It's been a while since I did anything k-drama related. As mentioned in
my previous post, I was not happy over how
She Was Pretty turned out. But after almost a year, I have moved on. My recovery has been helped along by a several other k-dramas:
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds and
Jealousy Incarnate. These two I watched during a recent trip to Korea. Yes, I got to go to Korea for work and I loved every minute of it! It was really an interesting experience, watching a k-drama and not understanding what anyone is saying. Luckily, they replay the drama at least once during the week (with
MDBC it was several times and a couple of marathons), so I was able to rewatch after downloading the subtitles. I have to say, I didn't need any subtitles to be stunned when Yeong cut his eternity bracelet in Episode 15. Or to react to Na Ri and Jung Won's kiss in Episode 14. But it did help me to understand what the heck Na Ri kept saying right before that and *why* Ra On was pointing a dagger at Yeong in the first place. Being in Korea for 3 weeks gave me a lot of insight as to why they do what they do in the dramas we watch. Like the U-turns that cars make. They actually happen in Korea *all* the time.
Splish Splash Love. After reading
what girlfriday was watching over on Dramabeans, I decided to check out this drama that I had never heard of. Love it! The story of a girl who doesn't feel confident in her academic ability (especially in math). She freaks out before Korea's equivalent of the SAT/ACT exam and, after jumping in a puddle, travels back in time. She coincidentally appears as the king's advisors are doing a ceremony trying to get the spirits to bring some rain after a 3-year drought. She literally lies to save her life and becomes the king's advisor. Primarily on the subject of math. (Oh, the irony!) If you have an afternoon, it's an easy and enjoyable watch, since the series is less than 3 hours. Good things come in small packages.