new ‘son,’ Dae Goo, tells Gook that there are only six pieces for each of them. Gook smiles and withdraws his chopsticks. Tae Il offers Mom some red wine, which she chugs. He offers her some more and she’s amazed at his beautiful complexion (complete with facial carress). Tae Il’s a little uncomfortable. Mom tells them that they remind her of an old adage: “A breath of fresh air.” Then she laughs which tells me that Mom holds her liquor as well as I do. Mom wonders how they allow co-ed housing. Gook goes for more meat, only to be stopped by the chopsticks. Mom picks up the piece of meat, blows on it, and then offers it to Dae Goo, who has to eat it to be polite.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

You're All Surrounded Episode 6 Recap

The episode starts with Pan Suk in jail. He’s chilling in the cell, laying on the floor, waiting for when he’s released. Not stressing at all. Eung Do and the gang arrive with the arrest warrant for Shin Myung.

As Shin Myung is leaving his house, they arrive. Soo Sun presents him with the arrest warrant – through a closed window – and motions for him to get out of his car. He sits there so Dae Goo opens up the door and pulls him out. He slaps the cuffs on Shin Myung as he reads Shin Myung his rights. And I find it interesting that Shin Myung is still in the country, considering Frog didn’t issue the no-fly order. I guess the twat was arrogant enough to think he’d get away with it again. I really liked it – in spite of myself – when Dae Goo shoved the arrest warrant in the guy’s face. Shin Myung wears a cocky sneer as Dae Goo reads him his rights. Wonder what that means? Hi-fives from everyone but Pan Suk, who sighs happily.

Dae Goo meets with a detective, trying to hunt down creepy threat guy who’s been missing for 6 years. Dae Goo adds that he was working with a different agency up until a month ago, but they’d gotten nowhere. Does this mean no more S?

Pan Suk is waiting on the steps of Sa Kyung’s apartment building. He stands when she arrives. She barely wants to look at him and doesn’t even let him tell her about the arrest. She’s already heard. He looks pleased, in his stone-faced way. She tells him, “Good job,” and tries to go in. He asks her to dinner. He’s hopeful. She replies that she doesn't feel like it as usual. Way to kick a puppy. But she relents a little and asks him for a drink instead. At the restaurant – with meat! – they don’t look at each other and tender music plays. Pan Suk says he’s always wondered why she came to Gangnam Station, since she must have known he was there. She sighs and asks him why he thinks she came. He doesn’t know. He says that it seems that from the moment they met until now, he’s never known her, but he wish he did. Wow. That’s deep and sad. So sad for him. She glances over at his sadness. She tells him that tonight, they should just drink.

You're All Surrounded Episode 5 Recap

Okay, so I did something a little different this time around recapping. I watched the episode and now I’m recapping it. I jotted down some reactions while I was watching it, but not many.

The episode begins with Dae Goo starting at his war board as he thinks about the phone conversation between Thug and Pan Suk. Thug taunts Pan Suk, telling him that it's been a long time… Team Leader Seo. And Pan Suk hasn’t forgotten his voice has he? Pan Suk asks if he’s back for good and Thug again taunts that it turned out that way and they should meet.

Dae Goo thinks about Thug in his home, talking to someone on the phone. Does he still think that Pan Suk was working with this guy? It sure looks like it. And his eyes are glossy thinking about Oma and this guy. S calls Dae Goo. Dae Goo repeats what he texted S, that Thug is back (although they’re calling him the man with shoed feet, which is just weird. Of course, he’s wearing shoes. Viki translates it as “Boots” which makes more sense.). It sounds like S questions this, because Dae Goo adamantly insists that it’s him and he wouldn’t forget Boots’s voice even if 110 years passed (not just 11). Dae Goo mentions the acid and says that either Thug or Creeper Threat man will have the scar from it. It’s Thug, Dae Goo. Creeper wouldn’t get his hands dirty. It would ruin his manicure. Dae Goo’s sure they’re going to contact Pan Suk soon, so he’s going to start watching him 24/7. (Pan Suk restless, sitting on his couch.). As Dae Goo watches Pan Suk do nothing, he looks haunted and angry and not just a little determined.

His stalking is interrupted by the arrival of his roommates and Soo Sun, who are all loudly, drunkenly singing. He stomps out of his room and shushes them, using a pointed finger to his lips for emphasis. Soo Sun joyfully greets him, throwing open her arms to grab him in a hug, but he stops it with two fingers to her forehead. Her saying “Par-teh-ner!” and ending in a squawk cracks me up and I have watched it at least 5 times. He demands to know what the ruckus is about – because Dae Goo is 85 and these young whippersnappers are being too loud! He glares at Soo Sun as he has why she’s there. Even though it’s totally obvious to everyone *but* him: they’ve brought their celebration back to the flat so that Dae Goo can be a part of it, too.